VRI - Chapman Executive Summary - 031014 - Chapman Rehab Center - Carfax - Donna Doc With Dan Notes v2
VRI - Chapman Executive Summary - 031014 - Chapman Rehab Center - Carfax - Donna Doc With Dan Notes v2
VRI - Chapman Executive Summary - 031014 - Chapman Rehab Center - Carfax - Donna Doc With Dan Notes v2
Executive Summary
Robert H. Myers Jr. detox and recovery center for adults. This facility is currently
Kevin Knight privately owned and operated by Tim and Esther Chapman,
Kevin D. Curran whom have treated addictions for over 30 years. The sale
Donna L. Michaelsen includes the Chapman House name and goodwill, all business
Matthew T. Longs, Jr. interests in Orange County (i.e., insurance contracts),
specialized, copy-written workbooks, clinical organization, adult
Chapman Rehab, LLC??? treatment service marks and related websites:
CEO Timothy Chapman www.chapmanrehab.com and www.detox2day.com. The terms
Richard A. Block and conditions of the purchase and sale are as follows:
Bradley Malawy
Industry: The Rehab purchase and sale includes the real estate commonly
known as 14511 and 14512 Carfax Drive, the Business
Vanguard REIT, Inc. operations of Chapman House, Inc., State Licensing, Accounts
Real Estate Investment Trust
income under the IRS REIT tax code. Whereas, the Rehab is
Corporation leased to an interrelated company named ???????? that
operates the day to day functions of the Rehab for the sole
Law Firm(s): To Be Named purpose of maximizing profits by reducing the income tax
$1,993,716 - The Vanguard Trust Company Background: Chapman Rehab, LLC has been
$1,993,716 - The Rosenquist Trust operating addiction treatment for 34 years. We provide treatment
$3,000,006 - Timothy Chapman to those suffering from issues of addiction, and co-existing
$1,000,008 - Kevin Knight
Distribution Channels: Chapman House, Inc. enjoys the luxury Client Placement agreements with “TO
BE NAMED CHAPMAN REHAB PLACEMENT CO, LLC and American Addiction Centers, Inc. which
guarantees one hundred percent (100%) occupancy at the full monthly rate of $??,??? per bed for 60
months. Additional, we have an Online presence that ???????????????????????????????????
Competition: There are currently no other luxury inpatient drug and alcohol treatment centers. Although
there are numerous drug and alcohol treatment programs that focus primarily on detox, not
simultaneously on pharmacotherapy or advanced behavioral therapy, their accommodations and activities
are minimal and are not on the same luxury level as the Chapman House, Inc. facility.
The clients that seek the level of care and services that Chapman House, Inc. provides are typically not
concerned with geographical location and are driven solely by bed space availability. Upscale facilities
that offer luxury care and effective cure services, such as ours, routinely operate at or near one hundred
percent (100%) occupancy and nearly all rehabs, including the non-luxury and/or economy facilities,
operate with an average waiting list of over 28 days.
The industry standard charges for the luxury care and service levels that Chapman House, Inc. provides
range from $40,000 to $80,000 per month. Chapman House, Inc. charges a rate up to $40,900 a month
per bed for the Chapman facility, which positions Chapman to be extremely competitive in terms of both
price and quality.