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One Life in Russia

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The author discusses facing mental health challenges from birth in Russia and experiencing negative treatment from compatriots. They also express negative views towards the Russian nation and government.

The author discusses facing mental health challenges from birth in Russia and experiencing negative treatment from compatriots who tried to silence them. They also had to learn Dutch after being incarcerated in the Netherlands.

The author arrived in Amsterdam without a visa and requested political asylum at the border. They were incarcerated for under a month until their case could be investigated further.


What was that? The fruit of a sick imagination?

Delirious demschiza.....
-- Mariam Skripova, about this story

This text is an autobiographical sketch of the author's life story, without claiming to be in proper
writing style, complete or relevant to someone other than the author. The goal of this story was
initially an attempt to understand my own feelings towards my Homeland and compatriots, then
somehow crystallize my worldview, and finally explain to others the reasons for my extremely
negative attitude towards the Russian nation. Th text contains no fiction, only real events happened
to the author during his sad life in Russia. The names are unchanged either. Be cautious when
distributing or quoting this text, because it violates numerous laws of the Russian Federation,
including materials on which there are precedents of opened criminal cases.

Compatriots, themselves deprived of voice, all my life tried to shut me up. Even my mother taught
me the Russian wisdom of "not to stick out" since childhood: "Shut up - go for a clever" and
"silence is gold." But if silence is gold, then the dead are the richest. This text is also my response to
all those who tried to deprive me of the right to express my thoughts aloud. Yes it is full of hatred
towards Russian, but as Dovlatov has said: it was not Joseph Stalin who has sentenced the millions
of people to suffering and death.

I started writing this book in Russian, but then changed into English, due to the shift in my
relationship with the Russian nation. There is no official Russian version anymore. The existing
copies are completely out of date.

– Nikita Sadkov <nashgold85@gmail.com>

– https://www.facebook.com/nshgld/

– https://lj.rossia.org/users/nashgold/

– https://www.flickr.com/photos/183169116@N03/
Not My Choice
"During his life, one has to cut down a tree,
to demolish a house and to kill a child. "
- German proverb Russian style.

"Los Cubanos paldenos todo pero nunca La Esperanza" -- said the engraving on the wall at the
immigration prison cell. It was made by a refugee staying there before me. Most other text in prison
was in Dutch, which I unfortunately could not read. My father always had books in Dutch language
due to his work involving Dutch painters, but I would have never guessed I will have to learn this
language one day too. It was Nov 19, 2020. I got incarcerated here two weeks ago, after arriving in
Amsterdam Nov 6, and asking political asylum at the documents check desk.

As in any safe country, they can't just allow random outsiders arriving without visas to roam freely,
even if they need protection, so they put them in jail, until the further research in their case. I had no
EU visa. In fact I had no plans traveling to a European country, since I wanted to go to the
Philippines - a much warmer country. But the life in Russia doesn't care about your plans. And this
book is the story of how my plans went into the other direction.

I had to call Sasha and tell her I'm getting out of the immigration prison, but the guard said there is
no time: I should be freeing the cell now and telling goodbye to the refugee friends. They are nice
people, but their cases are complicated, some are missing documents or cannot obtain them,
because you can't go to some dictator, and ask him for a signed document that he wants to kill you.
Or maybe they made some errors in their interview and immigration authorities decided their story
contradicts itself. I was far luckier and spent here less than a month. Maybe because I had my story
already recorded in detail as part of this text?

I was born in 1985, in the city of Serpukhov near Moscow, when the USSR had already outlived
itself and Perestroika had just began, giving birth to Russia, shining under the cold Russian
sunlight, like the pus from a carbuncle uncovered by a bold surgeon.

My birth also echoed the spirit of the times. According to the mother's story, in the maternity home,
apparently for sake of the lesson to
interns, it was decided to stimulate
the childbirth, and as a result of rapid
birth I had an injury to my head
(diagnosis of "post-traumatic
encephalopathy"), which later
expressed in a bouquet of mental

Right after delivery, my temperature

rose to 40 degrees celsius and I was
transferred to the intensive care unit,
and given back to my mother only
after a couple of weeks. In the
newborn's passport, I also have a
diagnosis of "a syndrome of
increased nervous-reflex excitability", so already since birth, I had been prescribed with
Phenobarbital. The doctors of the best country in the world also for some reason forbade my mother
to breastfeed me, despite the fact that the use of infant formula leads to mental illnesses, due to the
lack of necessary ingredients in the mixture. As it should be in brain damage, all my childhood I
had sleep issues (I slept too little), neuroses, dizziness, nose blood and headaches from the slightest
change in the weather, which continues until the writing of this story.

At the age of 2 months, the mother,

taking advantage of maternity leave,
moved with me to her beloved father in
Buryatia, but when I was 1 year old, the
working mother, not wishing to deal
with me (because she wanted a
daughter), returned to Moscow, leaving
me in the care of my grandparents who
had just retired.

Grandmother, Nina Konchelenko, whose family was originally

from the Ukraine and Belarus, always dreamed about the village
life, although Nina has worked all her life in the city, being the
head of a chemical laboratory at the candy factory. So, when I
was 4 years, for the rural dream of grandmother, her husband
grandfather, George N. Moskalev, who was born in the Trans-
Baikal region, found a home in a surrounded by hills village
Burdukovo (gmaps coordinates 52.092314, 107.507785) on the
banks of a tributary of the Baikal river Selenga.

The house was an unoccupied rotten timbered cottage, which at

that time was already around a hundred years old. Soviet
Communists were against people having personal houses,
believing that everyone must live in communal barracks. There
were no house building material shops and constructions
companies, like the "evil capitalists" have in the West. The
Soviet house ownership laws were too against the common
people. Only party functionaries were expected to have personal
Dacha houses. So it was impossible to buy a good and new
house, even if you had the money. You have to build it somehow yourself, likely using stolen

Grandmother, studying books on gardening and animal handling, began her activities with planting
a vegetable garden, chickens and pigs breeding, production of brazhka and later some distilled
alcohol, quality tested by setting it on fire. Grandmother exchanged alcohol for fish and services,
such as construction, plowing and sowing the field. Although grandmother was intolerant of
alcohol, at social events such as funerals, she sometimes got drunk, then lying in a pool of her own
vomit and shouting "I'm dying." Timka, the dog, was jumping alongside, whimpering, barking and
licking the grandmother's vomit. Still I have to thank grandma for teaching me how to read, write
and count.

Since I was a late child, my grandmother already had many maladies and, in spite of her chemist
education, was engaged in self-medication, through celandine, basket plant and urine therapy. Yet
grandma had bright memory, and could recall how her father was once got drunk and chased her
and her mother with an axe. Oh the sweet childhood memories...

Yet wife beating is a common practice in Russia and is the integral part of the Russian culture.
Battery was once criminalized, but Putin had made it legal once again, understanding that he can't
jail the majority of the male Russian population. And Russian women seem enjoy regular beating
and abuse without much open protest.

Unlike grandmother, grandfather, Georgy Nikolayevich Moskalev was not an Ukrainian - he was a
hero of the USSR, a kind of animated St. George ribbon crossed with Red Army soldiers from that
Russophobic painting, where horny drunk Russian invaders rape pre-teen European girl. Fully
justifying his name and surname, grandfather had pronounced Mongoloid features and was the only
surviving child from a large family of Siberian hunter-fishermen who came here with Ermak,
exterminating indigenous peoples and seizing their lands. The occupation of the Transbaikalian
lands by the Russians forced many Buryat tribes to flee their lands on both sides of Lake Baikal,
moving to northern Mongolia.

Grandfather got his gold hero star medal for crossing

the Danube during the offensive in the Great Patriotic
War, about which he told when he drank, sometimes to
the displeasure of grandmother, giving details about
the Hungarian girls taken by force by Russian soldiers.
After the Great Patriotic War, grandfather graduated
from the Art Institute, but he failed to enter the
peaceful channel, so most of his paintings are almost
exclusively on the themes of the Great Patriotic War.
Moskalev's paintings were of very dubious quality, but
so are the majority of the Russian paintings, whose
originality lies in the political conjuncture of the
subject matter and the crudity of rendering, not chasing
after the European masters.

For the Soviet government, the cult of WW2 victory

was not so important at the time, so grandfather,
despite the preferential admission to the university and numerous indulgences during exams,
received a small pay work as a teacher of the fine arts; almost all of grandfather's life, he was
supported by grandmother, who had some good reason to be jealous of him constantly having sex
with the young female art students, but her money kept him around. However, after the collapse of
the USSR, grandfather as a gold star hero was appointed an order of magnitude greater retirement
pension than grandmother. Grandfather even had the audacity to bring home one of his student-
artists, Elena Alekseeva-Baranovskaya, and my grandmother grabbed Boronovskaya's hair in front
of my eyes, making me remember this event for a long time.

From childhood I remember the episode, when grandmother sent me to bring back the grandfather
who was drunk on May 9 (a major militaristic celebration in Russia) from the drunk party on the
other side of village. It was always scary there, because from the village children, as well as from
the dogs released in the evening, you could expect anything. I furtively sneaked along the fence to
the house where my grandfather was getting wasted. In the courtyard a large red-gray mongrel dog
was sitting on a leash, however the length of its chain allowed to reach any corner of the yard. I
screamed in the street, but everyone was drunk and did not hear or pay attention. Then I made one
of the most stupid decisions in my life and tried to pass the dog into the house, as a result I
miraculously fought off and the dog bitten my hand millimeter from the vein, leaving a scar for life.

Georgy Moskalev loved a drunken brawl: after gulping the vodka and letting out a battle cry, "I am
shell-shocked, I'll screw you fascist up in a mutton horn!", grandfather tried to knock out his
opponent with an awkward alcoholic blow, but more often missed, falling with groaned to the
ground, where his even more drunk opponent tried to kick him. I remember witnessing that
grandfather repeatedly fought even with his son, Oleg Moskalev. The typial occasion was, as I
recall, the fact that Oleg argued with grandfather and spoke out critically about the USSR. Uncle
Oleg told that in his youth, drunk grandfather frightened and threated everyone with his "award"
pistol, until grandmother thrown this dignity of the hero into the river. Grandfather himself
mentioned that it was just an uncharged "pugach" and he had no intend to shoot anyone.

Grandfather indeed got a concussion wound during the Great Patriotic War: as a result of explosion
he caught a metal fragment with his head, which remained in his brain until his death from
sclerosis. Perhaps it was the concussion that caused the hero of the USSR to use the cologne "Shipr"
intraorally, diluting it with water. From this hero of a grandfather I first heard the phraseology
"fucking mother of God", when a young bull tried to sodomize the drunk grandpa like a cow.
Regarding food, Moskalev adored boiled pork and bovine genitalia, which could be obtained in the
village after animals got castrated.

The hero of the USSR, who suffered frequent constipations, told stories about the peculiarities of
his digestion, as if he was describing an epic battle scene of the Great Patriotic War. He was telling
that he had a "cork in the ass" or "a stick stuck there," and he must gather strength for a
breakthrough; often the story was accompanied by the grandfather himself, taking a heroic dump on
the side of the rural road. Towards the end of his life, apparently as a result of sclerosis, Georgy
Nikolayevich completely stopped controlling his sphincter and often woke up in the morning lying
in shit, sometimes with his face smeared with feces. Yet Russia haven't forgot about the front-line
soldier and allocated funds for a social worker, the main job of which was to wash the hero's ass.

