Islamabad Wildlife 1979
Islamabad Wildlife 1979
Islamabad Wildlife 1979
1. Short title, extent and commencement.
2. Definitions.
3. Appointment of officers and staff.
4. Constitution of the Board.
5. Killing and capturing of wild animals prohibited.
6. Restrictions of hunting.
7. Prohibition to employ hawks and dogs without licence.
8. Animals found dead, etc to be property of the Government.
9. Certificate of lawful possession.
10. Restriction on transfer of wild animals, etc.
11. Restriction on import of wild animals, trophies etc.
12. Restriction on export of wild animals, trophies, etc.
13. Animals, trophies, etc, in transit.
14. Restriction on dealing in wild animals, trophies, etc.
15. Power to search without warrant.
16. Power of seizure.
17. Onus of proof respecting property.
18. Duty of Chaukidars, Dafadars, Village Watchmen, etc.
19. Killing or capturing in selfdefence.
20. Wildlife sanctuary.
21. National Park.
22. Game reserve.
23. Private game reserve.
Alteration of boundaries of wildlife sanctuary, national park, game reserve and
private game reserve.
25. Interference in duty.
26. Penalties.
27. Prosecution for offence under any other law.
28. Procedure when offender not known or cannot be found.
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29. Power to arrest.
30. Power to release arrested persons on bond.
31. Power to prevent commission of offence.
32. Appointment of Magistrates etc.
33. Power to compound offence.
34. Investment of certain powers.
35. Persons appointed under this Ordinance to be public servants.
36. Indemnity and bar of jurisdiction.
37. Duty of Police Officers.
38. Delegation of powers.
39. Power to grant exemption.
40. Power to amend Schedules.
41. Power to make rules.
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[19th December, 1979]
An Ordinance to provide for the protection, preservation, conservation and management
of wildlife and setting up of a National Park in the Islamabad Capital Territory.
Whereas it is expedient to provide for the protection, preservation, conservation and management
of wildlife and setting up of a National Park in the Islamabad Capital Territory;
AND WHEREAS the President is satisfied that circumstances exist which render it necessary to
take immediate action;
NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of the Proclamation of the fifty day of July, 1977, read with
the Laws (Continuance in Force) Order, 1977 (CM.L.A. Order No. 1 of 1977), and in exercise of all
powers enabling him in that behalf, the President is pleased to make and promulgate the following
1. Short title, extent and commencement. — (1) This Ordinance may be called the Islamabad
Wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Management) Ordinance, 1979.
(2) It extends to the Islamabad Capital Territory.
(3) It shall come into force at once.
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2. Definitions. In this Ordinance, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:—
(a) “authorised officer” means any person whom the Federal Government or any officer
empowered by the Federal Government in this behalf may appoint to carry out all or any
of the purposes of this Ordinance or to do anything required by this Ordnance or the
rules, to be done by an authorised officer ;
(b) “Board” means the Wildlife Management Board consti tuted under section 4;
(c) “capture” means the taking alive of any wild animal ;
(d) “certificate of lawful possession” means a certificate of lawful possession issued under
section 9 ;
(e) “dealer’s permit” means a dealer’s permit issued under section 14;
(f) “game animal” means a wild animal specified in the First Schedule;
(g) “game reserve” means an area declared as such under section 22;
(h) “hunting” means any act immediately directed to the killing or capturing of wild animal,
and includes the tak ing of nests or eggs of such animals;
(i) “hunting permit” means a hunting permit issued under subsection (2) of section 22;
(j) “Licence” means a licence issued under section 7;
(k) “meat” means the fat, blood, flesh or any edible part of a wild animal, whether fresh or
(l) “national park” means an area declared as such under section 21;
(m) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules; .
(n) “Private game reserve” means an area declared as such under section 23;
(o) “protected animal” means an animal or bird specified in the Third Schedule;
(p) “rules” means rules made under this Ordinance;
(q) “trophy” means the dead body of a wild animal or any ; horn, antler, tooth, tusk, bone,
claw, hoof, skin, hair, feather, egg, shell or other durable part of any wild animal, whether
or not included in a manufactured or processed article;
(r) “wild animal” means an animal or bird specified in the First Schedule or the Third
(s) “wildlife” means all natural resources, including organic resources, animals, birds, reptiles,
vegetation, soil and water; and
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(t) “wildlife sanctuary” means an area declared as such under section 20.
