Construction industry is associated with complex projects with a great number of Risks. Within
this sector, SME´s in Europe represent the majority of the companies in the sector and are
responsible for sustaining the construction economy. Normally, managers of this kind of
companies do not know about Project Management Methodologies and do not have time or
resources to use them. The purpose of this final dissertation is the application of a New Risk
Management Methodology to apply in SME´s within the Tendering Process with the intention
to have more documentation to stablish a proper GO/NO-GO decision in the early stage of the
project. The methodology is based in a broad comprehension of the literature review and a
complete understanding of risk management in construction. The aim is to confer knowledge
to improve quality and reduce time and costs during the Project Life Cycle. Three case studies
provided by a SME of the construction industry were analysed and the methodology was
applied. The results showed that applying Risk Management Practices with criteria can be
helpful in the decision making and assessing when is possible to continue or not with the
procurement of the project.
Risk - Risk Management - Risk Management Process - Construction - Project Life Cycle - SME´s -
Methodology - Tendering Process.
First of all I would like to thank my supervisor Regner Bæk Hessellund, senior lecturer at VIA
University College – Faculty of Civil Engineer & Construction Manager and my co-supervisor
Jorge Rodríguez Hernández, PhD professor at the Universidad de Cantabria for the constant
assistance and corrections during these months of work.
I am grateful to the company Oreco S.A. for the opportunity to carry out the master´s practices
in their offices. Above all, to Beatriz Iglesias who has been the person who allowed me to
perform the mentioned practices and to Jose María who has had the patience and has taught
me everything I have learned in the company and provided me the samples for the cases
Last but not least I would like to thank my family for the unconditional support, especially to
my parents and sister who have always been there in both good and bad times. Also to my
girlfriend, who has had to endure me in moments of complaints and has always had such a
positive attitude that facilitated me to continue with the dissertation when I needed most.
Without all of them this work would not have been possible.
I ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... 2
I.I KEY WORDS ....................................................................................................................... 2
II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................................................. 3
III CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................. 4
IV FIGURES ..................................................................................................................................... 6
V TABLES........................................................................................................................................ 6
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 CONCEPT OF RISK ................................................................................................................ 7
1.2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS ........................................................................................................ 9
1.3 OBJECTIVES.......................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 FRAMEWORK....................................................................................................................... 9
2 RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS ................................................................................................. 11
2.1 PLAN RISK MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................ 14
2.2 RISK IDENTIFICATION ........................................................................................................ 15
2.3 RISK ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................... 18
2.4 PLAN RISK RESPONSES ...................................................................................................... 21
2.5 MONITORING AND CONTROL ........................................................................................... 24
2.6 LESSONS LEARN & DATA STORAGE ................................................................................... 26
2.7 RISK COMMUNICATION .................................................................................................... 26
3 RISK MANAGEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................. 29
3.1 FACTORS OF RISK IN CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................... 30
3.2 MANAGING RISKS IN CONSTRUCTION .............................................................................. 33
3.3 SME´s IN CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................................. 34
3.4 PROJECT LIFE CYCLE........................................................................................................... 35
3.4.1 PROJECT PHASES ........................................................................................................ 37
3.4.2 TENDERING PROCESS ................................................................................................. 38
4.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 40
WORK TEAM ............................................................................................................................ 42
4.3 STEP 2: STUDY OF THE DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................ 42
4.4 STEP 3: PLANNING ORGANIZATION .................................................................................. 42
4.5 STEP 4: STRATEGY OF THE BID .......................................................................................... 45
4.6 STEP 5: GO/NO-GO DECISION ........................................................................................... 45
4.7 STEP 6: PREPARATION OF THE TENDERING BID ................................................................ 46
4.8 STEP 7: DATA STORAGE & LESSONS LEARNED .................................................................. 46
4.9 LIMITATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 47
5 CASES STUDIES ......................................................................................................................... 48
5.1 DATA COLLECTION ............................................................................................................ 48
DANIEL RODRIGUEZ CASTELAO (VIGO-PONTEVEDRA)............................................................ 48
5.2.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................... 48
5.2.2 APPLICATION OF THE PROPOSED METHODOLOGY.................................................... 49
5.2.3 RESULTS & DISCUSSION ............................................................................................. 52
HALL OF VIGO. ......................................................................................................................... 53
5.3.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................... 53
5.3.2 APPLICATION OF THE PROPOSED METHODOLOGY.................................................... 53
5.3.3 RESULTS & DISCUSSION ............................................................................................. 56
5.4 CASE STUDY 3: SUPERMARKET REFORM........................................................................... 57
5.4.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................... 57
5.4.2 APPLICATION OF THE PROPOSED METHODOLOGY.................................................... 57
5.4.3 RESULTS & DISCUSSION ............................................................................................. 59
5.5 GENERAL DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... 60
6 CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................................... 62
7 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 64
8 APPENDIXES.............................................................................................................................. 69
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................. 69
APPENDIX B ............................................................................................................................. 70
APPENDIX C ............................................................................................................................. 72
Figure 1 -2 Traditional vs Recommended Emphasis of RM......................................................... 12
Figure 2 -2.1 Plan Risk Management........................................................................................... 14
Figure 3 -2.2 Risk Identification. ................................................................................................. 16
Figure 4 -2.3 Risk Analysis. ......................................................................................................... 19
Figure 5 -2.4 Plan Risk Responses. .............................................................................................. 22
Figure 6 -2.5 Risk Monitoring and Control. ................................................................................. 25
Figure 7 -2.7. The risk management process. ............................................................................. 27
Figure 8 -3.2 Potential over the use of RM in construction projects. ......................................... 33
Figure 9 -3.3 Company size in relation to revenue and employment ......................................... 34
Figure 10 -3.4 Relation between costs and time during the PLC ................................................ 36
Figure 11 -3.4 Relation between cost and Risk & Uncertainty during the PLC. .......................... 36
Figure 12 -4.1. New Risk Management Methodology for Tendering Processes. ........................ 41
Figure 13 -4.5 Workshop model sample ..................................................................................... 45
Figure 14 -5.2.2 Time Line of the Tendering Process. ................................................................. 52
Figure 15 -5.3.2 Time Line of the Tendering Process. ................................................................. 56
The construction sector is diverse and tremendously complex. Events in the last few years in
many countries in Europe have change the behaviour of companies and clients within the
construction industry. The decrease of the demand generates a competition between
enterprises increasing the necessity to improve quality and reduce cost and time. This is the
reason why Risk Management Practices became one of the most important topics of analysis
for professionals in the last years. Risk interpretation and management is one of the most
important features of Project Management (PM) in construction. PM cannot be performed
with greater success without Risk Management (RM) (Cretu, et al., 2011).
Construction projects evolve with the course of its life cycle. They have a lot of stakeholders
involved with different experiences and skills that may have uncommon interests and
expectations, making the projects even more complex and dynamic. Most of these projects are
always unique and unpredictable and risks appear from many different sources.
From the etymological point of view, the term risk comes from the Latin and Vulgar Latin
(resicum, riscum, riscus: cliff, récif, Felsklippe). It is said that is the origin of the Italian words
risico, risco, rischio, in Spanish riesgo and in French risque. While in English we have to look
forward till the 18th century to found it in their vocabulary (Skjong, 2005). According with some
dictionaries the Latin word comes from a Greek navigation term: rhizikon, rhiza, which was
referred to “root, stone, cut of the firm land”. A metaphor to “difficulty to avoid in the sea”
(Sandoval, 2016).
Nowadays there are different explanations and definitions of the term risk, and thus it is hard
to decide which one is in every case true. Risk is a broad subject and its definition can differ
and be difficult to apply in every sector. Each author provides his own understanding
depending on experience, profession, project and field of industry.
It is necessary to distinguish between risk and uncertainty because both are perhaps the most
used concepts covering RM. In many cases the definitions of these concepts are adapted for
the use of a particular project (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011). Winch (2002) defines risk as a stage
where there is a lack of information, but by looking at past experience, it is easier to predict
the future. The same author defined uncertainty as a part of the information required in order
to take a decision. The required information consists of the amount of available information
and uncertainty. The level of uncertainty will decrease the further a project is proceeding
throughout the lifecycle. Webb (2003) explained risk as a situation in which he possesses some
objectives information about what the outcome might be, and uncertainties as situations with
an outcome about which a person has no knowledge. Cooper, et al. (2005) said that risk is
exposure to the consequences of uncertainty. Smith et al. (2006) indicated that Risks occur
where there is some knowledge about the event while for uncertainties there might be not
enough information about the occurrence of an event, but we know that it might occur.
Cleden (2009) affirmed that risk is the statement of what may arise from that lack of
knowledge. Risks are gaps in knowledge which constitute a threat to the project.
Uncertainty is the intangible measure of what we do not know. Uncertainty is what is left
behind when all the risks have been identified. Darnall and Preston (2010) defined risk as a
possibility of loss or injury. Schieg (2010) said that risk is usually defined as a positive or
negative deviation of variables from its expected value. Most of the times understood it only
as loos. Cretu, et al. (2011) defined uncertainty as “the quality or state of being uncertain”. It is
a state of not knowing. Luck of knowledge about current and future information and
circumstances. Finally Winch (2010) considered uncertainty as the absence of information
required for the decision that needs to be taken at a point in time.
Both terms are described as situations where the luck of information and knowledge are
present. But the biggest difference is that uncertainty is not measurable. Always, when there is
an uncertainty, a risk appears.
Risk is considered as a future phenomenon. Is not possible to find events that occur before
they happens, hence is difficult to develop precise methodologies to deal with them.
Nonetheless, Darnall and Preston (2010) stablished that there are some risks that there are
more predictable and easy to identify than others that could result in additional cost and
unexpected delays.
Most of the times people assumed that risk have negative consequences, and this is only
because it represents an uncertain outcome. But the truth is that risks represent positive and
negative results: negative risks as threats and positive ones as opportunities (Cretu, et al.,
Risks have been evolved and their study becomes more important in the business practices
and therefore in construction industry. There is even more evident the need to control every
threat that can affect the normal operation of a company and generate losses economically,
socially and in the environment of the image of the corporate governance (Mejía, 2013). But
also, understand the positive consequences that the risk could have.
“Risk can be managed, minimised, shared, transferred or accepted. But it cannot be ignored”.
(Latham, 1994). The application of different methodologies or techniques to manage risks has
to be formulated from the initial design phase of the project to its completion. If these risks
are not understood and satisfactorily solved could be a problem of delays in time, cost
overruns and quality that may affect the project. Mulcahy (2010) affirmed that the ignorance
of risks causes between 8 and 20 % in additional cost of the project.