Near the wall of the grandfather's wooden shack was a rusty bucket, filled with shit and urine,
because there is no proper sewage system in Russian houses. Due to the bucket, the house was filled
with a painful stench, yet one could get used to it with time. Such buckets were practically in all
Russian huts. Once grandfather made me to clean the potatoes above that bucket. I've managed to
drop one potato there, for which grandfather slapped and lectured me, ordering to fish it out and
wash that soaked in shit potato. Grandfather also had some otherworldly respect for bread, so he
forced me to eat even crumbs from the table and once punched, when he noticed me sculpting a
figurine from the bread crumb.

Among other things, I remember how grandfather lamented that during the Great Patriotic War the
vile "kikes" allegedly stayed out in the rear, while the young Russian boys, like him, died at the
frontline. Neither then nor now I can not understand the indignation of my grandfather, because the
Jews, all as one, understood that it is stupid to go to the frontline, while Russians, instead of
keeping clear head and utilizing their brains, utilized themselves clearing the mine fields. However,
the "civic duty", "honor", "duty to the homeland," "love for the motherland," "traitor," "fifth
column" - are essentially all the forms of manipulation, and the hero of the USSR did not realize
and did not want to realize that government manipulated him like a fool. There are no clever people
in the trenches.

Grandfather told me that at the time of his youth there was the real community, where nobody dared
be first to collect wild berries, like currants, in the forest, or to bump cedars (which were shaken by
blows on the trunk with a large hammer). And now everyone is too bold for his own good, everyone
tries to snatch first. Apparently the concept of "competition" was absolutely alien to the old
communist, and his motto was "know your place, and do not question." Then the hero of the USSR
taught me to walk "properly", stating "only fagots and Americans walk like this" and "Russians do
not walk like that."

Being a great teacher, grandfather beaten me with nettles and an army belt with the iron soviet star
buckle, when I had the imprudence to get near the hero's hot hand, or shirked from working in the
garden or cleaning the cow stall. As result, grandfather instilled in me a steadfast hatred for work,
for which the hero of the USSR deserves my greatest gratitude. The grandfather's school was the
best training on how to "work less, and achieve more," because the easiest way for me to achieve
something was to evade or imitate work.

Unfortunately for me, my grandfather was irritated by Disney cartoons, like Duck Tales and
TaleSpin, which were shown on Russian TV in the early 90's, after the USSR fall; Although
grandmother allowed me to watch them, grandfather beaten me for watching US cartoons. On the
question of why I can't watch American cartoons or what's wrong with Coca-Cola, the grandfather
talked nonsense about "glass beads for the Indians." Now I think that if the Indians were indeed like
my grandfather, then these savages could have been subjected to genocide of any proportions,
without any harm to humanity. And given the example of Steven Seagal (the offspring of those
same Native Americans), who now sings praises to Putin, one can understand that the Native
American people are not the best.

However, there was a softer side to the hero of the USSR. In the bath-house my grandfather made
me wash and caress his genitals, noticing that I had "gentle hands". However, my grandfather loved
being masochistically whipped with Banya broom and rubbed his back with the rough Soviet bast
washcloth. And the smell of tar soap still invokes memories of the grandfather's cock, which by the
way was rather big, so his student artist girls could be understood. In general, it was the Russian
bath through which many got their first gay experience.

Like grandmother, grandfather was fond of urine therapy, sometimes forcing me to endure and not
go to the toilet, and then piss into a prepared jar. Grandfather diluted my urine with water and
drank. The funny thing is that after this grandfather said that the so hated by him Coca-Cola is
"urine". Indeed, the mysterious Russian soul.

The real worth of the title of the hero of the USSR becomes clear from the history of the "heroism"
of the 28 Panfilovtsev. One of the Panfilovtsev, Dobrobabin, defended Stalin, risked his life,
committed a heroic deed, was wounded, and, as expected, was left to die in the ditch. Later it turned
out that Dobrobabin survived - he was saved by the Germans, as a result all posthumous awards to
Dobrobabin were revoked and he was sent to the Gulag. Russians do not abandon their own, yeah...
however, Dobrobabin was an Ukrainian, who was forced to change name from the Ukrainian name
"Dobrobaba" to the Russian "Dobrobabin". Another member of Panfilovtsev, Kazakh native
Kozhebergenov, also was captured by Germans, but fled, yet the leadership has already managed to
write the Kazakh into the list of heroes. When it became clear that Kozhebergenov is alive, the title
of "hero" was stripped from him, and the Kozhebergenov was first sent to prison, and then to the
penal battalion, where Kozhebergenov miraculously survived, yet got crippled from the wounds.

Apparently for the sake of laughter, the Russians brought the title of Gold Star Hero of the Great
Patriotic War to the absurdity, rewarding it even to dead pioneer kids - the followers of Pavlik
Morozov, like Valya Kotik (who actually died under his mother's skirt as a result of an air strike)
and Lenya Golikov, whom Russian propaganda attributes the liquidation of Generalleutnant
Richard Wirtz in 1942, but after that, in 1943-1944, "dead" (if you believe your Russian politruk)
Wirtz commanded the 96th Infantry Division, and in 1945 was captured by American troops, dying
long after WW2 in 1963. ( https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=230167 )

In the early 90's, my uncle, Oleg, after the end of the VHS basement theatre business, tried to breed
decorative fishes and dogs, but neither in Russia was necessary - a purebreed dog is not pure
alcohol. However, Uncle Oleg was not a good person. So living on the Buryat land seized by the
Russians, Oleg boorishly called the Buryats "narrow-eyed", telling humiliating jokes about their
asian language, and resented that, after the fall of the USSR, the Buryats began to struggle for their
rights, though weakly, trying to get representation in the government of their republic, largely
looted by the Moscow-centered Russian imperialists.

Russian invaders cut down the lush Buryat forests, selling them to China, along with the other raw
materials from Buryatia, while Buryats haven't seen a penny. The Russian factories are responsible
for the release of toxic chemicals into the lake Baikal, the largest fresh water basin on Earth. In the
Selenga River, which flows into the Baikal, the dead fish in huge quantities constantly pops belly
up. Now Baikal has blossomed with harmful seaweed, feeding on Russian waste. Buryats blame the
Russians for destroying the Buryat culture: the withering away of the language, the erosion of
cultural traditions, isolation from the native Mongolian world.
I did not had much love for my uncle, because, typical of the Russian son of the hero of the USSR,
Oleg liked to get drunk on vodka, then without second thought he drive car, went hunting, or
committed other heroic deeds. Once my grandmother sent me with the drunk uncle to a fishing trip
on a boat, I remember that it was scary, because the drunken idiot could have drown the both of us.
In addition, after getting drunk, my uncle fallen into senile delirium and assaulted people, including

Since Oleg was admitted to a medical college without exams on a regional quota, as a resident from
Buryatia, he did not value his luck and, during his studies in Moscow, Oleg debauchered and drank
at the dorm, so much that, on the memoirs of my father, Oleg's room was basically covered with
glass from broken vodka bottles and there he constantly fucked girls. As a result of such studies,
Oleg was going to be expelled, but my grandpa Georgiy Moskalev came to Moscow and hushed up
the matter, shaking his soviet hero's star.

After wasting his youth, working on the ambulance, Oleg realized that it is impossible to become
famous or earn money by good deeds. Oleg befriended Ivan Hapkin, a former physician, who at the
sunset of communism became a well-known in Buryatia snake oil salesman. Acquaintance with
Hapkin helped my uncle to understand that the best method of earning money in Russia is fraud.
Thus, the uncle retrained into a chiropractor, in addition to practicing other methods of alternative
medicine, such as herbs, cupping therapy and ovotherapy - the so called "Method of Dr. Kapustin",
that is when a chicken egg is injected into a muscle or a cancerous tumor, allegedly curing all
diseases, although more often this treatment leads to anaphylactic shock, salmonella and a simple
tissues necrosis.

Uncle has managed to impose this ovotherapy even on my mother, despite the bad relationship with
his sister, because my mother, in spite of innate dullness, felt ill-intentioned people like a dog can
feel a bad person. For a pay, uncle inject my mom with a stale egg, after which my mother limped
for several months. I was also going to be treated with such "omelette", but being a naughty boy, I
managed to run away, without waiting for the execution.

Alas, the uncle's plan to "treat" his parents to the death was spoiled by a social worker appointed by
the state to watch the Hero of the Great Patriotic War so that such a valuable exhibit would not die
before his time, for the hero at the end of his life became a silent vegetable, capable only of
mumbling something nonsensical. That, however, have not prevented from dressing him like a doll
in order to make nice photos with Buryatia's officials, wanting a PR show off how they care about
WW2 veterans.

Yet my uncle still treated my grandmother with the same ovotherapy and chiropractics, which led to
grandma developing complications and dying before the grandfather, despite her younger age - sort
of like an uncle pinching her some important nerve, causing further deterioration. By the way, in the
end Hapkin has came to success: "There are legends about Ivan Hapkin, this Tibetologist is
recommended to those who despaired of being cured by traditional methods." I wonder what honest
doctors came to?

Modern pharmaceutical products are mainly of synthetic

origin. Preparations used in Tibetan medicine are natural.
Consist of components of vegetable, mineral and animal
origin. Modern diagnostics are unthinkable without the use
of special equipment, but for a tibetologist it is enough
to feel the pulse.
-- Ivan Hapkin, a Tibetologist, Ph.D. in Medicine.
While the evidence-based medicine is popular in the West, the following types of treatment are
recognized among Russians:
• Iodine Grid;
• Cupping therapy;
• Brilliant green (also known as Zelenka: with Iodine and Zelenka, Russians treat everything
- from herpes and hemorrhoids to AIDS and cancer);
• Vishnevsky liniment;
• Burenka Ointment (village treatment for bovine udder is used on humans too, if you
consider Russians being human beings);
• Antiseptic Dorogov's Stimulator;
• Laundry soap (especially the tar soap);
• Ichthyol/Ichthammol Ointment;
• Basket Plant;
• Kombucha;
• Aloe;
• Cardamom;
• Greater Celandine;
• Ovotherapy (chicken egg syringe injection);
• Urine therapy.
• Jars charged in front of TV (can be filled with water, urine, vodka or any other liquid);
• Haloperidol (also a panacea);
• Hair conditioner;
• Rubbing (as well as tinctures) with cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini and
onions. Moreover, cabbage can be fermented and cucumbers can be salted;
• Vodka.

Everything easily available to the Russian humanoid, even [a hair conditioner]

(http://medived.ru/tags/%D0%90%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B5), goes into medicine. Of course,
such tools are combined in arbitrary proportions. Moreover, the more all these treatments are used,
the faster Russians die. For example, my aunt Zinaida treated herself with celandine, and died from
a disease that was quite amenable to treatment using methods of the civilized scientific medicine,
had she visited a normal doctor, not a butcher like my uncle.
Vodka Countryside
Finally from Konigsberg
Reached one big waste pit
They dislike there Gutenberg
And find taste in the shit.
Drank some Russian infusion
Heard "fucking mother god"
There can be no confusion
Russian snouts dance flawed.
-- Nikolay Nekrasov

The village, were I grew up, was a home for a few Old Believer families ("Semeiskie" in the local
jargon), who came to Siberia before the revolution, and various semi-criminal people send there
during USSR to do the woodcutting work in the structure of Lespromkhoz (lumber-camp part of
Gulag). However almost everyone in the willage was a chronic alcoholic, abusing vodka and other
bewerages to no end. Those who did not drink were the Jewish Kozlovsky family, who spent there
their summer vacations, and a retired engineer Yakovlev, who was always driving here to his small
garden, using Zaporozhets car.

