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Final Eia

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Non-Technical Summary

Environmental and Social Impact

Assessment (ESIA) for the Standard
Yapı Merkezi İnşaat ve San. A.Ş. Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es
Hacı Reşit Paşa Sokak No: 4 Çamlıca Salaam – Makutopora, Tanzania
34676 İstanbul Turkey
30 August 2019
Project No.: 0453091

Tanzania Railways Corporation
Sokoine Drive/Railway Street,
P.O.Box 76959, Dar es Salaam
Document details

Document title Non-Technical Summary

Document subtitle Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Standard Gauge Railway
Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora, Tanzania

Project No. 0453091

Date 30 August 2019
Version Final
Author Raimund Vogelsberger, Dimitri Militschenko
Document owner Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC)

www.erm.com Version: Final Project No.: 0453091 Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC) 30 August 2019
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Standard
Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora,

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 What is this Document? ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Where to get more information? .................................................................................................... 1
1.3 What is the status of the ESIA and permit process? ...................................................................... 1

2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................... 2

2.1 General Overview -Why is this Project Needed? ........................................................................... 2
2.2 Route of the SGR Line ................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Technical Description of the SGR .................................................................................................. 3
2.4 Construction Timing ....................................................................................................................... 4
2.5 Construction Works ....................................................................................................................... 4

3. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA .......................................................................................... 5

3.1 Land Use & Economic Activities .................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Population ...................................................................................................................................... 6


4.1 General ESIA Process ................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Initial Desk Study ........................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Stakeholder Consultation ............................................................................................................... 8
4.4 Data Collection and Observations ................................................................................................. 8
4.5 Impact Assessment ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.6 Identification of Mitigation Measures .............................................................................................. 9

5. HOW IS THE STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT DONE? ........................................................... 9

5.1 Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) .......................................................................................... 10
5.2 Stakeholder Engagement Activities ............................................................................................. 10
5.2.1 Consultation with Authorities ....................................................................................... 10
5.2.2 Public Consultation ..................................................................................................... 11

6. THE MAIN FINDINGS OF THE ESIA......................................................................................... 14

6.1 Summary of the Findings ............................................................................................................. 14
6.2 What are the Positive Impacts? ................................................................................................... 15
6.3 What are the Main Negative Environmental Impacts? ................................................................. 15
6.3.1 Loss of Habitats .......................................................................................................... 15
6.3.2 Impacts to Protected Areas ......................................................................................... 15
6.3.3 Fragmentation Impacts to Wildlife Corridors ............................................................... 16
6.3.4 Impacts on the Air Quality & Noise ............................................................................. 16
6.3.5 Waste Management & Soil and Water Pollution ......................................................... 17
6.4 What are the main negative Social Impacts? ............................................................................... 18
6.4.1 Community Health, Safety and Security ..................................................................... 18
6.4.2 Loss of Access ............................................................................................................ 18
6.4.3 Expropriation and Land Acquisition............................................................................. 19

7. HOW WILL THE IDENTIFIED RISKS BE MANAGED? ............................................................ 20

8. HOW WILL THE IMPLEMENTATION BE MONITORED? ........................................................ 20

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Standard
Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora,

List of Tables
Table 6-1 Benefits and Negative Impacts of the Project ....................................................................... 14

List of Figures
Figure 3-1 Layout of Protected Areas and Ecoregions along the SGR Project Alignment. .................... 7
Figure 5-1 Consultation with the Public/ project affected communities (Source: ARU ESIA, 2018). ... 12

Acronyms and Abbreviations

ARU Ardhi University
AU African Union
BAP Biodiversity Action Plan
EAC East African Community
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMA Environmental Management Act
ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
ESMMP Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan
ESMS Environmental and Social Management System
GoT Republic of Tanzania
IFC International Finance Corporation
MGR Metre Gauge Railway
NEMC National Environment Management Council
RAP Resettlement Action Plan
RoW Right-of-Way
SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan
SGR Standard Gauge Railway
ToR Terms of Reference
TRC Tanzania Railways Corporation

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Standard
Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora,


1.1 What is this Document?

The Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC) is in the process of building a new railway line from Dar es
Salaam to Makutopora – called the Standard Gauge Railway Project. As part of the legal permitting of
the Project in Tanzania, extensive studies were made by local experts from Ardhi University to
minimise the potential impacts of the Project on people and on the environment. Further
investigations were made with the support of international experts (from ERM) to meet the
requirements of the IFC/WorldBank and other international banks who are helping to finance the
Project. Overall, the various studies extended over about two years and resulted in many 100s of
pages compiled in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Reports.

This document in hand is a Non-Technical Summary (NTS) of the main findings of the ESIA
studies conducted for the SGR Project.

For all topics mentioned in this NTS many more details are available in the final ESIA Report and
related documents such as the Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP)
which defines exactly which actions are needed to prevent, minimize and manage adverse impacts
caused by the different railway development activities.
The above mentioned documents are already available at Yapı Merkezi’s website
https://yapimerkezi.com.tr/En/Projects/Ongoing-Projects/Dar-Es-Salaam-Morogoro-RAILWAY , and
will also be available at TRC’s website soon.

1.2 Where to get more information?

The intention of TRC is to make it easy for the public to become informed about the Project, and to
invite the public to provide their views and comments (whether positive or negative) about the Project.
For any questions, complaints or concerns about the ESIA process or the SGR Project in general, or
to receive further information, please contact TRC through the contact details stated below.

TRC contact under:

Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC)^

Sokoine Drive/Railway Street,

P.O.Box 76959, Dar es Salaam
Tel: +255 22 2112695
Fax: +255 22 2116525
Email: md@trc.go.tz

1.3 What is the status of the ESIA and permit process?

Currently, the national ESIA study prepared by ARDHI University in Dar es Salaam has been
approved by the Tanzania National Environmental Management Council (NEMC).
In parallel, the ESIA was reviewed by the international lenders to determine if the requirements of the
WorldBank/IFC are being met. The final ESIA is publicly available at Yapı Merkezi’s website as
defined in Section 1.1.

