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We have attempted to make WINILAB III, the accompanying User manual and help files as easy to use as
possible without sacrificing any powerful features.

However, if you have any problem or cannot locate the necessary information from the Help or in the
documentation, you may contact us or our local resellers, using the following numbers :

E-mail: contact@perichrom.com
Fax: +33 (0)1 69 09 80 91

Tech support hours: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday

When you report a problem, we strongly encourage you to use our fax or email technical support lines. It is
usually easier for our technical support specialists to solve the problem if it is in writing.

All customers requesting technical support must provide their name, company name, and product license
number. Perichrom will not provide technical support without this information.

Copyright 1999-2009 Perichrom



Part I Welcome 14

1 Software................................................................................................................................... 16
Program 16
Software .........................................................................................................................................................
Registration 18
2 Hardware................................................................................................................................... 19
INT7 Acquisition
Board (PCI) 19
Phase 1 :..................................................................................................................................................
INT7 Installation 20
Windows ...........................................................................................................................................
2000 20
Windows ...........................................................................................................................................
XP 24
Windows ...........................................................................................................................................
Vista 28
Phase 2 :..................................................................................................................................................
INT7 Driver Installation 30
Phase 3 :..................................................................................................................................................
INT7 Configuration 31
INT7 Specifications
.................................................................................................................................................. 32
External Acquisition Device 33
Phase 1 :..................................................................................................................................................
ULYS Installation 33
Windows ...........................................................................................................................................
2000 34
Windows ...........................................................................................................................................
XP 38
Windows ...........................................................................................................................................
Vista 40
Phase 2 :..................................................................................................................................................
ULYS Driver Installation 43
Phase 3 :..................................................................................................................................................
ULYS Configuration 44
ULYS Specifications
.................................................................................................................................................. 45
External Acquisition Device 46
Phase 1 :..................................................................................................................................................
ANTALYS Driver Installation 47
Phase 2 :..................................................................................................................................................
ANTALYS Installation and Configuration 47
Specifications 48
WiniPAD Portable
Acquisition Device 49
Phase 1 :..................................................................................................................................................
Connection to the PC 50
Phase 2 :..................................................................................................................................................
WiniPAD Driver Installation 50
Phase 3 :..................................................................................................................................................
WiniPAD Configuration 51
On-Line Configuration
........................................................................................................................................... 52
Off-Line Configuration
........................................................................................................................................... 54
WiniPAD ..................................................................................................................................................
Specifications 58
Relays ......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Relays Driver
.................................................................................................................................................. 58
Relays Connection
.................................................................................................................................................. 59
Jasco HPLC
Control (Option) 59
Jasco Driver
Installation 59
Jasco Pump ..................................................................................................................................................
Driver Configuration 60
Jasco Autosampler
Driver Configuration 62
Jasco Detector
Driver Configuration 62
Midas Control
(Option) 63
Midas Driver
Installation 63
Midas Driver
Configuration 64
to the Instruments 66
Adapter .................................................................................................................................................. 67

4 WiniLab III Help

INT7 and ...........................................................................................................................................

ULYS Adapter 67
WiniPAD Adapter
........................................................................................................................................... 68
Analog Cable
.................................................................................................................................................. 68
Connection ...........................................................................................................................................
of an Analog signal wire 68
Connection ...........................................................................................................................................
of Relay Contact wire 69


1 Start Winilab
III 72
2 Feel Comfortable
in WINILAB Environment 73
Data Selector
......................................................................................................................................................... 74
Context Bar
......................................................................................................................................................... 75
WiniBar ......................................................................................................................................................... 75
Toolbars ......................................................................................................................................................... 77
3 Start your...................................................................................................................................
First Acquisition in 5 Seconds 78
Start Acquisition
......................................................................................................................................................... 78
Zoom and.........................................................................................................................................................
Change Attenuation 80
Change Acquisition
Duration 82
Change Information
On The Fly 82
Stop Acquisition
......................................................................................................................................................... 82
4 Display and
Handle Chromatograms 83
Zoom ......................................................................................................................................................... 84
Move the .........................................................................................................................................................
Chromatogram 84
Stretch and
Compress the Chromatogram 85
Copy the .........................................................................................................................................................
Chromatogram in a Word Processor 85
Multiple Chromatograms
Display 85
Shift the Chromatogram
......................................................................................................................................................... 87
5 Process the
Chromatogram 88
Integrate ......................................................................................................................................................... 88
Peak Width ..................................................................................................................................................
& Threshold 88
Peak Tip .................................................................................................................................................. 90
Integration ..................................................................................................................................................
Events 91
Identify Peaks
......................................................................................................................................................... 92
Identification 93
Relative Identification
.................................................................................................................................................. 94
Wizard 94
Quantify ......................................................................................................................................................... 95
Wizard 95
Save the ..................................................................................................................................................
Process Method 97
Use the Process
Method 98
Create Calibration
Point 98
View Calibration
Curve 101
6 Results ...................................................................................................................................
Table 102
7 Print Report
................................................................................................................................... 103
8 Sample ...................................................................................................................................
Sequence 103
9 Batch Reprocessing
................................................................................................................................... 106
10 Summary
Report 108
11 Context...................................................................................................................................
Definition 108
12 User Accounts
& Electronic Signature 110



1 Workspace
................................................................................................................................... 116
Objects ......................................................................................................................................................... 117
WiniBar ......................................................................................................................................................... 118
Data Selector
......................................................................................................................................................... 119
Context .........................................................................................................................................................
Bar 120
2 Menus ................................................................................................................................... 121
File Menu......................................................................................................................................................... 121
New .................................................................................................................................................. 122
Open .................................................................................................................................................. 123
Close .................................................................................................................................................. 124
Close All.................................................................................................................................................. 124
Save .................................................................................................................................................. 124
Save As.................................................................................................................................................. 125
Print .................................................................................................................................................. 126
Print Preview
.................................................................................................................................................. 127
Print Setup.................................................................................................................................................. 127
Print Options 128
Password 129
Signatures .................................................................................................................................................. 129
Exit .................................................................................................................................................. 130
Edit Menu......................................................................................................................................................... 131
View Menu......................................................................................................................................................... 131
Menu 132
Menu 133
Menu 134
Sequence .........................................................................................................................................................
Menu 135
Tools Menu
......................................................................................................................................................... 135
Window .........................................................................................................................................................
Menu 136
Help Menu......................................................................................................................................................... 139
3 Toolbars
................................................................................................................................... 140
Main Toolbar
......................................................................................................................................................... 140
Toolbar 141
Toolbar 142
Toolbar 142
Manual Integration
Toolbar 143
Visualization Toolbar 143
Toolbars 144
4 Keyboard
Shortcuts 146
5 Configuration
& Preferences 146
Context .........................................................................................................................................................
Definition 147
......................................................................................................................................................... 149
......................................................................................................................................................... 149
Configuration 150
& Footers 152
Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 154
6 File Management
................................................................................................................................... 154
Archive Files
......................................................................................................................................................... 155
Restore .........................................................................................................................................................
Files 156
Move Files
......................................................................................................................................................... 157

6 WiniLab III Help


1 Chromatogram
View 160
Full Scale
Display 161
Zooming......................................................................................................................................................... 162
a Chromatogram 166
a Chromatogram 168
Using Attenuation
......................................................................................................................................................... 170
Moving a.........................................................................................................................................................
Chromatogram 171
Multiple .........................................................................................................................................................
Chromatograms Display 172
X&Y Shifting
of the Chromatogram 175
Display Options 177
Signal Display
.................................................................................................................................................. 178
Background ..................................................................................................................................................
Display 179
Events Display
.................................................................................................................................................. 180
Axis Display
.................................................................................................................................................. 181
Peak Display
.................................................................................................................................................. 182
Label Display
.................................................................................................................................................. 183
Display 184
Parameters Display 185
Cursor Position
.................................................................................................................................................. 185
Set the Integration
Parameters 186
a Chromatogram 187
Add Integration
Events 187
Move an.........................................................................................................................................................
Integration Event 188
Delete an.........................................................................................................................................................
Integration Event 189
Manually a Chromatogram 189
Identify and
Quantify 190
Quantify.................................................................................................................................................. 190
Add Peak .................................................................................................................................................. 190
Add Negative
Peak 190
Delete Peak.................................................................................................................................................. 191
Split Peak .................................................................................................................................................. 192
Fuse Peaks .................................................................................................................................................. 192
Common ..................................................................................................................................................
Baseline 193
Draw Baseline
.................................................................................................................................................. 193
Stick Baseline
to Markers 194
Valley to..................................................................................................................................................
Valley 195
Zero Baseline
.................................................................................................................................................. 195
Display the
Peak Parameters 196
On the Fly
Identification 196
blank 197
Set Detector
Delay 198
Smooth .........................................................................................................................................................
the Chromatogram 199
2 Processing
View 201
......................................................................................................................................................... 201
Parameters 202
.................................................................................................................................................. 202
Add a Line ...........................................................................................................................................
in the Identification Table 203
Fill the Identification
Table 203
Clear the...........................................................................................................................................
Identification Table 203
Delete a ...........................................................................................................................................
Line in the Identification Table 203
Insert a Line...........................................................................................................................................
in the Identification Table 204


Change the ...........................................................................................................................................

Tolerance Mode 204
Wizard 204
.................................................................................................................................................. 205
Wizard 206
Response ......................................................................................................................................
Factor Page 207
Standard Page 208
Calibration ......................................................................................................................................
Levels Page 209
Calibration ......................................................................................................................................
Curve Page 210
Unknown ......................................................................................................................................
Page 211
Unknown Compounds 211
Fill Simultaneously
several Cells 212
Add Calibration
Levels 212
Create a...........................................................................................................................................
New Calibration Point 212
Group Quantification
........................................................................................................................................... 215
Groups .................................................................................................................................................. 216
Add a Line ...........................................................................................................................................
in the Group Table 216
a Line in the Group Table 216
Add/Delete ...........................................................................................................................................
Peaks in a Group 217
Group the ...........................................................................................................................................
Unknown Peaks 218
Table 219
Table 219
Post Run...........................................................................................................................................
Shortcuts 220
Load Process
Method 221
Save Process
Method 221
3 Results ...................................................................................................................................
View 221
Use a Results
Table Format 222
Save a Results
Table Format 223
Add a Column
in the Results Table 224
Insert a Column
in the Results Table 225
Delete a .........................................................................................................................................................
Column in the Results Table 226
Move a Column
in the Results Table 226
Change .........................................................................................................................................................
the Column Properties 226
Save the.........................................................................................................................................................
Results Table in ASCII 227
Clear the.........................................................................................................................................................
Integration Results 229
4 Results ...................................................................................................................................
Audit View 229
5 Information
View 230
......................................................................................................................................................... 231
Signal ......................................................................................................................................................... 231
Origin ......................................................................................................................................................... 232
Events ......................................................................................................................................................... 232
......................................................................................................................................................... 232


1 Instrument
Wizard 234
2 Acquisition
View 238
Toolbar 238
Parameters 239
Table 241
Status Bar 241
3 Signal View
................................................................................................................................... 242
Multiple .........................................................................................................................................................
Detectors 245

8 WiniLab III Help

4 Status View
................................................................................................................................... 247
5 Data Acquisition
................................................................................................................................... 247
Start Acquisition
......................................................................................................................................................... 248
Change Acquisition
Duration 248
Stop Acquisition
......................................................................................................................................................... 248
Modify Acquisition
Information 249
Process .........................................................................................................................................................
the signal during Acquisition 250
6 Configure
Instrument 251
Configuration 251
Signal Configuration
......................................................................................................................................................... 252
Delete an.........................................................................................................................................................
Instrument 252
7 Hardware
Status 253
8 Control ...................................................................................................................................
Status 254


1 Relays ................................................................................................................................... 256
2 Midas (Option)
................................................................................................................................... 257
System Settings
......................................................................................................................................................... 258
Parameters 258
Time Base.........................................................................................................................................................
Method 259
Oven Control
......................................................................................................................................................... 259
Settings 260
Tray Cooling
......................................................................................................................................................... 260
Status ......................................................................................................................................................... 261
3 Jasco HPLC
(Option) 261
Jasco Pump
......................................................................................................................................................... 262
.................................................................................................................................................. 263
Initial Values
.................................................................................................................................................. 264
Pump Program.................................................................................................................................................. 265
Jasco Autosampler
......................................................................................................................................................... 266
Device Configuration
.................................................................................................................................................. 268
Configuration 268
Operating ..................................................................................................................................................
Mode 270
Jasco UV .........................................................................................................................................................
Detector 272
Parameters 273
Time Program.................................................................................................................................................. 274
Jasco Fluorescence
Detector 275
Parameters 275
Time Program.................................................................................................................................................. 276


1 Integration
................................................................................................................................... 279
Parameters 279
Events 280
Integration 280
Valley to Valley 281
Join the..................................................................................................................................................
Next Valley 281
Skimming 281
Forced Tangent
Skimming 282
Horizontal Baseline 282


Peak Sum 282
Negative Peaks 283
Negative Peaks Inhibition 283
Forced Baseline 284
Peak Width 284
Threshold 284
Force Baseline
to Zero 285
Slice Integration
.................................................................................................................................................. 285
Forced Horizontal
Baseline 285
Force Peak
Start/End 286
2 Identification
................................................................................................................................... 286
Process 286
Reference ..................................................................................................................................................
Peaks Identification 286
Search for ..................................................................................................................................................
identification windows 287
Peaks Identification
.................................................................................................................................................. 287
Table 287
Group Table
......................................................................................................................................................... 288
3 Quantification
................................................................................................................................... 289
Process 289
Model 289
Origin Treatment
.................................................................................................................................................. 289
Weighting .................................................................................................................................................. 290
Table 290
.................................................................................................................................................. 290
Response ..................................................................................................................................................
Factor 291
Standard 292
Internal ..................................................................................................................................................
Standard 294
Internal ..................................................................................................................................................
Standard with RF 296
.................................................................................................................................................. 297
4 Post Run
................................................................................................................................... 299
Table 299
Table 300
Macro Table
......................................................................................................................................................... 302


1 Calibration
Curve 305
2 Calibration
Parameters 306
3 Calibration
Statistics 307
4 Actions...................................................................................................................................
in the Calibration Curve 309
Display the
Analysis Relative to a Calibration Point 309
Disable a.........................................................................................................................................................
Calibration Point 309
Add a column
in the Calibration Statistics 309
Change .........................................................................................................................................................
the Column Properties 310
Print the.........................................................................................................................................................
Calibration Curve 311


1 Results ...................................................................................................................................
Table Format 313
Add a Column
......................................................................................................................................................... 314
Insert a Column
......................................................................................................................................................... 315
Delete a .........................................................................................................................................................
Column 315
Move a Column
......................................................................................................................................................... 315

10 WiniLab III Help

Change .........................................................................................................................................................
the Column Parameters 315
List of Variables
......................................................................................................................................................... 316
2 Report Format
................................................................................................................................... 316
Format ......................................................................................................................................................... 317
Free Information
.................................................................................................................................................. 319
.................................................................................................................................................. 321
Results ..................................................................................................................................................
Table 323
Method 324
Text File.................................................................................................................................................. 325
Curve 325
Variables......................................................................................................................................................... 326
Error Codes
......................................................................................................................................................... 327


1 Sequence
View 329
Sample Sequence
Table 330
2 Start a Sample
Sequence 333
3 Pause a...................................................................................................................................
Sample Sequence 333
4 Stop the...................................................................................................................................
Current Run 334
5 Abort a ...................................................................................................................................
Sample Sequence 334
6 Display ...................................................................................................................................
the Sequence Properties 334
7 Clear a Sample
Sequence 335
8 Import a...................................................................................................................................
Sample Sequence 336
9 Print a Sample
Sequence 336
10 Sample ...................................................................................................................................
Sequence Wizard 336
Sample Page
......................................................................................................................................................... 337
Page 337
Last Page......................................................................................................................................................... 338
Standards 339
Position Standards 339
11 History ...................................................................................................................................
View 340
Actions in
the History View 341
12 Summary
Report 343
Summary .........................................................................................................................................................
Report Format 343
Use the Summary
Report 346

Part XII TOOLS 350

1 Reprocessing
................................................................................................................................... 350
Table 351
Start a Batch
Reprocessing 353
Modify a.........................................................................................................................................................
Column Width 353
Hide a Column
......................................................................................................................................................... 354
2 Statistics
................................................................................................................................... 355
Files Selection 355
Data Type.........................................................................................................................................................
Selection 357
Summary .........................................................................................................................................................
Table 357
Table 358
Export Statistics
......................................................................................................................................................... 358


Print Statistics
......................................................................................................................................................... 358
3 Import /...................................................................................................................................
Export 358
Import an
Analysis 359
Export an
Analysis 361
4 User Menu
................................................................................................................................... 363


1 Appendix
A : Administration Center 366
Control Activation 366
Users Management
......................................................................................................................................................... 367
Users Groups
......................................................................................................................................................... 369
Audit Trail
......................................................................................................................................................... 370
Policy 372
2 Appendix
B : Relays 373
......................................................................................................................................................... 373
Installation 373
Association ..................................................................................................................................................
to the Instrument 374
Create a.........................................................................................................................................................
Chromatographic Method 374
Use a Chromatographic
Method 375
Status Window
and Direct Control 375
3 Appendix
C : WiniPAD 376
General .........................................................................................................................................................
Overview 376
Front Pannel 377
Switching ..................................................................................................................................................
the Unit On and Off 377
IDLE State ..................................................................................................................................................
and Automatic Switch-Off 378
Data Erasure
.................................................................................................................................................. 378
Resetting ..................................................................................................................................................
all Parameters 378
Test and..................................................................................................................................................
Initialisation of the Memory 379
Signals 379
Off-Line .........................................................................................................................................................
Mode 379
On-Site ..................................................................................................................................................
Acquisition 379
Data 380
......................................................................................................................................................... 381
4 Appendix
D : Glossary 382
Analysis......................................................................................................................................................... 382
Area ......................................................................................................................................................... 382
Asymmetry......................................................................................................................................................... 382
Base Width
......................................................................................................................................................... 383
Calib. Curve
......................................................................................................................................................... 383
Curve 383
Level 383
CC Coefficient
......................................................................................................................................................... 384
CC Equation
......................................................................................................................................................... 384
Method 384
Code ......................................................................................................................................................... 384
Code Entry
......................................................................................................................................................... 384
Computer .........................................................................................................................................................
ID 384
Context ......................................................................................................................................................... 384
Menu 384
Dilution .........................................................................................................................................................
Factor 385
Division .........................................................................................................................................................
Factor 385
Drag & Drop
......................................................................................................................................................... 385

12 WiniLab III Help

Expected .........................................................................................................................................................
Time 385
Height ......................................................................................................................................................... 385
Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 385
......................................................................................................................................................... 385
......................................................................................................................................................... 385
Istd ......................................................................................................................................................... 386
Istd name......................................................................................................................................................... 386
L Width ......................................................................................................................................................... 386
Mode ......................................................................................................................................................... 386
Model ......................................................................................................................................................... 386
......................................................................................................................................................... 386
Origin ......................................................................................................................................................... 386
Peak End ......................................................................................................................................................... 386
Peak Name......................................................................................................................................................... 387
Peak Start
......................................................................................................................................................... 387
Plates ......................................................................................................................................................... 387
Process .........................................................................................................................................................
Method 387
Mode 387
R Width ......................................................................................................................................................... 388
Ref. Peak......................................................................................................................................................... 388
Reference......................................................................................................................................................... 388
Relative .........................................................................................................................................................
Rt. 388
Report ......................................................................................................................................................... 388
......................................................................................................................................................... 388
Resp. Factor
......................................................................................................................................................... 389
Response ......................................................................................................................................................... 389
Response .........................................................................................................................................................
Type 389
Results ......................................................................................................................................................... 389
Results Table
......................................................................................................................................................... 389
RSD ......................................................................................................................................................... 389
Rt. ......................................................................................................................................................... 390
Rt. Offset
......................................................................................................................................................... 390
Sample Sequence
......................................................................................................................................................... 390
Summary .........................................................................................................................................................
Report 390
Toolbar ......................................................................................................................................................... 390
Weighting......................................................................................................................................................... 390
Width ......................................................................................................................................................... 390
Wizard ......................................................................................................................................................... 390

Index 391


14 Welcome

1 Welcome
We have attempted to make WINILAB III, the accompanying User manual and help files as easy
to use as possible without sacrificing any powerful features.

However, if you have any problem or cannot locate the necessary information from the Help or in
the documentation, you may contact us or our local resellers, using the following numbers :

E-mail contact@perichrom.com
Fax: +33 (0)1 69 09 80 91

Tech support hours: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday

When you report a problem, we strongly encourage you to use our fax or email technical support
lines. It is usually easier for our technical support specialists to solve the problem if it is in writing.

All customers requesting technical support must provide their name, company name, and product
license number. Perichrom will not provide technical support without this information.

Copyright 1999-2009 Perichrom



WINILAB III is a universal chromatography data system designed for application in gas and liquid
To run WINILAB III correctly, this minimum configuration is required :
· Pentium processor
· At least 256 Mo RAM (512 Mo recommended)
· Windows 2000, XP or Vista
· At least 1 Go disk space available
· Keyboard
· Mouse
· CD-ROM drive
· Color monitor (800x600, 65 536 colors)

We recommend to install the software first and then to proceed to the hardware installation.

2.1 Software
2.1.1 Installation Program
WARNING : It is necessary to have the administrator rights on the local machine to proceed
to the software installation.

To install WINILAB III on your computer :

1/ Insert the Perichrom Products CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.

2/ The installation menu will automatically appears

3/ Select Software installation to install WINILAB III.


Fig. 1.1 : The WINILAB III CD-ROM installation menu

4/ Follow install instructions

Note : If the installation program does not run, launch Explorer and double-click on autorun.exe
in the CD or choose Run from the Start menu and type d:\autorun.exe (where d:\ is the
letter of your CD-ROM drive).


2.1.2 Software Registration

Fig. 1.2 : The WINILAB III registration dialog box

The registration dialog box appears every time you start WINILAB III until your license is
registered. By default, the box Use in demo mode is checked. The demo mode gives you access
to all the functions of the software during 30 days. The expiration date of the demo mode appears

inside the registration dialog box. To start in demo mode simply click on the Launch button .
You have a 30 days period to register your license. If you don't have yet your registration keys, you
can use WINILAB III in demo mode.

To register your license, check the box Register version and click on the Next button . You
access to the following screen :

Fig. 1.3 : The WINILAB III registration dialog box.

To get your Registration Keys, contact Perichrom by fax or by e-mail with the following
information :


· The name of your company,

· The name of the main user of the software,
· Your Code Entry and your Computer ID which appear in the WINILAB III Registration dialog
box (Here, the Code Entry is 266048444 and the Computer ID is 41944252 but it depends on
the computer where WINILAB III is installed).

By return, you will receive the two(2) Registration Keys to type in the registration dialog box.

Then click on the Register button : your license is correctly registered and this dialog box
will only appear if you install again the software.

2.2 Hardware
Chromatographic detectors convert Signals into electric voltage. As a PC can only process digital
information, the electric voltage must be converted into digital data by an additional interface
device. If the detector is not capable of this conversion, this is performed by an analog/digital
converter on a board inside the PC or in an external box.

Detectors in modern instruments are capable of generating digital data. Detectors of this type do
not require an additional A/D interface board but a digital acquisition driver. Transmission of the
data to the data system is done digitally via a Serial (RS-232) Interface connected to the serial
port of the PC.

WINILAB III is offering several possibilities for the acquisition interface :

· An (PCI) acquisition board inside the PC, the INT7
· An external acquisition device, the WiniPAD
· Two (USB) external acquisition devices, the ULYS and the ANTALYS
· Digital acquisition from Jasco detectors.

You can also control several chromatographic systems from Azur :

· Some devices like valves using the relays provided by the acquisition interfaces
· Jasco HPLC system
· Midas autosampler from Spark Holland
· HT300L autosampler from HTA

2.2.1 INT7 Acquisition Board (PCI)

The INT7 acquisition board is a "Plug'n'Play" PCI type board containing 1, 2 or 4 identical analog
input channels capable of operating simultaneously, 4 inputs and 8 outputs (TTL level) for
controlling the chromatograph and potentially other devices. Each analog channel consists of a
differential amplifier with programmable gain (corresponding to input ranges of +/-150mV,
+/-1,25V and +/-10V), the integrating unit proper and the circuitry for galvanic separation of the
input part of the converter from the computer. The galvanic separation prevents interfering
signals from entering the computer and limits the undesirable current loops originating when the
computer is connected to the chromatograph. The differential design of the input circuitry
suppresses the effect of interfering signals due to the long cable connecting the computer with
the chromatograph. As a result even small signals (around 1 mV) can be measured over a
relatively long distance (up to 20 m).

To succeed in the installation, you must have the following components :

· one INT7 acquisition board (1, 2 or 4 channels),
· one set of cables with female DB37 connector (provided with the INT7 board and WINILAB III's


and you must also check that :
· at least one PCI slot is available in your PC,
· the WINILAB III software is correctly installed in your PC.

The different steps for installing the board are :

1. Installation of the INT7 board : During this step, you will install the board in a PCI slot of your
computer. Then, the board should be detected by your PC.
2. Installation of the INT7 driver : This step describes the installation of the INT7 board driver
from the CD-ROM in the WINILAB III software.
3. INT7 configuration : During this last step, you will configure your INT7 board inside WINILAB

When the INT7 is properly installed, you can proceed to the connection to the instruments. Phase 1 : INT7 Installation

Switch off your computer and insert your INT7 board in an available PCI slot. Screw it. As the
board is Plug and Play type, it will be automatically detected by your PC. You can restart the

The next step will depend on the operating system used by your computer :
· Windows 2000.
· Windows XP
· Windows Vista
· As Windows NT doesn't use the Plug and Play technology, you can directly proceed to the
Phase 2 if you use this operating system. Windows 2000

At the start up, a message indicating a new hardware (PCI Device) has been detected appears.

Fig. 1.4 : The initial message at the Windows start up.

Windows 2000 starts the Found New Hardware Wizard.


Fig. 1.5 : The Found New Hardware Wizard.

Click on [Next >].

Fig. 1.6 : Install Hardware Driver.


Choose the first option "Search for a suitable driver for my device" as shown in the figure above
and click on [Next >].

Fig. 1.7 : Searching for driver file.

Check the boxes as in the figure above to get the INT7 driver file from the WINILAB III CD-ROM.
Click on [Next >].

Fig. 1.8 : Locate the driver file directory.

Insert the disk into the CD-ROM drive. Using the [Browse...] button, select the directory
\INT7\Win2000\ on the CD and then click on [OK].


Fig. 1.9 : Driver installation.

To start driver installation, click on [Next >].

Fig. 1.10 : End of the Found New Hardware Wizard.


When the installation is finished, you access to the last screen above. Click on [Finish].
You are ready to proceed to the Phase 2. Windows XP

At the start up, a message indicating a new hardware (PCI Device) has been detected appears.
Windows XP starts the Found New Hardware Wizard.

Fig. 1.11 : The Found New Hardware Wizard.

Click on [Next >].


Fig. 1.12 : Searching for driver file.

Choose the first option "Search for the best driver in these locations" as shown in the figure above.
Select "Search removable media" and using the [Browse...] button, select the directory
\INT7\Win2000\ on the WiniLab CD-ROM and then click on [OK]. Click on [Next >].


Fig. 1.13 : End of the Found New Hardware Wizard.

When the installation is finished, you access to the last screen above. Click on [Finish].


Fig. 1.14 : Connection of the hardware.

Select the first option "Yes" to finish the installation.

You are ready to proceed to the Phase 2.

The following message could appear during the installation process. In this case click on Continue
Anyway. The INT7 acquisition board has been successfully tested for Windows XP in our lab.

Fig. 1.15 : Hardware installation message.

28 INSTALLATION Windows Vista

At the start up, a message indicating a new hardware (PCI Device) has been detected appears.
Choose to browse your computer to find the driver software like here under :

Fig. 1.16 : The Found New Hardware Wizard.

Using the [Browse...] button, select the directory \INT7\Vista\ on the WiniLab CD-ROM and then
click on [OK].
Windows Vista is now ready to install the INT7 driver. Click on [Next >].


Fig. 1.17 : Location of the INT7 driver software.

The message here below could appear during the installation process. In this case click on "Install
this driver software anyway". The INT7 acquisition board has been successfully tested for
Windows Vista in our lab.

Fig. 1.18 : Windows Security message.


When the installation is finished, you access to the last screen below.

Fig. 1.19 : End of the driver installation in Windows.

Click on [Close]. You are ready to proceed to the Phase 2. Phase 2 : INT7 Driver Installation

· Insert the WINILAB III CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.
· The Perichrom installation menu will automatically appears.
· In the Acquisition interface section, select INT7 (PCI) in the menu as shown in the figure below
and follow install instructions.


Fig. 1.20 : The Acquisition interface drivers installation menu

When the installation is finished, restart your computer before proceeding to the INT7 configuration
inside WINILAB III. Phase 3 : INT7 Configuration

Then you need to configure your INT7 acquisition board in the WINILAB III software To do this :
· Run WINILAB III software.
· Go in the File | Configuration menu and select the Hardware configuration tab.

· In the "Available devices" list, select the INT7 Acquisition board and click on the button.


Fig. 1.21 : Installation of INT7 acquisition board driver in WiniLab.

· WINILAB III will check the communication with the INT7 board. The next screen appears
indicating the number of acquisition channels (1, 2 or 4).

Fig. 1.22 : Detection of the INT7 board.

The driver installation is finished. You can now connect the board to your instruments and then
create the new instrument in WINILAB III. INT7 Specifications

Type of converter type integrating with continuous integration, sigma delta
Resolution 24 bits
Analog inputs Differential, mutually galvanically separated
Number of channels 1, 2 or 4 fully independent
Input range +/- 156, 1250 or 10000 mV
Conversion time 10 - 100 ms
Non linearity < 0.0015 %
Temperature drift < 10 ppm/°C
Calculation unit 32 nVs - 2 µVs according to the range
Auxiliary inputs 4 TTL, the first two can be excited through integrated
optoelectronic element (current 2-5 mA)
Auxiliary outputs 8 TTL (rating 30 mA), the first four are concurrently


controlling relays (200V/0.5A)

Design PCI, Plug and Play Add in board produced by Surface
Mounted Technology

2.2.2 ULYS/ULYS2 External Acquisition Device

ULYS (or ULYS2 *) is a miniature external measuring unit designed for acquisition of data from
any chromatograph for the WINILAB III Data System. ULYS uses the USB communication channel
and thus is directly powered from the PC. The unit can be connected or disconnected anytime
without the necessity of disconnecting the computer.

The unit contains two independent channels with the latest 24-bit A/D converters capable of higher
effective resolution especially at higher frequencies and at lower voltage ranges. The input
connector is compatible with the internal INT7 board.

Fig. 1.23 : View of the ULYS external acquisition device.

To succeed in the installation, you must have the following components :

· one ULYS acquisition device,
· one USB cable to connect ULYS to your computer,
· one set of cables with female DB37 connector to connect ULYS to the detectors.
Everything is provided in your WINILAB III package.

The different steps for installing ULYS are :

1. Installation of the ULYS Device.
2. Installation of the ULYS Driver.
3. ULYS configuration inside WINILAB III.

When ULYS is properly installed, you can proceed to the connection to the instruments.

(*) Note: ULYS2 is an enhanced version of the ULYS box. The operation and the
performances are exactly the same except ULYS2 offers higher acquisition rates up to 400 pts/sec
and ULYS2 has its own driver. It's why there is no difference between ULYS and ULYS2 here
except when ULYS2 is mentioned. Phase 1 : ULYS Installation

Using the USB cable provided with the WINILAB III package, connect ULYS to a USB port of your
PC. As this device is "Plug and Play", it should be automatically detected by your computer. If it's
not the case, go to Parameters | Control Panel | Add Hardware.

The next step will depend on the operating system used by your computer : Windows 2000,
Windows XP or Windows Vista.

Note: The ULYS device can't operate under Windows NT.

34 INSTALLATION Windows 2000

When you have connected your ULYS to the USB port of your computer, a message indicating a
new hardware has been detected appears and the Found New Hardware Wizard is launched.

Fig. 1.24 : The Found New Hardware Wizard.

Click on [Next >].


Fig. 1.25 : Install Hardware Driver.

Choose the first option "Search for a suitable driver for my device" as shown in the figure above
and click on [Next >].


Fig. 1.26 : Searching for driver file.

Check the boxes as in the figure above to get the ULYS driver file from the WINILAB III CD-ROM.
Click on [Next >].
Insert the WINILAB III disk in the CD-ROM drive. Using the [Browse...] button, select the Ulys
directory then click on [OK].

Fig. 1.27: Driver installation.

To start driver installation, click on [Next >].


Fig. 1.28 : End of the Found New Hardware Wizard.

When the installation is finished, you access to the last screen above. Click on [Finish].
You are ready to proceed to the Phase 2.


At the start up, a message indicating a new hardware (USB Device) has been detected appears.
Windows XP starts the Found New Hardware Wizard.

Fig. 1.29 : The Found New Hardware Wizard.

Insert the WINILAB III CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive. Check the box Install the software
automatically and click on [Next >]. The Wizard will search for the ULYS driver on the CD and
install it.


Fig. 1.30 : End of the Found New Hardware Wizard.

When the installation is finished, you access the screen above. Click on [Finish].
You are ready to proceed to the Phase 2.

The following message could appear during the installation process. In this case click on Continue
Anyway. The ULYS acquisition device has been successfully tested for Windows XP in our lab.

Fig. 1.31 : Hardware installation message.

40 INSTALLATION Windows Vista

At the start up, a message indicating a new hardware (USB Device) has been detected appears.
Windows Vista starts the Found New Hardware Wizard.

Fig. 1.32 : The Found New Hardware Wizard.

Choose the first option to install the ULYS driver.


Fig. 1.33 : The Found New Hardware Wizard.

Insert the WiniLab CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive and click on [Next >]. The Wizard will search
for the ULYS driver on the CD and locate it.


Fig. 1.34 : Location of the ULYS driver software.

Click on [Next >]. The message here below could appear during the installation process. In this
case click on "Install this driver software anyway". The ULYS acquisition device has been
successfully tested for Windows Vista in our lab.

Fig. 1.35 : Windows Security message.


When the installation is finished, you access to the last screen below.

Fig. 1.36 : End of the driver installation in Windows.

Click on [Close]. You are ready to proceed to the Phase 2. Phase 2 : ULYS Driver Installation

1. Insert the WINILAB III CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.
2. The Perichrom installation menu will automatically appears (if not, launch setup.exe on the
CD-ROM from Windows Explorer).
3. In the Acquisition interface section, select ULYS (or ULYS2) in the menu as shown in the
figure below and follow install instructions.


Fig. 1.37 : The WINILAB III CD-ROM installation menu.

When the installation is finished, restart your computer before proceeding to the ULYS
configuration inside WINILAB III. Phase 3 : ULYS Configuration

Then you need to configure your ULYS acquisition device in the WINILAB III software. To do this :
· Run WINILAB III software.
· Go in the File | Configuration menu and select the Hardware configuration tab.

· In the "Available devices" list, select ULYS and click on the button.


Fig. 1.38 : Installation of ULYS2 acquisition device driver in WiniLab.

· WINILAB III will check the communication with ULYS. The next screen appears indicating
ULYS with 2 acquisition channels has been detected.

Fig. 1.39 : Detection of the ULYS device.

The driver installation is finished. You can now connect ULYS to your instruments and then create
the new instrument in WINILAB III.

In case of error, check the connection between ULYS and your computer, then restart WINILAB III. ULYS Specifications

Converter type 24 bit, sigma delta
Inputs Differential, mutually galvanically separated
Number of channels 2
Input range +/- 156, 1250 or 10000 mV
Input resistance 1 to 2 MOhm
Integration frequencies for 50Hz rejection: 6,25, 12,5, 25, 50, 100Hz
for 60Hz rejection: 7,5, 15, 30, 60, 120Hz


Non linearity < 0.0007 %

Number of digital inputs/outputs 2 / 2 (TTL level)
Dimensions 100 x 55 x 16 mm
Weight 150 g
Power supply From the PC using USB cable
Internal memory None.

The specifications are the same for the ULYS2 except :

Integration frequencies for 50Hz rejection: 6,25, 12,5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400Hz
for 60Hz rejection: 7,5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480Hz
Non linearity < 0.0003 %

2.2.3 ANTALYS External Acquisition Device

ANTALYS is an external measuring unit designed for acquisition of data from any chromatograph
for the WINILAB Data System. ANTALYS uses the USB communication channel but operates with
its own power supply. The unit can be connected or disconnected anytime without the necessity of
disconnecting the computer.
The unit contains two independent channels. Each channel is sampled at 24 bit resolution. The
connection cables for ANTALYS are completely different from the cables for the other acquisition

Fig. 1.40 : View of the ANTALYS external acquisition device.

To succeed in the installation, you must have the following components :

· one ANTALYS acquisition device,
· one USB cable to connect ANTALYS to your computer,
· the ANTALYS power supply
· one set of cables to connect ANTALYS to the detectors.
Everything is provided in your WINILAB package.

The different steps for installing ANTALYS are :

1. Installation of the ANTALYS driver
2. Installation and configuration of the ANTALYS device.

When ANTALYS is properly installed, you can proceed to the connection to the instruments.

INSTALLATION 47 Phase 1 : ANTALYS Driver Installation

1. Insert the WINILAB III CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.
2. The Datalys installation menu will automatically appears (if not, launch setup.exe on the
CD-ROM from Windows Explorer). Select AZUR.
3. In the Acquisition interface section, select ANTALYS (USB) in the menu as shown in the
figure below and follow install instructions.

Fig. 1.41 : The Acquisition interface installation menu.

When the installation is finished, restart your computer before proceeding to the ANTALYS
installation and configuration inside AZUR. Phase 2 : ANTALYS Installation and Configuration

Using the USB cable provided with the WINILAB III package, connect ANTALYS to a USB port of
your PC. As this device is "Plug and Play" and you have previously installed its driver, it should be
automatically recognized by your computer. If it's not the case, go to the Windows Control Panel.

Then you need to configure your ANTALYS acquisition device in the WINILAB software. To do this
· Run WINILAB software.
· Go to the File | Configuration menu and select the Hardware configuration tab.

· In the "Available devices" list, select ANTALYS and click on the button.


Fig. 1.42 : Installation of the ANTALYS driver in Azur.

· WINILAB will check the communication with ANTALYS and the following screen appears :

Fig. 1.43 : Detection of the ANTALYS device.

When the ANTALYS has been detected, it will appear in the Installed devices list in the middle.
You can now connect ANTALYS to your instruments and then create the new instrument in

In case of error, check the connection between ANTALYS and your computer, then restart
WINILAB. ANTALYS Specifications

Converter type 24 bit, sigma delta
Inputs Differential, mutually galvanically separated
Number of channels 3
Input range +/- 10mV, 1,25V or 2,5V
Integration frequencies 4, 10, 20, 50, 100Hz
Absolute noise level 65 nV@16.7Hz update rate
Integral non linearity +/- 15ppm of full scale
Offset error +/- 1µV typical
Digital inputs 8, non isolated, ESD protected
Digital outputs 8 isolated relay output, single normally open contact
Dimensions 175 x 155 x 48 mm
Weight 450 g
Power supply External power adapter
Internal memory None.


2.2.4 WiniPAD Portable Acquisition Device

The WiniPAD is essentially a "pocket" (20 x 10 x 3 cm) integrator independent of power source
that enables chromatograms to be measured with up to two detectors simultaneously.

The WiniPAD unit can be used in two regimes: :

· as an external A/D converter for the WINILAB III program (On-Line mode),

Fig. 1.44 : Diagram describing the use of the WiniPAD as an external acquisition interface.

· as a standalone data acquisition unit where the acquired data will be transferred to
WINILAB III for processing (Off-Line mode),

Fig. 1.45 : Diagram describing the use of the WiniPAD as a standalone data acquisition unit.

The most common use of the WiniPAD unit is as an external A/D converter for WINILAB III
instead of the internal converter board.
This mode offers the following advantages:
· More facile installation without the necessity to disassemble the computer, without learning the
secrets of the base address system, the system of interrupts, BIOS, etc.


· Possible use of WINILAB III also with portable computers.

To succeed in the installation, you must have the following components (they are all provided in
your WINILAB III package) :
· An WiniPAD acquisition device equipped with 1 or 2 channels,
· A power adapter,
· A serial cable with a female DB9 connector to plug the WiniPAD to the RS232 of the computer,
· A set of cables with female DB37 connector to plug the WiniPAD to the detectors,

The different steps for installing the WiniPAD are :

1. WiniPAD connection to the PC
2. Installation of the WiniPAD driver
3. WiniPAD configuration in WINILAB III

When the WiniPAD is properly installed, you can proceed to the connection to the instruments Phase 1 : Connection to the PC

Fig. 1.46 : Right panel view

Plug the serial cable (CBL-PAD-RS) to your computer RS232 output. This output is equipped with
a DB9 male connector.

Connect the power adapter and switch the WiniPAD on by pressing the [PWR] button on the front

You can now install the WiniPAD driver on your computer. Phase 2 : WiniPAD Driver Installation

Using the WINILAB III CD-ROM, install the WiniPAD acquisition module driver. To do this :
1. Insert the WINILAB III CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.
2. The Perichrom installation menu will automatically appears.
3. In the Acquisition interface section, select WiniPAD (RS232) in the menu as shown in the
figure below and follow install instructions.


Fig. 1.47 : The WINILAB III CD-ROM installation menu

Then you need to configure your WiniPAD in the WINILAB III software. Phase 3 : WiniPAD Configuration

· Run WINILAB III software.
· Go in the File | Configuration menu and select the Hardware configuration tab.
· In the "Available devices" list, select the "WiniPAD" driver and click on the button.
The following dialog box appears :


Fig. 1.48 : WiniPAD Installation Wizard

Communication Port Selects the communication port. All computer ports are displayed
regardless whether free or occupied.

Baud Rate Selects the transmission rate from 9600 Bd (up to 75 m) to 115 000 Bd
(up to 15 m). We recommend to select the higher speed, 11520 for
example. When attempting to establish communication, the WiniPAD is
automatically reconfigured to communicate at this baud rate.

· When you have specified these two parameters, click on the [Detect] button and wait for few
seconds while the software is detecting the WiniPAD.
· Click on [OK].
· The PAD hardware has been added to the Installed Hardware list. Click on this line which now
appears in blue. The [Configure] button becomes available. Click on it.

You access to a dialog box including 8 tabs (or 10 with the 2 channels WiniPAD). Some of this
tabs are dedicated to the On-line mode, some others to the standalone (or Off-line) mode. On-Line Configuration

You just have to set parameters in the Memory tab. The Signal and the Channel tabs will be
accessible from the Instrument configuration and can be filled during the creation of the
Instrument with the Wizard. The parameters in the RS232 tab are those you set in the WiniPAD
Installation Wizard. It is not necessary to modify these parameters except if you made an error
during the installation.


Fig. 1.49 : Configuration of the memory management.

In On-Line mode, you can choose to store or not the acquisition in the WiniPAD memory (data
are stored in real-time in the PC) :
Store acquisition in PAD memory
All the acquisitions are stored both on the hard disk and in the PAD memory.
This implies you have to periodically clear the memory in the WiniPAD.

Automatically clear PAD memory

If you store the acquisition in the PAD memory, the acquisitions are stored on
the hard disk and are automatically clear from the WiniPAD memory at the end
of the acquisition.

