Lease - Lessee's Perspective: Lecture Notes
Lease - Lessee's Perspective: Lecture Notes
Lease - Lessee's Perspective: Lecture Notes
Leases – a contract that conveys the right to use the underlying asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
In other words, the lessor conveys the right to use an asset over the lessee for a period of time in exchange for money
or other consideration.
✓ IFRS 16 requires that a lessee initially recognize a right of use asset and a lease liability for the obligation to
make payments. This model is actually called a FINANCE LEASE.
✓ IFRS 16 also permits the lessee to apply the OPERATING LEASE MODEL (meaning no asset, no liability; only
rent expense is recognized) in two optional exemptions:
a) Short-term lease (Lease term of 12 mos. or less)
b) Low value lease (Matter of professional judgement)
Finance Lease – At the commencement date, the lessee shall recognize a right of use asset and a lease liability.
✓ Lease Liability – it should be measured at the PRESENT VALUE OF FUTURE LEASE PAYMENTS using either the
(1st) implicit interest rate or (2nd) incremental borrowing rate.
❖ Formula Form:
Present Value of Future Payments:
Fixed Lease Payments Xxx
Variable Lease Payments xxx
Purchase Option xxx
Residual Value Guarantee xxx
Expected Penalties xxx
Initial carrying amount of Lease Liability xxx
Lease payments made xxx
Lease incentives received (xxx)
Initial direct costs incurred xxx
Estimated Dismantling/Removing/Restoring Costs xxx
Initial carrying amount of Right of Use Asset xxx
❖ Subsequent measurement of Right of Use Asset – Cost Model (Cost less any accumulated depreciation
and impairment loss)
✓ The lessee shall depreciate the ROU asset over what life?
YES Use Asset's Useful Life
Ownership transferred to lessee?
Lessee will buy the asset?
NO Use Lease Term
✓ Actual purchase of leased asset – In cases where the lessee buys the asset during the lease term: the cost of
the asset purchased is equal to the carrying amount of the leased asset plus cash payment minus the balance
of the lease liability. (This is different from the purchase option because this is specifically included in the lease
Lease with Executory Costs, Initial Direct Costs, Lease Incentive
PROBLEM 1: On January 1, 2020, Matcha Company closed a lease contract for newly constructed terminals and freight
storage facilities. Although the terminals have a composite life of 10 years, the lease runs for 5 years with a transfer of
title to the lessee upon expiration of the lease.
The annual lease payment is P1,000,000 payable at the end of each year starting December 31, 2020.
The lessee must also make an annual payment of P75,000 for taxes and P125,000 for insurance.
The lessee incurred initial direct cost of P150,000 including P50,000 commission paid to the broker that arranged the
lease. As an incentive to the lessee, the lessor agreed to reimburse the lessee for the commission of P50,000.
The contract was negotiated to assure the lessor a 10% rate of return. The present value of an ordinary annuity of 1 at
10% for five periods is 3.79. The present value of an annuity of 1 in advance at 10% for five periods is 4.17.
a) How much is the initial carrying amount of the lease liability?
b) How much is the initial carrying amount of the right of use asset?
c) How much is the annual depreciation?
d) How much is the interest expense for 2020 and 2021?
e) Prepare journal entries for 2020 and 2021.
1st: Compute LEASE LIABILITY & ROU ASSET using the table provided.
2nd: Compute depreciation, if necessary.
3nd: Prepare table of amortization, if necessary.
Present Value of:
Fixed Lease Payments (P1M x 3.79*) 3,790,000
Variable Lease Payments -
Purchase Option -
Residual Value Guarantee -
Expected Penalties -
Initial carrying amount of Lease Liability 3,790,000
Lease payments made -
Lease incentives received - 50,000
Initial direct costs incurred 150,000
Estimated Dismantling/Removing/Restoring Costs -
Initial carrying amount of Right of Use Asset 3,890,000
*The fixed lease payments are made annually at the end of each period. Hence, ordinary annuity is used.
**Since there is transfer of ownership, we used the useful life of 10 years instead of the lease term of 5 years.
Annual payment:
Taxes 75,000
Insurance 125,000
Annual Executory Costs (Expensed Immediately) 200,000
Jan. 1, 2020
Right of Use Asset 3,890,000
Lease liability 3,790,000
Cash 100,000
Depreciation 389,000
Accumulated depreciation 389,000
Depreciation 389,000
Accumulated depreciation 389,000
At the commencement date, it is reasonably certain that the purchase option will be exercised.
a) How much is the initial carrying amount of the lease liability?
b) How much is the initial carrying amount of the right of use asset?
c) How much is the annual depreciation?
d) Prepare a table of amortization.
e) Prepare journal entries for 2020.
f) Assuming the purchase option was not exercised on January 1, 2030, how much is the loss on finance lease?
