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ECE5029 Testing Syllabus

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Course Code Course Title L T P J C


Pre-requisite Nil

Course Objectives:
1. Model and simulate different types of faults in digital circuits at the gate level.
2. Establish equivalence and dominance relationships of faults in a circuit.
3. Critique and compare automatic test pattern generation algorithms with respect to search
space, speed, fault coverage and other criteria.
4. Handle design complexity, ensure reliable operation, and achieve short time-to-market
using various testing methodologies.

Expected Course Outcomes:

After completion of the course students will be able to:
1. Model different fault models.
2. Simulate faults and generate test patterns for combinational circuits.
3. Apply scan based testing.
4. Recognize the BIST techniques for improving testability.
5. Understand boundary scan based test architectures.
6. Analyse and apply the test vector compression techniques for memory reduction and fault

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 1,2,17

1. Ability to apply mathematics and science in engineering applications.
2. Clear understanding of the subject related concepts and of contemporary issues.
17. Ability to use techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
Module:1 Fault Modelling 6hours CO1
Importance of Testing - Testing during the VLSI Lifecycle - Challenges in the VLSI Testing: Test
Generation - Fault Models - Levels of Abstraction in VLSI Testing - Historical Review of VLSI
Test Technology - Functional Versus Structural Testing - Levels of Fault Models - Fault
Equivalence - Fault Dominance - Fault Collapsing - Check point Theorem - Delay Fault.

Module:2 Fault Simulation and Test Generation 7hours CO2

Fault Simulation: Serial, Parallel, Deductive, Concurrent - Combinational Test Generations
-ATPG for Combinational Circuits - D-Algorithm - Testability Analysis - SCOAP measures for
Combinational Circuits

Module:3 Scan based Testing 7hours CO3

Design for Testability Basics - Ad Hoc Approach - Structured Approach - Scan Cell Designs -
Scan Architectures - Scan Design Rules - Scan Design Flow – Special Purpose Scan Designs -
RTL Design for Testability.

Module:4 Built-in Self-Test 7hours CO4

BIST Design Rules - Test Pattern Generation - Exhaustive Testing - Pseudo-Random Testing -
Pseudo-Exhaustive Testing - Delay Fault Testing - Output Response Analysis - Logic BIST
Architectures - BIST Architectures for Circuits with and without Scan Chains

Module:5 Boundary scan and Core based Testing 5hours CO5

Digital Boundary Scan (IEEE Std. 1149.1): Test Architecture and Operations - On-Chip Test
Support with Boundary Scan - Board and System-Level Boundary-Scan Control Architectures.

Module:6 Test Compression and Compaction 6hours CO6

Test Stimulus Compression: Code-Based Schemes, Linear-Decompression-Based Schemes - Test
Response Compaction.

Module:7 Fault Diagnosis 5hours CO6

Dictionary Based and Adaptive fault diagnosis.

Module:8 Contemporary issues: 2hours

Total Lecture hours: 45hours

Text Book(s)
1. Z.Navabi, Digital System Test and Testable Design, Springer, 2011.

1. Laung-Terng Wang, Cheng-Wen Wu, and Xiaoqing Wen, VLSI Test Principles and
Architectures, The Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
Mode of Evaluation:Continuous Assessment Test –I (CAT-I) , Continuous Assessment Test –II
(CAT-II), Seminar / Challenging Assignments / Completion of MOOC / Innovative ideas leading
to solutions for industrial problems, Final Assessment Test (FAT).
Approved by Academic Council No. 40

CO – SLO mapping

Module CO SLO
1 CO_01 2
2 CO_02 17
3 CO_03 1
4 CO_04 2
5 CO_05 17
6 CO_06 17
7 CO_06 2

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