General Approach: To Put On PPE (Donning)
General Approach: To Put On PPE (Donning)
General Approach: To Put On PPE (Donning)
The type of PPE used will vary based on the level of precautions required, such as standard and contact,
or airborne infection isolation precautions. The procedure for putting on and removing PPE should be
to the specific type of PPE.
Combination of PPE required will affect sequence, be practical in your approach. Order of sequence
is adopted according to situation.
General Approach
Don PPE from bottom up
1. Boot covers/cap
2. Gown/Apron
3. Surgical Mask/Respirator(N95)
4. Goggles/Face Shield
5. Gloves (Double Gloving is option)
Consider which activities will be required while the nurse is in the client’s room at
this time.
Simple Facemask/N-95
Clean gloves (Double Gloving option)
General Approach
Proper removal of PPE is a key to ensuring that you do not contaminate yourself.
Always remove from the dirtiest to the cleanest. Perform hand hygiene in each step (Before,
between and after) of removing PPE.
3. Goggles/Face Shield
4. Gown/Apron
8. Remove the
Goggles/Face Shield.
• Outside of goggles or
face shield are
• If your hands get
contaminated during
goggle or face shield
removal, immediately
wash your hands or
use an alcohol-based
hand sanitizer.
• Remove goggles or
face shield from the
back by lifting head
band or ear pieces.
• If the item is reusable,
place in designated
receptacle for
Otherwise, discard in
a waste container.
9. Remove the gown
when preparing to
leave the room
a) Avoid touching soiled
parts on the outside of
the gown.
b) Grasp the gown along
the inside of the neck
and pull down over
the shoulders. Do not
shake the gown.
c) Roll up the gown with
the soiled part inside,
and discard it in the
appropriate container.
10. Remove the mask. This prevents the top part of the mask from falling
a) Remove the mask at onto the chest.
the doorway to the
client’s room. If using
respirator mask,
remove it after leaving
the room and closing
the door.
b) If using mask with
strings, first untie the The front of the mask through which the nurse has been
lower strings. breathing is contaminated.
c) Untie the top string
and, while holding the
ties securely, remove
the mask from the
face. If side loops are
present, lift the side
loops up and away
from the ears and
face. Do not touch the
front of the mask.
d) Discard a disposable
mask in the waste
e) Perform proper hand
hygiene again.
Images are from the © Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2011. Guidance for the Selection and
use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Healthcare Settings. Retrieved May 16, 2012 from