3. Appointment of officers and staff. The Federal Government may, for the purposes of this
Ordinance, appoint such officers and staff as it thinks fit and on such terms and conditions as may be
4. Constitution of the Board.—(1) The Federal Government may constitute a Board of Wildlife
Management consisting of such members, including a Chairman, as it may appoint.
(2) The Chairman and members of the Board shall hold office during the pleasure of the Federal
Government and on such terms and conditions as it may determine.
(3)The Board shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as may be prescribed.
5. Killing and capturing of wild animals prohibited. Save as otherwise provided in this
Ordinance and the rules, no person shall hunt, kill or capture wild animals.
6. Restrictions of hunting. No person shall—
(i) hunt any wild animal by means of a setgun, dropspear, deadfall, guntrap, explosive
projectile, bomb, grenade, baited book or any other trap whatsoever;
(ii) hunt any game animal by means of an automatic weapon or a weapon of a calibre used by
the Pakistan Army or Police Force, a projectile containing any drug or chemical
substance having the property of anaesthetising, paralyzing, stuplifying or rendering an
animal incapacitated, whether partly or totally ;
(iii) hunt any game animal, other than a bird or hare, with a shotgun or a nonmagnum rifle
of 22 caliber of less ;
(iv) use, or have in his possession, any poison or like injurious substance for the purpose of
hunting a game animal ;
(v) use any motor vehicle motordriven vessel, watercraft, of any type, aircraft or any other
manually or mechanically propelled vehicle of any type to pursue, drive or stampede
game animal for any purpose whatsoever;
(vi) shoot any game animal from any aircraft motor vehicle, railtrolley, cart, board or any
kind of watercraft or any other conveyance or form within two hundred metres of such
conveyance ;
(vii) hunt any wild animal with the help of live decoys or callbirds ; or
(viii) construct, use or have in his possession for the purpose of hunting any game animal any
pitfall, gamepit, trench or similar excavation, fence or enclosure, or use bhagwa or any
other contrivance :
Provided that an authorised officer may, in his discretion, exempt any person from one or more of
the provisions of this section :
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Provided further that any wild animal may be driven away from an aerodrome or airstrip by using
a motor vehicle or an aircraft if it is necessary to ensure safety of the aircraft using that aerodrome or
7. Prohibition to employ hawks and dogs without licence. No person shall use hawks for
hawking or dogs for coursing game animals, except under a licence issued by an authorised officer in
such manner, on such terms and conditions and on payment of such fees as may be prescribed.
8. Animals found dead, etc. to be property of the Government. Any wild animal found dead or
dying or which has been killed or caught otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of the
Ordinance or the rules, and any trophy or meat thereof, shall be the property of the Federal
9. Certificate of lawful possession.—(1) No person shall be in possession of any wild animal,
trophy or meat specified in the Second Schedule except under a certificate of lawful possession in
respect thereof issued by an authorised officer in such manner, on such terms and conditions on
payment of such fees as may be prescribed.
(2) Provided that a person who, on the coming into force of this Ordinance, is in possession of,
or at any time thereafter, imports or acquires any such animal, trophy or meat shall, within such time
as may be prescribed, apply to the authorised officer for a certificate of lawful possession.
(3) The authorised officer shall mark the wild animal, trophy or meat in respect of which a
certificate of lawful possession is issued and make entries in respect thereof in the prescribed register.
(4) The holder of a certificate of lawful possession shall produce the certificate to the authorised
officer when asked by him to do so.
(5) No person shall—
(a) be in possession of a wild animal, trophy or meat specified in the Second Schedule without
a certificate of lawful possession or without having applied for such certificate as required
by subsection (2); or
(b) counterfeit, change, or in any way interfere with, any mark put on a wild animal, trophy
or meat under sub section (3) or alter or in any way change a certificate of lawful
10. Restriction on transfer of wild animals, etc. —(I) No person who is not possession of a
certificate of lawful possession in respect of a wild animal trophy or meat specified in the Second
Schedule shall transfer such wild animal, trophy or meat to any other person by way of gift, sale or
(2) No person shall receive by gift, purchase or otherwise any wild, animal, trophy or meat
specified in the Second Schedule unless he is at the same time given the certificate of lawful
possession clearly mentioning thereon the nature of the transfer and the name of the person to whom
the wild animal, trophy or meat is transferred.
