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Effects of The Composition of Hot-Melt Adhesives On Their Bulk and Interfacial Properties

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Effects of the composition of hot-melt adhesives on their

bulk and interfacial properties

M. Nardin, M. Brogly, J. Schultz

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M. Nardin, M. Brogly, J. Schultz. Effects of the composition of hot-melt adhesives on their bulk
and interfacial properties. Journal de Physique IV Colloque, 1993, 03 (C7), pp.C7-1505-C7-1510.
�10.1051/jp4:19937235�. �jpa-00251872�

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Colloque C7, supplkment au Journal de Physique 111, Volume 3, novembre 1993

Effects of the composition of hot-melt adhesives on their bulk and

interfacial properties


Centre de Recherches sur la Physico-Chimie des Su$aces Solides, CNRS, 24 avenue du Prksident Kennedy,
68200 Mulhouse, France

Abstract :Specific interactions in binary blends, models of hot-melt adhesives, of ethylene-

vinylacetate copolymer (EVA) with different terpene-phenol low molecular weight tackifying
resins (TPR) are first investigated by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)as
a function of the composition of the blend. Molecular electron donor-acceptor (or "acid-base"
according to Lewis' concept) complexes are clearly evidenced between TPR hydroxyl and EVA
carbonyl groups. Quantitative data on the fraction of acid-base bonded carbonyl groups and the
enthalpy of pair formation are then obtained. Secondly, the analysis of the interface between the
blends and basic (aluminium) or acidic (glass) substrates by FTIR allows us to show the
establishment and to quantify the strength of acid-base interfacial interactions in both cases.
Finally, the comparison between the interfacial and bulk properties data and adhesive strength
measurements (peel energy) leads to the estimation of fundamental parameters of adhesion
science, in particular the acid-base component of the energy of adhesion and the number of acid-
base interactions per unit interfacial area.

1. Introduction
Blending as a route for improving specific material performance is nowadays well established. The
use of hot-melt adhesives as bonding and sealing agents requires different properties of the blends such as
a low viscosity allowing fast processing in the melted state as well as a high level of adhesion and a high
loss modulus in the working conditions. These properties can be tailored essentially by blending and,
therefore, miscibility in the blend is of fundamental importance. Due to the lack of a large mixing entropy,
strong specific interactions are then required to achieve thermodynamic miscibility. Such interactions
established between electron donor and electron acceptor groups (or acid-base groups in terms of Lewis'
approach) can be easily evidenced by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR),since they lead to
frequency shifts of the absorption bands of these groups. In the present study, binary blends, models of
hot-melt adhesives, of ethylene-vinylacetare copolymer (EVA) with different terpene-phenol low molecular
weight tackifying resins (TPR) are analysed. A first part is devoted to the formation of acid-base
complexes in the bulk as a function of the composition of the blend and the degree of functionality of the
components, by measuring the relative proportion of free and acid-base bonded electron donor groups. The
magnitude of the thermodynamic miscibility is therefore discussed. In a second part, the establishment of
acid-base interactions at the interface between those blends and two different types of substrates, a basic
(aluminium) and an acidic (glass) substrates, are analysed by means of infrared reflection-absorption
spectrometry (IRRAS). Finally, a tentative correlation between, on the one hand, the interfacial and bulk
spectroscopic data and, on the other hand, adhesive strength measurements (peel energy) is proposed.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jp4:19937235


2. Experimental
The EVA copolymer (Fig. la), supplied by Elf-Atochem (France), had a vinylacetate content (VA) of
28% by weight and an average molecular weight M , of 27,000 glmol. Three terpene-phenol resins TPR 1,
2 and 3 with different degrees of functionality d(0H) were used (Fig. lb), this degree d(0H) being defined
as the average number of hydroxyl groups per molecule of resin. The d(0H) values were equal to 0.7, 1.1
and 1.4 hydroxyl groups per molecule, whereas the average molecular weights M, were 840, 670 and
570 glmol for TPR 1 , 2 and 3 respectively. The thermal properties of all these products were studied by
differential scanning calorimetry @SC, Mettler TA3000) at a 10°C/rnin heating rate.

F i ~ u r eI :Chemicalformula of (a)EVA copolymer and (b)terpene-phenol resin with d(0H) = 2 .

Samples, with EVA content ranging from 30 to 70 % by weight, were prepared by mixing TPR and
EVA under nitrogen at a constant temperature. Thin films for FTIR analysis were obtained by moulding
under 1.5 MPa pressure at 150°C and, then, examined in attenuated total reflection mode (ATR).
Two kinds of substrates were used : aluminium (A4,99.4% of purity) and glass (optical quality). In
order to analyse the interfacial interactions between these substrates and TPR, EVA or blends, the
following procedure was used. A thick film (= 50 pm) of polymers was first moulded onto the substrates,
then gradually dissolved by dipping into chloroform until its thickness reaches about 30 nm (determined by
weight measurements) leading to the best conditions for FTIR analysis. The interfacial region was
therefore studied by IRRAS technique at an angle of incidence of 82' for aluminium and 60° for glass
substrates. All the infrared spectra (ATR and IRRAS) were recorded on a Bruker IFS-66 spectrometer at a
resolution of 2 cm-1 by averaging 100 scans.