1st: Compute LEASE LIABILITY & ROU ASSET using the table provided.
2nd: Compute depreciation, if necessary.
3nd: Prepare table of amortization, if necessary.
Present Value of:
Fixed Lease Payments (P1M x 6.328*) 6,328,000
Variable Lease Payments -
Purchase Option (P200k x .322***) 64,400
Residual Value Guarantee -
Expected Penalties -
Initial carrying amount of Lease Liability 6,392,400
Lease payments made -
Lease incentives received -
Initial direct costs incurred -
Estimated Dismantling/Removing/Restoring Costs -
Initial carrying amount of Right of Use Asset 6,392,400
*The fixed lease payments are made annually at the beginning of each period Hence, annuity in advance is used.
**The purchase option will be paid in a single payment at the end of the lease term. Hence, PVF of 1 is used.
**Since there is reasonable certainty that the asset will be bought, we used the useful life of 15 years instead of the
lease term of 10 years.
Jan. 1, 2020
Right of Use Asset 6,392,400
Lease liability 6,392,400
If for some reason the purchase option was not exercised, a loss on finance lease shall be recognized for the
difference between:
a) Carrying amount of the ROU Asset; and
b) Carrying amount of the Lease Liability
ROU Asset - Cost 6,392,400
Less: Accumulated depreciation:
Annual depreciation 426,160
Used life (years) 10 4,261,600
CA, Jan. 1, 2030 2,130,800
Lease liability, Jan. 1, 2030 200,000
Loss on finance Lease 1,930,800
Interest payable 22,106
Lease liability 177,894
Accumulated depreciation 4,261,600
Loss on finance lease 1,930,800
Right of Use Asset 6,392,400
1st: Compute LEASE LIABILITY & ROU ASSET using the table provided.
2nd: Compute depreciation, if necessary.
3nd: Prepare table of amortization, if necessary.
Present Value of:
Fixed Lease Payments (P1M x 4.31*) 4,310,000
Variable Lease Payments -
Purchase Option ** -
Residual Value Guarantee -
Expected Penalties -
Initial carrying amount of Lease Liability 4,310, 000
Lease payments made 100,000
Lease incentives received - 150,000
Initial direct costs incurred 350,000
Estimated Dismantling/Removing/Restoring Costs 200,000
Initial carrying amount of Right of Use Asset 4,810,000
*The fixed lease payments are made annually at the beginning of each period. Hence, annuity in advance is used.
**The purchase option is not reasonably certain to be exercised. Hence, it is not included in the initial carrying amount
of the lease liability.
***Since the purchase option is not expected to be exercised, we used the lease term of 5 years instead of the useful
life of 8 years.
The directors of Eden Company have indicated that they intend to return the asset to the lessor at the end of the lease
a) How much is the initial carrying amount of the lease liability?
b) How much is the initial carrying amount of the right of use asset?
c) How much is the annual depreciation?
d) Prepare an amortization table.
e) Prepare journal entries for 2020 and 2021.
f) Assuming the equipment has a fair value of P50,000, how much is the loss on finance lease?
g) Assuming the equipment has a fair value of P300,000, how much is the loss on finance lease?
Present Value of:
Fixed Lease Payments (P400k* x 3.6243**) 1,449,720
Variable Lease Payments -
Purchase Option -
Residual Value Guarantee (P200k x .7629***) 152,580
Expected Penalties -
Initial carrying amount of Lease Liability 1,602,300
Lease payments made -
Lease incentives received -
Initial direct costs incurred -
Estimated Dismantling/Removing/Restoring Costs -
Initial carrying amount of Right of Use Asset 1,602,300
*The annual payments of P420,000 include executory costs of P20,000. Such costs must be deducted to get the fixed
lease payments.
**The fixed lease payments are made annually in advance. Hence, annuity in advance is used.
***The guaranteed residual value will be paid in a single payment at the end of the lease term. Hence, PVF of 1 is used.
****The estimated residual value is ignored since there is a guaranteed residual value.
*****Since there will be no transfer of ownership nor purchase option, we used the lease term of 4 years instead of
the economic life of 6 years.