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(3) The person to whom a wild animal, trophy or meat is transferred shall submit the certificate of
lawful possession given to him by the transferor to the authorised officer who shall endorse it in
favour of the transferee and make necessary amendment in the prescribed register.
11. Restriction on import of wild animals, trophies etc. —(1) No person shall import, or
attempt to import, into Pakistan any live wild animal or any endemic or exotic species thereof, or any
trophy or meat, except through a customsport of entry, and any person, importing such animal, or
endemic or exotic species, trophy or meat shall, in respect thereof, produce to the officer of customs
(i) proof to his satisfaction that it has been lawfully exported from the country of export;
(ii) an import permit.
(2) The officer of customs may detain any live wild animal,endemic or exotic species, trophy or
meat, which has been imported until such time as the proof of its lawful export from the country of
export is given and the import permit is surrendered to him, and if the proof is not given or the import
permit is not surrendered within a reasonable time, the wild animal, endemic or exotic species, trophy
or meat shall be forfeited to the Federal Government and disposed of in the prescribed manner.
12. Restriction on export of wild animals, trophies, etc. No person shall export, or attempt to
export, any wild animal, trophy or meat except through a customsport of exit, and a person exporting
such animal, trophy or meat shall produce to the officer of customs an export permit in respect
13. Animals, trophies, etc., in transit. Nothing in sections 11 and 12 shall apply to any live wild
animal, any endemic or exotic species, thereof or any trophy or meat in transit through Pakistan, if
the animal, endemic or exotic species or trophy or meat—
(i) is accompanied by transit documents ;
(ii) enters through a customsport of entry ; and
(iii) is not unloaded from the ship or motor vehicle on which it is being carried, or, in case of
rail or air transport, does not leave the precinct of the railway station or the airport at
which it is landed or transshipped or does not remain at such precincts, except in a
customswarehouse, for more than fortyeight hours.
14. Restriction on dealing in wild animals, trophies, etc.— (1) No person shall engage himself
in any trade or business, or otherwise deal in, any wild animal, trophy or meat, or, in the course of
such trade or business carried on by him on his own behalf or on behalf of any other person, shall sell,
purchase, barter, cut, carve, polish, preserve, clean or mount any wild animal, trophy or meat, or
manufacture any article therefrom unless he has obtained a dealer’s permit issued by an authorised
officer in such manner, on such terms and conditions and on payment of such fees as may be
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(2) The holder of a dealer’s permit shall maintain such record of transactions as the authorised
officer may require, and shall produce it for inspection at any reasonable time when called upon to do
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to absolve the holder of a dealer’s permit from
complying with the other provisions of this Ordinance.
15. Power to search without warrant. Any authorised officer, if he has reason to believe that
any person has in his possession or control any wild animal, endemic or exotic species or trophy or
meat in an unauthorised manner or has committed an offence under this Ordinance, may search any
person place, vessel, vehicle, animal, package, receptacle or covering without warrant.
16. Power of seizure.—(1) Any authorised officer may seize any wild animal which is in the
possession of a person who is not authorised to possess it under this Ordinance or the rule, together
with any firearm, net, trap, snare, bow, arrow, vehicle, vessel or anything whatsoever used or
suspected to have been used in the commission of an offence under this Ordinance.
(2) The property seized under subsection (1) shall be dealt with in accordance with the orders of
the court or the authorised officer compounding the offence under section 33 as the case may be :
Provided that, if the property is subject to natural decay, it may at any time be sold with the
permission of the court and the proceeds shall be dealt with in accordance with the orders of the
17. Onus of proof respecting property. When in any proceeding under this Ordinance a
question arises as to whether a wild animal, trophy or meat is the property of the Federal
Government, such wild animal, trophy or meat shall be presumed to be the property of the Federal
Government until the contrary is proved.