Two options are available in case of disconnection between the WiniPAD and the computer :
Stop the acquisition The acquisition will not continue.
Replace lost points The lost points are replaced by the previous point values.
Loose the points The points are definitely lost and no extrapolation is performed.

You can now connect the WiniPAD to your instruments.

54 INSTALLATION Off-Line Configuration

Only the Memory tab is not dedicated to the Off-line mode.

Fig. 1.50 : Configuration of the acquisition parameters

Rate This is the acquisition frequency of the acquisition device.

Gain This is the maximum voltage amplitude of the signal coming from the detector.

Bipolar Mode The bipolar mode must be used to get signal with negative values. If you select a
gain of +/- 10V and the bipolar mode, the input signal will take values between -10V
and +10V. If you do not use the bipolar mode, then the input signal will take values
between 0V and +10V.


Fig. 1.51 : Configuration of the outputs

This tab controls the digital outputs. WiniPAD contains eight digital TTLs and enables their initial
state to be set.

Fig. 1.52 : Configuration of Start/Stop

For each channel (if you use a 2 channels WiniPAD), you have to select the mode of external
signal operation:
Down WINILAB III starts data acquisition upon close circuit.


Up WINILAB III starts data acquisition upon open circuit

Enable AutoStop Sets the required time of analysis. After the preset time the analysis stops
automatically and data may be processed. The allowed range is 0.2 to 999

Fig. 1.53 : Configuration of the power saving functions.

These parameters will be used only if the WiniPAD operate with its own batteries :
Idle Time (0=off) Sets the time after which WiniPAD switches over to the IDLE state. Enter '0'
to suppress the transition.

Power off time Sets the time after which WiniPAD, already in the IDLE state, switches off
completely. Enter '0' to suppress the transition.

Always Background display illumination ON all the time.

Not Idle Background display illumination OFF in the IDLE state.
None Background display illumination OFF all the time.


Fig. 1.54 : Configuration of the detector signal parameters.

This dialog box allows to enter the limit values and the unit of the signal which could vary according
to the type of detector. These values and unit will define the axis of the signal view.

Fig. 1.55 : Preparation for standalone operation.

This last tab (Standalone) allows to send all the parameters of this dialog box to the WiniPAD.
Click on [OK] when you have finished the configuration of the WiniPAD.

You can now connect the WiniPAD to your chromatographic system.

58 INSTALLATION WiniPAD Specifications

Converter type 24 bit, integrating, sigma delta
Inputs Differential, mutually galvanically separated
Number of channels 1-2
Input range +/- 156, 1250 or 10000 mV
Input resistance > 10 MW
Calculation unit 32 nVs - 2 µVs depending on the range and transfer time
Transfer time 100 - 10 ms
Non linearity < 0.0015 %
Number of digital inputs/outputs 2 / 8 (TTL level)
Dimensions 1060 x 215 x 33 mm
Weight 750 g
Power supply Batteries, power adapter
Time of operation on batteries 60 minutes in normal mode (typically 120 minutes) 600
minutes in IDLE mode
Time of battery charging 2 - 3 hours

2.2.5 Relays
Relays are closing contacts that can be switched by WINILAB III and that can be provided by the
INT7 board, the WiniPAD, the ANTALYS, the ULYS or an external relay box. They can be used
to control external devices (typically autozero or valves) during the acquisition. Please see also
Appendix B of this manual.

You need first to install a Relays control and a Relays method in the WINILAB III software, then
connect the relays to the devices. Relays Driver

· Go in the File | Configuration menu and select the Hardware configuration tab.

Fig. 1.56 : Relays configuration


· In the Available devices list, select Relays-control and click on the button.
· Repeat this operation with the Relays-method item.
· In the Instrument Configuration section, select the tab of the instrument where you want to
control relays.

· In the Installed devices list, select the Relays-method service and click on the button.

· Repeat this operation with the Relays-control item.
· Click on [OK] to valid. Relays Connection

You can control few relays from the acquisition device (INT7, PAD, ANTALYS and ULYS). Check
the capabilities for each device in the respective specifications topic of this chapter. One relay
could be connected using the WINILAB III analogic cable(*). The wire has a sticker "relay" on it.

If you want to control many relays (more than those provided by the acquisition interface), an
external relay box is required. Configurations could be very different and for this reason, we
recommend to contact PERICHROM or your reseller for more information on relays installation.

* Except for the Antalys which uses different cables than the other acquisition interfaces.

2.2.6 Jasco HPLC Control (Option)

The Jasco HPLC driver allows you to control the pumps (Pu-1580, Pu-2080, Pu-1580i, Pu-2080i,
Pu-1586, Pu-2086, Pu-1587, Pu-2087 and Pu-2089), the autosamplers (1550, 1555, 1559, 2055
and 2057), the UV detectors (970, 975, 1570, 1575, 2070 and 2075) and the Fluorescence
detectors (1520, 2020 and 2025) manufactured by the JASCO company from your WINILAB III
chromatography station.

For controlling these modules, you need to install the Jasco driver then to configure it. Jasco Driver Installation

In order to control the Jasco HPLC, you need first to connect your HPLC modules (pump,
autosampler and detectors) to the PC using the serial cable provided with the driver package (if
not enough serial port are available in your computer, you can use a USB serial cable). This cable
is used to send to the Jasco instruments, the information included in the chromatographic method
and to get the instrument status.

Using the WINILAB III CD-ROM, install the Jasco control driver. To do this :
1/ Insert the WINILAB III CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive,
2/ The Perichrom installation menu will automatically appears,
3/ In the Instrument control drivers section, click on Jasco HPLC and follow install


Fig. 1.57 : The Instrument control drivers installation menu.

When the installation is finished, go to the File | Configuration menu to configure the Jasco
pumps, the Jasco autosampler and the Jasco detectors driver. Jasco Pump Driver Configuration

In the Hardware Configuration tab, install a JascoPump method service (which allows you to
create, save, edit and print a chromatographic method for the Jasco HPLC pumps) by selecting
Jasco Pump - method in the Available devices list and clicking on the button [>>]. The Jasco
Pump - method service appears in the Installed devices list (in the middle).
Follow the same process with the JascoPump control service (Jasco Pump - control). The
screen here below appears :


Fig. 1.58 : Configuration screen for the Jasco pump.

Select the computer Serial Port on which the pump is connected and then click on [Detection].
After few seconds, the message "Detection is successfull" appears. If the screen here under
appears showing a communication failure, check the serial port and restart the detection.

Fig. 1.59 : Communication failure between the Jasco pump and WINILAB III.

Click on [Finish]. The JascoPump – control service appears in the Installed devices list.


Fig. 1.60 : The Installed Devices list including the JascoPump control and method.

Select the Pump Method service then the Pump Jasco control one and assign them to an
existing instrument by clicking on [>>].
Then press [OK] to validate your modifications. Jasco Autosampler Driver Configuration

You should proceed in the same way than for the pumps control :

1/ In the Hardware Configuration tab, install a Jasco AS Method service (which allows you to
create, save, edit and print a chromatographic method for the Jasco HPLC autosamplers) by
selecting it in the Available devices list and clicking on the button [>>]. The JascoAS-Method
service appears in the Installed devices list (in the middle).

2/ Follow the same process with the Jasco AS - control service.

3/ The detection screen appears. Select the computer Serial Port on which the autosampler is
connected and then click on [Detection].
After few seconds, the message "Detection is successfull" appears. If the screen here under
appears showing a communication failure, check the serial port and restart the detection.

4/ Click on [Finish]. The JascoAS – control service appears in the Installed devices list.

5/ Select the Sampler Jasco Method service then the Sampler Jasco control one and assign
them to an existing instrument by clicking on [>>].
Then press [OK] to validate your modifications. Jasco Detector Driver Configuration

You should proceed in the same way than for the pumps control :

1/ In the Hardware Configuration tab, install a Jasco UV - Method (or/and Jasco Fluo - Method
) service (which allows you to create, save, edit and print a chromatographic method for the Jasco
UV and/or Fluo detectors) by selecting it in the Available devices list and clicking on the button
[>>]. The JascoUV-Method service appears in the Installed devices list (in the middle).


2/ Follow the same process with the Jasco UV - control service.

3/ The detection screen appears. Select the computer Serial Port on which the detector is
connected and then click on [Detection].
After few seconds, the message "Detection is successfull" appears. If the screen here under
appears showing a communication failure, check the serial port and restart the detection.

4/ Click on [Finish]. The JascoUV – control service appears in the Installed devices list.

5/ Select the JascoUV-Method service then the JascoUV-Control one and assign them to an
existing instrument by clicking on [>>].
Then press [OK] to validate your modifications.

2.2.7 Midas Control (Option)

The Midas driver allows you to control the MIDAS autosampler (manufactured by the SPARK
HOLLAND company) from your WINILAB III chromatography station. For this, you need to install
the Midas driver then to configure it. Midas Driver Installation

In order to control the Midas, you need first to connect your autosampler to the PC using a serial
cable. This cable is used to send to the Midas the information included in the chromatographic
method and to get the instrument status. It's a standard twisted RS cable. Normally it's provided
with the autosampler.

Using the WINILAB III CD-ROM, install the Midas control driver. To do this :
1/ Insert the WINILAB III CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive,
2/ The Perichrom installation menu will automatically appears,
3/ In the Instrument control drivers section, click on Spark/MIDAS and follow install


Fig. 1.61 : The Instrument control drivers menu.

When the installation is finished, go to the File | Configuration menu to configure the Midas driver
. Midas Driver Configuration

In the Hardware Configuration tab, install a Midas – method service (which allows you to create,
save, edit and print a chromatographic method for the Midas autosampler) by selecting it in the
Available devices list and clicking on the button [>>]. The Midas – method service appears in
the Installed devices list (in the middle).
Follow the same process with the Midas – control service. The screen here below appears :


Fig. 1.62 : Configuration screen for the MIDAS autosampler.

Select the computer Serial Port on which the autosampler is connected, the Instrument Bus
Adress for your Midas and the Model Name (MIDAS or ESA-542). Then click on [Detection].

Fig. 1.63 : Configuration screen for the MIDAS autosampler after the detection of the instrument.

If the screen here under appears showing a communication failure, check the three parameters
and restart the detection.


Fig. 1.64 : Communication failure between the MIDAS and WINILAB III.

Click on [Finish]. The Midas – control service appears in the Installed devices list.

Fig. 1.65 : The Installed Devices list including the MIDAS autosampler.

Select the Midas-Method service then the Midas-control one (the Midas Sampler service is
linked to the MIDAS control service) and assign them to an existing instrument by clicking on [>>]
Then press [OK] to validate your modifications.

2.2.8 Connection to the Instruments

The connection cable for INT7 acquisition board, WiniPAD and ULYS devices allows you to
connect your chromatographic system (not only the chromatograph but also external devices like
valves which can be controlled by WINILAB III) to your PC. The whole cable is made up of an
adapter and of one to four acquisition cables. The WiniPAD adapter is different from the INT7
board adapter whereas the acquisition cables are the same for all these acquisition interfaces.
However, the ULYS adapter is the same than the INT7 one.

The adapter is connected to the INT7 board or to the (WiniPAD or ULYS) device and allows the


connection of multiple analog acquisition cables. The acquisition cables are connected on one
side to the adapter and on the other side to the detector. The acquisition cables allows to get the
signal from a detector as well as to get the state of a relay contact (used to detect the start of an

The ANTALYS connection cables are completely different from the ones for the other acquisition
interfaces. They are provided with the ANTALYS device. Adapter
The adapter is composed on one side of a female DB37 connector and on the other side of 1 to 4
female DB9 connectors. The DB37 connector is plugged on the INT7 board or on the WiniPAD
device and the DB9 connectors are plugged to the acquisition cables. The DB9 connector are
identified with a number corresponding to the acquisition channel (1-4).

Each acquisition interface (INT7 board and ULYS, WiniPAD) has its own adapter and this one
could not be used with a different type of acquisition interface. INT7 and ULYS Adapter

Fig. 1.66 : Diagram of the INT7 board adapter

There are multiple versions of the adapter. The version used depends on the number of channels
of the INT7 board.
For the ULYS device, the adapter CBL_YINT7_2 is used.

Adapter identification Number of channels



Fig. 1.67 : Diagram of the WiniPAD adapter

There are multiple versions of the adapter. The version used depends on the number of channels
of the WiniPAD.

Adapter identification Number of channels

CBL_PAD_2 2 Analog Cable

The analog acquisition cable is composed of a male DB9 connector and of 3 cables, one with 3
wires, the others with 2:

The 3 wires cable is used to get the analog signal. This one have the larger diameter and has a
dark grey color.
The 2 wires cables are used to get the start detection and the state of a relay contact. This last
one has a sticker "relay" on its end. Connection of an Analog signal wire

An "Analog signal" cable ends with three bare wires (red, white and braid).

Analog Signal Description

Red Positive voltage of the signal (+)
White Negative voltage of the signal (-)
Braid Ground of the Signal

Depending on the type of your chromatograph, two types of connections are possible to get the
signal. Check your instrument's documentation to choose the correct one.

Symmetrical connection with three wires :


Fig. 1.68 :

Fig. 1.69 :

Note : The braid of the "Analog signal" cable (Ground of the signal) must always be connected to
the ground of your chromatograph. Connection of Relay Contact wire

A "relay-contact detection" cable always ends with 2 bare wires but he also can be ending with a
Cinch connector.

Contact Description
Red Signal Start
Braid Signal Ground

If your chromatograph allows it, you can directly plug the wires on it, to detect sample injection.
Check your instrument documentation to see where to plug the wires.

You can also connect the wires on a pushbutton that the operator will operate when injecting the


Fig. 1.70

The wire with a sticker "relay" on its end must be used when you want to activate a contact closure
(for a valve, a fraction collector, an autozero, ...) from your acquisition device.



This chapter gives a quick tour through WINILAB III. It is designed to get you started using
WINILAB III quickly. For more information on the topics described in this tutorial use the index
and the content of this Help. To take full advantage of this Quick Tour, go on step by step using
the Next button on the bottom of each topic.
If you have not installed WINILAB III on your system, please do so by following the instructions in
the first chapter (Installation).

3.1 Start Winilab III

Go to the Start | Programs | Perichrom | WiniLab menu to run WINILAB III. The registration
window appears :

Fig. 2.1 : The Registration dialog

Check the box Use in demo mode and click on the Launch button . You have 30 days of free
demonstration use of WINILAB III after you installed it. During this period, there is no limitation and
you can explore all the capabilities of the software.


3.2 Feel Comfortable in WINILAB Environment

Fig. 2.2 : WINILAB III Workspace

The default workspace includes :

· a menu bar with 10 menus (File , Edit, …, Window, Help),
· the main toolbar with buttons to access the most used commands,
· the Instrument Bar with active one of your instruments (for the first use of WINILAB III there
might be no instrument selected),
· the Data Selector with the type, the name and the date of last modification of available files,
· the status bar which displays quick information on selected menus and items and also
progress information for long operations (integration or reprocessing for example).


3.2.1 Data Selector

Fig. 2.3 : The Data Selector

The Data Selector is a useful tool to gain direct access to all WINILAB files. Anyway, if you have a
screen smaller than 17'', you might prefer not to use it as it takes a part of the screen.
Go in the View | Data Selector menu to show and hide it (or click on ).

On top of the selector, you can choose the type of files you want to display :

Analysis These files contains the chromatogram, the process method

used on the chromatogram and all the related information.

Instrument These files are WINILAB representation of physical instrument.

Normally, you will have one instrument file per connected

Sequence The sequence is used to run automatically multiple acquisition

and associate them an automatic processing.

Process method The process method contains all parameters to automatically

integrate, identify, quantify and print a series of samples.


Chromatographic method The chromatographic method is designed to contain parameters

to control your instrument from WINILAB III.

Calibration curve The calibration curves are used to quantify unknown samples
using either external standard or internal standard.

Report format These files are describing the appearance of the analysis reports
you want to print.

Results table format The results table format stores the name and type of information
on the peaks you want to display and print.

Then you can open file either by double-clicking on it or by selecting it and then click on the [Open]
button. If you only know the beginning of the file name, type it in the blank field above the files list
and click on the [>>] button to locate the next file beginning with the same letters.

Tip : If you do not want to use the selector, you can simply use the File | Open menu which will
display a similar dialog that disappears as soon as you have selected your files.

3.2.2 Context Bar

We name Context the way you will organise the data generated in WINILAB III, i.e., in which
directory your data files will be saved and based upon which criteria. It has been designed to
reproduce inside WINILAB III the way you used to work in your lab. The Context Bar, located at the
right of the main toolbar, shows the current context.

Fig. 2.4 : The Context Bar

In the example above, the Context includes 2 criteria : Instrument and Project. The second
criteria has been created by the user. So in this case, data are stored first by Instrument, then by
Project name. You can customize and define your own Context using the Context definition tab in
the File | Configuration menu.

3.2.3 WiniBar

Now you can open an analysis by going in the File | Open menu (or clicking on the button in
the main toolbar or using the Data Selector) and selecting the "Ext6" analysis.



Fig. 2.5 : The Open File dialog

Click on [OK]. The "Ext6" analysis is open. On the left side of the chromatogram you can see the
WiniBar .

You can hide and show it by going in the View | WiniBar menu.
Its purpose is to display different views of the Analysis (or of the Process Method, the
Instrument…) focusing on different information.

Click on the different buttons ([Processing], [Results], [Information] …) to get an idea of what is
going on. All this view have been predefined to group functions corresponding to one particular
task. The name of the selected view appears on the top of the WiniBar.

3.2.4 Toolbars
Views where multiple functions are enabled have their own toolbars at the top of them as you can
see in the different views of the analysis. If you want, you can have these functions accessible in a
permanent way by selecting the View | Customize… menu :


Fig. 2.6 : Customizing the toolbars

Then in the Toolbars tab, you can choose the toolbars you want to display, or create a new one
using the [New] button. The Commands tab allows you to add buttons by dragging them on the
desired toolbar.

Now you should feel quite comfortable in WINILAB III environment. What about trying to make an

3.3 Start your First Acquisition in 5 Seconds

WINILAB III offers many different capabilities for data acquisition. You can use it as a simple
integrator and acquire quickly chromatogram without any preliminary parameters settings. But also
in fully automatic mode from injection to report printing, typically with an autosampler.

3.3.1 Start Acquisition

Go to the Instrument | Prepare acquisition on … then select the VirtualInstrument and click on

[OK]. Select the Instrument | Start menu or click on the button. The acquisition is starting
and WINILAB III switches to the Signal view of the Instrument (see the figure below).


Fig. 2.7 : Viewing an acquisition in the Instrument "Signal" view

The Signal view of the instrument includes many different parts :

· On the top left of the screen, you can find the instrument toolbar with 9 buttons (Start, Change
time, Stop, Modify information, Configure, Process signal, Full scale display, Split signals and
· On the top right, you have, from left to right, the elapsed acquisition time (in green), the
progress bar and the remaining acquisition time (in blue),
· On the bottom left of the screen you can see the instrument state and actual baseline values
(on each channel when two detectors are connected),
· On the bottom right, on the second line, there is a combo box enabling to change attenuation,
i.e. the range of signal unit which will be displayed.

If you do not like the color for the axis, signal and background, right-click with the mouse on the
signal display and select the Display Options menu.

In case of dual detection like in this example, the two signals are displayed in overlay mode. Click
on the button to display them in separate windows (stacked mode).


Fig. 2.8 : Viewing a double detector acquisition in the Stacked mode.

For this tutorial purpose, you did not specify any acquisition length and any file name. You have
use WINILAB III as a simple "integrator". So progress bar and remaining time zones are inactive.
By default, WINILAB III shows 10 minutes of acquisition. Of course, you can also set the
acquisition parameters (run length, file name, …) before the run in the Acquisition view of the

3.3.2 Zoom and Change Attenuation

You can zoom on the current signal by selecting a zooming zone with your mouse (click with the
left button of the mouse, then extend the zoomed zone by maintaining left button down and release

Fig. 2.9 : Zooming

You can go back to full scale by clicking on the graph with the mouse right button and choosing


the Full Scale menu or simply by clicking the button in the toolbar of the instrument.

Fig. 2.10 : Acquisition context menu

If you only want to see what is happening near the baseline, use the ATTN combo box to choose
what signal range you want to see. For example, select 512 as attenuation to see what is going on

Fig. 2.11 : Using attenuation

In this case, WINILAB III only displays the lowest 512µV part of the chromatogram.


3.3.3 Change Acquisition Duration

If you haven't set any acquisition duration or if you want to change it, click on the button in
the toolbar. The following dialog box appears :

Fig. 2.12 : Change acquisition duration

Just type the new run length value and click on the [Change] button. The progress bar and the
remaining time display appear now.

3.3.4 Change Information On The Fly

If any event happens during the acquisition or simply if you want to associate some comments to
the analysis, you have the possibility to write it down in the information part of the sample. These
information will be kept in the analysis file.

To do this, go in the Instrument | Change Acquisition Information menu or click on the

button :

Fig. 2.13 : Modifying information during acquisition

Click on [OK] to validate changes.

3.3.5 Stop Acquisition

When you want to stop your acquisition, go in the Instrument | Stop menu or click on the
button. As you stop the acquisition manually, the software will ask you if your analysis is valid :


Fig. 2.14 : Confirmation dialog

Click on [Yes] to save your Analysis.

Fig. 2.15 : Save Analysis dialog

Enter the name you want for your analysis ("My first chromatogram" for example) and click on
[OK]. You can now open this Analysis (go to the File | Open menu, select your file and click on

3.4 Display and Handle Chromatograms

We will continue this tutorial with another chromatogram. So close the "My first chromatogram"
Analysis and the "VirtualInstrument" instrument (either go in the File | Close menu or click on the
button at the top right of the window).

Open the "Ext8" Analysis.


3.4.1 Zoom
As we already saw it when dealing with the acquisition, you can zoom on a desired part of the
chromatogram by selecting with the mouse the chromatogram part that you want to magnify.
To come back to full scale either click on the button or use the corresponding context menu
on the graph (click with the right mouse button) :

Fig. 2.16 : the chromatogram context menu

For quick access to other visualization function, you have to display the Visualization toolbar by
clicking the button :

Fig. 2.17 : The Analysis Visualization Toolbar

Now you can also zoom in and out in the chromatogram and undo the last zoom either with the
buttons or by using the context menu. Try it !

3.4.2 Move the Chromatogram

You can move the chromatogram on the screen, either by using the Navigator (just move the

cursor over the icon to display the navigator) or by clicking with the right button, maintaining it

down and moving the mouse (the cursor then looks like this : ).

Fig. 2.18: The Analysis Navigator

Mouse wheel special : if your mouse has got a wheel you can use it to move your chromatogram
up-down or left-right (you have to press the SHIFT key then).


3.4.3 Stretch and Compress the Chromatogram

You can also use the Navigator (just move the cursor over the icon to display the navigator)
to stretch and compress the chromatogram on the screen. Just check the box in the middle of the
Navigator and click on the arrows.

Mouse wheel special : if your mouse has got a wheel, you can use it to stretch and compress
your chromatogram. Hold the [CTRL] key to stretch and compress horizontally and the [CTRL] +
[SHIFT] keys to stretch and compress vertically.

3.4.4 Copy the Chromatogram in a Word Processor

If you want to copy the chromatogram display in your word processor software (Microsoft Word
TM, for example), simply click on the chromatogram to ensure it is selected and go in the Edit |
Copy menu.
Then in your word processing software, go in the Edit | Paste menu (we used it to copy the next

3.4.5 Multiple Chromatograms Display

You can display simultaneously several chromatograms. To add a second chromatogram, just
drag and drop an analysis file from the Data Selector to the current chromatogram view. Try to
overlay the Ext4 analysis :


Fig. 2.19 : the "Ext4" is currently dragged from the Data Selector into the Workspace


Fig. 2.20 : the mouse button has been released and the "Ext4" analysis (in purple) is overlaid.

If you prefer display the chromatograms with their own axis in Stacked mode, you just have to
click on the button in the chromatogram toolbar. When the chromatograms are displayed in
Stacked mode, this button changes to . Click again on the button to revert to the Overlay

If you want to remove the overlaid chromatogram, select the remove Ext4 command in the
context menu which is accessible by mouse right clicking on the chromatogram.

In order to compare these two chromatograms, it would be useful to shift one of them.

3.4.6 Shift the Chromatogram

Sometimes, retention times drift can occur after several injections. In order to compensate this drift
and to compare chromatograms, it is useful to shift the chromatogram.
To do this, remove the Ext4 analysis and overlay the Ext2 one. Then simply click on the right
button and choose Shift analysis Ext8 in the context menu (or from the menu Analysis | Shift
analysis) :

The mouse cursor changes to . Just drag and drop the chromatogram to a new position (the
overlaid chromatogram remains fixed). The label of the shifted chromatogram display the shift
value in minute. When you have finished, click on the right button to deactivate the X-Shift utility.


Fig. 2.21 : the Ext8 chromatogram has been shifted of 0.71 min to align the biphenyl peaks in both chromatograms.

To cancel the Shift and revert to the original data, select Undo Shift in the context menu (or in the
Analysis menu).

3.5 Process the Chromatogram

Now we are going to search for the best automatic parameters to integrate our chromatogram, to
identify the peaks and to quantify our sample.

Moreover we want to use these parameters for other chromatograms of the same batch. In
WINILAB III, all these parameters are grouped in what we call the Process Method.

3.5.1 Integrate
Let's start from the beginning. Close all the analysis and open the "Ext4" analysis. Peak Width & Threshold

WINILAB III uses only two integration parameters : the Threshold and the Peak Width. The Peak
Width is used to smooth the first derivative of the signal and so to set start and end peak markers.
It must be the base width of the smallest peak you want to integrate. Threshold is the slope value
used to find peak start and peak end. A peak start is detected when two points with a slope bigger
than the threshold parameter are found on the signal.

You can view the parameters in the Integration tab of the Processing view of the analysis (click


on the button in the WiniBar to see it) or directly on your chromatogram by clicking on the
button to show / hide them.
You can modify the value of these two parameters either in the Integration view or directly on the

chromatogram by clicking on the values.

To help you to easily determine correct values for these parameters, two video wizards have been

First, click on and select the narrowest peak you want to integrate (it is important that you
indicate with the selection the exact width of the peak).

Fig. 2.22 : Peak Width wizard

To evaluate a correct value of the threshold, click on the button and select a noisy part of the
chromatogram as explained in the video. Check it out !


Fig. 2.23 : Threshold wizard

It's necessary to evaluate Peak Width BEFORE Threshold as the second parameter is depending
on the value of the first.

You are ready now to do your first integration. Go in the Integration | Integrate menu or click on
the button. Peak Tip

You can have a brief overview of your integration results by pointing the mouse cursor on an
integrated peak and wait for about one second. The PeakTip appears displaying the peak


Fig. 2.24 : PeakTip on an integrated peak Integration Events

In some difficult cases, you can improve the peak integration by adding integration events during
the analysis. They allows to deal with numerous types of baseline shapes and anomalies.
Call the context menu on the graph with a right-button click and choose the Add Event menu.

Fig. 2.25 : Context menu on the chromatogram

The Integration Event Explorer is displayed. Click on any event to display its video wizard. Choose
one, enter the time you to activate it and then click on [OK].


Fig. 2.26 : the Integration Events Explorer

You can add an [INT-] event at 0.00 minutes and [INT+] event at 10.00 minutes (thus disabling
integration between the begin and the 10th minute of the chromatogram), as the peaks that we are
interested in are located after the 10th minute. Re-integrate in order to take this modifications into
account. Now our integration seems to be correct, we will identify our compounds.

3.5.2 Identify Peaks

A view has been especially designed for compounds identification : you can display it by clicking on

the button in bottom of the Processing view.


Fig. 2.27 : the Identification View On-the-fly Identification

You can enter the name of your peaks directly on your chromatogram. Click on the [manual
edition] button and then click on the peak label and enter a name (for example biphenyl for
the peak located at 11.27 minutes).

Fig. 2.28 : Direct identification of a peak

You can do the same for the peak located at 13.03 (fluorene), at 16.23 (anthracene) and 22.70 (


fluoranthene). Click on the button in the toolbar : the Identification Table (also called Peak
Table) in the upper part of the view has been filled with the peak names.

Fig. 2.29 : the Identification table after initialization

You can enlarge the Retention Time Window (Rt. Wnd) from 0.1 minutes (which is the default
value) to 0.5 minutes.

Click with the mouse right button in the left upper cell. In the context menu, choose the Clear
empty rows command.

Fig. 2.30 : Deleting empty rows in the Identification Table Relative Identification

To increase the robustness of your identification when the retention times shift, you can define one
of them (preferably a large one) as the reference peak and use it as reference for the other. The
column "Rt. /Rt. Ref" displays the relative retention time (ratio between the retention times of the
peak and of its reference peak). For example, we could use the biphenyl as the reference peak for
the three others.

Fig. 2.31 : Using the biphenyl as a reference peak

For large chromatograms, you could have more than one reference peak. Identification Wizard

For the set up of the Identification Table, we can also use the Identification Wizard. Go to the
Analysis | Identification Wizard menu or click on the button to see what the wizard looks like.


3.5.3 Quantify

Let's move on to the Quantification section now. To do this, click on the button in the bottom
of the Processing view :

Fig. 2.32 : The Analysis Quantification view

The design of the Quantification Table is different depending on the selected quantification mode.
The Quantification Table will allow us to specify how our quantities (the Results column in the
Results Table) are going to be computed. For this, select a quantification mode and a response
type (area or height). Then, you have the opportunity to enter in your quantification table the
requested parameters to build your calibration curve (the curve shape and the quantities of the
different calibration levels). The easiest way to do that is to use the Quantification Wizard. Quantification Wizard

To display the Quantification Wizard, use the Analysis | Quantification Wizard menu or click on
the button (you also can double click on the top left cell of the Quantification Table if it is
visible). The first dialog asks you which quantification mode and which response type you want to


Fig. 2.33 : Quantification Wizard : the Quantification Mode

Select the External Standard quantification mode and the Area response type for this
demonstration. For all mode using standard, you must also enter a number of calibration levels
(i.e. the number of different sample amount for which you want to create a calibration point). Enter
2 and click on [OK].

Fig. 2.34 : Calibration Wizard : definition of the calibration levels

Enter the amount of each compound in each calibration solution (each level is corresponding to a
different standard, or a different dilution of a standard). Use the values given in figure above and
the click on [Next >].


Fig. 2.35 : Quantification Wizard : definition of calibration curves models

Change the weighting of the calibration points to "=". To do this conveniently, select the four cells
of the Weighting column and click with the mouse right button on the selection. The following
dialog is appearing :

Fig. 2.36 : The "Multiple update" dialog

Select "=" and click on [OK]. This mechanism is available in almost every grid in the software.
Click on [Next >].

Fig. 2.37 : Quantification Wizard : quantification of the unknown peaks

Leave the default option (No Quantification for the unknown peaks) and click on [Finish]. Your
Quantification Table is created. Save the Process Method

Remember we have found integration parameters, added integration events, filled the identification
and quantification table to process an analysis. In order to use these parameters to process other
analysis, it could be interesting to save them all together in a Process Method. Either go in the
Analysis | Save Process Method menu or click on the button.


Enter "my first process method" as the process method name in the Save dialog box and click on
[OK]. Your process method is saved and ready to be reused. Use the Process Method

Go to the File | Close All menu to close all your files (confirm you want to save the modifications)
and then open the Ext6 file (now you should know how to do this).

Then load your brand new process method "my first process method" by using the Analysis |
Load Process Method menu or clicking on the button.

Click on [OK] and then press the [F5] function key to begin the chromatogram processing (you
can also use the button or the Integration | Integrate menu).

Go to the Results view to display the Results Table. Create Calibration Point

Several ways are possible to create calibration points with WINILAB III. We will see further in this
Quick Tour how to do it automatically with a sample sequence or a batch reprocessing. Another
way is to create the calibration point after the acquisition. For this, you must link a process method
in the Acquisition view of the Instrument like here under :


Fig. 2.38 : The Acquisition view of the Instrument allows to set the acquisition and process parameters.

For each channel, you can precise the process method you wish to use. If the sample is a
standard, you just have to select the calibration level (which you have entered in the quantification
table) in the right lower part of the Acquisition view. This calibration point will be created in the
calibration curve(s).

But we can also create a calibration point manually with an already acquired analysis. Go to the
Analysis | Create new calibration points menu.

Fig. 2.39 : New Calibration Point Wizard : quantities


Check that the response mode is "Area" and click on the button to automatically fill the
Quantity column.

Fig. 2.40 : Automatic quantities filling

Select "Level 1" and click on [OK]. The quantity column is automatically filled with the
Quantification Table values. Then click on [Next >].

Fig. 2.41 : New Calibration Point Wizard : calibration curves models

Then again, click on the [Automatic filling up] button ( ) and select "=" as calibration points

Fig. 2.42 : Automatic filling up of calibration curve model

Click on [Ok] and then check the Replace old calibration points combo box (you want to create


new calibration curves). Click on [Finish]. A dialog is displayed to list the updated calibration
curves and their equation.

Now let's have a look at the calibration curves we just created.

3.5.4 View Calibration Curve

Go in the [File | Open] menu, select the calibration curve icon and open the "biphenyl AE"
curve (A stands for Area response and E stands for External standard) – you can also use the data
selector to do this if you want.

Fig. 2.43 : the Calibration Curve display

You can see some details about your calibration curve, you can also zoom it and change its
requested model and origin treatment. The curve shape and equation will not change anyway as
we only have one calibration point. The "Real model" and "Real origin" fields indicate which model
and which origin treatment are effectively applied.
The table at the bottom of the page is listing the calibration points coordinates and some of the
point attributes.

Once you have explored the calibration curve view you can go back to the Ext4 analysis. Either


close the calibration curve or select the Analysis tab at the bottom of the screen.

3.6 Results Table

At the bottom of the results table, WINILAB III displays two tabs : [All peaks] and [Identified peaks].
Click on [Identified peaks] to display the results of the only four peaks of interest.

Fig. 2.44 : Results table : the [Identified Peaks] tab

WINILAB III has automatically computed the peaks results (= quantity) using the calibration curves
we just built before. To see what curve it used, we can add a column to the results table. Click on
the button on the view top toolbar.

Fig. 2.45 : Add a column to Results Table

Select "Calib. Curve", enter "Calibration Curve" in the "Title" zone and click on [OK]. A column is
added at the end of the Results table. This column displays the name of the calibration curve used
for the quantification.


3.7 Print Report

It is time now to print the report of our analysis. To try this, you must have a printer accessible from
your computer (either directly connected or on the network).

WINILAB III is providing a set of predefined report (but you can also easily build your own). With
your "Ext6" Analysis open on the screen, go to the File | Print Preview menu or click on the
button on the main toolbar.

Fig. 2.46 : Selecting a report format

Select the ESTD format (which has been designed to print results from an External Standard
quantification mode) and click on [OK]. If the preview of the printout is OK, click on the [Print]
button to print your report.

3.8 Sample Sequence

Close all your open files (use the File | Close All menu).
Go to the File | New menu (or click on the button). In the New Object dialog, click on the

Sequence icon to create a new sequence.


Fig. 2.47 : New Sequence - channel selection

Uncheck the Detector 2 and click on [OK].

Fig. 2.48 : the Sequence view

At the top of this view, you can see the Sequence Toolbar, the current status of the sequence and
the estimated time when the sequence will be finished. The bottom part of the screen inform you of
the instrument state, the current acquisition elapsed time and the name of the instrument and of its
detectors. The WiniBar of the Sequence allows to access the History (where all the sequence
executions and the created analysis are listed) and the Summary Report which is a report
summarizing the whole results obtained for the different samples of the sequence.

The grid is the central part of the sequence. Each row is dedicated to one injection and each of
these injections can have different properties. The cells which can be edited appears in green. You
can choose the columns you want to display in the grid from the sequence properties.

To do this, simply click on the button.


Fig. 2.49 : the Sequence properties window

Click on [<<] and [>>] to show or hide the rows. You can also change the number of rows (up to
200), the start mode, the volume and amount units. Click on [OK] to validate the changes.

You can move your columns by directly dragging and dropping them. You can use the Sequence

Wizard to help you filling the grid. To display it, click on . Check it !

You can also fill the table by entering directly your text in the grid. For most of the columns, you
can fill multiple cells simultaneously by selecting the cells with mouse and doing a click with the
right button on your selection.

Fig. 2.50 : Multiple cells update

The four buttons on the left of the toolbar allow respectively to start the sequence , to pause

the sequence , to stop the current acquisition and to stop the sequence .
The "Pause" state has been designed to allow you to enter modification in your sequence
(inserting an urgent sample, for example) while it is running. The button allows you to have
direct access to the current acquisition's signal while the sequence is running.
You can try all this with a simple sequence with 4 samples (run length : 0.3 min) like here under.


Fig. 2.51 : a sample Sequence in run

Start the sequence (you will have to save it), wait for the end or stop it and close it.

3.9 Batch Reprocessing

The Reprocessing view has been designed reprocess a batch of (already acquired) analysis. Open
it by using the Tools | Reprocessing menu or the button on the main toolbar.

Fig. 2.52 : the Reprocessing view

The Reprocessing view acts as a sequence, except you are not doing any acquisitions, just
reprocessing. It is convenient for building multiple levels calibration curves from previously
acquired analysis. Click on the button in the first cell of the Analysis column. You access to
the open dialog box. Click on the header of the first column (Name) to sort the analysis by
alphabetic order and select the "Ext2", "Ext4", "Ext6", "Ext8" and "Ext10" analysis by holding the
[CTRL] key on the keyboard. Click on [OK]. You can also select the analysis of a whole sample

sequence with the button in the top of the view.

Then select the five first cells of the Process Method column, click with the mouse right button on
the selection and choose [Select] in the context menu.


Fig. 2.53 : The context menu of the Process Method column.

Then select the process method named "Demo process method"and click on [OK]. The process
method has been selected for the five analysis.
The blue column indicates the quantification mode of the selected process method and the
number of calibration levels defined in it (in this case "External standard (5)").

In the Level column (= Calibration Level), select "Level 1" for the Ext10 analysis, "Level 2" for the
Ext8 analysis, "Level 3" for Ext6, "Level 4" for Ext4 and "Level 5" for Ext2.

In the Update column (= Calibration curve update) column, choose "Replace" for the first row (to
create a new calibration curve) and leave "Add" for the other rows.

If you have a printer installed, check the Execute Post-Run box at the top of the screen. Let the
Print summary report box uncheck.

Your table should now normally look like this :

Fig. 2.54 : an example of Reprocessing table

Click on the button to start the reprocessing. At the bottom of the screen the detailed
processing is described.

Fig. 2.55 : the Batch Reprocessing status

The 5 analysis have been processed with the "Demo process method" process method and 4
calibration curves ("biphenyl AE", "fluorene AE", "anthracene AE" and "fluoranthene AE") with 5
calibration points each have been created. Check it !


3.10 Summary Report

If the WiniBar of the Reprocessing doesn't appear, display it by clicking on the button in the

main toolbar. In the WiniBar, select the Summary Report icon . Check that the selected
Summary report style is One Table per compound and the box Statistics is checked. Then you
get the Summary report as shown in the figure here under in the bottom of the screen. Click on
one of the tabs to display the results of one of the compounds:

Fig. 2.56 : The resulting Summary Report.

The Summary Report allows to get all the results from reprocessed analysis (when you have used
the Reprocessing) or generated analysis (when you have used the Sample sequence). You can
modify the Summary report format by changing the style (check the box One table) or by adding,
inserting, deleting columns. As with the Results table, a simple right click on a column header
access to the context menu.

At last, you can export the Summary report (to Excel, for example) either in copying or in

saving in text format .

3.11 Context Definition

By default, WINILAB III manages data by Instrument (all the data files are stored in the directory of
the Instrument). Now you could wish to manage your data not by Instrument but by project and by
user. For this, close all files and go to the File | Configuration menu. Select the tab called
“Context definition”:


Fig. 2.57: The Context definition tab

As you see in the Criteria List on the left, only Instrument is available. We will create a Project and

a User criteria by clicking on the button . Then we will enter the different values of these

criteria. Select Project in the Criteria List and click on the button . Type “Acids” as the criteria
value. Create also a project “Alcohol”. Repeat this operation to create 3 User values : Bill, John
and Mark. Now the definition screen should look like this:

Fig. 2.58: The Context definition tab (2)

Now look at the table in the bottom. Each line displays one of the different type of files used in
WINILAB III. For each of them you can choose the criteria used to classify the files you will
generate. For the Analysis, select Project as the Criteria 1 and User as the Criteria 2 (the Criteria 3
should remain empty). Click on [OK].
You can see that the Context Bar is updated with the 2 new criteria we just added. The Data
Selector is also updated.


If now we want to acquire data, we can select in which directory the resulting data files will be
saved. Select the Instrument | Prepare Acquisition on menu and choose the “VirtualInstrument5
”. A zone showing our 2 criteria (Project and User) has been added:

Fig. 2.59: The selection of the directory

If we choose “Acids” and “John” using the drop-down lists, the resulting Analysis files will be
created in the Data\Acids\John\ directory.

3.12 User Accounts & Electronic Signature

You can operate with WINILAB III in regulatory environment in compliance with 21CFR part11. For
this, you will need to activate the security controls. Just select "WiniLab Administration" from the
Windows programs list.

Once you have activated the Security Controls, you will have to login each time you would like to
access to WINILAB III or to the Administration Center.

Fig. 2.60: The Login dialog box.

Then you will access to the Administration Center.


Fig. 2.61: The Administration Center

The Administration Center allows to manage user accounts, user rights, to display the Audit trail
and to define the security rules.

Click on the button to create a new user.


Fig. 2.62: The User information

Enter a Name and his Login to access to WINILAB III (the First name is not mandatory). Attribute

the "admin" group using the button. Then click on [OK] to create your new

Quit the Administration Center and start WINILAB III. In the Login window, enter the information of
the new user you have just created.

Now open an Analysis as Ext2 for example. Go to the File | Signatures | Sign current document
menu. You access the following dialog box :


Fig. 2.63: The Electronic signature

Enter your password and click on : the file have been signed. You can check using the
File | Signatures | View current document signatures menu.



The WINILAB III V5.0 chromatography software is operated exclusively via a PC equipped with
Windows 2000, XP or Vista.

To start WINILAB III :

· simply double-click on the WINILAB III icon on the desktop.

· Click the Start button to open the Start menu. Move the mouse cursor to the menu item
"Programs" and wait until the submenus are displayed.
· Move the mouse cursor to "WINILAB III" to start the software (The WiniLab shortcut can be
located in a directory "Perichrom").

Fig. 3.1 : The WINILAB III user interface

The WINILAB III user interface features all typical Windows elements such as :
· Menus bar
· Toolbars
· Workspace, where chromatograms, reports and methods (called objects in WINILAB III)
are displayed
· Status bar, located at the bottom of the screen just under the Work Space. It will display
information about buttons and menu item when you point the mouse cursor on them.

If you have activated the security controls to work in regulatory environment, you should login each
time you start WiniLab. Before accessing WiniLab, you will have to type your login and your
password in the Login dialog here under.


Fig. 3.2 : The Login dialog box.

4.1 Workspace
The Workspace display one or several Objects. When several objects are open, you can switch
from one object to another one using the tab in the bottom of the Workspace, just above the
Status bar.

Fig. 3.3 : The Workspace contains two analysis objects. The Workbook mode is selected, you can switch from an analysis
to the other by clicking on the tabs in the bottom.

If you prefer the MS Word looklike, unselect Workbook mode from the Window menu.