Surprisingly sober families of Jehovah's Witnesses, who tried to settle near the village in search of a
better life, nearly lost their very lives, when local russians switched from verbal threats to the tactic
of arson and several-on-one attacks. I still remember the humble peaceful faces of these religious
people, in comparison with the twisted ugly angry grimaces of the indigenous inhabitants of the
Russian province. For some reason, I was immediately forbidden to communicate with the
Witnesses, and told some scary stories about them.

Especially wakeless dipsomania always began in the autumn, after the harvest of potato fields was
over. Every winter, some drunk killed some other drunk with a knife or with a hunting rifle.
Corpses were lying sometimes for months waiting for the law enforcement, because the village was
relatively isolated in the winter and hard to get to - roads were burried in snow. Typical joy of such
places have been the power outages, when the power line across the river gets broken by the wind
or a fallen tree; drunk electricians take weeks to fix it.

From the trailer of the arrived shop-vehicle they sold the only, yet "bravenky", brand of cigarettes
"Belomor Channel" and the famous vodka brand "Royal", which nicely thinned the ranks of the
Russian nation, due to some toxic components. There were rumors that in the neighboring village of
"Koma" two residents died from "Royal", or, as my grandmother noticed, "they played the grand
piano ("royal" in russian)". Present Russians continue traditions, using a window washing liquid
(isopropyl alcohol), often sold directly in the alcohol parts of Russian stores. The "Belomor
Channel" cigarettes were sometimes mixed with cannabis, but more often cannabis joints were
made using Soviet newspaper "PRAVDA". The villagers also smoked "mahorka" - an illegally
grown cheap tobaco plant.

The nature of the Russian villagers best exposes itself with one typical accident. The grandmother's
dog, Timka, was small and lively mutt, but annoyed one local resident, apparently by barking at him
when he went to grandmother during May 9 holiday to beg for the traditional frontline hundred
gram of vodka (a tradition honoring World War 2 Stalinism victory, similar to the America
Halloween trick and treating), or maybe Timk angered him with his tiny dog's huge temperament
and hyperactivity. Then this drunk guy returned with a hunting rifle and killed Timka in front of my
grandmother, then threatening her with a hunting rifle.
During these times, several families of the so called "farmers" came to this rural Russian idyll: one
such family of alco-farmers went into dipsomania, which ended only when these drunk got mauled
by a hungry spring bear, coming down from the mountain in search of food; more active "farmer",
who erected even some elaborate brick cowsheds, drowned drunk in the lake Baikal; and the third
family of farmers got accustomed with the good old Russian tradition, when their house was set on
fire, just after their guard dog got poisoned, by the locals. They were probably too greedy and
refused to share their vodka with the locals.

Children, beside me, visited Burdukovo only in the summer, because the village had no school, and
they were sent to study at the village of Tataurovo, located on the other side of the river Selenga,
which divided Transbaikalia. However, these Russian bantlings studied for up to 14 years, and
began their alcoholic careers even earlier. It is hard to see children in these whelps, for they grew up
in the atmosphere of chiefly Russian rudeness and sadism, where a drunken mother, spewing a rich
arsenal of the Russian swearing words and idioms, whipped her offspring over the face with a cattle
whip for minor missdeeds. Even more, these "children" were dull from cannabis, which in
abundance grew in those places. After this upbringing, the "children" stole from the kitchen gardens
of Kozlovsky and Yakovlev, not hesitating to steal even the unripe potatoes.

Congenital cruelty of the Russian children can amaze: they threw live puppies and kittens into the
small river, then throwing stones at these unfortunate animals until they drowned or got stoned to
death. This sadistic entartainment allured even Russian girls of six ears old. Several corpses of
domestic animals sometimes accumulated at the end of this river. Village children ruined magpie
nests, subjecting the poor nestlings to sophisticated tortures.

Even more frightening was the atmosphere in

the woods where many adult dogs and cats
hung from birch trees. They were hung up
alive by their rear limbs and suffered for a
long time in terrible agony, before dying, then
emitting a fetid stench, which, however, did
not stop the locals from collecting the birch
juice from the neighboring trees. Sometimes
such killing of dogs was justified by Russians
in that the dog is too small or insufficiently
aggressive, therefore unfit for guard purposes.
Much later, communicating with the Russians
on the Internet, I learned that this dog hanging
is a common practice all around Russia.
Moreover, Russian mothers hang their own
children by the feet, then beating them or even
poking them with a knife, as did Inna
Pchelintseva, who filmed the educational
process on video.

My relations with the village children were, to

put it mildly, strained, for if at first they stole
toys from me and asked mock questions
(about me being gay and my grandmother
being old whore), then when I told everyone
about the thieving activities of these children, Russian Dog Hanging Tradition
they started throwing stones at me and the couple of stones got to my head, leaving a scar over my
eyebrow. Then they pushed me and tried to drown in the river Unoleyka, and one of the boys
wanted to make me suck his dick, guided, as I now think, by the prison culture absorbed by the
Russian children from their numerous relatives who served the jail time and carried out the prison
rape culture. Therefore, I had no friends among Russian children, and actually I don't regret that.

Sometimes my grandmother took me to the city of Ulan-Ude, where I had to stand in the ubiquitous
Russian live queues or for a kickback buy some expired bread from the back door; grandmother
used such stale bread to feed her pigs. I also remember soviet groceries, which were more like a
way to show the proletarean slaves their place in the glorious communist society of USSR.

Typical people's grocery in the USSR consisted of 6 departments: vegetables/fruits, bread,

cookery/sugar/sweets, cereals/pasta, wine/vodka, meat/fish/canned food. Also in the grocery there
were cash desks and they worked cunningly: the first cashier serves only departments 1, 3 and 5, the
second only 2, 4 and 6. Therefore queues at cash desks were always longer than the queues in the
related departments, and those who had by mistake went to the wrong department cashier were
rudely turned off, and ridiculed by other grocery visitors. The shopping process was as follows:
after standing in line to the right department, you asked the saleswoman (fat rude soviet woman) to
weigh you 200 grams of beef, The woman cuts off a stale piece and puts in on the old squeaky
mechanical scales "Tyumen" (tuned to add 10 grams over the real weight), weighs it, and wraps into
dirty looking paper, on which she writes weight and puts it aside. Then she calculates the cost of the
goods using abacus, and gives your a piece of paper, which includes the department number, the
weight, the price, and her signature. After reaching the end of queue at the correct cash desk for that
department, you pass this piece of paper to the cashier, she produces a check and takes away that
piece of paper. However, there was often a problem of shortage of change money, because the
cashier treasured her coins sacredly, forcing you to pay more than the price, if you wanted to
purchase anything at all.

Then it was necessary to wait again in the queue for receiving the goods, parallel to the queue for
weighing, while the seller issued the goods in the intervals between the weighings. One had to
literally beg the seller to bring your rotten piece of beef. After that, your check was solemnly pinned
on a special awl sticking out of a wooden stand. Then the same process had to be carried out in
other departments, forcing you to spent about 3 hours in the grocery. All the goods were packed
into gray paper of the lowest quality with inclusions of black dots of unknown origin, often such
wrapper tightly clung to the meat that you was so lucky to get; for liquid products, like milk or
smetana, you had to bring your own container. By the way, it was impossible to return the
purchased goods, because even a check was withdrawn from you when you received the goods.
Also soviet groceies were filled with sickening stench - a mixture of the smell of rotten vegetables,
mold, rotten fish and decomposing meat. In the summer the soviet grocery was unbearably stuffy,
without any air conditioning. Buyers considered this service to be normal and almost did not
complain, and those who asked for the manager or the book of complaints were unable to achieve

I remember the Soviet refrigerator-showcases with peeling paint, which constantly broke down.
Under them there was water mixed with blood from meat, swarming flies and rags put under the
bottom by the scrubwoman. Bread department had forks hanging on ropes (to prevent people from
stealing them); these forks were used to check yesterday's and the day before yesterday's bread and
choose the least stale. In the vegetable department there was an elevator for potatoes. Potatoes
mixed with dirt were loaded by porters somewhere in the bowels of the grocery, went to the
elevator belt, weighed in some way, then the staff member pulled the lever and the rotten potatoes
with the roar and dust poured out of a hole along the descent similar to a shovel, filling the buyer's
supplied avoska string bag (of course, in Russian shop you can not refuse to buy the rotten potatoes
or cherry pick anything at all). Because of this earthen dust, the vegetable department was the
dirtiest in the grocery, and the scrubwoman constantly lounged around it, lazily moving the dirt
with a broom.

For a short time they took me to the kindergarten, which I remember by its totalitarian rules: the
caregivers forced children to sleep during the day, even if children had no desire to sleep, and after
sleep children were put on the bench and forced to sit for a long time. If one of the children wanted
to play, instead of sitting still, he was punished by caregivers, who loved to lock children in the
closet-like room, filled with brooms, dust, rags and buckets. If some child wanted to visit toilet, he
had to wait till the time allocated for that activity, when all children were collectively siting on
toilette pots in a single toilet room, under the supervision of the caregivers.

As the wildest child, I tried to escape from kindergarten, but I got lost and was caught on one of the
floors in the kitchen. I received beating as punishment. While beating me, caregiver used a lot of
swearing words, and then I was closed in the utility room without light, along with buckets and
mops. However, I was not taken to the kindergarten after that: the administration convinced my
grandmother that such restless children were detrimental to the collective discipline. Later this
characteristic became one of the motives for committing me for the treatment into a psychiatric
asylum. The failed escape from the kindergarten was an early subconscious attempt to escape from
Russia. Grandfather, Moskalev, was angry, because he put a lot of effort into getting me accepted
into the kindergarten, and I did not understand what I had done. Perhaps my grandfather was afraid
that I would also run away from the army without growing up into a real Russian man, becoming a
disgrace to the family.
The Gopnik City
In 1992, upon reaching 7 years, my mother, whom I had previously almost never seen, took me
from my grandparents so I could attend the school in the town of Serpukhov near Moscow.
Serpukhov was and is considered the anal cavity of Moscow - the stronghold of the proletarian
bydlo from the factories Ratep, Metalist and Serpukhov Meat Processing Plant, which in the windy
weather flavored the air with the smell of rotten meat and feces. During USSR, various
undesirables, like panhandlers and just unwell families, were deported 101 kilometers from
Moscow, with some of them ending up in Seprkuhov. My dad then visiting the United States for
several months, to give some presentations, while mother was leaving for the work in Moscow in
the morning, returning late in the evening.

Somewhere at this time, mother, who was a devoted communist before Perestroika, forcibly
baptized me, bringing stubborn and tear-stained child to some Orthodox priests who force dunked
my head in the stinking mucky liquid, which is produced by dipping into not so sterile water
countless unwashed children and infants, for example a toddler on the way to the baptism can crap
itself and not once, but priest wont change water after each baptism act, ignoring the fact that the
Bible tells that baptism must be done in the running water.

I was lucky, since I at least avoided another Russian

Orthodox tradition - Russian epiphany bathing, which
involved throwing children (including toddlers) into the
freezing water at winter. Russians believe that cold
water cleanses all sins from the person diving into it.
But that is in fact a re-imagination of a far older pagan
tradition, used by finno-ugric tribes to kill off the
unhealthy babies yearly.

However, my mother couldn't force me to wear the

crucifix - I threw all the crosses away. To which mother
told me that the devil guides such my actions.
Unfortunately, Orthodox Christianity is a shameful
cross, which only distorts the psyche of a human being,
because the ignorant Orthodox barbarians gave the
world nothing, whereas say Protestants, Jews or
Buddhists contributed to the emergence of prominent
thinkers who founded the modern science. I think the
reason is that Judaism and Protestantism encourage self-
development and hard work, while Orthodoxy pushes
towards respecting those in power, praying, fasting, Epithany Bathing
living in agony and dying, without reaching old age - go
to Heaven sooner and save government's money, which otherwise would be wasted paying your
retirement pension.

