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Applied Ergonomics: Benoît Pierret, Kévin Desbrosses, Jean Paysant, Jean-Pierre Meyer

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Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 1056e1062

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Applied Ergonomics
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Cardio-respiratory and subjective strains sustained by paraplegic

subjects, when travelling on a cross slope in a manual wheelchair
Benoît Pierret a, b, c, Kévin Desbrosses a, Jean Paysant b, Jean-Pierre Meyer a, *
Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité, 1 rue du Morvan, CS 60027, Vandoeuvre les Nancy Cedex 54519, France
Institut Régional de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation, 75 boulevard Lobau, CS 34209, Nancy Cedex 54042, France
Centre de Ressources, d’Expertise et de Performance Sportives, 1 Av Foch, BP 30020, Essey les Nancy 54271, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this study was to quantify cardiac, energetic and subjective strains during manual wheelchair
Received 12 November 2012 (MWC) travel on cross slopes (Cs). 25 paraplegics achieved eight 300 m propulsion tests combining 4 Cs
Accepted 7 January 2014 (0, 2, 8 and 12%) and 2 velocities (Vi ¼ 0.97 m s1, Vc “comfortable”). Heart rate and oxygen uptake were
recorded continuously. Subjective rating (RPE) was made on completion of each test. Vc exceeds Vi for all
Keywords: Cs. Cardiac and energetic strains at Vc also exceed those at Vi (p < 0.01). Mean cardiac cost (in bpm) at Vc
is 34 (SD ¼ 13) bpm for a 0/2% Cs and 55 (18) bpm for a 12% Cs. Mean energetic cost (in J m1 kg1) is 1.20
Cross slope
(0.38) and 2.76 (0.97) for respectively 0/2% and 12% Cs at Vi and, at Vc 1.50 (0.43) and 3.37 (1.43) for 0/2%
and 12% Cs respectively. Subjective rating was considered as moderate for a 12% Cs. MWC users with high
level injuries travel faster as those with low level injuries. Strain increase is linear for Cs from 0% to 12%.
The results suggest that 2% Cs is generally acceptable, while 8% would be a critical threshold.
Ó 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction et al., 2006). Indeed, Cs causes gyratory action of the chair’s front
wheels, which generate a force that tends to pull the “subject-
In France, nearly 200,000 disabled persons use a manual wheelchair” combination to the lower side and requires users to
wheelchair (MWC) and live at home (Vignier et al., 2008). Travel- fight against this force in order to keep a straight course (Cooper,
ling difficulties are one of the determining factors in non- 1990; Van der Woude et al., 2001).
integration or occupational exclusion of persons in MWC (Lidal A 2% Cs limit is regulatory in many countries (McMillen et al.,
et al., 2007; Van Velzen et al., 2009). Environmental unsuitability 1999), but this may not always be respected. Furthermore, no
amplifies an MWC’s initial constraints and requires greater cardio- result really prompts justification of this 2% established Cs limit. In
respiratory and muscular exertion on behalf of persons in relation fact few studies have focused on MWC movements on a Cs. A recent
to their physiological capacities (Collins et al., 2012, Meyers et al., review by Cooper et al. (2011) only lists five such studies. Three
2002). Although the peak oxygen uptakes of MWC sportsmen were mainly directed towards the biomechanical aspects of
may exceed 35 ml kg1 min1 (Bhambhani, 2002; Haisma et al., wheelchair propulsion (Brubaker et al., 1986; Chesney and Axelson,
2006; Huonker et al., 1998; Van der Woude et al., 2001), these ca- 1996; Richter et al., 2007). The other two addressed the problems of
pacities are less than 20, even 15 ml kg1 min1 for many users travelling on varied surfaces, some with a Cs, experienced by
(Figoni, 1984; Haisma et al., 2006; Tahamont et al., 1986). Additional populations suffering from various pathologies (Longmuir et al.,
constraints like cross slope (Cs) which is the slope that is perpen- 2003; Kockelman et al., 2001). Only the Brubaker et al. (1986)
dicular to the direction of travel, can thus degrade MWC user social and the Kockelman et al. (2001) studies included physiological
life and state of health by increasing musculo-skeletal disorders measurements. Despite the disparity in these studies an overview
(Burnham and Steadward, 1994; Mercer et al., 2006; Van Drongelen reveals that Cs limits of between 16 and 20% for short distances
(Chesney and Axelson, 1996) and for longer journeys, a 4% Cs is
acceptable for all users and a more critical 10% limit should never be
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ33 3 83 50 20 54; fax: þ33 3 83 50 21 85.
E-mail addresses: benoit.pierret@yahoo.fr (B. Pierret), kevin.desbrosses@inrs.fr exceeded (Kockelman et al., 2001). These values are very far from
(K. Desbrosses), jean.paysant@ugecamne.fr (J. Paysant), meyer@inrs.fr (J.-P. Meyer). the 2% regulatory limit (McMillen et al., 1999).

