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Chapter 485

Paired T-Tests
The paired t-test may be used to test whether the mean difference of two populations is greater than, less than, or not
equal to 0. Because the t distribution is used to calculate critical values for the test, this test is often called the paired
t-test. The paired t-test assumes that the population standard deviation of paired differences is unknown and will be
estimated by the data.

Other PASS Procedures for Testing One Mean or Median from Paired Data
Procedures in PASS are primarily built upon the testing methods, test statistic, and test assumptions that will be
used when the analysis of the data is performed. You should check to identify that the test procedure described
below in the Test Procedure section matches your intended procedure. If your assumptions or testing method are
different, you may wish to use one of the other one-sample paired-data procedures available in PASS–the Paired
Z-Tests and the nonparametric Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test procedures. The methods, statistics, and assumptions
for those procedures are described in the associated chapters.
If you wish to show that the mean of a population is larger (or smaller) than a reference value by a specified
amount, you should use one of the clinical superiority procedures for comparing means. Non-inferiority,
equivalence, and confidence interval procedures are also available.

The Statistical Hypotheses

In the usual paired t-test setting with 𝛿𝛿 defined as the mean paired difference, the null (𝐻𝐻0 ) and alternative (𝐻𝐻1 )
hypotheses for two-sided tests are defined as
𝐻𝐻0 : 𝛿𝛿 = 0 versus 𝐻𝐻1 : 𝛿𝛿 ≠ 0.
Rejecting 𝐻𝐻0 implies that the mean paired difference is not equal to 0. The hypotheses for one-sided upper-tail
tests are
𝐻𝐻0 : 𝛿𝛿 ≤ 0 versus 𝐻𝐻1 : 𝛿𝛿 > 0.
Rejecting 𝐻𝐻0 implies that the mean is larger than the value 𝜇𝜇0 . This test is called an upper-tail test because 𝐻𝐻0 is
rejected in samples in which the sample mean is larger than 𝜇𝜇0 .
The lower-tail test is
𝐻𝐻0 : 𝛿𝛿 ≥ 0 versus 𝐻𝐻1 : 𝛿𝛿 < 0.

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Paired T-Tests

It will be convenient to adopt the following specialize notation for the discussion of these tests.

Parameter PASS Input/Output Interpretation

𝛿𝛿 𝛿𝛿 Population mean paired difference. This is the mean of paired
differences. This parameter will be estimated by the study.
𝛿𝛿1 𝛿𝛿1 Actual paired difference at which power is calculated. This is the value
of the mean paired difference at which power is calculated.

Test Procedure
1. Find the critical value. Assume that the true mean paired difference is 0. Choose a value 𝑇𝑇𝛼𝛼 so that the
probability of rejecting 𝐻𝐻0 when 𝐻𝐻0 is true is equal to a specified value called α. Using the t distribution,
select 𝑇𝑇𝛼𝛼 so that Pr(𝑡𝑡 > 𝑇𝑇𝛼𝛼 ) = 𝛼𝛼. This value is found using a t probability table or a computer program (like
2. Select a sample of n items from the population and compute the t statistic. Call this value T. If 𝑇𝑇 > 𝑇𝑇𝛼𝛼
reject the null hypothesis that the mean paired difference equals 0 in favor of an alternative hypothesis that
the mean is greater than 0.
Following is a specific example. Suppose we want to test the hypothesis that a variable, X, which is made up of
paired differences, has a mean of 0 versus the alternative hypothesis that the mean is greater than 0. Suppose that
previous studies have shown that the standard deviation of the paired differences, 𝜎𝜎, is 40. A random sample of 100
pairs is used.
We first compute the critical value, 𝑇𝑇𝛼𝛼 . The value of 𝑇𝑇𝛼𝛼 that Figure 1 - Finding Alpha
yields α = 0.05 is 6.6. If the paired mean difference
computed from a sample is greater than 6.6, reject the
hypothesis that the mean is 0. Otherwise, do not reject the
hypothesis. We call the region greater than 6.6 the
Rejection Region and values less than or equal to 6.6 the
Acceptance Region of the significance test.

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Paired T-Tests

Now suppose that you want to compute the power of this Figure 2 - Finding Power
testing procedure. In order to compute the power, we must
specify an alternative value for the mean. We decide to
compute the power if the true mean difference were 10.
Figure 2 shows how to compute the power in this case.
The power is the probability of rejecting 𝐻𝐻0 when the true
mean is 10. Since we reject 𝐻𝐻0 when the calculated mean
difference is greater than 6.6, the probability of a Type-II
error (called β) is given by the dark, shaded area of the
second graph. This value is 0.196. The power is equal to
1 – β or 0.804.
Note that there are 5 parameters that may be varied in this
situation: the mean paired difference, standard deviation
of paired differences, alpha, power, and the sample size.