18. Duty of chaukidars, dafadars, village watchmen, etc. Every purchaser of forest produce,
lambardar, canal patwari, public works department daroga, chaukidar, village watchman, abdar,
zilladar, revenue patwari, chairman or member of a local authority qanungo and tehsildar shall be
bound, in the absence of reasonable excuse, to give to the authorised officer information in respect of
any snaring, trapping, netting, unauthorised killing or any other offence under this Ordinance
committed within the limits of his jurisdiction as soon as the commission of such offence comes to his
19. Killing or capturing in selfdefence.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this
Ordinance, it shall not be an offence—
(a) for any person to kill or capture any wild animal by any means in the defence of his own
life or the life of any other person ;
(b) for the owner of standing crops or his employee to kill or capture by any means within the
bounds of those crops, any wild animal which is causing material damage to those crops ;
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(c) for the owner of livestock or his employee to kill or capture, by any means within a
reasonable distance from where the livestock is grazing or where it is enclosed for the
night, any wild animal which is causing damage to the livestock:
Provided that clauses (b) and (c) shall not apply to any unlawful cultivation in a national park,
wildlife sanctuary, or game reserve or any livestock illegally grazing or herded therein.
(2) The killing or capturing of any wild animal under sub section (1) shall, as soon as may be, be
reported to the authorised officer or the nearest policestation.
(3) The trophy or meat of any wild animal killed under sub section (1) shall be the property of the
Federal Government and shall be disposed of in such manner as the authorised officer may direct.
20. Wildlife sanctuary. —(1) With a view to securing undisturbed breeding of wildlife, the
Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, declare any area to be a wildlife
(2) Subject to rules, the wildlife sanctuary shall be closed to public, and no exploitation of forest
therein shall be allowed except for reducing fire hazards, epidemic or insect attacks or other natural
(3) No person shall enter or reside, cultivate any land, damage or destroy any vegetation
introduce any endemic or exotic species of any animal or plant, introduce any domestic animal or
allow it to stray, cause any fire, or pollute water, in a wildlife sanc tuary, or hunt, kill or capture any
wild animal or fire any gun or other firearm within one and half kilometre of the boundaries thereof:
Provided that the authorised officer may, for specific purposes authorise the doing of any of the
aforementioned acts.
21. National Park. —(1) With a view to protecting and preserving scenery, flora and fauna in
natural state, the Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, declare any area to
be a national park.
(2) The national park shall be accessible to public for recreation, education and research, subject
to such restrictions as the Federal Government may impose.
(3) Provision for access roads to, and construction of rest houses, hotels and other buildings in the
national park alongwith amenities for public may be so made, the forest therein shall be so managed
and forest produce so obtained as not impair the object for which it is declared a national park.
(4) Except as otherwise provided by this Ordinance and the rules, the following acts shall be
prohibited in a national park, namely:__
(i) hunting, shooting, trapping, killing, or capturing of any wild animal within a radius of two
kilometers of its boundaries;
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(ii) firing any firearm or doing of any other act which may disturb any wild animal or
interfere with its breeding place;
(iii) felling, tapping, burning, damaging or destroying of, or taking, collecting or removing
therefrom, any plant or tree;
(iv) clearing or breaking up of any land for cultivation, minig or for any other purpose; and
(v) polluting water flowing in or though it:
Provided that the authorised officer may, for specific purposes, authorize the doing of any of the
aforementioned acts.
22. Game reserve.__(1) With a view to providing facilities for hunting, the Federal Government
may, by a notification in the official Gazette, declare any area to be a game reserve, but no person
shall hunt, shoot or capture any wild animal in a game reserve, except in the case of game animal
specified in the First Schedule, under a hunting permit.
(2) A hunting permit may be issued by an authorsed officer in such manner, on such terms and
condition and on payment of such fees as may be prescribed.
(3) The holder of a hunting permit may hunt such number of game animal specified in the First
Schedule and during such period as may be specified by the authorised officer.
23. Private game reserve.—(1) Where the Federal Government is satisfied that private land has
been dedicated by its owner for the purposes similar to that of a game reserve, it may on the
application of the owner of that land, by notification declare such land to be a private game reserve.
(2) Hunting of wild animals by any person other than the owner of the land shall not be allowed in
a private game reserve except with the permission of the owner thereof.
(3) The Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, at any time declare that
any private game reserve shall cease to be a private game reserve.
24. Alteration of boundaries of wildlife sanctuary, national park, game reserve and private
game reserve. The Federal Government may by notification in the official Gazette, declare any
alteration in the boundaries of a wildlife sanctuary, national park, game reserve or private game
25. Interference in duty. Any interference in the discharge of the duties of any person appointed
for the purposes of this Ordinance or the rules shall be unlawful.
26. Penalties.—(1) Whoever kills or abets in the killing of a protected animal otherwise than in
accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance or the rules shall be punishable with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to two thousand rupees, or
with both.
