Brennan Dillard EDTE 255 Video Observation CH 8
Brennan Dillard EDTE 255 Video Observation CH 8
Brennan Dillard EDTE 255 Video Observation CH 8
EDTE 255
Video Observation Ch 8.
What video did you choose to reflect on? The video I chose to reflect on was Case
#586: Building Classroom Community
Through the Study of Chinese Art and Culture
Did you find this observation was a good Yes, I do feel that this example was a good
example of a global classroom? Why or why demonstration of what a global classroom
not? looks like. The students have been set with
the task of studying chinese art and culture,
and using this information to relate back to
their personal lives here in the United States.
By plotting these differences on a venn
diagram, the students are forced into the
process of opening their minds to the
customs of other cultures. This allows the
opportunity for them to find similarities within
their own culture, broadening their
understanding of cultural differences.
Was there an example of students gaining Yes, I felt that global competence was best
global competence in the classroom that you expressed in this video through the
observed? If so, what is the example? If not, communication that was taking place
do you have an idea how the teacher could amongst the students. As the teacher
have increased it? mentioned in the commentary, this class
appeared as if it consisted of students who
are not afraid to be wrong. It’s obvious that
certain children will have more information on
the topics that are close to them, and the
children in the video were willingly sharing
their understanding with the class. For
example, there was one particular boy who
seemed to possess a lot of knowledge
regarding the life of pandas, and he was
eagerly answering the teacher’s questions
about the animal. This type of enthusiasm is
contagious amongst students of this age,
therefore it sparks interest in the topic
amongst the peer group.
Share 3 takeaways from this observation. 1. I was very surprised at the level of
engagement that I saw from the students.
When approaching Chinese and Indian
cultures during my elementary school
experience, I remember most of the students
were not very interested.
Write at least one question that you have Are students more willing to learn about a
about creating a global teaching/learning certain culture if something in their life is
environment. directly related to that culture?
(i.e. Are students more receptive to
information about China if they have a
Chinese exchange student in their class?)
A section in Chapter 8 talks about online My online learning experience has been
learning. Please refer to this part of the somewhat interesting so far, but for the most
chapter while you write about your own online part I feel that I was well equipped for this
learning you are experiencing so far this unexpected turn of events. Throughout my
semester. What can you share related to this entire college career, I have had at least one
topic? online class each semester. This has given
me the literacy and familiarity that appears to
be necessary for success in an online class.
That being said, it does make a difference
when the entire school year gets moved to
online. Personally, there was a window of
adjustment time where I had to get
comfortable with the entirely new system that
had been put into place. One finds
themselves pretty much always responsible
for their success in college, but the move to
online has seemed to amplify that situation a
little bit. Managing time and making sure that
I am keeping track of all my work has been
more difficult with the transition to online
education. I feel that this is mostly caused by
a lack of structure in my daily routines due to
most of my classes being asynchronous.
Other than that, I feel that the modalities
offered by online education are more
conducive of individual success. It allows the
student’s to learn in a way that isn’t
determined by how the teacher operates the
classroom, essentially creating a system
where instructors are not only our professors,
but also the internet.