0003-6870/$ e see front matter Ó 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

B. Pierret et al. / Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 1056e1062 1057

With a view to proposing a rationalised allowable Cs, the pre- insured physiological parameter stability (Wilmore and Costill,
sent study sets out to determine the cardio-respiratory and sub- 2004). The order of testing of the 8 conditions was random.
jective strains involved in MWC travel under real propulsion The propulsion method was free. The travelling direction con-
conditions on different Cs and at two travelling velocities for a large ditions the dominant body side in the most demanding side i.e.
number of regular MWC users. in the steeper Cs. The subjects used their own MWC. Wheel
diameter was 24 inches and tyres were inflated to a pressure of
2. Equipment and methods 8 bar.
The imposed velocity Vi (0.97 m s1), constant for the 4 Cs, was
The study was conducted in the occupational physiology labora- monitored by electroluminescent diodes fixed every 2 m along the
tory at the Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité (INRS) jointly walls bordering the test track. The subjects adjusted the travelling
with the Institut Régional de médecine physique et de Réadaptation velocity based on delayed lighting of the diodes. The Vi and the Vc,
(IRR) both located in Nancy in the eastern part of France. chosen by the subject, were measured by timing at each lap.
Temperature and relative humidity were measured for each half-
2.1. Subjects day using a portable hygro-thermometer (RH70, OmegaÒ).