Fig. 3.4 : The Window menu.

The tab will disappear and you can handle the objects exactly like text files in MS Word by using
the "Window I (name of the file)" command.

Fig. 3.5 : Two analysis displayed without the Workbook mode.

The background of your Workspace can also be customized with the Preferences tab of the File |
Configuration menu.

4.1.1 Objects
WINILAB III handles several (8) types of files also called objects. The objects are displayed in the
Workspace and can be open via the Data Selector. These 8 objects are :




Sample sequence

Process method
Chromatographic method

Calibration curve

Results table format

Report format

Each object also include the specific WiniBar which allows to access directly to different views of
the object. The WiniBar will include different views and will appear in different colors depending
on the type of the object:
Analysis = green-blue
Instrument = yellow
Sequence = orange
Process method = green
Chromatographic method = pink
Calibration curve = blue
Results table format = gray
Report format = gray

4.1.2 WiniBar

Fig. 3.6 : The WiniBar

The WiniBar is a useful tool located in the left part of each object. It allows to choose very quickly
the right view of the object in order to perform the essential tasks (for example, click this button

in the WiniBar when you want to set identification parameters in the process method). The


name of the active view is displayed on the top of the WiniBar. In addition to the 8 objects, the
Reprocessing and the Statistics also have their own WiniBar.

The WiniBar is object depending and you can display or hide it from the View menu. You can also
move the buttons in the WiniBar : Click on a button and hold the mouse button down. Then drag
the button to its new position and release the mouse button.

Two commands are available on the top of the WiniBar : Full screen and close. When you click on
the Full screen button, the active object is displayed in the maximum space available in your
screen. To revert to the original display, click on this button again. The close button is similar to
the Close command in the File menu.

Lastly, you can display the icons in a smaller size through the context menu by right clicking in the

4.1.3 Data Selector

The Data Selector is a useful tool to manage all the files generated with WiniLab III. You can
display or hide it as you want from the View menu or from the Main toolbar

Fig. 3.7 : The Data Selector.

The Data Selector includes :

· A toolbar which allows to select the type of object you want to display (Analysis, Instrument, ..).
· A search zone where you can enter text to locate a file name in the list below.


· The Context you have defined for the selected type of object (here Project then Instrument).
· A list of the available object files with the date of the last modification (Analysis files also
includes the acquisition date and the number of acquired points). This list is updated when you
select another object type in the toolbar.
· The [Open] button which allows to open the file selected in the list
· The [Delete] button which allows to delete the file selected in the list (in this case, a
confirmation message box appears).

In the figure above, the Data Selector displays the Analysis files available in the directory
FG3876\Instrument2. If you want to move back to the parent directory (FG3876), just click on
Project - FG3876 with the icon .

You can sort the object files in the list :

· By clicking on the header cell , you can sort the files in alphabetical
order or reverse alphabetical order.

· By clicking on the header cell , you can sort the files in chronological order or
reverse chronological order.

To open an object in the Data Selector :

· Click on the button of the type of object you want to open,
· The list displays the files available,
· Select the object you want to open in the list and click on the [Open] button, or double-click on
the file name you want to open.

To delete an object file in the Data Selector :

· Click on the button of the type of object you want to delete,
· The list displays the files available,
· Select the object you want to delete in the list and click on the [Delete] button,
· Answer Yes to the question "Are you sure you want to delete ..."

To open or delete several object files, the selection of multiple files in the Data Selector is
possible :
· By pressing the Shift key, to select consecutive files,
· By pressing the Ctrl key, to select non consecutive files.

The Data Selector allows you to overlay one or several chromatograms :

· Open an Analysis,
· In the Analysis list of the Data Selector, select the file you want to overlay,
· Drag the file in the open chromatogram and drop it.

The type of the object is saved when you close the Data selector.

At last, you can archive files to another directory from the Data Selector using the context menu.

4.1.4 Context Bar

The Context Bar allows you to browse inside your context by changing the values of the different
criteria used for the Context definition. By default, the Context Bar is located at the right of the
Main Toolbar just under the menus but can be drag anywhere inside the Workspace. You can
display or hide it as you want from the View menu or from the Main toolbar.


Fig. 3.8 : The Context Bar.

4.2 Menus
A menu is a drop-down list of commands and functions. All the commands of WINILAB III are
grouped in the different menus. The Menu bar includes the following menus :
File menu, Edit menu, View menu, Analysis menu, Integration menu, Instrument menu,
Sequence menu, Tools menu, Window menu, Help menu.

It's also possible to add your own command in the Tools menu.

4.2.1 File Menu

The File menu allows you to manage data files and printer.

New Create a new object file

Open Select and open a stored object file
Close Close the active object file
Close All Close all the active object files
Save Save an object file under the same name
Save As Save an object file under a different name
Print Print a report of the active analysis
Print Preview Display a preview of the report to be printed
Print Setup Define the print output device and settings
Analysis Print Options Define the options for chromatogram printout
Configuration General hardware and hardware settings
Archive Files Archive object files in a different directory
Restore Files Restore object files from a different directory
Move Files Move object files in a different directory depending your context
Change password Allows to change the current user password (only available when
the security control is activated)
Signatures Allows to sign documents (only available when the security control
is activated)
Exit Exit from WINILAB III

Note : You can also open the File menu as a context menu with a right mouse click inside the
background when no object is open.

This command allows to create a new object file. The dialog box below is opened for selecting
the required object file.

Fig. 3.9 : The New object dialog box

Six object types can be created in this way, by clicking on the appropriate button :
· Instrument
· Sample sequence
· Process Method
· Chromatographic Method
· Results Table Format
· Report Format

This command allows to open an existing object file. The dialog box below is opened for selecting
the required object file.

Fig. 3.10 : The Open file dialog box

Select the desired object type in the toolbar and then the directory based on your Context
definition. The list of the object files available in the selected directory appears. For the Analysis,
this list includes 4 columns displaying the file name, the date of the last modification, the
acquisition (creation) date and the number of acquisition points. For the other object, only the two
first columns are displayed.
To open one file, simply click on the file name (the line is highlighted) and on the
button. You can also open a file by double-clicking on the file name.
The button allows you to abort the selection and to exit from the Open dialog box.
To open several object files, you need first to select multiple files :
· By pressing the Shift key, to select consecutive files,
· By pressing the Ctrl key, to select non consecutive files.

By clicking on the header cell , you can sort the files in alphabetical
order or reverse alphabetical order.


By clicking on the header cell , you can sort the files in chronological order or
reverse chronological order.

The zone under the file list lets you do a text search on the file name. This is very useful to locate
a file name in the list.

The button allows to move in the list.

You can also resize the width of the columns (Name, Modified). Place the mouse cursor between
the two column headers, press down and hold the left mouse button, drag to the new position and
release the button. Close
This command allows to close the active object file. If the object file has been changed, you will
be prompted to save the modified file.

Fig. 3.11 : This dialog box allows to save changes before closing Close All

This command allows to close all the active object files. For each object file changed, you will be
prompted to save the modified file. Save
This command allows to save the active object file. The command is accessible when some
changes have been made in the active object file. If a new file is being saved, you access to the
Save As dialog box where you must fill the file name.

A signed document cannot be modified. For this reason, you cannot use the Save command for a
signed file but you must save under a different file name using the Save As command.

This command allows to save the active object file under a new name. The Save As dialog box
below is opened and you must fill the name field.

Fig. 3.12 : The Save file dialog box

Only the object type you are saving is accessible in the toolbar. The list of the object files
available in the current context appears. By default, the current name appears in the field Save
If you click on the button, the object file will be saved under the same name like
using the Save command.
If you want to save the object file under a different name, enter a new name in the field Save As
and valid with the button.
The allows you to abort the save operation and to exit from the Save As dialog
You can also sort the files in the list like in the Open dialog box.
Note that you can't save the file in a different directory directly from this dialog box. You have to
save the file in the current directory and then move it in a different one using the Move Files

This command allows to print the active object. When the object is an analysis, you will access to
the following screen in order to select a report format :

Fig. 3.13 : This dialog box lets you select a report format

For the other objects, you will only be prompted to set up the printer parameters through the
following dialog box :


Fig. 3.14 Print Preview

This command shoes a preview of the report to be printed.
If the object is an analysis, you will prompted to select a report format as with the Print command. Print Setup

This command allows to choose the print output device and its settings. The printer list displays
all currently installed printers. Select the desired output device. Click on the Properties button to
specify other configuration settings for the device. When done, click OK to valid changes or
Cancel to abort the changes.


Fig. 3.15 Analysis Print Options

The Analysis Printing options allows you to define how the chromatograms will be printed in your
report. This dialog box includes 8 tabs and is similar to the Analysis Display Options one which
allows to customize the chromatogram display on the screen.

Fig. 3.16: The Analysis Printing Options.

ENVIRONMENT 129 Change Password

This command allows to change your password for accessing to WINILAB III when you have
activated the security controls. The following dialog box appears where you must type your
current password (Old password) and then a new one which you must type again in the last field
for confirmation (Confirm password).

Fig. 3.17: The New Password dialog box. Signatures
When you have activated the security controls, WINILAB III allows you to sign any generated file.
This command includes two options for viewing signatures of the current file and for electronic
signature. Select the Signatures | Sign current document to access the following dialog box :

Fig. 3.18: The document signature dialog box.

Files cannot be signed unless you have set up a user account. Your user information appears and
you must type your password.

WINILAB III offers three levels of signature : , and . To sign the

document, just click on the available button. Authorisations and rules for signing are defined in the
Security policy of the Winilab Administration Center.
The Signatures | View current document signatures menu displays the signature information of
the current document as shown below :


Fig. 3.19: The Signature signature.

A signed document cannot be modified. You must save under a different file name if you wish to
save the modifications and when you open a signed document, the following message appears :

Fig. 3.20: Message when opening a signed file. Exit
Choose this command to exit from WINILAB III. You will be prompted to save all the open object
files which have been modified like with the Close command.
It's not possible to exit when WINILAB III is acquiring data. If you use the Exit command during
acquisition, WINILAB III displays the following message :


Fig. 3.21

You must stop the current acquisition or abort the current sequence first and then use again the
Exit command.

4.2.2 Edit Menu

The Edit menu provides typical commands such as undo, cut, copy and paste.

Undo This command undoes the last action.

Cut This command allows to remove selected text or graphical items and places
them onto the clipboard. If no item is selected, this command is not available.

Copy This command allows to copy the selected text or graphics to the clipboard. It's
possible to copy the current chromatogram view in a word processor by using
this command.

Paste This command allows to insert the clipboard contents at the current cursor
position. This command is only available if a text item was copied or cut out

4.2.3 View Menu

The View menu provides all the necessary commands to configure the WINILAB III user

Main Toolbar This command allows to enable or disable the main toolbar. When
restarting WINILAB III, the last toolbar used are displayed.

Status bar In the status bar on the lower window margin, messages regarding
the current system status are shown. The currently executed
command are shown on the left. This command displays or hide
the status bar. When the sign appears in front of this command
in the View menu, the Status bar is displayed. If no sign appears,
the Status bar is hidden.

WiniBar This command allows to hide or show the WiniBar in the active
object. It will have no effect on the other open files. This command
is only available if at least one object is open.


Context bar This command allows to show or hide the Context Bar.

Data Selector This command allows to show or hide the Data Selector. If you
choose to show the Data Selector, it will appear where it was
located in the workspace last time you use it.

Visualization Toolbar This command allows to show or hide the Analysis Visualization

Full Screen mode This command allows to display the active object in Full Screen
mode, in the maximum space available in your screen. To revert,
click on this command again. When you close the object, WINILAB
III escapes automatically from the Full Screen mode.

Cursor Position This command allows to display the X,Y values of the mouse cursor

Customize This command allows to customize the design of the toolbars and
to create your own toolbars.

4.2.4 Analysis Menu

The Analysis menu provides all the necessary commands to display and to process the
chromatograms :


Load Process Method

Save Process Method

Clear integration results

Create new calibration point

Initialize peak table

Identification Wizard

Quantification Wizard

Save Results table format

Save Results table in ASCII

Smooth by Stavitzky-Golay


Substract blank

Set detector delay

Return to raw data

Shift analysis

Undo Shift

Undo all shift

Overlay original data

4.2.5 Integration Menu

The Integration menu provides all the necessary commands to automatically and/or manually
integrate the chromatograms :

Integrate This command starts peak detection algorithm

Identify and quantify This command allows to identify and quantify a

chromatogram manually integrated.

Quantify This command allows to quantify a chromatogram manually


Show integration parameters This command displays the integration parameters and
events on the chromatogram.

Manual Integration This command activate manual integration capabilities and

display manual integration toolbar

Add Peaks This command allows to manually add a new peak

Add Negative Peaks This command allows to manually add a negative peak

Delete Peaks This command allows to delete a peak

Split Peak This command allows to split one peak in two different

Fuse Peaks This command allows to join two adjacent peaks in one.


Draw Baseline This command allows to draw a straight baseline between

two points.

Stick Baseline to markers This command allows to force the baseline between the two
peak integration markers.

Set a common baseline This command allows to set a common baseline for two
adjacent peaks.

Set a valley to valley baseline This command allows to set a baseline joining the valleys.

Force the baseline to zero This command allows to draw the baseline on the zero

4.2.6 Instrument Menu

The Instrument menu provides all the necessary commands to set up the instrument and acquire
data :

Prepare acquisition on... This command allows to select and to open an instrument
to set up acquisition parameters.

Control status This command allows to display the status of the

chromatographic system or device controlled during

Start This command starts the acquisition.

Change Acquisition Length This command allows to change the acquisition length
during the acquisition.

Change Acquisition Information This command allows to modify the information associated
with the analysis and to enter some comments during the

Stop This command stops the current acquisition.

Monitor signal This command displays the current acquisition signal.

Process signal This command process the acquired signal during the

Configure This command allows to set up the acquisition device used

to acquire signal from the instrument.


Hardware status This command displays the status of the WiniPAD main
functions (memory, batteries, ...). If you are not using this
acquisition device, the command is not accessible.

4.2.7 Sequence Menu

The Sequence menu provides all the necessary commands to set up and to use injection

Start Start the sample sequence

Start from ... Start the sample sequence from a specific line

Pause Pause the sample sequence

Stop acquisition Stop the current acquisition in the sample sequence

Stop sequence Stop the current run and the sequence execution

Properties Display the properties of the sequence

Clear Clear the sample sequence table

Clear History Clear the sample sequence history

Save format as default Save the current format to the default one for new sequences

Monitor signal Signal display of the current acquisition in the injection sequence

Sequence Wizard Create a new sequence with the Wizard

Import From Text File Import a sample sequence from an XML file

4.2.8 Tools Menu

The Tools menu provides additional possibilities for the data processing :

Statistics This command allows to access to statistics calculations

Reprocessing This command allows to realize batch samples reprocessing


Import/Export This command allows to import and to export analysis in different formats.

Retrieve Data This command allows to retrieve acquired data with the WiniPAD in
Off-Line mode

User Menu This command allows to add your own command in the Tools menu

4.2.9 Window Menu

The Window menu offers different ways to organize the Workspace :

Cascade This command allows to display together all the open objects in
individual windows one behind the others (in cascade). As soon as
you select one object, its window come on the top.

Fig. 3.22 : Four objects displayed in Cascade mode.

Tile This command allows to display all the open objects in individual
windows located side by side. This mode is useful to monitor
simultaneously the signals from several chromatographic systems.


Fig. 3.23 : Four objects displayed in Tile mode.

Arrange icons This command allows to align the windows icons in the bottom of the


Fig. 3.24 : Four objects displayed using the Arrange icons mode.

Workbook mode The Workbook mode allows to displayed the open objects with Tabs
in the Workspace.

[List of the open objects] The file name of each open object is listed at the end of the Window
menu. By clicking on the file name, it is easy and fast to select one

Fig. 3.25 : The Window menu including the list of the open objects.


4.2.10 Help Menu

This menu offers access to the different help and support tools available for WiniLab III :

Help on WiniLab III This command access to the on-line Help. The entire Help system is
divided into a large number of topics. Each of them describes or
explains one part of work with WiniLab III and is displayed in the Help
window. The topics are arranged in a tree structure like the structure of
the directories in your PC. To open a topic, just double-click on it in the
table of contents. After opening a Help topic, you can jump to another
Help topic by clicking on the hyperlink term underlined with a double
line. Clicking on a term underlined with a single line will open a pop-up
window displaying the definition of this term. The menu item "Index" in
the Help menu opens the contents overview of online Help.

What's This ? After clicking on this button, the mouse cursor changes to a question
mark and enables searching Help information on the selected screen

Search This command allows to search by keyword inside the on-line Help.

Tip of the day This command invoke a window describing the "Tip of the day". These
tips are special features included in WiniLab III which allows you to
perform some tasks in an easier way.

Fig. 3.26 : The Tip of the Day window.

The [OK] button closes this window and go back to WiniLab III. The
[Next Tip] and the [Previous Tip] buttons allows to display another
Tip. Check the box "Show Tips at Startup" will open this window each
time you start WiniLab III.
About WiniLab III This command opens a window which displays the version number of
your WiniLab III software. By clicking in the Perichrom logo, you will
access to the Perichrom web site (Internet connection required).


Fig. 3.27 : The About WiniLab III window.

Web Information This command access directly to to the Perichrom web site (Internet
connection required).

Registration This command access directly to the Registration dialog box which

appears when you install the software. The button

allows you to view detailed license information.

4.3 Toolbars
The toolbars consists in several buttons which are grouped together according to a common
topic or a common use. They allows to directly access some commands without using the
menus. All the commands included in the toolbars are also available in the menus and in the
contextual menus via the right mouse button.

The toolbars appears above the Workspace but can be moved anywhere in the screen by a
simple drag and drop. The buttons can be also moved in an other toolbar by drag and drop while
pressing the Alt key.

The following toolbars are available in WINILAB III :

· Main Toolbar
· Analysis Toolbar
· Instrument Toolbar
· Sequence Toolbar
· Manual Integration Toolbar
· Analysis Visualization Toolbar
· Customized Toolbar

Display of the different toolbars can be enabled or disabled via the Customize command in the
View menu.

4.3.1 Main Toolbar

Fig. 3.28 : The Main Toolbar


The Main Toolbar includes the following buttons :

Create a new File | New

Select and open a stored object File | Open
Save an object under the same name File | Save
Print a report of the active analysis File | Print
Display a preview of the report to be printed File | Print Preview
Display or hide the Data Selector View | Data Selector
Display or hide the WiniBar View | WiniBar
Display or hide the Context Bar View | Context Bar

Configure an Instrument for an acquisition Instrument | Prepare acquisition on

Calculate statistics on several analysis Tools | Statistics
Reprocess multiple analysis Tools | Reprocessing
Display software information Help | About WiniLab III

4.3.2 Analysis Toolbar

Fig. 3.29 : The Analysis Toolbar

The Analysis toolbar includes the following buttons :

Start peak detection

Clear integration results
Display chromatogram in full scale
Create new calibration points
Initialize the Identification table
Identification wizard
Quantification wizard
Load a process method
Save the process method
Save the results table in ASCII
Smooth the signal by Savitsky-Golay
Return to raw data
Shift the chromatogram


Undo chromatogram shift

Cancel all chromatogram shift
Overlay raw data to the current signal

4.3.3 Instrument Toolbar

Fig. 3.30 : The Instrument Toolbar

The Instrument toolbar includes the following buttons :

Start a single run Instrument | Start

Change the acquisition duration Instrument | Change Acquisition Length

Modify the information of the acquisition Instrument | Change Acquisition Information

Stop the current acquisition Instrument | Stop

Signal display of the current acquisition Instrument | Monitor Signal
Process the signal during the acquisition Instrument | Process Signal
Configure the instrument Instrument | Configure

4.3.4 Sequence Toolbar

Fig. 3.31 : The Sequence Toolbar

The Sequence toolbar includes the following buttons :

Start an injection sequence Sequence | Start

Pause the injection sequence after the current acquisition Sequence | Pause

Stop the current acquisition and continue the sequence Sequence | Stop acquisition

Abort the injection sequence Sequence | Stop sequence

Configure the injection sequence Sequence | Properties


Clear the current injection sequence Sequence | Clear

Signal display of the current acquisition in the sequence Sequence | Monitor signal

Create a sample sequence using the Sequence Wizard Sequence | Sequence Wizard

4.3.5 Manual Integration Toolbar

Fig. 3.32 : The Manual Integration Toolbar

The Manual integration toolbar includes the following buttons :

Identify and Quantify Integration | Identify and quantify

Quantify Integration |
Add a new peak Integration | Add Peaks
Add a negative peak Integration | Add Negative Peaks
Delete the current peak Integration | Delete Peaks
Split the current peak Integration | Split Peak
Fuse two adjacent peaks Integration | Fuse Peaks
Set a common baseline for two adjacent peaksIntegration | Set a common baseline
Draw a straight baseline Integration | Draw Baseline
Stick Baseline to markers Integration | Stick Baseline to markers
Set the baseline valley to valley Integration | Set a valley-valley baseline
Force the baseline to zero level Integration | Force baseline to zero

4.3.6 Analysis Visualization Toolbar

Fig. 3.33 : The Analysis Visualization Toolbar

The Analysis Visualization toolbar includes the following buttons :

Display the chromatogram in Full scale

Zoom in the chromatogram
Zoom out the chromatogram
Undo last zoom


Stretch the chromatogram on the X axis

Compress the chromatogram on the X axis
Stretch the chromatogram on the Y axis
Compress the chromatogram on the Y axis
Analysis display options

4.3.7 Customized Toolbars

The Customize option allows you to create new toolbars including the buttons you need.

Fig. 3.34 : The Toolbars tab of the Customize dialog box.

In the "Toolbars" tab you find the list of the existing toolbars. By clicking on the check box on the
left of the name, you can hide or show the corresponding toolbar.

By clicking in the Show Tooltips check box, you activate the Tooltips option. The tooltip is the
information that is displayed when you keep the mouse pointer under a control like a button.

By clicking in the Cool look check box, you activate the " Cool Look " option which displays
button without the 3D effect.

By clicking in the Large Buttons check box, you activate the " Large buttons " option which
displays button in a larger size.

The [New] button allows to create a new tool bar. When you press this button, you access to a
dialog box where you can give a name to your new toolbar.


Fig. 3.35 : The New Toolbar dialog box.

An empty tool bar appears on the screen and the name is added to the list of the existing toolbar.
To add a button to a toolbar, select the "Commands" tab.

Fig. 3.36 : The Commands tab of the Customize dialog box.

The different available buttons are classified by category. Select a category to display a set of
buttons. Just drag and drop the button you want to add in the tool bar.

To remove a button from a toolbar just drag and drop the button outside the toolbar. You can also
duplicate a toolbar button in another toolbar. For this, just drag and drop this button in the other
toolbar while pressing the Ctrl key.

If you have added some buttons to a predefined toolbar, you can go back to the original toolbar
with the [Reset] button in the "Toolbars" tab. It is also recommended to use the [Reset] after
having installed a WINILAB III upgrade in order to get the latest toolbars.

You can only suppress a toolbar you have created and not a predefined one. To delete a toolbar
just select it in the list of the existing toolbar and press the [Delete] button.


4.4 Keyboard Shortcuts

All menu items can be reached via the keyboard. Open the desired pull-down menu by
simultaneously pressing the Alt key and the underlined letter (=hotkey). Enter another hotkey to
select a menu item. You can also move to the desired menu item via the arrow keys. Then,
confirm your choice by pressing the Enter key.

Example : To display the Quantification Wizard, press successively the "A" and "Q" keys
while you press and hold the "Alt" key. Alternatively, you can enter "Alt+A" and select a menu
item via the arrow keys.

In addition, important commands have "shortcuts". Shortcuts are displayed on the right-hand side
of menu items and functions. Entering the key combination directly executes the corresponding

Example : Press the keys "Control" and "C" (Ctrl+C) to copy a selected item.

See the list of available shortcuts :

File Menu
New Ctrl + N
Open Ctrl + O
Save Ctrl + S
Print Ctrl + P
Edit Menu
Undo Ctrl + Z
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
View Menu
WiniBar F9
Data Selector F10
Full Screen F11
Integration Menu
Integrate F5
Identify and Quantify F7
Help Menu
Help on WiniLab III F1

4.5 Configuration & Preferences

The Configuration dialog box allows to select general settings for the use of WINILAB III. Six tabs
are available :
· Context definition
· Preferences
· Configuration
· Hardware configuration
· Headers Footers
· Index


4.5.1 Context Definition

This section is dedicated to the Context definition. The Context describes the way you will organise
the data generated in WINILAB III. You can define in which directory your data files will be saved
and based upon which criteria. The Context definition tab allows you to add your own criteria(s), to
enter values for these criteria and to define your Context.

Fig. 3.37 : The Context definition tab available from the "File | Configuration" menu.

By default, the only criteria available is the Instrument. All the data files (except the Report and the
Results Table formats) are stored in the directory of the Instrument. But you could wish to manage
your data not by Instrument but by project, by user or by week. In this case, you have to create a

new criteria by clicking on the button . You access to the following dialog box :

Fig. 3.38 : The dialog box to add a new criteria.

Enter the name of your criteria (Project, Week, User, ...) and click on [OK]. This criteria will now
appear in the Criteria List. Of course you can create several criteria (but you can use only 3 in the
Context definition).
When you selecting a criteria from the Criteria List, the available values for this criteria appear on

the right. If you have just created the criteria, no value is available. Click on the button to
enter a value for this criteria. The following dialog box appears :


Fig. 3.39 : The dialog box to add a value of the criteria.

Enter the value of the criteria and click on [OK]. This value will now appear in the Criteria Values.

On the contrary, the button allows you to remove the selected value of the criteria.

The table in the bottom is used to define your Context. It includes the different types of objects
(except the Instrument) and for each of them you can select the criteria (3 maximum) which will be
used to organise data. For example in the figure below, the Analysis files will be saved in the
directory Winilab\Data\[InstrumentName]\[ProjectValue]\[UserValue].

Fig. 3.40 : The table which allows you to define your Context.

You can define a different context with one or several criteria for each of the different objects. The
default Context definition is those used in the previous versions of WINILAB III : the Instrument is
the only criteria used for the Analysis, the Process and the Chromatographic Methods, the
Sequences, the Calibration Curves and no criteria is set for the Report and the Results Table

The button allows you to remove one criteria if this one is not currently use for the Context

Note : The first Criteria of the Sequence is necessarily the Instrument. You can add sub-criterias
but you cannot change the first criteria of the Sequence.


4.5.2 Preferences

Fig. 3.41 : The Preferences tab available from the "File | Configuration" menu.

This section allows mainly to customize the background of the user interface. By default, the
WINILAB III background is displayed. If you want to leave the background blank, uncheck the box
Display Background Bitmap.
You can also change the background image : click on the radio button just under Default Bitmap
and enter the path and the file name of the bitmap you want to use as background. You can also
access the browser by clicking on the button .
Then you can specify the display of the background image : Tile, Center or Stretch.

Checking the box Do not display PW and TH video will disable the videos explaining the graphic
determination of the PW and TH integration parameters in the Chromatogram view of the Analysis.

You can also set a left margin in mm for any document printed from WINILAB III.

Just under, you can create a copy of raw data for any analysis and select an archive directory for
these raw data files.

You can choose the default run length which appears in the Sample Sequence table.

At last, you can select the Time unit and switch from minutes to seconds.

4.5.3 Configuration

Fig. 3.42 : The Configuration tab of the Configuration dialog box.


By default, all the files created with WINILAB III are stored in the directory where you have installed
the software. WINILAB III creates a subdirectory named Data and saved here Analysis files,
Report format files, Sample Sequence files, .... The Data Storage field allows you to change the
storage directory (for example if you want to share your files).
The Instruments Definition File is the list of the Available Devices which appears in the
Hardware Configuration. It's better to not change it.

4.5.4 Hardware Configuration

The Hardware Configuration tab allows to select and set up the acquisition devices and the
control drivers you will use with WINILAB III.

Fig. 3.43 : The Hardware Configuration tab of the Configuration dialog box.

Available Devices

The Available Devices list in the left area shows you the different acquisition devices and control
drivers you can use with your WINILAB III software.
If the device you want to use doesn't appear in this list, it's probably because you haven't install it.
Exit and use the WINILAB III installation CD-ROM to install the drivers you need.
Click on the [>>] button to access the services of the selected device inside WINILAB III. With
some drivers, a configuration dialog box appears to set up the control (refer to the section
dedicated to the driver or to the Installation for the acquisition device).

Installed Devices

This area displays the installed devices and, for each of them, its existing services. If you place the
mouse cursor on a device name, a tooltip appears displaying the type of this device.

To uninstall a device, select it and click on [<<]. A device can be uninstalled only if any of its
services is used by an instrument.
To configure a device and its services, select it and click on the [Configure] button. The dialog
box is depending on the installed device.
To rename a device, select it and click on the [Rename] button. Then type the new name. This
name must not include any space.


The offered services can be from different types :

· Signal – This fits to an acquisition channel (you need one signal for one detector),
· Start – To detect the injections and launch the acquisition of the data points,
· Relays – To control relays (valves, fraction collectors, …),
· Control – To control instruments from WINILAB III,
· Presentation – To create and display Chromatographic Methods for these instruments.

To link a service to an Instrument in WINILAB III, select this service then select the Instrument's
tab in the right area called Instrument Configuration. Then click on the [>>] button.
Some services are dependant (this means that they are automatically installed together).
A service appears with a red background color if it is already linked to an instrument.
A device appears with a red background color if one of its services is installed.

Instrument Configuration

This table displays the services linked to each instrument. Click on the tabs above the table to
switch from one instrument to another. The instruments currently acquiring or initializing cannot be
configured and don't appear in the tabs.

Fig. 3.44 : The Instrument Configuration.

The table displays the name of each service, its identifier and the device which provides it.
For the Start type services ( ), the Start column shows the one which will launch the acquisitions
(the one where the box is checked).
For the Signal type services ( ), it is possible to choose the chromatographic column (injection
channel). The column (2) is only useful for the gas chromatograph with two columns installed in
the same oven for simultaneous injections. Up to 4 signals per column is possible.

Just click on a service name to change it. Two services of the same instrument cannot have the
same name.
Click on the headers of the columns to sort the services.
To remove a service from an instrument, select this service and click on [<<]. It will be available
again to be installed.

Note : The configuration of some services (for example the acquisition rate of the signal services)
are only accessible from Instrument | Configure menu. Refer to this section for more

Valid your modifications by clicking on [OK].


4.5.5 Headers & Footers

This tab allows you to configure the general page format which will be used for printing. WINILAB
III let's you define exactly how the header and the footer will be each time you print an object and
in particular an analysis report. The screen below allows the design of your header and your
footer. You access it from the File | Configuration menu but also from the [Header / Footer..]
button of the report format object.

Fig. 3.45 : The Headers Footers configuration.

The header/footer tab is divided in 6 tabs : Header-left, Header-center, Header-right, Footer-left,

Footer-center and Footer-right. WINILAB III allows you to configure these 6 regions separately.
You can select one of these 6 regions by clicking on the relative tab.

When you have chosen the region, the current parameters for this region appears in the area
under. For each region, you can select one of the 8 object types available :

Fig. 3.46

Nothing : Nothing is printed in the selected region.

File name : The file name is printed in the selected region. When you check the box
Complete file path, the file name is displayed with the complete path.

File Name + Version : Choose this item when you want to print the file name and the WINILAB
III version. You can also include the complete file path.

Object type : Choose this item when you want to indicate the type of the object
(analysis, process method, calibration curve, ...) which is printed.

Page Nb : Choose this item to include the number of printed pages. The format will


be : Page number / Total number of pages.

Bitmap : This item is useful to insert a logo for example. It will place a bitmap
image in your report. Select an image file by clicking the button . The
image file including the complete path appears in the File Name box.
The number on the right indicates the image size in number of lines (up
to 10).

Text : This option allows to add some customized text. Enter the text in the
zone which appears when you have selected Text in the drop-down list.

Date : This will print the date and the hour when the printout is realized. You
can select in the Date Format how the date will exactly appears. Enter
a code according to the table below.

There are three basic formats
Date and hour are printed with the "Short date style" format of
the Windows Regional settings.
Date and hour are printed with the "Long date style" format of
the Windows Regional settings.
Only the date is printed with the "Long date style" format of the
Windows Regional settings.
These codes can be juxtaposed
%a Abbreviated name of the day of the week
%A Complete name of the day of the week
%b Abbreviated name of the month
%B Complete name of the month
%d Day of the month in decimal (01-31)
%H Hour in 24 hours format (00-23)
%I Hour in 12 hours format (01-12)
%j Day of the year in decimal (01-366)
%m Month in decimal (01-12)
%M Minutes in decimal (00-59)
%p A.M. / P.M.
%S Seconds in decimal (00-59)
%U Week of the year, with Sunday as first day of the week (00-53)
%w Day of the week in decimal (0-6) (0 for Sunday)
%W Week of the year, with Monday as first day of the week (00-53)
%x Local date
%X Local Hour / Minutes / Seconds
%y Year without the century, in decimal (00-99)
%Y Year with the century, in decimal
%z, %Z Time zone name or abbreviation (null if the time zone is
%% % sign

If you insert the # sign in the following cases, the zeros are cancelled :
%#d, %#H, %#I, %#j, %#m, %#M, %#S, %#U, %#w, %#W, %#y and %#Y.


4.5.6 Index

Fig. 3.47 : The Index tab of the Configuration dialog box.

The Index tab allows to display the index used to name the analysis files and to initialize them
The Index are automatically incremented even if you have archived some of your analysis files into
another directory or deleted some of them. Like this, 2 different analysis files acquired on the same
instrument cannot have the same file name. In the example above with the VirtualInstrument 5, if
you decide to name again the file with the root name "Standard" (see the Acquisition view of the
Instrument), then the default file name will be Standard 6.
In the left part, the list shows the different instruments created inside WINILAB III. Click on the
instrument of your choice to display the corresponding index table in the right part. In this table,
you can edit the Index column. You just have to select the value you want to modify and type the
new value.

4.6 File Management

When too many files are stored in the storage directory by WINILAB III, it's possible to archive
some files in some other directories. And of course, you can always restore files you have archived
WINILAB III offers also the possibility to move the files inside the architecture you have defined
with the Context definition.


4.6.1 Archive Files

To archive files, go to the File | Archive files menu. You can also select the files in the Data
Selector and go to the Archive option in the context menu.

Fig. 3.48 : The Archive files dialog box.

Click on the [Add] button and select the files you wish to archive. You can select multiple files by
pressing the Shift key for consecutive files or the Ctrl key for non consecutive files. If you want to
archive different object files (Analysis, Process Methods, …), you must come back to the Archive
dialog box and click on the [Add] button again.

Then select the destination directory using the [Browse…] button. This destination directory is
saved in WINILAB III and will be the default storage directory for the next archive.

Check the box Remove the files after successfull archiving if you don't wish to keep a copy of
the archived files in the default directory.

Click on the [Archive] button to start archive. A report appears at the end of the operation :


Fig. 3.49 : The Archive Report

Click on [OK], then on [Done] to exit.

4.6.2 Restore Files

To restore files archived before, go to the File | Restore files menu.

Fig. 3.50 : The Restore files dialog box.

Click on the [Add] button and use the explorer which appears to select the files you wish to

Select in the drop-down list the directory (depending on your Context Definition) in which you want
to restore these files.


Click on [Restore] to start the copy of the files from the archive directory to the Instrument

Fig. 3.51 : The Restore Report

Click on [OK], then on [Done] to exit and go back to WINILAB III.

4.6.3 Move Files

To move data files, go to the File | Move files menu.

Fig. 3.52 : The Move files dialog box.

This screen allows you to move files to an another directory inside your Context. The part in the left
displays the original location of the files (the place where the files are currently located), the part in
the right displays the final location of the files (the place where the files will be moved). For both


parts, the upper window shows the sub-directories structure of the data storage directory (by
default, this directory is C:\Program files\Winilab\Data but you can change it in the Configuration
tab). The lower window shows the object files stored in the sub-directory selected in the upper
window. The object files displayed in this window depend on the tab selected in the top of the
screen. Only six tabs are available since the Instrument and the Sequence files cannot be moved
and remain always in the Instrument directory.

Then select the files to move in the left lower window, select the directory of destination in the right

upper window and click on the button to move these files.



The analysis are the main objects of the WINILAB III software. An analysis object includes the
chromatogram and all the data corresponding to the analysis :
· Raw data from the instrument,
· Audit Trail Information,
· Chromatographic method used to obtain the raw data (*),
· Processed chromatogram,
· Results obtain after the last processing (results table, calibration curve used),
· Process method

When you load an analysis, you can choose from the WiniBar one of the following views (the
name of the selected view appears on the top of the WiniBar) :

Chromatogram For chromatogram display and integration

Results For results table display

Processing For process method parameters (peaks identification,

compounds identification and quantification, chromatogram

Results Audit For results validation

Information For acquisition and sample information display

* When the analysis has been acquired using a chromatographic method, the parameters of this
method are displayed in an additional view which is represented in the WiniBar by the icon of the
controlled instrument.

5.1 Chromatogram View

When you open an Analysis, you access by default to the Chromatogram view. Then you can

access to this view by clicking on the Chromatogram icon in the WiniBar.

This view has two main functions : Chromatogram display and Chromatogram integration.
This view of the Analysis displays the chromatogram with the axis and includes in the top the
following buttons :

Fig. 4.1 : The Chromatogram Toolbar

Display the chromatogram in full scale

Starts peak integration of the chromatogram Analysis / Integration
Activate the Threshold Wizard


Activate the Peak Width Wizard

Show the integration parameters Integration / Show Integration parameters
Add an Integration Event
Show the Analysis visualization toolbar
Enable the Manual Integration Integration / Manual Integration
Switch from Overlay mode to Stacked mode
Load an existing process method Analysis / Load Process Method
Save the current process method Analysis / Save Process Method

WINILAB III allows you to display and to manipulate a chromatograms in many different ways.
· Full scale display of the chromatogram
· Zooming in a chromatogram
· Stretching a chromatogram
· Compressing a chromatogram
· Using attenuation
· Moving a chromatogram in the Workspace
· Display multiple chromatograms
· X & Y shift
· Subtract a blank
· Smoothing by Savitzky-Golay

WINILAB III allows you to set up integration parameters and events :

· Set the integration parameters
· Integrate an analysis
· Add integration events
· Move an integration event
· Delete an integration event
· Display the peak parameters

5.1.1 Full Scale Display

The Full scale button allows to display the chromatogram in the full scale of the workspace. It's a
very useful command after one or several zoom in a chromatogram. The Full scale command is
also accessible from the context menu with a right click in the chromatogram view.

Fig. 4.2


The Full scale command cancels the actions previously stored.

5.1.2 Zooming
Zooming a part of a chromatogram is very easy with WINILAB III :
· Point the mouse cursor in the chromatogram,
· Click the left button of the mouse,
· Drag the region you want to zoom,
· Release the mouse button.

Fig. 4.3 : The region to zoom is delimited with the mouse cursor

Fig. 4.4 : When mouse button is released, the zoom region appears in full scale.

The Undo last zoom button allows you to cancel the last zooming or stretching action and to
revert to the previous display. All the zooming and stretching actions are stored (the Full scale
command cancels the actions previously stored) and like this, you can use the undo last zoom


function as many times as you want.

This command is also accessible from the context menu with a right click in the chromatogram

Fig. 4.5

The Zoom in button allows you to enlarge the chromatogram in maintaining the center of the
screen as a fixed point.

Fig. 4.6 : Using the [Zoom in] button will enlarge the peak at 13.09 min (which is in the center of the screen)


Fig. 4.7 : The chromatogram display obtained after the zoom in

The Zoom in command is also accessible from the context menu with a right click in the
chromatogram view.

Fig. 4.8

The Zoom out button allows you to move the chromatogram away in maintaining the center
of the screen as a fixed point.

Fig. 4.9 : Using the [Zoom out] button will compress around the peak at 13.09 min
(which is in the center of the screen)


Fig. 4.10 : The chromatogram display obtained after the zoom out

The Zoom out function is also accessible from the context menu with a right click in the
chromatogram view.

Fig. 4.11

At last, the Manual zoom command allows to zoom accurately in typing the exact coordinates
of the zone you want to display. The Manual zoom command is accessible from the context menu
with a right click in the chromatogram view.

Fig. 4.12

You access the following dialog box where you can define the X and Y limits of the part you wish to


zoom inside the chromatogram.

Fig. 4.13 : The Manual zoom dialog box.

5.1.3 Stretching a Chromatogram

The Stretch X button allows you to expand the X axis. This command is available from the
Analysis Visualization toolbar. The virtual vertical line located in the middle of the screen remains
fixed when the chromatogram is stretched with this command.

Fig. 4.14 : Using the [Stretch X] button will stretch the chromatogram along the X axis.


Fig. 4.15 : The chromatogram display obtained after the stretch X

The Stretch X command is also accessible from the context menu with a right click in the
chromatogram view.
This is also possible to stretch the X axis from the mouse cursor position. Like this the virtual line
of the mouse cursor point remains fixed. Hold down the Ctrl and the Shift keys and turn the
mouse wheel.

The Stretch Y button allows you to expand the Y axis. This command is available from the
Analysis Visualization toolbar. The virtual horizontal line located at 5% of the screen remains
fixed when the chromatogram is stretched with this command.

Fig. 4.16 : Using the [Stretch Y] button will stretch the chromatogram along the Y axis.


Fig. 4.17 : The chromatogram display obtained after the stretch Y

The Stretch Y command is also accessible from the context menu with a right click in the
chromatogram view.
This is also possible to stretch the Y axis from the mouse cursor position. Like this the virtual line
of the mouse cursor point remains fixed. Hold down the Ctrl key and turn the mouse wheel.

5.1.4 Compressing a Chromatogram

The Compress X button allows you to compress the X axis. This command is available from
the Analysis Visualization toolbar. The virtual vertical line located in the middle of the screen
remains fixed when the chromatogram is stretched with this command.

Fig. 4.18 : Using the [Compress X] button will compress the chromatogram along the X axis.


Fig. 4.19 : The chromatogram display obtained after the compress X

The Compress X command is also accessible from the context menu with a right click in the
chromatogram view.
This is also possible to compress the X axis from the mouse cursor position. Like this the virtual
line of the mouse cursor point remains fixed. Hold down the Ctrl and the Shift keys and turn the
mouse wheel.

The Compress Y button allows you to compress the Y axis. This command is available from
the Analysis Visualization toolbar. The virtual horizontal line located at 5% of the screen remains
fixed when the chromatogram is stretched with this command.

Fig. 4.20 : Using the [Compress Y] button will compress the chromatogram along the Y axis.


Fig. 4.21 : The chromatogram display obtained after the compress Y

The Compress Y command is also accessible from the context menu with a right click in the
chromatogram view.
This is also possible to compress the Y axis from the mouse cursor position. Like this the virtual
line of the mouse cursor point remains fixed. Hold down the Ctrl key and turn the mouse wheel.

5.1.5 Using Attenuation

You can simply zoom on the region near the baseline by modifying the attenuation.

Fig. 4.22 : The Attenuation combo box

If Attenuation is Automatic then the full height of the signal is displayed. If you select another
value, only the lowest part (near the baseline) of the chromatogram is displayed. For example, if
the unit of the signal is "µV" and you select attenuation 4096, only the lowest 4096µV part of the
chromatogram will be displayed.


