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Colegio de San Francisco Javier Inc

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Palompon, Leyte
School I.D: 404698
Re: Performance Task in English 8 (1st Quarter)
The Department of Information and Communications Technology convenes its Anti-Cyber bullying
Awareness 2019. As a Student Coordinating Board president of Colegio de San Francisco Javier Inc, you are
appointed as keynote speaker by your principal and is tasked to deliver an informative speech that will be attended
by the students of the said school. Your speech must aim to enlighten the students about the alarming situations of
cyberbullying in your school. Moreover, your speech must observe proper and effective use of parallelism, cohesive
devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behaviour. In addition, your informative speech must be
informative, and relevant in content, accurate in language conventions, logical in organization, and engaging and
animated in delivery.

Scoring Rubrics in Assessing Informative Speech

Area of Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner

4 3 2 1

Presents ideas in an Presents ideas in a Ideas are vague or

Ideas Ideas are too general
original manner consistent manner unclear

Some organization; No organization; lack

Strong and organized Organized
Organization attempt at a beginning/middle/end
beginning/middle/end beginning/middle/end
beginning/middle/end s

Writing shows
Writing shows strong Writing shows clear Writing shows little
Understanding adequate
understanding understanding understanding

Sophisticated use of
Nouns and verbs
nouns and verbs make Needs more nouns Little or no use of
Word Choice make essay
essay very and verbs nouns and verbs

So many spelling
Grammar usage Few spelling and
Virtually no spelling, A number of spelling, punctuation and
& punctuations error,
punctuation, or punctuation or grammatical errors
minor grammatical
grammatical errors grammatical errors that it interferes with
Mechanics errors
the meaning

Note: Gained score will be multiplied into 2

Speech Rubric
Adapted from Dan Rooney
Speaker’s name: _______________________Evaluator: _________________
Excellent Good Satisfactory
Criterion Score
4 3 2

Gets audience
attention, clearly
identifies topic,
Meets any three of Meets any two of Meets only one of
Introduction establishes
the four criteria the four criteria the four criteria
credibility and
previews the main

Main points are Main points are Main points need Main points are
clear well somewhat clear, clarity and support unclear,
Body supported, and some support, and lack of sources unsupported and
sources are some and have no sources or
documented documentation documentation documentation

Reviews main
Reviews main Does not bring
points, brings a
Conclusion points , brings Brings closure closure leading to
closure a hanging speech

Eye contact with

audience virtually Eye contact with Eye contact with
Little or no eye
Eye Contact all the time except audience less than audience less than
for considerable 80% of the time 75% of the time
brief glances

Use of language Use of language

Use of language
contributes to does not have
Use of causes potential
effectiveness of negative impact,
Language confusion, and/or Use of language is
the speech, and and vocalized
vocalized pauses inappropriate
vocalized pauses pauses (um uh er
(um uh er etc.) are
(um uh er etc.) not etc.) not
distracting distracting

Body language, Body language, Body language, Body language,

gestures, and gestures, and facial expressions gestures, and
facial expressions facial expressions and gestures lack facial expressions
adds greatly to the compliment variety and are lacking or
message message spontaneity inappropriate

Speaks clearly and

Speaks clearly and distinctly most of Often mumbles or
Speaks clearly and
distinctly nearly the time with no can not be
distinctly all the
all the time with more than two understood with
Clarity time with no
no more than one mispronounced more than three
mispronounced words mispronounced
word words

Topic is Topic is specific, Topic is clear Topic lacks clarity No specific

specific, appropriate and appropriate and and focus needs purpose--
inappropriate for
assignment adapting to
adapted somewhat adapted audience or
Adapted to audience

Visual aids well- Significant

Minor problems
Visual Aids chosen and problems with No visual aids
with visual aids
presented visual aids

Within allotted Within 10% of Within 20% of Not within 20% of

time allotted time allotted time allotted time

Prepared by:
Checked and Approved by:


Palompon, Leyte
School I.D: 404698
Re: Performance Task in English 8 (2nd Quarter)


1. Decide a topic for your entertainment speech or

2. You can choose from the topics provided

3. Develop a rough outline for your chosen topic.

4. Write your outlines in your notebook and your final output in your Formal Theme

A. My most embarrassing moment

B. How to convince Mom to give an allowance raise
C. How to clean your room in thirty minutes
D. Good hair day solutions
E. How Dad baby sits

Scoring Rubrics in Assessing Informative Speech

Area of Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner

4 3 2 1

Presents ideas in an Presents ideas in a Ideas are vague or

Ideas Ideas are too general
original manner consistent manner unclear

Some organization; No organization; lack

Strong and organized Organized
Organization attempt at a beginning/middle/end
beginning/middle/end beginning/middle/end
beginning/middle/end s

Writing shows
Writing shows strong Writing shows clear Writing shows little
Understanding adequate
understanding understanding understanding