Assumptions for Paired Tests

This section describes the assumptions that are made when you use one of these tests. The key assumption relates
to normality or non-normality of the data. One of the reasons for the popularity of the t-test is its robustness in the
face of assumption violation. However, if the assumptions are not met, the significance levels and the power of
the t-test may be invalidated. Unfortunately, in practice it often happens that several assumptions are not met.
Take the steps to check the assumptions before you make important decisions based on these tests.

Paired Z-Test Assumptions

The assumptions of the paired z-test are:
1. The data are continuous (not discrete).
2. The data, i.e., the differences for the matched-pairs, follow a normal probability distribution.
3. The sample of pairs is a simple random sample from its population. Each individual in the population has
an equal probability of being selected in the sample.
4. The population standard deviation of paired differences is known.

Paired T-Test Assumptions

The assumptions of the paired t-test are:
1. The data are continuous (not discrete).
2. The data, i.e., the differences for the matched-pairs, follow a normal probability distribution.
3. The sample of pairs is a simple random sample from its population. Each individual in the population has
an equal probability of being selected in the sample.

Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test Assumptions

The assumptions of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test are as follows (note that the difference is between a data value
and the hypothesized median or between the two data values of a pair):
1. The differences are continuous (not discrete).
2. The distribution of each difference is symmetric.

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Paired T-Tests

3. The differences are mutually independent.

4. The differences all have the same median.
5. The measurement scale is at least interval.

There are few limitations when using these tests. Sample sizes may range from a few to several hundred. If your
data are discrete with at least five unique values, you can often ignore the continuous variable assumption.
Perhaps the greatest restriction is that your data come from a random sample of the population. If you do not have
a random sample, your significance levels will probably be incorrect.

Paired T-Test Statistic

The paired t-test assumes that the paired differences, 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖 , are a simple random sample from a population of
normally-distributed difference values that all have the same mean and variance. This assumption implies that the
data are continuous, and their distribution is symmetric. The calculation of the t-test proceeds as follows
𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛−1 =
∑𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖=1 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖
𝑋𝑋� = ,

∑𝑛𝑛 (𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖 − 𝑋𝑋�)2

𝑠𝑠 = � 𝑖𝑖=1 ,
𝑛𝑛 − 1
The significance of the test statistic is determined by computing the p-value. If this p-value is less than a specified
level (usually 0.05), the hypothesis is rejected. Otherwise, no conclusion can be reached.

Power Calculation for the Paired T-Test

When the standard deviation is unknown, the power is calculated as follows for a directional alternative (one-
tailed test) in which 𝛿𝛿1 > 0.
1. Find 𝑡𝑡𝛼𝛼 such that 1 − 𝑇𝑇𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 (𝑡𝑡𝛼𝛼 ) = 𝛼𝛼, where 𝑇𝑇𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 (𝑡𝑡𝛼𝛼 ) is the area under a central-t curve to the left of x and
df = n – 1.
2. Calculate: 𝑋𝑋1 = 𝑡𝑡𝛼𝛼 .
3. Calculate the noncentrality parameter: 𝜆𝜆 = 𝜎𝜎 .

𝑋𝑋1 −𝛿𝛿1
4. Calculate: 𝑡𝑡1 = 𝜎𝜎 + 𝜆𝜆.
′ ′
5. Power = 1 − 𝑇𝑇𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑,𝜆𝜆 (𝑡𝑡1 ), where 𝑇𝑇𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑,𝜆𝜆 (𝑥𝑥) is the area to the left of x under a noncentral-t curve with degrees
of freedom df and noncentrality parameter 𝜆𝜆.

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Paired T-Tests

Procedure Options
This section describes the options that are specific to this procedure. These are located on the Design tab. For
more information about the options of other tabs, go to the Procedure Window chapter.

Design Tab
The Design tab contains most of the parameters and options that you will be concerned with.

Solve For
Solve For
This option specifies the parameter to be calculated from the values of the other parameters. Under most
conditions, you would select either Power or Sample Size.
Select Sample Size when you want to determine the sample size needed to achieve a given power and alpha error
Select Power when you want to calculate the power of an experiment that has already been run.