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Standard
Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora,


2.1 General Overview -Why is this Project Needed?

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (GoT), through the Tanzania Railways
Corporation (TRC), is undertaking numerous efforts to expand and modernise the country’s railway
infrastructure. One of the key projects is to construct a new railway link called the “Standard Gauge
Railway” (SGR), from Dar es Salaam to Mwanza (1219 km). The overall SGR Project follows the
African Union (AU) and East African Community (EAC) decision in 2006 that all new railway
development projects in the region will be implemented to the standard gauge specification so that
trains can more easily pass from country to country.
The implementation of the overall SGR Project will be undertaken in separate steps. In the first step,
the GoT is currently investing in the first railway segment from Dar es Salaam to Makutopora, which
has a total length of about 541 km. In the second step, the GoT will further invest in the construction
of the remaining segment from Makutopora to Mwanza (about 678 km); this second step will be
subject to separate construction contracts, ESIA studies and permits.
This report refers to the current SGR segment from Dar es Salaam to Makutopora – which is
called the “SGR Project” in this document.
The GoT, through TRC, has contracted the Turkish company “Yapi Merkezi Insaat VE Sanayi” (“Yapi
Merkezi”) to provide design services and to construct the SGR Project. Yapi Merkezi in turn will
employ further subcontractors for the construction of various aspects of the SGR Project. After
completion, TRC will operate the railway.
The route of the SGR line broadly follows the same route as the existing Metre Gauge Railway (MGR)
along the entire length from Dar es Salaam to Mwanza.

Overall, the SGR Project aims at promoting sustainable mobility along the Central Corridor of
Tanzania, through the construction of the railway line from Dar es Salaam to Mwanza, and new lines
from Isaka to Kigali in Rwanda, and Musongati in Burundi.
The SGR Project is a top priority to create socio-economic opportunities in the hinterland of Tanzania
and will greatly contribute to Tanzania’s economic growth and other EAC states as well.
The SGR Project is needed to relieve the road networks, which are overloaded, and to reduce
maintenance costs of roads as well as travel time for transportation of people and goods. The SGR
Project is also in line with the overall aim of the GoT to revitalize and reinvigorate the rail sector so as
it can contribute more to the national economy.

2.2 Route of the SGR Line

The SGR Project will commence in Dar es Salaam and then pass through the stations in Pugu, Soga,
Ruvu, Ngerengere, Morogoro, Mkata, Kilosa, Kidete, Gulwe, Igunda, Dodoma, Bahi and Makutopora.
An overview of the routing is shown in the figure below.
The proposed Dar es Salaam-Morogoro-Makutopora SGR will be undertaken in the following two
 Phase I or Lot 1 (Dar es Salaam to Morogoro – 205 km), and
 Phase II or Lot 2 (Morogoro to Makutupora – 336 km).

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Standard
Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora,

Figure - Route of SGR Project from Dar es Salaam to Makutopora.

2.3 Technical Description of the SGR

The SGR will be a single-track electrified railway for a design speed of 160 km/h for passenger trains
and 120 km/h for freight trains. The maximum train length will be 2000 m with a passenger capacity of
1.1 million passengers per year. The SGR rail width of the SGR is 1435 mm (4ft 8⅟₂ in), as compared
to the narrower 1000 mm (3ft 3in) width of the existing MGR line. This means that the SGR can
handle larger/heavier trains and at faster speeds.
The SGR will be elevated above-ground for the first part of its route through Dar es Salaam.
Approximately 51 km of Lot 1 (Dar es Salaam to Morogoro) and the entire Lot 2 (Morogoro - Dodoma
- Makutupora) will be fenced along the alignment, both on the left and the right side. Additionally, for
Lot 1, fencing will be in place in urban areas, around passenger stations, freight facilities and
marshalling yardsto prevent pedestrian access onto the track facilities.
The SGR system is designed to use electricity for powering its trains; therefore, it is necessary to have
reliable power to feed the railway system along its entire length. Consequently, a 220 kV single circuit
transmission line (TL), from the existing Kinyerezi substation (in Dar es Salaam) to the existing
Kingolwira substation (in Kingolwira village, near Morogoro), will be constructed and operated by
Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO). This new TL will have 160 km length and will
be running in parallel to the existing high voltage TL between these substations.
The TL’s source will be the Kinyerezi existing gas-fired power plant and the power will be discharged in
four substations along the route, namely Pugu, Ruvu, Kidugalo and Kingolwira. This TL will cover Lot 1
of the SGR (Dar es Salaam- Morogoro) and has been considered as an Associated Facility1 to the SGR

Associated Facilities are defined by the IFC as “…facilities that are not funded as part of the project and that would not have
been constructed or expanded if the project did not exist and without which the project would not be viable ”.

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Standard
Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora,

Project. A similar approach will be taken for Lot 2. TANESCO currently has two substations in Kingolwira
and Dodoma and an existing TL connecting them. However, because these are far from the SGR
alignment, TANESCO is also planning to build a new 220 kV substation between Kingolwira and
Dodoma. The new substation is intended to feed the railway lines in case of of the existing substations
(Dodoma and Kingolwira) malfunctioning.

2.4 Construction Timing

The construction activities for the SGR Project will be done in two phases:
 Phase 1: “Dar es Salaam - Morogoro section” (205 km); envisaged construction period from May
2017 to May 2020;
 Phase 2: “Morogoro - Makutupora section” (336 km) envisaged construction period from February
2018 to February 2021.
The commencement of SGR railway operations is envisioned shortly after completion of
construction (and commissioning) works in each Phase.