The 25 volunteer subjects were recruited from patients moni- 2.3. Measured variables
tored at the IRR, based on the following inclusion criteria: men,
paraplegic, adult and of working age (18e65 years old), travelling The measured physiological parameters were heart rate (HR in
independently and regularly in an MWC for more than 6 months. bpm), oxygen uptake (VO2 in ml kg1 min1) and carbon dioxide
Injury level was defined as “high” for injuries at or higher than the production (VCO2 in ml kg1 min1). Subjective strain was assessed
6th thoracic vertebra, and as “low” for injuries of the 7th thoracic based on the Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale (Borg, 1998).
vertebra or lower who have functional abdominal muscles. Subjects HR was measured continuously for the whole day using a cardio
have no contraindication (cardiovascular, pulmonary, muscular, frequency meter (PolarÒ, S 810 i) with a count integration time of
skin and/or developing general pathologies). They were informed 15 s. Cardiac strain parameters were: a) the HR, b) the absolute
of the study protocol and gave their written consent. The study cardiac cost (ACC in bpm), which is the difference between the
received approval from the local ethical committee. mean HR during the test and the HR when seated and at rest, c) the
relative cardiac cost (RCC in %), which expresses the percentage
2.2. Protocol strain of the HR reserve (HRR), which is the difference between the
subject’s HRmax and his HR at rest (Wilmore and Costill, 2004). The
Two tests were performed: a test involving sub-maximal exer- RCC is determined by the ACC/HRR ratio.
tion on an arm ergocycle and a propulsion track test. The arm Respiratory parameters were recorded using a cycle-to-cycle
cranking test was conducted on a first half-day dedicated to the gas analyser telemetric system (Cosmed K4b2Ò). The respiratory
study inclusion medical examination. A second full-day was dedi- parameters processed were: a) the VO2, b) the energetic cost per
cated to the track propulsion testing. At least two rest days sepa- metre travelled and per kg weight (ECmkg in J m1 kg1) and, c)
rated the two test sessions to eliminate fatigue from the cranking the relative energetic cost (REC in %). The ECmkg is the product
test. Both tests were conducted under medical surveillance. of the oxygen cost (cVO2) by the energy equivalent of 1 L of
oxygen (k in kJ l1) divided by the velocity and the weight
2.2.1. Cranking test (P ¼ subject þ MWC weight in kg); ECmkg ¼ cVO2 k/V.P. The
The sub-maximal arm cranking test was conducted on an arm oxygen cost (cVO2 in ml kg1 min1) is the difference between the
ergocycle fitted with a magnetic induction braking system ensuring mean VO2 during the test and the VO2 at rest. The energy equiv-
power control (Upper Body Cycle, KardiomedÒ). This test allowed alent of 1 L of oxygen is calculated using the equation
to estimate the peak oxygen uptake (VO2max) of the subjects k ¼ 16.6 þ 4.6 RQ, in which the respiratory quotient (RQ) is the
through extrapolating the relationship between HR and VO2 to ratio VCO2/VO2. The REC represents the fraction of the oxygen
their HRmax (Paré et al., 1993). The test started with a 2-min, 25 W reserve involved in the exercise. REC is the ratio between the cVO2
warm-up step before continuing in 2-min steps with an increase of and the oxygen reserve (VO2R), equal to VO2maxeVO2rest
10 W per step. Pedalling frequency was 50 rotations per minute. (Wilmore and Costill, 2004).
The test was stopped when the subjects reached 85% of their Subjective strain was obtained using the RPE scale (Borg, 1998).
theoretical maximum heart rate (HRmax ¼ 220 e age in years) A global and 5 local assessments (back, shoulders, upper limbs)
(Wilmore and Costill, 2004). were asked for at the end of each track test.

2.2.2. Propulsion test 2.4. Statistical analysis

The propulsion test was performed on a 50 m long test track
specially designed for the study. Two opposite straights were each Results are expressed by their mean and standard deviation
24 m long and the subjects travelled back and forth on these. The (SD) shown in brackets for the 25 subjects. Student t tests on the
track was 1.2 m wide in compliance with wheelchair route mini- paired samples allow us to analyse the effects of Cs on: travelling
mum width. The wooden track was covered with surfacing material velocity (Vc and Vi), HR, VO2 and subjective strains. Distribution
(Tarasafe super, GerflorÒ) with a dynamic friction coefficient of 0.4 normality was checked and achieved by variable transform if
(ua) close to that of an average asphalt pavement (0.38 u.a.). The needed. Three-factor variance analyses (ANOVA) with correction
track Cs was mechanically adjusted and checked using an electronic for co-variable effects qualify the effects of Cs, velocity and injury
level (Laser Cross Liner Novipro, BoschÒ). level on the cardiac, energetic and subjective strains. Simple and
The subjects were submitted to 8 experimental conditions multiple regression models based on the least square method
combining 4 Cs (0, 2, 8 and 12%) and 2 velocities: one imposed were used to establish the relationships between the different
(Vi ¼ 0.97 m s1), the other so-called “comfortable” (Vc), chosen variables. A 5% significance threshold was retained (p < 0.05).
by the subjects themselves. Under each of the 8 conditions, the Statistical analyses were conducted using StatgraphicsÒ Centurion
subjects undertook 6 laps (300 m) around the track; this distance XVI software.
1058 B. Pierret et al. / Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 1056e1062

