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Pharmacognostical and Physico-Chemical Standardiza

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Pharmacognostical and physico-chemical standardization of Syzygium

cumini and Azadirachta indica seed

Article  in  Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine · January 2012

DOI: 10.1016/S2221-1691(12)60176-2


16 266

3 authors:

Papiya Bigoniya Charanjeet Singh

DSKM College of Pharmacy, Bhopal, India Biyani Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Jaipur


Birendra Srivastava
Jaipur National University


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S290 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S290-S295

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Document heading

Pharmacognostical and physico-chemical standardization of Syzygium

cumini and Azadirachta indica seed
P Bigoniya1*, CS Singh1, B Srivastava2
Radharaman College of Pharmacy, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jaipur National University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India



Article history: Objective: To perform pharmacognostical and physico-chemical standardization of seeds

Received 14 December 2011 of Syzygium cumini Linn. (S. cumini) and Azadirachta indica A. Juss (A. indica). Methods:
Received in revised form 2 January 2012 Fresh seed samples were studied macroscopically and microscopically. WHO recommended
Accepted 28 February 2012
parameters were estimated for standardization of seeds. Preliminary phytochemical investigation
Available online 28 April 2012
and quantitative estimation of phytoconstituents was also performed. Results: The detail
microscopy of S. cumini revealed the presence of single cotyledon consisting of single layered
Keywords: epidermis. Parenchymatous cells were fully packed with simple, oval, rounded starch grains.
Syzygium cumini Transverse section of A. indica seed showed oil grains in endosperm. The epidermis was single
Azadirachta indica layered attached to tegmen. The embryo was imbedded inside the endosperm and contained
Macroscopic characters tigellum. Physiochemical parameters such as total ash, acid insoluble ash, loss on drying,
Microscopic characters percentage of foreign matters and extractive values were determined. Fluorescence analysis
Physicochemical studies of both the seeds was determined in number of organic and inorganic solvents. Preliminary
Phytochemical studies phytochemical screening of S. cumini and A. indica in different solvent showed the presence
of alkaloid, carbohydrate, inulin, mucilage, starch, triterpenoid and flavanoid. S. cumini was
found to contain high concentration of flavonoid (7.44%) and phenols (16.88%) whereas A. indica
showed rich presence of saponin (2.78%) and phenol (2.42%). Conclusions: The pharmacognostical
and physicochemical standards developed in this study will provide referential information for
identification and standardization of S. cumini and A. indica crude drugs.

1. Introduction countries, is the lack of proper documentation, stringent

quality control and standardization. T hese problems
Nature always stands as a golden mark to exemplify the arise from the complex composition of drugs which are
outstanding phenomena of symbiosis. In the western world, used in the form of whole plant, parts of the plant(s) and
as the people are becoming aware of side effects of synthetic of plant extracts. Standardization of the presumed active
drugs, there is an increasing interest in the natural remedies compounds of drug in general does not reflect reality. Only
with a basic approach towards the nature. WHO estimates in a few cases drug activity depend upon single component.
that about 80% of people in developing countries still realize Generally, it is the result of concerted activity of several
on traditional medicine based largely on plants and animals active compounds as well as of inert accompanying
for their primary healthcare[1]. Herbals are comparatively substances treating the particular disease. T here is a
safe because of their low toxicities. Herbal medicines are growing concern for documentation of research work carried
currently in demand and their popularity is increasing day out on traditional medicines needed for regulatory control[2].
by day. In the healthcare sector, WHO recommends and W ith this backdrop, it becomes extremely important
encourages the use of traditional herbs/remedies because of to make an effort towards standardization of the plant
easy availability and affordability. material used for therapeutic purposes. T he process
H owever, a key obstacle, which has hindered the of standardization can be achieved by stepwise
acceptance of the alternative medicines in the developed pharmacognostic studies and minimizing the inherent
variation of natural product composition through
*Corresponding author: Dr. Papiya Bigoniya, Principal, Radharaman College of
quality assurance practices applied to cultivation and
Pharmacy, Bhadbada Road, Ratibad, Bhopal- 462 002, Madhya Pradesh, India. manufacturing processes.
Tel: +91-0755-2477941, +91-0755-2896237, +91-9827011258 Keeping in view the above mentioned problems, an attempt
Fax: +91-0755-2896664
E-mail: p_bigoniya2@hotmail.com
has been made to standardize the ethnopharmacologically
Foundation project: It is supported by Tapsya Siksha Samiti, Bhopal and laboratory useful seeds of Syzygium cumini L inn. ( S. cumini )
facilities (Faculty Promotion/July-Dec 2010/rcp-02). and Azadirachta indica A . J uss ( A. indica ) , commonly
P Bigoniya1 et al ./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S290-S295