Fig. 4.23 : An analysis displayed in Fig. 4.24 : The same analysis displayed
Automatic attenuation in attenuation 4096

If you want to apply an Attenuation which is not a multiple of 2, just enter the value you wish in the
Attenuation combo box and then click on the chromatogram or press the [TAB] key to apply this

The attenuation you are using when closing the Analysis will be stored in the file. The
chromatogram will be displayed with this attenuation value the next time you will open it.

5.1.6 Moving a Chromatogram

You can move the chromatogram inside the screen simply by drag it and drop it with the right
mouse button. For this :
· Point the mouse cursor on the chromatogram,
· When you click the right button, the cursor changes to .
· Hold down the mouse button and drag the chromatogram inside the workspace,
· Release the button and drop the chromatogram to its new position.

Fig. 4.25 : The hand indicates you can move the chromatogram in the Workspace.

This function is also accessible with the mouse wheel. The use of the mouse wheel allows to
move vertically the chromatogram. If you hold down the Shift key, the chromatogram moves


You can move the chromatogram horizontally and vertically using the Navigator in the bottom left

of the chromatogram. Just move the cursor over the icon to display the navigator.

Fig. 4.26 : The chromatogram Navigator.

Note you can check the box in the center of the Navigator. In this case, a click on the arrows of the
Navigator will stretch and compress the chromatogram instead of moving it.

5.1.7 Multiple Chromatograms Display

You can display simultaneously several chromatograms. To add a second chromatogram, just
drag and drop an analysis file from the Data Selector to the current chromatogram view.

Fig. 4.27 : The "Ext4" is currently dragged from the Data Selector into the Workspace.


Fig. 4.28 : The mouse button has been released and the "Ext4" analysis (in purple) is overlaid.

If you prefer display the chromatograms with their own axis in Stacked mode, you just have to
click on the button in the chromatogram toolbar. When the chromatograms are displayed in
Stacked mode, this button changes to . Click again on the button to revert to the Overlay


Fig. 4.29 : The same two analysis displayed in Stacked mode.

In order to compare 2 overlaid chromatograms, it could be useful to shift one of them.

You can also compress and stretch the chromatograms, simultaneously or independently. The
drop-down list at the right of the Attenuation one allows to choose the active chromatogram(s). If
All is selected, all the chromatograms will be stretched or compressed. If one of the analysis is
selected in the list, only this one will be stretched or compressed.

Fig. 4.30 : The drop-down list to activate the chromatogram(s).

To remove one chromatogram, select the remove [analysis file name] command in the context
menu which is accessible by mouse right clicking on the chromatogram. The first analysis opened
can not be removed from the workspace.


Fig. 4.31

5.1.8 X&Y Shifting of the Chromatogram

Sometimes, retention times drift can occur after several injections. In order to compensate this
drift and to compare chromatograms, it is useful to shift the chromatogram.

Fig. 4.32 : Two overlaid chromatograms with a retention time drift.

To Shift the Ext8 chromatogram, simply click on the right button and choose Shift analysis Ext8
in the context menu (or from the menu Analysis | Shift analysis) :



The mouse cursor changes to . Just drag and drop the chromatogram to a new position (the
overlaid chromatogram remains fixed). The label of the shifted chromatogram display the shift
value in minute. When you have finished, click on the right button to deactivate the X-Shift

Fig. 4.34 : The Ext8 chromatogram has been shifted of 0.90 min to align the biphenyl peaks in both chromatograms.

To cancel the Shift and revert to the original data, select Undo Shift in the context menu (or in
the Analysis menu) :


Fig. 4.35

5.1.9 Analysis Display Options

The Display options dialog box allows you to set all the parameters for the analysis display. It
includes the 8 following tabs :
· Signal
· Background
· Events
· Axis
· Peaks
· Label
· Baseline
· Integration parameters

It is also possible to display the X,Y values of a point in the chromatogram.

178 ANALYSIS Signal Display

This tab allows to define settings for the chromatogram display

Fig. 4.36 : The "Signal" tab of the Analysis Display Options.

Color : Here you can set the color for each analysis overlaid. Click on the arrow to access
to the palette and choose the analysis color.

Points : These boxes (when they are checked) allows to display acquisition points with the
signal for each analysis you want.

Peaks : These boxes (when they are checked) allows to display the attributes (baseline,
integration markers, width, ...) for each analysis you want.

The box Display signal name on the graph is checked by default. It allows to show (or hide) the
chromatogram label indicating the name of the analysis in the graph colour.

ANALYSIS 179 Background Display

This tab allows to set the background color and to select the zoom's smooth.

Fig. 4.37 : The "Background" tab of the Analysis Display Options.

This dialog allows you to choose a background color for the analysis.
The slider set the zoom effect : Slow means the zoom area will be displayed slowly, Fast that the
zoom area will be displayed instantaneously.
When you check the box (just below the slider), the integration parameters and events are
displayed in the chromatogram. This box has the same effect than the button located in the
chromatogram toolbar.

180 ANALYSIS Events Display

This tab allows to define the integration events display parameters.

Fig. 4.38 : The "Events" tab of the Analysis Display Options.

ANALYSIS 181 Axis Display

This tab is dedicated to set up the axis parameters (title, ticks, colors, ...).

Fig. 4.39 : The "Axis" tab of the Analysis Display Options.

182 ANALYSIS Peak Display

This tab allows to configure the attributes for the peaks (label, width, height, ...).

Fig. 4.40 : The "Peak" tab of the Analysis Display Options.

ANALYSIS 183 Label Display

This tab is dedicated to peak label set up. It allows to choose which information will be displayed
as label.

Fig. 4.41 : The "Label" tab of the Analysis Display Options.

To define the label you wish to display on the peaks, double click on the wanted format in the table
(for example, double click on % 3 to insert the area value in the label). You can display several
values in the label (for example, the name and the retention time) and insert some signs like :, /, ...
or some text. If you set "Rt : % 2" as the Label Text, the peaks labels of the chromatogram will
shown "Rt : [Rt value]".

The labels will only appear for identified peaks if the box Only on identified peaks is checked in
the bottom of this screen.
The labels will not be visible if the Show Label box in the Peak Display tab is not checked.

184 ANALYSIS Baseline Display

This tab is dedicated to baseline display configuration.

Fig. 4.42 : The "Baseline" tab of the Analysis Display Options.

You can change the color of the baseline and choose a different baseline color for the skimmed
peaks in order to immediately identify them.

ANALYSIS 185 Integration Parameters Display

This tab allows to configure the integration parameters display in the left upper corner of the
Chromatogram view.

Fig. 4.43 : The "Integration Parameters" tab of the Analysis Display Options.

You can choose the font and the color of the integration parameters display. Cursor Position

To display the X,Y values of a point in the chromatogram, click on the right button to access the
context menu and select the Display Cursor Position command. You can also call this function
through the View | Cursor Position menu.


Fig. 4.44

When you have selected this command, a yellow rectangle appears with the mouse cursor. It
indicates the X,Y values of the point where the cursor is pointing.

Fig. 4.45 : The XY values are displayed when pointing the mouse cursor.

5.1.10 Set the Integration Parameters

The integration parameters are displayed in the Chromatogram view of the Analysis when you
click on the button.
WiniLab uses only 2 parameters to integrate a chromatogram (the Threshold and the Peak
Width) and 2 rejection criteria (Minimum Area and Minimum Height)

Two ways are available to set the integration parameters :

1. By typing the values
· Click on the integration parameter value.
· You can edit the parameter and type a new value with the keyboard.
By the same way, you can enter integration parameters values in the Integration view (click on

the button in the WiniBar.

2. By graphic determination
· Click on the PW Wizard button .
· The following video guides you to determine the PW (Peak Width) :


· Select in the analysis the smallest peak you want to integrate by zooming it with the mouse.
WINILAB III will use the selected width to determine the PW
· The corresponding PW value appears.
· Then, click on the TH Wizard button .
· The following video guides you to determine the TH (Threshold) :

· Select in the analysis a portion of baseline by zooming with the mouse. WINILAB III will use the
noise level of the selected area to determine the TH.
· The corresponding TH value appears.

To set the rejection criteria, just type the values for the MA (Minimum Area) and the MH
(Minimum Height).

Note : You can disable the videos which appear when you select the PW and the TH Wizards
in the Configuration | Preferences menu.

5.1.11 Integrate a Chromatogram

To integrate an analysis simply click on the Integrate button in the toolbar or select the
Integrate command in the Integration menu or press the F5 key.
This will start the complete integration process according to the current integration parameters
and events.
The status bar displays the progression of the integration process.
If an identification table has been set up, the peak identification will be also performed.
If a quantification table has been set up, the quantification will be also performed.

5.1.12 Add Integration Events

You can graphically add integration events in the Analysis. For this :
· Click on the right mouse button where you want to add the event in the chromatogram.
· Through the context menu, choose the Add event item.


Fig. 4.46

· The following dialog box appears :

Fig. 4.47 : The Integration Events dialog box.

· This dialog box allows you to select an integration event. The video wizard display the effect of
each event when it is selected in the list. You can also type through the keyboard the time to
apply the integration event.
· When you have chosen the event, click on OK. The event marker appears in the

5.1.13 Move an Integration Event

To move an integration event simply drag and drop the event marker in the chromatogram. When
you release the mouse button, the event takes its new position.

Fig. 4.48 : The form of the cursor when you move an integration event.

If you want to enter the exact time where the event will be located, use the events table in the

Integration tab of the Processing view .


5.1.14 Delete an Integration Event

To delete an integration event :
· Click with the right mouse button on the event marker.
· Choose Delete event item from the context menu.
· The event is canceled.

Fig. 4.49 : The context menu including the Delete Event command.

5.1.15 Integrate Manually a Chromatogram

The manual integration allows to correct peak detection in some difficult cases where the
automatic integration has not been satisfying. To enable simply click on the button or select
Manual Integration in the Integration menu.
The manual integration toolbar appears in the Workspace, the peak start/end markers form
change (they are now represent with ) and the modification of the peak start/end is available. You
can move the peak start and the peak end markers just by dragging and dropping them to their
new position when the mouse cursor changes to . When there is a common marker between
two peaks, the cursor indicates you will move the end of the first peak and the cursor
indicates you will move the start of the second peak. If you wish to move simultaneously these two
markers, press the Shift key when you darg and drop the markers.

Activate manual integration allows you also to use On the fly identification capabilities.

The manual integration toolbar includes the following events :

· Identify and quantify
· Quantify
· Add peak
· Add negative peak
· Delete peak
· Split peak
· Fuse peaks
· Common baseline
· Draw baseline
· Stick Baseline to markers
· Valley to valley
· Force the Baseline to Zero

To disable manual integration, click again on the button . The manual integration toolbar will


disappear and the peak start/end markers will return to their original format. Identify and Quantify

Fig. 4.50

This allow you to execute only the identification (peak recognition) and quantification process
(results and calibration process) on the analysis. This is especially useful when you just modified
manually the integration and don't want a new automatic integration to be performed. Quantify

Fig. 4.51

This allows you to execute only the quantification process (results and calibration process) on the
analysis. This is especially useful when you just modified manually the integration, identified the
peaks on the fly and don't want a new automatic integration and identification to be performed. Add Peak

Fig. 4.52

Clicking on this button allows to add one or more peaks manually.

Then only two clicks are required to defined the start and the end of the new peak.
To disable the add peak event, click again on the button.

Fig. 4.53(a) and 4.53(b) show the effect of the Add Peaks command. Add Negative Peak

Fig. 4.54

Clicking on this button allows to add one or more negative peaks manually.


Then only two clicks are required to defined the start and the end of the negative peak.
To disable the add negative peak function, click again on the button.

Fig. 4.55(a) and 4.55(b) show the effect of the Add Peaks command. Delete Peak

Fig. 4.56

Clicking on this button allows to delete one or more peaks manually from a chromatogram.
Select the peak you wish to delete with the mouse cursor. The current selected peak appears in
colour (blue) when you place the cursor on. Click on the selected peak to delete it.
To disable the delete peak event, click again on the button.

Fig. 4.57(a) and 4.57(b) show the effect of the Delete Peaks command.

192 ANALYSIS Split Peak

Fig 4.58

Clicking on this button allows to split one peak in two peaks manually.
Select the peak you wish to split with the mouse cursor. The current selected peak appears in
colour (blue) when you place the cursor on. Then by pointing the cursor, you can manually
specify a point at which to split the peak (where the dropline will be set).
To disable the split peak event, click again on the button.

Fig. 4.59(a) and 4.59(b) show the effect of the Split Peaks command. Fuse Peaks

Fig. 4.60

Clicking on this button allows to fuse two adjacent peaks.

Select the peaks you wish to fuse with the mouse cursor. The current selected peaks appears in
colour (blue) when you place the cursor on. Click on the selected peaks to fuse them.
To disable the fuse peaks event, click again on the button.

Fig. 4.61(a) and 4.61(b) show the effect of the Fuse Peaks command.

ANALYSIS 193 Common Baseline

Fig. 4.62

Clicking on this button allows to set a common baseline for two adjacent peaks.
Select the two adjacent peaks with the mouse cursor. The current selected peaks appears in
colour (blue) when you place the cursor on. Click on the selected peaks to set a common
baseline. If the two peaks are not resolved, then a perpendicular dropline will be set between
To disable the common baseline event, click again on the button.

Fig. 4.63(a) and 4.63(b) show the effect of the Common Baseline command. Draw Baseline

Fig. 4.64

Clicking on this button allows to draw a straight baseline between two points.
Then only two clicks are required to defined the start and the end of the baseline. This new
baseline becomes common to all the peaks between the two points.
To disable the draw baseline event, click again on the button.


Fig. 4.65(a) and Fig. 4.65(b) : The draw baseline command has been used
to set a common baseline in this region. Stick Baseline to Markers

Fig. 4.66

This tool allow you to force the baseline of one peak to start at the peak start marker and to end
at the peak end marker.

Fig. 4.67(a) and 4.67(b) show the effect of the Stick Baseline command.

ANALYSIS 195 Valley to Valley

Fig. 4.68

Clicking on this button allows to set the baseline valley to valley.

Select the two peaks where you wish to set the baseline through the valley with the mouse
cursor. The current selected peaks appears in relief when you place the cursor on. Click on the
selected peaks to set the new baseline.

Fig. 4.69(a) and 4.69(b) show the effect of the Valley to Valley command. Zero Baseline

Fig. 4.70

This command allows to set the baseline at the level 0 of the signal. When you click on the button

in the toolbar, the cursor changes to : . Select the peak for which you want to force the
baseline to zero. The selected peak appears in colour when the cursor is placed above it. Click on
the peak to force the baseline to zero.
This command is deactivated in clicking again on the button or with a right click inside the


Fig. 4.71(a) and 4.71(b) show the effect of the Zero Baseline command.

5.1.16 Display the Peak Parameters

WINILAB III allows to display peak parameters simply by moving the mouse cursor on a peak. A
yellow box called PeakTip appears and displays the name, the retention time, the area and the
height of the peak. The PeakTip is updated in real time : as soon as you change one of these
information, the new value appears in the PeakTip.

Fig. 4.72 : The PeakTip displays the properties of the peak.

5.1.17 On the Fly Identification

The On the fly identification mode allows you to assign a name to any detected peak directly in
the chromatogram display. It is available when you activate the Manual integration.
When you move the mouse cursor on a peak label the curse changes in the following edit cursor
. By clicking here, you can now type the peak name. During the name editing, the red color
indicates the current name is not valid (for example because it is already used in this analysis).
Press the enter key when you have finished to validate.


Fig. 4.73 : The On-The-Fly identification allows you to "write" the compound name like on the paper.

The compound name should not contain following character : /, \, *, <, >, :, |
As soon as you enter the peak name, it will appear in the PeakTip and in the results table.

5.1.18 Subtract blank

You have the possibility to subtract a blank to your analysis in order, for example, to compensate a
baseline drift. To do this, select the Analysis | Subtract blank menu. The following dialog box
appears :

Fig. 4.74 : The selection of the blank file to subtract.


Select the blank analysis to subtract and valid : the blank is automatically subtract to the open
analysis. Note that the subtraction of 2 analysis is not possible if the units are not the same.

The blank subtraction can be done automatically during the processing of the analysis (before
integration). For this, you must use the Preprocessing Table in the Post-run view of the Process

To overlay the original analysis (without blank subtraction) to the resulting analysis, select the
Analysis | Overlay original data menu. This option is also accessible from the context menu
inside the chromatogram.

To revert and cancel the blank subtraction, use Analysis | Return to raw data menu.

5.1.19 Set Detector Delay

If you would like to set a detector delay time, go to the Analysis | Set detector delay menu. The
following dialog box appears :

Fig 4.75 : Detector delay setting.

This command allows to add a time in minutes or a number of points to the signal. Like this, the
signal will be shift from x minutes or from n points. Unlike the Shifting which is only a graphic
comparison command, you can here modify the raw data when you save the analysis after setting
a detector delay.

The option Display original data of analysis in the context menu of the chromatogram, allows to
overlay the original signal to the shifted signal.

Fig. 4.76 : The context menu of the chromatogram allows to display the raw data.

The detector delay can be set automatically during the processing of the analysis (before
integration). For this, you must use the Preprocessing Table in the Post-run view of the Process



5.1.20 Smooth the Chromatogram

In some cases, in particular when the signal is very noisy, WINILAB III allows you to perform a
smoothing of the chromatogram using the Savitzky-Golay method. You can also smooth
automatically during the processing of the analysis (before integration). For this, you must use
the Preprocessing Table in the Post-run view of the Process Method.

This method uses a convolution approach which performs a least squares fit to a specified
window of data points. Smoothing is controlled by the degree of Polynomial and number of
smoothing points parameters. The degree of Polynomial specifies the order of the polynomial to
fit over the specified number of smoothing points. Thus, the larger the number of points specified
and the lower the order of polynomial, the heavier the smoothing. Only odd numbers are used for
number of smoothing points and even values are rounded up.

To perform this smoothing, go in the menu Analysis | Smoothing by Stavitzky-Golay. The

following dialog box appears :

Fig. 4.77 : The smoothing parameters dialog box

The smoothing parameters are :

Polynomial order : You can choose a polynomial degree of 2 or 4. The degree 2 perform a
stronger smoothing than the degree 4.

Nb of points : Enke and Niemann have studied the effects of the smoothing by the
Savitzky-Golay method on Gaussian and Lorentzian peaks. They came to
the conclusion that the width of the smoothing window (number of
smoothing points) must not be higher than 90% of the peak width at 50%
height when using a degree 4. On the contrary, the best signal/noise ratio
is obtained when using a smoothing window equal to twice the peak width
at 50% height.

Click on [OK] when your smoothing parameters are set. The smoothed chromatogram is then
displayed :


Fig. 4.78 : The chromatogram after the smoothing

The Overlay original data command in the Analysis menu allows to overlay the chromatogram
before the smoothing and the smoothed chromatogram.

Fig. 4.79 : Original chromatogram overlay to the smoothed one.

To cancel the smoothing and go back to raw data, uses the Return to raw data command in the
Analysis menu.

Bibliography :
FELINGER, Data analysis and signal processing in chromatography, Elsevier, 1998, 152-159
STAVITZKY; GOLAY, Smoothing and Differentiation of data by simplified least-squares procedures,
Anal. Chem. 1964, 36, 188-191
STEINER, TERMONIA, DELTOUR, Comments on Smoothing and Differentiation of data by
simplified least-squares procedures, Anal. Chem. 1972, 44, 1906-1909
MADDEN, Comments on the Stavitzky-Golay convolution method for least-square fit smoothing and
differentiation of digital data, Anal. Chem., 1978, 50, 1383-1386


ENKE, NIEMAN, Signal-to-Noise ration enhancement by least-squares polynomial smoothing, Anal.

Chem., 1976, 48, 705a-712a

5.2 Processing View

In the Analysis object, you can access to the Processing view by clicking on the Processing

button in the WiniBar.

This view is divided in two parts :

· The Chromatogram
· The Processing parameters

5.2.1 Chromatogram

Fig. 4.80 : The Chromatogram in the Processing view.

As in the Chromatogram view, WINILAB III offers you many possibilities to handle and display
your chromatogram. The toolbar on the top of the chromatogram offers the following commands :

Load a Process method

Save a Process method
Display the chromatogram in full scale
Starts peak integration of the chromatogram
Activate the Threshold Wizard
Activate the Peak Width Wizard
Show the integration parameters
Show the Analysis visualization toolbar
Enable the Manual Integration


5.2.2 Processing Parameters

In the lower part of the Processing View, you can display the current processing parameters by
clicking on the tabs in the bottom :
· Integration
· Identification
· Groups
· Quantification
· Preprocessing
· Postprocessing

All the processing parameters can be saved in a Process Method using the button or the
reverse, can be loaded from an existing Process Method using the button .

The button allows to display the processing parameters in full screen. The button in the
bottom right allows to choose the display of the tabs : without icons, with large or small icons. Identification

You can access to the Identification parameters by clicking on the Identification tab in the
bottom of the Processing View.

Fig. 4.82 : The Identification parameters zone.

The specific toolbar above the identification table allows you to execute different actions :

Add a line in the identification table

Fill the identification table with the results from an analysis
Clear the identification table
Delete empty lines in the identification table
Create an identification table with the Wizard

ANALYSIS 203 Add a Line in the Identification Table

To add a line to the identification table :

· Click with the right mouse button on the first column in the identification table.
· Choose Add in the context menu or click on the button .
· The line is added at the end of the identification table Fill the Identification Table

WINILAB III offers the possibility to fill the identification table automatically with the results of an
analysis :
· Open the analysis with the Open button or through the Data Selector.
· If not already done, integrate the chromatogram.

· In the AzurBar, click on the Processing icon and click on the Identification tab to display
the identification table (or Peak table).
· Click on the button or click with the right mouse button on the icon in the left upper
cell of the identification table and choose Fill from analysis in the context menu.
· WINILAB III automatically fill the identification table with the retention times of the peaks
detected in the analysis.

Note : If you have used the On the fly identification mode to assign name to the peaks in the
chromatogram, these peak names will be also imported in the identification table. Clear the Identification Table

To clear the identification table :

· Click on the button or click with the right mouse button on the icon in the left upper
cell of the identification table and choose Clear in the context menu.
· The identification table will be reset and all rows will be deleted. Delete a Line in the Identification Table

To delete a line in the identification table :

· Select this line with a right mouse button click on the first column.
· Choose Delete in the context menu.
· The line is deleted in the identification table.

You can also delete several lines simultaneously in the same way.

If you wish to delete the lines where no peak name is assigned, click on the button in the
toolbar above the peak table or choose the command Clear empty rows in the context menu
accessible from a right button click in the icon in the right upper cell of the identification
table. Only the lines including a compound name will remain.


Fig. 4.83 Insert a Line in the Identification Table

To insert a line in the identification table :

· Click with the right mouse button on the first column in the identification table.
· Choose Insert in the context menu.
· A line is inserted where you have clicked. Change the Tolerance Mode

Two ways are available to change the tolerance mode :

· Via the context menu with a right mouse button click on the icon :

Fig. 4.84


· Via a double-click on the Retention time window column header :

Fig. 4.85 Identification Wizard

The Wizard is a set of different dialog boxes which will guide you for the identification table
creation. To use the Wizard :
· Click with the right mouse button on the icon in the left upper cell of the identification table
(or double-click on this icon).


· Choose Wizard in the context menu.

· The first dialog box of the identification wizard appears. Just follow the instructions, click on the
next button to go further and on the Finish button to valid . Quantification

You can access to the Quantification parameters by clicking on the Quantification tab in the
bottom of the Processing View.

Fig. 4.86 : The Quantification parameters zone.

The specific toolbar above the quantification table allows you to execute different actions :

Create a Quantification Table using the Wizard

Quantify the unknown compounds

Fill simultaneously several cells

Add calibration levels

Create a new calibration point

Use a group of peaks for quantification

With a right click on the top left cell of the Quantification Table you access to the following
contextual menu :

Fig. 4.87 : The contextual menu of the Quantification Table.

The Show Curve Column command allows to display the Curve column in the Quantification
Table. In this column, you can set the name of the compound from which you want to use the
Calibration Curve for the quantification.
The Show Multiplier Column command allows to add the Multiplier column in the Quantification


Table. In this column, you can set a correction factor for each compound for the quantification. Quantification Wizard

The quantification wizard is designed to help you to fill the Quantification Table and the other
Quantification parameters. To use it you must first have designed a correct Identification Table in
order to use correctly the quantification wizard.

You can call the Quantification wizard either from the Analysis | Quantification Wizard menu or
by three other different ways on the Quantification views of the Analysis and the Process Method
· by clicking on the button in the Quantification Toolbar,
· by double-clicking on the top left cell of the Quantification Table,
· by calling the "Wizard" on the context menu of the Quantification Table.

The quantification mode page

The first screen to be displayed looks like this :

Fig. 4.88 : Selection of the Quantification mode.

First select the response type (area or height) and the quantification mode among the nine
available options :
1. normalization,
2. normalization with response factors,
3. external standard,
4. external standard with weight percentage,
5. external standard log,
6. internal standard,
7. internal standard with weight percentage,
8. internal standard log,
9. internal standard with response factors.

For the quantification mode 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (the ones using a calibration curve), you will have
to enter the number of calibration levels you want to use (i.e. the number of different
concentrations for which you want to have a calibration point). You can have up to 20 calibration

Once you have chosen the quantification mode and a number of calibration level, click on the
[OK] button. Depending on the quantification mode the software will display a different wizard
page :
· normalization : the wizard is finished,
· response factor : the Response factor page is displayed,
· internal standard : the Internal standard page is displayed,


· external standard : the Calibration level page is displayed. Response Factor Page

The Response Factor page (only for the Response factor quantification mode)

Fig. 4.89 : The Response Factor page of the Quantification Wizard.

In this page, you have to specify which response factor should be used for each peak. Click on
[Next >] to go to the Unknown page.

208 ANALYSIS Internal Standard Page

The "Internal standard" page (only with the Internal Standard quantification modes)

Fig. 4.90 : The Internal Standard page of the Quantification Wizard.

In the "ISTD" column select which peaks are corresponding to internal standards. Then, in the
"Istd name" column, select for each peak with which internal standard you want it to be
To indicate the same internal standard name for multiple peaks, first select the cells you want to
update in the "Istd name" column and then click on the selection with the mouse right button. The
following dialog is displayed :

Fig. 4.91

Select your internal standard and click on [OK] : the selected cell are filled with the name of the
selected internal standard. Then click on [Next >] to go to the Calibration levels page.
If you are using the Internal Std with RF quantification mode, you will access to the Response
Factor page when you click on [Next>].

ANALYSIS 209 Calibration Levels Page

The Calibration Levels page (only for calibration)

Fig. 4.92 : The Calibration Levels page of the Quantification Wizard.

In this page you have to indicate the amount of each solute for each calibration level. If you use
internal standards, they will be marked with a "*" in the end of their name. You do not indicate
amount here for internal standards as it could be different for every sample. Click on the [Next >]
button to go to the Calibration curve page.

210 ANALYSIS Calibration Curve Page

The Calibration Curve page (only for calibration)

Fig. 4.93 : The Calibration Curve page of the Quantification Wizard.

Here you have to select the calibration curve model, the origin treatment and the calibration point
weighting you want to use for every solute. You do not have to select models for the internal
standards as we do not build any calibration curve for them.
You can update multiple cells of the same column simultaneously by selecting them and clicking
on the selection with the mouse right button. The following dialog will be displayed :

Fig. 4.94

Select the model / origin / weighting you want to apply and click on [OK]. The selected cells are
updated with the select value. Click on [Next >] to go to the Unknown page.

ANALYSIS 211 Unknown Page

The Unknown page

Fig. 4.95 : The Unknown page of the Quantification Wizard.

In this page, you specify how you want to quantify the unknown peaks (= the ones which have not
been identified). Click on [Finish] to validate the values indicated in the wizard. They will be
copied in the Quantification Table. Quantification Unknown Compounds

The peaks which have not been recognized during the identification step are quantified with one
of these three options :

No quantification : the "results" of all unknown peaks will be zero.

Quantification with response factor : the quantity of each unknown peak is obtained by
multiplying its area (or its height) with the response factor set.

Quantification with calibration curve : the quantity of each unknown peak is obtained from the
calibration curve of the selected compound.

Fig. 4.96 : The Unknown quantification dialog box.

212 ANALYSIS Fill Simultaneously several Cells

To fill simultaneously several cells in a column :

· Select the cells with the mouse,
· Click on the mouse right button,
· Type the common value in the dialog box,
· Click on OK and the selected cells are automatically filled

Fig. 4.97 : The Multiple Update dialog box for the Calib. curve model column Add Calibration Levels

When using the appropriate Quantification modes (External or Internal standard), you can
change the number of calibration levels. This number must be at least 1 and no more than 20.

To add a calibration level :

· In the upper zone above the Quantification table, click once on the right button after the level
· A new level is added to the counter and a new level column is added in the Quantification table.

To cancel a calibration level :

· In the upper zone above the Quantification table, click once on the left button after the level
number. Create a New Calibration Point

This command which is located in the Analysis menu allows to create a new calibration point with
the results of an analysis. This is done manually, i.e., you must repeat this operation for each
analysis. When you want to create or modify a calibration curve with several analysis, it is more
convenient to use the Reprocessing capabilities.

The Analysis | Create new calibration point menu invokes the following dialog box :


Fig. 4.98 : The New calibration point wizard.

In this dialog box appear the peak names from the current Quantification table and the respective
areas calculated in this analysis. You must enter the quantity of each compound for which you
want to create a calibration point, either by typing the values, either by using the button. This
command access to the following dialog box which lets you select a calibration level from the
current Process method (if any level was defined in the Quantification table).

Fig. 4.99 : Selection of the calibration level

Select a level and click on [OK]. The table is filled with the quantities set in the Quantification
table for the selected calibration level. Then click on [Next>] to access to the second page :


Fig. 4.100 : The New calibration point wizard, the calibration curve model.

Here you will set for each compound the mathematical model, the origin treatment and the
weighting of the calibration curve. You can select an item from the list in each cell or use the
button to fill automatically the whole table.

Fig. 4.101

If you check the box Replace old calibration points then you will delete all the points in the
existing calibration curve and get a one point curve. On the contrary, if this box is uncheck, you
will add the new point in the existing calibration curve.

Then click on [Finish] to validate your calibration curve profile and create the calibration point. A
report like below appears on the screen.


Fig. 4.102 : The Calibration report indicates that a calibration point have been created in three calibration curves.
The resulting equations for these three curves are also displayed. Group Quantification

In some applications, the Calibration Curve should be built not for a compound but for a group of
compounds since your standard sample has been prepared with a known quantity of a group of
First you have to defined your group of peaks in the Groups parameters. When it is done, the
Quantification table will include not only the list of compounds (green background color lines)
from the Identification table but also the list of groups you have set (yellow background color
In the quantification table, you can enter the concentration of each group of compounds in the
level columns exactly like for peaks, in order to built a calibration curve for each group. However,
WINILAB III doesn't consider a group as an entity but as a sum of peaks. This means if you want
to quantify a group using its calibration curve, you should specify the curve of the group in the
Curve column of the Quantification table :

Fig. 4.103 : The Quantification table for group quantification.

Then the results of your group of peaks are displayed in the Group results tab of the Results view

216 ANALYSIS Groups

You can access to the Groups parameters by clicking on the Groups tab in the bottom of
the Processing View. This area allows you to define some groups of peaks consecutive or not.

Fig. 4.104 : The Groups parameters zone

The following actions are possible, two of them by using the buttons above the Group table :

Add lines in the Group Table

Insert or Delete a line in the Group Table

Add or Delete peaks in a Group

Group the unknown peaks

Quantify a Group of peaks Add a Line in the Group Table

To add a line in the group table :

· Click on the button in the Group Toolbar.

· Click with the right mouse button on the icon in the left upper cell of the group table.
· Choose Add Row in the context menu

The line is added at the end of the group table. Insert/Delete a Line in the Group Table

To insert a line in the group table :

· Click with the right mouse button on the first column in the group table.
· Choose Insert in the context menu.
· A line is inserted where you have clicked.

To delete a line in the group table :

· Select this line with a right mouse button click on the first column.
· Choose Delete in the context menu.


· The line is deleted in the group table. Add/Delete Peaks in a Group

WINILAB III lets you define groups of peaks by time slice or by compound names :

1/ Time slice
You can set the time slice by filling the Begin and End cells in the Group Table or use the
graphic definition tool. For this, just click on the dedicated button in the End cell. The mouse

cursor changes to . Then drag with the mouse the time slice where you want to group
peaks :

Fig. 4.105 : The group of peaks has been defined between 9.29 min and 19.24 min.

The Begin and End cells are updated as soon as you release the mouse button.

2/ Compound names
In this case the graphic selection is also possible :
· In the Group Table, click on the button in the List cell,

· The cursor changes to

· In the chromatogram, click on each peak you want to group. The selected peak appears in
· Click on the right button to deactivate the graphic selection. The cursor revert to its normal
· You can remove a peak from the group by clicking on it again.


Fig. 4.106 : The three peaks in blue have been included in the group.

You can add or remove peaks in a group in an other way :

· In the group table, click on the button in the List column for the group you want to modify.
· The following dialog box appears :

Fig. 4.107 : This dialog box allows to add a peak in a group.

· Check the box for a peak name if you want to add it in the group, uncheck the box if you want
to remove it.
· Click on [OK] to validate your changes. Group the Unknown Peaks

You may want to group unknown peaks for example to get the total amount of undetected peaks :
· Click on the icon above the group table.
· In the following dialog box, check the Group unknown box and enter a name to assign to the


unknown group. Then click on OK.

Fig. 4.108 Preprocessing Table

You can access to the Preprocessing parameters by clicking on the Preprocessing tab in
the bottom of the Processing View. This area allows to define some actions to be executed
before the processing (integration / quantification) of the Analysis and the parameters for these

Fig. 4.109 : The Preprocessing parameters zone.

Two buttons are available above the Preprocessing table :

Add a new row in the Preprocessing table.

Access to the list of available Post-Run Shortcuts

The Preprocessing parameters are saved in the Post-Run section of the Process Method with
the Postprocessing parameters. Postprocessing Table

You can access to the Post processing parameters by clicking on the Post processing tab
in the bottom of the Processing View. This area displays the post-run actions included in the
current Process method linked to the Analysis. It's including the actions to be executed at the end
of the acquisition (or processing) and the parameters which could be associated to these actions.


Fig. 4.110 : The Postprocessing parameters zone.

Three buttons are available above the Post processing table :

Add a new row in the Post processing table.

Execute the post-run (Post processing) on the Analysis.

Access to the list of available Post-Run Shortcuts

The Post processing parameters are saved in the Post-Run section of the Process Method with
the Preprocessing parameters. Post Run Shortcuts

The Post Run shortcuts allows to define some condensed keyword for some parameters (like a
complete file path for example)

Fig. 4.111 : The Macro Table.

The first three shortcuts, which appears in yellow, are pre-defined and cannot be deleted. In the
following lines, you can create your own shortcuts. All the shortcuts could be then used in the
Preprocessing and Postprocessing parameters.
For more information on Post-Run, refer to the Process Method section.

ANALYSIS 221 Load Process Method

If you want to apply existing integration parameters or use a stored identification table, you can
load a process method with this command.
As soon as the Process method is loaded, WINILAB III updates updates the Processing
parameters of the Analysis with the integration parameters, the integration events, the
identification table, the quantification table, preprocessing and post processing actions. Save Process Method

The different views of the Analysis allows you to set up parameters for peak detection,
identification and quantification in a very intuitive way. WINILAB III can save these parameters at
any time with the Save Process Method command.

5.3 Results View

In the Analysis object, you can access to the Results view by clicking on the Results button
in the WiniBar.

Fig. 4.112 : The Results view.

The Results view includes the Results table which displays the different values calculated for
each peak after the complete process (integration, identification and quantification) and on its
top, a toolbar including the following commands :
Add a column in the Results table
Load an existing Results table format
Save the current Results table Format


Save the current Results table Format as default

The results table includes three tabs : All peaks, Identified peaks and Group.
When you select the All peaks tab, the results table will display the results for all peaks which
have been detected during the integration process. The SUM (last) line (yellow) of the table
displays the total value for all detected peaks.
When you select the Identified peaks, the results table will display the results only for peaks
which have been identified during the integration process. It means that the unknown peaks will
not appear. In this case, the SUM line display the total value only for identified peaks.

Fig. 4.113 : The Results Table.

When you click in the left upper cell of the Results Table , you access to a context menu
allowing to load or save a results table format and copy the results to paste them in another
applications like MS Excel for example. If you uncheck the Show Internal Standards option,
then your internal standards will not appear in the results table.

Fig. 4.114 : The Results table context menu.

When you select the Group tab, the Group results are displayed. The Group results is similar to
the Peak results table : it displays the different values calculated for each group after the
integration and the quantification process.
The SUM (last) line (yellow) of the table display the total value for all groups.

Fig. 4.115 : The Group Results.

5.3.1 Use a Results Table Format

WINILAB III offers the possibility to define results table format, to save it and to use it with any
analysis. You can load an existing format in order to modify it and generate a new one.

To load an existing results table format :

· Click with the right mouse button in the upper left cell of the results table and select Load
format from the context menu or click on the button in the toolbar,


· The following dialog box displaying the list of available formats appears :

Fig. 4.116 : The Load Format dialog box.

· Select the format you want to load in the list and click on the button to valid.
· The results table is then updated with the new columns.

5.3.2 Save a Results Table Format

WINILAB III offers the possibility to create results table format, to save it and to use it with any
analysis. To save a results table format :
· Click on the button in the toolbar or click with the right mouse button in the upper left cell of
the results table and select Load format from the context menu or select the Analysis | Save
Results Table Format menu,
· The following dialog box displaying the list of stored formats appears :


Fig 4.117: The Save Format dialog box

· Enter a format name in the Save As field and click on the [OK] button.
· You can also save the new format under the name of an existing format. For this, select the
format name you want to replace and then click on [OK].

If you want to use the layout of the results table for all your analysis, you just have to click on the
button to save the current format as the default one.

5.3.3 Add a Column in the Results Table

To add a column in the results table :
· Click on the right mouse button in the column header.
· From the context menu, select the Add item.

Fig. 4.118

The following dialog box appears :


Fig. 4.119 : The Column Properties dialog box.

· Define the column properties by selecting the type and entering the title (by default the type
appears), the format (scientific, fixed or automatic), the precision (the number of digits) and the
column width,
· You also have the possibility to display a column in bold or in italic font in the Results table in
checking the dedicated box.
· Click on [OK] to valid.
· The new column is created after the last one (on the right) in the table.

5.3.4 Insert a Column in the Results Table

To insert a column in the results table :
· Click on the right mouse button in the column header where you want to insert the new column.
· From the context menu, select the Insert item.

Fig. 4.120

· The Column properties dialog box appears,


· Define the column properties by selecting the type and entering the title (by default the type
appears), the format (scientific, fixed or automatic), the precision (the number of digits) and the
column width,
· Click on [OK] to valid.
· The new column is inserted in the table where the context menu has been called.

5.3.5 Delete a Column in the Results Table

To delete a column in the results table :
· Click on the right mouse button in the header of the column you want to delete.
· From the context menu, select the Delete item.

Fig. 4.121

· The column is cancelled from the results table.

5.3.6 Move a Column in the Results Table

To move a column in the results table :
· Click on the header of the column you want to move and keep the mouse button down.
· Drag the mouse cursor to the new column position and then release the button.
· The column has taken its new position.

By the same manner, you can move multiple columns

5.3.7 Change the Column Properties

· Click with the right button on the header of the column you wish to modify.
· In the context menu, choose Properties

Fig. 4.122

· The Column Properties dialog box appears,

To change the column type :

· Select a new type in the list on the left,
· Click on [OK] to validate.

To change the column title :

· Click in the Title cell of the Column properties dialog box,


· Type the new title through the keyboard,

· Click on [OK] to validate.

To change the column width :

· Click in the Width cell of the Column properties dialog box,
· Type the new width value through the keyboard,
· Click on [OK] to validate

The column width can be changed without going through the Column properties dialog box :
· Place the mouse cursor at the right of the column header,
· Click on the mouse button and hold it down when moving the column width,
· Release the button, the column width has taken its new value.

To change the results format :

Three formats are available :
Scientific : The column results are displayed with 1 digit after the comma, a number of
decimals defined in the Precision field, the "E" symbol and a 10 power.

Fixed : The column results are displayed with a fixed number of decimals without using 10
power. The value set in the Precision field indicates the number of decimals.

Automatic : WINILAB III will choose the most convenient format between both.

To change the column font :

Check or uncheck the Bold and/or Italic boxes.

Click on [OK] to validate.

5.3.8 Save the Results Table in ASCII

The software will display the "Save as" dialog box to ask you where and under which name you
want to save the text file. By default, the file will be saved in the Instrument directory under the
current Analysis name with a ".txt" extension.

Fig. 4.123 : The Save As dialog box

The text files will have the following format - the field name and the value are separated with a
[TAB] character (ASCII code 9) and each line is separated with a Carriage Return and Line Feed
characters (ASCII code 13 and 10) :


Row # Field name Value

1 File Name Analysis file name (without path and extension )
Last modification date in short date format (as
defined in Windows Configuration Panel /
2 Date Regional Settings)
Date of acquisition in short date format (as
defined in Windows Configuration Panel /
3 Acquisition date Regional Settings)
4 Run length Run length in minutes and hundredth of minutes
5 (empty)
6 Information Information on analysis
7 (empty)
8 Vol. Injected volume
9 Amount Sample amount
10 ISTD Amounts Number of internal standards
(Next) (ISTD name – if any) Internal standard amount

Then after this header there is :

· one empty row,
· one row with the titles of results table column headers (separated with a [TAB] character),
· one row for each peak with the values contained in Results table (separated with a [TAB]
· one empty row,
· one row with the sum of the values of the column when doing the sum has a meaning (sums
are separated with a [TAB] character).

Example (the two --- lines are not part of the file):

File Name Ext4-10 2
Date 27/04/99 10:40:01
Acquisition date 21/04/99 14:15:48
Run length 26,00


Vol. 0,000000
Amount 0,000000
Istd amounts 0

Peak name Rt. Area % Area

10,44 3661,96 0,06
biphenyl 11,27 649465,03 10,35
fluorene 13,03 2671029,40 42,57
anthracene 16,23 2659258,04 42,39
fluoranthene 22,70 290407,52 4,63

6273821,96 100,00


5.3.9 Clear the Integration Results

When you select the command "Clear integration results" in the Analysis menu, you will clear the
current results table. The baselines and the labels on the chromatogram will also disappear.
As soon as you will execute a new integration, the results table will be filled again.

5.4 Results Audit View

The Results Audit view has been designed to allows the user to check how the quantification has
been realized by WINILAB III. You can access to the Results Audit view by clicking on the Results

Audit button in the WiniBar.

Fig. 4.124 : The Results Audit view.

The view includes two different parts :

· The Results Table in the lower part
· In the upper part, the detailed information about the quantification of the selected peak is
displayed. Just click on the line in the Results Table to select a peak. The content of this section
depends on the quantification mode used. For example, only the response factor value is shown
in the Response factor mode when the calibration curve, the sample amount and the internal
standard quantity are displayed if the Internal Standard in weight% mode is used.


5.5 Information View

In the Analysis object, you can access to the Information view by clicking on the Information

button in the WiniBar. This view displays all the information associated to the analysis
according to the GLP.