2.5 Construction Works

The SGR Project will be implemented under the so-called “Design-Build” pro ject delivery system.
TRC has already entered in contract with the Turkish company Yapi Merkezi to implement the railway
construction for the first 200 km between Dar es Salaam and Morogoro (already under construction).
The construction activities for the SGR Project follow the typical sequence for such projects, eg:
 Survey Works and technical testing of the route
 Expropriation and Resettlement of homes, farms, businesses in the right-of-way
 Clearance of Existing Land and Vegetation
 Earthworks and Civil Works, Construction of Culverts/drains and the track bed
 Placement of Overhead Wiring, Signalling & Telecommunication Works
 Construction of Buildings and Bridges
 Final Commissioning, including electrification of the line and fencing
The railway construction will also involve related activities such as:
 Extraction and transportation of building materials (eg rock, timber, soils, fill material)
 Establishment of temporary storage areas for spoil/overburden materials
 Construction of new railway stations; campsites; storage yards; electricity substations and power
transmission systems; access roads.
The stations along the SGR are to serve as passenger and freight facilities. Dar es Salaam, Morogoro
and Dodoma Stations will also include water supply infrastructure. The marshalling yards will include
maintenance and assembly workshops, tank-washing points, living quarters, general office buildings
and other facilities.
Related infrastructure will be constructed to keep open existing roadways and water courses, eg
 Overpasses and underpasses where the proposed SGR intersects with existing roads.
 Culverts over natural watercourses or for drainage.
 Viaducts where the proposed SGR passes through well-established towns and or cities;
 Underpasses to allow cattle (livestock) and people to cross the railway

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Standard
Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora,

During the construction phase, about 7,000 people are expected to be employed during peak times
across the Project locations. It is expected that a significant size of the workforce will be recruited
locally through subcontractors. Stationary and mobile camps for temporary accommodation of mainly
specialist workers at Ilala, Soga and Ngerengere have already been established, whilst Kilosa and
Dodoma are still in progress.
Operational Phase & Railway Maintenance
The period of operation is designed to continue for around 100 years, after which re-laying of new rail
will become necessary. It is initially planned that 24 trains (20 freight and 4 passenger trains) will be
using the SGR line during normal operations over 300 days in a year. During the remaining 65 days
per year, traffic will be reduced slightly to 20 trains (16 freight and 4 passenger) to enable TRC to
carry out routine maintenance activities on the line. . Maintenance of the SGR is generally separated
 Regular maintenance, involving planned priory and periodically repeating maintenance works,
with the goal to remove smaller defects and shortages on the railway.
 Investment maintenance, involving all works that cannot be done under regular maintenance,
such as the reconstruction of specific parts of the railway and other servicing.
 Unplanned maintenance, involving unplanned breakdowns and unavoidable accidents (e.g.
floods, landslides), emergency situations.


3.1 Land Use & Economic Activities

The existing land use along the railway line is primarily agriculture, grazing, forest reserves and
human settlements.
The proposed SGR route passes through various habitats for both flora (plants) and fauna (animals),
including natural vegetation, settlements and patches of degraded cultivated land (Figure 3 1). In
accordance with IFC2, habitats are characterised into three major categories, namely, natural,
modified and critical.
 The natural habitats are areas composed of plant and/or animal species of largely native origin.
These include forest reserves of Pugu, Ruvu South, Chisungwe and Ngerengere. It also includes
some pockets of thickets between Dodoma and Makutopora.
 The modified habitats are areas that may contain a large proportion of plant and/or animal
species of non-native origin. Most of the habitats along the SGR route fall under this category.
The modified habits include degraded natural forest, human settlement areas and cultivated land
(smallholder and plantations).
 The critical habitats are defined as areas with high biodiversity value. There was strong evidence
for critical habitats to occur in the Coastal Forest Mosaic Ecoregion, and specifically within the
Pugu Hills and Ruvu South Forest Reserves, where habitats have been protected. To support
this critical habitat assessment, baseline studies have been conducted and the field studies
confirmed that the Pugu Hills and Ruvu South Forest Reserves, Rondo Dwarf Galago, African
Wild Dog, Ruvu Spiny Reedfrog, Pugu Striped and Pugu Forest Grasshoppers and the large bat
congregations associated with two Kaolin Mine shafts and with an old tunnel prior to SGR
construction activities were defined as critical habitat.
Overgrazing and poor cultivation methods close to the railway line have resulted in land degradation,
particularly in soil erosion near the railway line. Grazing along the railway has also contributed to the
degradation of the top soil, and the removal of natural vegetation cover, promoting soil erosion.

Performance Standard 6, Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Standard
Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora,

The main economic activities are agriculture, livestock keeping, industry, mining, fishing, petty trading.
Whereas the Agricultural sector employs most of the population, the mining industry is both of small
and large scale, the latter being represented by Williamson Diamond in Shinyanga. General industry
is mostly situated in large cities, especially in Dar es Salaam and in Mwanza.

3.2 Population
The regions traversed by the SGR Project are inhabited by around 20 million people (per 2012
national census), which is about 43% of the total population of Tanzania. There are many ethnic
groups which are traversed by the railway line including the
 Wazaramo, Warugulu, Wakaguru and Wakwere in Dar es salaam, Coast and Morogoro regions;
 Wagogo and Wanyaturu in Dododoma and Singida regions;
 Wanyamwezi, Wasukuma and Wakerewe in Tabora, Shinyanga, Simiyu and Mwanza regions.
 There are also pastoralist groups of the Maasai and Barabaig -present in the Districts traversed
by the Project. In particular, in Magindu and Miziguni villages (Kibaha District, mid part of Lot 1),
Parakuyo and Mbwade villages (Kilosa District, mid-east part of Lot 1) and Kinonko and Kidugalo
villages (Morogoro Rural District, west part of Lot 1). There are also pastoralists groups along
Kisarawe District.

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Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora,

Figure 3-1 Layout of Protected Areas and Ecoregions along the SGR Project Alignment.

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Standard ASSESSMENT CONDUCTED?
Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora,



4.1 General ESIA Process

The impact assessment process predicts and describes environmental and social (E&S) impacts that
are expected to occur for different phases of the SGR Project; based on this assessment the
appropriate set of actions is defined to help avoid or minimize the impacts. Subsequently, a
monitoring and evaluation programme is implemented to assess the effectiveness of the mitigation
The ESIA for the SGR Project was carried out using different scientific methodologies to comply with
the EIA Regulations and good international practice. The main ESIA steps are described below.

