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Chool O: Customer-Based Brand Equity Model (Cbbe

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20 Brand Mandagement- (T.Y.B.M.S.

Sem. -

Keller's Brand Equity Model is also known

and Equity
the Customer-Based Brand
(CBBE) Model. Kevin Lane
Business at
Keller, a marketing professor at the Tuck Sch
Dartmouth College, developed the model and published it in
chool o

used textbook, "Strategic Brand

The concept behind the Brand Equity Model is that order to buld à stron
brand, one must
shape how customers think and feel about the firms product. One has
to build the right type of
experiences around their brand, so that customers have
specific, positive thoughts, feelings, beliefs, opinions, and perceptions about it.
When thefirm has strong brand
equity, customers will buy more and even
recommend to other
people, they will be more loyal, and the firm will be less likely to
lose them to competitors.
Keller's Brand Equity Model

4. Relationships
Resonance What About You and Me?
------ --- --

3. Response
Judgments Feelings What about You? - - -

Performance 2. Meaning
What Are You?
- .

Salience 1. Identify
Who Are You?

From "Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing

Brand Equity" by Kevin Lane Keller. O Pearson Education Limited 2013.

As seen in the model above, Keller puts the model in a four-level pyramid, with
the middle two layers being divided equally between two factors.
Level 1 Brand Awareness/Salience
Salience could be more accurately described using the question, "Who are we?"
looks at the brand from the customer point of view and wonders what words buyers
associate when they hear a specific brand name. It is the ability of the customers' to
recall and recognize the brand, further to associate the brand name, logo, symbol etc.
The first step in building a brand equity is the brand awareness that contains two
parts; brand recognition (how easily customer identify a brand after exposing some
cue or a physical product) and brand recall (how easily customer recall the brand
without showing a cue while making purchase decision or thinking the produd
Management 21
Introductlon to Brand

When considering both the breadth and depth of the brand awareness; the depu"
that how likely it is tor a brand element to come to mind and a breadth is the rang

f purchase
situations in
and the situ which the brand comes to
mind of the consums
easily recalls has a deeper level of brand awareness breadtn is
and breadth
brand that one
to the product knowledge in the memory of the consumer. So must
relate companies
develop the prodiuct category structure for the brand or product hierarchy
hecause customers always make a hierarchical decision while purchasing some

roduct or service, the first thing comes his/her mind is the product category then
helshe goes further. So it is very important that consumers consider the brand in their

desired product category while making purchase decision.

A highly salient brand is one that has both depth and breadth of brand awareness,

Such that customers always

make sutticient well as always think of the
purchases as

hrand acrossa variety of settings in which it could possible be employed or consumed.

Rrand salience is an important step in brand equity, but is usually not

Suficient. For many customers in many situations, other considerations, such as the

meaning or image of
the brand, also come into play.
Creating brand meaning includes establishing a brand image- what the brand

characterized by and should stand for in the minds of customers. Brand meaning
made of two major categories of brand associations related to performance and
associations can be formed directly, from a customer's own
imagery. These
the brand or indirectly, through advertising or by some
experiences and contact with
other source of information,
such as word of mouth.

Level 2:Performance and Imagery

The product itself is at the heart equity, because it is the primary
of brand
with a brand, what they hear about a brand
influence on what consumers experience
firm can tel customers about thebrand in their
from others, and what the
and resonance, marketers must ensure that
communications. To create brand loyalty
if not actually surpass their
customers experiences with the product at least meet,
describes how well the product or service meets customers' more
expectations. It
Brand performance directly relates with the features of the product
relies on
differentiate it from others. Often, the strongest brand positioning
performance advantages of the brand.
often underlie brand performance
The important types of attributes and benefits
Primary ingredients and supplementary
Product reliability, durability, and serviceability
Brand Management -(1.Y.B.M.S.
- Sem.