Despite this and that companies are taking RM in a proactive way, the reality shows that
project managers still ignore risks and think that RM is only available for large projects so that
they do not look to the causes of the risks (Mulcahy, 2010).
As it is showed, the concept of risk has a multi-dimensional approach. They are going to be
with us and the lack of their predictability could suppose a damaging factor to the overall
project, either in failing to obtain positive results, or making negative ones even worse.
That is why risk interpretation and management is every day more important and shifts
All of these factors lead to the formulation of the following research questions:
- Which is best way to identify, implement and manage risk in construction industry?
- How can we improve RM in terms of cost, time and quality in SMEs of the construction
sector in Europe?
- Is there any difference between the public and the private sector while taking care of
The aim of this thesis is to create a new methodology for Project Risk Management. The idea is
to find out which of the processes of the RM process is facing more problems in Construction
and in particular in projects of SME´s in Europe and try to develop a new method or
combination of methods that will help to create more quality value. It will help in the correct
measurement of risks and reduce the probability of the risk occurrence. It should be a model
that will help the company to increase the profitability in order to be more competitive and
help contractors to avoid, reduce or retain risks.
The new methodology will aim to be generic. It has to by dynamic but at the same time strong
and with the intention to represent real situations. A method that warrant the extraction of a
large amount of information with the intention of facilitating the management and being able
to automated into a high level. The intention with the application of this methodology is the
time/ cost reduction and the increase in quality by reducing, increment the benefits and
handle the main risks that will affect the Project Life Cycle (PLC).
For that goal it is necessary to understand and support the following aspects:
- Understanding of the Risk Management Process (RMP) and the particular situation in
the construction sector.
- Presentation of the PLC for construction projects and identified which is the critical
phase in small and medium projects to apply the new methodology.
- Explanation of the new methodology. It has to be a combination of the methods
analyzed before.
- Implementation of the methodology in a case study in the company. The case study
will be provided by the Construction Company ORECO, SA which operates in Vigo
The popularity of a method will vary depending on its complexity, the requirements or not of
appropriate computer programs, the clarity and the quality of the results and the further used
and verification during the project (Dziadosz & Rejment, 2015).
The first step is the identification of difficulties that SME´s face when new projects are given. It
is important to understand the needs and the characteristics of the methodology. And then
know their experience and problems in recent projects and the tools that they are using about
management. This will provide the basis of the methodology.
As a result of the practical experience in a SME that operates in the construction sector, a case
study will be analyse in order to find out if the methodology could help to avoid different
issues related with RM that the company had faced or is facing during the life cycle of the
construction project.
The international Organization for Standardization (ISO), in their standard ISO 31000 (ISO,
2009) define RM as the coordinated activities to direct and control an organization in terms of
risk and identifies the next principles of RM:
- RM creates value
- RM is an integral part of the organizational processes
- RM is part of the decision making.
- RM explicitly addresses uncertainty.
- RM is systematic, structured and timely.
- RM is based on the best available information.
- RM is tailored.
- RM integrates human and cultural factors.
- RM is transparent and inclusive.
- RM is dynamic, iterative and responsive to change.
- RM is capable of continuous improvement and enhancement.
The Project Management Institute (2013) considered it as one of the nine Project Management
Knowledge areas in the last and previous versions of the PMBOK Guide. Its philosophy in RM
evolves towards the incorporation of new tools that reflect how times have changed regarding
the incorporation of a greater number of risks in projects.
RM is part of our daily live, even if is it noticed or not. Most of the time, it is assess on an
unconscious level, using habits to solve them. But theses habits are different from person to
person. Not everyone manage risk in the same way, but most of the times common sense
commands the way of managing the risks (Cretu, et al., 2011).
Not every project faces the same risks. Increasing the complexity of the project increases risk,
and that is why not every project needs the same management approach. However, cost and
schedule are the main goals that the organizations tend to pay more attention to. But the
consequences of cost and schedule decisions, associated with technical risks, are based in
Using intuitive reasoning always helps as a starting point of decision process, but to manage
more important risks effectively and achieve benefits it is necessary to look forward and apply
a systematic process which implements the basic practices (Pritchard, 2005).
Every activity of a project present some risk. What changes from one activity to another is the
amount of risk involved (Ehsan, et al., 2010). That is why it is possible to define Project Risk
Management (PRM) as an integral process which aims to identify and respond to a potential
risk associated with a project taking advantage of activities that can maximize the outcomes of
the positive events and minimize the negative ones. As (Jardine, 2007) asserted, PRM includes
quality and safety, cost management, time management, scope and change management,
procurement and contracts, people management and external influences.
The problem these days is that the projects move on so fast, that there is no time or money to
check or examine potential problems that are difficult to be resolved. (Pritchard, 2005). This
way, RM and their risks become a secondary problem at the beginning of the project, and
companies do not realise the importance of it until the opportunity is missed.
Within RM, one concept that is necessary to introduce is the RMP. As the main idea of RM is to
decrease the possibility of impact of negative events and increase the likelihood of positive
ones, the following processes should be consider (Project Management Institute, 2013).
- Risk planning
- Risk identification
- Risk Analysis (Qualitative and Quantitative)
- Risk response
- Risk monitoring and control
These steps are presented in a pyramid form where the planning is the basement and the
monitoring and control at the peak. This approach seems to have sense from the process
perspective, but according with Cretu, et al. (2011) if the size of each step is understood as the
measurement of effort to perform them, each step becomes more difficult as the project move
forward (See Figure 1 -2.1).
If the best planning is not applied or implement, then does not have any sense to make it and
it is a waste of time. This could be basic, but as the author confirmed, traditional RM invested
more effort in the analysis of the problems than in their solutions.
RMP established the context with the identification, analysis, evaluation, treatment,
monitoring and communication of risks with the application of policies, processes and
procedures related with management (Cooper, et al., 2005).
Not only the PMBOK has identified different phases in the RMP. Several authors consider,
agreed or include more steps to the process.
According with Ehsan, et al. (2010) and Rodríguez (2012) RM includes four phases:
- Risk identification: the process of identify which risks are more prone to affect the
project and characterize them.
- Risk quantification: evaluation of the outcomes of the project based on the interaction
of these risks.
- Risk response development: The definition of all the activities related to the
elimination of risks during the PLC.
- Risk response control: Response to the changes to eliminate risks during the project.
Smith et al. (2006) only focused in the main steps: identification, assessment & analysis,
response and review, as it is shown in. Banaitis & Banaitiene (2012) also stablish 4 key steps:
identification, assessment, mitigation and monitoring.
Zhang, et al. (2016) includes another phase apart from the others mention before: The
communication phase, which seeks to establish who needs to know about RM. The process is
shown as a wheel highlighting the continuity throughout the PLC. Communication is the center
of the wheel and it is considered as the means to the information flow.
Every step should be included while dealing with risks effectively. They have serials of inputs
and outputs that will help to manage the risks in every project dealing them with different
methods and techniques.
For the purpose of this final dissertation the following phases are considered:
“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the answer, I would spend the
first 55 minutes figuring out the proper questions to ask. For if I knew the proper questions, I
could solve the problem in less than five minutes” Albert Einstein.
PRM involves the process of setting how to proceed, when and which activities must be done
during the PLC, who should be involved in these activities and how often should be done. PRM
helps to complete the works faster, effectively and in an easier way (Mulcahy, 2010). It is
important the communication with every stakeholder to get the support and ensure that the
process will be performed during the whole PLC (Project Management Institute, 2013).
PMI (2013) and Mulcahy (2010) identified several inputs and outputs that are necessary for
this process and are summarized in Figure 2 -2.2.
The complexity of the project, the experience of the team and the importance of the process
has to be according with the level and type of what is done. Rodríguez (2012) affirmed that
PRM has a straight t relationship with the human factor, not only because is one of the sources
that generates uncertainty, but they are those who will assess them and will propose
corrective measures to them.
The following Table 1- 2.1 summarizes the different methodologies applied to develop a PRM.
Chart of responsibilities, time and
budget (Mulcahy, 2010)
(Pritchard, 2005), (Project Management
Planning Meetings Institute, 2013)
Predominant Risk Practice Methodology (Pritchard, 2005)
Use Project Templates (Pritchard, 2005)
Risk Modelling (Pritchard, 2005)
Strategic Risk Scoring Sheets (Project Management Institute, 2013)
Stakeholder Risk Profile Analysis (Project Management Institute, 2013)
(Pritchard, 2005), (Project Management
Expert Interviews Institute, 2013)
Documentation Reviews (Pritchard, 2005)
Delphi Technique (Pritchard, 2005)
SWOT Analysis (Pritchard, 2005)
Check Lists (Pritchard, 2005)
Risk Breakdown Structure (Pritchard, 2005)
Secondary Use Root Cause Identification (Pritchard, 2005)
Risk Register Tables (Pritchard, 2005)
Estimating Relationships (Pritchard, 2005)
Rating Schemes (Pritchard, 2005)
Risk Factors (Pritchard, 2005)
Risk Response Matrix (Pritchard, 2005)
Performance Tracking (Pritchard, 2005)
Risk Reviews and Audits (Pritchard, 2005)
The interest in identify risks has existed since ancient times as a result of preventing
unfavorable events (Mejía, 2013).
Risk Identification involves the process that identifies and records the list of threats and
opportunities that may affect the project, understand these risks and clarifies the
responsibilities of every risk using a combination of methods. It is an organized and complete
approach to find the risks that are associated with a project. Everyone should be involved.
It is one the most important process but at the same time one of the less precise elements in
RMP. Is no possible to manage risks without identify and understand them (Pritchard, 2005),
however it is also impossible to coverage all risks (005). It is usually done by experience of
older minds or by brainstorming sessions (Winch, 2010).
Some authors as Banaitis & Banaitiene (2012), Mejía (2013) and Carbone & Tippett (2004)
considered this process as the first and most important step in RMP. It develops the basis for
the next steps and ensures RM effectivity.
It is vital to identify risks in the early stages of the project, in that way future problems can be
avoided through appropriate action plans. This does not mean that Risk identification should
be only a process to develop at the beginning of the project. It has to be an iterative process
throughout the life cycle of the project since is not possible to recognize every risk before the
frst phase of the project and during the process more risks will emerge (Rodríguez, 2012;
Office of Statewide Project Management Improvement (OSPMI), 2007).
Some authors understand this step in an informal way, saying that the identification of risks
rely mostly on previous experiences (Winch, 2002).
Several inputs and outputs have been identified (Project Management Institute, 2013;
Mulcahy, 2010)(Figure 3-2.2):
As it is shown in Table 2 -2.2 different techniques can be applied to find the potential risks.
