Iron Deficiency Anemia Among Preschooi Children (2-5) Years in Gaza Strip
Iron Deficiency Anemia Among Preschooi Children (2-5) Years in Gaza Strip
Iron Deficiency Anemia Among Preschooi Children (2-5) Years in Gaza Strip
Rojena el Hadad
Mr. Ayman Elsous
Anemia Hemoglobin Prevalence Associated
Globally, 1.62 billion people are affected by
anemia, and more than 293 million children of
preschool age are anemic. Although anemia has a
varicty of causes, it is generally estimated that 50%
of cases are caused by iron deficiency (Black et
Anemia is a clinical condition associated with
multiple causes, the most common of which is
nutritional causes, such as iron, folate, vitamin
B12, and protein deficiencies. Non-nutritional
causes, such as congenital factors and parasitic
diseases, also exist(OlivaresM,WalterT,Hertrampf
E, Pizarro:1999)
In addaition to nutritional factors, several studies
have shown that socioeconomic factors such as
low parental education levels, low household
incomes (Hashizume et al.,2003& El Hioui et al.,
2008) According to the World Health Organization
database on anemia for 1993- 2005, the global
estimated prevalence of anemia was 25.0%, in
which 47.4% of preschool children were anemic
(WHO :World Health Organization, 2008) Children
and women of reproductive age have the highest
risks of anemia because of their physiological
vulnerability .( McLean E, Cogswell M, Egli I,
Wojdyla D, De Benoist,2009)
Objectives .1.2
General aim of the study.1.2.1
Will I aim of this work is to study the IDA among
children in pre-school age who live in the Gaza
Strip will be held appropriate management which
include iron supplements formula by mouth to
correct anemia and to renew iron stores in iron
.deficient anemic children plan
How many the prevalence of IDA among .1
preschool age children living in Gaza strip
What arethe level of knowledge, awareness .2 .
and practices of parents of the study population
concerning the significance of iron for children
What aremild and moderate cases among .3
preschool children, whereas severe anemia was
.not observed
Is there enough information when people .4 ?
around the anemia
Literature review
Study setting
The study will be conducted in a north of Gaza
Sample size
In this study sample size will be 400 children less
than 5 years distributors bug following three areas
( jebalia " alrmal " qararah )
Sampling procedure
:Ethical considerations.
are approval from organization, informed from
the patient, his consent participation in the study
must be voluntary, and people being studied will
be Tree from any physical, emotional and mental
harm during the study, privacy and confidentially
of the information that will be obtained by the
questionnaire and we are going to explain the
benefits of study for subjects
Data Collection .
I will collected data by using close-ended
questionnaire, and the questionnaire data will
collecte through home visits and direct interview
with the parents or guardians
:Statistical analysis
After data collection, by questionnaire we will use
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS
program for data analysis
Black RE, Morris SS, Bryce J. (2003) Where and why
are 10 million children dying every year? Lancet
361 2226-2234
Olivares M. Walter T. Hertrampf E. Pizarro E .
Anaemia and tron deficiency disease in children.
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anemia. Geneva: World Health on Organization;
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B. Worldwide prevalence of anaemia, WHO
vitamin and mineral nutrition information
2009:12(4)4- Public Health Nutr. 1993-2005
syetem 54.CrossRefPubMed
Maller O, Krawinkel M. Malnutrition and health in
develeping countries CMAJ. 2005.173(3):279-
Milman N. Anemia-still a major health problem in
many parts of the world! Ann Hematol.
6Hashizume M. Kunii 0. Sasaki S, Shimoda T, Wakai
S, Mazhitova Z, Dauletbaev D. Caypil W,
Aldiyarova M, Farmer A, Yamashiro Y. Chiba M.
(2003). Anemia and iron deficiency among
schoolchildren in the Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan.
..J Trop Pediatr : 49: 172-177