Fig. 4.125 : The Information View

The screen is divided in 3 parts :

· on top of the screen is the general information, which displays the name of the file, the
acquisition date and the date of the last analysis processing,
· the sample information, which displays the injection volume, the sample amount, the dilution
factor, the Divisor, the sample type (unknown sample or standard), the calibration level used
(only if the sample is a standard),
· the zone in the bottom which includes five tabs : Information, Signal, Origin, Events,

Only the injection volume, the sample amount, the dilution factor, the divisor and (only if the
sample was declared as a standard) the sample type can be modified in the Information View.

The background of the Last reprocessing date appears in colour : if the process method has
been after this date or if the analysis has been manually integrated or modified (shift, smoothing)
then the background colour is orange. In the other cases (no modification), the Last


reprocessing date is displayed in a green background.

Just under is also indicated with which software and version the reprocessing has been done.

Note : The Information view allows to enter or to modify the internal standard quantity of the
analysis before reprocess it.

5.5.1 Information

Fig. 4.126 : The Information tab.

This tab displays the information supplied by the user before, during and after the acquisition.
You can add comments here directly using the [+] button. All added text is dated.

5.5.2 Signal

Fig. 4.127 : The Signal tab.

The Signal tab displays the following information :

· the Run length,
· the number of acquisition points,
· the Acquisition rate,
· the Signal unit,
· the Detector limits,


· the Technique used for acquiring the chromatogram (gas chromatography, liquid
chromatography or undefined),

5.5.3 Origin

Fig. 4.129 : The Origin tab.

This tab displays :

· the source of the signal (acquired with WINILAB III, imported …),
· the name of the instrument,
· the channel used to acquire the data,
· the vial number.

5.5.4 Events
This section keeps a trace of all the events which occurred during the acquisition.

5.5.5 Modifications

Fig. 4.129 : The Modifications tab.

This tab displays all the modifications which have been applied to the original data (smoothing,
signal delay, ...).



The Instrument object is a representation of the chromatographic system from which the data are
acquired. The Instrument includes all parameters of the acquisition.
From the WiniBar, you can choose one of these three views of the Instrument :

Signal For displaying the signal from the instrument

Acquisition For acquisition parameters settings

Status For checking instrument status

6.1 Instrument Wizard

WINILAB III includes an Instrument Wizard which guides you during the creation and the
configuration of a new instrument. You will access to the Instrument Wizard via the New
command in the File menu or by clicking on the button. The New object dialog box appears
and you will start the wizard by clicking on the Instrument button.

Fig. 5.1 : The first dialog box of the Instrument Wizard.

The first dialog of the Instrument Wizard lets you name your instrument and select the separation
technique (here : Gas Chromatography).

Note : The instrument must be different from the already existing instruments names and must
not include any space and any of these characters : ", \, /, :, *, ?, <, >, |.

Click on the [Next >] button to continue.


Fig. 5.2 : Then the Wizard ask you to select and configure your acquisition device.

The second dialog deals with the acquisition device which will be used with your instrument. The
drop-down list includes the acquisition devices available.

WINILAB III detects if the acquisition driver you choose is installed. If it has not been done, the
is available to realize the acquisition driver installation. WINILAB III indicates the
number of acquisition channels available on the chosen acquisition device. This number takes
the channels acquisition capabilities of the acquisition device and the instruments already
connected into account. For example, If you have already connected one detector to a 2
channels board, the number of available channels will be 1.

Then you must declare the number of detector installed in your instrument. The drop-down list
offers you several possible numbers according to the remaining available channels in the
acquisition device.

Click on the [Next] button to continue.


Fig. 5.3 : The acquisition channel configuration

The next dialog will configure each acquisition channel. If you declares 2 detectors, 2 lines
appear in the table (one for each detector).
You could enter the name of your detector. This name will be displayed in WINILAB III during
acquisition and included in the analysis file name.
Then you must select the acquisition channel on which this detector will be physically connected.

Click on [Next >] to continue.


Fig. 5.4 : Acquisition and signal parameters.

The button provide an access to the general acquisition parameters

The button provide an access to the signal parameters.
These parameters are also available from the Instrument | Configure menu.

Click on [Next >] to continue.


Fig. 5.5 : The final dialog box of the Instrument Wizard.

The final dialog allows you to set up the external start from the Instrument through an IO control.
Click on the [Finish] button will create your instrument in WINILAB III according to your

6.2 Acquisition View

This view allows you to start a single acquisition very quickly. You can enter all the parameters
relative to the acquisition.

It includes the following elements :

· Acquisition Toolbar
· Acquisition Parameters
· Channels Table
· Acquisition Status Bar

6.2.1 Acquisition Toolbar

Fig. 5.6 : The Acquisition Toolbar.

This toolbar is specific to the Instrument views. It includes the following buttons and displays :

Start a single run

Change the acquisition duration


Stop the current acquisition

Modify the acquisition information

Configure the instrument
Process the signal during the acquisition
Display the signal in full scale
Split the simultaneous signals in different windows.
Synchronize the signals of the different windows

Elapsed time display

Remaining time display. This time appears only if you enter a length
value in the acquisition parameters before starting.

6.2.2 Acquisition Parameters

Fig. 5.7 : The Acquisition parameters

Run Time : Enter here the expected acquisition duration in minutes (or in
seconds if you have changed the time unit here). This time can be
changed during the run.

Chromatographic Method : If you want to control your instrument or some external devices
like valves, drag and drop a chromatographic method from the


Data Selector into this box.

Start Mode : Three start modes are possible :

If the immediate start is selected, then the acquisition will start

when you will click on the button .

If the from instrument start is selected, then the acquisition will
start automatically when WINILAB III will detect a start signal from
your chromatograph. To make the start mode from instrument
available you must configure the board with a "start" service. If it
has not been done, only the "immediate" start is available (like in
the picture above). The Start Always box, when it is checked,
allows to start the acquisition in WINILAB III as soon as your
chromatographic system send the start signal even if WINILAB III
is not in Waiting status.
The from instrument and restart mode is similar to the From
instrument mode except that the Instrument return automatically
at the end of the acquisition to Waiting (for a new external start)
Select the desired start mode by checking the radio button.

Name : Enter here the name of the sample. The sample name will be
included in the data analysis file. The raw acquisition data will be
saved in an analysis file according to the following format :
[Sample Name] - [Channel].ana.
When you start the acquisition, WINILAB III check if this analysis
file name already exists. If yes, the analysis file name will be
automatically incremented :
[Sample Name][Index] - [Channel].ana.
You can leave this field blank when starting an acquisition. In this
case, WINILAB III will automatically save the data file under a
default file name at the end of the acquisition.

Dilution : This is the dilution factor used to prepare the sample to inject.
The dilution factor is used (as a multiplier) by WiniLab to calculate
quantity value. The default value is 1.

Volume : Indicate the sample volume in µl which will be injected. Like the
Vial Number, the volume to inject is sent to the autosampler if this
one is controlled by WINILAB III (Midas). It is recommended to
check the autosampler injection accuracy and to enter a volume
in accordance. For the Midas, as the injection accuracy is 1 µl a
value of 0,8 µl is not possible.
If no instrument control driver is installed, this value is only

Divisor : You can use this parameter as a sample dependant value which
will be used by WiniLab to calculate quantity values. The result
obtained after the quantification process is divided by this value.

Amount : Indicate the sample amount in mg. This value could be used
during processing for % weight calculation.

Vial Number : Indicate here the number of the vial to inject. If WINILAB III
controls your autosampler (Midas for example), the number of the
vial to inject is sent to the autosampler.


If no instrument control driver is installed, this value is only


Information : Several lines are available to associate text comments to the

analysis file.

Create Analysis in : Here is displaid the current Context defined for the analysis files.
You can select where the Analysis file will be stored by modifying
the different criteria values except for the Instrument (you cannot
store the data files in the directory of another Instrument). In the
example above, the Analysis file will be stored in the directory
Data\Instrument1\1. The button allows you to create a new
value of the criteria without going to the Context Definition screen.

6.2.3 Channels Table

Fig. 5.8 : The Channels table

This table shows you the different acquisition lines according to the Instrument configuration. You
can activate a detector by checking the box in the Active column (By default, all the detectors are
active). For example, if your GC uses an FID and an ECD detector you must check the 2 boxes
in the Active column for simultaneous dual detection.

Then the Channels Table displays the process settings for the selected detector (the selected
channel appears in blue in the Channel table, just click on the line to select an other channel).
You can select a process method for each detector by using the button. In this case, the
integration, the identification and the quantification will be performed automatically at the end of
the acquisition. In the Process Method column, you can access a context menu from the right
mouse button. This context menu allows to select, open, remove or create a process method.

The Quantification Mode used in this Process Method is indicated in the next column. The last
columns which appear depends on the Quantification Mode and on the Level selection (standard
or unknown sample). When the sample to be injected is a standard and the process method uses
External or Internal standard mode, you can select the calibration level (Level), if you will add or
replace the points in the calibration curve (Level Upd.) and choose to update the Rt in the
Identification Table (Rt Update).
If the Process Method uses the Internal standard mode, a column allowing to enter the quantity of
Internal standard in the sample, appears.

6.2.4 Acquisition Status Bar

Fig. 5.9 : The Acquisition status bar.

This status bar is specific to the Instrument views. It includes the following displays :


This indicates the acquisition status :

Ready : The system is ready to acquire data.
Running : The system is currently acquiring data.
Waiting : The [Start] button have been pressed and the system waits for
start from the instrument.
Error (only with the WiniPAD) : The software is going to initialize the PAD.

This displays the current level signal in the unit set in the instrument configuration

In case of multiple detectors, the acquisition status bar includes multiple level displays (one level
display for each detector).

6.3 Signal View

This view is dedicated to signal display. It allows to monitor baseline before acquiring data and to
display the current acquisition.

Fig. 5.10 : The Signal view of the Instrument.

In the bottom right of the Signal view of the Instrument, you can select the attenuation of the
signal display by selecting or typing a value in the combo box. By default, attenuation is "
Automatic", that is the full signal is displayed. But in many cases (if your have a solvent peak, …)
you want to magnify what happens near the baseline.
You can then select a value in the combo box : values proposed in the combo box are all multiple
of 2. You can also type a value in the combo box (like "0.366" for example) and click on the signal
area to apply this attenuation.


The width of the signal will be kept (that is : if you are looking at the signal between the 2nd and
the 4th minute, it will stay between the 2nd and the 4th minute) but the height will be the one
specified in the attenuation box. If you specify an attenuation of 16 and your detector unit is µV,
then the height of the signal displayed will be 16 µV.

Fig. 5.11(a) : The current acquisition is displayed Fig. 5.11(b) : The same acquisition is displayed
in Automatic attenuation in attenuation 4096

Now using the Full Scale menu or button will display the full run length of the signal but only on
the requested attenuation.

The attenuation you use during acquisition will be the one used for automatic printing in post-run
(if any) and also the one used the first time you will open your analysis.

Inside the Workspace appears a caption indicating the trace color, the analysis file name and the
detector used. It allows to distinguish the signal from both detectors in case of multiple detectors

Like in the Chromatogram view of the analysis, you can zoom, stretch, compress the
chromatogram and display the cursor position. You can also customize the chromatogram
appearance with the Display options in the context menu :

Fig. 5.12 : The Signal view context menu

You access the following dialog box where you can configure signals , background and axis
display options :


Fig. 5.13 : The Signal display options during an acquisition.

The Signal tab allows to define settings for the chromatogram display :
Color : Here you can set the color for each analysis overlaid. Click on the arrow to access to the
palette and choose the analysis color.
Points : These boxes (when they are checked) allows to display acquisition points with the signal
for each analysis you want.

The Background tab allows to set the background color and to select the zoom's smooth. The
slider set the zoom effect : Slow means the zoom area will be displayed slowly, Fast that the
zoom area will be displayed instantaneously.
The Axis tab is dedicated to set up the axis parameters (title, ticks, colors, ...).


6.3.1 Multiple Detectors

If your Instrument uses several detectors, WINILAB III allows to display simultaneously the signals
from each detector in the Signal view.

Fig. 5.14 : The current acquisition on a dual detector instrument.

In case of dual detector instrument, a second caption appears in the workspace indicating the
color and the name of the second detector. In the bottom, a second level display appears also.

By default, the Signal view displays the two signals in the same workspace (Overlay mode). If you
prefer to display each signal in individual workspace (Tile mode), click on the button in the
Acquisition toolbar. This will split the workspace in two and the signals are shown in separate area.


Fig. 5.15 : The current acquisition on a dual detector instrument displayed in Tile mode.

You can change the attenuation for only one of the signals. Click on the right mouse button in the
area of the chromatogram of interest. On the context menu which appears, select Change
attenuation. Then type the new attenuation value in the following dialog box and click on [OK]

Fig. 5.16 : The Change Attenuation dialog box.

If you zoom a region of a chromatogram, the other one still appears in full scale : each signal is
independent. If you want to zoom simultaneously both signals, click on the button in the
Acquisition toolbar. Both chromatograms will be displayed in the same scale when you will change
the attenuation or when you will zoom, compress, stretch or move one of them.


6.4 Status View

The status view indicates the current status of the different detectors of the instrument. It also
includes the acquisition toolbar and the acquisition status bar.

Fig. 5.17 : The Status view.

The status view indicates the current status of the different detectors, inputs of the instrument.

The different status of a detector are :

Idle : no data is collected
Wait : the acquisition channel is waiting for a start signal to start an acquisition
Baseline : the acquisition channel is collecting data to display the base line signal
Baseline & wait : the acquisition channel is collecting data and is waiting for a start signal
Acquisition : the acquisition channel is collecting data for an acquisition.

The different states of an input (or an output like a relay) are :

· closed : the icon appears in red.
· open : the icon appears in green.

You can also display the state of the relays or of the instrument (if you are using a control driver)
from the Instrument | Control status menu and the WiniPAD status from the Instrument |
Hardware status menu.

6.5 Data Acquisition

Data acquisition is very easy with WINILAB III. All the main actions (Start acquisition, Change
acquisition time, Stop acquisition, Add or modify information and comments, Process the signal
during the acquisition) could be executed from the Acquisition Toolbar on the top of the Instrument
views. In particular, you can start acquisition without entering any parameter like a simple recorder.


6.5.1 Start Acquisition

When you go in the Instrument | Start menu or click on the button, the acquisition is
starting and WINILAB III brings you in the Signal view.

WINILAB III will use the parameters set in the Acquisition view. However, you can start
acquisition without any parameters like an integrator. The default run length is set to 1440
minutes and you can stop this acquisition at anytime.

You can also start an acquisition from the Windows status bar in the right lower corner of the

screen . The blue points represent the different instruments

connected to WINILAB III. With a right button mouse click, you will reach the context menu

. Select Start to start the acquisition on this instrument. The instrument where
the acquisition occurs, appears now in green.

6.5.2 Change Acquisition Duration

By clicking the button in the acquisition toolbar, you can increase or reduce the acquisition
duration you have set in the acquisition parameters.

Fig. 5.18 : The dialog box allowing to change the acquisition duration.

The dialog box displays the elapsed acquisition time, the remaining acquisition time and the
current run length. To change this length, just type a new value in the New length field. This new
value must be at least higher than the elapse acquisition time + 1 min. Valid by clicking on the

6.5.3 Stop Acquisition

By clicking the button in the acquisition toolbar, you will stop the current acquisition. The
following message appears :


Fig. 5.19

The acquisition will be stopped as soon as you click on the Yes or No button. If you click on the
Yes button, the raw data will be saved according to the file name set in the acquisition
parameters. If no name has been entered, then WINILAB III will ask you for a file name.

You can also stop an acquisition from the Windows status bar in the right lower corner of the

screen . The green points represent the different instruments in

acquisition. With a right button mouse click, you will reach the context menu .
Select Stop to stop the acquisition on this instrument. The instrument where the acquisition has
been stopped, appears now in blue and is ready for a new acquisition.

6.5.4 Modify Acquisition Information

By clicking the button in the acquisition toolbar, you can add or change comments about
your analysis. These comments are stored in the Analysis file and are displayed in the acquisition
parameters. They will also appear in the Information view of the Analysis.

Fig. 5.20 : The Sample Information Edition dialog box. A message "Impurity at 5.23 min" has been entered during the

In the Sample Information Edition dialog box, several text lines are available to add your
comments to your analysis. Click on the button to valid your comments and save
them in the analysis file.


6.5.5 Process the signal during Acquisition

WINILAB III allows to process the chromatogram during the acquisition if you wish to integrate
the first eluted peaks. This is possible from the button in the acquisition toolbar.

When you click on this button, a new window displaying the current analysis (in the
Chromatogram view) appears in the Workspace. Now you can handle it and perform all the
process operations available in WINILAB III.

Fig. 5.21 : Processing of an analysis during the acquisition

The chromatogram label indicates the time when the analysis has been extracted for processing
(after 2.95 minutes in the example above).

If the current acquisition is running on a dual detector instrument, you will access to the dialog
box here under before the chromatogram display. You have to select which detector signal you
want to extract for processing.


Fig. 5.22 : Selection of the Detector signal to process.

The processing of the analysis during the acquisition is designed to get a fast indication.
Accordingly, it is not possible to save the processed chromatogram. On the other hand, the
integration and the process method can be saved using the button.

6.6 Configure Instrument

The menu Instrument | Configure (or the dedicated button ) are only available if the
instrument status is Ready. If it is not accessible even when the instrument is ready, it means that
the services installed in your instrument don't require any configuration.

The dialog boxes displayed depends on the acquisition device (INT7 board, AzurPAD, ANTALYS,
ULYS, digital acquisition) used by the Instrument.

For the INT7 board, the ANTALYS, the AzurPAD and the ULYS, two configuration pages are
displayed for each channel : one for the acquisition configuration, the other for the signal

If you are using a control driver allowing digital acquisition, the dialog boxes will be different.
Refer to the section dedicated to this control driver for more information.

6.6.1 Acquisition Configuration

This dialog allows to set up general acquisition parameters.

Fig. 5.23 : The acquisition parameters dialog box for the ANTALYS


Rate This is the acquisition frequency of the acquisition device. From the list, you can
select the value (1, 10, 25, 50 or 100). The acquisition rate must be set in order to
have a correct definition for each peak (20-25 data points for a peak) and not too
much data points which will involve large analysis file. Usually, the frequency is set
to 10 for HPLC and 25 for GC.

Gain This is the maximum voltage amplitude of the signal coming from the detector.

Bipolar Mode (non available for Antalys) The bipolar mode must be used to get signal with
negative values. If you select a gain of +/- 10V and the bipolar mode, the input
signal will take values between -10V and +10V. If you not use the bipolar mode,
then the input signal will take values between 0V and +10V.

If the instrument uses several detectors, one tab will be available for each detector.

6.6.2 Signal Configuration

This dialog box allows to enter the limit values and the unit of the signal which could vary
according to the type of detector. If the signal overrun these values during the acquisition,
WINILAB III will trace an Input overrange event along with the analysis file.

Fig. 5.24 : The Signal Parameters dialog box.

Note : If the acquired signal goes below the minimum value or above the maximum value, then
WINILAB III will generate an "Overrange" message which will be included in the
Information view of the analysis.

6.6.3 Delete an Instrument

To delete an Instrument, you should first uninstall all the services which have been assigned to this
instrument. This must be done in the Hardware Configuration from the File | Configuration menu.
When the Instrument configuration list is empty, click on [OK] to valid.
In the Data selector, you just have to select the instrument and to click on the [Delete] button. If
you have not correctly uninstall the services or if the instrument is currently in acquisition the
following message will appear :


Fig. 5.25

6.7 Hardware Status

The Hardware status is dedicated to the WiniPAD when it is used in On-Line mode. This
displays four different states of the WiniPAD :

Fig. 5.26 : The WiniPAD hardware status indicates

WINILAB III is trying to detect the WiniPAD on the serial port.

Fig. 5.27 : The WiniPAD hardware status indicates

WiniPAD has been detected and is ready for acquisition.

Fig. 5.28 : The WiniPAD hardware status indicates

the Channel 1 is currently acquiring data.

Fig. 5.29 : The WiniPAD hardware status indicates

the data stored in the WiniPAD are transferred to WINILAB III.


6.8 Control Status

If your chromatographic system (or a part of it like a detector or an autosampler) is controlled, you
can access the status of this unit from the Instrument | Control status menu. The following
dialog appears :

Fig. 5.30 : The control status window

The drivers are listed by Instrument. Select the one you want to display then click on [OK].



The Chromatographic Method includes all the parameters used to generate an Analysis
(chromatogram). These parameters are the operating conditions of your chromatographic system
(pumps, detectors, oven, relays, autosamplers, valves, ...). If your system is controlled by
WINILAB III, these parameters are directly download from the instrument. If not, the user can
enter them in the method in order to keep a trace.

The design of the chromatographic method depends on which type of instrument or device you
will acquire data. Currently, you can built a chromatographic method to control :
· Relays,
· Midas HPLC Autosampler (Spark Holland).
· HT300L HPLC Autosampler (HTA)

To create a chromatographic method, go in the File | New menu and click the
[Chromatographic method] button. A new chromatographic method is created.

Note : If the Chromatographic method is grayed then you probably forgot to install the "Relay
method" service on your instrument.

7.1 Relays

Fig. 6.1 : The Relays chromatographic method

The method is built around two different tables. The upper table allows you to program your
relays during acquisition time. On each row, you enter a time (measured since the beginning of
the acquisition), a relay name (selected in the list of the relays assigned to the instrument) and a
state for the relay (closed if checked, open if not). You can also add some text to comment the

On the second table, you can enter the default relays position you want in the end of an


acquisition. In the figure above, the five relays are open at the end of the acquisition.

You can now print your method (File | Print menu) and save it (File | Save menu).

7.2 Midas (Option)

The Midas driver allows you to control the MIDAS autosampler from your WINILAB III station.
When you create a new chromatographic method (File | New menu), the Midas method view
appears :

Fig. 6.2 : The Midas Chromatographic Method.

The MIDAS chromatographic method includes 6 sections :

· System Settings,
· Injection Parameters,
· Time Base Method,
· Oven Control,
· Auxiliary Settings,
· Tray Cooling

When you have entered the parameters in the different sections, you can save your
chromatographic method using the File | Save menu.


7.2.1 System Settings

Tray segment : Select here the tray type used : Standard tray with 84 vials of 1,5 ml
and 3 vials of 10 ml for special use (84 + 3), Tray with 96 vials of 1,5
ml, Tray with 24 vials of 10 ml.

Loop Volume : Volume of the installed loop (between 0 and 9999 µl).

Tubing Volume : Volume of the tubing and the needle connected to the injection
valve (between 0 and 999 µl).

Syringe Volume : Volume of the installed syringe (250, 1000 or 2500 µl).

Syringe Speed : The aspirating and dispensing speed are programmable in three
steps : (normal) for samples with a viscosity almost equal to the
viscosity of water, (low) for samples with a higher viscosity, (high)
for samples with a lower viscosity compared to water.

Wash Times : Wash volume in number of syringe volumes (from 1 to 9 syringe


Wash between : Wash program selection : no wash program (none), wash the
needle and tubing directly after every injection (injections), wash
the needle and tubing directly after every vial (vials).

Reagent A - Reagent B : Indicate here the vial numbers of the reagant liquids in the tray.

The button allows to save the current parameters as the default system
settings. These parameters values will appear each time you will create a new chromatographic

Fig. 6.3 : The System Settings.

7.2.2 Injection Parameters

Air Segment : Check this box to inject the sample with an air segment between the
sample and the wash solvent. The Midas will draw an air segment of
5µl before the flush volume prior to an injection.

Headspace Pressure : The Midas normally uses headspace pressure in combination with the
syringe to transport the sample in to the loop. The headspace pressure
can be switched off by unchecking this box. The accuracy and the
reproducibility of the Midas can decrease when NO headspace
pressure is used.


Injection Mode : Select here the injection mode : Full loop injection mode (Full Loop),
PartiaI loopfill injection mode (Partial Loop Fill), µl Pick-up injection
mode (µl Pickup). For more details on the injection mode selection,
please refer to the documentation provided with the instrument).

Note : The Headspace Pressure option is not available with the µl Pick-up injection mode.

Fig. 6.4 : The Injection Parameters.

The volume to inject and the vial number are not included in the chromatographic method. These
parameters must be set in WINILAB III when you prepare an acquisition (in the acquisition
parameters) or in the sequence table when you prepare a sequence.

7.2.3 Time Base Method

The time base method allows to create time events program for the temperature column oven and
the auxiliaries during the sample analysis.

If you wish to use a time base method, you just have to click on the button . The parameters
in the Oven Control and the Auxiliary Settings sections are actived.

You can set the end time for the method by checking the End Time for Timebase box and using
the time display, or terminate the method with the WINILAB III data acquisition (leave the box

Fig. 6.5 : The Time Base Method section.

7.2.4 Oven Control

This section is dedicated to the column oven parameters. You have the possibility to make
temperature gradient during the analysis and/or activate / deactivate the oven at the end of the

SetPoint TimeBase init : Enter here the initial column temperature in °C. The autosampler
will wait for this initial temperature before injecting.

To build a gradient, you can then use 2 Steps. These 2 steps are defined by a temperature (
SetPoint TimeBase) and a time (Time Oven On).

The parameters in the right zone (Out Running Parameters) set the status of the column oven at
the end of the acquisition. You can stop it at the end of the acquisition (Off) or maintain the column
to a different temperature for the next injection (On) by entering a new set point.


Fig. 6.6 : The Column Oven Parameters.

7.2.5 Auxiliary Settings

This section allows to activate / deactivate the 2 relays available in the Midas to start and stop an
auxillary device. You can program 4 On and Off events (Step) for each relay. For this, you just
have to select one step in the Auxillary Event Step list and then enter the start time (Time Aux
On) and the stop time (Time Aux Off) for each relay.

Fig. 6.7 : The Settings for Auxillary Events.

7.2.6 Tray Cooling

The Tray cooling option allows to control the tray temperature of the Midas autosampler. If this
device is installed in your instrument, you can activate it by checking the On / Off box and setting
the Temperature in °C.
Check the Tray Cooling Off at EndRun box if you wish not to control the tray temperature outside

Note : The analysis could start if the set point for the tray temperature is not reached. So it is
necessary to set a temperature before the analysis start (or not use the Tray Cooling
Off at EndRun) if you want to have an accurate tray temperature during the whole

Fig. 6.8 : The Tray Cooling parameters.


7.2.7 Status
The Status screen allows both to display instant status of the autosampler and to control the Midas
in real time. You will access this screen using the Instrument | Control Status.
You can display the current and the set temperature of the column oven and the tray, modify the
set point and start/stop the column oven and the tray cooling.
You can also perform wash (Go), display the vial number relative to the current analysis, reset the
relays position (Reset) and stop simultaneously the autosampler and the acquisition in WINILAB III
with the [PANIC STOP] button.

Fig. 6.9 : The Midas Status screen.

Just below the actual status of the autosampler, you can specify the process in case of missing
vial in the tray. This section appears when you click on the button in the top right of the

Status screen. You can choose between place a vial inside the tray position or to stop the

acquisition in case of missing vial when the autosampler go to the programmed position.

If you have selected the first option, the button blinks when you put the vial in the empty
position in order to restart the Midas program.

7.3 Jasco HPLC (Option)

The Jasco HPLC driver allows you to control the Jasco pumps, the Jasco autosamplers, the Jasco
UV detectors and the Jasco Fluorescence detectors from your WINILAB III station. There are four
(4) sections in the chromatographic methods accessible from the two icons in the WiniBar


Fig. 6.10 : The WiniBar of the Jasco HPLC Chromatographic Method.

When you have entered the parameters in the different sections, you can save your
chromatographic method using the File | Save menu.

7.3.1 Jasco Pump

The Jasco HPLC driver allows you to control the following Jasco Pump models from your
WINILAB III station :
Pu-1580, Pu-2080, Pu-1580i, Pu-2080i, Pu-1586, Pu-2086, Pu-1587, Pu-2087 and Pu-2089.

The Jasco Pump view of the method allows to set all the pump parameters :


Fig. 6.11 : The Jasco Pump view of the Chromatographic Method.

The Jasco Pump chromatographic method includes 3 sections :

· Configuration
· Initial Values
· Pump Program Configuration

You access to the Configuration section by clicking on the button .

Pump Version : Select here the Jasco pump version you are using. Pumps series 1500 and
pumps series 2000 are identical in terms of communication. So only the
last 2 digits of the pump model is displaid (PU-1580 = PU-2080). Four
versions are available : 80, 80i, 86 and 87.

Pump Mode : Select here the operating mode of the pump : CP (Constant Pressure),
CF(Constant Flow), HPG(High Pressure Gradient) or LPG(Low Pressure
Gradient). The parameters in the Initial Values and in the Pump Program
will depend on the selected Pump Mode.


Fig. 6.12 : The Configuration section of the Jasco Pump view. Initial Values

This part allows you to enter the values of the parameter in the initials conditions. You access to

the Initial Values section by clicking on the button .

Flowrate : (except in CP) Select here the value of the Flowrate in ml/min. The flowrate
value must be set between 0 and 10 for the pumps model 80 and 80i, between
0 and 20 for the pump model 86 and between 0 and 50 for the pump model 87.

Pmin : (except in CP) Enter here the value of the Minimum Pressure in kg/cm². The
pressure values must be set between 0 and 250 for the pumps model 87 and
80i and between 0 and 500 for the pumps model 80 and 86.

Pmax : (except in CP) Enter here the value of the Maximum Pressure in kg/cm².

Pressure : (CP mode only) Enter here the value of the Constant Pressure.

Valve : Enter here the position of the solvent admission valve.

Events : For each external event, select the status of the event between : 0 = open, 1 =
closed or 2 = momentally closed (pulse)


Fig. 6.13 : The Initials Values of the Jasco Pump view in CF mode.

Solvents : (LPG and HPG mode only) You have to enter here the initial composition of the
mobile phase. In HPG mode, you have to type the percentage for Solvant A
and Solvant B. In LPG mode, you need also to type a percentage for Solvant C.

Fig. 6.14 : The Initials Values of the Jasco Pump view in LPG mode. Pump Program

This part allows you to enter the parameters of a time program. You can modify during the analysis
the following parameters : Composition, Flowrate, Valve position or Event. You access to the

Pump Program section by clicking on the button .

File number : This is the number of the program stored inside the pump memory. Until 9
programs (from 1 to 9) can be stored in the pump.


Nb of steps : Enter here the number of steps of your program. You can select until 64
steps for the pump program. The Steps appear below as soon as you have
validate the number of steps.

Fig. 6.15 : The Pump Program in the Jasco Pump view.

For each step, you have to set :

· the time in minutes,
· which parameter you will modify (clicking in the cell allows to access to a drop-down list
including the available parameters),
· the new value(s) for this parameter.

7.3.2 Jasco Autosampler

The Jasco HPLC driver allows you to control the following Jasco Autosampler models from your
WINILAB III station : 1550, 1555, 1559, 2055 and 2057.

The Jasco Sampler view of the method allows to set all the autosampler parameters :


Fig. 6.16 : The Jasco Sampler view of the Chromatographic Method.

The Jasco Sampler view includes 3 sections :

· Device configuration
· General configuration
· Operating mode

268 CHROMATOGRAPHIC METHOD Device Configuration

Fig. 6.17 : The Device configuration section of the Jasco Sampler view .

Autosampler model : Select here the Jasco Autosampler model you are using. Four versions
are available : 1550, 1555, 2055 and 2057.

Syringe size : Select here the size of the microsyringe to be used for sample
measurement : 0,1ml, 0,5 ml, 2,5 ml or 5 ml. After placing the
microsyringe to be used for sample measurement in the auto-sampler,
change the setting for the syringe size here.

Cooling Unit is only available for Autosampler model 1555 and 2057. For these models, two
parameters are accessible : Running status and End Sequence status. General Configuration

Fig. 6.18 : The General configuration section of the Jasco Sampler view .

Operating mode : Three options are available : standard (Normal), Pre-column

derivatization mode 1 (Pre-column 1) or Operations in dilution mode


For Pre-column derivatization mode 1 : Sample, reagent 1, and
reagent 2 are taken into the needle separated by an amount of air.
The contents of the needle are then injected into a mixing vial and
the reaction occurs while mixing in air. The reacted sample is once
again taken up by the needle, measured, and injected into the
For Operations in dilution mode can be divided into 2 steps : (1)
Sample and 10 µL of air are drawn up by suction, in that order, and
then the sample and the dilution solution (flushing solution) are
purged into a mixing vial. Following the addition of 150 µL of air, the
vial contents are mixed. (2) The mixing vial contents are injected into
the column using normal operations.

Number of flushes : As long as no contamination (sample) remains in the flow lines, 1

flush is sufficient. However, if contamination remains, increase the
number of flushes as required. When contamination remains even
after 3 flushes or the analysis time cannot be extended, change the
flushing solvent.
The volume that should be used for each flush is shown below.
Microsyringe measuring 100 µL: 100 µL/flush
Microsyringe measuring 500 µL: 500 µL/flush
Microsyringe measuring 2500 µL: 2500 µL/flush
Microsyringe measuring 5000 µL: 5000 µL/flush

Speed parameters
The speed parameters are used to set the syringe uptake and purge rate used during flushing and
sample measurement.

Parameter Setting range
Flushing speed 1 ~ 100 mL/sec 80 mL/sec
(Flush rate)

Sample suction speed 1 ~ 50 mL/sec 3 mL/sec

(Sample uptake rate)

Sample pump speed 1 ~ 50 mL/sec 3 mL/sec

(Sample purge rate)

These parameters are set at the recommended values at the time of shipment.
When the flushing solution or sample solvent has a low boiling point, air may be generated at the
recommended values. If this occurs, set the parameters lower, in order to suppress air generation
and improve reproducibility.

Suction adjustment parameters

In order to accurately take up sample and inject it into the column, sample is sandwiched between
air. This special function is used to set air volumes, flushing sample volumes, and sample loss
volumes to be used in the sample sandwich while taking up sample.


Parameter Setting range Recommended

1st air volume 0 ~ 20 mL 2 mL
Washing sample volume 0 ~ 20 mL 2 mL
2nd air volume 0 ~ 20 mL 1 mL

Sample loss volume 0 ~ 100 mL 10 mL

These parameters are set at the recommended values at the time of shipment. When the
instrument is used under these conditions, a double layer of air is drawn in by the suction
operations. If the sample tends to adhere to tubing between the needle and valve, the sample loss
volume can be increased to 100 µL to compensate for sample loss.
When the washing sample volume and the 2nd air volume are set to 0, only a single layer of air is
drawn in.

Backlash volume : The backlash value is used for error adjustment of the leadscrew
that drives the measurement syringe.Set the backlash to 5 µL
when using the variable injection mode and 0 µL when using the
fixed injection mode.

Compensation coefficient : Even when the sample injection volume is set to the same value,
actual injection volume is not equal to the absolute injection
volume. Furthermore, the actual injection volume varies for
different instruments. This function is used to finely adjust a
sample injection volume in order to correct for these variations.
The input range for the compensation coefficient is: 0.5 ~ 1.50. Operating Mode

You have to set parameters in this section if you have selected the Pre-column 1 mode or Dilution
mode in the Device configuration section. In Normal mode, no parameter is accessible here.

Pre-column 1

Fig. 6.19 : The Operating mode section when Pre-column mode is selected.


The parameters and setting ranges for pre-column derivatization mode 1 are shown in the table
below. The sum of sample, reagent 1, and reagent 2 volumes cannot be set outside the following
range :
15 µL < Sample volume + R1 + R2 < 215 µL

Parameter Setting Range

Sample suction volume 1 ~ 200 µL

Reaction reagent 1 suction 0 ~ 215 µL

Reaction reagent 2 suction 0 ~ 215 µL
Reaction time 0 ~ 99.9 min

Number of mixes 0 ~ 5 times

Rack location of reagent 0 ~ 40 mm

(Mixed sample uptake position)
Mixing speed 1 ~ 100 µL/s

The following items should be considered when setting parameters.

(1) With pre-column derivatization mode 1, the sample placement locations are fixed at 1 ~ 20
with the standard rack and the sample injection range is designated using the sample
positions (1 ~ 20) before the derivation reaction. In actual operation, however, the
derivatization sample will be taken up from a mixing vial at 21 ~ 40.
(2) The number of sample injections is 1. Even when N.INJ is set to 2 or more, only a single
injection will still be carried out.


Fig. 6.20 : The Operating mode section when Dilution mode is selected.

The parameters and setting ranges for dilution mode are shown in the table below. The sum of


sample and dilution solution volumes cannot be set outside the following range :
15 µL < Sample volume + dilution volume < 215 µL

Parameter Setting Range

Sample suction volume 1 ~ 215 mL

Reagent suction volume 1 ~ 215 mL

(Dilution solution)
Number of mixes 0 ~ 5 times

Rack location of reagent 0 ~ 40 mm

(Mixed sample uptake position)
Mixing rate (Mixing speed) 1 ~ 100 mL/sec

Note: Mixing rate is defined as the speed at which air is blown into the mixing solution.

The following items should be considered when setting parameters.

(1) With dilution mode the sample placement locations are fixed at or 1 ~ 25 for the standard rack
and the sample injection range is designated using the sample positions (1 ~ 25) before the
dilution. In actual operation, however, the diluted sample will be taken up from a mixing vial at
or 26 ~ 50.

(2) The number of sample injections is 1. Even when N.INJ is set to 2 or more, only a single
injection will be performed.

7.3.3 Jasco UV Detector

The Jasco HPLC driver allows you to control from your WINILAB station the Jasco UV detectors
models 970, 975, 1570, 1575, 2070 and 2075.
The Jasco UV view of the method allows to set the general parameters. The parameters shown
below can be changed according to a time program:
· Wavelength
· Sensitivity
· Response speed
· Autozero
· Spectrum measurement.


Fig. 6.21 : The general parameters of the Jasco UV view.

Wavelength : Wavelength value depends on the detector model. It must be set

between 190 and 900 nm for UV 970, 1570 or 2070 and between
190 and 600 nm for UV 975, 1575 or 2075.

Sensitivity (Range) : The sensitivity value can be selected among the following values :
0.0005, 0.001, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16, 0.32, 0.64,
1.28, 2.56, ABU/10 mV.

Auto Zero Mode : In "AUTO" mode, the Auto Zero is executed automatically and the
baseline returns to the zero position when the wavelength is
In "HOLD" mode, Autozero is performed and the baseline returns to
the position before autozeroing was performed. The baseline does
not appear to change.
In "MANUAL" mode, the current intensity is set to zero when you
press the [AUTO ZERO] key. The level value when the Auto Zero is
executed can be selected here (0, 5, 10, 50 or 100 mV)

Response Speed : FAST, STD or SLOW can be selected as the response.

Lamps : For UV 970, 1570 or 2070 you can switch and select lamps between
Deuterium (D2), Tungsten (W) or both by checking relative box.
When the lamp is set at “D2 +W”, the lamp is changed automatically
depending on the wavelength setting.
The lamp is automatically turned off after the time set here has
elapsed (between 0.0 = OFF and 99.9 hour).


Integrator Output Scale : The integrator output scale can be switched among four levels.

Filter Method : The signal filtering method can be selected among three methods :
TIME ACCUM (Moving average method), CR FILTER (Numerical
simulation of simple low-pass filter using a capacitance and a
resistance) and DIGITAL FILTER (Finite Impulse Response filter).
Default value is CR FILTER as the signal filtering method is normally
set at CR FILTER. If a high noise level makes analysis using the CR
FILTER method difficult, switch to the DIGITAL FILTER method. The
DIGITAL FILTER method reduces baseline noise more

Output Polarity : The polarity of the detector output can be changed using this
function (PLUS or MINUS). Time Program

You can activate the Time program table by checking the box Enable Time Program. This table
should contains at least one line and up to 64.

Fig. 6.22 : The time program of the Jasco UV method .

To add a line just make a double-click on the icon in the upper left of the table or select Add in the
menu available by right-clicking on the line number. The new line has a default time equal to the
highest time of the table over a minute.

To delete a line just make a double-click on the cross at the end of the line or select Delete in the
menu available by right-clicking on the line number. It's possible to select multiple lines (by keeping
the left mouse button pressed) and then to delete them using the menu.

To insert a line just select Insert in the menu available by right-clicking on the line number. The
new line has a default time equal to the mean time of the preceding and following lines.

When you change a time value, the table is automatically organized by increasing time.

When the Filter Method is changed in the general parameters, every line of the time program
table including Response command will be deleted.

Two similar commands can not be executed at the same time.

For the Ex Scan and Em Scan commands, you should set the Window (between 0.0 and 9.9 min),
which defines the time interval when the measurement can be done and the Level (between 0 and


100%). The measurement is done only if the value of the signal exceeds this Level.
The spectrum scans should not overlap. For example, you cannot set a Em Scan at 5 minutes with
a 2 minutes window and another scan at 6 minutes with the same window.
When the time program includes Ex Scan or EmScan command, only the the measurement are
done during the acquisition. Data for each spectrum are saved in a *.csv file (format supported by
Microsoft Excel). The path and the file names appear in the analysis report and in the Events tab
of the Information view of the Analysis. Note that a spectrum measurement can not be done if the
level is not reach. In this case, the file is not created.

7.3.4 Jasco Fluorescence Detector

The Jasco HPLC driver allows you to control from your WINILAB station the Jasco Fluorescence
detectors models 1520, 2020 and 2025.
The Jasco FP view of the method allows to set the general parameters. The parameters shown
below can be changed according to a time program:
· Excitation and emission wavelengths
· Gain
· Attenuation
· Response speed
· Autozero
· Excitation and emission spectrum measurement
· Spectrum bandwidth General Parameters

Fig. 6.23 : The general parameters of the Jasco FP view .


Ex Wavelength : Excitation wavelength (value between 200 and 890 nm).

Em Wavelength : Emission wavelength (value between 210 and 900 nm).

Note: The driver uses the "Restricted" mode. This means the wavelengths should be set
respecting the following rule : Ex Wavelength <= Em Wavelength – 10

Filter Method : The signal filter method should changed if a high noise level makes
analysis difficult. The method is normally set to CR FILTER. Baseline
noise is reduced when the method is switched to DIGITAL FILTER.
Response Speed : When using the CR FILTER method, FAST, STD, and SLOW can be
selected as the response.
When using the DIGITAL FILTER method, 3 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s, or 40 s can
be selected as the response.

Auto Zero Mode : In "MANUAL" mode, the current fluorescent intensity is set to zero when
you press the [AUTO ZERO] key.
In "AUTO" mode, the Auto Zero is executed when one of the following
parameters is changed: Excitation or emission wavelength, Gain or
Spectrum bandwidth.
Auto Zero Position : The level value when the Auto Zero is executed can be selected here (0,
5, 10, 50 or 100 mV)

Gain : Magnitude of the voltage applied to the fluorescence detector

photomultiplier tube (possible values are 1, 10, 100, 1000)
Attenuation : Attenuation can be selected between the following values : 0, 1, 2, 4, 8,
16, 32, 64, 128 or 256.
Lamp Off Timer : The lamp is automatically turned off after this time has elapsed (between
0.0 = OFF and 99.9 hour).
Em Bandwidth : This function allows to change the emission bandwidth (10, 18 or 40 nm).
Output Polarity : The polarity of the detector output can be changed using this function

Sampling Interval : Interval between measured data points (100, 200, 500 or 1000 ms).
Transfer Interval : Interval between transferred data points (1, 2 or 5 s). Time Program

You can activate the Time program table by checking the box Enable Time Program. This table
should contains at least one line and up to 64.


Fig. 6.24 : The time program of the Jasco FP method .

To add a line just make a double-click on the icon in the upper left of the table or select Add in the
menu available by right-clicking on the line number. The new line has a default time equal to the
highest time of the table over a minute.

