Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes, and Staples: Standard Specification For
Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes, and Staples: Standard Specification For
Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes, and Staples: Standard Specification For
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1667; the nwnber immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (E) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved f or use by agencies of the Departmenl of Defense. The Commercial and Govermnem Emity (Cag e)
Code for ASTM: 81346.
--T l_""~~,
:md Steel Hardware with a length of 27/8, a
.[ Specification for General Requirements for Wire shank diameter of 0.120,
and Coarse Round Wire, Carbon Steel [Metric] and a head diameter of
0.297 (See Table 10). A
.:.. 641 M Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized)
Steel Wire
cO F 1667-05
TABLE 1 Classification and Identification Index TABLE 2 Bend Angles for Fasteners Using
Style Style Identification Table
F 680 Bend Test
I-Nalls (NL) 1. Brads BR 3
Fastener Material
2. Barrel BL 4
3. Boat BTHIBTL 5
1. Steel wire: (low-carbon, medium-low
4. Box A BXA 6
carbon, medium-carbon) (unhardened)
Box B BXB 7
2. Stainless steel wire
5. Broom BM 8
3. Hardened steel fasteners
6. Casing CN 9
4. Sheet steel for cut nails, Type 11 ,
7. Cooler CL 10
and cut spikes, Type III
8. Sinker SK 11
5. Copper (min 98 %J
9. Corker CK 12
6. Copper clad wire (min 20 %J
10. Common CMA 13
7. Aluminum alloy wire
Common CMC 14
8. Brass wire
Common CMS 15
Common CMM 16
12. Double-headed DH 18
5.1.7 Supplementary requirements, if any
13. Fine FN 19
14. Finishing FH 20
Lath LHH 23
6. Material Requirements
17. Masonry MRlMRH 24
18. Pallet PL 25
6.1 Steel wire used in the manufacture 0: -:..
19. Gypsum wallboard GWS 26
shall be of low carbon, medium-low carboL ~- i ~
Gypsum wallboard GWM 27
Roofing RFR 32
6.3 Carbon steel wire for the manufacture . - .. ~- s«
Roofing RFD 33
nails shall be suitable for heat treatmem
Roofing RFNS/RFND 34
hardness of 37 HRC.
21. Shingle SHAO/SHAS 35
Shingle SHSS/SHNSB 36
6.4 Sheet steel used in the manufacture of ~
22. Siding SDF/SDC/SDK 37
and cut spikes (Type III) shall be a medium-c::.-"
Rubber heel
28. Escutcheon
driven fasteners shall contain not less than .:
ES 43
29 . Glulam rivet GR 44
weight. The average thickness of copper on the
30. Post frame PF 45
be not less than 10 % of the radius of the _
II-Cut nails (CN) 1. Common CM 46
2. Basket BK 47
6. Extra-iron clinching EC 51
2. Gutter GRF/GRO 54
3. Round RDC/RDF 55
remove grease, oil, and foreign matter and to ror.~:
4. Barge and boat BB 56
nlicroscopically. Mechanically deformed nails are so
IV-8taples (ST) 1. Fence FN 57
remove grease and foreign matter.
2. Poultry netting PN 58
5. Preformed PC 62
6. Electrical RE 63
7. Physical Properties
7. Preformed hoop PH 64
7.1 Ductility-The fasteners shall be sufficie;
withstand cold bending without fracture, as s pe~
2 for various materials used in the manufacnr-e
5.1.3 Special material requirements, if specified, including utilizing the conventional bend test described ir. -=
coatings or finishes; F 680. Mandrel diameter used in this test sh
5.1.4 ASTM designation; nail/wire diameter. The cold bend test shall -
5.1.5 Packaging requirements; unhardened nails with deformed shanks.
5.1.6 A producer's or supplier's certification that the mate 7.2 Tensile Strength-Finished driven fa
rial and the finished fastener are in compliance with this normally subject to tension testing. However, tfr.!
specification, furnished only when specified in the purchase used to manufacture the fastener is tested do"
order; control in the production process during manuL.
cO F 1667-05
~ F 1667-05
10.1.4 Mechanically deposited zinc coatings applied to 10.3.2 Mechanically formed or defolll1eC ··
fasteners after forming shall have a thickness in accordance round or T-headed; or they shall be alte:-K
with Specification B 695, Class 40, unless otherwise specified. use in a given make and model of a PG'-""~
10.2 Other Coatings and Finishes (When Specified): system.
10.3.3 Staples manufactured for intendt'
10.2.1 Cement coating shall be applied by tumbling, me
shall comply with the tool manufacturer' 5
chanical dispensing device, or immersion in resin or other IV, Style 3 (Table 59 or Table 60).
similar material and shall not be tacky or gummy. Cement
coatings on power-driven fasteners shall be uniform and 11. Certification
applied before, during, or after the fasteners are cohered into 11 .1 When specified in the purchase 0-::..
strips, clips, or coils. supplier's certification shall be furnishe.:.
indicating that the fasteners are in c
NOTE 4-Cement coatings increase the holding strength in withdrawal
specification and the purchase order.
of a driven fastener, depending on the fastener size, amount of cement
coating applied, and method of driving. 12. Packaging and Package Marking
10.2.2 Chemical etching shall remove the polish of fabrica 12.1 Unless otherwise specified, faste ne:
tion and roughen the surface microscopically. stantial commercial containers of the ty~.::
commonly used for the purpose, so constre.: .=:;
10.2.3 Blued nails shall be heated to form a thin, colored
the contents in good condition and to en ~~ ~-
oxide on tile surface. safe delivery by common or other carrie!""
10.2.4 Miscellaneous finishes, such as tin plating, liquor, delivery. In addition, the containers shall be
brass plating, copper plating, phosphate coating, or oil coating contents can be removed partially wiiliQ";:.
shall be applied. container's ability to serve as a receptacle
10.3 Altered Shapes and Deformations: the contents.
10.3.1 Mechanically formed or deformed nail shanks shall 12.2 When specified, individual pack~ .
have barbs, flutes, threads, or angular serrations formed onto containers shall be marked with the part-i.:?
and type, length, diameter (or gage, as 2
the wire from which the nail is manufactured. Mechanically
fastener, the name of the manufacturer or - ' C _- _
deformed shanks shall have vertical or helical flutes or screw
quantity or net weight.
type or annular (ring)-type deformations rolled onto the shank.
Symmetrical helical shank deformations shall be obtained by 13. Keywords
twisting square wire. The deformations shall pass entirely 13.1 diameter; driven fasteners; head; ler..=-·
around the shank body, resulting in expanded ridges and spikes; staples;
depressions .