3. Results 3. 3. Measured strains

3.1. Subject characteristics 3.3.1. Cardiac strain

The HR, ACC and RCC shown in Table 2 are all significantly
Table 1 displays the means, SD and peak values of age, height, altered by the velocity conditions (F > 95; p < 0.001) and, for each
weight, body mass index (BMI) and the injury age and level for the velocity, by the 3 different Cs (F > 92; p < 0.001).
25 subjects. The ACC is related to the Cs (in %) and the real travelling velocity
The MWC mean weight was 14.6 (2.1) kg and 3/4 of the subjects (V in m s1) as follows:
had been using a wheelchair for over 4 years. No Table 1 charac-
teristic is significantly different (p > 0.1) in relation to the injury’s ACC ¼ 7:1 þ 2:3Cs þ 28:1V n ¼ 568; r 2 ¼ 0:44 (1)
“low” or “high” level. In particular, the 15 subjects with “low” level
In Eq. (1), the individual effects of Cs and V are significant
injuries display a VO2max of 25.6 (6.0) ml kg1 min1 and an HR at
(p < 0.001). The ACC is increased by individual factors, such as user
rest of 71.3 (3.1) bpm that are not statistically different (p > 0.15) to
weight (p < 0.001), age (p < 0.001), injury age (p < 0.001) and
those of the 10 subjects with “high” level injuries, who display a
VO2max decrease (p < 0.001).
VO2max of 24.0 (4.8) ml kg1 min1 and an HR at rest of 73.8 (3.7)
bpm. The mean VO2 at rest is 4.1 (0.9) ml kg1 min1 and is not
significantly altered by the injury level either. 3.3.2. Energetic strains
The VO2, ECmkg and relative energetic cost (REC) values pre-
sented in Table 3 are all significantly modified by the velocity
3.2. Experimental conditions
conditions (F1.570 > 20; p < 0.005) and by the Cs (F2.570 > 108;
p < 0.001) for each velocity.
- The sub-maximal exertion and track tests were conducted un-
The oxygen uptake (VO2 in ml kg1 min1) is related to the Cs
der conditions of thermal comfort; air temperature and relative
(Cs in %) and the real travelling velocity (V in m s1) as follows:
humidity mean values were 20.5 (1.7)  C and 42 (14)%. Cross
slope checking showed that Cs values were slightly, but sys-
VO2 ¼ 4:0 þ 0:46Cs þ 7:4V n ¼ 583; r 2 ¼ 0:52 (2)
tematically, higher than their theoretical values. The mean error
was 0.4% and never exceeded 0.8%. In Eq. (2), the individual effects of Cs and V are significant
- The imposed velocity Vi (0.97 m s1) effective mean value was (p < 0.001). The energetic strain increases when individual factors,
0.94 (0.03) m s1 and is the same at the 4 Cs (p > 0.5). The mean such as age (p < 0.001) and BMI (p < 0.001) increase or when
“comfortable” velocity Vc was 1.26 (0.25) m s1. Vc was stable physical activity (p < 0.001), injury level (p < 0.01) or VO2max
from the second lap onwards under each Cs condition. It (p < 0.001) decrease.
decreased significantly (F3.1169 ¼ 57; p < 0.001) when the Cs The mean respiratory quotient (RQ) are significantly different
increased: 1.41 (0.25) on the flat, 1.33 (0.21) for 2%, 1.21 (0.19) for for the three Cs studied (F2.579 ¼ 23; p < 0.001). For the 12% Cs, the
8% and 1.10 (0.24) m s1 for 12% Cs. Vc is significantly related to RQ at Vc (0.98) is significantly (p < 0.01) higher than at Vi (0.93).
the subject VO2max (t ¼ 3.7; p < 0.001). For an increase of Additionally, for the 0/2% Cs, the RQ does not change when laps are
5 ml kg1 min1 in VO2max, Vc increases by 0.08 m s1. Sur- performed, while it increases regularly and significantly (p < 0.01)
prisingly, the Vc of subjects with “high” level injuries for the 8% and 12% Cs. The RQ of half the subjects exceeds 1 at the
(1.25 m s1) is significantly higher (p < 0.05) than that of sub- end of the test at Vc on the 12% Cs. The mean RQ of the subjects
jects with “low” level injuries (1.18 m s1). The mean total test with a “low” level injury (0.92) is significantly (p < 0.02) higher
times were 5.28 (0.18) min at Vi and comprised between 3.65 than that of the subjects with a “high” level injury (0.89) and
(0.6) min for 0% slopes and 4.85 (1.45) min for 12% slopes at Vc. neither the Cs nor the velocity alters this difference.
Total test time and Vc (p < 0.01) are significantly (p < 0.05)
different between 0 and 2% Cs. 3.3.3. Subjective strains
The subjective rating results remain unaltered by the velocity
Among the 25 subjects, 5 were incapable of undertaking the (p > 0.4), but the Cs increases significantly the subject rating
last lap under all the experimental conditions. From the third to
(p < 0.001). The mean estimation is 7.8 (1.8) for the 0/2%, 9.9 (2.6)
the sixth lap, there was no significant difference in either HR for the 8% and 11.9 (3.4) for the 12% Cs, equivalent to very light, light
(F3.753 < 0.1; p > 0.9) nor VO2 (F3.773 ¼ 0.6; p > 0.6). Moreover,
and moderate on the Borg scale respectively. The RPE increases
for the 0 and 2% Cs conditions, there was no significant differ- with BMI (F1.199 ¼ 5.5; p < 0.02). It is significantly (p < 0.001) higher
ence in both HR and VO2 (F1.592 < 0.6; p > 0.4). These observa-
(RPE ¼ 9.9 (0.6)) for subjects with “low” level injuries than for those
tions led us to process only the data for laps 3, 4 and 5 and to with “high” level injuries, who rated RPE as 8.5 (0.7). Finally, the Cs
group the results of the physiological strains at 0 and 2% Cs
is only perceived at 8% and at 12%. The ratio of dominant to non
denoted 0/2%. dominant side local RPE (shoulder þ arm) remains 1 for the 0% and