Sticky notes (Mulcahy, 2010)
(Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Project
Forms & Checklists Management Institute, 2013)
Prompt list (Mulcahy, 2010)
Historical records (Mulcahy, 2010), (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011)
Review other (Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Gajewska & Ropel,
documentation 2011)
(Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Winch, 2010),
Brainstorming (Project Management Institute, 2013), (Mejía, 2013)
Conduct a "Pre-Mortem" (Mulcahy, 2010)
Affinity Diagrams (Mulcahy, 2010)
(Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Winch, 2010),
(Project Management Institute, 2013), (Gajewska &
Expert Interviews Ropel, 2011), (Mejía, 2013)
Nominal Group Technique (Mulcahy, 2010)
(Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Project
Management Institute, 2013), (Gajewska & Ropel,
Delphi Technique 2011), (Mejía, 2013)
(Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Project
Cause and Effect Diagram Management Institute, 2013), (Mejía, 2013)
Failure Modes and Effects
Analysis (Mulcahy, 2010)
(Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Project
Predominant Use SWOT Analysis Management Institute, 2013)
Force Field Analysis (Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard, 2005)
(Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Project
Influence Diagrams Management Institute, 2013)
Assumptions analysis (Pritchard, 2005), (Project Management Institute, 2013)
Analogy comparisons (Pritchard, 2005)
Crawford Slip Method (Pritchard, 2005)
Root Cause Identification (Pritchard, 2005), (Project Management Institute, 2013)
Top-level Risk Matrix (Pritchard, 2005)
Network Diagrams (Pritchard, 2005)
Flowcharts (Pritchard, 2005), (Project Management Institute, 2013)
Plan Evaluation (Pritchard, 2005)
Risk Breakdown Structure (Pritchard, 2005), (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011)
Sensitive Analysis (Pritchard, 2005)
Benchmarking (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011)
Questionnaires (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011)
Past Experience (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011)
Workshops (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011)
Visits to the location (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011)
Research assumptions and
interfaces (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011)
Risk Register Tables (Pritchard, 2005)
Program Evaluation and
Secondary Use
Review Technique. PERT (Pritchard, 2005)
Planning Meetings (Pritchard, 2005)
As Radu (2009) stated there are 3 methods to ascertain risks in a project: The qualitative, semi-
quantitative and quantitative procedures.
The qualitative approach uses criteria based on judgements to identify the outcomes.
Qualitative Risk Analysis is the process which involves the initial look at the risks that have
been identified and try to determine the risks that will be quantified later and will be
addressed in the Plan risk response process. It is the first effort to classify risks according with
probabilities and impacts. It introduces which risks can be quantitatively evaluated and which
ones cannot, affording time and money to managers (Pritchard, 2005).
The main objectives of Qualitative Risk Analysis are the subjectively evaluation of the impact
and probability of every risk, stablish which risks will be addressed in the response plan and
make the go/no go decision (Mulcahy, 2010). The quality and reliability of the information
pays an important role in this process.
The Semi – qualitative methodologies are used when relative risks appear. To analyse the
probabilities of a risk to occur is not necessary mathematical data, but this methodologies
provide a rigorous approach compared with qualitative assessments. They are useful when
quantification of risks is hard to obtain and qualitative analysis are too subjective.
Quantitative Risk Analysis tries to determine how much risks have the project and where, with
the intention in focus time and effort in those risks that are more prone to occur or have a
greater impact in the project. They provided numerically more information than the
Qualitative analysis to make proper decisions (Mulcahy, 2010).
Between the objectives, the decision of which risks need a response, the objectively evaluation
of the impact and probability of ever risk, determine the level of risk and the overall cost and
time of the project and the identification of which risks will need a response planning are the
most important (Pritchard, 2005).
This analysis should be performed after the Risk response plan to determine if the minimum
amount of risk is acceptable within the cost and time necessities of the project. It is important
to determine where to perform the Quantitative Analysis because will cost time and money.
More sophisticated techniques and methods for construction projects are used. It is also
important to combine different methods to assess the probability and impact of the risks.
Some authors as (Mulcahy, 2010) agreed in that this process is not the most important part of
RM. Time spent in identify risks can have more benefits than quantitative analysis.
As in the previous steps, to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis is necessary the next
inputs shown in the next Figure 4 -2.3:
Figure 4 -2.3 Risk Analysis.
Different methods can be found within qualitative and quantitative analysis. The following
Tables 3 -2.3 & 4 -2.3 show which ones are used as predominant and which ones are used as
Proper uses of qualitative methods are found when risks can be placed on descriptive scales
from low to high level. Quantitative methods are based in numerical estimations.
Depending on the type of risk and project one or other method should be chosen. This will
vary depending on past experience, expertise and if there is the availability of the right
software and the proper formation to use them (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011).
(Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Project
Expected Monetary Value Management Institute, 2013)
(Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Project
Management Institute, 2013), (Gajewska & Ropel,
Monte Carlo Simulation 2011)
(Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Gajewska & Ropel,
Decision Tree Analysis 2011)
Failure Modes and Effects
Analysis (Mulcahy, 2010)
Expert Interviews (Pritchard, 2005), (Project Management Institute, 2013)
Predominant Program Evaluation and
Use Review Technique. PERT (Pritchard, 2005)
(Pritchard, 2005), (Project Management Institute,
Sensitive Analysis 2013), (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011)
Risk Simulation Tools (Pritchard, 2005)
Watch Lists (Pritchard, 2005)
Estimating relationships (Pritchard, 2005)
Network Analysis (Pritchard, 2005), (Project Management Institute, 2013)
GERT and VERT Analysis (Pritchard, 2005)
Data Quality Assessment
Chart (Pritchard, 2005)
Risk Practice Methodology (Pritchard, 2005)
Analogy comparisons (Pritchard, 2005)
Secondary Use Delphi Technique (Pritchard, 2005)
Assumptions analysis (Pritchard, 2005)
Rating Schemes (Pritchard, 2005)
Quantitative methods seem more suitable for medium and large projects. The amount of time
and resources required to perform this kind of methodology is remarkable. Also, it is needed
trained personal and complex and expensive software to succeed and obtain reliable results.
Quantitative analyses are limited in the assumptions made for the calculations. Quantitative
models are as good as the algorithms used for them. But the limitation is that is difficult for
them to adjust to the real world.
On the other hand, in small and medium size projects, where there is luck of time and limited
resources, the application of simple techniques when a quick assessment is needed, is more
effective (Heldman, 2005).
Plan Risk Responses will determine what actions are necessary to apply to reduce or increase
the probability and impact of threats and opportunities of the overall risk of the project. Some
authors consider it as the critical part of RM because determines what action or actions are
taking to act against or in favor of those risks evaluated and identifies in the previous activities
of identification, qualification and quantification (Pritchard, 2005).
It is a creative process and according with the literature reviewed the following strategies are
the most common for this process (Cretu, et al., 2011; Mulcahy, 2010; Pritchard, 2005; Winch,
2010; Ehsan, et al., 2010; Rodríguez, 2012; Gajewska & Ropel, 2011).
Other resources include Insure risks and Delay decisions in the group above (Winch, 2010).
Depending on the classification of the risk source the decision of which option is optimal will
vary: For probable disaster, mitigate or avoid; un-probable disaster, insure the risk. If not,
mitigation better than acceptance. Transference is not an option for risks with large impact
because the clients usually think in finances than the suppliers of construction sector.
Risks with lower impact can be managed with externalization. The best option is to allocate the
risk to the actor that will be close to the source of the risk. Acceptance is valid when it is a case
of “bad luck”. Another approach is to include an extra payment for excessive transaction
Delay the decision is one of the most useful ways (Winch, 2010), until more information is
available. It is favored when risks come from laws. That is another reason why clients prefer to
obtain the design and execution from different services. Most of the uncertainties come from
the design phase, but at the same time the cost of design is relatively lower comparing with
the total cost of the project. If there is an option to postpone the decision of the high-cost
activities through an extension in time of the design phase, then most of the risks can be
mitigated or even eliminated. As it is obvious, this strategy cannot be used while handling
critical situations.
Risks should be assigned to groups or individuals to let them take the responsibility of the
implementation of planned risk responses. The strategies should be reviewed through the life
cycle of the project (Mulcahy, 2010).
The next inputs and outputs are included and obtained in Risk Response process (Figure 5 -
The following Table 5 -2.4 shows a resume of all the activities and strategies that may help in
this process.
Brainstorming (Cretu, et al., 2011)
(Cretu, et al., 2011)
(Cretu, et al., 2011), (Mulcahy,
(Mulcahy, 2010),
Expert 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Project
Avoidance (Pritchard, 2005),
Opinions Management Institute, 2013),
(Ehsan, et al., 2010)
(Cretu, et al., 2011), (Mulcahy,
Form for 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Winch,
threats or Transference (Mulcahy, 2010) 2010), (Project Management
opportunities Institute, 2013), (Ehsan, et al.,
(Cretu, et al., 2011), (Mulcahy,
2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Winch,
Mitigation 2010), (Project Management
Institute, 2013), (Ehsan, et al.,
(Cretu, et al., 2011), (Mulcahy,
2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Winch,
Strategy Matrix Acceptance (Pritchard, 2005) 2010), (Project Management
Institute, 2013), (Ehsan, et al.,
Predominant 2010)
Use (Cretu, et al., 2011), (Cretu, et al.,
Exploitation 2011), (Pritchard, 2005), (Project
Management Institute, 2013)
(Cretu, et al., 2011), (Cretu, et al.,
Share 2011), (Pritchard, 2005), (Project
Management Institute, 2013)
(Cretu, et al., 2011), (Mulcahy,
Enhancement 2010), (Pritchard, 2005), (Project
Management Institute, 2013)
(Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard,
Contingency 2005), (Project Management
Plans Institute, 2013), (Ehsan, et al.,
(Mulcahy, 2010), (Pritchard,
Fallback Planning
Delay decisions (Winch, 2010)
Insure (Winch, 2010)
Risk Register (Mulcahy, 2010)
(Mulcahy, 2010)
Planning Meetings (Pritchard, 2005)
Analogy comparisons (Pritchard, 2005)
Delphi Technique (Pritchard, 2005)
Crawford Slip Method (Pritchard, 2005)
SWOT Analysis (Pritchard, 2005)
Secondary Use
Root Cause Identification (Pritchard, 2005)
Risk Register Tables (Pritchard, 2005)
Network Analysis (Pritchard, 2005)
Urgency Assessments (Pritchard, 2005)
Sensitive Analysis (Pritchard, 2005)
Monitoring and control risks (MCR) is the process to observe, ensure compliance, measure,
take corrective actions, evaluate the efficiency and refine the risk management plan. It covers
the implementation, compliance and management of risk response plans; creation of
workarounds; control the risks; update the risk register; performance of additional risk
identification, analysis and response panning; communication with the rest of stakeholders;
Lessons Learned (LL) and scope, schedule and cost evaluation for risk impacts (Mulcahy,
MCR is the phase of the project that consists on “doing” instead of “discussing” (Cretu, et al.,
2011). It is an essential part of the RMP and continues during the life of the project.