God of hungry, God of cold,

God of beggars far and wide
God of profitless estates
Here it is, the Russian God.
God of sagging breasts and butts
God of pudgy legs and lapti,
God of bitternes and sour,
Here it is, the Russian God.
- Peter Vyazemsky (23 July 1792 – 22 November 1878)
Urban children do not throw stones, instead they aptly threw at me, a stranger, chestnuts and dog
feces, but, as goes the Russian saying, "please do not beat me, just piss on me". However, there was
also a more dangerous case when the blond teenager older than me tried to extort some money,
threatening with a knife, but I got terrified and tried to ran away across the road, being hit by a
typical orange Soviet bus, increasing speed after the turn. I flew a few meters away, receiving some
bruises. Bully that threatened me just timely disappeared together with his accomplices. The bus
driver shouted a few obscenities at me and continued driving.

The only my friends were homeless kids from the nearby train station, located across the street from
the commie-block I lived in. These homeless children, perhaps due to the absence of Russian
parents, turned out to be an order of magnitude more humane and positive, they accepted me into
their circle, taught to beg, steal, and exchange collected empty vodka bottles for money. But when
the homeless kids used their money to buy glue "Moment" (they were toxicomans, sniffing glue and
gasoline), I used money to buy lottery tickets in the hope of winning a lot of money. That is when I
was finally got convinced that the luck is out of my life, so I should not count on luck. My mother,
Lydia Moskalyova, was not impressed by my street children friends - she wished that they do freeze
to death in the cold Russian winter.

I remember how one day my mother lost her commie-block keys, and invited for help one of her
lovers, who served in VDV (the Russian Airborne Forces). He, already drunk, with the words "no
harm in trying," climbed into the apartment using a loose drain pipe and opened the door. Mother
provided him with more vodka and he twisted my hand to terrible pain, because the mother said that
I was a naughty child, and do not respect Orthodox Christianity. Leaving, VDV-guy jumped from
the second floor balcony of the commie block, just to show off how Russian he is. It was after this
incident, I finally formed my dislike for the Russian military.
So gray languid industrial zone -
Russia's modest precious stone.
Ugly scurrying shabby dogs,
Comfy deep motherland bogs.

In the courtyard in front of the

commie-block there were no children's
playground. Instead there was a large
garbage dump, some garbage
containers, the contents of which was
quickly moved outside by stray dogs,
Russian children, who loved playing
with garbage, and homeless people in
search of bottles and clothes. After
getting outside the garbage was carried
around the yard by the wind.
Sometimes the children found a TV in
the trash, the CRT screen was
immediately broken up into thousand
glass shards, densely coating the yard,
in addition to all the glass from the
Typical Russian city broken vodka bottles. Similarly,
children broke these long soviet
daylight lamps, enjoying the released mercury vapor. But the special joy for yard kids had been
setting fire to a pile of tires, smoke and soot from which made the gray tombstones of
commieblocks even grayer. The thirst to destroy, burn and rummage in the garbage overflowing in
the Russian "people" since their childhood makes the Russian nation the real life embodiment of
mythical orcs.
In addition to the homeless people, two of our commie-block neighbors were regularly digging in
the garbage dump, lugging and collecting all kinds of garbage inside their apartments, already
stuffed-up to the ceiling, so much that rubbish was falling out through the long broken windows
back into the yard. These neighbors produced constant supply of cockroaches and mouses. Mother
said that they are "God's people" and it's not nice to speak ill of them. Much later I learned that
these people were mentally ill with sillogomania - a common mental disorder in Russia, but then I
perceived these maniacs as something normal, without which life is inconceivable.
Just like Stalin and 9 May, cockroaches are the indispensable symbol of the Russian culture. In fact,
some commie-blocks have garbage disposal pipes built directly into the apartments. That way
roaches get easier access to the apartments. Apparently Russians truly love when everything they
see is covered in these insect feces and there are roach egg capsules laying everywhere.

In the morning everyone woke up red from the hundreds of mosquito bites. Although there were no
open air water reservoirs nearby, commie-block basements served as the breeding grounds for
mosquitoes, due to constant flooding - the result of the indifference of Russian communal services.
Through a ventilation shaft, mosquitoes reached apartments directly from the basement.
For the same reason commie-blocks apartment grew damp and moldy, supporting the putrescent
look and feel of traditional Russian izba log hovels. Residents of the area were rarely sober enough
to be annoyed by mosquitoes and humidity anyway, therefore no one even tried to find out why the
basement is flooded and the commie-block house was overgrown with mold, and in places even
with moss. The only remotely aesthetic looking houses in Serpukhov were the Bulgarian build
apartment towers, having apartments of improved planning; they were built by Bulgarians
construction engineers
at the sunset of the
USSR for the party
elite of the city and
therefore were
inhabited exclusively
by public servants,
apparently guided by
the communist
principle of "to each
according to his

In the evening it is
typical to hear drunk
males swearing and
knocking all around
the commie-block,
when wives refuse let in these drunkard-wifebeater. Their offsprings frequently run away from
homes, being unable to withstand such vodka loving families, where they can get beaten to death.
And mothers usually drink heavy too.
"I think the West is too cautious about neurosurgery because of
the obsession with human rights... It is a pity because it cuts off
a lot of possibilities."
- Dr Sviatoslav Medvedev, director of the Institute of
the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Medvedev committed more than 300 lobotomies, mainly to adolescents.

Although my grandmother taught me to count and write before school. A restless and
hyperactive child, accustomed to running around alone in the woods, I haven't lasted even the
first year in school. Without any supervision, without having any notion of discipline, respect
for authority or any social skills at all, I agitated the whole class, argued with teachers,
sometimes leaving the classroom without permission. As the result, I was expelled from school
already in the first grade, and at the order government appointed therapist my mother sent me to
psychiatrists, so the second year I studied discipline in the madhouse ("durka" in Russian),
where I was sent from All-Soviet Mental Health Research Center (VNTSPZ) of the Academy of
Medical Sciences of the USSR. The fact that I will get branded as "schizo" for life was of no
concern to my mother.

This NTSPZ, created by Andrei Snezhevsky himself, was run by his pupil and a well known
crook Anatoly Smulevich, who has participated in the creation of the diagnosis Sluggishly
Progressing Schizophrenia, and later made human experiments on patients, including using
children as experimental subjects, often in context grants of pharmaceutical companies that need
certification of their products for Russia. Specifically, I was prescribed Sonapax (Thioridazine)
and other neuroleptics at 8 years of age.

Psychiatric asylum children were of all

conditions and ages, up to 18 years.
However, the most prevalent were gopnik
children, who were detained for the often
serious crime, and sent to the asylum for
psychiatric examination. Moreover, older
and stronger children loved to beat the
weak patients without any repercussions
from the junior medical staff, which was
responsible for the ward's security. I was
frequently beaten too. Once a stronger boy
punched me into the chest, as a result of my
refusal to share with him the tangerines that
my mother sent me, although half of the
tangerines, as it turned out, was stolen by
the medical staff. After such punch I was
lying for a few minutes trying to regain
breath while other children kicked me,
because I wasn't the most sociable patient Retarded Russian Children
in the ward and was very egoistic, which is
frowned down by Russians. For the second time, they bent me head down into the toilet bowl as
the result of the verbal conflict. The administration ignored such incidents. Disagreeable and
capricious children were treated with punitive enemas, which immediately knocked down the
arrogance and lowered them into the fagot caste.
However, I got far less
mistreatment than the children
with enuresis, by-product of
whom provided appropriate
stench in the ward, and every
morning they washed their bed
sheets in the toilet, and then
during the daytime sleep were
forced to sleep on the wet sheets.
Those, who unconvincingly
imitated sleeping, were punished
by medical personnel, which first
forcibly tied child to the bed to
immobilize, and then drugged by
anti-psychotics. Other less
harmful way of punishment was
detainment in a cold small solitary
confinement room, without
Toilet in a psychiatric hospital
anything to sit on. Enuresis
patients were beaten mercilessly by other kids and medical personnel, they wetted themselves in
the process, which only encouraged further punishment. One subtile boy was nicknamed
"cockerel" (slang term for a passive homosexual in Russian prison) and then bullied especially
actively, under the condescending eyes of the junior medical staff.

Psychiatric hospital turned out to be the school of life and gave the unforgettable rich experience
of living in a government institution. I did not comply with the orders of medical staff, refused
to take the pills voluntarily, did not sleep on schedule, and as the result was under some anti-
psychotics and sleeping pills all the time. In the end of my in-patient career psychiatrists
diagnosed me with "Pathological Character
Traits" - the standard entry when a psychiatrist
needs to diagnose something, but there's nothing
to diagnose.
To treat my insolence, psychiatrists prescribed me
numerous anti-psychotics, including Triftazine,
Amitriptyline, Cyclodol, Sonapax, Neuleptil,
Chlorprothixene, Acetazolamide, Asparkam, and
several homeopathic remedies, such as Novo-
Passit, Triampur and Nootropil. From some
medications I slept for several days without
waking up, till the doses were corrected by
psychiatrist, after that some other adverse effects
came out, like problems with urination, and
additional pills were prescribed for amending
It is worth mentioning that Chlorprothixene
interferes with the work of the lungs and is
practically guaranteed to kill an asthmatic or just Heavily Medicated Juvenile Patient
an old person, and therefore it is widely used by
business-minded Russian doctors for dispatching elderly patients: these corrupt doctors are paid
by the relatives, who want their inheriance as soon as possible and don't want to provide care to
their elderly and/or disabled. For example, they hospitalize some elderly woman, drug her with
Chlorprothixene, and leave laying in a cold damp room for a week, then that gradnma is
discharged from hospital with pneumonia, and dies soon after as if from a natural cause, and the
relatives proceed to grab the inheritance (usually her commie-block apartment). Carpe diem.
The next psychiatrist sent me to the infamous Bekhterev's Institute of Human Brain. Before the
collapse of the USSR, that organization, headed by Natalia Bekhtereva (the granddaughter of
Vladimir Bekhterev, who is famous for his human experiments), was engaged in petty
pseudoscience, the search for magical thought codes and human experiments, which involved
removing parts of the patient's brain to study the result. No wonder that in the 1990s the Institute
of Human Brain began massively
treating drug addicts with a
lobotomy (brain region responsible
for desires was simply removed)
and advertising of various frauds,
like the Vyacheslav Bronnikov's
clinic, which promised to cure
cancer and restore sight to the
That way I got to Bronnikov, on
the "biofield" development
trainings. Mother was happy,
because she believed in the
supernatural. However, I was
lucky, because with the
comparable chances my life could Vyacheslav Bronnikov
have ended inside of that infamous
Bekhtereva lobotomy clinic, where wise and humane Russian doctors, like Svyatoslav
Medvedev (Bekhtereva's son), were prescribing lobotomy as a panacea for all maladies. Have to
note that the fraudster, Bronnikov, later became a multimillionaire, because evil always prevails
in Russia, and then leads a happy and long life. Yet I'm still grateful to Bronnikov for providing
the less dangerous and evil fraud venues than the horrifying Russian scientific medicine.
Further observations of several patients showed a steady decrease
in emotional functions. The destruction of the relevant parts of the
limbic system not only eliminated the obsessive-compulsive syndrome,
but also led to progressive emotional disorders that were expressed in
reducing the ability of patients to experience positive emotions.
The consequence was uncontrollable depressive disorders, which often
led to suicides.
- aftermath of Dr. Sviatoslav Medvedev's human experiments

Returned from the US, my father seemed to be unhappy with my treatment. Hearing the crazed
flow of mind from my desperate mother, praising Bronnikov, who claimed to walk on the water
like Christ, the father commented briefly "the shit does not sink" without listening to nonsense
about Bronnikov's extrasensory abilities and "biocomputer angels", which brought my angry
mother out of herself. Unfortunately, the irrational delirium of Bronnikov's exercises did not get
into my restless head, and after a couple of lessons, my mother could not drag me there any
more, and Bronnikov's clinic had no medical personel with ambulances to involuntarely
hospitalize people.

