EUROPE - AMW Method References
EUROPE - AMW Method References
EUROPE - AMW Method References
AMW0013 Water - Analysis of Water for Selected 3120 Metals by Plasma Emission
Elements by ICP-OES Spectroscopy
3120 B. Inductively Coupled Plasma
(ICP) Method
AMW0016 Analysis of High Purity water by ICP using the Manufacturer/ Own method
AMW0017 Water - Colourimetric Determination of 5220 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Chemical Oxygen Demand by the Reactor 5220 D. Closed Reflux, Colorimetric
Digestion Method Method
HACH #8000 Reactor method
AMW0018 Water - Determination of pH and Conductivity Manufacturer/ Own method
with the Radiometer pH and Con meter and
AMW0019 Water - Aqua regia sample pre-treatment for Manufacturer/ Own method
the determination of soluble and insoluble
metals in water by ICP using Microwave.
AMW0021 Determination of 1,3,6,8-Pyrenetetrasulfonic Manufacturer / Own method
acid (Trasar 1) or 1,5-Naphthalenedisulfonic
Acid (Trasar 2) in water samples using
fluorescence spectrometer (700 unit)
AMW0024 Water – Gravimetric determination of the 2540 C. Total Dissolved Solids Dried at
amount of total dissolved solids dried at 180 °C 180°C
AMW0025 Water – Gravimetric determination of the 2540 B. Total Solids Dried at 103–105°C
amount of total solids dried at 105 °C
AMW0027 Water – Gravimetric Determination of the 2540 E. Fixed and Volatile Solids Ignited
amount of volatile suspended solids at 550°C
AMW0101 Determination of Alkalinity in Water and 2320-Alkalinity B. Potentiometric
Wastewater using an Automated Titrator Titration Method
(Metrohm Titrino)
AMW0103 HACH tests Various HACH Supplier methods
AMW0104 Determination of Phosphate in water and 4500-P F. Automated Ascorbic Acid
Wastewater by automated ascorbic acid Reduction Method + Manufacturer’s
reduction method. manual (LACHAT FIAS)
AMW0105 Determination of freeze protection and percent Manufacturer / Own method
v/v of antifreeze/glycol in closed cooling
system samples by refractive index
AMW0109 Determination Of Molybdate-Reactive Silica In 4500-SiO2 E. Automated Method for
Water And Wastewater By Automated Molybdate-Reactive Silica +
Colorimetric Heteropoly Blue Method Manufacturer’s manual (LACHAT
AMW0110 Particle Size Distribution Analysis using the 2560 PARTICLE COUNTING AND
Malvern Mastersizer Microplus Laser SIZE DISTRIBUTION + Manufacturer
Diffraction Particle Size Analyser manual (MALVERN)