4.2 Initial Desk Study

The first ESIA step included a review of relevant literature pertaining to the SGR Project and project
areas. Much of the background information on the project was collected from TRC – which included
the project conception, plans, project coverage as well as existing E&S studies, baseline description
and other assessments. In addition, relevant district and regional profiles were used as sources of
data and information that describe baseline conditions.

4.3 Stakeholder Consultation

Stakeholder engagement – meaning discussions with institutional stakeholders (government
authorities), nearby residents, affected persons and other interested parties - was done within the
ESIA process to gather information, to disclose the project to affected people and to gather their
perceived project-related concerns.
A Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) has been prepared to coordinate stakeholder engagement
and project disclosure. The SEP was also used as a tool to enable TRC to align with international
best practice for engaging stakeholders and to ensure that this has been done in line with a culturally
appropriate approach. The SEP includes a Stakeholder Identification, a Stakeholder Analysis,
Engagement Planning, and the Development of a Communication Strategy. Further information on
the Stakeholder Engagement is given in chapter five of this NTS.

4.4 Data Collection and Observations

Interviews and documentation methods were supplemented by physical observations to identify
features within the specific route (Right-of-Way RoW) of the SGR Project. Fauna and flora specialists,
social & environmental assessors and valuation and compensation experts conducted several
fieldwork trips in the Project areas.
The fieldwork involved physical surveys, social-economic surveys, verification of secondary
information, and consultation in order to gather information on physical, biological, cultural and social-
economic aspects of the SGR Project through sampling, site walkovers and engagement with local
stakeholders. The resettlement experts undertook a physical survey of the project affected structures
and land use.

4.5 Impact Assessment

The impact assessment applies the proposed project activities onto the baseline environmental and
socio-economic conditions of the project site. The result is an identification of potential environmental
and social impacts of the proposed SGR Project.
In this regard, several project alternatives were also considered, including that of not implementing
the project. At this stage, it is very beneficial if initial findings from the impact assessment can be

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Standard
Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora,

passed on to the Project designers so that they can improve the design to avoid subsequent negative
impacts during construction - and to enhance the positive impacts.
A key guiding assumption in this ESIA is that the SGR Project will be designed, constructed, operated
and maintained with due care for safety and environmental matters using current and practical
engineering designs and methods that also meets good international practice for such projects.

4.6 Identification of Mitigation Measures

The ESMMP for the SGR Project details environmental and social actions – the so-called Mitigation
Measures - to minimize the potential impacts identified in the ESIA, including the requirement to
establish and implement an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS). Further
information regarding the management and monitoring of project impacts is given in chapter seven of
this Non-Technical Summary.

The Mitigation Hierarchy:


Generally speaking, the term “stakeholders” refers to local residents, public institutions, private
organisations and other persons who may be (positively or negatively) affected by the Project or are
otherwise interested in the Project.
Stakeholder engagement, as a part of the ESIA process, is all about how the developer of the project
provides information to the stakeholders – and asks them about their views of the Project, including
any comments, suggestions, questions or complaints. This two-way process of stakeholder
engagement is a very important part of the overall SGR Project, beginning prior to start of construction
and continuing through the operations. Identification of the relevant stakeholders as well as involving
them in the entire ESIA study was guided by the Stakeholder Engagement Framework.
The principal entities identified for this ESIA Study included government ministries, departments or
agencies at national, district and local levels, private companies, non-government/civil-society
organisations (NGOs), community- based organizations, user groups and people directly affected by
the Project, such as goods and services providers.

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Standard
Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora,

5.1 Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)

The SEP is a separate document describing the mechanisms by which involved people, communities
and other stakeholders are informed about the Project and given opportunities to provide comments
and input to the Project development. The SEP describes the engagement already undertaken in the
past as well as meetings and other events planned for the future. In line with current international best
practice, the SEP aims to ensure engagement that is free of interference and intimidation.
Engagement should also be relevant, understandable and provide accessible information in a
culturally appropriate way. The SEP thus allows affected people to give their opinions and concerns,
and allow that these concerns influence Project decisions.
The SEP covers the pre-construction and construction phases of the Project. The SEP covers:
 engagement activities for the land acquisition phase (particularly for Lot 2);
 disclosure of the Project ESIA Package;
 engagement during Project construction.
This SEP is a ‘living document’ and will be regularly updated as the Project progresses and, for
 new stakeholders are identified for the Project;
 more details become available on stakeholder preferred means of engagement;
 more resources are needed for implementing the SEP;
 responsibilities for implementation change or are delegated.
A key part of the SEP is the so-called “Grievance Mechanism”, which provides an easy way for every
person affected by the SGR Project to submit their comments, questions or complaints (so called
“grievances”) to the responsible project managers of the project developer. Under the Grievance
Mechanism, all such grievances submitted are tracked and must be responded generally within 30
The SEP does not cover engagement during operation and decommissioning phases. Separate SEPs
will need to be developed by TRC as the Project progresses into these phases.

5.2 Stakeholder Engagement Activities

Stakeholder engagement and project consultation was undertaken during the preparation of the ESIA
and included the following activities:
 Consultative Meetings with Regional District Authorities and Utilities Companies; and
 Public Consultation through
- Meetings with Communities (namely Village and Ward Leadership, in the settlements of Pugu,
Soga, Ngerengere, Mkata, Gulwe, Bahi, Kintiku, Zuzu and Makutopora);
- Public Consultations with Villagers;
- Focus Group Discussions, involving ward leaders, economic venture groups, influential
elders, self-help groups, sports team leaders, teachers, income-generating groups, livestock
keepers, farmers, women, disabled, businessmen and women;
- Household Questionnaires.

5.2.1 Consultation with Authorities

Consultative meetings were held in all nine regions traversed by the SGR, which include Dar es
Salaam, Coast, Morogoro, Dodoma, Singida, Tabora, Shinyanga, Simiyu and Mwanza.