Monitoring the risk include the identification of the owner of the risk, the responsible for
monitoring the risk, the nature and frequency that the task manager will report to the project
manager and establish a protocol according with these updates.
Controlling risks appears because every project changes during its life cycle. Cretu, et al. (2011)
suggested 3 project milestones with the intention to do a workshop: concept development,
preliminary design, and final design, while interim reviews have to be done between these
If the process is developed in a proper way, it gives information that will help with the decision
making before the risk appears. The communication between the stakeholders to keep under
control the levels of risk is necessary. The control of risks will help to adopt the emergency
measures, new corrective measures or modifications to the contingency plans. As Rodríguez
(2012) claimed, a recommendable practice is to deliver and manage the risk reports inside the
company, to take profit from past experiences.
The next inputs and outputs are included and obtained in MCR process (Figure 6 -2.5):
The next Table 6 -2.5, as it has been done so far, shows the main methods used in this phase:
Risk monitor schedule (Cretu, et al., 2011), (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011)
Risk database (Cretu, et al., 2011)
(Pritchard, 2005), (Project Management
Earned Value Analysis Institute, 2013)
Technical Performance (Pritchard, 2005), (Project Management
Measurement Institute, 2013)
Checklists (Pritchard, 2005)
Risk Register Tables (Pritchard, 2005)
Predominant Use Urgency Assessments (Pritchard, 2005)
Performance Tracking (Pritchard, 2005)
(Pritchard, 2005), (Project Management
Risk Reviews and Audits Institute, 2013), (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011)
Management by wandering
around (Winch, 2010)
(Winch, 2010), (Project Management
Informal Meetings Institute, 2013), (Gajewska & Ropel, 2011)
Spotting the weak trends (Winch, 2010)
Reserve Analysis (Project Management Institute, 2013)
Plan Evaluation (Pritchard, 2005)
Secondary Use Risk Breakdown Structure (Pritchard, 2005)
Project Templates (Pritchard, 2005)
No method is better than other, depends on the person or group of persons who are
identifying the risks, and depends in the organization the final decision for how to proceed
(Gajewska & Ropel, 2011).
Lessons Learn (LL) is the learning profit that is obtained from the process of performing the
project (Project Management Institute, 2013). Trevino & Anantatmula (2008) identify 5
essential activities in the practice of LL:
In order to provide a solid basement for the next projects it is crucial for companies to record
any action and activity that take place in the project (Marcelino-Sádaba, et al., 2013).
Even if LL is shown in the last step of the wheel, it should not be a process that takes place at
the end of the project, but during each life cycle phase. The learning process takes place during
the life cycle in order not to forget important considerations during the activities of the
project. The risk register is the method to effectively face this process. Creating a risk register
will allocate every risk. It provides effective feedbacks for future projects and useful
information. Advantages and disadvantages of the processes will come up and the project
work will improve.
Communication is the process of shearing information and documents between all the
participants in a project to achieve the project´s goals (Ceric, 2011). Within construction
projects involves a multidisciplinary tasks with different interpretations and perspectives
where the participants should collaborate, share, compare and integrate the information
about the project and its objectives. It is a crucial part of a project (Ceric, 2012).
According with Cohrssen & Covello (1989) risk communication has to be dynamic, flexible and
interact with the public at every step. It is a difficult task and will vary depending on several
factors. That makes it different every time that a project has to be faced. The authors outlined
that the following areas has to be taken into account:
The transparency, credibility and the right to make mistakes should be the basis of RM
(Marcelino-Sádaba, et al., 2013).
The result is a continuous process that is developed along the whole project and this is why it
is represented in a circular way as it is shown in Figure 7 -2.7, where the communication is the
heart of the process and the way for the project team to continuously evaluate the coherence
of the project.
Figure 7 -2.7. The risk management process. Self-Produced
As it is possible to see, through all these phases, several benefits for the project can be found.
But not only for the project itself, there are also benefits for the participants. Clear
understanding and awareness of risks, more control of the whole project and an effective
process of problem solving are main examples.
Despite the information analyzed before, not all are advantages while applying RM. A great
amount of time can be waste if the risks are not assessed properly. A lot of resources can be
derived to assess risks that are unlikely to occur, losing profitability on the entire project.
Although nowadays inside the companies they know most of the benefits of RM, due to the
luck of knowledge and many doubts whether these techniques really work, RM processes are
rarely used (Banaitis & Banaitiene, 2012).
The level of risk of a construction project depends on the level of complexity that it presents. It
used to happen, that as bigger as a project is (in time and area), more potential risk may face.
The main important factors that can arouse the appearance of risks are related with financial,
quality, time, design and environmental factors (Gould & Joyce, 2002).
As mentioned before, one thing is clear: every project has risks, and it is impossible to deal and
eliminate them all. RM should be used as a tool to keep a balance between time, cost and
quality with the intention to deal with as many risk as possible and ones that will affect the
project the most.
RM needs a constant effort to keep the efficacy at every step of the project. Is not possible to
predict what will happen, however with a great effort and honesty is it possible to minimize
risks and uncertainties in construction projects, always having in mind that even the most
perfect and well executed plan is able to fail.
During the early stages of the project, the level of uncertainty acquires its higher value. Thus,
the vast effort for managing risks and uncertainty should occur in this phase. On the other
hand, it is the moment where the project has lowest levels of reliable data. Many of the
decisions taken in the early stage of the project may have consequences on how the risks will
manage throughout the life cycle. Because of this, and construction projects are one shot play
(there are not two similar works), managers should be more proactive in managing risks than
In construction industry, two kinds of professional trainings can be found (Mulcahy, 2010). The
first one encourages the belief that there is only one way to solve a problem on a project; the
second one encourages that qualitative methods are the way to solve the problems. Use to
happen that the first group is composed by engineers and the second group by architects. But
the truth is that to effectively manage risks, it is necessary the combination of maturity to
admit that there is not enough information to give a final answer to the client, and the intellect
to analyze the available information.
As in many other scenarios, every construction project is not free of risks. At the moment that
the projects come into existence are exposed to risks. Moreover risks and uncertainties in
construction practices are higher than in other industries.
Experience and research have demonstrated that most of the construction projects show cost
overrun and schedule delays. Clear examples of that can be found in the construction of the
Opera of Sydney and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg:
The Sydney Opera House is the iconic symbol of Australia being recognized all over the world.
But not everybody knows that the building, originally schedule in 4 years and a budget of 7
million AUS dollars, ended up in 14 years of construction process and 102 million AUS dollars.
The unclear goals in the competition, giving more importance in quality factors than in time or
cost, the luck of skills of the executive committee and the obstacles that the government
create by preventing changes during the works contributed to the final delays and cost
The Elbphilharmonie on the Kaispeicher is now the new centre of cultural, social and daily life
of Hamburg. But many problems within the construction process and a disastrous organization
by the local council are translated in a project where the cost overruns and the delay in time
exceed in more than 10 times the initial parameters. The project started in 2001 with an initial
budget of 77 million euros and has ended up costing 789 million, 7 years later than the date of
completion of the works (2010), becoming the twelfth most expensive building in history. Luck
of expert knowledge, the unrealistic low initial budget, the organizational chaos and the failure
to contemplate the risks that a project of these dimensions entails, have been the triggering
events to reach such situation.
The building sector is not only facing these problems. An investigation about the cost of public
works in Europe and North America based in 258 transport infrastructures projects conclude
that 9 out of 10 projects are underestimated. In the case of rail projects the actual cost is on
45% average higher than estimated costs (Flyvbjerg, et al., 2002). They realised that the luck of
proper risk analysis, the poorly defined scope at the initial phase and external pressures that
these projects are facing, are the factors that affects cost overruns.
Clearly, as the construction sector becomes more sophisticated and the society more complex,
it is required a suitable RM.
In construction, due to the fact that every project is unique, risks differ between them. The
complexities of each project can change the initial conditions of it. That is the main reason
because several authors considered RM as the most difficult area of the PM areas (Winch,
2002; Potts, 2008; Banaitis & Banaitiene, 2012). Winch (2010) affirmed that the project is the
process of reduction uncertainty through time. Then RM should be the centre of PM.
There are several factors that may affect risk in construction (Ehsan, et al., 2010):
The same article also listed the common sources of risk in the construction sector:
For an effective construction RM, many suggestions on risk classification have been proposed
in the literature review. Table 7 -3.1 shows a summary of them.
Factors of risk Reference
risk categories
Incomplete design
Appropriateness of specifications (Ehsan, et al., 2010)
Uncertainty over the source and
availability of materials
(Project Management
Technical risk Design process
Institute, 2013)
Environmental factors The US Department
Inaccurate assumptions on technical of Transportation
issues (2006)
Requirements in fact sheets
Availability of sufficient
transportation facilities
Availability of resources (Ehsan, et al., 2010)
ational Risks
(construction equipment, spare
parts, fuel and labour)
Uncertain productivity of resources
Industrial relations problems
The US Department
Poorly definition of purpose,
of Transportation
objectives and needs of the projects
Delays of contractor or consultants (Ehsan, et al., 2010)
Management Errors in schedules
related risks
Communication breakdowns
Luck of coordination
Inadequate workers, availability of
resource or inexperience
Abundance of projects
The US Department
No control over staff of Transportation
Loss of critical staff
Luck of time
risks Changes of objectives
Inconsistence of cost time and
Contractual regulations
Force majeure The US Department
External risks of Transportation (Mulcahy, 2010)
Social factors (2006)
Environmental factors
Political issues, exchange rates, etc. (Tah & Carr, 2000)
Internal risks
Non-compliance of information (Project Management
(Ehsan, et al., 2010)
breaches Institute, 2013)
Weather and seasonal implications
(Ehsan, et al., 2010)
Environmental Natural disasters
and physical Geotechnical
risks (Guerra & Teixeira,
Subsurface & phreatic level s.f.)
Construction risk
Factors of risk Reference
Availability and fluctuation in
foreign exchange
Delays in payment
(Ehsan, et al., 2010)
Financial risks (Guerra &
Teixeira, s.f.)