Table 1
Table 2
Means, standard deviations and peak values of anthropometric and functional
Mean cardiac strains: heart rate (HR), absolute cardiac cost (ACC) and relative car-
characteristics for 25 paraplegic men and their injury level and age.
diac cost (RCC) for imposed (Vi) and comfortable (Vc) velocities at the 3 cross slopes
Mean (SD) Minimumemaximum (0/2%, 8% and 12%).

Age (year) 38.9 (9.5) 23e61 Cross HR (bpm) ACC (bpm) RCC (%)
Height (cm) 178.0 (7.7) 163e192 slope
Weight (kg) 75.3 (14.0) 57e116
(%) Vi Vc Vi Vc Vi Vc
BMI (kg m2) 23.8 (4.6) 16.5e34.6
VO2max (ml kg1 min1) 25.0 (5.5) 19.4e38.0 0/2 92.2 (14.6) 106.5 (16.4) 19.9 (5.7) 33.7 (12.9) 19 (6) 31 (11)
Injury level T3eL4 8 104.4 (14.9) 117.8 (18.2) 34.5 (14.0) 45.0 (15.0) 32 (14) 42 (16)
Injury age (years) 10.6 (7.8) 2e32 12 114.7 (19.0) 129.5 (15.9) 43.7 (18.4) 55.1 (17.8) 40 (18) 51 (16)
B. Pierret et al. / Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 1056e1062 1059

Table 3
Mean energetic strains: oxygen uptake (VO2), energy cost per meter and per kg
(ECmkg) and relative energetic cost (REC) for imposed (Vi) and comfortable (Vc)
velocities at the 3 cross slopes (0/2%, 8% and 12%).

Cross VO2 (ml kg1 min1) ECmkg (J m1 kg1) REC (%)

% Vi Vc Vi Vc Vi Vc

0/2 8.0 (1.3) 11.2 (3.1) 1.20 (0.38) 1.50 (0.43) 16.8 (7.5) 32.0 (13.5)
8 10.8 (2.1) 13.3 (3.3) 2.11 (0.76) 2.33 (0.94) 29.6 (14.0) 42.3 (15.4)
12 11.9 (2.6) 15.7 (4.0) 2.76 (0.97) 3.37 (1.43) 37.5 (15.5) 52.4 (17.9)

2% Cs (p > 0.3) and becomes significantly (p < 0.01) greater than 1

from the 8% Cs upwards. However, at 2% Cs RPE of “low” level
injured is significantly (p < 0.005) higher than that of “high” level
injured; 8.5 (0.5) vs 7.0 (0.6).