Sophisticated use of
Nouns and verbs
nouns and verbs make Needs more nouns Little or no use of
Word Choice make essay
essay very and verbs nouns and verbs

So many spelling
Grammar usage Few spelling and
Virtually no spelling, A number of spelling, punctuation and
& punctuations error,
punctuation, or punctuation or grammatical errors
minor grammatical
grammatical errors grammatical errors that it interferes with
Mechanics errors
the meaning

Note: Gained score will be multiplied into 2

Palompon, Leyte
School I.D: 404698
Re: Performance Task in English 8 (3rd Quarter)
1. Decide a topic for your persuasive speech or
2. You can choose from the topics provided. Below is a list of topics you may use in your persuasive speech
A. A Citywide Recycling Program
B. Controlling Global Warming
C. The Importance of a Regular Exercise
D. Saving in a Bank versus Saving in a Piggy Bank
3. You may prefer another topic which is not from the list given

Scoring Rubrics in Assessing Informative Speech

Area of Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner

4 3 2 1
Presents ideas in an Presents ideas in a Ideas are vague or
Ideas Ideas are too general
original manner consistent manner unclear

Some organization; No organization; lack

Strong and organized Organized
Organization attempt at a beginning/middle/end
beginning/middle/end beginning/middle/end
beginning/middle/end s

Writing shows
Writing shows strong Writing shows clear Writing shows little
Understanding adequate
understanding understanding understanding

Sophisticated use of
Nouns and verbs
nouns and verbs make Needs more nouns Little or no use of
Word Choice make essay
essay very and verbs nouns and verbs

So many spelling
Grammar usage Few spelling and
Virtually no spelling, A number of spelling, punctuation and
& punctuations error,
punctuation, or punctuation or grammatical errors
minor grammatical
grammatical errors grammatical errors that it interferes with
Mechanics errors
the meaning

Note: Gained score will be multiplied into 2


Palompon, Leyte
School I.D: 404698

Re: Performance Task in English 8 (4th Quarter)

Situation 1: NEWS WRITING

Expected output: News article and oral report

Given as a news writer of a prominent news public affair institution in the country called Young Publishers; your
news editor tasked you to cover a report about the COVID-19 by creating a news article and an oral report. You are
given 2 minutes to cover the said news.


Expected output: Feature article and memorized speech

Given as a feature writer of a prominent news public affair institution in the country called the Young publisher; you
feature editor tasked you to cover a report about How to prevent COVID-19 by creating a feature article and a
memorized speech. You are given 2 minutes to cover the said article.

Deadline and Culmination: March 02, 2020 (Monday)

Scoring Rubrics in Assessing News/Feature Writing

Speech Rubric
Adapted from Dan Rooney
Speaker’s name: _______________________Evaluator: _________________

Excellent Good Satisfactory
Criterion Score
4 3 2

Gets audience
attention, clearly
identifies topic,
Meets any three of Meets any two of Meets only one of
Introduction establishes
the four criteria the four criteria the four criteria
credibility and
previews the main

Main points are Main points are Main points need Main points are
clear well somewhat clear, clarity and support unclear,
Body supported, and some support, and lack of sources unsupported and
sources are some and have no sources or
documented documentation documentation documentation

Reviews main
Reviews main Does not bring
points, brings a
Conclusion points , brings Brings closure closure leading to
closure a hanging speech

Eye contact with

audience virtually Eye contact with Eye contact with
Little or no eye
Eye Contact all the time except audience less than audience less than
for considerable 80% of the time 75% of the time
brief glances

Use of language Use of language

Use of language
contributes to does not have
Use of causes potential
effectiveness of negative impact,
Language confusion, and/or Use of language is
the speech, and and vocalized
vocalized pauses inappropriate
vocalized pauses pauses (um uh er
(um uh er etc.) are
(um uh er etc.) not etc.) not
distracting distracting

Body language, Body language, Body language, Body language,

gestures, and gestures, and facial expressions gestures, and
facial expressions facial expressions and gestures lack facial expressions
adds greatly to the compliment variety and are lacking or
message message spontaneity inappropriate

Clarity Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or
distinctly all the distinctly nearly distinctly most of can not be
time with no all the time with the time with no understood with
more than two
no more than one mispronounced more than three
mispronounced words mispronounced
word words

Topic is
No specific
specific, Topic lacks clarity
Topic is specific, Topic is clear purpose--
follows and focus needs
appropriate and appropriate and inappropriate for
assignment adapting to
adapted somewhat adapted audience or
Adapted to audience

Visual aids well- Significant

Minor problems
Visual Aids chosen and problems with No visual aids
with visual aids
presented visual aids

Within allotted Within 10% of Within 20% of Not within 20% of

time allotted time allotted time allotted time

Prepared by:
Checked and Approved by:

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