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Punjab Becomes First State To Reject New Farm Bills: Covid-19: Battle Won, War On, Affirms Modi

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Wednesday, 21 October 2020, Bhopal Year 65 No. 20 City Edition Pages 8 Rs. 3/- Central_Chronicle

State-wise Covid details

Punjab becomes first state Covid-19: Battle won,
Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
10,691 to reject new farm bills war on, affirms Modi
New Delhi (UNI)
Uttar Pradesh 4,56,865 6,685
Chandigarh (UNI) and Facilitation) (Special Provisions Prime Minister Narendra Modi on
Kerala 3,46,881 1,182 Tuesday warned citizens not to lower
Punjab on Tuesday became the first and Punjab Amendment) Bill, 2020;
Delhi 3,33,171 6,040 state to formally reject the Centre’s and The Essential Commodities guard against Covid-19 as any laxity
West Bengal 3,25,028 6,119 new farm laws, with the state Assem- (Special Provisions and Punjab might ruin efforts to contain the
Odisha 2,70,346 1,152 bly unanimously passing a resolu- Amendment) Bill, 2020, have been spread of the destructive virus which
tion against the legislation and the passed by the Punjab Assembly. has claimed more than a lakh lives in
Telangana 2,24,545 1,282 India.
proposed Electricity Amendment As per the state government, to
Bihar 2,05,945 1,003 Bill, and seeking their immediate an- protect the state’s farmers and agri- "From the Janata curfew till today,
Assam 2,01,407 875 nulment along with a new Ordi- culture by restoring various safe- all Indians have come a long
Rajasthan 1,75,226 1,760 nance to protect MSP and ensure guards aimed at preventing damage way.With efforts of every Indian over
continuance of procurement by the apprehended by the farming com- the last 7-8 months, the nation is in a
Chhattisgarh 1,62,772 1,534
Centre. munity as a result of the central leg- stable situation. However, we must
Madhya Pradesh 1,61,203 2,786 The House passed by voice vote islation. Besides ensuring MSP, with not lower our guard. We must not let make the vaccine accessible to every
Gujarat 1,60,560 3,643 the three farm amendment Bills. All punishment in case of sale/purchase the situation change. Till the time Indian as soon as it is made avail-
Haryana 1,51,234 1,648 MLA unanimously voted in favour of in violation of the same, the legisla- there is no vaccine, we must keep our able,' the PM said in his 10-minute
the Resolution and the Bills, except Thanking all members for passing tion provide for prevention of hoard- fight against coronavirus going,' Mr terse address.
Punjab 1,28,103 4,029
the two BJP members who were ab- supporting the Resolution, the Chief ing and black-marketing of food- Modi said, in an address to the na- It has, he said, been observed that
Jharkhand 96,842 842 sent from the House during the spe- Minister said this will send a positive grains. tion. people have started violating Covid-
J and K 88,369 1,388 cial session of the Vidhan Sabha. message to the farmers. He assured The Code of Civil Procedure (Pun- The Prime Minister, in his seventh 19 protocols.
Uttarakhand 58,360 933 The Chief Minister informed the all support to the farmers and vowed jab Amendment) Bill, 2020 provides address this year, said markets are 'Recently, we saw many photos
Goa 40,746 549 House that he had sought time from not to let Punjab’s peaceful atmos- relief to farmers against attachment bright again as the festive season has and videos where it is clearly seen
President Ram Nath Kovid to raise phere be vitiated at any cost. of land up to 2.5 acres, in line with arrived but people need to remem- people are not careful anymore. This
Puducherry 33,247 575 Punjab’s concerns on the farm laws The Farmers’ (Empowerment and the Congress government’s election ber that lockdown might have ended isn't right. If you step out without a
Tripura 29,688 331 and seek his intervention to protect Protection) Agreement on Price As- promise. and COVID-19 still hangs like the mask, you put your families at risk.
Himachal Pradesh 19,135 272 the farmers. He later led all MLAs to surance and Farm Services (Special The House was adjourned after sword of Damocles. Mr Modi said the We must remember - whether it is
Manipur 15,778 117 the Punjab Raj Bhawan to submit to Provisions and Punjab Amendment) passage of these Bills till 11 a.m. to- world, including India, is working on America or Europe, cases declined
Governor VPS Badnore the resolu- Bill, 2020; The Farmers’ Produce morrow, when it will meet for other a possible vaccine. and then there was a sudden spike,"
Arunachal Pradesh 13,643 30 tion passed by the House. Trade and Commerce (Promotion legislative business. 'Government is preparing to the Prime Minister warned.