Local taxes
(Guerra &
Teixeira, s.f.)
Repatriation of funds
Constraints on the availability and
employment of expatriate staff
Customs and important restrictions
and procedures (Ehsan, et al., 2010)
Difficulties in disposing of plant and
Socio-political risks
Insistence on use of local firms and
Availability of soil
Environmental pressures (Guerra &
Regulations Teixeira, s.f.)
Strikes & public disorders
Corruption (Guerra &
Security risks
Assaults Teixeira, s.f.)
Delays in dispute of resolutions
Contractual and legal Delays in payments (Guerra &
risks Changes in the negotiation Teixeira, s.f.)
Do not have a negative impact on a
Acceptable risk
Unacceptable risk Negative impact on a project
Short term duration
Impacts that are visible immediately
Long term duration
Impacts that are visible in the future (Ehsan, et al., 2010)
Manageable risk Risks that can be accommodate
Unmanageable risk Risks that cannot be accommodate
Business risk Risk of loss or gain
Pure risk Risk of loss exclusively
It is necessary to take care about all of these types of risk and identify the key risk factors in
every category depending on the nature of each project.
Ehsan, et al. (2010) established several advantages while managing the risk in the construction
- Attainment of objectives
- Reliability of shareholders
- Capital cost reduction
- Decrease the uncertainty
- Increase of the value
Banaitis & Banaitiene (2012) provided other benefits like the identification and analysis of
risks, the effective use of resources and improvement of the construction management
process. Also with “quality”, risk is the term that is used more often in construction. As it is
shown in Figure 8 -3.2 despite the fact that the use of RM affects the cost of the project in the
beginning step, this is offset by the advantages mentioned before. This will result in a
reduction of costs in the period of realisation of the project as well as in a reduction of the
operational time. The analysis of the risk potential of a project shows how the risk of the
project affects to the risk situation of the company.
Figure 8 -3.2 Potential over the use of RM in construction projects (Schieg, 2010).
Even though more construction companies are starting to be more conscious about the
necessity of RM processes, they do not apply methodologies and techniques for RM. Many
researches reveal that construction companies of the construction sector deal with project
risks using their own judgement based on experience and intuition (Akintoye & Macleod, 1997;
Ehsan, et al., 2010). The main reasons for this approach are based on the ignorance of the
team members in managing RM techniques, doubts presented related to the utility of risk
response methodologies and their difficulties to implement valid data. This contradicts the fact
that the sector is trying to have more control of the projects alike become more cost and time
Small and Medium enterprises (SME´s) in Europe represent a significant part of its economy
(Eurostat, 2017). The 99% of all businesses in the EU are created by these kinds of companies,
employing over 90 million people. They provided 2/3 of the private sector employment and
create around 85% of new jobs.
Particularly, construction industry provides 18 million jobs and makes a contribution of about
9% of the European Union (EU) GDP. Up to 95 % of the companies are micro-enterprises or
SME´s (Figure 9- 3.3), being these ones the companies that more employ generate. Unlike
large companies, SME´s tend to focus on specialized tasks and construction itself. On the other
hand, great players are more committed to civil engineering and offer a wide variety of
Because of the resource limitations to respond to different hazards that can cause huge
amount of loss or insolvency, this kind of enterprises need to increase and perform the RM
processes, unlike the large organizations that have more resources. These kinds of companies
do not usually use some of the most recognized standards as the PMBOK mentioned before
(Table 8 -3.3). This is due to several factors like the complexity compared with the size of the
projects or the ignorance or luck of knowledge of the managers about the matter.
Table 8 -3.3 Project and organization according to their size. (Perez & Marcelino, 2012)
The PLC may help in the identification of which phase is needed to pay more attention of the
project in order to proceed with the methodology. It is the series of sequential phases that a
project goes through from the initial point to the end (Project Management Institute, 2013).
These phases can be divided by objectives, deliverables, milestones or financial availability. It
provides the basic framework from the project to be managed.
According with the PMI 4 phases are identified: Starting the project. Organizing and preparing,
Carrying out the work and Closing the project.
The following Figure 10 -3.4 shows the relation between cost and time during the different
phases of the life cycle of a project. At the beginning cost and staffing levels are low, they
increase and reach a peak when the work is carry out and drastically decreases while the
closure is approaching. As it is logical, this cannot be applied at all projects. Some of them may
need significant cost at the starting phase for instance.
Figure 10 -3.4 Relation between costs and time during the PLC. (Project Management Institute, 2013)
On the other hand, risk and uncertainty are higher at the beginning of the project and
decrease as soon as the decisions are reached, while the cost of any change or correcting
errors flows in the opposite direction as It is shown if Figure 11 -3.4.
Figure 11 -3.4 Relation between cost and Risk & Uncertainty during the PLC. (Project Management Institute, 2013)
Knowing the production processes of the company also helps to understand in which part the
main problems erases.
- Continuous process
- Chain process
- Batch process
- Process by project
Inside construction industry the ones that are more usual are the processes by project. This
kind of processes are developed in a different way depending on the product, they have a
specific end and in most of the cases are developed in a specific place where the product is
needed. The main characteristics are temporality and uniqueness.
Every project consists in a large number of activities or actions interrelated with each other.
Once there are completed they lead to the completion of the project.
Every product in construction is different from the previous one. They are developed only once
in most of the cases and it is difficult to know the price and the final design until the end of the
process. This is due to several factors as the difficulty of mechanizing the productive processes,
the realization of the activities in different places every time and in distinct circumstances, the
heterogeneity of the productive processes and because the activities begin and ends many
SME´s in the construction sector can be involved in many different activities during the life
cycle of a project.
The activities are developed throughout the project process in the following way:
The promoter (private or public) identifies a problem, need or an opportunity and makes the
decision solve the problem or take advantage of the opportunity. After an initial planning, the
realization of a technical project designed by skilled technicians has to be done.
The promoter is also responsible for finding the means of financing and managing the entire
process. Sometimes, when he does not have the capability to do it, hires PM specialists to do
He is also the one that contract the execution of the technical project to a constructor and the
site management to the appropriate technicians. The constructor will need materials and
other inputs (machinery, workforce, tools, etc.) that will receive from its suppliers. Part of the
execution process is entrusted to other subcontractors or specialized companies.
Both the constructor and the technicians in charge of the technical project and the site
management need the help of specialized auxiliary services.
Once the construction is finished, the process ends with the use and/or exploitation of the
work executed.
The variety of construction companies arise as they perform one or more activities mentioned
before as well as through the aggrupation and combination of the different stakeholders.
From the point of view of a SME´s of the construction sector is it possible to distinguish the
following phases:
It could be mentioned two different phases related with the maintenance and the waste
management, but there are not going to be of interest for the purpose of this master thesis.
The Tendering Process is the phase where more attention will be paid.
Many definitions of tendering can be found in different sources. Patil, et al. (2016) defined it as
a process of preparing and submitting a conforming offer for acceptance to carry out a
particular work for a price, transforming the estimation in a bid.
Hassan (2015) stated that a proper tendering process embraces two main objectives:
- The promoter can obtain realistic and competitive prices for the project
- The contractor completely understands the requirements of the works that it is hired
In traditional path the process starts at the end of the design phase and the promoter, before
hiring a contractor, asks for help to a professional team or consultant. This way includes the
following types tendering process:
- Negotiated tendering: it is recommended for contracts with a great value of
specialization. The engagement with the project is possible in an early stage, but the
competiveness is lower.
- Competitive dialogue: Public authorities must invite a minimum of 3 candidates to
define the technical, economic and legal aspects. It is used for complex contracts
where the Public authority is not able to define the project specification at the
- Electronic auctions: It is an iterative process where after a first evaluation of the offers,
and the establishment of a date, time and number of bidding rounds, an electronic
device allows the classification of the bids through automatic evaluation methods.
- Selective tendering: This process may give some clients more reliance about the fact
that the requirements will be satisfy. Tenderers are selected from a list of contractors
that previously have proved that are qualify for specific works. Promoters only submit
tenders by invitation. Selective tendering might be appropriate for complex contracts
but can exclude those companies that are trying to grow in a new market.
- Serial tendering: This process is like a hybrid of the open tendering but with
negotiation. It is used when there are phases with similar work, normally for an
arranged period of time: Minor works, maintenance or repetitive projects. The
advantages of this kind of tendering process are cost reduction and the
encouragement to the suppliers to provide low rates in order to secure a continuous
programme of work. Still, it could be exclusive and therefore without competition.
- Framework tendering: Clients can invite tenders from services and good suppliers
when required to carry out the works over a period of time. In that way one or more
suppliers are selected and the client is able to select the appropriate one for the work.
With this process, time consuming of the pre-qualification process is avoided and the
costs are also lower.
- Single-stage and two-stage tendering: The contractor is involved in the first design of
the project. In that way the details and agreement on the price to the design and
construction of the project is fixed. The risk of the contractor is lower and gives benefit
to the promoter in time cost and precision.
It shall be mentioned the education of the promoter that will decide the final award of the bid
is crucial. The understanding that not only the cheapest bid will be the best is a basic need and
a cultural change, extremely important nowadays.
Understanding all of the risks that will appear in a project till its finalisation before making the
decision on the price of the bid and the support to the contractor to understand the project
nature will help to complete the project under time and budget.
According with the literature review the initial and final phase of the projects are the ones that
focused the most part of the attention. Another important fact is that from the beginning, the
election of projects is not the best. Since the crisis hit few years ago, the need for projects to
be developed by the company increased drastically. But not all of them are properly chosen,
and this fact could lead to the appearance of more risks.
SME´s with the intention of presenting a bid for a private and especially for a public tenders
have to deal with risks. Risks must be identify and evaluate in order to determine if the project
is worth it or not to be developed. This decision has to be made with scarce information and
short time. Experience and managing skills of the project managers in charge are relevant. For
those with fewer aptitudes, time or money a qualitative analysis of the risks may be helpful
(González, 2014).
The purpose of this methodology is to facilitate small and medium construction companies the
decision-making based on a risk analysis during the tendering process of a project to help them
to make the right decision at the moment of the bid elaboration and presentation.
The intention is to be used both, by experts in the field and those who have recently begun
their professional path in the construction industry. The idea is to create a proposal that will be
use over an over different projects. This will create a larger database every moment that the
methodology is used so that project after project it will be faster and more practical the
evaluation of the tendering process.
Figure 12 -4.1 shows the overall view of the methodology proposed based in all the literature
review and dispose the following steps:
Figure 12 -4.1. New Risk Management Methodology for Tendering Processes. Self-Produced.