Dec. 31, 2020
Right of Use Asset 1,602,300
Lease liability 1,602,300
Upon the end of the lease term, the lessee will return the asset to the lessor:
If the FAIR VALUE > GRV, there is no loss.
If the FAIR VALUE < GRV, there is loss on finance lease equal to the cash settlement.
Interest expense 13,091
Lease liability 186,909
Accumulated depreciation 1,402,300
ROU 1,602,300
The lease contains neither a transfer of title to the lessee nor a purchase option. The equipment has a residual value of
P300,000 at the end of the 5-year lease period but is unguaranteed by the lessee. The economic life of the equipment
is 8 years.
The implicit interest rate is 12% after considering the unguaranteed residual value. The present value of an ordinary
annuity of 1 at 12% for 5 periods is 3.60.
a) How much is the initial carrying amount of the lease liability?
b) How much is the initial carrying amount of the right of use asset?
c) How much is the annual depreciation?
d) Prepare an amortization table.
e) Prepare journal entries for 2020 and 2021.
f) Assuming the equipment has a fair value of P200,000, how much is the loss on finance lease?
g) Assuming the equipment has a fair value of P400,000, how much is the loss on finance lease?
1st: Compute LEASE LIABILITY & ROU ASSET using the table provided.
2nd: Compute depreciation, if necessary.
3nd: Prepare table of amortization, if necessary.
Present Value of:
Fixed Lease Payments (P600k x 3.60) 2,160,000
Variable Lease Payments -
Purchase Option -
Residual Value Guarantee * -
Expected Penalties -
Initial carrying amount of Lease Liability 2,160,000
Lease payments made -
Lease incentives received -
Initial direct costs incurred -
Estimated Dismantling/Removing/Restoring Costs -
Initial carrying amount of Right of Use Asset 2,160,000
*The residual value is not included in the present value of lease payments because it is unguaranteed by the lessee.
**Since there will be no transfer of ownership nor purchase option, we used the lease term of 5 years instead of the
economic life of 8 years.
Jan. 1, 2020
Right of Use Asset 2,160,000
Lease liability 2,160,000
Depreciation 432,000
Accumulated depreciation 432,000
***There is no loss in finance lease regardless of whether the fair value of the asset is higher or lower than the
unguaranteed residual value.
***The lessee has no financial obligation but to return the leased asset to the lessor.
Dec. 31, 2021
Accumulated depreciation (P432k x 5 years) 2,160,000
ROU Asset 2,160,000
To derecognize the asset upon its return to the lessor.
In addition, a third party has guaranteed to pay Ward a residual value of P500,000 at the end of the lease. The present
value of an ordinary annuity of 1 at 10% for 10 years is 6.14. The present value of 1 at 10% for 10 years is .39.
a) How much is the initial carrying amount of the lease liability?
b) How much is the initial carrying amount of the right of use asset?
c) How much is the annual depreciation?
d) How much is the interest expense for 2020?
1st: Compute LEASE LIABILITY & ROU ASSET using the table provided.
2nd: Compute depreciation, if necessary.
3nd: Prepare table of amortization, if necessary.
Present Value of:
Fixed Lease Payments (P1M x 6.14) 6,140,000
Variable Lease Payments -
Purchase Option -
Residual Value Guarantee * -
Expected Penalties -
Initial carrying amount of Lease Liability 6,140,000
Lease payments made -
Lease incentives received -
Initial direct costs incurred -
Estimated Dismantling/Removing/Restoring Costs -
Initial carrying amount of Right of Use Asset 6,140,000
Required: What is the cost of the actual purchase of the leased equipment?
Guideline: Actual purchase of leased asset – In cases where the lessee buys the asset during the lease term: the
cost of the asset purchased is equal to the carrying amount of the leased asset plus cash payment minus the balance
of the lease liability. (This is different from the purchase option because this is specifically included in the lease
Computation of Cost of Leased Asset Purchased
CA of leased asset:
Right of use asset 4,000,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation 2,450,000 1,550,000
Add: Cash payment 1,600,000
Total 3,150,000
Less: CA of lease liability 1,300,000
Cost of Equipment 1,850,000
Dec. 31, 2020
Equipment 1,850,000
Lease liability 1,300,000
Accumulated depreciation - ROU Asset 2,450,000
ROU Asset 4,000,000
Cash 1,600,000