Finally, the peel energy G , in air or in presence of ethanol, between elastic aluminium tapes (100 pm
thick) and the various EVA/TF'R blends (100 pm thick) moulded on thick aluminium sheets was measured
by 180' peeling experiments at different peeling rates ranging from 0.5 to 500 mmlmin. In these
conditions, G is equal to 2F/b, where F is the peeling force and b the width of the sample.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Bulk properties
First, the carbonyl stretching band in EVA/TPR blends appears to have two contributions, attributed
respectively to the free carbonyl groups at 1736 cm-1, as in neat EVA polymer [1,2], and to the acid-base
bonded carbonyl groups [3] at about 1707 cm-1. Figure 2 gives the evolution of the splitted carbonyl
stretching absorption bands as a function of blend ratio for TPR1. The acid-base bonded carbonyl band
first appears as a poorly resolved shoulder at low TPR content and then becomes highly resolved as the
TPR content increases. These results clearly indicate that acid-base interactions in the blend fit a
stoichiometric law of mixing, allowing us to calculate the fraction of acid-base bonded carbonyl groups,
A I3
f(c,o), as described in a previous study [1,2]. For a given composition of the blend, this fraction
increases with the degree of functionality of the TPR resin. Secondly, in the 3800-3200 cm-1 region, a
complex hydroxyl group vibration absorption band is present revealing also the existence of acid-base
interactions between EVA carbonyl groups and TPR hydroxyl groups. Mean peak positions are 3460 and
3400 cm-l, different from those of pure TPR resins, indicating a non-equivalence of interacting sites due to
the two types of phenol substitution (1-2-4 and 1-2-4-6 as shown in Fig. lb).

1738 1707 Wavenumber (cm-l)

f i ~ u r e2 :Free and acid-base bonded carbonyl absorption bands as afinction of blend composition.
Finally, the main consequence of the existence of such acid-base complexes is that EVA and TPR
resins are perfectly miscible whatever the composition of the blend, as confirmed by DSC experiments
where a unique glass transition temperature is recordered. However, when the content of EVA exceeds
about 40 to 50 % by weight, a crystalline phase (ethylene chains enriched phase) appears as revealed by
DSC [1,2].
3.2. Interactions at blends/substrates interfaces
The interactions established between neat EVA or TPR resins and aluminium or glass substrates are
first investigated. IRRAS analysis of EVA/aluminium systems clearly shows the presence of a peak at
1724 cm-1 corresponding to carbonyl groups which interact with aluminol groups at the oxidized
aluminium surface (Fig. 3a), according to n.o* type acid-base interactions.

Figure 3 :Acid-base interactions (n.& type) at aluminium (a) or glass (b) - EVA interJaces.

In agreement with Fowkes [4], who has proposed that the variation of enthalpy -AHAB for the
establishment of such interactions is directly proportional to the frequency shift of the absorption band, an
estimated value for d H A B of about 16 kJ/mol is found. For a more acidic substrate, such as glass, the
same type of interactions between carbonyl groups and silanol function is established (Fig. 3b), but now -
AHAB value is greatly increased and reaches about 35 kJfmo1.
In the case of TPR/aluminium systems, a new contribution for the absorption band of the phenolic
ring at 1515 cm-1, corresponding to the interactions between x-electrons with hydroxyl function (n.x* type
of acid-base interactions), as well as a new peak appearing at 3240 cm-1 clearly show that acid-base
interfacial interactions are directly established between the phenolic ring of TPR resins and the oxygen
atom of the aluminol groups present on the aluminium surface (Fig. 4). According to Murphy and Rao [5],
this leads to an estimated value of -AHAB close to 3 1 Wfmol, i.e. twice this for carbonyl-aluminol groups

Figure 4 :Acid-base interactions (n.w* type) at

aluminium - TPR interfaces.

If now EVA/TPR blends are put into contact with both substrates and taking into account previous
values of the different enthalpies of interactions, preferential interactions between TPR and aluminium
surface and, on the contrary, between EVA and glass surface are expected at the respective interfaces.
Effectively, such interactions are clearly evidenced experimentally, by the presence of the band at
1515 cm-1 (phenolic ringIA1OH interaction) in the former case and the band at 1724 cm-1 (C=O/SiOH
interaction) in the latter case. In particular, values of -AHAB of about 30 and 35 Wlmol are respectively
obtained in good agreement with previous results (see Figs 4 and 3b).
3.3. Peel energy
According to the rheological model of adhesion, originally proposed by Gent and Schultz [6], the
peel energy G is proportional to the reversible energy of adhesion W (Duprgs energy relative to physical
interactions -Van der Wads- only) established at the interface and to the viscoelastic dissipation function of
the adhesive $, which depends on the peeling rate v and the temperature T, i.e. : G = W.$(v, T).

