PM Street Vendor'S Atmanirbhar Nidhi (PM Svanidhi) : Photo
PM Street Vendor'S Atmanirbhar Nidhi (PM Svanidhi) : Photo
PM Street Vendor'S Atmanirbhar Nidhi (PM Svanidhi) : Photo
(PM SVANidhi)
6 PwD*
Nativity (Please tick ) Urban/Rural Yes/No Minority* Yes/No
8 Do you have a Family? * Yes/No : If Yes, then please provide details of the Family Members
Same as above
17 Durable QR Code
Digital Payment (Please tick ) Payment Aggregator UPI ID / VPA
(Printed on metal/acrylic)
Yes / No
Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) National Food Security Act (Ration Card)
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY)
a. I hereby certify that all information furnished by me/us is true, correct and complete. I have no borrowing arrangements except as indicated in the
application form. I have not applied to any other lending institution under the PM SVANidhi scheme. There is/are no overdue owed by me to any bank. The
information may also be exchanged by you with any agency, you may deem fit. You, your representatives or MoHUA, or any other agency as authorized by
you, may at any time, inspect/ verify my/our assets etc. You may take appropriate safeguards/action for recovery of lending institutions’ dues.
b. I have no objection to authenticate my Aadhaar number, share the same with other Ministries / Departments under the Government of India for the purpose
of extension of benefits under any of their Schemes, carry out e-KYC and accessing my credit history & credit score by credit bureau, lenders and their
authorized agents. The consent and purpose of collecting Aadhaar has been explained to me/us in local language. MoHUA/Lending Institution has informed
me that my Aadhaar submitted herewith shall not be used for any purpose other than mentioned above, or as per requirements of law. I have been informed
that this consent and my Aadhaar will be stored along with my account details with MoHUA.
Place: ____________________ Thumb impression/Signature of Applicant(s)
(For office use only)
Acknowledgment slip no -………………………………Application No._______________ dated_____________________
Received by __________________ Place and date Authorized signatory (Seal and Sign)