Service effectiveness, efficiency, and empathy
Style and design

Customers view performance or measure performance in three ways

Reliability : measures consistency of performance over time and rom purch

to purchase

Durability : means the expected economic life ofthe product

Serviceability : the ease of repairing the product if needed.
Imagery is the second part of brand meaning and also called the emotions Pa
brand meaning (Brand performance is the logic part). Imagery is slightly diffe
but important in creating meaning behind a brand. Imagery revolves around
customers needs
are met both socially and
psychologically. While this can o
with customer interactions with the product, imagery can also be the work
targeted marketing and word-of-mouth. It mainly depends on the intrin
properties of the product or service, including the way how well the bra
attempts to meet the customers' psychological or social needs

Imagery refers to more intangible aspects of the brand, and customers can fo
imagery associations directly from their own experiences or through advertising
some other source of information indirectly. Intangible aspects ofthe brand are

User profiles
Purchase and usage situation
Personality& values
History, heritage & experiences.
Demographics factors (gender, age, race, income, family) affect the first two tp
of aspects while psychographics affect on the personality and values
Level 3 Judgement and Feelings
The third level of Keller's model-judgement and feelings-are so closely relat
that it's difficult to separate the two.
Brand judgments are customers' personal opinions about and evaluations oft
brand, which customers form by putting together all the different ba
performance and imagery associations. Customers usually make four types
Brand Quality : Brand attitudes generally depend on specific attributesa
benefits of the brand.
fo B r a n d Managemen
Brand Credibility: Judgments aboutthe company or organization o
the brand. Customers may see that whether the brand is compe
market leader. The company always considers customers
innovative and

priorities in mind and creates interest so that customers enjoy while consumi
the brand.

Brand Consideration : Customers think orconsiderthe brand while maru

the purchase decisions.

Brand Superiority : Customers view the brand as unique and better tna
that of competitors.
customers' emotional responses and reactions to tne
Brand Feelings are

brand. The emotions evoked by a brand can become so strongly associated

that they are accessible during product consumption or use. The following are

important types of brand-building feelings.

Warmth: The particular brand makes consumers feel a sense

of calm or

Fun: makes consumers feel amused, lighthearted, joyous, playful, cheertul,

and so on.

.Excitement: makes consumers feel energized and they feel something

Security: the brand produces a feeling ofsafety, comfort, and self-assurance
Social Approval: consumers feel that others look favorably on their

experience, behavior and so on.

Self-respect: consumers feel a sense
of pride, accomplishment, or

and feelings take into account personal opinions to show how
customers think and feel about a brand-whether it's based on actual interaction or

perceived reputation.
Level 4: Resonance
The final step of the model focuses on the utimate relationship and level of the
identification that the customer has with the brand. Brand resonance describes the
nature of the relationship and the extent to which customers feel that they are "in

sync" with the brand(Brand resonance is at the top of the pyramid because it is the
most complicated and, at the same time, most desirable level to reaçh. Resonance is
characterized in terms of intensity, or the depth of the psychological bond that
Customers have with the brand, as well as the level of activity engendered by this
24 Brand Management (T. Y.B.M.S, -Sem,

brand resonance ed into fo

is categorized
loyalty. Based on these two dimensions of
Behavior Loyalty :This is the first dimension of resonance that can that can
termed as customers' repeated purchase intention and the amount or share
category volume attributed to the brand.
Attitudinal Attacht Behaviour loyalty is necessary but not suffici
TOr resonance to occur. A strong personal attachment is also necessary for th
Customers should go beyond having a positive attitude to viewing the bran

as something special in a broader context.

Sense of Community : ldentification with the brand community may refle
an important social phenomenon whereby customers feel kinship or affiliatio

with other people associated with the brand.

Active Engagement: brand loyalty occurs when customers are engaged, a
willing to invest time, energy, money or other resources in the brand beyon,
those expended during purchase or consumption of the brand.

The likelihood that a customer. remains loyal to one brand is considered t

pinnacle of Keller's model. To become loyal customers, buyers assess their relationshi
and interactions with a brand to decide that it is superior to other brands. Many factos
go into creating resonance with customers, including price, products, customer service

and previous experience with the brand.

Building customer-based brand equity takes time and requires lot of efforts. E
starting at the bottom and letting customers get to know the business little by little, on
can createa trustworthy, likeable, and ultimatelysuccessfulbrand.


Brand equity describes the value of having a well-known brand name, basedo
the idea that the owner of a well-known brand name can generate more moneyfro
products with that brand name than from products with a less well known name,
consumers believe that a product with a well-known name is better than products w
less well-known names.

It is important for marketers to know what exactly are the sources of brand equ
What causes brand equity to exist? How do marketers create brand equity? In son
cases, like low involvement purchases, brand awareness alone is enough to cre
favourable consumer response. However in most of the cases, uniqueness of
brand, consurmer choice and preference etc. play a critical role in determining
brand equity.

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