Alternative Hypothesis
Specify the alternative hypothesis of the test. Since the null hypothesis is the opposite of the alternative,
specifying the alternative is all that is needed. Usually, the two-tailed (≠) option is selected.
The options containing only < or > are one-tailed tests. When you choose one of these options, you must be sure
that the input parameters match this selection.
Possible selections are:

• Two-Sided (H1: δ ≠ 0)
This is the most common selection. It yields the two-tailed t-test. Use this option when you do not want to
specify beforehand the direction of the test. Many scientific journals require two-tailed tests.

• One-Sided (H1: δ < 0)

This option yields a one-tailed t-test. Use it when you are only interested in the case in which δ is less than 0.

• One-Sided (H1: δ > 0)

This option yields a one-tailed t-test. Use it when you are only interested in the case in which δ is greater than
Population Size
This is the number of subjects in the population. Usually, you assume that samples are drawn from a very large
(infinite) population. Occasionally, however, situations arise in which the population of interest is of limited size.
In these cases, appropriate adjustments must be made.
When a finite population size is specified, the standard deviation is reduced according to the formula:
𝜎𝜎12 = �1 − � 𝜎𝜎 2
where n is the sample size, N is the population size, 𝜎𝜎 is the original standard deviation, and 𝜎𝜎1 is the new
standard deviation.

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Paired T-Tests
The quantity n/N is often called the sampling fraction. The quantity �1 − � is called the finite population
correction factor.

Power and Alpha

This option specifies one or more values for power. Power is the probability of rejecting a false null hypothesis,
and is equal to one minus Beta. Beta is the probability of a type-II error, which occurs when a false null
hypothesis is not rejected.
Values must be between zero and one. Historically, the value of 0.80 (Beta = 0.20) was used for power. Now,
0.90 (Beta = 0.10) is also commonly used.
A single value may be entered here or a range of values such as 0.8 to 0.95 by 0.05 may be entered.
This option specifies one or more values for the probability of a type-I error. A type-I error occurs when a true
null hypothesis is rejected.
Values must be between zero and one. Historically, the value of 0.05 has been used for alpha. This means that
about one test in twenty will falsely reject the null hypothesis. You should pick a value for alpha that represents
the risk of a type-I error you are willing to take in your experimental situation.
You may enter a range of values such as 0.01 0.05 0.10 or 0.01 to 0.10 by 0.01.

Sample Size
N (Sample Size)
This option specifies one or more values of the sample size, the number of pairs in the study. This value must be
an integer greater than one. Note that you may enter a list of values using the syntax 50 100 150 200 250 or 50 to
250 by 50.

Effect Size
δ1 (Mean of Paired Differences)
Enter a value (or range of values) for the mean of paired differences at which power and sample size are
calculated. This value indicates the minimum detectible paired difference.
σ (Std Dev of Paired Differences)
This option specifies one or more values of the standard deviation. This must be a positive value. Be sure to use
the standard deviation of the paired differences and not the standard deviation of the mean paired difference (the
standard error).
When this value is not known, you must supply an estimate of it. PASS includes a special tool for estimating the
standard deviation. This tool may be loaded by pressing the SD button. Refer to the Standard Deviation Estimator
chapter for further details.

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Paired T-Tests

Example 1 – Computing Power

Usually, a researcher designs a study to compare two or more groups of subjects, so the one sample case
described in this chapter occurs infrequently. However, there is a popular research design that does lead to the
single mean test: paired observations.
For example, suppose researchers want to study the impact of an exercise program on the individual’s weight. To
do so they randomly select N individuals, weigh them, put them through the exercise program, and weigh them
again. The variable of interest is not their actual weight, but how much their weight changed.
In this design, the data are analyzed using a one-sample t-test on the differences between the paired observations.
The null hypothesis is that the average difference is zero. The alternative hypothesis is that the average difference
is some nonzero value.
To study the impact of an exercise program on weight loss, the researchers decide to conduct a study that will be
analyzed using the paired t-test. A sample of individuals will be weighed before and after a specified exercise
program that will last three months. The difference in their weights will be analyzed.
Past experiments of this type have had standard deviations in the range of 10 to 15 pounds. The researcher wants
to detect a difference of 5 pounds or more with an alpha of 0.05. What is the power for sample sizes between 30
and 100?

This section presents the values of each of the parameters needed to run this example. First, from the PASS Home
window, load the Paired T-Tests procedure window by expanding Means, then Paired Means, then clicking on
T-Test (Inequality), and then clicking on Paired T-Tests. You may then make the appropriate entries as listed
below, or open Example 1 by going to the File menu and choosing Open Example Template.
Option Value
Design Tab
Solve For ................................................ Power
Alternative Hypothesis ............................ Two-Sided (H1: δ ≠ 0)
Population Size ....................................... Infinite
Alpha ....................................................... 0.05
N (Sample Size)...................................... 30 to 100 by 10
δ1 (Mean of Paired Differences) ............. -5
σ (Std Dev of Paired Differences)........... 10 12.5 15

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Paired T-Tests

Annotated Output
Click the Calculate button to perform the calculations and generate the following output.