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Gauge Railway Line (SGR) Project, Dar es Salaam – Makutopora,

At regional and district levels, the consultations involved discussions with regional and district officers,
specialists and other knowledgeable people and key informants. Specific consultations were
undertaken with Regional Commissioners, Regional Administrative Secretaries, Regional Secretariat
experts, District Commissioners, District Administrative secretaries, Chief Executive Officers of
City/District/Municipal Councils, and Utilities agencies.
The Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC) (Headquarters) and major stations at Morogoro, Dodoma,
Kilosa, Munisagara, Nzaganza, Kidete, Godegode, Gulwe, Kikombo, Ihumwa, Zuzu, Bahi, Kitinku and
Makutupora were also part of the consultation.

5.2.2 Public Consultation

Public consultation is an inclusive and culturally appropriate process, which involves sharing
information and knowledge, seeking to understand the concerns of others and building relationships
based on collaboration (Figure 5-1). The public participation process is designed to provide
information to and receive feedback from stakeholders for use throughout the ESIA process, thus
providing them with an opportunity to raise concerns and make comments and suggestions regarding
the SGR Project.
The main aim of the consultation process is to inform people about the proposed Project and
incorporate the views of stakeholders in the design of the mitigation measures, the Environmental and
Social Management and Monitoring Plan (ESMMP) and the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).

Meetings with Communities – Village and Ward Leadership

Brief meetings were held with local leaders including ward and village officials for the wards/villages
traversed by the SGR Project. The following settlements were sampled for consultative meetings
within the range of specific criteria: Pugu, Soga, Ngerengere, Mkata, Gulwe, Bahi, Kintiku, Zuzu and
Meetings with ward/village leaders focused on the existing socio-economic situation in the area and
the need to identify clusters of people likely to be adversely affected by the SGR Project. The
discussions provided an opportunity to introduce the Project to the leaders and identify key informers.

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Figure 5-1 Consultation with the Public/ project affected communities (Source:
ARU ESIA, 2018).

In addition to these activities, in April and May of 2019, the Project undertook systematic consultations
with communities to gain a high-level understanding key livelihood activities, constraints, and
opportunities with efforts targeting an understanding of traditionally marginalised groups (namely
women and vulnerable groups).
Between June and August 2019, the Project began the initial screening of potential livelihood
restoration implementation partners who will continue to be engaged throughout the land acquisition
and livelihood restoration implementation process.
These engagements are complemented by ongoing studies including a specialist-commissioned
Indigenous Peoples (IP) Assessment to identify Indigenous Peoples within the Project area.Continued
engagement as per the Informed Consultation and Participation Strategy (ICP) for IPs 3 with affected
IPs will be required to ensure that underpasses, overpasses and livestock crossings are effectively
communicated and utilized.

Public Consultation with Villagers

Public meetings were conducted in the surveyed settlements, as mentioned above. The following
wards and/or villages were consulted during public consultation:- Makutupora Station, Kinkintu, Bahi,
Zuzu, Ihumwa, Mkata, Msamvu, Ngerengere, Soga and Pugu Station.
Topics of major interest for the communities included:
 land take and compensation;
 public safety;
 employment;
 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
and other sexually transmitted diseases;

The Informed Consultation and Participation Strategy for IPs shall set out how IPs will be meaningfully consulted and informed about
impacts and involved in the design of mitigation in accordance with the provisions of PS 1 and PS 7 (paragraph 10) and associated IFC
Guidance Notes 1 and 7.

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 solid and liquid waste management during construction and operation;

 drainage, flooding and sedimentation;
 removal of infrastructure and utilities within the Right of Way (RoW);
 increased traffic;
 provision of service ducts.

Focus Group Discussions

Another form of public consultation, performed within the SGR Project, consists of so called “Focus
group discussions”. These focus groups involved groups of women, ward leaders, economic venture
groups, influential elders, self-help groups, sports team leaders, teachers, income-generating groups,
livestock keepers, farmers, women, disabled, businessmen and women.
The income levels of the population (i.e. low, middle and high) typically determines the affordability of
basic needs and social services and other goods. The focus group discussions ensured that all
income levels were fairly represented, and issues related to gender diversity were addressed.

Household Questionnaires
The individual household information in combination with the
conclusions from the focus group discussions contributed to the ESIA.
Moreover, fifteen questionnaires were conducted in the ten sampled
villages mentioned above with emphasis on gender balance. From
the household questionnaires quantitative information was obtained,
while other sources gave qualitative information.
Photo showing Enumerator conducting questionnaire survey with villager at
Kintinku (Source: ARU ESIA, 2018).

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6.1 Summary of the Findings

The ESIA has identified potential impacts (both positive and negative, Table 6-1) to the physical,
natural and socio-economic environments. In order to avoid, minimise and reduce negative impacts,
and to ensure that opportunities for the enhancement of positive impacts are realised, an overall
ESMMP has also been developed.

Table 6-1 Benefits and Negative Impacts of the Project

Environmental and Socio-Economic Benefits Negative Environmental and Social Impacts – if
NOT properly mitigated…

 Boost of the local economy/ economic growth  Water Pollution

through improved connectivity within and
 Soil erosion
outside the country’s borders and improved
access to markets.  Loss of natural habitat

 Increased capacity of the central railway  Noise and vibration

yielding lower Transport costs & shorter travel
 Air pollution and Greenhouse Gas emissions
times – avoiding truck traffic on the roadways
 Safety and health risks
 Employment Opportunities, both direct and
indirect yielding increased money circulation/  Increased Wastes
income situation  Increased water abstraction and pressure on
 Improved access to social services for water resources
residents  In-migration /influx of people from other areas
 Improved agriculture through better access to  Increased spread of HIV/AIDS and other
farming inputs diseases through worker influx
 Increased socio-cultural interaction  Resettlement/ impacts on livelihoods
 Improvement in social infrastructure (schools  Traffic congestion near urban construction areas
 Disturbance of (intangible) cultural heritage

 Community severance or “the barrier effect”

 Loss of critical habitat

 Blockage of wildlife passages

 Altered drainage

 Loss of access to land

Overall, the ESIA study results show that the SGR Project will entail certain negative environmental,
health & safety and social implications, during the land acquisition; construction and operation stages.
The associated negative impacts can be minimized largely through good engineering design and
envisaged construction practices and through implementing construction and operations-phase
environmental and social management systems. Specific mitigation measures have been suggested
in the ESMMP to avoid and minimize the inherent adverse impacts. Implementing these mitigation
measures would thus increase environmental and social soundness of the SGR project. The SGR
Project is predicted to have high long-term socio-economic benefits to the people of Tanzania.