3.3.4. Strains variations

Fig. 1 illustrates the variations in the 3 strains (cardiac, energetic
and subjective) at 2 velocities and 4 Cs studied.
Results in Fig. 1 reveal a virtually linear variation in strains for Cs Fig. 1. Mean strains and standard deviations for the 4 cross slopes and 2 travelling
between 0/2% and 12%. This illustrates the fact that, under the velocities. Absolute cardiac cost (ACC in bpm, rectangles), oxygen cost (cVO2 ¼ VO2e
conditions of this study, the linear models representing Eqs. (1) and VO2rest in ml kg1 min1, circles) and subjective strain (arbitrary unit, triangles). Full
(2) are not improved by non-linear modelling. forms are for Vi and empty ones for Vc. Continuous for ACC, small dotted for RPE and
large dotted for cVO2 regression lines are plotted to simplify reading.

4. Discussion 4.2. Subjects characteristics

Our discussion will address in succession points concerning The 25 active male subjects had a mean VO2max of 25.0 (5.5)
methodology, subject characteristics and travelling velocities ml kg1 min1, which compares with the highest data in the
before analysing the strain levels for different Cs and comparing literature for paraplegic MWC users who are not sportsmen (Van
these with data in the literature. At the end of this discussion, we der Woude et al., 2001; Bhambhani, 2002) and exceeds the most
propose a Cs limit model. frequently quoted values between 15 and 25 ml kg1 min1
(Hjeltnes, 1986; Figoni, 1984; Veeger et al., 1991). In a less active
4.1. Methodology population than that studied, Cs generated strains would un-
doubtedly be greater than those observed in the present study.
Unlike the majority of studies published to date, the results of While at Vc, the 12% Cs represents an energetic strain of 52% in the
this work are based on a large number of paraplegic subjects (25) study population (Table 3), it would represent 75% of the maximum
accustomed to travelling in an MWC. However, this subject “uni- capacity for a less active population with a VO2max of only
formity” is only partial since there is great variability between in- 20 ml kg1 min1. Cs consequences would undoubtedly be even
dividuals as shown by the standard deviations for the results more constraining for a more fragile, older and less active
displayed in Tables 2 and 3. Although this variability may be partly population.
explained by subject age, BMI, VO2max, physical activity and trav- The results reveal the surprising effects of injury level on Vc and
elling velocity, it is not totally remedied by taking into account RQ. Subjects with “high” level injuries, who have no functional
individual variables (Eqs. (1) and (2)). This testifies to the complex abdominal musculature, in fact chose a mean Vc that was signifi-
nature of MWC travel, involving unconsidered parameters, such as cantly (p < 0.05) faster (1.25 m s1) than those with “low” level
user technique and training, wheelchair adaptation, strength ca- injuries (1.18 m s1). This difference is significant for all Cs. The
pacities, efficiency variation with respect to Cs or velocity (Cooper, literature offers no explanation for this phenomenon. Maintaining
1990; Paré et al., 1993; Van der Woude et al., 2001). In the present a straighter trajectory may require users to travel faster. Lack of
study it was not possible to monitor accurately power unbalance trunk stability could also cause paraplegics with “high” level in-
between the 2 upper limbs and MWC speed and trajectories. This juries to lean more on the handrails to keep in balance, which
was due to space limitations in the experimental corridor and would also result in a higher Vc. Moreover, the trunk flexion
impossibility to equip the MWC of each subject. In consequence, amplitude should be greater for a “high” level injury (Chow et al.,
the effects of biomechanical factors of the MWC movement are not 2000). These hypotheses could not be verified in this study. Even
considered while they could explain part of the individual vari- lower RQ for “high” level injured users could be interpreted as less
ability. Our choice of 4 Cs (0, 2, 8 and 12%) was made to try to muscles involved or less respiratory difficulties for them as for the
understand this complexity, built a strain model and to take in “low” level injured users. Thus, trunk flexion could be used to
account the 2% regulatory reference slope adopted in many coun- reduce energetic and respiratory strains.
tries (McMillen et al., 1999) and the acceptable Cs of 10% The Vc is significantly different for 0% and 2% Cs, yet no other
(Kockelman et al., 2001) which explains the choice of 8 and 12% Cs result reveals a difference between travelling on the flat and over a
as upper anchor of the strain model. The Vi (0.97 m s1) is used 2% Cs. This result makes Vc a powerful strain indicator for assessing
fairly conventionally (Brubaker et al., 1986; Mukherjee and the difficulty of a travelling condition.
Samanta, 2001) and was easy to be maintained constant. The a The exertion perceived by the subjects with “low” level injuries
priori decision to perform 6 laps has been validated since it allows 3 (RPE ¼ 9.9) was higher (p < 0.001) than that perceived by subjects
stable laps from physiological and velocities point of view. with “high” level injuries (RPE ¼ 8.5), who nevertheless travelled
1060 B. Pierret et al. / Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 1056e1062