Meghalaya 8,536 75
Nagaland 7,953 27
A and N Islands
JD (U) expels two
more rebel leaders;
Central Govt misusing NIA: Rahul alleges Assam working to
restore normalcy along
Sikkim 3,601 62 Wayanad (UNI) against a woman leader and said he
Kamal Nath refuses border with Mizoram
Mizoram 2,280 0
21 expelled so far Former Congress President Rahul
Gandhi has alleged that the BJP-led
personally doesn’t appreciate the
language Kamal Nath used.
Patna: Taking a tough stand against National Democratic Alliance (NDA) to apologise “Kamal Nath Ji is from my party Guwahati: The Government of As-
sam is committed to restoring nor-
MUSTREAD the rebel and anti-party activities,
Janata Dal (United) today expelled its
Government was misusing the Na-
tional Investigating Agencies to pres-
but personally, I don’t like the type of
language that he used... I don’t ap- malcy along the Assam-Mizoram in-
ter state border and to ensure peace,
two senior leaders, including Mamta surise politicians who oppose the preciate it, regardless of who he is. It
Fire breaks out at Devi and Ashok Kumar Singh for six government. is unfortunate,” said Gandhi. tranquility and harmony.
Addressing the media after a Former Chief Minister Kamal This was stated by Commissioner
chemical factory years from the party.
JD (U) state General Secretary Anil COVID-19 review meeting at the Col- Nath referred to Imarti Devi as an and Secretary, Border Protection De-
lectorate here on Tuesday, the Con- “item” at an election meeting in the partment, Gyanendra Dev Tripathi at
Meerut: A fire broke out at a chem- Kumar said here today that Mamta
ical factory in Kharkhauda area of gress leader said the recent raids at Dabra (scheduled caste) assembly a press conference in Silchar, district
Devi and Ashok Kumar Singh of Har- headquarter of Cachar today.
Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut on Tuesday. naut in Nalanda District were sus- the residence of former Jammu and constituency in Gwalior district,
Around 6 fire tenders present at the pended from the party’s primary Kashmir Chief Minister Farooq Ab- sparking a controversy. Tripathi said bringing back peace
spot. membership and expelled for six dullah in Srinagar was part of this Soon after Congress leader Rahul and tranquility to the troubled spot at
years for anti-party activities. objective. Gandhi condemned former Madhya Lailapur close to the inter-state bor-
Schools to be reopened Following denial of party ticket It is nothing but a tragedy that Pradesh chief minister Kamal Nath’s der is the top priority of the govern-
from Harnauth, Mamta Devi’s sup- these agencies which are supposed remark on the woman leader, the lat- ment.
on November 2 in AP porters had demonstrated before the to justice to the people are being ma- ter refused to apologise saying he He said the Governments of As-
Vijayawada: The schools in Andhra party office in the state capital. Mam- neuvered for political gains. has already clarified the context in sam and Mizoram are engaging in
Pradesh will be reopened on No- ta Devi, finally, joined LJP and was On the newly introduced farm The plight of the farmers was which he made that statement. talks at the Chief Ministers’ level
vember 2 and classes will be con- contesting the state assembly elec- laws, Mr Gandhi said these laws tragic and the impact is double for “It is Rahul Gandhi’s opinion. I and at the official level of both the
ducted on alternative day, an offi- tion from Harnauth. would break the back of farmers in the fact that the laws are in place at have already clarified the context in states.
cial release said on Tuesday. Chief Earlier the party had expelled its the country. the time of Coronavirus pandemic, which I made that statement... Why Tripathi informed that home sec-
Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy at 19 leaders and activists, including ‘Farmers are the backbone of the the Congress leader said. should I apologise when I did not in- retary level talks involving both the
a review meeting here on Tuesday outgoing MLA Ravi Jyoti and Dadan economy. The new laws were enact- Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on tend to insult anyone? If anyone felt states will be held at Lailapur Beat
said that it had been decided to re- Pahalvan, for their rebellious actions ed for the benefit of a few key play- Tuesday condemned former Madhya insulted, I have already expressed re- Office on Wednesday morning to re-
open the schools in the state on and anti party activities. ers’, he said. Pradesh chief minister’s remark gret,” said Nath. solve the matter amicably.