When interfacial failure occurs, in presence of a liquid [7] such as ethanol, all the physical
interactions between adhesive and substrate are now avoided and the new peel energy GI is decreased and
given by : G1= W1.$(v, T), where W1 takes into account the interfacial energies at the respective interfaces
of the system adhesive/ethanol/substrate. As an example, Figure 5 shows the results of peel experiments in
the case of EVA-TPRl (50%) blend/aluminium. Therefore, considering that the bulk viscoelastic properties
of the adhesive remain unchanged, the ratio GdG must be equal to WI/W, which is easily calculated, since
experimental values of W and W1can be obtained knowing the surface energy of both materials in contact
[I]. However, for all the systems studied, it appears that the experimental values of GIIG are lower than
the theoretical ones, i.e. W P . This indicates that strong interactions, such as covalent bonds or acid-base
interactions, which are not sensitive to the presence of ethanol, are established at blendfsubstrate interfaces.
On the one hand, no covalent bonds have been evidenced at the interface by FTIR spectroscopy. On the
other hand, acid-base interactions of n.n* type between phenolic ring and aluminol are not destroyed by
ethanol, since the formation of acid-base pairs between ethanol and the adhesive or the substrate
corresponds to lower absolute values of AHAB [8].

Therefore, the discrepancy between experimental results and theoretical predictions can be essentially
attributed to acid-base interactions established at blends/subsaates interfaces and, considering that the
reversible work of adhesion is the sum of two components, WD and WAB, corresponding respectively to
Van der Waals and acid-base interactions, the term WAB can be estimated from the experimental value of

I I - I



1 I I

lo0 lo1 lo2

Peeling rate (mmlmin)
Figure 5 :Peel energy in air and in presence of ethanolfor EVA-TPR 1 (50%) blendlaluminiutnsystem
versus peeling rate.

Moreover, Fowkes and Mostafa [9] have proposed for WAB the following expression :
WAB = ~.~AB.(-AHAB), where nAB is the number of acid-base pairs per unit interfacial area and f is a
correcting factor to transform enthalpy values into free energy values and taken equal to unity. Since the
value of -AHAB has been previously determined by FTIR (-AHAB = 30 kJ/mol for blends/aluminium
systems), an estimation of nAB can be then proposed. Typical values of WABand nAB for EVA-TPR 1 , 2
and 3 (at 50% by weight) in contact with aluminium are gathered in Table 1.

Table 1 :Acid-base component WABof the work of adhesion and number of acid-base pairs per uniz
interfacial area r@ for direrent EVA-TPR (50%) blendslaluminium interfaces.

Type of TPR in the W AB nAB

blend (m.l/m2) (pmol/m2)

1 13.5 0.5
2 30 1
3 118 4

These values of W*B and n*B are in good agreement with those available in the literature for other
systems [8]. It appears in particular that the number of acid-base interactions nAB at the interface increases
with the functionality d(0H) of the resin and, then, with the density of acid-base complexes n.o* existing
in the bulk of the blend and represented, to a fist approximation, by the fraction of acid-base bonded
carbonyl groups f(c=o). Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the increase of the volume density of
such complexes in the bulk leads to an increase of the probability of presence of these complexes at the
interface and then of the number of interactions effectively established between the blend and the substrate.

4. Conclusion
In this study, by FTIR spectroscopy, it is first shown that acid-base interactions are established
between carbonyl groups of EVA and hydroxyl functions of TPR resin in binary blends, models of hot-
melt adhesives. These interactions are responsible for the thermodynamic miscibility between both
constituents in the amorphous phase of the blends. Secondly, acid-base interactions are also evidenced at
the interface between these blends and aluminium or glass substrates. In the former case, n.n* complexes
between phenolic rings of TPR and aluminol groups are preferentially formed, whereas, in the latter case,
n.o* interactions between carbonyl groups of EVA and silanol functions are favoured. In each case, the
variation of enthalpy corresponding to the formation of acid-base pairs is determined by means of FTIR
analysis. Finally, the adhesive strength (peel energy) of blend/aluminium interfaces, measured in air and in
liquid environment, allows us, by taking into account this variation of enthalpy, to calculate fundamental
parameters of adhesion, in particular, the acid-base component of the work of adhesion as well as the
interfacial density of acid-base pairs. Moreover, it is shown that a direct relationship exists between the
bulk density of acid-base complexes in the blend and the number of acid-base interactions effectively
established at the interface.

Thanks are due to the ELF-ATOCHEM Company and particularly to Drs. R. Panaras, M. Bourrel
and J. Komornicki for financial support and helpful discussions.


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