To delete a line just make a double-click on the cross at the end of the line or select Delete in the
menu available by right-clicking on the line number. It's possible to select multiple lines (by keeping
the left mouse button pressed) and then to delete them using the menu.

To insert a line just select Insert in the menu available by right-clicking on the line number. The
new line has a default time equal to the mean time of the preceding and following lines.

When you change a time value, the table is automatically organized by increasing time.

When the Filter Method is changed in the general parameters, every line of the time program
table including Response command will be deleted.

Two similar commands can not be executed at the same time.

For the Ex Scan and Em Scan commands, you should set the Window (between 0.0 and 9.9 min),
which defines the time interval when the measurement can be done and the Level (between 0 and
100%). The measurement is done only if the value of the signal exceeds this Level.
The spectrum scans should not overlap. For example, you cannot set a Em Scan at 5 minutes with
a 2 minutes window and another scan at 6 minutes with the same window.
When the time program includes Ex Scan or EmScan command, only the the measurement are
done during the acquisition. Data for each spectrum are saved in a *.csv file (format supported by
Microsoft Excel). The path and the file names appear in the analysis report and in the Events tab
of the Information view of the Analysis. Note that a spectrum measurement can not be done if the
level is not reach. In this case, the file is not created.



The process method includes all the data and the parameters used during the processing of an
analysis after acquisition. The process method is divided in 4 parts available from the WiniBar :

Integration Includes integration parameters and integration events

Identification Includes identification parameters in the Identification table and the

Group table

Quantification Includes calibration parameters as quantification method, calibration

curve model, ...

Post-run Includes all the actions to be executed at the end of the processing such
report printing or file export.

8.1 Integration

You can access the Integration section by clicking on the Integration icon in the WiniBar.

The integration process allows to locate peaks in the signal and to calculate the different
chromatographic variables. The different steps of this process are :
· Identify start and end for each peak.
· Locate the top of each peak
· Draw the baseline
· Calculate area, height, widths, asymmetry, resolution, … of each found peak.

To perform a perfect integration, WINILAB III will use both general integration parameters and
integration time events.

8.1.1 Integration Parameters

Integration parameters serve to automatically recognize, classify and suppress peaks as well as
to determine the baseline.

WINILAB III uses 4 integration parameters which are normally suitable for optimum integration of
90% of all recorded chromatograms :

Peak width : This value is used to smooth the first derivative of the signal and so to set
start and end peak markers. The Peak Width value must be the base
width of the smallest peak you want to integrate.
If peaks becomes larger during the run, then used the PW+ event. The
minimum value of the Peak Width is 2.

Threshold : Threshold is the slope value used to find peak start and peak end. A peak
start is detected when two points with a slope bigger than the threshold
parameter are found on the signal.
Increasing the threshold value will decrease sensitivity of the integration.


Decreasing the threshold value will increase sensitivity of the integration

(up to a minimum value of 0).
As the Threshold is depending on the PW value, it is recommended to set
the PW value before determining the Threshold.

Minimum height : This value is used to eliminate the lowest peaks. Any peak with a height
less than this parameter is removed from the integration results.

Minimum area : This value is used to eliminate the smallest peaks. Any peak with an area
less than this parameter is removed from the integration results.

In critical cases, the user can improve the peak integration by adding integration events during
the analysis.

8.1.2 Integration Events

The integration events are time-dependent instructions given to the algorithm to improve the peak
integration. They allow to deal with numerous types of baseline shapes and anomalies. These
integration events are :

· Enable/Disable Integration (INT+/INT-)

· Enable/Disable Valley to valley (SVV+/SVV-)
· Join the next Valley (SNV)
· Enable/Disable Skimming (SKIM+/SKIM-)
· Forced Tangent Skimming (FSKIM)
· Enable/Disable Horizontal Baseline (HOR+/HOR-)
· Enable/Disable Peak Sum (SUM+/SUM-)
· Enable/Disable Negative Peaks (NEG+/NEG-)
· Enable/Disable Negative Peaks Inhibition (INEG+/INEG-)
· Enable/Disable Forced Baseline (COM+/COM-)
· Increase/Decrease Peak Width (PW+/PW-)
· Increase/Decrease Threshold (TH+/TH-)
· Force Baseline to Zero (ZBL+/ZBL-)
· Slice Integration (SLI+/SLI-)
· Forced Horizontal Baseline (HOR)
· Force Peak Start/End (FOR+/FOR-) Enable/Disable Integration

These events activate (INT+) or deactivate (INT-) the integration of the peaks.
The INT- event must be placed before the region of the chromatogram you don't want to integrate
(a solvent peak for example). Use the INT+ event to integrate again.
The INT- cancel all other events currently active. When you enable 'integration after an INT-
event, all the other events are set to the default conditions.

When this event is located after the apex of the peak (i.e. at a time higher than the peak retention
time), it will be active for the next peak. If it is located before the apex of the peak, it will be active
from this current peak.

These events are commonly used in the following cases :

· To eliminate a solvent peak,
· To draw the baseline after a signal disturbance.


(Default event active : INT +)

Fig. 7.1(a) Fig. 7.1(b) Enable/Disable Valley to Valley

This event (SVV+) allows to draw the baseline for non-resolved peaks by joining the lower points
between the peaks (valley). By default, this event is not active (SVV-). In this case, the baseline is
set straightly to the next point where the chromatogram return down to the baseline. Some
perpendicular lines are drawn to separate non resolved peaks.

(Default event active : SVV-)

Fig. 7.2(a) Fig. 7.2(b) Join the Next Valley

This event set before a peak allows to draw the baseline by joining the next valley for this peak
only. The baseline will then join the two valleys like with the SVV+ event except this will apply to
one peak only.
No event is necessary to deactivate it.

Fig. 7.3(a) Fig. 7.3(b) Enable/Disable Skimming

When this event is active (SKIM+), the peak in the tail of the previous peak to be automatically
tangent skimmed if its height is under 20% of the previous peak height. By default, the tangent
skimming is active and can be deactivated using the event SKIM-.


(Default event active : SKIM+)

Fig. 7.4(a) Fig. 7.4(b) Forced Tangent Skimming

This event allows to force the tangent skimming for the next peak. The FSKIM event is punctually
active and must be set before the peak to be skimmed (in the valley or in the previous peak).
No event is necessary to deactivate it.

Fig. 7.5(a) Fig. 7.5(b) Enable/Disable Horizontal Baseline

This event (HOR+) maintains the baseline horizontally from the point where the event is set. The
baseline is drawn horizontally until the end of the chromatogram except if it is deactivated with the
event (HOR-) or if another contrary event (like INT- or SVV+) is set further.

(Default active event : HOR-)

Fig. 7.6(a) Fig. 7.6(b) Enable/Disable Peak Sum

This event allows to integrate a group of peaks as it was one single peak. WINILAB III will
integrate this peak (group) in a time window defined by the two events SUM+ and SUM-. The
retention time is taken at the highest point in the cluster.
When this event is located after the peak apex (at a time higher than the peak retention time), it


will be active for the next peak. If it is located before the apex of the peak, it will be active from
this current peak.

(Default active event : SUM-)

Fig. 7.7(a) Fig. 7.7(b) Enable/Disable Negative Peaks

This event allows to detect and to integrate negative peaks. This event will display in dotted line
the reverse negative peak.

(Default active event : NEG-)

Fig. 7.8(a) Fig. 7.8(b) Enable/Disable Negative Peaks Inhibition

This event allows to draw the baseline when the peak is preceded (or followed) by a negative
peak. The baseline is set as if the negative peak doesn't exist.

(Default active event : INEG-)

Fig. 7.9(a) Fig. 7.9(b)

284 PROCESS METHOD Enable/Disable Forced Baseline

Usually, WINILAB III will draw a baseline for each peak. This event allows to set a common
baseline for several adjacent peaks. The baseline will be forced between the COM+ and the
COM- events.

(Default active event : COM -)

Fig. 7.10(a) Fig. 7.10(b) Increase/Decrease Peak Width

This event will increase (PW+) or decrease (PW-) peak width value used for the integration
The increase is done by multiplying the actual peak width by 2.
The decrease is done by dividing the actual peak width by 2 (the peak width can never be less
than 2).

Fig. 7.11(a) Fig. 7.11(b) Increase/Decrease Threshold

This event will increase (TH+) or decrease (TH-) the threshold value used for the integration
The increase is done by multiplying the actual threshold value by 2.
The decrease is done by dividing the actual threshold value by 2 (the threshold value can never
be less than 0).

Fig. 7.12(a) Fig. 7.12(b)

PROCESS METHOD 285 Force Baseline to Zero

This event (ZBL+) draw an horizontal baseline at the zero signal level. The baseline will be drawn
like this until a ZBL- event is set.

(Default active event : ZBL-)

Fig. 7.13(a) Fig. 7.13(b) Slice Integration

This event allows to integrate by slice. WINILAB III will integrate this peak by splitting it in several
slices of equivalent number of points. This number of points is the parameter of the integration
event and must be set in the Integration view of the Analysis or of the Process Method. The slice
integration is active until the time where the SLI- is set.

(Default active event : SLI-)

Fig. 7.14(a) Fig. 7.14(b) Forced Horizontal Baseline

This event (HOR) maintains the baseline horizontally from a fixed Y value. This Y value is the
parameter of the integration event and must be set in the Integration view of the Analysis or of the
Process Method. The baseline is drawn horizontally until the end of the chromatogram. No event
is available to deactivate it. If you want to set an horizontal baseline only for a portion of the
chromatogram, the event (HOR+/HOR-) is more convenient.


Fig. 7.15(a) Fig. 7.15(b) Force Peak Start/End

This event allows to set the peak start and the peak end at a precise time. The peak starts where
you place the event FOR+ and ends where you place the event FOR -.

(Default active event : None)

Fig. 7.16(a) Fig. 7.16(b)

8.2 Identification
8.2.1 Identification Process
WINILAB III automatically identifies your peaks or your group of peaks by absolute retention time
or in comparison with one (or several) reference peak(s). The identification of the peaks in
WINILAB III is done using the parameters included in the Identification table and in the Group
The process is divided in three different steps :
· Reference Peaks Identification
· Search for Identification Windows
· Peaks Identification Reference Peaks Identification

The algorithm first identify the reference peaks. The internal standards are consider as reference
The identification algorithm identify as a reference peak the biggest peak (which having the
biggest area) located in the identification window (Retention time window).
For this reason, it is recommended to choose major peaks as reference peaks (and correctly
resolved in order to avoid all identification error).

PROCESS METHOD 287 Search for identification windows

For all the other peaks (which are not reference peaks or internal standards), the system
determines the identification window :

In absolute tolerance mode

· If the peak does not use a reference peak, the window is
[Rt - Rt wnd, Rt + Rt wnd],
· If the peak uses a reference peak, the window is
[(Rt /RtRef)* RtRefReal – Rt wnd, (Rt /RtRef)* RtRefReal + Rt wnd],

In relative tolerance mode

· If the peak does not use a reference peak, the window is
[Rt – Rt wnd * Rt, Rt + Rt wnd * Rt]
· If the peak uses a reference peak, the window is
[(Rt /RtRef)* RtRefReal – Rt * Rt wnd, (Rt /RtRef)* RtRefReal + Rt * Rt wnd].

Conventions :
· Rt is the expected retention time of the peak set in the identification table,
· Rt wnd is the retention time window set in the identification table,
· RtRef is the expected retention time of the reference peak set in the identification table,
· RtRefReal the real retention time of the reference peak in the chromatogram. Peaks Identification

All the peaks are identified thanks to their retention time windows.
The retention time windows are taken in the order of the identification table.
The assigned peak is the non identified peak of which the retention time is the closest from the
middle of the retention time window.
If no peak is found in the retention time window (or if the peaks found are already assigned to
other compounds), then the name is assigned to any peak.

8.2.2 Identification Table

It is also called peak table. The identification table serves as the basis for identification. Each line
is dedicated to one peak and it's including the six following columns :

Peak name : Enter here the characteristic substance name which will label the
peak. This name must be unique.

Rt : (Expected Retention time) Most frequently, peaks are identified via

their retention time. If the user knows the exact retention time of a
peak, the retention time is entered together with the peak name in this
column of the peak table. If a peak will be detected at this specified
time, the name is automatically assigned. This value is expressed in

Rt wnd : (Retention time window) Even if there are retention time fluctuations
or neighboring peaks, identification is possible. This is enabled by a
tolerance range defined via this parameter. If a peak is detected
within the retention time window, it is identified, even if the set
(nominal) and the actual retention time do not match exactly. If
several peaks are detected within this window, WINILAB III identifies
the nearest peak, except for a reference peak and an internal


standard peak where the largest peak is identified. This minutes is

expressed in minutes or in %Rt depending on the selected tolerance

Ref. Peak : (Reference peak) In case of changes in the chromatograph such as

flow rate, this may be suitable to use the relative identification mode.
With this mode, a reference peak is used to adjust the expected
retention time of a component to compensate. This column allows to
define if a peak will be set as a reference peak. Each peak can have
its own reference peak, so several peaks can be marked as reference
peak. An ideal reference peak is one that is always present in the
sample, and is well resolved from other peaks in the chromatogram
(Internal standards make excellent reference peaks.)
Reference : In relative identification mode, you have to choose which reference
peak will be used for each peak. The list includes all the peaks set as
reference peak in the previous column.

Relative retention time : If a named peak is assigned a reference peak, then its new expected
retention time is calculated as follows:
New expected Rt = (Actual Ref. Peak Rt/Expected Ref. Peak Rt) * Expected Peak Rt
This column display the relative retention time (Expected Peak Rt/
Expected Ref. Peak Rt) in minutes. This value is read only and can't
be edited.

Refer to the Analysis - Identification View section to know how to fill the Identification table

8.2.3 Group Table

The group table is similar to the peak table and also serves as the basis for identification. But in
this case, each line is dedicated to one group of peaks and it's including the four following
columns :

Group name : Enter here the characteristic name which will label the group of peak. If a group is
named, you have to assign him a time slice (Begin + End) or a peak list.

Begin : If you want to define a group with a slice of time, you must indicate the start time
of this slice. (else leave 0.00)

End : If you want to define a group with a slice of time, you must indicate the end time
of this slice. (else leave 0.00)

List : This column shows the name of the peaks which belong to the group.

Refer to the Analysis - Group View section to know how to fill the Group table.

The zone in the bottom of the screen allows to create a group for the unknown peaks. Check the
Group Unknown box and type a name for this group.


8.3 Quantification
8.3.1 Quantification Process
The Quantification step occurs after the peaks have been integrated and identified. It allows to
calculate the quantity value of the compound in the sample. This calculation is depending on the
quantification mode and the type of response (area or height).

Nine quantification modes are available in WINILAB III.

1. Normalization
2. Normalization with response factors
3. External standard
4. External standard in weight %
5. External standard log
6. Internal standard
7. Internal standard in weight %
8. Internal standard log
9. Internal standard with response factors

The modes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 use calibration process (curves). Calibration links peak area or
peak height to the amount of the corresponding component in the sample. The resulting curve is
called calibration curve. Several mathematical models representing different calibration equations
are provided with WINILAB III. It is also possible to define how the origin is treated and to weight
the points of the calibration curve.

Each component can have its own independent calibration model. The number of calibration
points for each component is unlimited. All the parameters used by WINILAB III during the
quantification process can be set in the Quantification table. Mathematical Model

In each calibration, a mathematical relation is established between the amount of a standard
sample and the corresponding area value. Depending on the location of the calibration points or
on the type of detector, this relation can be linear, a parabola or exponential. The corresponding
mathematical models are used by WINILAB III to fit the calibration points (In most of the cases,
the linear model is suitable) :

linear Y = aX + b 2 calibration points minimum or 1 point + origin

quadratic Y = aX² + bX + c 3 calibration points minimum or 2 points + origin
cubic Y = aX3 + bX² + cX + d 4 calibration points minimum or 3 points + origin
exponential Y = aXb 2 calibration points minimum or 1 point + origin
point to point Not a real mathematical model

Note : Some models are not applicable if not enough calibration point are enable (the origin
counts as one point if the include mode).
If you change to a model which needs more calibration points than currently available,
WINILAB III try first in including the origin and then apply the closer mathematical model. Origin Treatment

WINILAB III offers three possibilities to process the origin with the calibration curve :

Include : The origin point is consider as a calibration point. It means you will add a "zero"
calibration level with the (0,0) point. The resulting calibration curve will take


account of this "zero" calibration point.

Ignore : The origin point is ignored for the calibration curve calculation.

Force : This will force the calibration curve to pass through the origin point. Weighting
The calibration point weighting is a way to orient more or less strongly the calibration curve
towards the calibration points of lower concentration. WINILAB III offers the four following
weighting types :

= (Equal) : No weighting, each calibration point has the same weight.

1/c : Each calibration point has a weight equal to the inverse concentration.
1/c² : Each calibration point has a weight equal to the inverse square concentration.
1/c3 : Each calibration point has a weight equal to the inverse cubic concentration.

8.3.2 Quantification Table

The Quantification table (also called calibration table) allows to define how the quantification will
be made and how the calibration curve (if necessary) will be built. It is filled with the list of
compounds from the Identification table and with the list of groups from the Group table.

The design of the Calibration table is depending on the Quantification mode you select (in
particular, no calibration table will be displayed in the normalization mode). The different
Quantification mode available (from the drop-down list) are :
· Normalization,
· Response factor,
· External standard or External standard % or External standard log,
· Internal standard or Internal standard % or Internal standard log.
· Internal standard with RF

With the Quantification mode (in the zone above the Calibration table), you can also set the
response type, the number of calibration levels and the level unit (µg/l, ppm, %, ...).

The zone under the Calibration table allows to define parameters for the quantification of the
unknown peaks (or non identified peaks). Normalization
The normalization method is not a real quantification method but a semi-quantitative
determination of the quantity. It is only consisting in calculating the area % ( or height %) for each

As it is a simple semi-quantitative method, the quantity value is always expressed as a

percentage. There is no response type and no calibration table since no calibration curve will be
built. No other parameter is required with the Normalization mode.

In the results table, the "Results" and "Results%" columns display the area% of the identified
peaks. The other peaks are set to 0.00.
By default, the normalization is done at 100% except if you adjust the value in Normalization at

PROCESS METHOD 291 Response Factor

Known response factors are used to calculate the quantity of each compound (or group of
compounds). Then this quantity is multiplied by the Dilution factor and divided by the Division
factor to obtain the final result (Results).

The quantity in % (Results %) is calculated with the following formula :

Q = quantity of the compound

RF = response factor of the compound
A = area of the compound (or height if selected as response type)

Like the Normalization mode, no calibration curve will be built but you need to select the response
type and to enter the response factor for each component.

When you select Response factor in the Quantification mode list, the screen will appear like this :

Fig. 7.17 : The Quantification table in Response factor mode.

In the Quantification mode zone, you can also select Area or Height as the response type.

The table includes the following columns :


Peak name : This column displays the characteristic substance name from the
Identification table. This name can not be modified in the Calibration
table. If you have defined some groups of peaks, the name of each
group appears at the end of this list.

Response Factor : Enter in this column the response factor for each compound (or group of
compounds). The response factor will be used by WINILAB III to
calculate the quantity by multiplying the area or the height (depending on
the response type). The default value of the response factor is 1. External Standard

With this method, several standard samples containing known quantity of each compound (or
group of compounds) are injected. Then a calibration curve (displaying the response versus the
quantity) is built for each compound (or group of compounds). The quantity of compound (or
group of compounds) for an unknown sample is obtained with the calibration curve (the result
from the calibration curve is multiplied by the Dilution factor and divided by the Division factor).

The external standard in weight % is a similar method where the final quantity is a percent of the
total amount of sample.

The external standard log is a quantification method which uses calibration curves displaying the
Log(Response) versus the Log(Quantity) where the response can be area or height. This method
is used with specific detectors like the Flame Photometer Detector.

When you select External Std (or External Std % or External Std log) in the Quantification mode
list, the screen will appear like this :


Fig. 7.18 : The Quantification table in External Standard mode.

The table includes the following columns :

Peak name : This column displays the characteristic substance name from the
Identification table and the name of the groups from the Group table.
This name can not be modified in the Calibration table.

Calib. curve model : Select here the mathematical model WINILAB III will use to build the
calibration curve.

Origin : Select here the origin treatment WINILAB III will use to build the
calibration curve.

Weighting : Select here calibration points weighting WINILAB III will apply to build the
calibration curve.

Curve : This column only appears if you have selected the Show Curve Column
option in the contextual menu of the Quantification Table (right click on
the top left cell). It allows to use the Calibration Curve of an other
compound for the quantification. Select here the name of this compound
from the drop-down list.

Multiplier : This column only appears if you have selected the Show Multiplier
Column option in the contextual menu of the Quantification Table (right
click on the top left cell). It allows to use a correction factor for each
compound during the quantification process. Enter here the value of this
correction factor.


Level X : According to the number of calibration levels set in the upper zone,
WINILAB III creates the corresponding number of level columns in the
Calibration table. Each level column corresponding to a calibration
sample and you must enter the amount for each compound in the
calibration sample. The unit of this amount can be selected above the
quantification table. Internal Standard

This method requires the addition of an internal standard in the standard and unknown. In this
case, the calibration curve is built with the compound response / internal standard response ratio
versus the compound quantity / internal standard quantity ratio.

For an unknown sample, the compound quantity / internal standard quantity is obtained from the
calibration curve. Then the quantity is calculated by multiplying this ratio with the known quantity
of internal standard. Then this quantity is multiplied by the Dilution factor and divided by the
Division factor.

The internal standard in weight % is a similar method where the final quantity is a percent of the
total amount of sample.
The internal standard log is a similar method which uses calibration curves displaying the ratio
Log(Response)/ Log(Istd Response) versus the ratio Log(Quantity)/Log(Istd Quantity).

When the chromatogram includes numerous peaks, it could be helpful to use several internal
standards which will be eluted in different sections of the chromatogram.

When you select Internal Std (or Internal Std % or Internal Std log) in the Quantification mode list,
the screen will appear like this :


Fig. 7.19 : The Quantification table in Internal Standard mode.

The table includes the following columns :

Peak name : This column displays the characteristic substance name from the
Identification table and the name of the groups from the Group table.
This name can not be modified in the Calibration table.

Istd : Check the box if you want to use the compound as an internal standard.
WINILAB III offers the capability to use several internal standards. When
a compound is set as an internal standard all the line appears in gray
and becomes disable (no curve is built for the ISTD).

Istd name : This column allows you to choose the internal standard for each peak.
The selected internal standard in the Istd column appears in the
drop-down list

Calib. curve model : Select here the mathematical model WINILAB III will use to build the
calibration curve.

Origin : Select here the origin treatment WINILAB III will use to build the
calibration curve.

Weighting : Select here calibration points weighting WINILAB III will apply to build the
calibration curve.

Curve : This column only appears if you have selected the Show Curve Column
option in the contextual menu of the Quantification Table (right click on
the top left cell). It allows to use the Calibration Curve of an other
compound for the quantification. Select here the name of this compound


from the drop-down list.

Multiplier : This column only appears if you have selected the Show Multiplier
Column option in the contextual menu of the Quantification Table (right
click on the top left cell). It allows to use a correction factor for each
compound during the quantification process. Enter here the value of this
correction factor.

Level X : According to the number of calibration levels set in the upper zone,
WINILAB III creates the corresponding number of level columns in the
Calibration table. Each level column corresponding to a calibration
sample and you must enter the amount for each compound in the
calibration sample. The unit of this amount can be selected above the
quantification table.

Note : The quantity of internal standard added in each sample is set in the acquisition
parameters or in the sequence table before the injection. It can also be specified after the
acquisition has been done (with the reprocessing or in the Information view of the
Analysis). If the internal standard quantity set is 0, the quantity of the linked compounds
will be also 0. Internal Standard with RF

This method is a mix between Response Factor and Internal Standard. It requires the addition of
an internal standard in the samples but no calibration curve is built since known response factors
are used to calculate the relative quantity of each compound (or group of compounds). The
quantity is calculated with the following formula :

Q = quantity of the compound

RF = response factor of the compound
R = response of the compound (area or height)
R ISTD = response of the internal standard
Q ISTD = quantity of the internal standard

Then this quantity is multiplied by the Dilution factor and divided by the Division factor to obtain
the final result.

When you select Internal Std with RF in the Quantification mode list, the screen will appear like
this :


Fig. 7.20 : The Quantification table in Internal Standard with RF mode.

The table includes the following columns :

Peak name : This column displays the characteristic substance name from the
Identification table. This name can not be modified in the Calibration
table. If you have defined some groups of peaks, the name of each
group appears at the end of this list.

Response Factor : Enter in this column the response factor for each compound (or group of
compounds). The response factor will be used by WINILAB III to
calculate the quantity by multiplying the area or the height (depending on
the response type). The default value of the response factor is 1.

Istd : Check the box if you want to use the compound as an internal standard.
WINILAB III offers the capability to use several internal standards. When
a compound is set as an internal standard all the line appears in gray
and becomes disable.

Istd name : This column allows you to choose the internal standard for each peak.
The selected internal standard in the Istd column appears in the
drop-down list GroupQuantification
In some applications, the Calibration Curve should be built not for a compound but for a group of
compounds since your standard sample has been prepared with a known quantity of a group of
First you have to defined your group of peaks in the Groups parameters. When it is done, the
Quantification table will include not only the list of compounds (green background color lines)


from the Identification table but also the list of groups you have set (yellow background color
In the quantification table, you can enter the concentration of each group of compounds in the
level columns exactly like for peaks, in order to built a calibration curve for each group. However,
WINILAB III doesn't consider a group as an entity but as a sum of peaks. This means if you want
to quantify a group using its calibration curve, you should specify the curve of the group in the
Curve column of the Quantification table :

Fig. 7.21 : The Quantification table for group quantification.

Then the results of your group of peaks are displayed in the Group results tab of the Results view


8.4 Post Run

Post-run section allows to define some actions to be executed automatically after acquisition or

Fig. 7.20 : The Preprocessing table, the Postprocessing table and the Macro table.

This includes 3 tables :

· the Preprocessing table where you specify the actions (and their parameters) to be executed
before the processing (integration, identification and quantification),
· the Postprocessing table where you specify the actions (and their parameters) to be executed
at the end of the processing,
· the Macro table where you can define some shortcuts to be used in the Preprocessing and the
Postprocessing tables.

8.4.1 Preprocessing Table

The Preprocessing table contains two columns : Action and Parameter.

For the Preprocessing, you can choose 2 actions from the drop-down list :

Substract blank : This allows you to subtsract a blank file to the analysis before the
processing. Like this, you will perform the integration, the identification and
the quantification on the file resulting from the subtraction. In the Parameter
column, you have to specify the blank file to subtract. If the Data Selector is
open, you can drag & drop one Analysis file in the Parameter column.

Smooth signal : This allows you to smooth the signal using the Savitzky-Golay method
before the processing. Like this, you will perform the integration, the


identification and the quantification on the file resulting from the smoothing.
In the Parameter column, you have to specify the smoothing parameters.

Set delay : This allows you to set a delay by adding a time in minutes or a number of
points to the signal. Like this, the signal will be shift from x minutes or from
n points. In the Parameter column, you have to specify the time in minutes
or a number of points.

Reload raw data : This allows you to return to raw data when your original data have been
modified after a blank subtraction, a smoothing or a delay time. No
parameter is required for this action.

8.4.2 Postprocessing Table

The Postprocessing table contains two columns : Action and Parameter.

You can choose the following actions from the drop-down list :

Fig. 7.21 : The drop-down list of the available actions in the Postprocessing table.

Print : This will automatically print a report at the end of the processing. As soon
as you choose the Print action, the Parameter cell will appear in yellow and
you can select a report format by using the button. The following dialog
box appears :


Fig. 7.22 : The Report printing options dialog box.

In addition to the report format, you can also select the area of the
chromatogram you will print in the report. Click the Value buttons in the
Minimum Time and Maximum Time and enter the minimum and
maximum values. For the Y axis, you can also enter minimum and
maximum values in the Height section when clicking on the Use values
button or enter an attenuation value when clicking on the Use attenuation
button. At last, you can print a reference chromatogram in the background.
Select it in the Reference analysis drop-down list. Click on the [OK]
button to valid.

Save in ASCII : This will save the results table (and information) in ASCII format. This
could be very useful to process the analysis results with an other
applications or a LIMS. You can enter the name of the generated ASCII
file in the parameter column. If no file name is set in the parameter
column, WINILAB III will save the ASCII file in the same directory than the
analysis file under the same file name with the .txt extension.

Execute : This allows to execute automatically an other Windows applications. You

must enter in the parameter column the path and the name of the
application you want to execute. If you often use one application, you can
define a macro with the file path and type the macro name in the
Parameter column. When you click on the arrow, you access the dialog
box to select the (*.exe) file to execute.

Export in ANDI : This allows to export the raw data in ANDI/AIA file format automatically at
the end of the processing. By default, the data file is stored in the
Instrument directory under the same file name with the extension *.nc. If
you wish to store this file in a different directory or under a different name,
you have to precise it in the Parameter column. When you click on the
arrow, you access the dialog box to select the directory where the data


will be exported.

Export in SPC : This allows to export the raw data in SPC file format automatically at the
end of the processing. By default, the data file is stored in the Instrument
directory under the same file name with the extension *.spc. If you wish to
store this file in a different directory or under a different name, you have
to precise it in the Parameter column. When you click on the arrow, you
access the dialog box to select the directory where the data will be

Export in ASCII : This allows to export the raw data in ASCII file format automatically at the
end of the processing. In the Parameter column, you can choose to
include the X and Y values or only the X values in the ASCII format. The
resulting data file is stored in the Instrument directory under the same file
name with the extension *.txt. Unlike the export in ANDI and in SPC, you
cannot store this file in a different directory or under a different name.

Fig. 7.23 : The Text Export options dialog box.

Load results format : This action allows you to define a default results table format. Just select
the Results table format in the Parameter column using the button.
This action is useful to define the results table format before the Save in
ASCII action and to open an analysis with the appropriate results table
format in the Results view.

8.4.3 Macro Table

The macro table contains also two columns : Macro and Macro value.
In the Macro column, you must identify the macro with a specific name bracketed by the #
The Macro value column contains the value which can be a complete file path. Like this, you
don't need to type every time the complete file path. The Macro is saved by WINILAB III and then
always appears in the macro table.



The calibration curve can be accessed as any object via the Data Selector. Four types of
calibration curve are available :

Response type Quantification mode

AE Area External standard
HE Height External standard
AEL Area External standard log
HEL Height External standard log
AI Area Internal standard
HI Height Internal standard
AIL Area Internal standard log
HIL Height Internal standard log

Fig. 8.1 : The Calibration curve screen.

When you open a calibration curve object, the Workspace is divided in three parts :
· The Calibration Curve,
· The Calibration curve parameters (on the left side of the curve),
· The Calibration Statistics (on the bottom).

You can resize these three areas as you want just by moving the split bars located between
them. When you place the cursor on the split bar, its appearance changes like in the figure
below. Then drag and drop the split bar to its new position.


Fig. 8.2 : The appearance of the cursor when you resize the calibration curve Workspace.

9.1 Calibration Curve

Fig. 8.3 : View of a calibration curve. The context menu is accessible from a right mouse button click.

The x axis represents the amount values and the y axis, the response values. The curve is plot
from 0 to the higher amount value multiplied by 1,5.

The Calibration curve displays two types of calibration points :

· the "real" calibration points displayed with the + symbol which are the points coming directly
from an analysis. The points appear in gray when they are not active.
· the "resulting" calibration points displayed with the X symbol which results from the calculation
of average points at the same calibration level. The resulting calibration points are used to
calculate the curve equation.

The context menu of the calibration curve offers some graphic capabilities similar to the
Chromatogram view like full scale display, zooming or cursor position values.


9.2 Calibration Parameters

Fig. 8.4 : The Calibration Curve parameters.

Name : Compound name which the calibration curve is currently displayed.

Date : Calibration curve creation date.

Model : Calibration curve mathematical model.

By selecting one mathematical model in this drop-down list, the user can evaluate,
to which shape the calibration point should be assigned. As soon as a new model
is selected, the statistics and the curve are updated.

Real model : This is the mathematical model which is really used by the calibration point. If not
enough calibration points are available for a mathematical model, WINILAB III will
first try to include origin and then apply the closer model. For example, if you
select quadratic model with only one calibration point then the linear model
including origin will be applied.

Origin : Origin treatment for the calibration curve.

As soon as another origin treatment is selected in this drop-down list, the statistics
and the curve are updated. If you select ignore and so, there are no more enough
points, the change will be refused.

Real origin : This is the real treatment of the origin. If not enough calibration points are
available for a mathematical model, WINILAB III will first try to include origin and
then apply the closer model. For example, if you select quadratic model ignoring
origin with only two calibration points then the origin will be included.

Weighting : Weighting type of the calibration points. As soon as another weighting is selected
in this drop-down list, the statistics and the curve are updated.

Std Error : This field displays the standard error.

The standard error is the average deviation of all area values from the
corresponding ideal area value in a calibration. The ideal area value is the value at
the point of intersection between the calculated calibration curve and the
corresponding amount value. Standard error is therefore a criterion for the


measuring accuracy in the calibration. With an increasing value, calibration points

are increasingly scattered.
The formula used to calculate the standard error is :

These values are not available with the point to point model where no curve
equation is calculated.

Std Deviation : This field displays the standard deviation which is equal to the square root of the
standard error.

Correlation : This field displays the correlation coefficient which is an indication of the "linear
dependence" in the amount/area ratio.
The formula used to calculate the correlation is :

mean value of the resulting x

mean value of the resulting y

If all data points are located on a straight line, the correlation coefficient is exactly
1. If the data points are scattered very much the coefficient approximates 0. As
the correlation coefficient is only an indicator for the linear dependence, it is not
determined in the non linear calibration models.

9.3 Calibration Statistics

Fig. 8.5 : The Calibration Curve statistics.

This table shows the calibration points information. When the + symbol appears in the upper left
corner, the table displays information on the "real" calibration points. When it is the X symbol, the
table displays information on the "resulting" calibration points. You can switch from "real" points to
"resulting" points by clicking in the upper left cell of the table.

The "real" calibration table displays the following columns (you can also add an other column) :

Activated : When this box is check, the calibration point is active, i.e. it is used to
calculate the calibration curve. If not, the calibration curve is built without this
point, the line in the table and the point in the curve are displayed in gray. It is
possible to deactivated a calibration point directly in the curve. For this, click
with the right button on the calibration point you want to disable and select


Disable point in the context menu.

Quantity : This is the quantity of the component (the X value) for the calibration point. In
Internal standard modes, this column displays the quantity/internal standard
quantity ratio. Clicking with the right button on the column header allows to
change the column properties.
Note : If you use the External standard log mode, this column displays the
value Log(Quantity). If you use the Internal standard log mode, this column
displays the ratio Log(Quantity)/Log(Istd Quantity).

Area, Area/Area ISTD, Height, Height/Height ISTD :

This is the area (or height) of the component (the Y value) for the calibration
point. Of course, when height is selected as response mode, this column
displays the height instead of the area. In Internal standard modes, this
column displays the area/internal standard area ratio (or height/internal
standard height ratio).Clicking with the right button on the column header
allows to change the column properties.
Note : If you use the External standard log mode, this column displays the
value Log(Response) If you use the Internal standard log mode, this column
displays the ratio Log(Response)/Log(Istd Response).

Analysis : This is the name of the analysis file which has been used for the calibration

Creation Mode : Here is indicated whether if the calibration point has been created manually
(with the Create new calibration points command in the Analysis menu) or
automatically (with a process method executed after acquisition or during a
batch reprocessing).

Date : This is the date when the calibration point has been created.

% error : This is the relative error of the calibration point from the curve.

The "resulting" calibration table displays the following columns :

Quantity : This is the quantity of the compound (the X value) for the calibration point. In
Internal standard modes, this column displays the quantity/internal standard
quantity ratio. Clicking with the right button on the column header allows to
change the column properties.

Area/Height : This is the area (or height) of the compound (the Y value) for the calibration
point. Of course, when height is selected as response mode, this column
displays the height instead of the area. In Internal standard modes, this column
displays the area/internal standard area ratio (or height/internal standard height
ratio). Clicking with the right button on the column header allows to change the
column properties.

%error : This is the relative error of the calibration point from the curve.

Nb of points : This is the number of "real" calibration points used to generate the current
"resulting" calibration points.


9.4 Actions in the Calibration Curve

9.4.1 Display the Analysis Relative to a Calibration Point
If you want to display the Analysis which has been used to create a calibration point :
· In the Calibration Statistics table, click in the left upper cell on the X symbol to display the real
calibration points.
· Double-click in the Analysis column on the calibration point of interest.
· WINILAB III creates a new window where the corresponding analysis is displayed.

9.4.2 Disable a Calibration Point

To recalculate and display the calibration curve without one calibration point :
· In the Calibration Statistics table, uncheck the box of the calibration point in the State column
· The disabled calibration point appears now in gray on the curve and in the Calibration statistics
table. The new resulting calibration curve is displayed and the curve equation, the standard
error, the standard deviation and the correlation factor are updated.
· To reactivate the calibration point, simply check again the corresponding State box.

Note : It's impossible to disable all the calibration points.

9.4.3 Add a column in the Calibration Statistics

To add a column in the "Real" Calibration Statistics table, click on the mouse right button in the
header of the table. The following context menu appears :

Fig. 8.6 : The context menu of the calibration statistics table.

Then select the Add column like in the figure above. The Column Properties dialog box appears.


Fig. 8.7 : The Column Properties dialog box.

Choose the parameter you want to display in the table and define the Column Properties. Then
click on . The new column has been added.
You can remove a column you have added using the Remove column command in the context

9.4.4 Change the Column Properties

You can change (or define for a new column) the Column Properties of the column displaying
numeric values in the Calibration Statistics table. To do this double-click on the column header.
The following dialog box appears :

Fig. 8.8 : The Display Format dialog box.


Scientific : The column results are displayed with 1 digit before the comma, a number of
decimals defined in the Precision field, the "E" symbol and a 10 power.

Fixed : The column results are displayed with a fixed number of decimals without using
10 power. The value set in the Precision field indicates the number of decimals.

Automatic : WINILAB III will choose the most convenient format between both.

Precision : This is the number of decimal digits for the calculated variable. The default decimal
value is 2.

9.4.5 Print the Calibration Curve

To print the calibration curve, just use the File | Print menu. A calibration report including the
calibration curve, its parameters and the calibration points information will be printed.
You can use the File | Print Preview menu to check the contain of this report before printing.




WINILAB III offers you different ways to present your data and your results :
· The Results Table (or peak integration report), which allows to display the different values
calculated for each peak of the chromatogram after the integration process.
· The Report (or Analysis Report), which is a presentation of all the data and the information
relative to one Analysis. It could include the results table, some text and some graphics like
chromatogram, logo or calibration curve.
· The Summary Report, which allows to display the different values and statistics calculated for a
whole sample sequence or a batch of analysis.

10.1 Results Table Format

WINILAB III allows you to customize the Results Table. You can define and save your own
results table format by selecting a large range of variables.

To open a Results table format, click on the button in the Data Selector or in the Open dialog
box. To create a new one, go to the File | New menu and click on the Results Format button.

Each column of the Results Table shows the value (Type) for a variable. For each column, you
can define the title (header), the width and the number of digits for real values.

Fig. 9.1 : The Results table layout.

The Results Table format window includes the following lines :

Type : This is the variable which will be displayed in the column. It can be chosen along a
large list.

Title : This is the header which will appear for the column. The default name is the variable
name but you can change it if you want.

Width : This is the width of the column expressed in arbitrary unit. The default width value is

Precision : This is the number of decimal digits for the calculated variable. This value is only
requested for the numeric variables. The default decimal value is 2.

Format : In Scientific format, the values are displayed using the "E" letter and a 10 power
with 3 digits. In Fixed format, the 10 power is never displayed. In Automatic format,
the computer will choose the most convenient format between both.
This value is only requested for the numeric variables. The default decimal value is


10.1.1 Add a Column

To add a column in the results table format :
· Click on the right mouse button in the column header.
· From the context menu, select the Add item.

Fig. 9.2

· Or click on the button above the results table format

· The following dialog box appears :

Fig. 9.3 : The Column Type dialog box.

· Choose among the list, the column type you wish to add.
· Set the Title, the Format, the Precision, the font format (Bold or Italic) and the Width of the
column and click on [OK] to validate
· The new column is created after the last one (on the right) in the results table format.


10.1.2 Insert a Column

To insert a column in the results table format :
· Click on the right mouse button in the column header where you want to insert a new column.
· From the context menu, select the Insert item.

Fig. 9.4

· The Column type dialog box appears.

· Choose among the list, the column type you wish to insert.
· Set the Title, the Format, the Precision and the Width of the column and click on [OK] to
· The new column is created after the column where the context menu has been situated.

10.1.3 Delete a Column

To delete a column in the results table format :
· Click on the right mouse button in the header of the column you wish to delete,
· From the context menu, select the Delete item.

Fig. 9.5

· The column is cancelled from the results table.

10.1.4 Move a Column

To move a column in the results table :
· Click on the header of the column you want to move and keep the mouse button down.
· Drag the mouse cursor to the new column position and then release the button.
· The column has taken its new position.

By the same manner, you can move multiple columns

10.1.5 Change the Column Parameters

To change the column type :
· Click on the button in the column,
· The column properties dialog box appears.
· Choose the new column variable and click on OK.


To change the column title :

· Click in the title cell of the column you want to change,
· Type the new title through the keyboard.

To change the column width :

The column width can be changed graphically :
· Place the mouse cursor at the right of the column header,
· Click on the mouse button and hold it down when moving the column width,
· Release the button, the column width has taken its new value.

To change the number of significative digit of the column :

· Click in the precision cell of the column you want to change,
· Type the new decimal value through the keyboard.

10.1.6 List of Variables

The Results Table can display in its columns the following variables :

%Area, %Height, %Results, 1/Response, Area, Asymetry (AIA), Asymetry (EP,USP), Base Width,
Calib. curve, CC 1st degree coeff., CC 2nd degree coeff., CC 3rd degree coeff.,
CC degree 0 coeff., CC Equation, Code, Exp. Time, Height, Istd, Istd name, L Width (10%),
L Width (5%), L Width (50%), Mode, Model, Origin, Peak end, Peak name, Peak start, Plates (EP),
Plates (USP), Quantification Mode, R Width (10%), R Width (5%), R Width (50%), Ref. peak,
Reference, Relative Rt., Resolution (USP), Resp. factor, Response, Response Type, Results, Rt.,
Rt. offset, Weighting, Width (10%), Width (5%), Width (50%).

10.2 Report Format

WINILAB III allows you to design report formats which could be used at any time to print
professional quality analysis reports.

To open a Report format, click on the button in the Data Selector or in the Open dialog box.
To create a new one, go to the File | New menu and click on the Report Format button.
The report format design is realized through this dialog :

The report format object includes two different views :

Format In this view, you can define which elements will be included in the Report
and their positions.

Variables This section is used to define customized variables and information which
could be inserted in the Report format.


10.2.1 Format

Fig. 9.6 : The Format view.

The Format view allows to choose the different elements which will be included in your Report
format and to set their respective parameters.
You will find in the top left of this view, three buttons to print or preview the report with a

selected analysis and to define the header and the footer .