November 2 and classes would be
conducted for the 1st, 3rd, 5th and
Incessant rains, heavy
7th standard students one day and
classes for the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th
standard students will be held on
India records lowest fresh floods claim 19 lives in AP Five militants killed in
the other days as a precautionary
measure to prevent students from
getting infected from corornavirus
and also to prevent too many stu-
COVID-19 cases in 3 months Vijayawada: Incessant rains and
heavy floods have claimed 19 lives in
Andhra Pradesh and Chief Minister Y
south Kashmir encounters
reached 1,15,552. S Jagan Mohan Reddy directed the of- Srinagar (UNI) area opened fire with automatic
dents from crowding at the same According to the ministry, as ficials to disburse Rs 5 lakh ex-gratia Five militants were killed during the weapons on security forces ensuing
time. many as 69,720 more patients were to the bereaved families. past 24 hours by security forces in an encounter. However, one of the
The Chief Minister held a meeting militant hiding in a house tried to
BSF personnel diffuse cured, taking the total number of re-
coveries to 67,33,328 in numbers and with the District Collectors and Su-
two separate encounters which en-
sued during Cordon and Search Op- break the cordon and ran towards
IEDs planted by Maoists 88.63 in percentage. perintendents of police and reviewed erations (CASO) in the south Kash- nearby orchard was killed. His iden-
The death rate stands at 1.52 per the flood situation here on Tuesday. mir, where a Police Inspector was tity was being ascertained.
Bhubaneswar: Border Security cent. There are 7,48,538 active cases He said that 19 persons have lost shot dead by gunmen on Monday He said two more militants were
Force(BSF) Personnel deployed in which comprises 9.85 per cent of the their lives in the incessant rains and night. killed by the security forces in the en-
anti Naxal operation have detected total caseload. heavy floods so far. Out of the 19 de- Meanwhile, mobile internet has counter. The operation was still go-
and defused seven Improvised Ex- According to the Indian Council ceased, Rs.5 lakh compensation had been suspended as a precautionary ing on when the reports last came in
plosive Devices (IED) in Malkangiri of Medical Research (ICMR), as been disbursed to the 14 bereaved measure to prevent rumours in Pul- , he said.
district. Sources said acting on a tip many as 10,32,795 samples were families. Mr Reddy directed the Col- wama, where security forces burst Meanwhile, 1520 one more
off, the BSF personnel launched a tested in the past 24 hours. lectors to disburse compensation to teargas shells and resorted to lath- unidentified militant was killed on
combing operation in the Swabhi- Delhi has 23,292 active cases, the rest of the five families. icharge to disperse demonstrators Tuesday morning by security forces
man areas of the district last New Delhi (UNI) 3,01,716 recovered and 6,009 deaths The Chief Minister also directed who were pelting stones to disrupt in an encounter which ensued dur-
evening and detected the IEDs. India in the past 24 hours recorded reported so far. them to provide 25 kgs of rice, one kg CASO. ing a CASO in south Kashmir district
Later, a bomb disposal squad de- 46,791 fresh COVID-19 cases, lowest Meanwhile, the trend of daily cas- of red gram, one litre of palm oil, one A police spokesman said this of Shopian on Monday evening, a
fused these IEDS. The IEDs were in nearly three months, as per the es in the five most affected states- KG of onion and a kg of potato to the evening that a CASO was launched police spokesman said.
suspected to have been planted by Union Health Ministry update on Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, flood affected families. by troops of Rashtriya Rifles (RR), A militant was killed last evening
the banned CPI Maoists to attack Tuesday. Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu - re- The Chief Minister also asked Special Operation Group (SOG) of taking the toll to two, he said.
the security personnel. The number of deaths from the veals stages of the decline of active them to disburse Rs 500 each to those Jammu and Kashmir police and He said a CASO was launched by
cases. who are in the relief centres. the troops of Rashtriya Rifles (RR),
Modi to distribute loans virus in the same period were count-
ed at 587, the data shows. It mirrors a steady decrease in ac- He directed the Collectors to take
CRPF at village Harkripora Kakpora
in Pulwama this afternoon following Special Operation Group (SOG) of
to UP street vendors With the new additions, the total tive cases in India with caseload be- steps to complete the enumeration of a tip off about the presence of mili- Jammu and Kashmir police and
number of cases have surged to ing sustained below 8 lakhs for 3 days damage of crops and submit the re- tants. CRPF at Melhora Bijbehara in Anant-
Lucknow: Prime Minister Narendra 76,26,261 while the death toll in a row, said the Health Ministry. port by October 31. He said militants hiding in the nag district last evening.