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(2) Subject to subsection (1), whoever contravenes, attempts to contravene, or abets in the
contravention of, any provision—
(i) section 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 or 14 shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both ;
(ii) section 7 or 8 shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six
months, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with both ; and
(iii) this Ordinance or any rule for the contravention of which no specific penalty is provided
shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees.
(3) The licence, hunting permit, dealer’s permit or certificate of lawful possession, as the case
may be, of a person who is convicted under subsection (1) shall be liable to cancellation and such
person shall not be eligible to the grant of such licence, permit or certificate for such period as may be
determined by the authorised officer.
27. Prosecution for offence under any other law .Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall be
deemed to prevent any person from being prosecuted under any other law for any act or omission
which constitutes an offence under this Ordinance or from being liable under any other law to any
higher punishment or penalty than that provided by this Ordinance.
28.Procedure when offender not known or cannot be found. Where the authorised officer
finds, or it is brought to his notice, that an offence under this Ordinance has been committed, and the
offender is not known, or cannot be found within a reasonable time he may confiscate any article
used in the commission of the offence.
29. Power to arrest.— (1) An authorised officer may, without warrant, arrest any person against
whom reasonable suspicion exists of his having been concerned in any offence under this Ordinance.
(2) The officer making arrest under subsection (1) shall, without unnecessary delay and subject
to the other provisions of this Ordinance, take or send the person arrested to the officerincharge of
the nearest policestation.
30. Power to release arrested persons on bond. An authorised officer of grade 17 or above may
release a person arrested under section 29 on his executing a bond to appear, if and when so required,
before the officerincharge of the nearest policestation.
31. Power to prevent commission of offence. Every authorised officer and any other person
authorised by the Federal Government in this behalf shall be competent to take all lawful means to
prevent the commission of any offence under this Ordinance.
32. Appoint ment of Magistrates etc.— (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act V of 1898), the Federal Government may appoint any person to be a
Magistrate of the first class within the meaning of the said Code for the trial of offences under this
Ordinance or authorise any Magistrate of the first class to try such offences.
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(2) No Court other than a Magistrate appointed or authorised under subsection (1) shall try any
offence under this Ordinance.
(3) A Magistrate of the first class competent to try offences under this Ordinance, may, if he
thinks fit, try in a summary way all or any of the offences.
(4) Any person convicted under section 28 may, within thirty days from the date of his
conviction, appeal to the Court of Session, whose decision thereon shall be final.
33. Power to compound offence.— (1) The Federal Government, may by notification in the
official Gazette, empower an officer not inferior in rank to an officer in grade 17 of the National Pay
Scales :—
(a) to accept from any person against whom reasonable suspicion exists that he has
committed any offence under this Ordinance, a sum of money by way of compensation
for such offence.
(b) when any property has been seized as liable to confiscation, to release the same on
payment of the value thereof, as estimated by such officer.
(2) On the payment of compensation, such sum of money, or such value of property under sub
section (1) or both, as the case may be, the suspected person, if in custody, shall be discharged and
the property, if any, seized shall be released and no further proceedings shall be taken against such
person or property.
(3) The sum of money accepted as compensation under clause (a) of subsection (1), shall in no
case, exceed the sum of five hundred rupees.
(4) No officer shall have power to compound a second or subsequent offence under this
34. Investment of certain powers. The Federal Government may, by order in writing, invest any
officer of grade 17 or above with all or any of the following powers, namely :—
(a) power of a civil court to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of
documents and material objects ;
(b) power to hold inquiry into offences under this Ordinance, and, in the course of such
inquiry, to receive and record evidence ; and
(c) power to prosecute a case before a Magistrate.
35. Persons appointed under this Ordinance to be pub lic servants. All persons appointed
under this Ordinance shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of the
Pakistan Penal Code (Act XLV of 1860).
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36. Indemnity and bar of Jurisdiction.—(1) No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall
lie against the Federal Government or any other person for anything done or intended to be done in
good faith under this Ordinance or the rules.
(2) No court shall call in question, or permit to be called in question, anything done or any action
taken under this Ordinance.
37. Duty of Police Officers. All police officers shall, upon request made by any person
performing duties under this Ordinance or the rules, assist him in the discharge of such duties.