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It is, therefore, concluded that implementation of the proposed SGR will entail overall acceptable level
of impacts, provided that the recommended mitigation measures in the ESMMP are adequately put in
place in a timely manner.

TRC and its contractor Yapi Merkezi are committed in implementing all the recommendations
given in the ESIA and ESMMP and further carrying out the environmental auditing and
monitoring schedules.

6.2 What are the Positive Impacts?

The proposed SGR Project will have a number of positive impacts and benefits, especially to the local
communities and the local and national economy, as summarised in the above Table 6-1 . The
mitigation measures in the ESIA and ESMMP aim to enhance these positive aspects. For example,
further indirect employment and income can be achieved – especially for unskilled/low-skilled persons
- by promoting the use of local service providers such as drivers, cleaners, caterers etc.

6.3 What are the Main Negative Environmental Impacts?

6.3.1 Loss of Habitats

For the most part, the SGR will be constructed within (or near) the existing right-of-way (adjacent to
the existing MGR tracks) and therefore vegetation clearance will be limited, except where there are
major realignments, at the sources of construction materials and at areas where associated facilities
will be constructed.
The negative impact anticipated from clearing of vegetation will be opening up of the area especially
by felling large indigenous trees. As a result, the area that is temporarily exposed is likely to be
subject to soil erosion. Permanent clearance will be confined only to the railway track/line.
The railway traverses through various types of habitats outside of protected areas including natural
vegetation, settlements and cultivated land (Figure 3-1). The natural vegetation supports a high
diversity of plant species, but these are mostly widespread and their habitats are in relative
The large indigenous trees and areas of natural vegetation lost to the project also support a range of
key species and species groups. Furthermore, a number of permanent and ephemeral wetlands are
to be lost or degraded by the project, prior to mitigation.
Examples of mitigation to avoid and minimise impacts include e.g. limiting the clearance of vegetation
to the strip of land needed for the occupation of the permanent railway corridor and adjacent working
width; protecting large trees directly adjacent to construction by covering their trunks; and restoring
areas temporarily affected by construction to a state as close to the original conditions as practically
The Project has developed a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) in line with IFC performance standards to
promote the sustainable protection and management of biodiversity resources, to maintain the
ecological integrity of protected areas and to maintain the benefits from ecosystem services through
the adoption of practices that integrate conservation needs and development priorities.
The BAP explains where no net loss of biodiversity and net gain requirements are needed, and
develops mitigation to achieve these targets. These include a programme of wetland restoration and
of sustainable charcoal production. Monitoring measures are presented to measure the future
achievement of these targets.

6.3.2 Impacts to Protected Areas

The Pugu Hills and Ruvu South Forest Reserves are the protected areas that are directly affected by
the SGR, therefore impact assessment focusses on the impact to the Pugu Hills and Ruvu South

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Forest Reserves. The proposed route passes alongside and marginally through the Pugu Hills and
Ruvu South Forest Reserves. Approximately 11% of the Pugu Hills Forest Reserve will be fragmented
from the main block, while the
route passes along the
northern boundary of the
Ruvu South Forest Reserve.
Some sections of the SGR
alignment through the Pugu
Hills Forest Reserve follow
the old MGR route and the
reserve is currently impacted
by this route. Other sections
of the SGR alignment
necessarily deviate from the
MGR route to avoid sharp
bends and accommodate a
high-speed rail.

A broad range of mitigation

measures are presented
within the BAP, of which the
majority are relevant to the
protection of the forest reserves. Additional conservation programmes proposed in line with IFC PS 6
include re-establishing lost forest and conservation support for the forest reserves. These will not alter
the impacts, but rather serve as a form of compensation for them.

6.3.3 Fragmentation Impacts to Wildlife Corridors

The ESIA, following communication with the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) noted the
existence of wildlife migration routes between conservation areas that will be intersected by the SGR.
A TAWIRI (2009) report describes two wildlife corridors that will be intersected by the SGR, namely
between the Mikumi National Park- Wami Mbiki Wildlife Management Area (WMA) and the Selous
Game Reserve - Wami Mbiki WMA.
These wildlife corridors were investigated, and evidence of regular elephant movement across the
SGR route was confirmed. The SGR will be fenced, but fences will be constructed to pass over the
top of culverts and underpasses, so that they do not obstruct wildlife, livestock, and human or vehicle
movements through these structures. Bridges will not be fenced and the proposed bridges, culverts
and underpasses will be adequate to accommodate elephants and all other forms of wildlife, with the
exception of giraffe; however, there has been no evidence that giraffe are present in the study area.
Given these measures and the number of other smaller underpasses and crossing points along the
alignment, the current SGR design is not expected to severely fragment wildlife populations, and no
design changes are therefore proposed. This permeability for wildlife is, however, dependent on these
bridges, culverts and underpasses being kept free of debris, not being occupied as shelters by people
or used as vehicle parking facilities. As such, measures have been included within the BAP to monitor
these features and maintain their condition.