In the end, mother agreed with the school and psychiatrists that I should be transferred to the
home schooling for the mentally retarded, where it was unnecessary to study, and all the tests
were passed automatically. Past eight grades home learning is not expected, so no one gave me
the certificate of completing the school. The only thing that the mother was trying to do was
pushing me into sports, but I was completely alien to any sports activities, and in the section on
swimming in the locker room I got in trouble and beaten by older boy, due to the fact I sat at
what appeared to be his informal place.

As a result of taking prescription anti-psychotics from the early childhood, such as tryptazine, I
developed hyperprolactinaemia, which led to severe hormonal imbalance and gynecomastia -
female boobs grew, obesity occurred and the corresponding changes in the psyche developed,
causing homosexual inclinations. All this has led to a developmental gap, because anti-
psychotics, coupled with hormonal imbalance, do not contribute to a bright head, memory,
learning ability, and generally impede doing
anything constructive, especially when you are
deprived of the opportunity to attend school.

Russian psychiatrists advised to pull the

hyperprolactinaemia-induced tits with a piece
of cloth, so that other children would not bully
My Tits me, but the boobs haven't disappeared from
this. Now, I cannot even visit the beach or the pool with bare torso: women start screaming "the
children see this" and "hey man, do you like seeing it yourself?", calling the security to help me
leave. Beside hormonal imbalance, psychiatric drugs induce numerous other problems, such as
chronic pyrosis and respiratory tract problems, because all glands are controlled by neural
system, that is why neuroleptic medicated patients have foamy saliva flowing out of their
mouths. I have problem breathing through nose, because of mucous gland in my nose produces
too much mucus, which is linked to anti-psychotics.

One can even make conjecture that the prevalence of female hormones is what actually makes
people stupid and incapable of education, the biggest evidence being female inability of
properly grasping abstract mathematics and science concepts, that is why you won't find that
many great female scientists, except a few contrived or plainly made up and anecdotal cases,
like the one about Einstein plagiarizing Theory of Relativity from his wife.

A few years after the expulsion, they have tried to return me to school, but nothing came of it,
for I was hopelessly behind the other children, both socially and on the teaching program, to the
extent that I was unable to write cursive by hand (I slowly wrote printed letters, like Americans
do), held pen wrongly and was incapable of writing quickly enough. Even now I can only write
using the keyboard, and any my attempt at handwriting results into unintelligible scribble.

Moreover, in the classroom, I immediately became the object of bullying, as it should be with a
fat boy having female boobs, who in addition spent time in psychiatric hospital. Other kids were
pulling out my personal belongings, such as hat and books, and throwing them out of the
window, beaten me with book on the head, or sitting in the back of, a Russian-tier rude boy,
bluntly insulted me "hey retard" (the whole class knew about my diagnosis) and jabbed a pen in
my back, ruining my white shirt. Numerous complaints to the teacher had no effect, the teacher
did not want even to move him or me away from each other, and said something along the lines
of "solving the conflicts among yourselves", without specifying how. So one time I broke down
and as an answer turned to the opponent boy and poked the offender with pen into the eye. Of
course the teacher and school administration declared me guilty. Yes! ME! And not the moron
who bullied and mocked me! It's me who is a conflicting person! Amazing! Obviously I never
visited the school again after that.
Related to psychiatry is another story from my childhood. When I was discharged from insane
asylum, at the age of 10 years old, my mother sent me back to the village to my grandmother,
who of course told neighbors about my diagnosis, and in a couple of days the whole village
knew that I had a schizo certificate. Village children ran after me, thrown stones at me and
teased "nikitka fool, nikitka fool..." I tolerated that for a while, but at one moment broke and,
grabbing an iron bar, chased two of them, a boy and a girl who were older than me, but less
physically strong and experienced at close fighting. They got frightened and ran, but the girl
stumbled and fell, rolling down the hill, and the boy, leaving his girlfriend, continued to run
away (Russians do not leave their own, yeah). As I approached the girl, I struck her several
times with a piece of iron on the body and on the head.

Militia men were called, but since I was only 10 years old, I was only strictly reprimanded and
sent back to my mother. Now I regret that I did not kill that girl, because, as Anton Lavey
bequeathed, act upon others as they act upon you. It would be interesting then to ask her
relatives and friends "well, you scum, and who is the fool now?"

The most terrible effect of neuroleptics is their ability to suppress the ability to be creative and
productive. Usually, motivating oneself to some kind of activity, a person imagines its result —
triftazine, haloperidol, and other medical achievements break up this mental mechanism. Anti-
psychotics make mental activity colorless, unpromising and tedious. Еven more difficult is to
perform multi-stage activities requiring planning. Neuroleptics kill the ability to enjoy music,
reading, movies, hobbies and even masturbation, everything becomes depressing, gray and
disgusting. You sit and do not care about anything, it seems dreary and boring, but there is no
strength for anything, you put it off until later, sitting and looking aimlessly at one point,
sometimes thinking about suicide.

Biography of my mother is not something interesting by itself. Grandma wanted mother to study
music, so they hired an accordionist who taught mother to play music, until it was discovered that
the accordion playing teacher is a pedophile who put my mother on his knees - masturbating his
erect penis. Mother herself dreamed of becoming a painter, like her father Georgy Moskalev, but
she lacked the talent even by the Russian standards. Therefore my mother became an art critic,
specializing in Russian art, represented in majority by some rough mestichino smeared daub, or just
works of etude quality made by the biggest brush available.

A significant number of paintings by Russian artists feature religious and rural themes - rotten
shaky huts, orthodox churches and dirty yards, although the most intelligent artists, wanting to earn
government grants, painted portraits of various government officials, including Putin. Mother said
that this crudeness and the lack of detail are precisely what makes Russian art original, allowing for
the vastness interpretation, compared to the hard materialistic Western school of painting, where
artists have long lost their soul, became fixated on realism, or on the contrary - abstractionism. I do
not agree with my mother, because for example the works of Michel Vezinet, despite mestichino
technique, radiate beauty and positivity.

Russian rock - Kipelov's puke,

Letov, his defective fluke,
Scabby scum which sank in cup,
And some fool sees Tsoi foul up.

Father preferred listening to the Beatles,

Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and Kate Bush.
Yet my mother listened to Bichevskaya,
Kobzon and Rastorguev, so my childhood
had the soundtrack of "we are Russians, we
are Russian, we are Russian, we will all
rise from our knees", "America, don't play
fool, give our Alaska back!" and "filling
the world with raspberry bells ringing, the
Russian dawn will rise." Although mother
mentioned that being young she had visited
Alfred Schnittke's concerts, she then
"became aware" that Schnittke is a Jew,
who had been working against the USSR,
and Schnittke's music is anti-Russian,
cosmopolitan and pretentious, there is no
soul in it. For me the Russian music is
associated first of all with Blue Meanies
from the musical Yellow Submarine, VHS
cassette with which my dad has managed to
get somewhere. Much later I learned that Yana Bichevskaya
even the Russians themselves call their music "govnarstvo" (shitdom), and the fans of the Russian
music are called "govnary" (shit-fellows). In addition, a significant part of Russian musicians are
engaged in plagiarism and adaptation of the Western works, insulting to the originals.

Mother was not happy with my birth, for she always wanted a daughter, which was born dead
during her first pregnancy. I was also not a favorite son, for all attention was given to my brother:
parents paid for his night clubs, bribes at the university, and good clothes and trips abroad. My
mother believed that I don't need education, because I'm now officially retarded, while I was
supposed to be an artist or serve military in Chechnya, like her idolized father Moskalev (on the
other hand, my mother disliked her Ukrainian ancestry mother), therefore, after serving in the army,
I, according to my mother's plan, I should have became an artist.

My mother herself did not spent any time to teach me useful stuff like math or physics, although she
sometimes tried to "educate" me, for example, forbidding me to say the word "kushat" (the
diminutive of verb "eat" in russian); the mother claimed that "kushat" sounds too feminine - a
proper man should "eat", not "kushat" like some woman or a fagot. Yeah, and real muzhik can only
"zhrat" (a Russian verb for animal eating process). I also remember the mother's educational
program about gays, when the mother burst into diarrhea telling that "fagots are dirty, filthy and
knead shit."

Generally, mother treated me like an inferior fool, for whom nothing good can be done, threatening
all childhood to turn me into an orphanage. My mother constantly referred to my birth brain trauma,
saying that I was dropped on the head at the maternity hospital or simply replaced with someone
else's child, lamenting that God has punished her when she wanted a daughter. Mother reproached
me with that birth trauma at every opportunity, so when I became interested in programming much
later, mother said that it is rocket science and requires higher mathematics, while I'm mentally
disabled and was unable to complete even the first year at the ordinary school.

Dad, Vadim Sadkov, accused mother that she had raised a fool out of me, but the husband was not
an authority for the mother. She never particularly loved my dad, because he is a PhD and a
university professor, far from serving in military and being a war hero. In his youth, back in the
USSR, my dad illegally listened to Radio Liberty, the Beatles and Pink Floyd. That made
grandfather, Georgy Moskalev, to hate my dad as a potential traitor to the Motherland, and because
he believed that my dad had bad influence on my uncle, Oleg Moskalev. Yet to Georgy Moskalev it
seemed normal that at school a drunken classmate broke Oleg's head with a bottle.

My mother refused even to take her husband's surname "Sadkov", leaving her maiden name
"Moskaleva." The true mother's love remained far in her youth - a guy that graduated from the
officer academy. But the young officer had never returned the love to my mother, believing she was
a whore, because mother's friends told gossips about her. Of course my mother also had lovers
among the stereotypically bearded painters from the Union of Artists of the USSR, and then the
Union of Artists of Russia. The divorce of my dad with my mother was a completely logical in the
end, and I have no right to blame dad for abandoning my crazy and unfaithful mother.

All the 90s my mother "charged" jars with urine from the TV set "biofield", generated by the TV
shows of Anatoly Kashpirovsky and Allan Chumak. She used them for urine therapy. Unfortunately
in the 21st century, mother has discovered the "Russki Vestnik" (Russian Messenger - a neo-Nazi
newspaper, obviously inspired by Völkischer Beobachter), some Russian Orthodox newspapers,
and then more hardcore literature, like these antisemitic books of Klimov. After such "education"
mother began blaming the Jews for all the troubles, because "these degenerate Jews created and
ruined our holy USSR." However, my mother had a full head of other cockroaches. For example
mother saw "devils" and told me that she waked up one time, and on the ceiling above her was
some black creature.

Then, being already an ex-wife, but still somehow getting money from my dad, mother went on a
round-the-world tour of Tibet and Europe, and then realized that she had dreamed of living in
France all her life. However, mother still hated GMO products and microwave ovens, having read
in some patriotic magazine that the food heated in the microwave oven is "dead" (apparently doubly
dead if microwave cooked from GMO products). Such articles about the dangers of microwaves
were ordered by the Russian state security agencies, which wanted to reduce the imports of non-
essential consumer electronics products (including microwave ovens), which Russia imports using
US dollars. The goal is to force Russian citizens to use domestic gas stoves to heat food, so Russia
won't have to spent any foreign currency.