The list in the right part named Report displays the different elements you have included in your
Report format. They are inserted on the page(s) of the report following the same order than in the
list. It is possible to change this order by selecting one element and by moving it with the buttons
Up and Down .
When an element is selecting in the Report list, its parameters (if available) are shown in the
lowest part of the Format view.
To create a Report format, you just have to choose an element of the left list names Available
elements and to click on the button to add it to your format. You can also remove an
element of your format in selecting it in the Report list and clicking on the button .

The available Elements to build the report format are :

Title : This is the name of the analysis

Free Information : This element lets you place some text, a bitmap or a
customised variable defined in the Variables view.

Acquisition information : This element consists of the Acquisition date, the Acquisition


source, the Acquisition duration, the Number of acquired

points, the Acquisition rate and the Events occurred during
acquisition (overrange, control, ...). Each of these items can
be displayed individually using the Free information element.

Sample information : This element consists of the Sample name, the Sample type
(Standard or Unknown), the Vial number, the Injected volume,
the Sample amount, the Dilution factor, the Internal standard
quantity and the Information (Comments set before or during
the acquisition). Each of these items can be displayed
individually using the Free information element.

Signal Information : This element consists of the Instrument name, the Detector
name, the Signal unit, the Detector range (limit values of the
output signal), and the Chromatographic method name used.
Each of these items can be displayed individually using the
Free information element.

Chromatogram : This element allows to enclose a chromatogram or/and a part

of a chromatogram. So, it is possible to insert the whole
chromatogram and a zoom of it in the report by adding twice
this element in the Format.

Results table : This element allows to enclose the Results table in the Report

Group results : This is the Results table for each group of peaks defined by
time slice or by peak names.

Chromatographic method : This is all the parameters of the Chromatographic method

used during the analysis acquisition.

Process method : This element allows to enclose the parameters (or some of
them) of the Process method used during the processing of
the Analysis.

Next page : This element allows to continue the report on another page.
The element listed just after the Next page element will be
printed on the top of the next page. When not enough space
is available on a page, the report will continue automatically
on a next page.

Text file : This element allows to enclose the content of a text file in the
Report. This could be very useful when you performed a
processing or an additional calculation with an add-on

Events : This includes all the events occurred during the acquisition.
This information appears in the Events tab of the Information
view in the Analysis.

Modifications : This includes the modifications done to the raw data of the
Analysis. This information appears in the Modifications tab of
the Information view in the Analysis.


Calibration Curve : This element allows to enclose the calibration curves of the
different compounds quantified in the Analysis.

At last, the zone in the bottom serves to define the font type and size for the whole report. You can
also select a general left margin (in mm) for your report format.

The box Group the analysis generated by the same acquisition is useful when you acquire
data in multi-detection mode. This allows to have chromatograms of the same injection in one
common report. You can choose Stacked or overlaid display in the Chromatogram parameters. Free Information

When you insert the Free information element in your Report format, the lower part of the Format
view appears like in the screenshot here under :

Fig. 9.7 : The parameters of the Free information element.

This zone looks like a page in which it is possible to place different types of objects using the 3
buttons in the top left :
Text zone : The text zone allows you to add a free text but also to display a variable.
For this, click with the right button inside the text zone. The screen here
under appears including the list of the variables you have set in the
Variables view.


Fig. 9.8 : The Variable list.

Select a variable in the list and click on [OK]. The selected variable
appears in the text zone, enclosed by the signs <>. You can add a text
before the variable as shown in the figure 9.7. When you click on the
button [New], you can define a new variable without returning to the
Variables view. The dialog box here under appears, allowing you to
define a new variable.

Fig. 9.9 : Creation of a new variable.

When you valid using the [OK] button, the new variable is added to the
Variable list (Fig. 9.8) and could be inserted in a text zone.

The toolbar on the top serves to configure the text zone. It includes
typical commands to align and enclose the text, choose the font, the
text color and the frame color.

Fig. 9.10 : The Text zone toolbar.

Bitmap : This object allows to place an image (bitmap format) inside your report.
You access a standard file selector to browse your computer and locate
the bitmap file (.bmp).

Rectangle : This object allows to insert a rectangle (frame) in particular to enclose a

Bitmap or some text.


Fig. 9.11 : Rectangle Options.

To set one of these objects inside the page, you just have to click on the appropriate button and to
define the size using the mouse. The position (of the top left corner) and the size of the zone
appear in the status bar under the zone.
You can move these objects on the page using the mouse. You can also align several objects. For
this, select simultaneously the objects to align and click on one of the 4 buttons on the left : to
align on the left, to align on the right, to align on the top and to align on the bottom. Chromatogram
When you add a chromatogram element in your Report format, you can set the following
parameters in the lower part of the Format view:

Fig. 9.12 : The Chromatogram parameters.

Dimension : You can choose the size of the chromatogram printout : Third
of page, Half page, Full page or define accurately the
dimensions of the chromatogram using the Custom box.

Minimum Time : This section lets you choose from which retention time the


chromatogram will be printed. If you wish only print a part of

the chromatogram, check the Custom box and specify the
starting retention time. By default, the Analysis start is

Maximum Time : This section lets you choose until which retention time the
chromatogram will be printed. If you wish only print a part of
the chromatogram, check the Custom box and specify the
ending retention time. By default, the Analysis end is

Height : This section lets you define the used Y scale for the
chromatogram printout. The default option Use analysis
attenuation, will print the chromatogram using the attenuation
which is saved with the Analysis. You can increase or
decrease the Y scale for the printout using the Use
attenuation box. You can also customize accurately the Y
scale values by checking the Use values box. At last, you can
only print a percentage of the total height by entering the value
in the field Height %.

Display : This section is used for multi-chromatograms report for

example when you want to print 2 chromatograms displayed
on screen or if you check the box Group the analysis
generated by the same acquisition. Here you can choose to
print the chromatograms in overlaid or in stacked mode
inside your report.

Orientation : The orientation selection (Portrait or Landscape) is only

possible under Windows NT, 2000 or XP. With the other
operating systems, the chromatogram is always printed in

Background Chromatogram : You can select a reference analysis file which will be printed in
the background.

When you click on the [Options] button, you will access to the Analysis Printing options which
are similar to the Analysis Display Options. You can select here the look of the printed


Fig. 9.13 : The Analysis printing options. Results Table

When you add a Results table element in your Report format, you can define its parameters in the
lower part of the Format view :

Fig. 9.14 : The Results table parameters.

You can choose a Results table format by clicking in the cell. You will access the list of the results
table format available for the active Instrument. Another way is to drag & drop a results table
format from the Data Selector into this cell. Results table font type and size can also be set as you



In the options, you can define which peaks will be included in the results table : All peaks, only
the peaks which have been identified during the integration process or Every peak from the
Identification table even if they have not been detected (in this case, only the compound name
appears in the line of the Results table).

If you uncheck the Include internal standards box, then the internal standards will not appear in
the compound list of your results table when you will print a report. In this case, the total sums in
the last line of the table take not into account the internal standards.
Checking the box Center Results Table allows to center the results table on the width of the

When several analysis are printed (for example when several analysis are overlaid on the screen
and you want to print them), you may want to select different parameters and a different results

table format for each analysis. For this just click on the button . A second tab
is then created where you can set a different results table for the second analysis to print. The

button allows to return to the previous configuration by deleting the tab. Process Method

When you add a Process Method element in your Report format, you can define in the lower part
of the Format view which parameters of the method will be included :

Fig. 9.15 : The Process Method parameters.

Just check the box corresponding to the parameters of the method you wish to add in your Report
format. Font type and size can also be set as you want.


When you insert a Text file element in your Report format, the parameters here under appear in
the lower part of the Format view :

Fig. 9.16 : The Text file parameters.

You have the possibility to indicate where is located the text file to insert in your report with the File
path field. The button allows to browse your computer to search for the exact file location.
Just below, you can enter the error message which will be printed in the report if the text file is not
And at last, you can choose the font type used for the text file in the report. Calibration Curve

When you add a Calibration curve element in your Report format, you can define in the lower part
of the Format view which parameters of the calibration curve will be included :

Fig. 9.17 : The Calibration Curve parameters.

First, you can select the size of calibration curves in your report by selecting how many curve will
be printed in a row and by typing the height of this row (height value in cm).
Then you can choose to print different information under the calibration curve : Name of the
compound, curve mathematical equation, date of creation, standard error and correlation
factor. Just check the corresponding box to add them to your Report format.


10.2.2 Variables

Fig. 9.18 : The Variables view.

The Variables view has been designed to define some variables which will be inserted into the
Report format. These variables could be the acquisition date, the area of a specific peak or the
response factor of a compound for example. They are used with the Free information element.
This view contains the table where are listed all the created variables. To create a new variable,
you just have to double-click on the cell in the top left of the table. An additional line appears
in the table. When you type a variable name in the first column, the cell of the Formula column
becomes accessible. Clicking on the button gives access to the variable selection box like here
under :

Fig. 9.19 : Variable selection.

This selection box is organised in a "tree view". It allows to choose many variables of different
types (Real, List, Date, String), dedicated to the analysis (Dilution, Calibration level, ...), to a
compound (Area, Retention time, ...) or to the process method (PW, Response factor, ...). For
some of them, a number into brackets appears. This is the index of the affected peak. For
example, if the variable is : "Integration results(2).Area" this means the area of the second peak. If
you would like to display the area of a specific compound, you just have to replace the index into
the brackets by the compound name. The variable "Integration results(CH4).Area" represents the
area of the CH4.


The Format column serves to define the variable format in case of Date or Real type variable. For
a number (real), you access to the dialog box to choose the numeric format and the precision
using the button :

Fig. 9.20 : Numeric format definition.

At last, for each line of the table a context menu allows to add, insert or delete a line.

Fig. 9.21 : The context menu of the table.

10.2.3 Error Codes

When you print an Analysis report, the following error codes could appear :

1 Unknown error
2 The variable is unknown or not part of the object
3 The variable cannot be evaluated due to a syntax error
4 The included object is not available
5 The index is out of bound
6 The index of the string is not allowed for this variable
7 The index of the string is not found
8 The second bracket of the index is missing
9 The index is missing



The Sample Sequence allows to program the acquisition and/or the processing of a batch of
samples. It's a powerful and a useful tool for injections series, typically with autosampler.

It could be to set up very quickly and easily with his intuitive table design and allows to link
different methods for each sample.

Each sample in the sequence could have specific parameters for the acquisition and the
processing. You can start the acquisition of a batch of standard samples and then acquire
unknown samples which will be quantified from the calibration curves automatically created. It's
also possible to generate customized reports for each acquisition and a summary report for the
whole sample sequence.

WINILAB III offers also a complete history allowing you to keep a trace for each started sequence
and to know which analysis have been created with which parameters.

The Sample Sequence includes three different views, accessible from the WiniBar :

Sequence View

History View

Summary Report View

11.1 Sequence View

Fig. 10.1 : The Sequence view.

The Sequence includes a header above the table where you can create your sample sequence
and a status bar below this table.

Fig. 10.2 : The Sample Sequence header

The header includes the Sequence toolbar and displays the estimated end time of the sequence
and the current sequence status. Four status are possible for the sample sequence :

RUNNING : The sequence has been started and the acquisition is currently running. No
value in the sequence table can be edited.
WAIT PAUSE : The sequence has been paused and the current acquisition is finishing. The


values for the next samples in the sequence table can be edited.
PAUSE : The sequence has been paused and the last acquisition (before the pause) is
finished. The values in the sequence table for the samples not yet acquired, can
be edited. The sequence will continue as soon as you start the sequence again.

IDLE : The sequence has not been started or is finished. All the values in the sequence
table can be edited.

Fig. 10.3 : The Sample Sequence status bar.

The status bar displays the status of the current acquisition, the elapsed time of this acquisition,
the instrument and the detectors where the data are acquired.

11.1.1 Sample Sequence Table

Fig. 10.4 : The Sample Sequence table.

The Sample Sequence table includes the following columns (you can design the sequence layout
with the Sequence | Properties menu) :

Name : Enter here the name of the sample. The sample name will be included in
the data analysis file. The raw acquisition data will be saved in an analysis
file according to the following format :
[Sample Name] - [Channel].ana.
When you start the acquisition, WINILAB III checks if this analysis file name
already exists. If yes, the analysis file name will be :
[Sample Name]1- [Channel].ana.
If you insert in the sequence several sample with the same name, WINILAB
III will increment the analysis file name automatically.

Run length : Enter here the expected acquisition duration in minutes. This time could be
change during the run. The sequence cannot start when the run length is
equal to 0 for one sample.

Chromatographic Method :
If you want to control your instrument or some external devices like valves,
drag and drop a chromatographic method from the Data Selector into this

Process Method : You can select a process method for each sample. This process method
will be automatically executed at the end of the acquisition.

Level : If the selected process method uses external or internal standard

quantification mode, you can link here the analysis to a calibration level.


Like this, WINILAB III will know :

· This sample is a standard
· The amount of each compound in this sample
· It must create a calibration point for each compound calibration curve if
the processing model includes Quantify.
In case of a sample to quantify, you must select "unknown" which is the
level by default.

Update : This column is available only if a level is selected (so if you will use external
or internal standard quantification mode). When Add is chosen, the new
calibration point is added to the current calibration curve. When Replace is
chosen, the new calibration point will replace the existing calibration point for
the same level.

Rt upd. : When this box (retention time update) is checked, the identification table of
the process method will be updated with the retention times of this analysis.

Information : Several lines are available to associate text comments along the analysis file.

Volume : Indicate the sample volume in µl which will be injected. The volume to inject
is sent to the autosampler if this one is controlled by WINILAB III (Midas). It is
recommended to check the autosampler injection accuracy and to enter a
volume in accordance. For the Midas, as the injection accuracy is 1 µl a
value of 0,8 µl is not possible. If no instrument control driver is installed, this
value is only indicative.

Amount : Indicate the sample amount. This value could be used during processing for

Vial # : Indicate here the number of the vial to inject. If WINILAB III controls your
autosampler (Midas for example), the number of the vial to inject is sent to
the autosampler (like the Volume).
If no instrument control driver is installed, this value is only indicative.

Dilution : Indicate here the dilution factor used to prepare the sample to inject. The
dilution factor is used (as a multiplier) by WINILAB III to calculate quantity
value. The default value is 1.

Division factor : You can use this parameter as a sample dependant value which will be used
by WINILAB III to calculate quantity values. The result obtained after the
quantification process is divided by this value.

Istd # : Indicate in these columns the amount of the internal standards for each
sample. These columns are available only with the Internal standard
quantification mode. The number of columns depends on the number of
internal standards used in the process method.

Criteria : Depending on the Context you have defined for the Analysis, the sequence
will include one column for each criteria where you can select a value using
the drop-down list.

As in most of the WINILAB III tables, you can fill simultaneously several cells of a column by
selecting them with the mouse and using the right mouse button. For example, if the run length is
the same for all your samples, select all the cells of the Run Length column and click with the
right mouse button. A dialog box appears allowing to enter a common value.


Fig. 10.5 : Multiple Update dialog box for the Run Length.

This capability is available for almost all the columns in the Sequence table (and more generally
in all the tables of WINILAB III).

Several contextual menus are accessible from a right mouse click in different parts of the
Sequence table :
· In a cell of the Chromatographic Method and Process Method columns :

Fig. 10.6 : The Context menu of the Methods columns.

From this contextual menu, you can Select a process method through a file selector which
appears, Open the method in a different window, Remove it from the sequence table or create a
New one.
· On the columns headers :

Fig. 10.7 : The Context menu of the columns headers.

This contextual menu allows to Add a new column or to Hide an existing one in the sequence
· On the lines headers :

Fig. 10.8 : The Context menu of the lines headers.

This contextual menu allows to Add a new sample at the end of the sequence, to Insert a new
sample in the sequence or to Delete one.

You can also move a column in the Sequence table : click on the header cell of the column then
drag and drop it to its new position.
At least, if you want to use the layout of the sequence as a model for future new sequences, you
just have to click on the button to save the current format as the default one.


11.2 Start a Sample Sequence

To start a sample sequence :
· In the Sequence menu, select the Start item or click on the button in the Sequence toolbar.
· The Sequence status changes from IDLE to RUNNING and the line of the first sample in the
Sequence table appears in orange.
· The acquisition chronometer will start as soon as WINILAB III receives the acquisition start
(immediate in manual mode or depending on the instrument)

To start a sample sequence from an other line than the first :

· In the Sequence menu select the Start from ... command or click on the button in the
Sequence toolbar.
· The following dialog box, where you can select the starting line, appears :

Fig. 10.9 : The selection of the starting line.

· The Sequence status changes from IDLE to RUNNING and the line of the starting sample in the
Sequence table appears in orange.
· The acquisition chronometer will start as soon as WINILAB III receives the acquisition start
(immediate in manual mode or depending on the instrument)
It is not possible to re-start a paused sample sequence with this command.

To re-start a sample sequence (after a pause) :

· In the Sequence menu, select the Start item or click on the button in the Sequence toolbar.
· The Sequence status changes from PAUSE (or WAIT PAUSE) to RUNNING and the line of the
sample acquired appears in orange in the Sequence table.
· The acquisition chronometer will start as soon as WINILAB III receives the acquisition start
(immediate in manual mode or depending on the instrument)

Note: You cannot start a sequence if one of the analysis has an acquisition duration set to 0.

11.3 Pause a Sample Sequence

To pause a sample sequence :

· In the Sequence menu, select the Pause command or click on the button in the
Sequence toolbar.
· The Sequence status changes from RUNNING to WAIT PAUSE until the current acquisition is
· The line of the after the current sample in the Sequence table appears in green and the values
can be modified.
· The Sequence status change from WAIT PAUSE to PAUSE when the current acquisition is
· Then you can re-start or abort the sequence.


This capability is very useful in case of urgent sample to inject : when the sequence is in PAUSE
status you can insert a line in the Sequence table. This new sample will be ran when you will
restart the sequence.

11.4 Stop the Current Run

Sometimes, you need to stop the current acquisition in a sample sequence and to continue the
sequence with the next sample. To do this :

· In the Sequence menu, select the Stop acquisition item or click on the button in the
Sequence toolbar.
· The current acquisition is aborted
· If the Sample Sequence is in RUNNING status, it will continue with the next sample in the
· If the Sample Sequence is in WAIT PAUSE status, it will change to PAUSE and wait for a stop
or a re-start command.

11.5 Abort a Sample Sequence

To abort a sample sequence :

· In the Sequence menu, select the Stop sequence item or click on the button in the
Sequence toolbar.
· The current acquisition is aborted as the Sample Sequence.
· The Sequence status changes to IDLE and all the lines in the Sequence table appears in

11.6 Display the Sequence Properties

The sequence properties allows to design the layout of the sample sequence. You can select
which column and the number of lines which will appear.

To display and to change the sequence properties :

· Click on the button in the Sequence toolbar,

· The following dialog box appears :


Fig. 10.10 : The Sample Sequence properties dialog box.

Visible columns list the columns which appear in the sequence and Hidden columns lists the

available columns which will not appear in the sequence. Use the two buttons and to
select the columns (except the Name and the Run length columns which are always visible) you
want to display or hide in the sequence.

The Row number defines the number of samples (lines) available in the sequence. Type directly
the value with the keyboard or use the arrows to decrease and to increase this value.

You can also select the Start mode (From instrument or Manual) for your sequence. The From
instrument start mode could be not available depending on the Hardware configuration (See the
Environment section).

Note that you can save the current format of the sequence as the default one for future new
sequences, by clicking on the button in the sequence toolbar.

11.7 Clear a Sample Sequence

If you want to reset the Sample Sequence and cancel all the parameters of the table, you can use
the Clear Sample Sequence command. This will let you create a new sequence from scratch.

You can access this command in three different ways :

· By using the Sequence | Clear menu in the bar menu,

· By clicking on the button in the Sequence header,

· By using the context menu with a right click on the top left cell of the sequence table.


Fig. 10.11

11.8 Import a Sample Sequence

The command Import From Text File in the Sequence menu allows you to import in WINILAB III
a sample sequence from a XML file. We provide a complete description of this XML file on

It is also possible to prepare, start and stop the sequence from another application. If you would
like to insert this capability in your application, please contact us. We can provide you software
tools (Active X) and support.

11.9 Print a Sample Sequence

To print a sample sequence, you just need to open it and simply click on the button or select
the menu File | Print. Then you can choose to print the sequence in portrait or in landscape mode.

11.10 Sample Sequence Wizard

This wizard is designed to fill simply and automatically the sequence table when the sequence
you want to run roughly follows a "S standards, U unknowns, S standards, etc…" schedule. In
particular, this is a very useful tool for the new users. The wizard will be of less or no use if you
want to inject a different type of sample on every row.

You can access sequence wizard in four different ways :

· by using the Sequence | Sequence Wizard menu in the main menu bar,

· by clicking on the button in the Sequence header,

· by double clicking on the top left cell of the sequence table,
· by using the "Wizard" menu on the table context menu (right click on the top left cell).

When you launch the Sequence Wizard, you access the Sample Page.


11.10.1 Sample Page

Fig. 10.12 : The Sample page of the Sequence Wizard.

This page is dedicated to unknown samples. You have to indicate here which name (Sample
Name) you want to give them (they will be automatically indexed when the files will be created),
how many unknown sample you have to inject (Number of vials), how many times you want to
inject them consecutively (Injection per vial) and which volume you want to inject (Injection
volume). You can also specify which Process Method you want to apply on each Channel (if you
use multiple detection).

Click on [Next >] to see the wizard's next page (Standard Page).

11.10.2 Standard Page


Fig. 10.13 : The Standard page of the Sequence Wizard.

This page is dedicated to the standard samples. Set Number of vials to zero if you do not want to
inject any sample. You have to specify which name (Standards Names) you want to give to
standard sample (they will be automatically indexed), how many standard you want to use for your
calibration (Number of vials), how many times you want to inject this standards (Injection per
vial) and with injection volume. You also specify after how many unknown you want to inject your
first standard (0 means you want to inject standard first) after how many unknown sample you
want to re-inject your calibration standards.

Click on [Next >] to see the wizard's next page (Last Page).

11.10.3 Last Page

Fig. 10.14 : The last page of the Sequence Wizard.

In the Common parameters part of the dialog, you have to specify the Run length of all your
samples and, if you need it, the Sample Amount in mg.

Then you can define the standards vial position in the Sample Sequence table : Inserted
standards or Constant position standards.

Click on [Finish] to complete the wizard. The Sample Sequence table will be filled according to
your choices.

SAMPLE SEQUENCE 339 Inserted Standards

Fig. 10.15

Your standards (in blue) are each time taken in a different vial. All vials are consecutive. Just
indicate the number of the first vial (1 by default).
The resulting sequence will look like this :

Fig. 10.16 : In "inserted standards" mode the standard sample injected come from different vials. Constant Position Standards

Fig. 10.17

Your standards (in blue) are always injected from the same vial. Your standards have to be in
consecutive vials and so do your unknown samples. Anyway standards and unknown can be
separated (standards can be vial 1 to 5 and unknowns vial 11 to 30, for example). Just select the
standard first vial number and the unknowns first vial number. WINILAB III will prompt you if the
two region (standard and unknown) overlaps.
The resulting sequence will look like this :


Fig. 10.18 : In "constant position standards" mode the standard sample injected come from the same vials.

11.11 History View

The History view of the Sample Sequence displays the information about the acquisitions
performed using the sequence : when the sequence has been executed, which analysis have been

created and with which parameters. You can access the History view from the icon in the
WiniBar. If the WiniBar is not visible, select the View | WiniBar menu or press the F9 key.

On the top and the bottom of the workspace, the History view displays the same header and the

same status bar than the Sequence view. However, the Sequence properties , Clear

sequence and Sequence Wizard buttons are not accessible from the History view.

The elements of the History are displayed in a hierarchical system (tree form) including :
· The sequence starts. They indicate the start date of the sequence in the local time. The
shift with the universal reference time is displayed between the brackets.
· The executions of a sequence table line. The line number and its execution date are
· The analysis created. The name of the analysis created during the sequence line
execution is indicated. If the Instrument uses several detectors, the analysis created on the
different channels are listed.

The content of the History is updated in real time. It is stored in the Sample sequence object file
and so remains accessible at any time.


Fig. 10.19 : History of a sample sequence.

The History view is not a read only section. Some actions can be executed from this view.

Note : If there is no point in the Analysis file, it will not appear in the History view. This is the
case if you stop the acquisition when the Instrument is waiting for start from the

11.11.1 Actions in the History View

You can open an Analysis created during the sequence execution with a double-click on the
analysis name in the History view. The analysis will be displayed in a different window.

With a right click on the analysis name, you can display this context menu:

Fig. 10.20 : The context menu of the Analysis.

Open allows to display the Analysis as with a double-click on the Analysis name.
The Show parameters option displays the parameters used to acquire this analysis.


Fig. 10.21 : The parameters of the Analysis.

This screen includes all the information set in the line of the Sample Sequence table.

From the context menu of the sequence start date (right mouse button click on it), you can execute
three actions :
· Print a Summary Report (using the format defined in the Summary Report view) of a Sample
Sequence execution. WINILAB III will print the summary report including all the analysis
generated by the sequence execution.
· Preview this Summary Report
· Save it in ASCII

Fig. 10.22 : The context menu of the Sequence execution.


11.12 Summary Report

When the Analysis Report is specific to one analysis, the Summary report is designed to display
the results of multiple analysis generated by the execution of a Sample Sequence or during the
reprocessing of a batch of analysis. The Summary Report view allows both to customize the
Summary report format and to use it (display/print/export) for a sequence execution.

This view is accessible from the icon in the WiniBar. If the WiniBar is not visible, select the
View | WiniBar menu or press the F9 key.

Fig. 10.23 : The Summary Report view.

11.12.1 Summary Report Format

As with the Analysis report, you can customize and configure the Summary report in multiple ways.
To define its format, the principle is similar to the Results table in the Report format. You can :
· specify which peaks will be included in the results table (All the peaks, Only peaks from peak
table, Only identified peaks),
· display or not the internal standards in the compound list,
· center the results table on the width of the page,
· choose the table font type and size.

The header and the footer of the Summary Report is defined by default in the WINILAB
configuration. If you wish to use an header and/or a footer dedicated to the Summary report, click

on the button. You access then to the dialog box here under where you can set
your preferences :


Fig. 10.24 : Header/Footer configuration inside the Summary report.

Two different styles exist for the Summary Report : One table or One table per compound.
If you select the One table style, all the results are displayed in one table including all the
compounds. The Statistics option is not available since the results from all the compounds are
listed in the table. Your Summary report will look like this :

Fig. 10.25 : Example of Summary Report using the One table style.

With the other style, you will get one table (accessible from a tab) for each compound. For each
table (compound), the basic statistic values (average, standard deviation, %RSD) are calculated
and shown if you have check the Statistics box. Of course, the peaks must have been identified in
order to get the results in this Report style. Your Summary Report will look like this :


Fig. 10.26 : Example of Summary Report using the One table per compound style.

In addition to the style, you can define the columns inside the report as for the Results table. The
context menu on the header cell of each column allows you to Add, to Insert or to Delete a
column and to edit its Properties.

Fig. 10.27 : The context menu of the columns.

Nevertheless with the Summary report, in addition to the compound (or peak) specific variables
like the retention time, the area or the resolution, some variables specific to the Analysis are
available : Analysis which display the name of the Analysis which provided the result, the
Acquisition date, the Dilution factor, the Information, the Vial N°, the Sample amount, the Internal
standard amount and the Injected volume.


Fig. 10.28 : The Selection of the column properties in the Summary report.

The Summary Report format is saved along with the Sample Sequence object. When you open
this sequence again, the Summary report format will be the one saved with the sequence.
It's possible to set the current Summary report format as the default format using the button in
the top of the view. After this, the format will be used for each new sequence you will create.

11.12.2 Use the Summary Report

The Summary report view allows you to display a Summary report for a sequence execution (or a
list of analysis which have been reprocessed). You just have to choose one of the sequence
executions (the execution in process too) which are shown in the drop-down list on the top of the
view. The Summary report is automatically updated with the results of the analysis generated
during the sequence execution. Of course, you can change the format as you want.

If you wish to export the Summary report into another application (like Excel for example), you can

use the button to copy the current Summary report and paste it. But you can also use the

button to save the Summary report in a text file (.txt) which you will open later in many
programs. These commands are also available in the context menu of the Summary report with a
right click in the cell ( ) in the top left corner of the table.


Fig. 10.29 : The Context menu of the Summary report.

At last, it's possible to print and preview the Summary report using the buttons and of the
main toolbar.
Depending on which style you choose, you will obtain the following Summary reports :

Fig. 10.30 : Printout of a Summary report using the One table style.


Fig. 10.31 : Printout of a Summary report using the One table per Compound style..



The Tools section group some additional WINILAB III capabilities for advanced processing :

Reprocessing : Allows to process a complete batch of already acquired analysis or sample


Statistics : Dedicated to statistics calculations on a batch of analysis.

Import/Export : Allows to exchange raw data with other chromatographic systems and
analytical applications.

Retrieve Data : Allows to retrieve data from the WiniPAD memory.

User Menu : Allows to add a customised command in the Tools menu.

12.1 Reprocessing
This section allows you to automatically process a batch of acquired analysis or sample
sequence. It's the same principle as the sample sequence but with already acquired data files. To

access the Reprocessing Table, select Reprocessing in the Tools menu or click on the
button in the main toolbar.

The Reprocessing object includes two different views, accessible from the WiniBar :

Reprocessing view

Summary Report view


12.1.1 Reprocessing Table

The reprocessing table contains the process information for each analysis file :

Fig. 11.1 : The Reprocessing table.

The drop-down list above the table indicates on which instrument the reprocessing is effective
and the processing model to be used. WINILAB III offers you 4 ways to reprocess the analysis :

Integrate, Identify & Quantify :

The complete process method is applied to the analysis.

Identify & Quantify : The chromatogram is not integrated again. Only the identification and
quantification sections of the process method will be applied. This is
useful when you want to process a batch of chromatograms you have
manually integrated.

Quantify : Only the quantification section of the process method is applied. This is
useful when you want to process a batch of chromatograms you have
manually integrated and identified (with the On the fly identification).

None : This model is useful if you only want to execute post-run like printing a
report, to modify amount, dilution factor or information for a batch of
analysis. The reprocessing doesn't modify the analysis results.

Check the box Execute Post-run if you want to execute the post-run actions (print, export,
...) of the process method.
Check the box Print summary report if you want to print the summary report of the sequence
after its processing.
Check the box Save summary in ASCII if you wish to save the Summary report in ASCII format
(*.txt) at the end of the reprocessing of the analysis batch.

The Reprocessing Table can include the following columns :

Analysis : Enter in this column the file name of the analysis you want to reprocess.
Click on the button to access to the file selector. Here you can make a
multiple analysis files selection and automatically fill several cells in this
column. However, to fill the reprocessing table easily, you can drag &


drop some analysis (the line of the reprocessing table where the analysis
will be set is marked with the sign >>) or a sequence from the Data
selector. In case of a sequence, the analysis generated during the last
sequence execution fill the reprocessing table. If one analysis doesn't
exist no more, its name will appear in grey in the table.

Process Method : Precise here the name of the process method you want to use for
analysis reprocessing. Click on the button to access to the file
selector. If no process method is specified, the process method saved
in the analysis file will be applied.

Quantification Mode : This column reminds the quantification mode which will be used. The
quantification mode is contained in the process method. When a
calibration curve is built, the number of calibration levels is displayed
between brackets after the quantification mode.

Level : You can link here the analysis to a calibration level. Like this, WINILAB
III will know :
· This sample is a standard
· The amount of each compound in this sample
· It must create a calibration point for each compound if the processing
model includes Quantify.
No level must be specified for an unknown sample.

Update : This column is used only if a level is selected. When Add is chosen, the
new calibration point is added to the current calibration curve. When
Replace is chosen, the new calibration point will replace the existing
calibration point for the same level.

Rt upd. : This column (retention time update) is used only if a level is selected.
When this box is checked, the identification table of the process
method will be updated with the retention times of this analysis.

Information : Here are shown the comments you enter before/during the acquisition
process. These comments can be changed in the reprocessing table
(but a trace is kept in the analysis file).

Amount : Here is shown the sample amount you enter before the acquisition
process. This value can be changed in the reprocessing table (but a
trace is kept in the analysis file).

Vol. : Here is shown the injected volume of the sample. This value can be
changed in the reprocessing table (but a trace is kept in the analysis

Dilution : This is the dilution factor used to prepare your injection sample.

Division factor : You can use this parameter as a sample dependant value which will be
used by WINILAB III to calculate quantity values. The result obtained
after the quantification process is divided by this value.

Istd #1, Istd #2, ... : These columns display the amount of the internal standards in the
samples. These columns are available only with the Internal standard
quantification mode. The number of columns depends on the number of
internal standards used in the process method.


You can configure the reprocessing table by moving a column, by modifying the column width, by
hiding or adding a column. The reprocessing table configuration is saved when you exit the

If you want to reset the Reprocessing table and cancel all the parameters inside (including those
in the bottom of the page), you can use the "Clear Table" command. This will let you create a
new reprocessing table from scratch.

You can access this command by clicking on the button in the Reprocessing header.

The button allows you to reprocess a sample sequence. The Analysis column will
automatically be filled with the analysis files of the selected sequence.

When you have set up your Reprocessing table, press the button to start the reprocessing.

12.1.2 Start a Batch Reprocessing

Once you have filled the Reprocessing table, you can start the batch reprocessing by clicking the

button in the header. WINILAB III will process automatically the analysis according to the
parameters entered in the table.

The zone under the reprocessing table displays actions realized by WINILAB III during the
reprocessing. This section is read-only.

Fig. 11.2 : The Reprocessing Summary under the reprocessing table.

12.1.3 Modify a Column Width

To modify graphically the width of a column :
· Place the mouse cursor on the border of two column headers,
· The cursor appearance changes like in the following figure :

Fig. 11.3

· Press the mouse left button and drag to the new position to increase or decrease the column
· Release the mouse button : the column appears with the new width.

Note : A double-click on the border of the column header resizes automatically the column.


12.1.4 Hide a Column

To hide a column in the Reprocessing table, you just have to right click on the header of this
column and select Hide in the context menu which appears.

Fig. 11.4 : The context menu

On the contrary, you can select Add in this context menu to add another column at the right of the
table. A dialog box then appears allowing to choose among several available columns.

Fig. 11.5 : Selection of a column to add.


12.2 Statistics
You can access to the Statistics through the button or in the Tools | Statistics menu. The
Statistics screen appears like this :

Fig. 11.4 : The Statistics screen including the summary table and the statistics table.

The Statistics screen includes :

· The Open Sequence button

· The Open Analysis button

· The Export Statistics in ASCII button

· The Data Type drop-down list

· The Summary Table

· The Statistics Table

12.2.1 Analysis Files Selection

You can select the analysis for which you want to perform statistics calculation by three different
ways :

· Using the Open Analysis button , you access a dialog box where you can select the
analysis files to open. Use the Shift key to select several consecutive files and the Ctrl key to
select non-consecutive files.


Fig. 11.5 : The Open Analysis dialog box.

· The Open Sequence button allows to select all the analysis files created during a sample

Fig. 11.6 : The Open Sequence dialog box.


Select the sample sequence for which you want statistics calculations. If the sample sequence
have been executed several times, you can select its start time in the right part of the dialog box
and the detector used. On the bottom, the number of analysis files created during the execution of
this sequence is displayed. Click on [OK] to valid.

· From the Data Selector, drag and drop the selected analysis files inside the Summary Table.
Use the Shift key to select several consecutive files and the Ctrl key to select non-consecutive

· Again from the Data Selector, you can also drag and drop a sequence. In this case, the
analysis created during the last sequence execution are filled in the Summary Table.

12.2.2 Data Type Selection

The Data type drop-down list allows you to choose the parameter for which the statistics will be
calculated. When you change the Data type, the new statistics are automatically calculated and
displayed in the Summary table and the Statistics Table.

Here is the list of the variables available from the Data Type drop-down list :
Rt, Area, Height, %Area, %Height, Results, %Results, Resp factor, Width (50%),
Width (5%), Width (10%), L Width (50%), R Width (50%), L Width (10%), R Width (10%),
L Width (5%), R Width (5%), Base Width, Peak Start, Peak End, Exp. Time, Rt offset, Plates
(EP), Plates (USP), Resolution (EP), Resolution (USP), Asymetry (EP, USP), Asymetry (AIA),
Response, 1/Response, CC degree 0 coeff., CC 1st degree coeff., CC 2nd degree coeff., CC 3rd
degree coeff., Relative Rt.

12.2.3 Summary Table

Fig. 11.7 : The Summary Table

The Summary Table displays the Data type value of the compound in each selected analysis file.
It is updated as soon as the Data type value is changed.

You can copy the whole Summary Table by a right mouse button click in the cell . From
the context menu select Copy. Then you can paste it in other MS Windows application. You can
also copy a line alone with a right click in the Analysis name cell.

At last, you can remove one analysis from the Summary Table (and so from the Statistics
calculations) with a right click in the Analysis name cell. Then select Remove from the context


12.2.4 Statistics Table

Fig. 11.8 : The Statistics Table.

The Statistics table displays for each compound :

· The number of analysis in the Summary Table including the compound (so the number of
values used for statistics),
· The average value
· The residual standard deviation (RSD)
· The % residual standard deviation (%RSD)
· The maximum value
· The minimum value
· The range (maximum value - minimum value)

You can copy the whole Statistics Table by a right mouse button click anywhere in the table. From
the context menu select Copy. Then you can paste it (or a part of it) in other MS Windows

Note : You can calculate statistics only for identified peaks.

12.2.5 Export Statistics

It's possible to export directly the statistics in ASCII format (text file). Just click on the button
and type the (.txt) file name you want to create in the dialog box.
The resulting file includes both Summary Table and Statistics Table.

12.2.6 Print Statistics

To print the statistics, just use the File | Print menu. A statistics summary including the summary
table and the statistics results will be printed.
You can use the File | Print Preview menu to check the content of this summary before printing.

12.3 Import / Export

WINILAB III offers the possibility to communicate with other software and system that could be
used in the laboratory. It allows to import and export raw data files in different standard formats.
To access to the Import/Export capabilities, select the item in the Tools menu. The following
dialog appears :


Fig. 11.9

From here, you can select one of the two operations :

· Import analysis
· Export analysis

12.3.1 Import an Analysis

First you need to choose the format of the file you want to import. Three widely used general
formats are available :

· ASCII (text file). This option allows to import text files including one point value for each line,
· GALACTIC universal data format. The *.SPC and *.CGM formats are the format files from the
GRAMS software from GALACTIC. This software is able to read and convert more than one
hundred of analytical files format like HP Chemstation, Beckman Gold, PE Turbochrom, Varian
Star ... For more information visit the web site at www.thermogalactic.com .
· AIA / ANDI / netCDF format. This format, known under several names (AIA is the name of the
organisation which have created this standard, ANDI – Analytical Data Interchange – is the
format name, netCDF – network Common Data Format - is the standard mechanism originally
developed by Unidata Program Center), is defined in the norm ASTM 1947 (ASTM – American
Society for Testing and Material). It is used by most of the chromatography data systems to
exchange data.
· PDA ASCII (text file). This option allows to import PDA data saved in text files. PDA data can
be read and processed if you have installed in WINILAB the PDA option.

Check the box of the desired format in the following dialog

Fig. 11.10 : The selection of the imported format file.

Click on the [Next>] button. You access to the typical Windows open file box to select the files to
import. You can select one or several files located in your computer disk. Use the Shift and Ctrl
keys for multiple files selection. Then the following dialog box appears :


Fig. 11.11 : The selection of the files to import.

The selected files are added in the file list of the Import file selector above. Click on the [Add
files...] button to access again to the file browser. You can click several times on the Add files...
button to select files from different directories.
The Remove file button allows you to remove a selected file from the list.
When the file selection is done, the Import button appears. When you click on this button the
files are imported and the Import Summary is displayed to check the import process.

Fig. 11.12 : The Import Summary allows to check the import process.

For the ASCII files import, WINILAB III asks you for additional information in the following screen


Fig. 11.13 : ASCII import information dialog box.

Here is indicated the number of data points in the imported file and allows you to set the run
length or the acquisition rate, the unit and some comments on the analysis in the information
zone. Errors which can occur during the import are displayed in the Information view of the
The new files created are stored in the directory of the current instrument.

12.3.2 Export an Analysis

First you need to select the analysis to be exported in the WINILAB III open file box. You can
select one or several files located in your computer disk. Use the Shift and Ctrl keys for multiple
files selection.


Fig. 11.14 : The selection of the files to export.

When your selection is done click on [OK]. The selected files are added in the file list of the
Export analysis selector.

Fig. 11.15 : The Export Analysis Selector.

Click on the Add files... button to access to the WINILAB III analysis file selector. The Remove
file button allows you to remove a selected analysis from the list.
Click on the [Next>] button to continue. The following dialog appears :


Fig. 11.16 : The selection of the export format.

Choose the format of the file you want to export. Three widely used general formats are available
ASCII (Text file), GALACTIC universal data format or AIA / ANDI / netCDF format.
Check the box of the desired format. You can also select the directory where the exported files
will be saved. The default directory is the directory where your analysis files are stored. Click on
the Browse button to access to the file browser and to change the export directory.

Press the [Export] button. The Export Summary is displayed to check the export process.

Fig. 11.17 : The Export Summary.

12.4 User Menu

WINILAB III offers the possibility to add command in the Tools menu. This could be useful to
create a direct link to another application like Excel or a specific processing program. To do this,
select Tools | User Menu.


Fig. 11.20 : The User Menu dialog box.

The dialog box shown above appears. First, click on the button . Then you can enter
the text of the new command which will appear in the Tools menu in the Menu Text field. The
Command field allows you to specify which application will be launch with this new command.
The Arguments field allows you to indicate a file name you want to open with this application or
some arguments specific to this application.
You can remove a command using the [Remove] button and when you have added several
commands, you can sort then using the [Move Up] and [Move Down] buttons.



13.1 Appendix A : Administration Center
13.1.1 Security Control Activation
WINILAB III allows you to work in regulatory environment in compliance with 21CFR part11. This
includes functionalities for management of the users rights and for electronic signatures.

By default, WINILAB III operates in non-regulated environment until you activate the security
controls. To activate just select "Winilab Administration" from the Windows programs list. the
following message appears before you access to the Winilab Administration Center.

Fig. A1 : The activation of the security control.

Once you have activated the Security Controls, you will have to login each time you would like to
access to Winilab or to the Winilab Administration Center.

Fig. A2 : The login window.

Only administrators can access to the Winilab Administration Center. If you try to login without
administrator rights, a message "you must be an administrator to log on" will appear.


13.1.2 Users Management

When you access to the Winilab Administration Center for the first time, it displays the Users
section which only includes the default user "admin".

Fig. A3 : The Users tab of the Winilab Administration Center.

The button allows you to access to the user information and to modify it. To do
this, you can also double-click on the line of the user you would like to modify.

A click on the button will delete the user which is selected in the Users list.

To create a new user account, just click on the button . The User information
dialog box appears :


Fig. A4 : The User Information dialog box.

To define a user account you must at the minimum enter the Name of the user, his Login to
access to Winilab and attribute at least one group of users which will define the rights of this user
(if you forget to attribute a group, the message "you must affect at least one group to the user"
appears when you click on [OK]). You can also enter the First name of the user.
When you add a new user, the new Login is checked against existing logins for possible collision.
The administrator can specify a default password for this account. The user could change this
password once he will have accessed to Winilab.
If the box ask password change is checked, the password change dialog invokes automatically at
the next login of this user.
At last, the administrator can unlock an account by unchecking the box Account is locked. A user
account could be locked after several successive failed log on as defined in the Security policy.