6.3.4 Impacts on the Air Quality & Noise

Dust will mainly be generated from earth movements during the construction phase of the SGR
Project or from moving /travelling of trucks and machinery along unpaved surfaces.
Along the proposed project area, the adjacent areas are relatively open, without blocking air
movements and can thus enhance the dilution of dust and other air pollutants. Leafy vegetation

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should also be able to filter out a considerable amount of air emissions. Thus, ventilation and
vegetation are anticipated to lessen the air pollution issue of the SGR Project.
Construction activities will involve fully or partially closing local roads in Dar es Salaam and Morogoro,
which could increase local traffic jams and cause additional air pollution from the exhaustion of the
Noises from vehicles during the construction phase due to various construction machinery at site or
the transportation of materials are another aspect of consideration. Construction activities and
operational vehicles generate noise and vibration, which can cause disturbance to humans. However,
the impacts will not be significant because the railway passes to a great extent far away from human
Appropriate measures of management have been identified through the ESIA and are implemented
within the ESMMP (e.g. preparation and implementation of a Dust Management Plan; vehicles and
construction machinery will be required to be properly maintained and to comply with relevant
emission standards; all construction equipment will comply with the requirements of Tanzania Bureau
of Standards (TBS) on noise emission; construction works will not be permitted during the night; the
operations on site shall be restricted to the Period 07.00 ‐19.00 h etc.).
It is anticipated that the operation of the SGR will result in generation of noise and vibrations from a
variety of sources. Noise reduction or prevention measures will be implemented from the design phase,
such as usage of modern non-metallic disc brakes, reducing rolling noise, and consideration of
soundproofing at noise-sensitive areas.
Because the railway is electrified, with only occasional use of diesel engines, no air quality impacts
along the railway corridor are predicted as a result of Project operation.

6.3.5 Waste Management & Soil and Water Pollution

The waste streams from construction activities as well as from workers at the camp and project site
can create impacts to the environment if not managed properly. The solid waste include waste rocks,
spoil, rubbles, tree logs, metals, glasses, papers etc. while the liquid waste include sewage, oils etc.
These wastes, if not well handled, can further change the aesthetic nature of the project area and can
even lead to water pollution in case of improper disposal of oils.
Small-scale and short-term water pollution may result during construction of drainage structures.
Rivers that are expected to be impacted and flow all year long include the Ruvu River, Mkata River
and Mkondoa River. Seasonal rivers, such as Mpiji, Ngerengere, Kidete, Kidimo and Mzase, will be
impacted during the rainy season.
Various type of solid and liquid wastes will be generated during construction. The wastes may
contaminate soils or be washed into local surface and ground water resources and impair the quality
of these. Moreover, accidents and spills of fuels and oils may occur during refuelling and minor
equipment repairs.
Appropriate measures of management have been identified through the ESIA and are implemented
within the ESMMP (e.g. Preparation and implementation of the Sedimentation and Erosion Control
plan or the Waste Management Plan; construction of civil objects in water courses to be done only
during dry season to minimize effects on water flow, water quality and aquatic flora and fauna; the
extension of the construction area next to water courses will be only that strictly necessary to
adequately perform the construction works etc.).
An Environmental and Social Operation Management Plan (EOMP) will be prepared to detail how the
mitigation identified in the ESIA will be delivered during operation phase. The EOMP will be supported
by a standalone Waste Management Procedure to be followed (and those responsible for
implementing the actions) to achieve the mitigation of the impacts.

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6.4 What are the main negative Social Impacts?

6.4.1 Community Health, Safety and Security

Construction projects are commonly associated with social interactions amongst the construction
workers and local communities. The increased number of workers and higher concentration of
residents near the SGR Project construction sites can have an impact on local communities.
The entry of temporary labour force into an area could cause different negative impacts to the local
communities, including (i) conflicts due to socio‐cultural differences or other issues; (ii) Potential
increase in crime during the construction period; (iii) increased spread of communicable diseases.
The impacts on the community health, safety and security will be localized and can have significant
effects. Appropriate measures of management have been identified through the ESIA and are
implemented within the ESMMP (e.g. preparation and implementation of a Health & Safety Plan for
construction works; a Traffic Management Plan, Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans for
construction and for operations, a Community Health & Safety Educational Programme, provision of
public access to project information.).
A Community Safety Operation Management Plan will be developed to support the Environmental
and Social Operation Management Plan and address mitigation measures required during the
operation of the railway to protect people and animals from accidents.

6.4.2 Loss of Access

Fencing of the SGR will lead to a possible separation of communities in the project areas. Some
people may also find it difficult to access infrastructure and social facilities (e.g. shopping markets,
schools, churches). Wildlife and livestock will also not be able to move freely in search of pasture,
water and breeding ground in these areas. There may also be informal tracks or pathways used by
community members to access infrastructure or for moving livestock to water or grazing, which also
may become affected. However, these impacts have been reduced by appropriate measures of
management through provision of 35 underpasses and 43 overpasses, which shall be used by people
and animals for crossing the railway line. The overpasses and underpasses have been located
strategically at settlements and at existing animal crossings.

In some cases, there may be sections of land between the existing MGR and the new SGR, which will
not be directly affected by the Project, but may be made uneconomic following acquisition of a part of
the plot for the Project. These land areas are referred to as “orphan land” and could be eligible for
compensation on a case-by-case basis.

The nature of the impacts to be experienced by indigenous pastoralist communities in particular

livelihood and cultural related impacts. Continued engagement as per the Informed Consultation and
Participation Strategy (ICP) for IPs4 with affected IPs will be required to ensure that underpasses,
overpasses and livestock crossings are effectively communicated and utilized. This will inform the
development of a Severance Management Plan5 as well as informing updates of the Project Design
and the RAPs, as needed. Local tracks, routes and crossing points will be identified and mapped for
both the wet and dry season using engagement (with communities and livestock grazers) and remote
sensing. In addition, the infrastructure, services, water pans etc. that people are accessing will be
mapped, and based on this information, crossing points will be identified. Where needed, tracks will

The Informed Consultation and Participation Strategy for IPs shall set out how IPs will be meaningfully consulted and informed about
impacts and involved in the design of mitigation in accordance with the provisions of PS 1 and PS 7 (paragraph 10) and associated IFC
Guidance Notes 1 and 7.
The Severance Management Plan will, amongst other, map crossings and water points used by pastoralists through additional informed
consultation and participation (ICP),

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also be upgraded near these crossing points to ensure continued safe access for people and