Modi will distribute loans to street
vendors in Uttar Pradesh under
‘Pradhanmantri Svanidhi’ yojana
on October 27, official sources said
here on Tuesday. According to offi-
cial sources, loans will also be dis-
Uttarakhand HC issues notice
to Koshyari on contempt plea 23 criminals get life term in UP Pakistan likely to be
kept in FATF grey list
tributed to three lakh street ven- Dehradun: Uttarakhand High
Court has sought Maharashtra
Lucknow (UNI)
Uttar Pradesh government
Crime against women year. "Death penalty is a rarity.
However, prompt prosecution New Delhi: Pakistan will be under
dors and three lakh small shop- close scrutiny on Wednesday for the
keepers of 651 municipal corpora- Governor Bhagat Singh claimed to have achieved a big has resulted in a large number
of convictions along with death steps it has taken to curb money
tions of the state under the `Prad- Koshyari’s stand on a plea for success in `Mission Shakti’ with laundering and terror financing. The
hanmantri Svanidhi Yojana’ which starting contempt proceedings 23 accused involved in crime sentences," he said.
Mr Pandey claimed that ef- Paris-based Financial Action Task
is a component of the Atmanirbhar against him for his failure to fol- against women and girls, getting Force will begin its three-day plenary
Bharat Abhiyan. Uttar Pradesh low court order. life term during the last 24- forts of the Chief Minister Yogi
meeting to decide on whether Pak-
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will The plea accuses him of hours while bails were cancelled Adityanath have led us to im- istan has met the requirements to be
also be present during the pro- committing “wilful non-compli- in 49 cases besides 28 criminals prove and strengthen our sys- removed from the “grey list” or re-
gramme which will be held virtually. ance” of the court’s order directing him to pay mar- were thrown out of the district. tem, thereby ensuring speedy main under “increased monitoring”.
ket rent of a bungalow occupied by him as former The government on Tuesday justice to victims of crime against The watchdog in 2018 had put
Sensex CM within six months of the direction. also launched a website of the girl child and women. He said that Pakistan in the list and asked Islam-
BSE....... 40544.37 (+112.77) A single-judge bench of Justice Sharad Kumar Prosecution Department be- due to the efforts of the govern- abad to curb money laundering and
NSE....... 11896.80 (+23.75) Sharma issued the notice seeking a response from sides also facilitating the Prose- the crime. He also revealed the ment in crime against women and terror financing. It is widely believed
Koshyari within a period of four weeks. cution Department on cases in which the accused get children, 14 were served death that Pakistan will be kept in the grey
Bullion According to the petitioner, a notice was issued `Youtube’ channel. life term. sentences, life imprisonment was list. FATF affiliate Asia Pacific Group
to him two months ago as required under Article ADG (Prosecution) Ashutosh Earlier on Monday, Mr served to 11 others, while, eight last month concluded Pakistan has
Gold...... 50697.00 (MCX 10g.) 361(4) of the Constitution of India for proceeding others were served both impris-
Pandey claimed here on Tues- Pandey had claimed before the complied with only two of the 40
Silver..... 62421.00 (MCX 1kg.) against the President or the Governor of a state. day that between October 19 onment and fines.
launch of ‘Mission Shakti’, in a conditions to curb money laundering
The plea, filed by a Dehradun-based NGO and October 20, just in 24-hours six-month drive to ensure safety Similarly, in 88 cases, bail of and terror financing. In a report it
Weather named Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra,
accused Koshyari of non-compliance of a court or-
they achieved a huge success
with 23 accused involved in
and security of women and chil-
dren, government’s efforts have
117 criminals was cancelled due
to effective perusal by the pros-
cited the role of charities of Laskar-e-
Taiba in the crime. “Under these cir-
Sunrise Sunset Day Night der dated May 3, 2019, which had asked him to pay crime against fairer sex getting enured death penalty for 14 ac- ecution while the state also ex- cumstances, it is almost certain that
market rent of the bungalow occupied by him as a life term while 31 get punish- cused in 11 cases of crime terned 41criminals for six Pakistan will continue in the FATF
06.20 05.50 35.6 27.4 former chief minister within six months. ment along with cash fine for against women in the past one months. grey list,” the official said.

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