After the procurement of the tender documents a first review of the documents should be
done. For that it is necessary to stablish the work team that will be in charge of the overall
process. Corporate strategic management of the company and individual project RM should be
linked in order to guarantee that the objectives could be achieved. It is important to
understand which is the technical and management capacity of each member of the team and
the entire company to undertake the specific project. A very useful tool to define the
objectives of the company, to enhance strengths and opportunities and to decrease
weaknesses is to perform a SWOT analysis (Marcelino-Sádaba, et al., 2013). The general
objective of the project as well as the specific objectives related with the strategic objectives of
the company should be detected. It is also essential to define deliveries for each step that will
help to define later where the mistakes were in order to correct them.
With the company objectives clear and the project team selected a proper study of the
tendering documents is needed. It should be both administrative-economical and technical
study supported by the proper data base achieved from other projects. It is necessary to
schedule an initial visit to the work site to have a clear idea of where the project will be place
and visual documentation of the worksite to facilitate the mentioned study. The study of the
documentation should be finalised with a report identifying the key aspects of the project in
every area.
When this study is done, a first planning in the risk organization is necessary. It is important to
know the management and technical capacity of the company and the profitability of the
expected results. A proper evaluation of the opportunities that risks generate could lead to the
success of the project. There are new challenges that not only the big companies should face.
Taking into consideration the new trends that the society is facing nowadays, different
problems could be seen as interesting opportunities to grow as a company.
Stimulating demand, training, innovation and energy efficiency and climate change are some
of them. Sustainability and Energy efficiency are two topics that have already been written and
will continue to be written as crucial factors for the correct development of the planet.
Companies that apply sustainable and efficient methodologies not only improve the company
image but also seem to be more attractive to clients with a new mentality and who value this
fact as an increase of profitability. Also the EU provides economical aids for those companies
or promotors that promote and try to innovate with the intention of improving the
environment. Horizon 2020 or LIFE (Program for the Environment and Climate Action) are two
examples of it. Also, opportunity as a work to be done has to be taken into consideration since
companies need projects in order to gain money and value to survive.
How to put in value the patents and how to improve the experience that the company has to
develop the activities that can develop with a greater level of expertise (know-how) are crucial
to take advantage of the opportunities.
Besides, it is necessary to take into consideration possible improvements with the cash flows.
Avoiding late payments, stablishing an adequate credit with the banks, assure long-term
financing for the purchase of those fixed assets, understand the planning process for tax
impact in the activities and strategies of the company and apply the retention to
subcontractors that correspond with the retention to the owner are examples of it.
To identify and analyse risks several methods or combination of methods mentioned in the
previous chapters can be helpful. The next Table 9 -4.4 shows possible risks during the
tendering process.
Luck of information
Incongruity between plans and reality
Incomplete design
& Modifications in the project due to the client
OPPORTUNITIES Modifications in the project due to external factors
Modifications in the project due to the ignorance
of the conditions of the project site
Possibility of creating new patents POSITIVE
Inconsistence of cost time and quality
Capacity of the company surpassed by
the volume of work
Use of different programs or obsolete
Operational Accidents
Force Majeure
Specific delays, labour or material
Location of the plot
Wrong actions due to the incorrect communication
or luck of information
Changes in the scope and objectives
Inexperience of the team work and/or project
Modification or lose of project files by the team
Changes or rotation in the company personnel in
charge of the project
Contractor do not participate in the design phase
Integrating PM methodologies POSITIVE/NEGATIVE
Geological, Geotechnical and/or Hydrogeological
Interference with existing public service networks
Environmental impacts not foreseen in the NEGATIVE
ENVIROMENTAL environmental impact assessment
RISKS & Environmental liabilities
OPPORTUNITIES Location of the project in protected areas
Climate considerations POSITIVE/NEGATIVE
Sustainability and Energy Efficiency aids by the
government POSITIVE
Reuse and recycling of work materials
Variation of labour costs
Variation of material costs
Know - How initiatives
Work itself POSITIVE
Cashflow initiatives
Strikes, termination of contracts or organizational
Tax modification because the implementation of
SOCIO-POLITICAL a new government
RISKS & Insistence on use of local firms and agents NEGATIVE
OPPORTUNITIES Change of regulations
Presence of press, neighbours and municipal
Delays in obtaining licenses
Promotor Insolvency
Other contractors by the promotor
& OPPORTUNITIES Not finding the right contractor
Need to perform new procedures or permits
Lose of information due to technical problems,
electric damage or lose of database
SECURITY RISKS & Impacts of accidents
OPPORTUNITIES Stolen material in the company and in the plot
To proper analyse risks qualitative methods will be applied. A probability and impact matrix
will be the method to follow. The % of probability of each risk to happen will be evaluated and
after that the same process for the impact of the same risk in the project.
With all of this in mind, the following step is the definition of the strategy of the bid. The
decision of how to focus, plan and execute RM is necessary. Most of the risks and their
characteristics analysed before must be understood by all of the stakeholders.
The creation of workshops where all of the parties at this stage of the project are involved will
help with the proper definition and assessment of all of the risks. It is important to distinguish
the different participants, the inputs and outputs and define the activities to be done. The
duration of every workshop must not exceed several hours in order to make it effective and
efficient. An example of a possible workshop can be the following showed in Figure 13 -4.5:
The inputs come from the previous steps and the goal is to provide several outputs that will
facilitate the final decision. Depending on the nature of the project, the participants involved
and the activities proposed in the workshop, the results will be simple or more difficult to
At this point the information obtained is enough to make the decision to continue or not with
the whole process.
The GO/NO-GO decision is the process where opportunities are separated in those that will be
sought and the ones that will not. It is one of the most important processes in construction
(Construction Work Zone, 2015). It is not smart for a company to come after every single
opportunity that comes along. The decision making has to be related with the attitude of the
company, with its competences and the risk associated with the project. For that the definition
of the framework for the project selection has to be done (step 1).
The GO/NO-GO decision should be made to participate or not in the tender. If there is no
option to go forward with the project it is necessary to file the case, communicate the decision
to the rest of the company members and make a document for the LL. The communication to
the rest of the team is crucial. Transparency and clarity are key factors to be all in the same
page of the project. If the decision is positive, the process continues with the preparation of
the tendering bid. Depending on the kind of tendering process that the project is involved,
different documentation may be needed.
When risk and hazards are identified and assessed, they have to be assign to one or more
specific stakeholders involved in the project (Bunni, 2005). For that, the figure of the contract
erases. Because of the legal characteristics, the construction contracts involve the participation
of lawyers. Notwithstanding, technical experts in construction have a great responsibility on
the final results, since they are the ones in charge of establishing a correct definition of the
project that will be contracted and its management (Huidobro, et al., 2009). If there is a
dispute between two parties and the risks are not allocated in that contract, the judge is in
charge to allocate those risks. Usually, this allocation is based in shearing the risks between the
parties involved.
For the elaboration of the final bid, it is necessary a clear study and a schedule of the project,
the final definition of the constructive process and the estimation of the direct costs, indirect
costs and the contingency plan costs with the intention to know the total cost of the project.
The administration of the company should also review the total cost estimation and include
the profits for the company as well as the taxes to be applied. Finally the bid is presented to
the promotor.
According with Hari, et al. (2004), construction industry, and above all SME´s of the sector, has
been managing their knowledge in an informal way the past years. Most of these enterprises
think only in terms of tangible cash flow, without the implementation or access to re-use
processes adopted in the daily practice. Capturing the knowledge will help the companies
managing change, solving problems, to implement the innovation, making the LL effective and
with the success of the overall plan. All of this will reduce the risks in each project.
All of these considerations are part of an integral and difficult procedure inside the Knowledge
management practices that are not part of this final dissertation but they could be an
interesting path to follow nowadays with the intention to help SME´s in their organizational
The implementation of the methodology will have to face a series of limitations imposed by
the nature of the project and the information that the company will obtain from other sources:
- Time: Sometimes the time needed to present the economical bid in the tendering
process is not enough. Depending on the type of the tendering process some
differences arise (Bæk ,2017;, 2017 & FIDIC 2017) :
o Public tender: After 52 days from the advertising of the tender
o Restricted tender: 37 days to apply for Prequalification. 40 days for the tender
and 7 days for action in between
o Stand BY: From 112 to 168 calendar days
o Stand Still: By mail 10 days and by post 15 days.
o Contracts: After the letter of acceptance 28 calendar days
o Commencement Day: After the letter of acceptance 42 calendar days
o Detailed Time Schedule: Has to be prepared 28 calendar days after the
commencement day by the contractor
To this factor is also important the fact that several projects could be implemented at
the same time at the company and the registration does not necessarily occur from
the day after the call for the process. In that case time is even fewer.
The preparation of the bids require time, and in SME´s of companies the number of
employees is limited. This is important due to the fact that carrying out the risk
assessment is not an indispensable task within the requirements to be presented in
the proposal, and most of the times the employees are occupied with the mandatory
tasks to present.
- Luck of information or limited data about the project: Occasionally, some of the
expedients that contain the memory of the project, structure calculations, budget and
technical planning have several errors or mistakes.
As it is mentioned in previous chapters, regardless the intention and care that it is given when
performing an economical study, it is still an estimation under conditions of uncertainty. The
reasons for these uncertainties during the tendering process can be many: problems with
prices, differences with actual and budgeted resources, variations with the estimations of
time, changes in the project among others. The causes for these changes can be diverse:
wrong assumptions, changes in the legal bases of the project, more knowledge about it, etc.
To determine how this methodology could be applied in practice, different projects from the
same company were analysed. The intention is to understand better the previous contents in a
project organization and test whether the proposal would help SME´s to achieve the objectives
previously mentioned and to assess the risk that currently escape to the consideration in this
kind of companies. The analysis of the methodology will be focused on the risk analysis,
evaluation and bid strategy with the intention to establish the GO/NO-GO decision. Greater
importance will be given to the part prior the decision, where risks are properly identify and
To collect the appropriate data for the study, Oreco S.A. provided 3 projects executed after
2015. There are public and private projects which have reached different phases of the
construction process:
- Rehabilitation and extension of the primary school Alonso Daniel Rodriguez Castelao
- Conditioning of the space for the enlargement of the university room of the UNED in
premises of the Auditorium and Conference Hall of Vigo (Public).
- Supermarket reform (Private)
Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Ordenación Universitaria
CLIENT (Public)
DESIGNER Santiago Ezquieta Llamas
LOCATION Pedra Seixa Nº 35_Navia - Vigo (Pontevedra) - Spain
TOTAL AREA 8.203 m
To proper analyses how to approach the procurement of the project the methodology
proposed in the previous chapter was applied.