6.4.3 Expropriation and Land Acquisition

The law requires the Project to clear a RoW (i.e. a corridor) of 15 metres in towns and cities while
outside the towns, the RoW should be 30 metres on either side of the centre line. For the sections
where the SGR goes parallel to the existing MGR, the SGR shall be constructed within the existing
RoW and therefore 15 metres of land will be permanently taken on one side to compensate the used
portion of the RoW. Where the SGR passes completely out of the existing RoW (eg bypass at
Morogoro), a RoW of 60 metres will be cleared for railway construction. Within this RoW, no
structures or buildings can be established.
The Project will require permanent land acquisition comprising approximately 3,692 hectares (1,500
hectares for Lot 1 RoW and 2,192, hectares for Lot 2 RoW). Additionally the Project will require
acquisition of land outside the RoW for the establishment of borrow pits, dumping sites, quarry sites,
construction of marshalling yards and campsites. While the use of these areas will be temporary, the
Project will acquire the required land permanently. These represent additional 1,157 hectares of land
(784 hectares in Lot 1 and 373 hectares in Lot 2). These additional facilities are located at distances
of up to 2 km from the SRG line.

To date, through RAP activities that have taken place to date, approximately 6,798 households (3,126
for Lot 1 and 3,672 for Lot 2) will be affected by the project through physical and economic
displacement. Additionally, 32 public infrastructure (e.g. schools, dispensaries etc.) shall be affected
(21 in Lot 1 and 11 in Lot 2).

Resettlement for the Project is being managed by TRC according to the requirements of Tanzanian
legislation on land acquisition and involuntary resettlement. The RAPs were developed for Lot 1 and
Lot 2 to meet Tanzanian and Lenders requirements. These aims to mitigate the adverse effects of
resettlement through the provision of compensation for loss of assets (land, structures, business,
crops and trees) and ensuring that resettlement activities are implemented with appropriate disclosure
of information and the informed participation of those affected by the Project.

TRC will conduct additional data collection through the completion of a Livelihood Impact Assessment
(LIA). The LIA will involve completion of a census and basic socio-economic survey of all Project-
affected households to construct a detailed demographic and socio-economic profile of each affected
household. The information collected in the LIA will serve as the basis for assessing vulnerability and
livelihood activities, and for establishing the baseline for monitoring and evaluation. The LIA will
involve the basic socio-economic survey of those households evicted from the MGR RoW in
2017/2018 to construct a detailed demographic and socio-economic profile of each affected
household. Households losing more than 25% of their total land holding due to the Project will be
identified as ‘severely impacted’.

TRC will implement a comprehensive Livelihood Restoration Plan. This plan consists of an initial set
of programmes that have been developed in line with international resettlement standards and
provides for the development of supplementary programmes based on the results of the Livelihood
Impact Assessment (LIA). Where compensation is not deemed to meet requirements of Full
Replacement Cost, TRC is committed to paying an additional compensation amount equal to the
value of depreciation for owners of non-residential structures to bridge the gap in replacement value
defined under the IFC.TRC will pay additional compensation for owners losing only non-residential
structures. The rate of compensation will be equivalent to the rate of depreciation applied during asset

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During the operational phase, however, no additional land acquisition and physical and economic
displacement activities will be required.


The ESMMP describes the environmental and social mitigation and monitoring measures, the criteria
for their successful implementation and the organizational measures to be implemented during the
(pre-) construction and operation of a project. The ESMMP is included in the ESIA package of
documents, which is made publicly available. Going forward, the ESMMP will be regularly reviewed
and updated as the project evolves to reflect any changes in the implementation and organization as
well as in regulatory requirements.
The ESMMP for the SGR Project details environmental and social actions, in order to minimize the
potential impacts, and includes the requirements of an Environmental and Social Management
System (ESMS) and an ESMMP. The ESMS in turn includes other management plans that are key to
an adequate implementation of the SGR Project, such as a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP),
Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP), a Waste Management Plan, Health & Safety (H&S) Plans for
construction works, an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan, a Traffic Management Plan, a
Chemical Accident and Spills Management Program and others.

In addition to these management plans, other key components of the SGR Project’s ESMS include
training, audits and inspections and reporting.


Monitoring is the systematic collection of data through a series of repetitive measurements over a long
period of time to understand the impacts of the project, highlight any problems & address them. The
Project’s ESMMP provides the mechanism to monitor the environmental and social impacts of the
project implementation in order to reduce their negative effects and to introduce standards of good
practice to be adopted for all further project works.

The ESMMP includes ongoing monitoring of numerous aspects, such as:

Land Expropriation, Loss of Vegetation Change Water Quality Change

Property and Resettlement
Air Quality Change Noise and Vibration (Baseline) Soil Erosion
Waste Management Safety and health risks HIV AIDS statistics
GHG Emissions Presence of invasive species Biodiversity

How can the stakeholders be sure that all these actions will be undertaken in the
future as promised in the ESIA and the ESMMP?
The Project activities will be monitored and checked frequently by numerous parties, eg.
 The Tanzanian regulatory inspectors and regional/local officials will conduct their obligatory,
statutory inspections per the Tanzanian permits and regulations applicable to the Project;
 Yapi Merkezi will monitor its own activities – and those of its subcontractors – per the obligations
and commitments in the ESIA/ESMMP, and must submit periodic reports to TRC;

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 TRC will monitor the activities of Yapi Merkezi to ensure they are abiding by their contractual
obligations, including conformance with permits and ESIA/ESMMP commitments; TRC will need
to report periodically to the Project Lenders on progress in implementation of commitments;
 Finally, the international Project Lenders for the SGR Project will conduct periodic monitoring
visits of the Project to ensure that TRC, Yapi Merkezi and all other parties are in compliance with
their obligations under the loan agreement. Typically, the Lenders conduct visits on a semi-
annual basis during construction, and then annually during operations.
If the lenders discover that there are serious gaps in the implementation of the ESIA/ESMMP
obligations, they are able to exert pressure on TRC to rectify the situation. As such, for the SGR
Project there are multiple-layers of monitoring and reporting obligations to help ensure that the
ESIA/ESMMP obligations are ultimately implemented for the Project in a satisfactory manner.

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