In addition to the other vices, mother had an innate passion for corruption and bribery. So while the
mother always gave alcohol and boxes of sweets to psychiatrists and other doctors, was not shy to
cautiously use the blatant money bribery too. Without a bribe, I would not even be recognized as a
disabled child. Later my mother has bribed me off from the criminal case after a letter with the
threats of murder to the principal of the school. And while working in the state-funded organization
as a referent, mother herself liked taking bribes with various material values, including expensive
alcohol, money, ornaments and paintings, because my mother largely decided on whether the artist
would be accepted into the Union of Artists. Not for nothing did my mother got the title of Honored
Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation. The culture of bribery enjoy great honor in Russia.

Although my mother usually never got as drunk as the grandmother, she smoked so much that it
was difficult to breathe in the apartment, and the ceiling and walls literally turned yellow. I
remember how in my childhood I hid and threw away mother's cigarettes, for which mother scolded
me and promised to return me to psychiatric hospital, explaining that she was smoking because I
was such a moron and acting on her nerves. However, the mother started smoking long before my
birth, she tried it at school to fit in with other kids, but got completely addicted in the university,
also to avoid being a black sheep. On the other hand, the culture of smoking gives power to tobacco
companies and introduces a split into the society, dividing into those who jointly got to the
"smoking room" and those who stay outside. The split is weak, but the more cracks, the farther
away from us is the thermodynamic equilibrium. Peaceful coexistence is possible in a mass grave,
and the thermal death of the Universe it seems will be the ultimate peace.

My brother, Denis, was probably more fortunate than me, because he grew up in the city and was
raised by the dad's parents, whom I saw only a few times in my life. According to my mother,
Grandmother Klava has spoiled my brother, and grandfather, Anatoly Sadkov, who judging by his
surname apparently came from Ukraine, worked as an engineer at the local factory. Although
Anatoly was sober his whole life, grandmother Klava, coming from a purely Russian family,
suffered typical quiet female alcoholism, which somewhat shortened her life.

Denis was an excellent student, for which he was often beaten by other children until he was
transfered to study at the [SUNC (special mathematically-focused school at Moscow State
University)](http://www.vypusknik.info/show.html?ac=show&id=9709), then he enrolled the first
medical college of Moscow, which he did not finish, leaving his studies in the first year, because of
the aversion for the military department and compulsory physical exercises, in addition, the brother
lost all faith in the relevance of Russian national education and the Russian medical degree, which
is not recognized anywhere else in the world. Therefore, Denis began preparations for the admission
to the German medical university: he learned German and got a bunch of Western medical
textbooks. However, the brother was denied a Schengen visa for a very stupid reason - at the job
where Denis was listed, they made a mistake and said that he didn't not work there - as a result, the
ban on entry into the EU for several years - all because Denis was born in Russia. So my brother
followed the path of his grandmother: - abused vodka, so much that once Denis nearly drowned in
the lake, saved only by a little more sober drinking companion.

Later, my brother came to a rather neo-Nazi views, and then adopted Catholicism. Denis mentioned
that he supports Trump and his words the main American problem is the Mexicans and the Negroes.
Unsurprisingly my brother supported the Russian Nazis who fought against immigrants from
Tadkikistan and Uzbekistan. Regarding Russia, Brother believed that Putin is corrupt and not
strong-willed enough. Honestly, I do not know where my brother got such an ideology, but from
childhood I remember the conversation between my brother and my mother, when Denis argued
that it would be better for Russia to be conquered by the Germans, there would be order in Russia,
to which my mother indignantly protested in the style of "your grandfather is the hero of USSR, and
you have the nerve to say that!"

Best of all, my brother is characterized by his own words:

And for such dirty and illiterate articles

[Stomakhin's article on the fact that Russia is
heiress of the Golden Horde] for the bydlo I would've
ordered public death sentences, as in the old days.
The plebeians are dumb and illiterate, there is no
need to clog their brains with such russophobic
fantasies. And then the Ukrainians now believe that
they appeared earlier than monkeys (reading Ukrainian
academic nonsense). Many surviving Indians want to
secede from the United States, as well as the US's
Hispanic part, Ireland is fighting for its
independence even using terrorism, as well as
Catalonia and the Basque country - why this malicious
felon [Stomakhin] won't tell us about that?
-- from Denis's answer to the question about
Boris Stomakhin and Ukraine

Denis supported the Soviet-Russian punitive psychiatry, as well as the sadists at its founding,
insisting that NTSPZ provides correct treatment to patients:
In the Soviet years ... no human experiments were conducted.
Smulevich is the best specialist in depression and psychosomatics.
Many schizos hold grudge against doctors, yet Smulevich's books are
-- Denis defending the student of Snezhevsky, who introduced sluggish

To which I noticed that if someone is a good specialist, this does not mean that he is a good person.
Say Joseph Goebbels was a great propagandist, but does this mean that Goebbels, who killed all his
children, was a good person?
Hang yourself, and get committed into insane asylum. Chao.
-- Denis, in response to my idea of a world without borders and countries.

The dreadful situation with psychiatry in Russia seems to be related to the fact that the scientific
publications and examinations by Pechernikova, Snezhevsky and Smulevich have not yet been
condemned by Russians, and say Pechernikova, who signed diagnoses to known dissidents under
the USSR, even received the Medal of the Order For Merit to the Fatherland "II degree (1996),"
while Smulevich continued medical practice, and now the NTSPZ under Smulevich's leadership is
accused of experiments on people. Russian doctors [adopted a defensive position]
(http://psychiatr.ru/news/242), claiming that, say, Snezhevsky was defamed, and the dissidents, like
Valeria Novodvorska, who criticized the Soviet power, were actually insane.

However, even Smulevich himself admits that Russian psychiatry is divorced from the global
"Now a book has recently been published, such a Novosibirsk professor, Caesar Petrovich
Korolenko, it is called Personality Disorders and, in my opinion, Dissociative Disorders, and there
it means, this means so if you want to familiarize yourself with this direction, Western in fact, then
to say, this is even that and you do not know English, then this is just what you need, because there,
the whole Western position is psychoanalytic, so to speak, but here, without, it is true to say,
without a single reference to a single russian authors. In general, it’s as if nothing has been done or
developed at all in Soviet Union, but it’s okay." - Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Smulevich
complains that Western scientists are avoiding citing Russian psychiatrists,

Hearing that I am developing a video game, Denis answered categorically:

Silent horror...... What a senseless waste of time.

Later, during the criminal case brought against me, my mother will describe my brother in the
following way, contrasting him to me:
"I gave birth to a healthy boy Sadkov Denis Vadimovich, born in 1977, the boy grew up very
clever, gifted, studied very well - I think it was his psychological characteristics. I can tell you about
Nikita that ... the birth was stimulated ... he was born very quickly, then he was taken away with a
temperature of 40°C, and they didn’t explain what specifically happened. Nikita showed particular
behaviors, he didn’t sleep much and his sleep was very unstable. We tried to get Nikita into
kindergarten, but Nikita resisted. He studied with difficulty, he did not have contact with
classmates, after 3 quarters we were given direction to a mental hospital. Since 2000, Nikita has a
status of childhood mentally disabled, he was given a second disability group. I can say that if
Nikita does not do something for a long period of time, he forgets how to do it."

Mother testified to this, knowing full well about the disgusting naughty nature of my brother, about
his love of alcohol. For example, a few years before the criminal persecution against me, Denis,
driving under the influence of alcohol, hit a man, killing him. The murder was in Cuba, therefore, in
order not to quarrel with Russia, the Cubans acquitted Denis and he avoided jail. But my mother
still continues to love Denis. While I was still guilty of all the troubles of my mother, despite killing
nobody and being persecuted for my post on the Internet. In my mother's eyes being chronic drunk
is the norm, but my refusal to drink vodka is a symptom of my mental disorder. Maybe if I start
killing, the mother will love me?
Instead of a computer, my mother for some reason bought me that illegal Chinese NES clone called
"Dendy", and then PlayStation, although I did not like mindless action games prevailing on this
console. But the games were in English, which helped me to get the initial skills in this language.

The main pastime, excluding video games, were books, and, much later, a computer assembled
from the cheapest used components, thanks to the help of my brother's friend, a smart Jewish person
who was involved with computer components related businesses at the time. My favorite video
game was Command & Conquer Red Alert, although I was annoyed that the game designers made
the Russians a superior side, but it showed how powerful is the evil and how difficult it is to defeat

My favorite TV shows were Disney cartoons, such as Winnie the Pooh, Western TV series, such as
"Highlander" (the one with Queen music), LEXX (influenced my attitude towards totalitarian
regimes) and "Xena: Warrior Princess", while the stuffy domestically produced slag caused
persistent nausea. Russian cartoons gave me especially negative memories, among them are the
Soviet Winnie the Pooh, talking in a voice of professional drunkard and looking like a shit blot, due
to soviet animators having no proper artistic skills; ugly puppet characters, such Domovenok Kuzya
and Cheburashka, and that delirious Hedgehog in the Fog, which was more like a hallucination of a
drug addicted dolt or a drooling schizophrenic. Similarly I've developed animosities towards the
Soviet films, such as "Guest from the Future", the worn-out vomit-inducing "The Irony of Fate, or
With Easy Steam," and "The Adventures of Electronics." Today Russians have the Western shows
banned from the Russian TV to encourage the production of larger number of cheap Russian
patriotic shows, such as "Kadety" (Military Students), Ivan the Terrible, Ekaterina the Great and
similar blatant propaganda garbage.

Although Russians have zero respect for intellectual property, I managed to bought several original
and legal copies of my favorite video games and movies in English. I still regret that my childhood
was littered with the pirated translations, such as the ones by Dmitry Puchkov. This Puchkov since
then became a politician, promoting anything state services order him, but back then this former
prison guard has managed to botch many professional voice acting in films and video games with
his bastard mocking Russian voice. Yes I had to listed to his subhuman Russian noises, instead of
proper voice acting by actually talented people, like Richard Ridings and Leonard Nemoy. Suffice
to recall the Spiderman movie, which was translated by the Puchkov as "Chelopuk" (Fartman) or
similarly Puchkov ruined "Lord of the Rings" movie. I hope that the MPAA will someday sue the
bastard for all the money he earned working in the Russian propaganda field.

In addition to the botched audio track, such pirated translations often broke scripting, in the game
code or utilities, making games unplayable after some point, because pirates like Puchkov without
hesitation made changes to the program code, having no QA and being unable to test result, like the
original developers did before release. The ungliness of cyrillic alphabet and the defective nature of
Russian language were the curse of my childhood, and even now localized products consist of the
incompetence of Russian actors and writers, while Blizzard and other companies put boorish
Russian users inside special reservations, limited only for Russian-speaking subhumans, when they
use Russian versions.

Similar problems come with the Russian literature, which is just a disfigured interpretation and
localization of the works of Western authors. All childhood I had to read the second-rate plagiarism,
like Buratino, Tales of the Dead Princess, Wizard of the Emerald City and Neznaika, instead of the
original Pinocchio, Snow White, Wizard of Oz and fairy tales The Kingdom of the Elves, by Anna
Khvolson, based on The Brownies, by Palmer Cox.
As for the Russian literature of the 19th century, almost all of it is secondary and consists of the
translation and adaptation of the Western literature. Only several Russian language works carry any
historical value, these include the books by Vsevolod Krestovsky, a rabid anti-Semite, who still
described the way of life of the Russian Jews in his crazy anti-Semitic novels and the ever dirtier
Russian way of life in the "Peterbug Slums" novel, which, however, is still secondary to the "Les
Miserables" by Victor Hugo.