available and widely used in central I ndia, based on 2.4. Preparation of extracts
pharmacognostical and physiochemical characteristics.
S. cumini (Fam. Myrtaceae)) is commonly known as Jambu. Coarse powder (25 g) of each seed was defatted individually
This is tree attaining a height upto 30 m and a girth of 3.6 m with 500 mL of petroleum ether (40-60曟) with the aid of
with a bole up to 15 m, found throughout India. S. cumini Soxhlet apparatus for 24 hr. The defatted seed cakes (5 g
has been reported to have hypoglycemic effects both in each) were then extracted separately with 100 mL each of
experimental models and clinical studies. The seeds have ethyl acetate, chloroform methanol, ethanol and water for
neuropsycho-pharmacological and anti-HIV activity. Seed 48 hr by maceration and then filtered to obtain respective
kernel has reported to decrease the oxidative stress in extracts. T he petroleum ether fraction obtained after
diabetic rats, which may be responsible for its hypoglycemic defatting was recovered as petroleum ether extract after
property[3]. filtration. The extracts in different solvent were collected
A. indica (Fam. Meliaceae) is commonly known as Neem. separately and volume reduced under low pressure. Twenty
T his is evergreen tree attaining a height upto 15 - 20 m five ml of the each extract was used to determine the
or more and found throughout the plains of India. The percentage extractive values of seeds in different solvents.
seeds are brownish and dorsally convex. Almost every The remaining extract was stored in air tight glass container
part of the tree is being used to treat different human at 4-8曟 for fluorescence analysis.
ailments and also regarded as a household pesticide. The
extract of bark, leaves, fruits and roots has been used 2.5. Physico-chemical studies
to treat leprosy, intestinal helminthiasis and respiratory
disorders in children. The bark extract is used as tonic, The percentage of foreign matter, loss on drying, total ash
astringent and useful in relieving fever, thirst, nausea, and acid insoluble ash were determined according to the
vomiting and skin diseases. Other reports on the biological method described in WHO guidelines on quality control
and pharmacological studies showed antiviral, anti- methods for medicinal plants materials[8]. The dried seed
inflammatory, antipyretic and antioxidant properties[4]. powders were subjected to flourescence analysis, as it is and
also after treating separately with 1 N of HCl, HNO3, H2SO4,
NaOH, KOH, alcoholic NaOH, alcoholic KOH and ammonia
2.Materials and methods against normal and ultra-violet light (254 nm). Color reaction
of petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, chloroform, methanol and
2.1. Chemicals water extract was also observed in normal light and UV light
(254 nm)[9].
FAA solution ( 95 % ethyl alcohol: glacial acetic acid:
formalin: water in 50 : 5 : 10 : 35 ) , hemalum, safranin, 2.6. Preliminary phytochemical screening
hydrochloric acid, phloroglucinol and other chemicals used
in the study were of analytical grade. Preliminary phytochemical screening of the seed extracts
in different solvents has been performed to detect the
2.2. Plant material phytocontituents like; alkaloid, amino acid, carbohydrate,
glycoside, inulin, mucilage, tannin, starch, saponin, steroid,
The fresh seeds of S. cumini and A. indica were collected triterpenoid and flavonoid[10].
from their natural habitat, surrounding Bhopal, Madhya
P radesh, I ndia during S eptember 2010 . T he seeds were 2.7. Quantitative estimation of phytoconstituents
identified by Dr. Madhuri Modak, Professor, Department of
Botany, MVM College, Bhopal, India with voucher 1132.68/281 2.7.1 Alkaloid estimation
for S. cumini and 1121.44/121 for A. indica. The collected Alkaloid estimation was performed according to the method
seeds were washed, shade dried and pulverized with described by Obdoni and Ochuko[11].
mechanical pulverizer for size reduction. The size pulverized
seed powder was passed through mesh 40-60 and used for 2.7.2. Flavonoid estimation
determination of physiochemical parameters and preparation Aluminium chloride colorimetric technique was used for
of different solvent extracts. The fresh seed samples were flavonoids estimation[12].
used for macroscopic and microscopic studies.
2.7.3. Saponin estimation
2.3. Macroscopic and microscopic analysis Saponin estimation was performed according to the method
described by Obdoni and Ochuko[11].
The macroscopy of the seeds were studied according to
the method of Brain et al[5]. In microscopy, the fresh seeds 2.7.4. Estimation of total phenols
were cut into pieces of 2-5 mm without compression and The total phenols of both the extracts were measured at 765
immediately transferred into FAA solution for one day to kill nm by Folin Ciocalteu reagent method[12].
and fix the tissues. The pieces were embedded with paraffin
wax. The paraffin embedded specimens were sectioned
with the help of rotary microtome having thickness of 10-12 3. Results
毺m. Dewaxing of the sections was performed by customary
procedure[6]. The sections were stained with hemalum and 3.1. Morphological evaluation of seeds
safranin. A drop of HCl and phloroglucinol were used to
detect lignified cell in the cut sections[7]. 3.1.1. S. cumini
T he seeds are brownish black in color which is
S292 P Bigoniya1 et al ./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S290-S295