To define the user rights, just click on and the following dialog box appears :

Fig. A5 : The Groups selection dialog box.

This dialog box displays on the left the previously defined user groups (Available groups) and on
the right the user groups attributed to this account (User groups).

To add a group to the current account, select one group and click on . A click on
will attribute all the available groups to this account.
On the reverse, you can remove a user groups from the current account by selecting a group on

the right and clicking on . A click on will remove all groups from this account.

The administrator can also change his password from the User | Change password menu.


13.1.3 Users Groups

In the Winilab Administration Center, the Groups tab displays the list of the different existing user
groups like shown here under :

Fig. A6 : The Groups tab of the Winilab Administration Center

This list includes a column for each object type where is displayed the associated rights for each

A click on the button will delete the group which is selected in the Groups list. A
group which is still attributed for at least one user cannot be removed.

The button allows you to access to the group rights details and to modify them.
To do this, you can also double-click on the line of the group you would like to modify.

To create a new group, just click on the button . The Group rights dialog box
appears :


Fig. A7 : The Group rights definition dialog box.

This dialog box displays a double entry table where you can define rights for each object type. The
possible rights for the different Winilab files are:
Reading The user can open and read the file
Creation The user can create, modify and delete this type of file.
Submission This is the first level in the hierarchy for electronic signature. The user is
allowed to submit this type of file.
Reviewing The user is allowed to review this type of file.
Approval The user is allowed to approve this type of file.
Removal The user is allowed to remove a signature of any level.
Simply check/uncheck the corresponding box to attribute rights for a type of file. Using the button
at the end of a line will check/uncheck all the boxes of this line. The effect is the same for the

Note that rules for electronic signature are defined in the Security policy.

13.1.4 Audit Trail

The Audit Trail keeps a trace of all performed operation on the current WINILAB III station. You
can access to the Audit Trail from the corresponding tab in the Winilab Administration Center.The
Audit Trail tab lists for each event, the type, the user who performed it and the date it has
occurred. These events are any connection (successful or failed), any log as administrator, any
account lock and any password change. The drop down list on the top allows to sort by event type.


Fig. A8 : The Audit trail of the Winilab Administration Center


13.1.5 Security Policy

In the Winilab Administration Center, the Security policy displays the rules defined for password,
account locking and electronic signature sequence :

Fig. A9 : The Security policy of the Winilab Administration Center

Workstation security Winilab can be closed if the user does not perform any
action during a certain period. After this period, the login
dialog appears and only the user should enter his password
Password life time You can define a period of password validity. After its
expiration the user must select a new password.
Password reuse You can set a period from which an already used password
can be used again.
Password length The minimum length can be entered. A password shorter
than the prescribed number of characters will not be
Password security This parameter determines whether user accounts are
automatically locked after a series of failed logon attempts.
When an account is locked, the administrator must
uncheck the box in the User information.
Electronic signature sequence The 3 boxes allows to define rules for the signature
sequence. If you check these 3 boxes, submitter, reviewer
and approver should be 3 different persons.

Once you have defined your security policy, you must click on the button in order to
make it effective.

From the menu Security | Deactivate all security, the administrator can revert the Winilab station
in its initial state, i.e., operating in a non-regulated environment.


13.2 Appendix B : Relays

It is possible to control relays from WINILAB III during sample acquisition to command auto-zero,
valves, …. Relays can be provided by the INT7 board, the WiniPAD, the ANTALYS and the ULYS
external devices or by an external relay box.

It is possible either to control manually the relays from the software interface or to program the
times when you want your relays to be switched ON or OFF.
You will be able to command and program relays from different devices (for example some relays
from the WiniPAD + relays coming from an additional board) from a single screen.

13.2.1 Installation General Installation
In WINILAB III, go in the File | Configuration menu and then in the Hardware configuration

Fig. B1 : the Hardware Configuration page.

Look at the list of the available devices. You have to install :

· the device containing the relays (INT7 acquisition board, PAD, ANTALYS, ULYS). This
device can already be installed if you use it for acquisition. Separate drivers for dedicated relay
boxes will be available in a near future,
· one Relays – method service for each instrument on which you wish to be able to build
methods. This service allows you to create, save, edit and print chromatographic method on
· one Relays – control service for each instrument on which you wish to control relays remotely.

In general : install one Relays – method and one Relays – control for each instrument on wish
you want relays. If you have just installed the acquisition board, the ULYS or the WiniPAD, please
refer to the corresponding documentation to complete the installation.

You must now associate the Relays to the Instrument.

374 APPENDICES Association to the Instrument

In the Instrument Configuration zone (right part), click on the tab of the instrument on which
you want to have relay control.

Fig. B2 : The Instrument configuration

· In the Installed devices list, select the relays that you want to control from this instrument (the
relays are labelled "output X" ) and add them to instrument. You can choose relays from
different devices (INT7, PAD, ANTALYS, ULYS, …). You give them names to identify them.
· In the Installed devices list, select the Relays Method service and click on [>>],
· Then select the Relays Control service and click to [>>].

Click on [OK] to validate your changes and quit Hardware Configuration screen.

13.2.2 Create a Chromatographic Method

Check that your instrument is selected in the instrument bar. Go in the File | New menu and click
the Chromatographic method icon. A new chromatographic method is created.

Note : If "Chromatographic method" is grayed then you probably forgot to install the "Relay
method" service on your instrument.

The method is built around two different tables. The upper table allows you to program your relays
during acquisition time. On each row, you enter a time (measured since the beginning of the
acquisition), a relay name (selected in the list of the relays assigned to the instrument)and a state
for the relay (closed if checked, open if not). You can also add some text to comment the program.


Fig. B3 : An example of Chromatographic Method for relays control.

On the second table, you can enter the default relays position you want in the end of an
acquisition. Here for example, if we want our three relays open in the end of the acquisition, we will
have a table like this.

Fig. B4 : Default relays position.

You can now print your method (File | Print menu) and save it (File | Save menu). It is now time to
use it.

13.2.3 Use a Chromatographic Method

Open your instrument and go to the Acquisition view.

Click on the "chromatographic method" field. The software asks you to select the
chromatographic method that you want to use.

Fig. B5 : The selection of the Chromatographic Method.

Run your acquisition (Instrument | Start menu) : the program of "demo method" will be
automatically executed.

Note : The time when the relays switch ON or OFF will be written in the analysis. To check that,
open your analysis in the end of the acquisition and go in the Information view, in the
Events tab.

13.2.4 Status Window and Direct Control

You can display the state of your relays in a small persistent and resizable window. Go to the
Instrument | Control status menu. A selection screen displaying the controls for each
instrument appears. Click on Relays in the instrument of interest. The following window is
displayed :


Fig. B6 : Relays control status.

If an acquisition is running, then the Closed column is grayed and you can not change the state
of the relays.

If no acquisition is running, then you can change the state of your relays by simply clicking on the
checkbox in the Closed column.

13.3 Appendix C : WiniPAD

13.3.1 General Overview
The WiniPAD is essentially a "pocket" (20 x 10 x 3 cm) integrator independent of power source
that enables chromatograms to be measured with up to two detectors simultaneously.

The WiniPAD unit can be used in two regimes: :

· as an external A/D converter for the WINILAB III program (On-Line mode),

Fig. C1 : Diagram describing the use of the WiniPAD as an external acquisition interface.

· as a standalone data acquisition unit where the acquired data will be transferred to WINILAB III
for processing (Off-Line mode),


Fig. C2 : Diagram showing the use of the WiniPAD in Off-Line mode

This appendix deals in particular with operation of the WiniPAD in the off-line mode as a
standalone acquisition unit. The on-line mode operation is described in the different chapters of
this manual (in particular see the Installation). WiniPAD Front Pannel

The fundamental functions may be controlled directly from the WiniPAD front panel by means of
four buttons

Fig. C3 : WiniPAD front panel view Switching the Unit On and Off

To switch the unit on, press the [PWR] (leftmost) button. The display then shows the version, the
serial number and the actual date and time. Standard information is displayed next: actual input
voltages, the state of the batteries, and free memory size.
Once the unit has successfully established communication with the computer, WiniPAD goes
over to the REMOTE CONTROL mode and the display then shows only the message REMOTE


To switch the unit off, press [PWR] again. The unit cannot be switched off if data acquisition is in
progress or if the unit is in the REMOTE CONTROL mode. IDLE State and Automatic Switch-Off

The WiniPAD can switch over automatically to the battery saving regime (IDLE state) and
thereafter to switch itself off.
The WiniPAD goes over to the IDLE state after a pre-selected time after the end of data
acquisition at both channels or after the last communication (local or remote) with the operator.
The transition to this state may be disabled.
The battery saving functions are enabled and disabled from WINILAB III. By default, the WiniPAD
switches over to the IDLE state after one minute and automatic switching off is disabled. The
power saving functions are disabled during data acquisition.
In the IDLE state the display shows on line marked Sw Off in : the time remaining to automatic
switch-off and the WiniPAD peeps shortly every minute. The data displayed on line Energy are
reversed compared with the normal state: the time before the slash character indicates the
maximum time in the IDLE state and the time after the slash character indicates the maximum
time in the active state.
In the IDLE state power to all channels is switched off and so is optionally the background display
illumination. This significantly reduces power consumption. The WiniPAD can remain in the IDLE
state for at least 5 hours (in contrast to the active state where it remains for at least one hour,
typically two hours).
To switch back from the IDLE to the active state press [Erase]. Data Erasure

In case of insufficient free memory it can be erased directly by the [Erase] button. The [Erase]
button is protected against inadvertent erasure in the following manner : If you wish to erase the
memory, press and hold [Erase]. After five seconds the confirmation tone goes off for one
second – you must release the button while the tone is silent. Duration of erasure depends on the
amount of free memory and never exceeds one minute (typically several seconds). Resetting all Parameters

Default parameters of the WiniPAD are :
· Serial communication to 9600 Bd
· Data acquisition to the bipolar 10 V range at the rate of 10 samples/s without time of analysis
· running both channels independently by the descending edge of the external signal
· transition to the IDLE state after one minute and subsequent WiniPAD switch-off after five
· background display illumination while the WiniPAD is on.

To reset the current parameters and go back to the default ones :

· switch WiniPAD off (press PWR )
· press and hold Erase
· hit PWR and release Erase

APPENDICES 379 Test and Initialisation of the Memory

This function performs a test of the memory and eliminates defective segments.
· switch WiniPAD off (press [PWR] )
· Press and hold [Erase].
· press [PWR] twice and release [Erase].

WARNING! The function erases all data from memory. Acoustic Signals

The WiniPAD in operation issues the following acoustic signals:
· a two-second tone indicating transition from the active to the IDLE state
· a five-second tone upon automatic switch-off
· ten signals 200 ms long separated by 100 ms upon switch-off owing to run-down batteries
· a 50 ms signal upon each change at a marker input
· a 20 ms signal each minute in the IDLE state
· a signal upon activation of the [Erase] button.

13.3.2 Off-Line Mode

In some instances it is advantageous to use the WiniPAD as a standalone acquisition unit, in
particular if there is no computer situated close to the chromatograph (typically, when you realize
analysis on the field with a portable GC).

The measurement proper then consists of two stages :

On-Site acquisition : Taking WiniPAD to the chromatograph, connecting it to the detector, and
acquiring chromatograms.
Data retrieving : Connecting WiniPAD to the computer and storing the measured data in

Before realizing on-site acquisition, you must configure the WiniPAD from the WINILAB III
program. So it's first necessary to install the WiniPAD driver in WINILAB III. Then you have to
configure the WiniPAD parameters from WINILAB III as described in the Installation - WiniPAD
configuration. On-Site Acquisition

After connecting the WiniPAD to the instrument, you are ready to acquire chromatograms.

To start data acquisition press the [1] button for channel 1 or the [2] button for channel 2. After a
short calibration the corresponding button changes color from green to red and the display starts to
show the run time. To stop data acquisition, press the corresponding button again. The measured
chromatogram is automatically saved in the internal memory.

The display line marked Buff shows how many minutes remain until memory is filled. Typically, you
can acquire data during around 900 minutes (2 x 450 minutes for a 2 channels WiniPAD) at a rate
of 10 pts/sec. Of course, if you increase this rate to 100 pts/sec, you will be able to acquire data
during 90 minutes only.

380 APPENDICES Retrieve Data

Once you have realized the on-site acquisition, you have to connect the WiniPAD to your
computer again to import chromatograms. Then open WINILAB III and select the Tools |
Retrieve data menu.
The following window appears. When you press the [Upload data] button, WINILAB III starts to
load data from the WiniPAD:

Fig. C4 : Loading data from PAD in progress.

When all data stored in the WiniPAD are loaded in WINILAB III, the table is filled with the
different chromatograms :

Fig. C5 : The table displays the chromatograms retrieved from the WiniPAD.

The table displays two type of information :

· In white, the information which cannot be modified (WiniPAD channel, acquisition date, run
length, number of points, acquisition rate and input range).
· In green, three cells which can be modified :

Import Check this box if you want to create an analysis file with this chromatogram.
Name You can change the default name of the chromatogram. The created analysis file
will be saved under this name.

Instrument Select the Instrument (and so the directory in your hard disk) where the created
analysis file will be stored.

Then you are ready to create the analysis. For this, simply click on the [Create analysis] button.


Fig. C6 : Creation of the analysis files.

The line of the analysis currently created appears in orange.

When all the analysis have been created, you can click on the [Clear RAM] button to clear the
WiniPAD memory and then performed on-site acquisitions again.

13.3.3 Troubleshooting
WiniPAD cannot be switched on
· Probably run down or damaged batteries. Use the power adapter. Keep in mind: WiniPAD is
not recharged when running. To recharge WiniPAD you have to switch it off!

Acquisition cannot be started by the external signal

· Try starting the measurement directly from the WiniPAD panel. If it works, check the marker
cable or the external signal source.

Only one channel can be run

· Check whether the other channel is not switched off
· Check for a short-circuited or broken marker cable.

Serial link communication with the computer cannot be established

· Check whether the correct rate of serial communication is set
· Check whether the correct serial port is set
· Check whether the set serial port is operative and try using another one
· Check whether the correct serial cable is used

The measured value differs from the detector signal

· Check whether all three input leads are connected.

The peak tops in the measured chromatogram are cut off

· Change the voltage range in the Channel 1 (2) configuration in WINILAB III and repeat the

The peaks in the measured chromatogram are cut from below

· Set Bipolar range in the Channel 1 (2) configuration in WINILAB III and repeat the

Complete chromatogram is not stored, measurement stopped prematurely

· Not enough memory – connect WiniPAD to the computer and transfer the chromatograms


13.4 Appendix D : Glossary

13.4.1 Analysis
The Analysis is the chromatogram with all the data and the information relative to this
chromatogram. The Analysis file includes :
· Raw data from the instrument,
· Audit Trail Information,
· Chromatographic method used to obtain the raw data,
· Processed chromatogram,
· Results obtain after the last processing (results table, calibration curve and process method

13.4.2 Area
Total area of the peak which is the area between the signal curve, the baseline and the
perpendicular delimiters, if required. The peak area is considerably influenced by the baseline
(resolved or non-resolved). The area unit depends on the detector Y unit.

The %Area is the percent ratio between the peak area and the sum of all the detected peaks

13.4.3 Asymmetry
The Asymmetry is a measure for column quality. Theoretically, peaks correspond to a symmetrical
Gauss distribution. As any insufficient separation results in a deviation from this ideal, Asymmetry
can be used for evaluating the column quality in identical analysis conditions (same solution,
column type etc.).

The parameter has no dimension and is defined differently, depending on whether using the US /
European Pharmacopoeia or AIA standard.

USP/EP formula :

LW5 = Left Width at 5% of the peak height

RW5 = Right Width at 5% of the peak height

AIA formula :

LW10 = Left Width at 10% of the peak height

RW10 = Right Width at 10% of the peak height


13.4.4 Base Width

WINILAB III is measuring the width of the peak at 5, 10 and 50% of the peak height. For these 3
widths, the left and the right portions of the width are also calculated. These portions are
determined by the interception of the height and of the width.

Fig. D1 : The different widths calculated by WINILAB III.

Theoretically, the base width is the extrapolated peak width on the baseline. Peak tangents are
drawn from the turning point of the ascending and the descending flank. Then the points of
intersection with the baseline are calculated. The distance between the two points of intersection
(not the section taken out of the baseline) is defined as the base width. However, the base width
is calculated by multiplying the width at 50% by a coefficient of 1.7.

In contrast to the base width "BW", the peak widths at 5, 10 and 50% of the peak height are not
only measured up to the point of intersection with the two tangents, but up to the signal curve.

13.4.5 Calib. Curve

This is the name and the version of the calibration curve used to calculate the quantity.

13.4.6 Calibration Curve

The Calibration Curve is the graphic representation resulting from the calibration process. It
displays quantity versus response for a compound. The calibration curve could be built with one
or several standard samples.

13.4.7 Calibration Level

A calibration level is linked to the concentration level. If you want to inject 2 different calibration
samples with different concentrations to build the calibration curve, you will use 2 calibration
levels. WINILAB III allows until 20 calibration levels.


13.4.8 CC Coefficient
These are the different degrees coefficients of the calibration curve used to quantify a peak when
the equation is polynomial.

13.4.9 CC Equation
Equation of the calibration curve used to quantify a peak (if a calibration curve is used).

13.4.10 Chromatographic Method

The Chromatographic Method includes all the parameters used to generate an Analysis
(chromatogram). These parameters are the operating conditions of your chromatographic system
(pumps, detectors, oven, relays, autosamplers, valves, ...). If your system is controlled by
WINILAB III, these parameters are directly download from the instrument. If not, the user can
enter them in the method in order to keep a trace.

13.4.11 Code
This the integration code (Currently not available).

13.4.12 Code Entry

The Code Entry is a pseudo-random number based upon a random number and the computer's
system date which appears inside the WINILAB III registration dialog box. The registration keys
depend on the Code Entry.

13.4.13 Computer ID
The Computer ID is a number generated based upon the computer hardware which appears
inside the WINILAB III registration dialog box. This code number serves to identify the PC where
WINILAB III is installed. The registration keys depend on the Computer ID.

13.4.14 Context
The Context describes the way you will organise the data generated in WINILAB III. You can
define in which directory your data files will be saved and based upon which criteria. It has been
designed to reproduce inside WINILAB III the way you used to work in your lab. The Context
definition tab allows you to add your own criteria(s), to enter values for these criteria and to define
your Context.

13.4.15 Contextual Menu

A contextual menu is a menu which the commands available change depending on the location
inside the software. Generally, it is accessible with the right button of the mouse.


13.4.16 Dilution Factor

A number by which all calculated results are multiplied.
You can use the dilution factor to change the scale of the results or correct for changes in sample
composition during pre-analysis work. You can also use the dilution factor for any other purposes
that require the use of a constant factor.

13.4.17 Division Factor

The Division factor is a sample dependent value which will be used by WINILAB III to calculate
quantity values. The result obtained after the quantification
process is divided by this value.

13.4.18 Drag & Drop

This function allows to move and to open some elements inside WINILAB III. For example, you
can use it to overlay a chromatogram or add a button in a toolbar.
Press the mouse button and keep it pressed to move the selected element to its new position.

13.4.19 Expected Time

The expected retention time is the time in minutes set in the Identification table for the peak.

13.4.20 Height
The height of the peak expressed in the y unit. The peak height is measured in the maximum, i.e.
at the retention time, relative to the baseline.

The %Height is the percent ratio between the peak height and the sum of all the detected peaks

13.4.21 Index
The tab dialog box "Index" contains the alphabetical index list of WINILAB III online Help terms.
Enter the initial letter of the topic and choose "Display" to view help information on this topic.

13.4.22 Instrument
The Instrument is the chromatographic system from which the data are acquired. The instrument
could be a GC, an HPLC, a CE, ... It can used one or several detectors.

13.4.23 Integration
Process allowing to locate peaks in the signal and to calculate the different chromatographic
variables. For this, WINILAB III :
· Identify start and end for each peak.
· Locate the top of each peak


· Draw the baseline

· Calculate area, height, widths, asymmetry, resolution, … of each found peak.

13.4.24 Istd
An internal standard is a substance that is added both to standard and analysis samples. The
internal standard should have a similar retention time behaviour than the analysed substances,
but should be easily separated from them.
The Istd column in the results table indicates if the peak is identified as an internal standard or

13.4.25 Istd name

The Istd name indicates the name of the internal standard used to quantify the peak.

13.4.26 L Width
This is the left width at 5%, 10% or 50% of the peak height.

13.4.27 Mode
This indicates how the integration has been performed : automatic or manual.

13.4.28 Model
This indicates the mathematical model of the calibration curve used to quantify a peak.

13.4.29 Multiplier
The Multiplier is a correction factor for each compound used during the quantification process. It
appears in the Quantification Table when you have selected the Show Multiplier Column option
in the contextual menu of the Quantification Table.

13.4.30 Origin
This indicates how the origin has been processed in the calibration curve used to quantify a peak.

13.4.31 Peak End

The peak end is the time when the integration of the peak stops. It is determined via the right
peak marker.


13.4.32 Peak Name

Name assigned to the peak during identification process or by the user with On-the-fly

13.4.33 Peak Start

The peak start is the time when the integration of the peak starts. It is determined via the left
peak marker.

13.4.34 Plates
The number of Theoretical Plates is a measure for the separating capability of the column.
Theoretical plates are calculated from the peak width and the corresponding retention time. The
evaluation is different for US and European Pharmacopoeia.

The European Pharmacopoeia recommends the following formula :

tR = retention of the peak

W50 = width of the peak at 50% of the height

The US Pharmacopoeia recommends the following formula :

tR = retention of the peak

WB = Base width of the compound

13.4.35 Process Method

The Process Method includes all the parameters used to process an Analysis (chromatogram).
These parameters allows to integrate the chromatogram, identify the peaks, quantify the
compounds, print and export final results.

13.4.36 Quantification Mode

The Quantification mode is the method used to calculate the quantities of compounds in an
injected sample.
Eight quantification modes are available in WINILAB III.
· Normalization
· Normalization with response factors
· External standard
· External standard in weight %
· External standard log
· Internal standard
· Internal standard in weight %
· Internal standard log
The last six modes use calibration process.


13.4.37 R Width
This is the right width at 5%, 10% or 50% of the peak height.

13.4.38 Ref. Peak

In case of changes in the chromatograph such as flow rate, this may be suitable to use the
relative identification mode. With this mode, a reference peak is used to adjust the expected
retention time of a component to compensate. This column allows to define if a peak will be set
as a reference peak. Each peak can have its own reference peak, so several peaks can be
marked as reference peak. An ideal reference peak is one that is always present in the sample,
and is well resolved from other peaks in the chromatogram (Internal standards make excellent
reference peaks).
The Ref. peak column in the results table indicates if the peak is a reference peak or not.

13.4.39 Reference
The reference indicates the name of the reference peak used to identify the peak in relative
retention mode.

13.4.40 Relative Rt.

In case of changes in the chromatograph such as flow rate, this may be suitable to use the
relative identification mode. With this mode, a reference peak is used to adjust the expected
retention time of a component to compensate. The relative retention time is the ratio between the
retention time of the peak and the retention time of the reference peak.

13.4.41 Report
The Report (or Analysis Report) is a presentation of all the data and the information relative to the
Analysis. The Report Format is a generic form which could be used with any Analysis. It could
include results table, chromatogram, logo, calibration curve, comments, ...

13.4.42 Resolution
The resolution indicates the capability of a column to separate 2 peaks.

The European Pharmacopoeia recommends the following formula :

TRn = Retention time of the compound

TRn-1 = Retention time of the previous compound (previous peak)
W50n = Width at 50% of the compound
W50n-1 = Width at 50% of the previous compound

The US Pharmacopoeia recommends the following formula :


WBn = Base width of the compound

WBn-1 = Base width of the previous compound

13.4.43 Resp. Factor

The Response factor is a peak-specific, multiplicative factor without dimension. It is used to
calculate the amount of compound. This value comes from the quantification table where it has
been entered by the user.

13.4.44 Response
For a given point of the calibration curve, this is the ratio between the Y value (area for example)
and the X value (generally the quantity). If the calibration curve is linear and pass through the
origin, the response is the slope of the calibration curve used to quantify a peak.

13.4.45 Response Type

The response type is the variable uses for the calibration process. WINILAB III offers two
response types : Area or Height.

13.4.46 Results
The peak result (quantity) calculated according to the quantification mode and the peak area (or

The %Results is the result (quantity) portion of the peak relative to all the results of detected

13.4.47 Results Table

The Results Table allows to display the different values calculated for each peak after the
integration process. As soon as a new integration has been done, the Results Table is updated.
You can fully customized and save the Results Table format.

13.4.48 RSD
This is the Relative Standard Deviation. It is calculated using the following formula :

The % RSD is the percent ratio between the RSD and the mean value.


13.4.49 Rt.
Absolute retention time of the peak in minutes, which is the period of time that elapsed since
injection start. The injection start is by definition zero.

13.4.50 Rt. Offset

The retention time offset is the difference between the expected retention time and the real
retention time in minutes.

13.4.51 Sample Sequence

The sample sequence is a list of analysis to acquire and/or to process including all required
parameters. It's a powerful and a useful tool for injections series, typically with autosampler. It
could be to set up very quickly and easily with his intuitive table design and allows to link different
methods for each sample.

13.4.52 Summary Report

The Summary Report displays the results of a batch of analysis which could have been created
during the execution of a sample sequence or during a batch reprocessing. The Summary Report
can include statistics calculations and can be printed or saved in ASCII.

13.4.53 Toolbar
A toolbar consists in several buttons which are grouped together according to a common topic or
a common use. It allows to access some commands without using the menus and to organize the
buttons as you want. You can easily display or hide a toolbar, create your own toolbar and move it
everywhere in the screen.

13.4.54 Weighting
This indicates how the calibration points have been weighted in the calibration curve used to
quantify the peak.

13.4.55 Width
This is the width at 5%, 10% or 50% of the peak height.

13.4.56 Wizard
Various input procedures such as creating a sequence or an instrument are facilitated by using
"Wizards". The system prompts the user to define conditions and enter required information. The
Wizard then adds default elements and thus completes a basic structure. If required, the user
can extend or modify this structure according to individual requirements.
Use the Wizard to avoid unnecessary typing, syntax errors in command entries and overlooking
important information and parameters.

Index 391

Analysis 160, 221, 230, 343, 382

Index Display options 128, 143, 177

Menu 132
Name 178
Open 119, 123, 309, 341, 355
-2- Print options 121, 128, 321
Toolbar 141, 143, 160
21CFR part11 366, 370 Visualization toolbar 143, 160
ANDI 300, 359, 361
-A- ANTALYS 19, 46, 373
Configuration 47
A/D conversion 19, 32, 33, 46, 48, 49, 58, 376 Driver installation 47
Specifications 48
Abort 130, 142, 334
Account 367 Approve 129, 369, 372
Locked 367, 372 Archive 119, 121, 147, 149, 154, 155, 156
Acquisition 232, 247, 375 Area 196, 316, 357, 382
Digital 19 Minimum 186, 279
Duration 149, 231, 330, 380 ASCII 219, 227, 300, 317, 341, 359
Interface 19, 33, 46, 58 Asymmetry 316, 357, 382
On-site 379 Attenuation 160, 170, 242, 275, 300, 321
Parameters 234, 238, 239, 251, 329, 330, 341 Attribute groups 367
Rate 54, 150, 231, 251, 359, 378, 380 Audit 229
Status bar 238, 241 Audit trail 370
Toolbar 238, 247 Autosampler 59, 62, 63, 256, 257, 266, 268, 329
View 238 Autozero 273, 275
Action 299, 300 Average 358
Adapter 66, 67, 68 Axis 181
Add 354
Button in a toolbar 144
Calibration levels 212
Column in the results table 224
Background 149, 179
Column in the results table format 314
Bandwidth 275
Command in the menu 121, 135, 363
Baseline 170, 229
Integration events 160, 187
Common 133, 143, 193
Line in the group table 216
Display options 178, 184
Line in the identification table 203
Draw 133, 143, 193
Peak 133, 143, 190
Drift 197
Peaks in a group 217
Forced 284
User 367
Horizontal 282, 285
Administration center 366, 367, 369, 372 Stick to markers 133, 143, 194
Administrator 16, 18, 367 Zero 143, 195
AIA 300, 359, 361, 382 Batch 350
Air volume 268 Bipolar mode 54, 251
Align 319 Bitmap 319
Amount 209, 230, 239, 305, 338 Board 19
Analog signal 19, 68, 242 Browser 118, 119, 123
Range 251

392 Index

Compound 202, 211, 287, 343

-C- Compress 143, 160, 168, 172
Computer 16
Cabling 66, 67, 68, 69 Computer ID 18, 384
Calibration 304 Concentration 206
Groups 215, 297 Configuration 16, 60, 62, 64, 121, 146, 252
Level 206, 209, 212, 230, 241, 305, 351, 383 ANTALYS 47
Point 206, 212, 305, 307, 309 Hardware 150, 373
Process 289 Instrument 251
Results 307 INT7 31
Table 205, 212, 221, 290 ULYS 44
Calibration curve 117, 206, 210, 211, 215, 290, WiniPAD 51, 52, 54
297, 304, 305, 317, 383 Connection 50, 66, 67, 68, 69
About 383
Context 119, 123, 147, 154, 157, 239, 330, 384
Coefficient 384 Bar 120, 131, 140
Create 212, 289, 329, 351, 353
Contextual menu 172, 384
Equation 384
Control 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 150, 254, 256, 257, 261,
Model 289, 386
262, 266, 272, 275, 336, 373, 374, 375
Parameters 306, 325
Cooling 260
Statistics 307, 309, 310
Cooling unit 268
Cascade 136
Copy 131, 146, 221, 346
Center 323 Statistics in Windows application 357, 358
Change 353 Correlation 306, 325
Acquisition duration 134, 142, 248
Create 122, 234
Analysis comments 239, 249
Groups table 216
Column parameters 226, 315
Identification table 204
Integration parameters 186
New calibration points 132, 141, 212, 351
Password 121, 129, 367, 370, 372
New object 122
Tolerance mode 204
Process method 279
Channel 19, 58, 232, 234, 241, 337 Quantification table 206
Chromatogram 160, 201, 317, 321, 382 Report format 316
Chromatographic method 60, 62, 64, 117, 160, Results table format 221, 313
239, 256, 257, 261, 262, 266, 272, 275, 317, 374, Sample sequence 336
375, 382, 384
Toolbar 144
User account 367
Empty rows 203
User group 369
History 135
Identification table 203 Criteria 120
Integration results 132, 141, 229 Cursor position 131, 185, 305
Sample sequence 135, 142, 335 Curve 205
Close 118, 121, 124 Custom report 316
Close All 121, 124 Customized toolbars 131, 144
Code 384 Cut 131, 146
Code entry 18, 384
Coefficient 384
Column 212, 224, 225, 226, 309, 310, 314, 315
Communication 60, 62 Data
Acquisition 19, 238, 242, 247, 248, 379
Compare 172, 175

Index 393

Data Type 370

Erasure 378 Events 264, 317
Processing 250, 279, 350 Ex scan 276
Raw 149, 198, 219, 232, 359, 361 Excel 221, 346
Retrieve 135, 380 Exit 121, 130
Selector 117, 119, 131, 140, 172 Export 131, 135, 219, 227, 300, 346, 357, 358, 361
Storage 147, 149, 154, 157, 239
External standard 206, 292
Type 357
Date 152
Acquisition 119, 123, 227, 230, 317
Creation 119, 123, 230, 306, 307, 325
File 117, 119, 121, 123, 124, 147, 149, 154, 155,
Execution 340, 341 156, 325, 359, 361, 382
Format 152 Index 154
Modification 119, 123 Move 125, 157
Delay 219, 299 Fill
Delete 119 Cells in a column 212
Column in the results table 226, 315 Identification table 203, 204
Instrument 252 Quantification table 206
Integration event 160, 189 Filter 273, 275
Line in the group table 216
Flowrate 264
Line in the identification table 203
Fluorescence 275, 276
Peak 133, 143, 191
Flush 268, 270
Peaks in a group 217
Font 128, 178, 319, 325
Detector 19, 59, 62, 66, 68, 198, 231, 234, 251,
Footer 152, 317, 343
256, 272, 275
Limits 252 Format 152, 183, 226, 310, 317
Multiple 241, 245 Default 223
Selection 241 Report 316
Results table 222, 223, 313
Device 150, 373
Summary report 343
Digital acquisition 19
Frame 319
Dilution factor 230, 239, 292, 294, 296, 330, 351,
385 Full scale 141, 143, 146, 160, 161, 162, 170
Dilution mode 268, 270 Full screen 118, 131
Directory 147, 330 Fuse peaks 133, 143, 192
Disable videos 149, 186
Display 177, 185, 196, 309, 334 -G-
Division factor 230, 239, 292, 294, 296, 330, 351,
385 Gain 19, 54, 251, 275
Drag & Drop 171, 172, 188, 385 GLP 229, 230, 232
Draw baseline 193 Groups 160, 202, 205
Quantification 215, 216, 297
-E- Results 216, 221, 317
Table 216, 217, 218, 221, 288
Electronic signature 129, 366, 369, 372
Elements 317 -H-
Em scan 276
Error 327 Hardware 19
Configuration 58, 60, 62, 64, 150, 373, 374

394 Index

Hardware 19 Instrument 117, 231, 232, 234, 380

Requirements 16 Configuration 150
Status 253 About 385
Header 152, 317, 343 Configuration 134, 142, 251, 374
Height 182, 196, 316, 321, 357, 385 Delete 252
Minimum 186, 279 Menu 134
Help 139, 146 New 234
Hide 354 Toolbar 142
Wizard 234
History 329, 340
INT7 acquisition board 19, 20, 67, 373
-I- Configuration 31, 150
Detection 20, 28
Driver installation 30
Icons 202
Specifications 32
Identification 160, 187, 202, 221, 287
On the fly 190, 196, 203 Integrate 132, 133, 141, 146, 160, 187
Parameters 202 Integration 160, 187, 202, 221, 279, 280, 385
Process 286 Manual 133, 143, 160, 189, 190
Wizard 132, 141, 204 Menu 133
Parameters 133, 160, 179, 185, 186, 221, 279
Identification table 206, 287
Slices 285
Add line 203
Change tolerance mode 204 Integration event 280
Clear 203 Display options 179, 180
Create 204 Marker 187, 188, 189
Delete lines 203 Interface 115
Fill 203 Acquisition 19, 33, 46, 58
Insert lines 204 User 115, 149
Load 202, 221 Internal standard 206, 208, 241, 289, 294, 296,
Save 202, 221 307, 323, 351, 386
Interval 275
IDLE 378, 379
Istd 386
Import 135, 336, 358, 359
Istd name 208
Index 327, 385
Information 139
About the analysis 160, 239, 249 -J-
About the sample 230, 231
Free 317, 319, 326 Jasco 59, 60, 62, 261, 262, 266, 272, 275
Relative to the peak 196
View 230, 252, 375 -K-
Inhibit integration 280
Injection 258 Key 18
Input/Output 19, 54, 58, 66, 234, 373 Keyboard shortcuts 146
Insert 315
Column in the results table 225 -L-
Line in the group table 216
Line in the identification table 204 Label 182, 183
Logo in a report 152 Lamp 273, 275
Sample in a sequence 333 Level 276, 292, 294
Installation 16, 19, 59, 63, 66, 150, 373 Unit 290

Index 395

License number 18 File 123, 125, 154, 230, 239, 330, 351, 380
Load 202, 221 Peak 196, 202, 203, 217, 286, 287
Process method 132, 141, 160, 202, 221 Navigator 171
Results table format 219, 221, 222, 300 Negative
Login 115, 129, 366, 367, 370, 372 Peak 143, 190
Loop 258 New 121, 122, 140, 146
Normalization 206, 290
Macro 220, 299, 302
Main toolbar 140 Object 116, 117, 118, 119, 123
Manual integration 160, 190 Off-Line mode 379
Toolbar 143, 189 On the fly identification 196
Margin 149, 317 On-Site acquisition 379
Mathematical model 210, 289, 306 Open 119, 121, 123, 140, 146
Menu 115, 121 Operating mode 268, 270
Method 256 Options 177
Midas 63, 64, 257 Orientation 321
Minutes 149 Origin 210, 289, 306, 386
Mixing speed 270 Oven 259
Mode 386 Overlay 119, 132, 141, 172, 175, 197, 199, 245,
Bipolar 251 321
Off-Line 379
Pump 263 -P-
Quantification 206, 289, 387
Tolerance 202, 204, 286, 287 Page 321
Model 268 Next 317
Modifications 317 Parameter 299, 300
Modify Password 115, 121, 129, 367, 372
Acquisition information 134, 249 Length 372
Column width 123, 353 Life time 372
User information 367 Re-use 372
Mouse-wheel 166, 168, 171 Security 372
Move Paste 131, 146
Chromatogram 160, 171 Pause 135, 329, 333
Column in the results table 226, 315 PC 16, 66, 139
File 121, 125, 154, 157 PCI 30
Integration events 160, 188 Peak 178, 279, 323
Multiple chromatograms Display options 182
Display 160, 172, 245, 321 End 189, 286, 386
Print 323 Groups 205, 216, 218, 288
Multiple files 119 Information 196, 229
Multiplier 205, 292, 294, 386 Marker 189, 192, 194, 279
Name 196, 203, 217, 287, 387
-N- Negative 133, 283
Reference 202, 286, 287, 388
Start 189, 286, 387
Name 123, 218, 367

396 Index

Peak 178, 279, 323

Sum 282 -R-
Table 202, 287
Unknown 211, 218, 288 Radioactivity
Peak Width 279, 284 Processing 299
Wizard 160, 186 Raw data 149, 199, 219, 232, 299, 382
PeakTip 160, 196 Reagent 270
Plates 316 Reference 286, 388
Polarity 273, 275 Registration 18, 384
Postprocessing 202, 219, 299, 300 Regulatory 366
Post-run 160, 219, 220, 279, 299, 351 Relative Rt. 316
Shortcuts 219, 220, 299 Relays 58, 59, 68, 69, 150, 254, 256, 260, 373,
Sortcuts 219 374, 375
Power 378 Remove
Precision 226, 310, 313 Button from a toolbar 144
Pre-column 268, 270 Chromatogram 172
Preprocessing 202, 219, 299 Signature 129, 369
User 367
Presentation 150
User group 369
Pressure 264
Print 121, 126, 128, 140, 146, 219, 300, 358 Report 128, 219, 300, 313, 316, 343, 388
Calibration curve 311 Format 117, 126, 127, 317
Options 317 Options 317
Preview 127, 341 Reprocessing 118, 135, 140, 212, 350
Setup 127 Resolution 316, 357, 388
Summary report 341, 346 Response 307, 389
Process method 117, 160, 202, 219, 221, 241, Factor 206, 207, 211, 289, 291, 296, 389
279, 317, 324, 337, 351, 387 Response speed 273, 275
Process signal 134, 250 Restore 121, 154, 156
Processing 350 Results 229, 313, 389
Parameters 201, 202 Results table 196, 202, 221, 229, 317, 389
View 201 Add column 224
Program 265 Delete column 226
Pump 59, 60, 262, 263, 264, 265 Format 117, 219, 222, 223, 300, 313, 323
Insert column 225
-Q- Move column 226, 315
Retention time 196, 203, 390
Quantification 160, 187, 190, 202, 205, 229 Expected 385
Mode 206, 351, 387 Offset 390
Process 289 Relative 388
Table 205, 206, 212, 215, 221, 290, 297 Shift 175
Unknown peaks 211 Update 241, 330, 351
Wizard 132, 141, 206 Window 202, 204, 286, 287
Quantity 206, 211, 230, 291, 307 Retrieve 135, 380
Internal standard 239, 241, 330, 351 Review 129, 369, 372
RSD 358, 389
Run 248, 333
Time 239, 248

Index 397

Run time 231 View 242

Signature 121, 124, 129, 372
-S- Skim 184, 281, 282
Smoothing 132, 141, 199, 219, 299
Sample 330 Solvent 264
Name 337 Sort 119, 123, 125
Standard 329, 337, 338, 339 SPC files 300, 359, 361
Unknown 329, 337, 339 Spectrum 276
Urgent 333 Speed parameters 268
Sample loss 268 Split peak 133, 143, 192
Sample sequence 117, 329, 343 Stacked 172, 321
Abort 334
Start 150, 239
About 390 Acquisition 134, 142, 248
Execution 346 Batch reprocessing 353
History 340, 341 Mode 334
Import 135, 336 Sample sequence 135, 142, 333
Layout 330
Statistics 135, 140, 343, 355, 358
Open 355
Status 241, 254, 375
Pause 142
Bar 115, 131, 187
Print 336
Control 134, 261
Properties 135, 142, 334
Hardware 134
Start 333, 340
View 247
Status 329
Step 265
Table 334, 335, 338, 339
Toolbar 142, 329 Stick Baseline to markers 194
Wizard 135, 336, 338 Stop 130
Acquisition 134, 142, 248, 334
Save 124, 140, 146 Current run 135, 142, 334
As 121, 125
Sequence 135, 142, 334
Process method 132, 141, 160, 202, 221
Results table format 132, 223 Stretch 143, 160, 166, 172
Results table in ASCII 132, 141, 227, 300 Submit 129, 369, 372
Subtract blank 132, 197, 219, 299
Scale 273
Suction adjustment 268
Scan 276
Summary report 341, 343, 346, 351, 390
Seconds 149
Format 343
Security 129, 366, 372
Save in ASCII 341
Deactivate 372
Syringe 258, 268
Sensitivity 273
Service 150
Set the integration parameters 186
Shift 132, 141, 175, 198, 299
Table 287, 288, 290, 351
Signal 19, 33, 46, 49, 54, 66, 68, 150, 170, 198,
231, 376 Tabs 202
Acoustic 379 Temperature 259, 260
Analog 19, 242 Text 319, 325, 346
Display options 178 Text file 317
Overrange 252 Theoretical plates 387
Parameters 252 Threshold 279, 284
Process 250

398 Index

Threshold 279, 284 Column 123, 226, 313, 315, 353

Wizard 160, 186 Left 386
Tile 136, 245 Right 388
Time 149, 265 Window 116, 136, 276
Time program 276 WiniBar 116, 118, 131, 140
Tolerance mode 204 WiniPAD 19, 50, 68, 253, 373, 376, 377, 378, 379,
Toolbar 115, 131, 140, 144, 390 380
Configuration 51, 52, 54, 150, 378
Tools 135, 350
Connection 50
Tray 258, 260
Specifications 49
Tutorial 72 Troubleshooting 381

-U- Wizard 204, 206, 234, 336, 390

Workbook 116, 136
Workspace 115, 116, 136
ULYS 19, 33, 67, 373
Configuration 44, 150
Driver installation 43
Specifications 45
Zoom 143, 160, 162, 170, 179, 242, 245, 305
ULYS2 33, 45
Undo 131, 132, 141, 146
Unit 149
Unzoom 143, 162
User 367
Add 367
Groups 367, 369
Menu 135, 363
Remove 367
Rights 129, 367, 369
UV 272

Valley to valley 133, 143, 195, 281
Valve 264
Variable 313, 316, 319, 326, 343, 357
Pump 263
Vial 232, 239, 258, 330, 338, 339, 351
View menu 131
Volume 230, 239, 258, 330, 337, 351

Wavelength 273, 275
Weighting 210, 289, 290, 306, 390
Width 182, 357, 390
Base 383


© 2009 ... Perichrom

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