Numeric Results and Plots

Numeric Results ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Hypotheses: H0: δ = 0 vs. H1: δ ≠ 0

Power N δ1 σ Size Alpha Beta
0.75396 30 -5.0 10.0 0.500 0.050 0.24604
0.86940 40 -5.0 10.0 0.500 0.050 0.13060
0.93390 50 -5.0 10.0 0.500 0.050 0.06610
0.96779 60 -5.0 10.0 0.500 0.050 0.03221
0.98478 70 -5.0 10.0 0.500 0.050 0.01522
0.99300 80 -5.0 10.0 0.500 0.050 0.00700
0.99685 90 -5.0 10.0 0.500 0.050 0.00315
0.99861 100 -5.0 10.0 0.500 0.050 0.00139
0.56281 30 -5.0 12.5 0.400 0.050 0.43719
0.69399 40 -5.0 12.5 0.400 0.050 0.30601
0.79179 50 -5.0 12.5 0.400 0.050 0.20821
0.86162 60 -5.0 12.5 0.400 0.050 0.13838
0.90984 70 -5.0 12.5 0.400 0.050 0.09016
0.94225 80 -5.0 12.5 0.400 0.050 0.05775
0.96355 90 -5.0 12.5 0.400 0.050 0.03645
0.97730 100 -5.0 12.5 0.400 0.050 0.02270
0.42291 30 -5.0 15.0 0.333 0.050 0.57709
0.53833 40 -5.0 15.0 0.333 0.050 0.46167
0.63709 50 -5.0 15.0 0.333 0.050 0.36291
0.71898 60 -5.0 15.0 0.333 0.050 0.28102
0.78521 70 -5.0 15.0 0.333 0.050 0.21479
0.83770 80 -5.0 15.0 0.333 0.050 0.16230
0.87860 90 -5.0 15.0 0.333 0.050 0.12140
0.91002 100 -5.0 15.0 0.333 0.050 0.08998

Chow, S.C., Shao, J., Wang, H., and Lokhnygina, Y. 2018. Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research, Third
Edition. Taylor & Francis/CRC. Boca Raton, Florida.
Machin, D., Campbell, M., Fayers, P., and Pinol, A. 1997. Sample Size Tables for Clinical Studies, 2nd
Edition. Blackwell Science. Malden, MA.
Zar, Jerrold H. 1984. Biostatistical Analysis (Second Edition). Prentice-Hall. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Report Definitions
Power is the probability of rejecting a false null hypothesis. It should be close to one.
N is the sample size, the number of subjects (or pairs) in the study.
δ is the mean of paired differences.
δ1 is the value of the mean of paired differences at which power and sample size are calculated.
σ is the standard deviation of paired differences for the population.
Effect Size = |δ1|/σ is the relative magnitude of the effect.
Alpha is the probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis. It should be small.
Beta is the probability of accepting a false null hypothesis. It should be small.

Summary Statements ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

A sample size of 30 achieves 75% power to detect a mean of paired differences of -5.0 with an
estimated standard deviation of paired differences of 10.0 and with a significance level
(alpha) of 0.050 using a two-sided paired t-test.

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Paired T-Tests

These plots show the relationship between sample size and power for various values of alpha and σ.

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Paired T-Tests

Example 2 – Finding the Sample Size

Continuing with Example 1, how many pairs are required for each scenario to achieve 80% power?

This section presents the values of each of the parameters needed to run this example. First, from the PASS Home
window, load the Paired T-Tests procedure window by expanding Means, then Paired Means, then clicking on
T-Test (Inequality), and then clicking on Paired T-Tests. You may then make the appropriate entries as listed
below, or open Example 2 by going to the File menu and choosing Open Example Template.
Option Value
Design Tab
Solve For ................................................ Sample Size
Alternative Hypothesis ............................ Two-Sided (H1: δ ≠ 0)
Population Size ....................................... Infinite
Power ...................................................... 0.80
Alpha ....................................................... 0.05
δ1 (Mean of Paired Differences) ............. -5
σ (Std Dev of Paired Differences)........... 10 12.5 15

Click the Calculate button to perform the calculations and generate the following output.