From the early literature, I remember the children's

Bible, which was given to me by Jehovah's
Witnesses, and which my mother threw away, for in
her words "this devilry is not Orthodox Christian".
The rest of the Russian children books, including the
magazine Murzilka, was some kind of incredibly
propagandistic nonsense, usually about pioneers,
therefore having less value than the proper toilet
paper (a very scarce and sought-for commodity in
USSR), which at least wont leave ink on your butt
when used.

Murzilka Magazine Cover

The most canonical Russian writer is the

schizophrenic anti-Semite Fyodor Dostoevsky, who
has also suffered from alcoholism and ludomania. In
every second Dostoevsky novel someone chops
someone with an axe ("Crime and Punishment") or
with a knife ("Idiot"), and then suddenly repents, or
just goes insane, as in the novel "The Double." It
would be interesting to compare the value in dollars
of one page of the novel by Isaak Azimov with one
Children Propaganda Book page of the novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, whom
by Lev Kassil people can only be forced to read, because reciting the
Dostoevsky's novels is the mandatory requirement for
the admission to the Russian universities. In his diary, the great Russian writer Dostoevsky
intersperses his anti-Semitism with the thoughts about the genocide of the indigenous population
of the Crimea and the resettlement of this "liberated" land by the Russians.
In general, even if the resettlement of Russians to the Crimea
(gradual, of course) would require some extraordinary costs
from the state, then even at such cost, it would be extremely
advantageous to continue colonizing Crimea. In any case, if the
Russians do not take Crimean land, then the Jews will infest
the region and kill its soil...
-- Fyodor Dostoevsky (A Writer's Diary, July and August, 1876)
After the fall of communism, the previously unseen fantasy genre books began appearing in
Russian market (mostly illegally translated), including those based on the unknown in Russia role-
playing game Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer universe. But there were also domestic
Russian made fanfiction quality stuff, such as the continuation of the Lord of the Rings by Nikolai
Perumov, an unremarkable graphomaniac who gained fame only thanks to stolen intellectual
property. Harry Potter franchise also fallen as victim of plagiarism, for example the Russian author
Dmitry Emets simply renamed the "Harry Potter" character to "Tanya Grotter" and published it as
is. Although now Russian writers are trying to turn inside out the foreign characters, turning them
into villains who are opposed by good Russian characters, as in the book Children Against
Wizards, where cadets of the Russian military school are fighting with the bad Harry Potter. That
book was even followed by animated series. In another Russian literary work, Harry Potter repents
and accepts Orthodox Christianity.

Getting access to the Internet allowed me to download some music composing software, like
modplug tracker and fruityloops, with which I then played for a couple of months, but failed to
become a composer and all my tracks are long lost. I'm sure my successes would be more tangible,
had my mother paid for my music school courses. At the time I used Internet mainly to download
soundtracks (aka original scores) for movies, anime and video games, because then and now I don't
really like ordinary pop music (with vocals). Even now I still listen to the music of Alfred
Schnittke, Jerry Goldsmith and Patrick Doyle.

I remember that in 2005 Russian LAN networks were crammed with child pornography, typically
of domestic Russian production. At an FTP in a local network it was possible to download
hundreds of hardcore porn videos with pre-teen children. In typical such video, a drunken Russian
pedophile of this chiefly-russian village kind took the dirty homeless glue sniffing children to his
infernally looking commie block apartments, compared to which even my mother's battered
commie block looks like the Putin's palace. It was the golden age of free speech in Russia, for
worse or for better.

Even today Russian orpahanages are known to lease children to pedophiles. Especially the
mentally disabled children, who wont be able to tell anybody. And these orphans will return with
shocking genital, oral, and anal trauma. Girls as young as five have their mouths torn and bleeding,
pus dripping from their rectums, and of course all kinds of STDs. Abusers would do rather
atrocious things to them, things they wouldn't dare do to an adult prostitute, and all for a vodka, a
few cigarettes, or a tube of glue. Usual business in Russia.

In the Russian Internet in addition to the propaganda clips of Kremlin paid figures like Anatoly
Shariy, there were two popular documentaries "The Curse of the Gray Elephant" (aka Green
Elephant 2.0) and "One Day of Childhood" from a certain company with a vague title "Kinamania"
as a Russian clone of the American show AVGN (Angry Video Game Nerd). The difference
between AVGN and Kinamania as between the USSR and the West: instead of the original, an
ugly clone-miscarriage is produced, ignoring the essence of the original and all that made the
original so fun. An additional cherry on the cake was that the show host, Pavel Grinev, is an
obvious disabled person with a lesion of the nervous system and facial expressions like those of
degenerates I seen enough in a psychiatric hospital.

Grinev's colleague, Sergius Astakhov, is a mentally retarded Russian patriot who dances naked
with the flags of Russia. Surprisingly, this Sergius has not yet been sentenced to compulsory
treatment under Article 329 (desecration of the flag and the Emblem of the Russian Federation).
And then there are the so called "trash streams", where show hosts torture and sometimes kill
people for donations. One example of these is Stanislav Reshetnikov, who has killed for likes his
pregnant girlfriend, Valentina Grigoryeva. Such is the top of the Russian Youtube.
Although my parents lived in Moscow, I spent practically all my life, from 8 to 27, in four walls,
living in the same city of Serpukhov, having no friends or acquaintances. My brother tried to
introduce me to his friend's brother, a gopnik like boy, who later went to study into FSB academy,
but his interests, like football and girls, were completely irrelevant to me. My father did not
acquaint me with anyone, for most of his acquaintances, scientists, with the fall of the Iron Curtain
emigrated to Israel, Europe, the United States and Brazil. However, one of the dad's acquaintances,
Vinogradov, although still a Jew, for some reason remained in Russia. During the Soviet Union,
Vinogradov was engaged in smuggling stuff, for example, he illegally sold records of the Western
musicians, so people thought that with the fall of the USSR Vinogradov will create a successful
business and get rich. Yet he surprised everyone and ended his days as drunkard, finally
succumbing to the Russian culture.

During 2006, I was staying with my mother in Moscow, where I attended a couple of anime
events. Then my views began to crystallize and I created my first blog on LiveJournal.com service
under the name "exanode". There I wrote about politics, criticized religion and the traditional
medicine, which is always trying to "heal" the healthy and created so many problems for me. If
now I am agnostic, back then I identified myself as an atheist and supported fairly radical ideas,
such as the production of soap branded "Faith" from the employees of the Russian Orthodox
Church. However, I have not changed my attitude to Orthodoxy and I still want to see the holy-
orthodox soap from the Russian priests - wash hands and you are granted indulgence. And judging
by the excess of the fat layer in Russian Orthodox priests, ever consumed by the servility to the
golden calf, a lot of soap can be produced from them.

I also condemned Nazism, homophobia and the incomprehensible war in Chechnya. All this led to
the fact that local skinheads from RNE, who somehow got my real life address, began to break into
my mother's apartment. Prior to that, the neo-Nazis tried to call me to "talk", and were waiting for
me on the street. The leader of the Nazis introduced himself as "a professor of history."

When these skinheads were bursting into the apartment, the police did not even come to the call,
and refused to open a criminal case. Later, one of the neo-Nazis told in the IRC chat that among
the Russian cops there are many Nazis too. It turned out that I was exposed by ISP's staff member
from the local network company "Interlan", who knew which IP was assigned to which apartment.
The story ended when neo-Nazis cut all the cables, including the Internet and a phone one.
Dissatisfied with the "guests" my mother was shocked by my political ideas and drove me out back
to Serpukhov.
Russia is a proper Nazi country,
We check our mongolhood monthly.
Russia is our fascist power,
Black Hundred, golden shower.

Our glorious Fingolian blood is noble,

We will turn Ukraine into Chernobyl!
Be glorious, Russia! We are so proud!
Death to the non-Russian Slavic crowd!

From the towers of Chechenya to the Buryat hut

Our lebensraum is spread out.
We're the only one in the world! We're the only one -
The Russian nation is the holy God-bearing hun!

As the Internet friends I had all sorts of anarchists and connoisseurs of the "creativity" of the
composer Victor Argonov (also known as Complex Numbers), now working in the "neo-Soviet"
style. Argonov started with making apolitical techno-tracks, then switching communist and
Putinist propaganda, which brought him fame among the lowest layers of the Russian bydlo. Later
I've deleted that blog, also thinking about actual suicide, seeing no future for myself, but changed
my mind, having discovered imageboards, which at the time had complete a lack of moderation
and censorship. I remember that 2ch.ru of that time without hesitation hosted all kinds of child
pornography. That was true uncompromised freedom of information. Then 2ch.ru was closed by
the FSB, and I switched to 0chan.ru and iichan.ru, which later were also closed, because it became
impossible to keep uncensored websites in Russia.

At the same time, I taught myself hacking using exploits and rainbow tables, gaining control over
several sites (one of which was lki.ru), writing stupid things on the forum on behalf of the admin,
and then bluntly dropping the database. Friends at one of the sites broke off relationship with me
after this. However, I haven't done any hacking since then.

Still for the majority of Russians the only respectable hobby is drinking alcohol and littering the
environment with broken bottle.
The Spirit of Ignorance

Russian school, dirty desks,

Old babushka teacher grotesque
Teaches us how to respect Motherland,
Solve with bribes the problem at hand.

Fuhrer's portrait hanging there on the wall,

Pay him respect or your grades will fall.
Orthodox cleric will fill school with God,
Do you still think education is fraud?

At the age of 18, I had no education, not even a proper certificate of mental illness, which would
have allowed me to get some government welfare, but I received the summons from the military
registration and enlistment office, which, to the indignation of my mother, I safely flushed off in the

My reasoning about the army can be reduced to the following: some well-fed and rich gentlemen
(government officials and oligarchs) want you, to your detriment, to defend them (and what they
have stolen) from some potential "enemies" and to participate in their wars of aggression. These
rich gentlemen justify their outrageous demand with the overflowing pathos of pompous
expressions, using the words like "Motherland" and "Honorary Duty". In case of refusal to serve
them, these gentlemen threaten to jail you, or to commit you for compulsory treatment into a mental

I.e. think about the situation! Some bullies said that you owe them by the sole fact of your birth.
You must serve in their army, and then surrender some part of your property to the taxes they set.
Your consent is not required. A logical question arises: who is the real enemy, and to whom?
Maybe these gentlemen, who consider you as their slave?

So, until I've reached the age of 27 (the age of the end of military duty), I could neither continue my
education nor go to work, forced to live with my mother. And what job could I have found having
the haloperidol courses in place of education, and even these without cyclodol? Moreover, I despise
any physical labor, which in my opinion is the lot for machines and subhumans from "developing

My mother said she is ashamed of me, and blamed me for not having achieved anything when the
son of her friend opened his business, and the son of her school friend from Buryatia, having
graduated from some kind of "prestigious" university, got a job at Gazprom. My mother did not
care at all about the details that a business plan was needed for opening a business, good niche
knowledge, investors and social skills, while at Gazprom they take first of all their friends and
relatives, and the son of her friend got a job only thanks to his wife’s acquaintance. But even if
there was a honest competition, I would not passed it, because there are many more capable
candidates than me. If you do not overestimate yourself, but want to achieve something in this life,
then honesty and decency should be forgotten once and for all. Just don't be yourself, because
nobody needs you.