A SWOT analysis was performed with the intention of analyzing the main objectives to achieve
by the company and try to establish the appropriate work team for this project (Table 11 -
40 years of experience in this kind of works Use of programs without BIM methodologies
Committed and qualified staff Luck of knowledge in sustainable construction
Environmental quality certification (ISO Luck of knowledge in Project Management
14001) techniques
Quality certification (ISO 9001) No cooperation with research institutes
National and international location
Relatively stable jobs
Grow as a company Recent financial crisis
To be known in the public sector Possibility of not winning the tender
Procurement of contracts with public
Price inflation
Companies with more economical and technical
Educate new people in the company resources
More experience for employees Climate conditions of the area
To have more work to do
Following the SWOT analysis, the establishment of the work team will be based in the next
At least one Project Manager or Architect of the company will be part of the team, along with
a site manager.
The study of the whole project is needed. It is necessary to understand the technical aspects
provided by the designer, establish a first approach of how to combine these technical aspects
with the workflow of the company as well as analyze the economic aspects and administrative
documents required. Every plan, measurement and initial budget were investigated in order to
find out if the data provided was correct. After this process the following conclusions were
- Some of the measurements provided by the public entities were confused or incorrect
- Incoherence between budget and measurements
- Health and Safety Study with some inconsistences
- The objectives of the company are different from the objectives of the client
Risks were identify and categorized taking into account Table 9 -4.4 of Chapter 4.4, the
complete understanding of the project and using brainstorming with the project manager of
the company. The followings were the risks identified during the first planning organization
and incorporated to the next Table 12 -5.2.2 where are designate with a code and analyze with
a probability and impact matrix (Appendix A).
Threat Probability Impact Risk
Risk Code Category Risk PxI
(T)/Opportunity (O) (P) (I) ranking
P01-TR01 Technical Incongruity between plans and reality T 0,1 0,1 0,01 12
P01-TR02 Technical Incomplete design T 0,1 0,1 0,01 12
P01-LR03 Logistical Inconsistence of cost, time and quality T 0,9 0,8 0,72 1
Capacity of the company surpassed by the
P01-LR04 Logistical T
volume of work 0,3 0,2 0,06 8
P01-LR05 Logistical Use of different programs or obsolete programs T 0,5 0,4 0,2 3
P01-LR06 Logistical Operational Accidents T 0,3 0,8 0,24 2
P01-LR07 Logistical Force Majeure T 0,1 0,2 0,02 11
P01-LR08 Logistical Suppliers T 0,7 0,1 0,07 7
P01-LR09 Logistical Specific delays, labour or material availability T 0,3 0,1 0,03 10
P01-LR10 Logistical Location of the plot O 0,5 0,1 0,05 13
P01-LR11 Logistical Transportation O 0,5 0,1 0,05 13
Wrong actions due to the incorrect
P01-MR12 Management T
communication or luck of information 0,3 0,8 0,24 2
P01-MR13 Management Inexperience of the team work and/or project T 0,1 0,8 0,08 6
P01-MR14 Management Modification or lose of project files by the team T 0,1 0,4 0,04 9
Changes or rotation in the company personnel in
P01-MR15 Management T
charge of the project 0,3 0,4 0,12 5
P01-MR16 Management Contractor do not participate in the design phase T 0,9 0,2 0,18 4
P01-ER17 Environmental Interference with existing public service T 0,1 0,4 0,04 9
Environmental impacts not foreseen in the
P01-ER18 Environmental T
environmental impact assessment 0,1 0,8 0,08 6
P01-ER19 Environmental Environmental liabilities T 0,1 0,8 0,08 6
P01-ER20 Environmental Climate considerations O 0,7 0,4 0,28 14
P01-FR21 Financial Variation of labour costs T 0,1 0,4 0,04 9
P01-FR22 Financial Variation of material costs T 0,1 0,4 0,04 9
P01-FR23 Financial Work itself O 0,9 0,4 0,36 15
Strikes, termination of contracts or
P01-PR24 Socio-Political T
organizational breakdowns 0,3 0,8 0,24 2
Presence of press, neighbours and municipal
P01-PR25 Socio-Political T
entities 0,1 0,4 0,04 9
P01-PR26 Socio-Political Delays in obtaining licenses T 0,1 0,4 0,04 9
P01-CR27 Contractual Need to perform new procedures or permits T 0,1 0,2 0,02 11
Lose of information due to technical problems,
P01-SR28 Security T
electric damage or lose of database 0,1 0,8 0,08 6
P01-SR29 Security Impacts of accidents T 0,1 0,8 0,08 6
P01-SR30 Security Stolen material in the company and in the plot T 0,3 0,4 0,12 5
P01-SR31 Security Corruption T 0,1 0,8 0,08 6
P01-SR32 Security Terrorism T 0,1 0,8 0,08 6
P01-HR33 Human errors In general T 0,3 0,4 0,12 5
Once the risks are identified the strategy of the bid must be performed. For that, a workshop
has to be carried out where the team members of the company, the architect in charge of the
project, a school representative and a public representative will review and validate the
information, set up the communication between them and if is necessary implement new
requirements. Everything has to be collected and archived so that it can be easily accessible.
According with the results analyzed and after the workshop where risks were confirmed, the
suggestion is not to continue with the project. The high risk of not being able to carry out the
works during the short time in which the building would be unoccupied, with the consequent
breach of deadlines will result in a violation of the contract with the consequent economic
After the communication of the decision to the whole team, every member in the company
should be informed, and proceed with the storage in the database of the results found. Also a
document establishing the LL should be performed.
The next Figure 14 -5.2.2 shows the complete process through the time line, displaying the
time afforded with the final decision.
As it is possible to observe, several risks were identified during the overall process. The
conclusion given by the application of the methodology is the NO-GO decision with this
project. The main reasons about the final decision were:
- The new requirements that appeared after the documentation was published and
could change the objectives of the company.
- The factor of high inconsistence of time, quality and cost is a risk that the company is
taken very seriously since is in its policy, and as it is possible to see is the highest risk
- The possible breach of deadlines that will result in a violation of the contract and will
be affected the economic strategy of the project.
Real results revealed that the project was not gained by ORECO and given to another
company. Only the evaluation of the climate conditions and the traffic affections were
performed during the tendering process and only one person of the stuff were in charge of the
whole procedure basing the risk assessment in his experience.
If this project was analyzed with a risk perspective and the new methodology was applied,
perhaps the company could discard the project in an early stage and be able to dedicate with
more determination to the multiple projects that it had at that time. As it is showed in the
previous Figure 14 -5.2.2 in 19 natural days the whole process would be done, saving 33 days
to dedicate to other tasks or projects which were being carried out at that time and were more
The same procedure as the first project was applied. As it is a public project, the tendering
process was the same (Open Tender) but in this case it was an urgent call so that the time to
perform the bid proposal was limited to 25 natural days. Only few differences in the SWOT
analysis and the risk identification and classification were found.
The SWOT analysis for this case will be similar to the previous one, with the only difference
that in the box of threats it will no longer be the climate conditions affections because all the
works will be perform inside the building (Table 14 -5.3.2).
40 years of experience in this kind of works Use of programs without BIM methodologies
Committed and qualified staff Luck of knowledge in sustainable construction
Environmental quality certification (ISO Luck of knowledge in Project Management
14001) techniques
Quality certification (ISO 9001) No cooperation with research institutes
National and international location
Relatively stable jobs
Grow more as a company Recent financial crisis
To be known in the public sector Possibility of not winning the tender
Procurement of contracts with public entities Price inflation
Companies with more economical and
Educate new people in the company technical resources
More experience for employees
To have more work to do
Continuing with the recommendations of the previous project, and with the similarities that
both projects have, the election of the work team will be the same:
In this case, based on the smaller area to cover and the less complexity of the works to
performed only one Project manager and the site manager will be part of the team.
The same procedure was applied for the study of the documentation taking into consideration
plans, budget and measurements. In this case the results found were the following:
Following the study of the documentation, Table 15 -5.3.2 shows the risk identification and
evaluation through the same techniques previously showed.
For the workshop performance, in addition to the team members selected for this project, a
technical representative of the municipality of Vigo as well as a member of the university
community and the architect who signed the plans will meet at the early stage and prearrange
how will be the way of communication, identify more risks or if new requirement are needed.
In the same way as the previous case, the GO/NO-GO decision is the important matter. In this
situation, the impact and probability of the opportunities are higher than the threats and the
final decision is to continue with the process.
The steps related with the preparation of the tendering process were not analyzed deeply. But
it is important to emphasize that every risk has to be assigned to a specific stakeholder and the
contracts have to be developed taking care about every consideration previously mentioned.
An important value is given to the data storage and LL. Every risk has to be named with a
specific code where the project number, the category and the number of the specific risk have
to appear. Every document has to be storage in a specific folder easily accessible for every
member of the company and including a document listing all the LL about the project.
Table 15 -5.3.2 showed all the steps of the methodology and its duration.
The risks analysed in this project showed that opportunities have more weight than threats at
the time of making the GO/NO-GO decision. The most risky threats can be minimized if a
proper analysis is made and those in which the values of the company are present were
minimised comparing the previous case study.
In the real case, the procurement process for obtaining the bid was awarded to the company
and the works were successfully solved on time. But according with the Project Manager, with
a full analysis of risks in previous stages more problems could be avoided by the duration of
the construction phase and time and effort could be minimised having a clear and organised
workflow inside the company.
The next project arises from the order of a private supermarket chain with the intention of
conditioning a local for a subsequent commercial activity. The building is located within the
municipal district of Vigo but far from the city center and with an easy access by road.
The edification has ground floor, mezzanine and basement and a total plot area of 5.028,46
m2. The main activity will be developed in ground floor and in the mezzanine, where the
machinery will be placed while the basement, with independent access will be dedicated to
parking. It is a reform project where the only interventions are made in the facades, interior
walls, vertical connections, finishes and installations, leaving the foundations, structural
system and roof intact. Table 16 -5.4.1 shows the general data of this project.
40 years of experience in this kind of works Use of programs without BIM methodologies
Committed and qualified staff Luck of knowledge in sustainable construction
Environmental quality certification (ISO Luck of knowledge in Project Management
14001) techniques
Quality certification (ISO 9001) No cooperation with research institutes
National and international location
Relatively stable jobs
Grow more as a company Recent financial crisis
Get new contracts with the same client Price inflation
Educate new people in the company Climate conditions of the area
More experience for employees Problems with suppliers
To have more work to do Ambiguity in the final decision
More probability due to less competitors
In this case the SWOT analysis will vary because of the condition of the client (Table 17 -5.2.2).
