CL336: Advanced Transport Phenomena: Written Quiz - 1
CL336: Advanced Transport Phenomena: Written Quiz - 1
CL336: Advanced Transport Phenomena: Written Quiz - 1
1. The motion of a tiny heavy particle (radius much smaller than the flow length scale so that
it can be taken as a point particle) is well approximated by the following equations:
dx dv
= v; m = ζ(u − v).
dt dt
Here, x and v are the particle position and velocity vectors, while u is the fluid velocity
field, given by (in two dimensions):
where U0 is the amplitude of the spatially periodic but steady 2D flow. For a spherical
particle, the mass m = (4/3)πr3 ρ (where r is the particle radius and ρ is the particle
density) and the Stokes drag coefficient ζ = 6πµr (where µ is the fluid viscosity).
(a) Find a condition on how small the particle radius should be (in terms of a non-
dimensional group of parameters) so that the particle can be approximated as a tracer,
i.e., v ≈ u. (3)
(b) Represent the nondimensional group identified above in terms of a ratio of two time-
scales. What is the physical meaning/origin of these two time-scales? (2)
∂c ∂2c
= D 2 − kc2 ,
∂t ∂x
= 0 at x = 0, H,
c = C0 at t = 0.
(a) Obtain the condition(s) on the parameters so that the concentration can be assumed to
be uniform throughout the evolution (fast diffusion limit in which the equation reduces
to ∂x2 ≈ 0). (3)
(b) Under this fast-diffusion limit, estimate the time it would take for most of the species
to be consumed by the reaction (2)
3. You are engaged in an experiment to understand the nature of transport of a reacting species,
called A, inside a biological cell. You observe that A is released at one end of the cell and is
transported across the cell. However, A is simultaneously consumed by a first order reaction
with rate constant k. Therefore, the steady-state concentration (c) of A depletes well before
it can reach the other end of the cell. Your current experiment is not precise enough to
measure the detailed concentration profile, but you can estimate the distance to which the
species penetrates across the cell (penetration length). You are able to tune or control the
value of k in different experiments. Can you describe an experimental method, based on
scaling analysis of the appropriate equations, to identify whether the transport across the
cell is occurring by diffusion (random molecular thermal motion) or by convection (directed
transport by motor proteins)? For simplicity, assume one-dimensional steady-state transport
in a semi-infinite domain. (10)