approximately 2 cm long and 1 cm wide. Whole seed of S. 3.2. Microscopic evaluation of seeds
cumini is enclosed in a cream colored, coriaceous covering
which is smooth, oval or sometimes roundish in shape. The 3.2.1. S. cumini
seed is astringent in taste (Figure 1). Seed showed single cotyledon consisting of single layered
epidermis. Seed coat is thin single layered which usually
3.1.2. A. indica got detached after drying. T he major bulk of seed is
The seeds are brownish in color, dorsally convex, upto endosperm which stores the food in form of starch grains.
1.2 cm long and 0.5 cm wide. The seed coat of A. indica is Parenchymatous cells are fully packed with simple, oval,
thin, brown in color and form a shell like structure over the rounded starch grains. Few schizogenous cavities are also
seed. The seed coat usually cracks on touch. The inside of present (Figure 3).
cracked pieces appears as golden yellow and seed kernels
are light brown in color. The seed is oily in odour and having 3.2.2. A. indica
bitter taste (Figure 2). T ransversely cut surface of A. indica seed showed
endosperm in which oil granules are present. The section

Table 1.
Extractive values of S. cumini and A. indica seed in different solvents.
Extractive value in % w/w
Petroleum ether Ethyl acetate Chloroform Methanol Alcohol Water
S. cumini 0.244 0.488 0.540 0.266 7.960 18.560
A. indica 1.968 1.500 1.912 1.008 26.800 19.360

Table 2.
Fluorescence analysis of S. cumini and A. indica seed powder.
Powder + Solvents
Seeds Observation Dry Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder +Alc. Powder Powder
under powder +Water +HCl +HNO3 +H2SO4 +NaOH +KOH NaOH +Alc. KOH +Ammonia
S. cumini Normal light Earthy Golden Gold Gold Yellow Brown Sienna Navojo white Golden rod Saddle brown
white rod
U.V. light Earthy Lawn Lawn Lawn Lime green Greenish Greenish Greenish Lawn Greenish
brown green green green brown
brown yellow green brown
A. indica Normal light Yellowish Gold Dark Yellow Light Sienna
Golden Gold Gold Golden rod
brown golden rod golden rod rod
U.V. light Khakhi Greenish Light green Lawn Greenish Brownish Olive Lawn green Lawn Olive drab
yellow green yellow black green green

Table 3 .
Fluorescence analysis of S. cumini and A. indica seed with different solvents.
Seeds Extract Normal light UV light
S. cumini Petroleum ether Light yellow Greenish yellow
Ethyl acetate Golden rod Lawn green
Chloroform Light yellow Greenish yellow
Methanol Golden rod Lawn green
A. indica Petroleum ether Cream White smoke
Ethyl acetate Pale golden rod Dark sea green
Chloroform Golden rod Forest green
Methanol Gold Greenish yellow