The private condition of the project makes the procurement easier due to the fewer
competitors that participate but at the same time there are more specialise and the final
decision lies in the client.
The same steps proposed for the tendering process that was applied in the public projects is
used in the supermarket reform: establishment of the work team, study of the documentation
and the planning organization. Table 18 -5.4.2 shows the risk identification and evaluation of
the project:
Threat Probability Impact Risk
Risk Code Category Risk PxI
(T)/Opportunity (O) (P) (I) ranking
P01-TR01 Technical Luck of information T 0,1 0,1 0,01 11
P01-TR02 Technical Incongruity between plans and reality T 0,1 0,1 0,01 11
P01-TR03 Technical Incomplete design T 0,1 0,1 0,01 11
P01-TR04 Technical Modifications in the project due to the client T 0,3 0,1 0,03 9
P01-TR05 Technical Modifications in the project due to external factors T 0,3 0,2 0,06 6
P01-LR06 Logistical Inconsistence of cost time and quality T 0,1 0,8 0,08 5
Capacity of the company surpassed by the volume of
P01-LR07 Logistical T
work 0,5 0,2 0,1 11
P01-LR08 Logistical Use of different programs or obsolete programs T 0,5 0,1 0,05 7
P01-LR09 Logistical Operational Accidents T 0,3 0,8 0,24 1
P01-LR10 Logistical Force Majeure T 0,1 0,2 0,02 10
P01-LR11 Logistical Suppliers T 0,7 0,2 0,14 2
P01-LR12 Logistical Specific delays, labour or material availability T 0,1 0,1 0,01 11
P01-LR13 Logistical Location of the plot T 0,3 0,2 0,06 6
P01-LR14 Logistical Transportation T 0,3 0,1 0,03 9
Wrong actions due to the incorrect communication
P01-MR15 Management T
or luck of information 0,3 0,8 0,24 1
P01-MR16 Management Changes in the scope and objectives T 0,1 0,4 0,04 8
Inexperience of the team work and/or project
P01-MR17 Management T
manager 0,1 0,8 0,08 5
P01-MR18 Management Modification or lose of project files by the team T 0,1 0,4 0,04 8
Changes or rotation in the company personnel in
P01-MR19 Management T
charge of the project 0,3 0,4 0,12 3
P01-MR20 Management Contractor do not participate in the design phase T 0,9 0,1 0,09 4
P01-MR21 Management Integrating PM methodologies O 0,1 0,8 0,08 12
P01-ER22 Environmental Environmental liabilities T 0,3 0,4 0,12 3
P01-ER23 Environmental Climate considerations O 0,9 0,8 0,72 16
P01-ER24 Environmental Reuse and recycling of work materials O 0,9 0,2 0,18 14
P01-FR25 Financial Variation of labour costs T 0,1 0,4 0,04 8
P01-FR26 Financial Variation of material costs T 0,1 0,4 0,04 8
P01-FR27 Financial Work itself O 0,9 0,4 0,36 15
P01-FR28 Financial Cashflow initiatives O 0,7 0,2 0,14 13
Strikes, termination of contracts or organizational
P01-PR29 Socio-Political T
breakdowns 0,1 0,8 0,08 5
P01-PR30 Socio-Political Presence of press, neighbours and municipal entities T
0,1 0,4 0,04 8
P01-PR31 Socio-Political
Delays in obtaining licenses T 0,1 0,4 0,04 8
P01-CR32 Contractual Promotor Insolvency T 0,1 0,8 0,08 5
P01-CR33 Contractual Other contractors by the promotor T 0,1 0,2 0,02 10
P01-CR34 Contractual Need to perform new procedures or permits T 0,1 0,2 0,02 10
Lose of information due to technical problems,
P01-SR35 Security T
electric damage or lose of database 0,1 0,8 0,08 5
P01-SR36 Security Impacts of accidents T 0,1 0,8 0,08 5
P01-SR37 Security Stolen material in the company and in the plot T 0,1 0,4 0,04 8
P01-SR38 Security Corruption T 0,1 0,8 0,08 5
P01-SR39 Security Terrorism T 0,1 0,8 0,08 5
P01-HR40 Human errors In general T 0,3 0,4 0,12 3
In this occasion the workshop will be carried out by the team members, the private client and
a representative of the neighbours with the same intention as the previous cases. Results show
that for the establishment of the GO/NO-GO decision only two important threats have to be
taken into consideration. In any case, as well as the previous case, the value gained by the
opportunities is much higher than by the threats and the decision at the end is to GO and
continue with the overall process.
For the completion of the next steps the information provided by the company was not
enough but the procedure should be like in the previous cases.
Even with the little information obtained of this project risks could be analysed to have a clear
idea of whether or not continue with the tendering process. The risks identified were minimal
and easy to plan a response to them and that is why the whole process should be developed.
Oreco, by that time won the tendering process and the reform of the supermarket is nowadays
executed. Any RM methodology was implemented and only quality standards were followed
by the company. There is no data collection about the problems that arose in the following
steps of the PLC so in this case the implementation of the method is not clear enough.
This case study helps to understand the need to file in the database the every document
related with the PLC for later analysis, especially for members of the company who may need
to have access and know what happened in the work site, which where the main problems and
why did they happen in order to provide solutions for future projects with similar
The tree cases studies were developed over a very similar period of time and the type and
characteristics of the works analyzed are also close. Hence, the objectives set in the SWOT
analysis are very similar also.
The following results collected in Table 19 -5.5 have been obtained from the three projects
proposed by the company:
High risks were identified and assessed in the first public project, where one of the most
important factors, the aim of every project: quality, cost and time was the fact with more
probability and impact to happen. On the other hand, the analysis of the opportunities was
not enough to consider this project viable, so that the suggestion is not to continue with the
procurement of the project and dedicate time and effort to the other projects that the
company were constructed at the same time.
The data obtained from the other two projects, one public and one private, revealed a lower
impact of the threats and a positive influence of the opportunities. The GO/NO-GO decision is
clear and in both cases the proposed process could be continued until the final bid elaboration.
In addition, this chapter will answer the research questions proposed at the beginning of the
final dissertation based on this results and the comparison with the literature reviewed.
Which is best way to identify, implement and manage risk in construction industry?
It is difficult to establish a unique path where best practices are defined to identify and assess
risks because every construction project and every construction company is different. Taking
into consideration that the initial phase of a project is where risks are more difficult to identify
and evaluate, most efforts should be made in this part of the PLC. Also a new mentality among
the workers of the company is necessary as well as greater education in RM in the processes of
professional training. The new methodology proposed intends to bring this knowledge of risk
closer to the companies or managers without the proper education and facilitates another way
to implement RM in construction industry.
How can we improve RM in terms of cost, time and quality in SMEs of the construction
sector in Europe?
Applying the new methodology during this critical phase will help to have a clear view of the
overall PLC, will allow to anticipate problems that may arise along the following phases of the
construction process and will save time in case is not convenient to continue with the project
procurement. This will be reflected in the fact that the projects will have a greater quality, time
consuming at the end will be less and consequently the overall cost will be reduced.
Is there any difference between the public and the private sector while taking care of risks?
As it is mentioned before, risks can be found in every project. The severity and probability of
each one could vary depending on each project. It is true that in private tendering processes
only the invited companies are in the game, and this causes that some of the risks are reduced
and some other erases. Is the client who will finally decide which is the offer more interesting
for him and
But the process of taking care of these risks must be the same; the methodology has to be
applied in the same way both for private and public projects in order to achieve the best
results possible.
Three projects of a construction company were analysed and the results showed that
identifying and assessing risks during the tendering phase will help to establish the GO/NO-GO
decision that will derive in benefits not only in quality and money, but also time consume by
the workers of the company.
Despite of being three cases studies with similar characteristics where the works were done on
an existing building, it is possible to observe how risks, whether they are threats or
opportunities are different or their impacts are not the same. This makes each case study
unique and therefore makes the risk identification and assessment more difficult.
Most of the professionals in construction are taking care of risks but they are not aware of it.
They have them in mind and through its experience they manage to solve some of them, but
the fact is that they are not doing it in a structured way.
Even risks are seeing as negative actions mostly, the fact is that the positive understanding of
these risks generates more value whether or not making the GO/NO-GO decision. The
opportunities generated by the construction project and the possibility to work in a sector
where every day is more difficult to get inside are greater than the negative facts. This does
not mean that the negative risks have to be forgotten. Quite the opposite, it is necessary to
have a control of the negative consequences in order not to decrease value, quality and time
of the PLC.
It is true that quantitative analysis provide more exact results than qualitative analysis, but for
SME´s with less trained workers in risk management practices and with less resources and time
to perform small and medium projects, qualitative techniques are more powerful tools to
develop the methodology proposed.
Every project is different but risks stored in the database of the company as well as the Lessons
Learned properly analysed, classified and easily accessible will make the methodology more
efficient as many projects are carried out.
For the successful of a construction project leadership, management ability, and technical
excellence are needed but also and effective planning and control and agile solutions during
the development of the project. Selecting the right team, the clear communication inside the
team and the rest of the stakeholders of the project and the support are key factors for the
success of the project.
The analysis of risks during the tendering phase will establish the basis on which Risk
Management could be developed during the execution phase, in case of winning the tender.
With only three cases study is difficult to determine the veracity of the methodology, but
taking into consideration all of these aspects proposed in this final dissertation the intention is
to stablish a conscience that would help to reduce the risks generated in the tendering process
to avoid possible negative consequences in the subsequent processes of the project.
Further research is needed in order to stablish a proper manner to transfer Lessons Learned
and improve the internal communication between different departments inside the company.
This will create a really valuably assets for the company itself and will be reflected in the way
to manage risk in construction.
Looking towards the future and with the new laws that are being incorporated or are already
incorporated in many countries of the EU, it would also be advisable to study the ways in
which SME´s can apply new technologies inside its normal practices. The combination of the
technology with Risk Management Practices will help with the identification, analysis and
monitoring and control of every risk. In recent years, Building Information Modelling (BIM)
methodologies have been broken in the construction sector and its combination with RM
practices would be a breakthrough. In any case, it will not be easy due to the same reasons
that have been exposed previously since this kind of companies does not have the same
economic and manoeuvring capacities as the big companies.
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Extension Area
Phase 1
Section Phase 2 CEIP Alfonso Daniel Rodríguez Castelao.
Operation Area
Plans for the conditioning of the space for the enlargement of the university room of the UNED in premises of the auditorium and
conference hall.