38. Delegation of powers. The Federal Government may, by notification in the official Gazette,
direct that all or any of its powers under this Ordinance shall be exercised by such officer and subject
to such conditions as may be specified.
39. Power to grant exemp tion. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance, the
Federal Government may, for public or scientific purposes, by notification in the official Gazette,
allow the killing and capturing of any wild animal by such person, at such place, and by such means
as may be specified in the notification.
40. Power to amend Schedules. The Federal Government may, by notification in the official
Gazette, make such amendment in the Schedules as it thinks fit.
41. Power to make rules.— (1) The Federal Government may, by notification in the official
Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Ordinance.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may
provide for all or any of the following matters, namely :—
(i) powers and functions of the Board ;
(ii) recruitment and terms and conditions of appointment of the officers and staff under this
Ordinance ;
(iii) the form and manner in which, the terms and conditions on which and the duration for
which, a licence, hunting permit, special hunting permit, certificate of lawful possession
and dealer’s permit shall be issued ;
(iv) fees to be charged for a licence, hunting permit, special hunting permit, certificate of
lawful possession and dealer’s permit;
(v) in the case of any species of wild animals, the number and the sex of, and the local area in
which, such species may be hunted by an authorised person ;
(vi) giving of rewards to persons who render assistance in the detection of offences under this
Ordinance ;
(vii) the management of wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and game reserves ;
(viii) tenure of office, resignation and terms and conditions of members of the Board ; and
(ix) demarcation of the area of a wildlife sanctuary, a nation al park or a game reserve.
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Wild Animals
Game Animals which can be hunted or captured under a Game Shooting licence or Game Capture licence.
1 2 3
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1 2 3
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1 2 3
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1 2 3
Animals, Trophies, Skins, Horns or Meat for the Possession, Transfer or Export of which a Certificate
of lawful possession is required.
1. All live game animals or protected animals.
2. Trophies, Skins and meat derived from protected animals.
3. Horns of goral, ibex, Sind wild goat markhor and urial.
4. Skins of beech or stone marten, jungle cat, desert Cat, Leopard and Snow Leopard.
5. Trophy, Skin or horns or any other derivative of any animal protected by any other
province of Pakistan including A.K. & N.A.
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Protected Animals : i.e. Animals which shall not be hunted, killed or captured.
1. All game animals when immature or not fully grown.
2. All female game animals when :—
(a) Pregnant;
(b) In a condition that indicates they are suckling or feeding young ;
(c) Accompanied by their immature off spring.
3. All males and females of the following species :—
Nemorahaedus goral, Goral or Piji, BanBakri, Gurrur, Gudh, SarPijur, Rai Rom.
Capra faleconeri (all races) Markhor or Rawachi, Capra ibex, Ibex or Trangol, Khail,
Dadma, Danmo, Ovis orientails (all races), Urial or Shapu, Hurian, Shah Kohi, Koch, Gad,
4. All individuals of the following species, genera, families or groups of birds.
All members of the family ARDEIDAE; i.e. all herons, Night Herons, Paddy Birds, Egrets
or Bittorns.
All members of the family PELECANIDAE; i.e. all pelicans.
All members of the family CICONIDAE; i.e. all Storks.
All members of the family THRESKIORNIDAE; i.e. all ibis’s and Spoonbills.
All members of the family PHOENICOPTERIDAE; i.e. all Flamingos.
All members of the genera Anser and Branta; i.e. all a geese, including the Bherheaded
All members of the genus Cygunus; i.e. all Swans.
The following species of Ducks :—
Anas angustirostris, Marbled, Teal or Choi, Lanjho, Dudjalri.
Anas poecilorphyncha Spotbill Duck, or Garmpai, Gugral, Hampur, Hangro Nettapus
coromandolicus, Cotton Teal or Giri, Girria.
Oxyura leucocephala. White headed Duck or Stifftailed DuckUDBalau.
Cairine scutulata. Whitewinged Wood Duck.
Sarkidiornis melanotus. Comb Duck or Nukhta.
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Rhodonossa caryphyllacea. Pink headed Duck.
All members of the family Acciptridae; i.e. all Hawks, Vultures, Kites.
Buzzards, HawksEagles, Harriers and Ospreys.
All members of the family FALCONIDAE; i.e. all Falcons, Kestresls, Hobbies.