Table 4.
Preliminary phytochemical sceening of S. cumini and A. indica seeds with different solvents.
Seeds Solvent Phytoconstituents
Alkaloid Amino acid Carbohydrate Glycoside Inulin Mucilage Tannin Tannin Saponin Steroid Triterpenoid Flavanoid
S. cumini Petroleum ether - - + - - - - + - - - -
Chloroform - - + - + + + + - - + -
Ethyl acetate - - + - + + - - - - - -
Methanol + - - - + + + - - - + +
Water + - + - - + + + - - + +
A. indica Petroleum ether - + - - + + - - - + - -
Chloroform - + + + + + - + - + - +
Ethyl acetate - + - - - + - - - - + -
Methanol + + + - + + - - - - - +
Water - + - - + + - - - - + -
“+” = Presence of constituent, “-” = Absence of constituents
P Bigoniya1 et al ./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S290-S295

contains an outer yellowish brown hard layer called testa

and inner tegmen. The epidermis is single layered which The result of fluorescence studies on seed powder using
was attached to tegmen. The epidermis and endosperm was different reagents are given in Table 2 and that of the
well separated. The endosperm is fleshy oil storage tissue extracts is compiled in Table 3.
under the cover of perisperm. The embryo is imbedded
inside the endosperm and contain thick cotyledon to an axis 3.5. Preliminary phytochemical test for extracts
called tigellum. The tigellum showed a protruding radical
plumule hidden between the cotyledons (Figure 4). R esults of preliminary phytochemical screening are
compiled in Table 4.
3.3. Physico-chemical evaluation
3.6. Quantitative estimation of phytoconstituents
Foreign matters were found to be 0.28% in S. cumini and
0.37% in A. indica. Loss on drying of both the seed turned The results of quantitative estimation indicate that S.
out to be 1 . 650 % in S. cumini and 4 . 769 % in A. indica. cumini seed have higher percentage yield of flavonoid
Content of total ashes in seed powder were found to be 0.34% (7.44%), saponin (3.36%) and total phenol (16.28%), whereas
in S. cumini and 6.63% in A. indica. The result showed the the percentage yields of alkaloid recorded were minimal
low content of acid insoluble ash in S. cumini (0.144%) and (0.23%). The percentage yield of flavonoid, saponin and total
A. indica (1.966%) seed. The results of extractive value in phenol in A. indica was found to be 1.97%, 2.78% and 2.42%,
different solvents are tabulated in Table 1. respectively whereas yield of alkaloid was 0.715%.

3.4. Fluorescence analysis of drug powder and extracts

Figure 1. S. cumini firuit and seed.

Figure 2. A. indica fruit and seed.

S294 P Bigoniya1 et al ./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S290-S295

Schizogenous cavities



Parenchymatous cells
with starch grains


4 40暳

Figure 3. Transverse section of S. cumini seed.

Protruding radical &plumule

Testa or seed coat







Parenchyma cells
with oil granules

40 暳
Figure 4. Transverse section of A. indica seed.

4. Discussion five percent. It signifies the considerable amount of moisture

in seeds. The percentage of active chemical constituents
D espite the availability of hyphenated analytical in crude drugs is usually mentioned on air-dried basis.
techniques, identification and evaluation of plant drugs by Hence, the moisture content of a drug should be determined
pharmacognostical and physico-chemical parameter study and also should be controlled to make the solution of
is still more reliable, accurate and inexpensive. According definite strength. The moisture content of a drug should
to World Health Organization (WHO), the macroscopic and be minimized in order to prevent decomposition of crude
microscopic determination of the plant is the first step drug either due to chemical change or due to microbial
towards establishing its identity and purity and should contamination.
be carried out before any tests are undertaken[13]. In the A sh values were used to detect the presence of any
present work the macroscopic and microscopic study of S. siliceous contamination and water soluble salts. These
cumini and A. indica seeds were carried out. The results values are important quantitative standards as it is useful
of macroscopic study might be useful for distinguishing it in determining authenticity and purity of drugs[10]. Lower
from its substitutes and adulterants. Microscopic evaluation content of total ashes in the results indicate low level of
allows more detailed examination of crude and enable to carbonates, phosphates, silicates and silica in the seeds.
identify the organized structural features such as epidermis, The total ash value for a crude drug is not always reliable,
starch grains in endosperm, parenchymatous cells and since there is possibility of presence of non-physiological
schizogenous cavities as present in S. cumini and oil substances. So, the authentication of acid insoluble ash was
granules in endosperm and tigellum in A. indica. also performed which showed low content of acid insoluble
The physico-chemical parameters are helpful in judging ash in both the seeds.
the purity and quality of the drug. The foreign matters were The results suggest that both the powdered seeds have
present in negligible amount in both the seeds. This may high water soluble extractive value in comparison to the
be due to first hand collection of plant material from non petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol
polluted area[14]. Loss on drying for A. indica was nearly and ethanol soluble extractive values. The water soluble
P Bigoniya1 et al ./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S290-S295

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