faster without significantly different energetic (p > 0.5) or cardiac Table 4

(p > 0.3) strains. The day-to-day life of a paraplegic with a “high” Comparison of physiological strains when travelling in an MWC on flat ground. For
each study are shown the publication date, the number of subjects, the travelling
level injury is more trying and complex than that of a paraplegic velocity and the energetic cost per meter travelled (cVO2 in ml kg1 m1).
with a “low” level injury. The former could sustain a higher diffi-
culty set-point, which would allow him to confront more easily an Authors Year Subject V (m s1) cVO2 (ml kg1 m1)
identical constraint and have a more positive perception of the
laboratory situation than the user with a “low” level injury. Present study 25 0.95 0.145
1.41 0.132
Furthermore, depending on the experimental condition, a “high”
Mukherjee and Samanta 2001 17 0.95 0.123
injury level does not always cause significant alteration in capac- Hilbers and White 1987 9 1.12 0.136
ities (Vanlandewijck et al., 2011). These factors, which have not 1.59 0.118
been demonstrated in this study, could explain the exertion 2.18 0.110
2.92 0.138
perception differences in relation to injury level.
Waters and Lunsford 1985 124 1.20 1.160
Wolf et al. 1977
4.3. Physiological strains Concrete 15 1.35 0.144
Carpet 1.10 0.197
Between the situation at Vi with a 0/2% Cs and at Vc with a 12%
Cs, the mean cardiac strains are multiplied by 2.5 (Table 2) and the
energetic strains by 3 (Table 3). More precisely, the 0e12% Cs The Wolfe et al. (1977) results in the table put in light the important
multiplies the strains by 2 and the change from Vi to Vc multiplies effect of carpet versus concrete ground on energetic cost.
them by 1.5. Except for the 12% Cs, the subjects’ HR and VO2 strains Hildebrandt et al. (1970) study, conducted on a widely varied
remain moderate. For comparison, the cardiac strains in this study population, suggests equivalents in watts (W) of travelling on flat
are significantly lower than those measured on a flat surface at ground in an MWC (18 kg þ 70 kg subject) at velocities of 0.3 m s1
similar velocities: 127 bpm (Mukherjee and Samanta, 2001). The (2 W), 0.55 m s1 (4 W), 0.8 m s1 (6.5 W) and 1.1 m s1 (11 W), i.e.
values of HR, ACC and RCC measured at Vc for a given Cs condition an equivalent of 8.7 and 16 W at Vi and Vc respectively. For these
are very close to the values measured for the higher Cs condition at authors, the efficiency on the flat lies between 5% and 8%. In this
Vi. As an example, the ACC at Vc for a 0/2% Cs is 33.7 (12.9) bpm and study, the mean energetic cost of travelling on flat ground is 100 W
is 34.5 (14.0) bpm at Vi for an 8% Cs. Thus, it is important to inform at Vi and 182 W at Vc, i.e. an efficiency of 8.7% for both velocities,
MWC users that their velocity is a major strain factor and must be which corresponds to a normal result in view of MWC progress,
adapted to the environment. The relative energetic cost is equiva- along with the capacities of our study subjects (Van der Woude
lent to the relative cardiac cost (Tables 2 and 3). The energetic cost et al., 1988).
per meter (ECm) is related to the travelling velocity. Under the 0/2% Finally, a number of studies (Van der Woude et al., 1989, 2001)
Cs condition, ECm is 93 J m1 at the imposed velocity Vi have enabled relationships between ACC (bpm) and VO2
(0.94 m s1). This result echoes the Brubaker et al. (1986) study, in (ml kg1 min1) with respect to velocity (V in m s1) and slope (S in
which ECm was found to be 97 J m1 for a 0% Cs at a similar trav- %) to be derived in the form: ACC ¼ 31.4V þ 12.1 S and