All members of the family PHASIANIDAE; i.e. all Pheasants Partridges, Quails Spurfowls
Jungle Fowls, and Peafowls other than those species specified in the First Schedule.
All members of the family GRDUITDAE.; i.e. all Granes.
All members of the gnus Heliopais ; i.e. all Finfoots.
All members of the family OTIDIDAE ; i.e. all Bustards other than the one species in the
First Schedule.
Scolopax rusticola. Woodcock or simkukri, Jalakari, Julkari, Wilaiti, Chaha, Bumpal,
Pterocles alohat. Large Pintailed Sandgrous.
All members of the genus Ducula ; i.e. all Imperial Pigeons.
5. All individuals of the following races, species, genera or groups of madmals :—
Macaca mulatta villosa. Himalayan Rhesus Monkey (i.e. all Rhesus Monkeys found in West
Pakistan) bandar, Punj, Markat.
Presbytis entellus Common Langur or Hanuman Dendoa
Mains crassicaudates Pangolin or Bajra Kit, Bajra, kapta, Suraj Mukhi, Silu Kishaur, Sibi,
Mirun, Challa, Kat Pohu, Vulpes cana. Blanford’s Fox.
Salenarctos thibetanus gedrosianusBaluchistan Black Bear (i.e. all black bears found in
south and west of the Kabul River) Kala Reech, Bhalu, Haput, man.
Ursus arctos, Brown Bear or Red Bear, Barf Ka Rindh, Safed Bhalu, Siala Reech,
Drengmo, Drin Mor.
Vormela peregusna Marbled Polecat.
Mellivora capensis. Ratel or Honey Badger, Beju, Corpat, Ghurna, Lutra Lutra, Common
Otter or Ludher, Udbilaw, Pani Kutta, Sagi Ab.
Martes foina, Beech or Stone Marten.
Lutra perspicillata. Smooth Indian Ottar, or Ludher,
Ludra, Udni.
Viverra zibetha. Large Indian Civet, Ketts, Mach Bhondar, Badges, Pudu, Gaula.
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Viverricula Indica. Small Indian Civet or Nauidero, Gandogaula, Kasturi.
Paguma Laryata, Himalayan ; Civet of Masked Palm Civet.
Felis caracal. Carracal or Siya—gush, Echl.
Felis Chaus.
Felis Lyn, Lynes or patsalan, Phiauku.
Felis margarita. Sand Cat.
Felis Bengalensis. Leopard Cat or Chite Billi, Ban Bilar.
Felis viverrina. Fishing Cat or Mash Billi, Mach Bagral.
Felis marmorata. Marbled Cat.
Panthera uncia, Snow Leopard or Ounce, Barhel He, Lkar
Panthera pardus. Leopard or Panther, Tendwa, Chita, Chita bagh Suh.
Equus hemionus, wild Ass or Ghor Khar, Ghuran, Kiang.
Muntiacus muntjak. Barking Deer or Muntjak, Kakar, Maya.
Axix porcinus. Hog Deer or Para.
Cervus elaphus Kashmir Stag or Barasingha, Hangal, Honglu. Martes boinaStone Marten.
Gazella gazella. Indian Gazella or Chinkara, KaIPunch, Gora Hiran.
Gazella subgutterosa. Goitred of Parsian Gazella, Pharal Ghazal.
Boselaphus tragocamelus. Bluebull of Nilgal, Gond Bain, Ranjb Roz, Rojra.
Capra falconeri Jerdeni, and C.F. chialtanensis. Straight Horned Races of Markhor (i.e. all
Markhor found to the south and west of the North Waziristan Agency) Sarah, pachin,
Pseudois nayaur. Blue Sheep or Bharal, Na, Sna, Maitu, Ghard Warn
Ovis Orientalis Punjabensis. Punjab Urial.
Planista gangetica. River Dolphin or sus, Susu, Susuk, Siskuk, Bhulan, Sunsar.
6. All individuals of the following species, genera of families of reptiles :—
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Crocodilus palustris. Marsh Crocodile or Muggar, Magar Mach.
Genetics gangeticus. Gharial, or Soondy Mugger, Sansar.
All snakes of the genus python, i.e. all pythons, Azdha or Arar.
All Lizards of the genus capooranus, i.e. all Monitor
Lizards, Goah, Ban Chapkali, Ram Gaddi, Suna Gaddi or Kala Gaddi.
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