Ijct 8 (3) 200-203
Ijct 8 (3) 200-203
Ijct 8 (3) 200-203
Manganese (II) forms a ye llow coloured complex with a reagent picolinaldehyde nicotinoylhydrazone (PANH), which
can be quantitative ly ex tracted into ch loroform in the pH ran ge 8.7-10.5. Beer's law was obeyed over the concentration
ran ge of 0.02-1 .5 ppm with absorption maxima at 385 nm. The molar absorptivity and Sande ll 's sensitivity of the extracted
spec ies was found to be 4.606 x 104 L mol- 1 cm- 1 and 1.19 ng cm- 2 respectively. The nature of the complex was determined
by different methods and it was found to be I :2 (Meta l: Ligand ). Interference due to diverse ions has been studied. The
proposed method is simple, rapid, accurate, sensitive and has been applied for separation and determination of Mn(ll ) in
synt heti c mixtures and real samples.
·U., r -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - ,
Slope • 1.94 ~ 2 .0
80 -0.6
c g -0.8
~u 60 ...J
~ ·1
· 1.2
· 1.4 1------------~-----l
-4.2 ·3.9 -3.8 ·3.7 ·3.6
Log (PANH)
0 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13
Fig. 3-Log-log plot man ga nese(Il ) for the determinati on of
co mposition o f the co mpl ex
Fig.-Extracti on of manganese( II ) as a fun cti on o f pH
The extraction of manganese from all abo ve
0 .9 r -- - -- - -- - - - - -- - -----,
sample solution was carried out using 3.54 x I 0-l M
0.8 PANH with chloroform. Replicate analyses were
carried out and results obtained were compared with
0 .7 those obtained by AAS. They were found in good
0 .6
0 .5
Results and Discussion
Extraction as a function of pH
0 .4 Manganese(II) from the pH range of 1.0-11.5 using
HCI to NH 4 0H medium was extracted with PANH
0 .3 with chloroform as solvent and the extraction was
found to be quantitative from 8.7-10.5 pH. Hence all
the extractions were carried out at pH 9.0 (Fig. 1).
0.1 B
Extraction as a function of PANH concentration
Manganese(II) was extracted with varying
3 40 3 50 360 3 70 3 80 390 400 410 4 20 4 30 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 concentration of PANH (4.42 x 10- 5 to 6.63 x 10-1 M).
Wavelength, nm It was observed that the extraction of I 0 J..tg of
manganese( II) was quantitative (99.63 %) with
Fig. 2-Absorpti on spectra o f man ga nese(II )-PA NH and PANH.
1.77 x 10-4 M PANH in 10 % ethano l. Excess of
Spec trum A: Mn(li )- PANH aga inst reage nt blank. Spec trum B:
PANH against chloroform reagent concentration did not show any effect on the
extraction and spectrophotometric determination of
Each of mild steel samples (0.5 & 0.512 g, Ita Lab) manganese(II) . Hence, a somewhat higher
was dissolved in 10 mL of aqua-regia and was concentration, 3.54 x 10-4 M of PANH was used for
evaporated nearl y to dryness and extracted with 10 further studies.
mL of 2M HN0 3 and diluted to known volume with
double distilled water. Absorption spectra
Fe-Mn powder sample (0.2 g, Ita Lab) was opened The absorption spectra of mangan ese(Il)-PANH
in I 0 mL of aqu a-regia and was evaporated nearly to complex in chloroform showed an absorption maxima
dryness and extracted with 10 mL of 2M HN0 3 and at 385 nm against reagent blank. At this wavelength
diluted to known volume with double distill ed water. the reagent did not show any significant absorbance.
Table I -Determinati o n of man ganese( II) in synthetic m ixtures and real samples
Real samples
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