elling velocity. VO2 ¼ 10.1V þ 3.8 S. Based on these relationships, 1% slope increases
Subjective strains, at the opposite of the objective ones are not the ACC by 12 bpm and the VO2 by 3.8 ml kg1 min1. From the
significantly different in relation to the travelling velocity on the results of the present study (Eqs. (1) and (2)) Cs will be 8.3%, based
same Cs. Choosing a so-called “comfortable” velocity causes the on the energetic cost, and 5.3%, based on the cardiac cost, to reach
subjects to sustain an increase in cardio-respiratory strain, which is the strains at 1% slope. These results do not agree with the data
not subjectively perceived. Velocity control would appear to provided by Chesney and Axelson (1996), who considered that a 1%
minimise the perceived exertion, but may expose the subject to a slope induces a power equivalent to a 3% Cs, in other words a cost
risk of overload in terms of physiological strains. that is 2 times higher than that extrapolated from the results of this
study. The differences between Chesney and Axelson (1996),
4.4. Comparison with literature data Richter et al. (2007), Van der Woude et al. (1989) results and ours
explain that cardio-respiratory strains cannot be compared to
Studies that have focused on Cs have not addressed the physi- physical strains, at least when propelling an MWC. Using only the
ological aspect or have, but based on a few subjects. To validate the later to model strains can involve large and dangerous errors. MWC
data provided by this study, we can compare them with physio- literature focuses, above all, on the technical and biomechanical
logical cost data for flat ground. Table 4 consolidates the ACC, cVO2 data for improving exertion efficiency (Van der Woude et al., 2001)
(ml kg1 m1) values with respect to travelling velocity on the flat. and on the maximum capacities of sportsmen in MWCs (Huonker
The studies retained were conducted on a minimum of 9 subjects et al., 1998; Paré et al., 1993; Van der Woude et al., 2001; Veeger
and involved measuring the HR and/or VO2. et al., 1991). The main aim of MWC studies conducted between
Results in Table 4 show very close energetic costs per meter and 1975 and 1995 was to improve wheelchairs by taking advantage of
weight. When the condition on carpet is not considered, the mean the wheelchair sports boom (Cooper, 1990). During this period,
cVO2 cost is 0.134 (0.015) ml kg1 m1. The small differences Boston (USA) and Oita (Japan) marathon winning times dropped
observed in Table 4 can probably be related to subject fitness, from over 2.5 h to less than 1.5 h. This progress was made possible
travelling conditions or MWC technology. From these results it is by improving the technical and technological characteristics of
possible to compute a very significant relationship between ener- wheelchairs (weight, stabilities, wheels, propulsion, etc.) and
getic cost and velocity (m s1) which is: adopting efficiency optimising postures (Van der Woude et al.,
  2001). This explains why physiological data have been so little
cVO2 ¼ 7:5V r 2 ¼ 0:93; p < 0:001 : measured on large numbers of habitual MWC users since research
directed towards technical and mechanical data effectively
This relationship shows that the results of the present study are revealed much more refined improvements than physiological data
strongly in accordance with the other ones in Table 4. Indeed, the V (Van der Woude et al., 2001). The significant effect of a 2% Cs on Vc
slope in Eq. (2) is the same as that from the whole results of Table 4. supports this idea, even though it does not alter the strains.
B. Pierret et al. / Applied Ergonomics 45 (2014) 1056e1062 1061

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