Numeric Results and Plots

Numeric Results ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Hypotheses: H0: δ = 0 vs. H1: δ ≠ 0

Power N δ1 σ Size Alpha Beta
0.80778 34 -5.0 10.0 0.500 0.050 0.19222
0.80779 52 -5.0 12.5 0.400 0.050 0.19221
0.80230 73 -5.0 15.0 0.333 0.050 0.19770

The required sample sizes for each scenario are displayed.

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Paired T-Tests

Example 3 – Validation using Chow, Shao, Wang, and Lokhnygina

Chow, Shao, Wang, and Lokhnygina (2018) presents an example on pages 45 and 46 of a two-sided one-sample t-
test sample size calculation in which μ0 = 1.5, μ1 = 2.0, σ = 1.0, alpha = 0.05, and power = 0.80. They obtain a
sample size of 34.
If we set δ1 = 2.0 – 1.5 = 0.5 then we should get the same result because the one-sample t-test and the paired t-test
use the same fundamental calculations.

This section presents the values of each of the parameters needed to run this example. First, from the PASS Home
window, load the Paired T-Tests procedure window by expanding Means, then Paired Means, then clicking on
T-Test (Inequality), and then clicking on Paired T-Tests. You may then make the appropriate entries as listed
below, or open Example 3 by going to the File menu and choosing Open Example Template.
Option Value
Design Tab
Solve For ................................................ Sample Size
Alternative Hypothesis ............................ Two-Sided (H1: μ ≠ μ0)
Population Size ....................................... Infinite
Power ...................................................... 0.80
Alpha ....................................................... 0.05
μ0 (Null or Baseline Mean) ..................... 1.5
μ1 (Actual Mean) .................................... 2
σ (Standard Deviation) ........................... 1

Click the Calculate button to perform the calculations and generate the following output.

Numeric Results ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Hypotheses: H0: δ = 0 vs. H1: δ ≠ 0

Power N δ1 σ Size Alpha Beta
0.80778 34 0.5 1.0 0.500 0.050 0.19222

The sample size of 34 matches Chow, Shao, Wang, and Lokhnygina (2018) exactly.

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Paired T-Tests

Example 4 – Validation using Zar (1984)

Zar (1984) pages 111-112 presents an example in which δ1 = 1.0, σ = 1.25, alpha = 0.05, and N = 12. Zar obtains
an approximate power of 0.72.

This section presents the values of each of the parameters needed to run this example. First, from the PASS Home
window, load the Paired T-Tests procedure window by expanding Means, then Paired Means, then clicking on
T-Test (Inequality), and then clicking on Paired T-Tests. You may then make the appropriate entries as listed
below, or open Example 3 by going to the File menu and choosing Open Example Template.
Option Value
Design Tab
Solve For ................................................ Power
Alternative Hypothesis ............................ Two-Sided (H1: δ ≠ 0)
Population Size ....................................... Infinite
Alpha ....................................................... 0.05
N (Sample Size)...................................... 12
δ1 (Mean of Paired Differences)............. 1
σ (Std Dev of Paired Differences)........... 1.25

Click the Calculate button to perform the calculations and generate the following output.

Numeric Results ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Hypotheses: H0: δ = 0 vs. H1: δ ≠ 0

Power N δ1 σ Size Alpha Beta
0.71366 12 1.0 1.3 0.800 0.050 0.28634

The difference between the power computed by PASS of 0.71366 and the 0.72 computed by Zar is due to Zar’s
use of an approximation to the noncentral t distribution.

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Paired T-Tests

Example 5 – Validation using Machin (1997)

Machin, Campbell, Fayers, and Pinol (1997) page 37 presents an example in which δ1 = 0.2, σ = 1.0, alpha =
0.05, and beta = 0.20. They obtain a sample size of 199.

This section presents the values of each of the parameters needed to run this example. First, from the PASS Home
window, load the Paired T-Tests procedure window by expanding Means, then Paired Means, then clicking on
T-Test (Inequality), and then clicking on Paired T-Tests. You may then make the appropriate entries as listed
below, or open Example 4 by going to the File menu and choosing Open Example Template.
Option Value
Design Tab
Solve For ................................................ Sample Size
Alternative Hypothesis ............................ Two-Sided (H1: δ ≠ 0)
Population Size ....................................... Infinite
Power ...................................................... 0.80
Alpha ....................................................... 0.05
δ1 (Mean of Paired Differences) ............. 0.2
σ (Std Dev of Paired Differences)........... 1

Click the Calculate button to perform the calculations and generate the following output.

Numeric Results ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Hypotheses: H0: δ = 0 vs. H1: δ ≠ 0

Power N δ1 σ Size Alpha Beta
0.80169 199 0.2 1.0 0.200 0.050 0.19831

The sample size of 199 matches Machin’s result.

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