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Gravity - Flow Water Systems Chapter 1: Introduction: 1.1 Definition

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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Definition
A major problem in providing adequate amounts of clean water to communities is that safe water is
often available only at considerable distances from people's houses. Often many hours are needed to
carry the water to the home. This is hard work and only small amounts of water are carried. Water
can be transported from its source to the village by pipeline if a source of water is sufficiently above
where the water is to be used. If the water flows through the pipeline using only gravity, the network
of pipes is called gravity - flow water system.
It is a type of water supply system in which the water flows under the influence of gravity from
source to distribution point/area. It is most preferable in Slope and hilly areas of Nepal as Sufficient
head is available in such area for water flow.
1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Gravity Flow System
• A gravity - flow water system requires no energy to operate as the water is propelled by gravity alone. No
pumps are needed and there are very few moving parts. Therefore, maintenance is simple and is required
only infrequently.
• Water is delivered when required, close to the user's home. If the source permits, enough water can be
delivered to meet all of the needs of the household. A better quality of water is obtained than in the village's
traditional water source.
• Gravity flow water systems can be built by the village people themselves if trained project supervisor is
• Systems of different sizes can be built for different members of people. Small systems can serve single
households and large ones will serve many villages or towns.
• Usually water quality depends on the quality of the water of the source, but if sufficiently clean water is
not available, additional treatment facilities may have to be built at additional cost.
• Available sources of water may not provide adequate amounts of water throughout the year. Systems
should not be built to handle greater flows than water is available. More abundant sources at a greater
distance should be considered.
• Water rights cause problems in some areas as villages near the source may object to having "their" water
piped to villages below them. Pipelines may be damaged in local disputes.
• Gravity-flow systems do regular basic maintenance, especially the care of the taps/faucets. If arrangements
are not made to carry out the maintenance, the system will eventually fail.
1.3Types of Gravity Flow Water Supply Systems
a. Open System:
An open system derives from the concept that the taps can be left open and flowing continuously
all day long, and still provide a constant and steady flow. This means that the safe yield of the
source(s) is sufficient enough to supply all tap stands directly, without requiring a reservoir tank.
b. Closed System:
A closed system is one where the safe yield of the source cannot provide continuous flow to all
taps, or where the safe yield is such that a reservoir tank is necessary to store water for peak
demand periods which the source alone could not meet. All tap stands on the system must have a
faucet, either of the self-closing or manually-operated type.

From these two categories, there are five different types of systems which can be built, as
discussed below.
1. Open System without Faucets:
This type of system has a continual, 24-hour flow from the taps, with no faucets to shut off
the water. The primary advantage of this system is that there are no faucets that can be
abused, worn out, broken, stolen, etc. The primary disadvantage arises out of the copious
amounts of wastewater issuing forth all day and night. The strategic location of taps to make
efficient use of wastewater (such as irrigation of nearby fields, etc.) and construction of non-
erodible drainage channels to carry these flows away will minimize the problems of large
wastewater quantities.
2. Open Systems with Faucets:
The problems of copious wastewater flow from an open tap stand can be eliminated by
installing faucets on some of the tap stands. Provisions must be made for handling overflow
water from the lowest break-pressure point (i.e. Reservoir tank, break-pressure tank, etc.)
since excess water will overflow at that point. This type of system is one of the more
desirable types, since it requires no reservoir tank, provides more than sufficient water for
the villagers, and Has minimal wastewater problems.
3. Closed System with Reservoir
A reservoir tank is required when the peak water demands of the village cannot be met by
the source alone. The reservoir stores water from low-demand periods (such as overnight) to
supplement the source flow during peak demand periods (such as early morning). A
reservoir system can provide water at any time demanded, but depends upon faucets and
pipeline being well maintained (a broken faucet or a leaky pipeline will not allow the
reservoir to fill). A reservoir system may be less expensive to build than an open system
since usually a smaller pipe size can be used between the source and reservoir. The savings
in pipe cost can offset the cost of the tank.
4. Closed System with Intermittent Service/Supply:
There are some topographic situations where the yield of the source and geography of the
terrain act in such a way that the system must be designed with one (or more) break-pressure
tanks located downstream from the reservoir tank.
This arrangement has required an intermittent supply system: except for a few hours each
day (i.e.- in the mornings and evenings), the water is shut off at the reservoir tank to allow it
to refill. Without doing this, the tank would never refill, since it would be constantly
draining out through the lower break-pressure tanks, this intermittent system is the least-
desirable type to build. Hydraulic problems, such as air entrapment, can complicate the
draining and refilling of the pipeline each day; there will be increased wear on the control
valves at the reservoir; support of the system caretaker requires considerable village
organization; negative pressures in the pipeline during system shut-down can suck in
polluted groundwater via small leaks; and since the entire water demand period is
compressed into just a few hours (rather than spread out over the full day), the taps must be
designed to deliver greater flows, which in turn requires larger pipe sizes and substantially
increases the cost of the system. Fortunately, it is possible to avoid intermittent systems by
installing float-valves (also known in Nepal as "ball-cocks") in the downstream break-
pressure tanks.
5. Closed System with Float Valves:
As mentioned above, there are some situations where it is inescapably necessary to install
break-pressure tanks downstream from the reservoir. Fl oat- valves are Installed in these
break-pressure tanks and act on the same principle as those commonly used in household
toilets. These valves automatically adjust the flow in the pipeline to exactly match the
amount demanded by any open taps. When all taps are closed, the break-pressure tank fills
with water, lifting the float and gradually closing the valve until the flow is cut off. This
allows the upstream reservoir tank to refill. Sturdy-quality float- valves are now becoming
part of the standard supplies provided by UNICEF for water supply projects 1n Nepal.
Locally available float-valves (usually manufactured in India), although not of high quality,
can also be used and offer the advantage that, if broken, they can be easily and inexpensively
replaced by the villagers themselves.
a. What is the difference between Closed and Open systems?

1.4 Components of Gravity Flow Water Supply Systems

The major components of Gravity - Flow Water Supply System is:
1. An elevated source of water (located at an elevation higher than the village), particularly a spring,
or clean river, or stream. Where disinfection is necessary, simple methods should be used. In all
cases, the source should be protected to prevent contamination.
2. A sedimentation tank (if necessary) near the source which allows suspended solids to settle out of
the water.
3. The main pipeline which transports the water to where it is distributed. Within limits, this can
follow land contours and may even go up and over small hills.
4. District/Main reservoirs that may be required to store water overnight for peak use during the day
5. A Break pressure tank (if necessary) to prevent excessive pressure from bursting the pipes and
6. Networks of smaller pipes that distribute the water to the public fountains/standpipes.
7. Public fountains/standpipes where the water is made available to the people.
8. Washout valves and air release valves.
9. Valve boxes
10. Pipe supporting structures when crossing rivers and gullies.
Figure 1: Components of Gravity Water Supply System
Chapter 2
Engineering Survey
2.1 Types of Survey (Feasibility & Detailed)
2.1.1 Feasibility:

Feasibility is derived from the word "feasible" means possible to do easily or conveniently, in short
practical. It means the technical, social and economic aspects of any project is possible or practical for
execution. Some basic questions to be answered were: Does the community need water? What does the
community do now to retrieve water? Is there general interest to work and contribute time to a water

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