I have nowhere to take neither a business plan, nor investors, nor social skills, nor networking
acquaintances, because my only acquaintances were the insane in a psychiatric ward into which my
mother has committed me. Moreover, her friend and her friend's husband invested money and time
into their son, helping him studying and paying for his tutors, made his life plan, and even coming
with him to Moscow when he enrolled at university to help him rent apartments. I was not offered a
reasonable survival plan at all by my mother.

Asked about my opportunities and prospects, my mother suggested that I go to work as a porter,
janitor, construction worker, or enter a vocational school to get some locksmith skills, further
arguing that even working as a cleaner scrubbing toilets is still a noble and worthy occupation. I
agree, for Russians, digging in shit is considered worthy, but if you want to kill a Russian in
yourself, you must put yourself above the Russian work for schmucks.

In this I think the fundamental difference between the Russian and the Jewish mothers. Jewish
mother from childhood teaches her child that those around are bydlo, while you is a Jew, therefore,
deserves more, it is only necessary to put some effort. Russian mother, on the contrary, persuades
the offspring from childhood that he is a cattle, and must know his place. Probably that is the reason
why typical Jewish son emigrates to the United States, where he creates a successful business of
delivering mail with drones, while a Russian son becomes drunkard and kills his old mother with a
knife, during the regular Supreme Leader's New Year celebration speech, for the mother has
concealed the pension that her son wanted to spent on vodka. Being a Russian, you don't choice
your parents - [you hack them with an axe]( https://www.google.com/search?
q=зарубил+мать+топором ). One reaps what one has sown.

Suppose you go to work as a porter or construction worker. And then what? All your life
overworking lifting heavy objects for minimal wage, get a spinal hernia and die? Even theft is more
interesting and profitable. Either the work should be a fun thrill to you, or you need to spend
minimal amount time to work, so that more time remains for your interests and hobbies. Ideally,
you must somehow exploit the work of others, being a parasite and doing no work at all. Because
sitting unhappy at a dead end job, sooner or later you will go postal, killing yourself or others.

Since in 2013, after reaching the age of 27, the military registration and enlistment office stopped
hunting me and, having decided to get some kind of education, I tried to go to the night school, and
at the same time to get a job. The Sekpukhov night school refused to take me without a certificate,
and in the 9th school in Serpukhov, to which I was assigned during homeschooling, the conflict
began: the principal of the 9th school, Elena Golovina, my peer (yet a principal already), refused to
help me, saying that she does not know me or anything about me, and my parents are to blame for
everything, then, when I promised her some problems, she went into personal attack, called me
"bitch", and turned off the phone.

After that I, for the lack of better methods and diplomatic education, sent Golovina a letter with
indirect threats, and Golovina called police to investigate my threats, they detained me, took
fingerprints, threatened me with jail, at which I laughed, so in the end they released me after a few
hours, explaining it in the style of "when the principal dies, then we will arrest you." But they
warned me against writing anything further on the Internet. It also turned out that since 2012 I have
been on the Russian law enforcement's internal list of potential extremists for my posts on the
Internet. And that was the real reason for me being summoned to the police.

After repeated calls, the 9th school principal was more agreeable, and was forced to issue me a
certificate, probably with one's tail between the legs and realizing that the local law enforcement
agencies will not protect her, for it would be more profitable and easier to investigate her murder
than messing with my e-mail threats, which are hard to prove. The presence of the school certificate
and the military passport gave me the right to enroll at the Sekpukhov night school. After finishing
that night school, I thought to study bioinformatics, because, as a programmer, I was attracted to the
idea of printing biological cells and the divine ability to create life from "dead" matter.
Alas, the principal of the night school refused to give me the distance learning option, referring to
some new laws abolishing distance education and the fact that the distance students frequently fail
the Universal State Exams, and for each such failure the school principal gets scolded by higher
administration. In fact, they had no externship at all. Perhaps the principal who refused me
externship was simply hinting me to give her a bribe, but I prefer being straightforward, which in
Russia means looking for some troubles. Therefore, I had to attend the rotten, sagging building of
the night school and enjoy the fragrance of mold and criminals-classmates.

The icy corridors and classrooms had so many hanging portraits of Putin and Medvedev, along with
the symbols of United Russia, that these propaganda portraits and posters gave impression of
serving the role of wallpapers, creating the appropriate atmosphere. When I tried to take photos of
the interiors, the principal screamed at me angrily, saying that it was forbidden to take photos at her

The education at night school was focused on the patriotic themes, therefore, if the math lesson was
given 40 minutes, then the Battle of Kursk study was allocated as much as 4 hours, including the
studying of an hour long video, with interviews of Great Patriotic War veterans, who at that time
already rotted in their graves. Each student was also required to write reports on various topics of
the Great Patriotic War. The economy teacher enthusiastically tried to convince the students that a
private entrepreneur is an exploiter who evades taxes, so free market would be very harmful to
Russia. Two 16-year-old schoolgirls did not hesitate to offer sex for money to me and apparently to
other classmates. From time to time the school was attended by a cleric from the local orthodox
church with a lecture, failure to attend his speeches could have resulted into expulsion from the
night school.

The physics teacher there could not tell kinetics from kinematics, while being asked about the
inverted delta (nabla or Hamilton gradient), said she did not know what is it. To the question "why
did not they prove the formula for solving quadratic equations", the mathematics teacher answered
that it is not necessary to think and prove stuff to pass the Universal State Exams, so I do better just
start rote memorizing the tables of squares and sinuses without asking any questions, and to pass
exams you do need to memorize so that you can factor 529 into 23*23 without a calculator. Similar
was the answer to the question of why complex solutions to the quadratic equation are not
considered. That is all when American children go through the logic of the first order with
quantifiers and vector spaces. Further, the teacher asserted that `a^2 + b^2` can not be factorized,
although she herself mentioned the theorem `a^2 - b^2 = (a - b)*(a + b)`, which is also true for the
sum of squares:
let i*i = -1, then:
a^2 + b^2 = -(-a^2 - b^2) = -(i*a - b)*(i*a + b)

lets test:
-(ia - b)*(ia + b) =
-i*i*a*a + i*a*b - i*a*b + b^2 =
-(-1)*a^2 + b^2 = a^2 + b^2

Worse yet, the Russian language is absolutely unfit even for the formulation of children's problems.
For example, take a typical problem from a Russian-language school textbook, approved by the
Russian Ministry of Education:
"Катер плывет против течения реки.
Если скорость катера относительно воды 18 км/ч ,
а скорость течения реки 3м/с,
скорость катера относительно берега ?"
Let's try to analyze it, breaking it into parts:
"Катер плывет против течения реки."

This is an empty statement that does not give the reader any information, without further
clarification. At first glance, it sets the direction of the velocity vector, but it is not clear whether it
is in sum with the flow of the river, or it is the individual speed of the boat, because the boat, having
velocity against the flow, can still move along with the flow, simply slower. I.e. this statement can
be safely thrown out, because it is a pseudo-informative garbage, confusing the reader, like the
majority of texts in Russian language.

Moving further:
"скорость катера относительно воды"

Again a chiefly Russian garbage statement. Is it the velocity after deducting the flow velocity, or
before? What is the direction of the velocity? Against or with the flow?
"скорость течения реки 3м/с"

Flow velocity relative to what? Relative to the boat, the coast or the center of the Universe?
"скорость катера относительно берега ?"

Is that a rebus? Can't you just clearly state the objective?

Thus, we found out that Russian language is incapable of describing the simplest problem with
three objects, hence Russian language is a completely insane method of communication, and
solving any problem stated in Russian during exams depends mostly on chance factor, because a
student will need luck to guess what was meant in each case. Similarly, Russian language creates
appropriate social systems, so the laws written in Russian language always leave enough loopholes
for corruption.
Russian: *talks delirious nonsense*
A person: what are you even talking about?
Russian: try guessing, you Judeo-American pidor!

Somewhere at this time I passed an Internet IQ test, learning that my IQ = 64. Maybe I was too
smart for the Russian education system.

Night school had two political instructors at once. The first political instructor was a woman, who
was also tasked with the organization of propaganda events, and she teached history, which,
however, was also filled with stuffy propaganda nonsense. During the history class, this political
instructor lady read the Constitution of the Russian Federation, praising the "ideal document, in
which there is not a single superfluous word". Before the beginning of the classes, the political
instructor for some reason played the Russian Anthem from the laptop, moreover, this hymn was
once interrupted by the sound of Windows error message, although the most ridiculous were her
stories about the "fair elections" in Russia.
Hymnuk or not a hymnuk, but you'll sing standing upright.
-- Sergey Mikhalkov, author of hymns of the USSR and Russia,
answering inconvenient question about his works.
("hymnuk" means "asshole" in Russian)
The second political instructor introduced himself as a security officer. It seems that he was former
skinhead, having tattoos with the Third Reich symbolism. This second political instructor overseen
discipline, rallied problematic pupils prone to violence into the state approved patriotic venues,
leading to army service, and organized pupils inclined toward such methods to conducting
preventive talks with irresponsible classmates, like me.
So the two of his Nazi students, during the interval between lessons, promised me several fractures
in the skull area for when I had to sing the Russian anthem, I louder than the others sang "stupidity
of the animals", instead of "the wisdom of
the people" (these two phrases rhyme in
Russian). Then these disciples of the
instructor attempted to rob me, taking away
the new smartphone present to me by my
mother, when I was returning lately from
that school. I barely escaped - saved that
there were other people going along my
escape path. After that, I was forced to give
up the night school education, because it
simply did not give me any knowledge and
was dangerous to my life.
It is worth noting that right next to this
collapsing temple of knowledge, there was
an Orthodox church. Near this church there
were always parked expensive (by local
standards) cars, from which crept out the
fat clerics, often in the company of young
novices, sometimes even underage
children. It remains only to guess where
the modest Russian clergymen took such Orthodox Cleric in a Russian School
ungodly amount of money to afford
expensive cars. Then there were rumors that homosexuality is flourishing in the Serpukhov
Vysotsky Monastery. Moreover, many monks there had a physics and math university degrees, but
they submitted to religion, because scientists in Russia have no future, so now they are moving the
science forward without lubrication. Therefore, I do not regret now that I could not get a biology
degree, because all the sane professors left Russia long time ago or retrained like these monks.
Russian universities simply don't teach biology at the level sufficient for the modern science.
Alconaut Gagarin conquered space -
Undoubtedly winning the vodka drinking race!
Behold! The Planet Earth's surface!
Sozzled Gagarin fucks another ace.

However, the ignorance does not prevent Russia from remaining the "Homeland of the Elephants."
For example, the well-known Russian chemist Mendeleev, having been to the University of
Heidelberg, seized for himself various interesting ideas of the German professors. In particular, he
picked up the ingenious conjecture of Herr Lothar Meier on the periodic system of chemical
elements, which in Russia now bears the name of Mendeleev, whereas in the rest of the world the
author is considered to be the German Meyer. Similarly, another outstanding Russian
mathematician, Kotelnikov, "discovered" the Nyquist-Shannon theorem. You can also recall the
poorly concealed falsification of the Gagarin flight into space, "The Cherepanov Locomotive",
"Voronoi Diagrams", "The Mozhaisky Aircraft", "Gorokhov's Personal Computer", "Kryakutny's
Aerostat", "Vladimir Lukiyanov's Computer", and "The Popov's Radio".
Russian schoolbooks say that Lomonosov discovered the law of mass conservation on the grounds
that Lomonosov once wrote to his friend "if something arrives in one place, it will decrease in
another." And it was concluded that Lomonosov discovered the law of conservation of mass.
However, a random baseless phrase in a letter is not the wording of the law. Such hypothesis was
expressed already by the thinkers of ancient Greece, like Empedocles, four centuries before Christ.
However, for the first time, the law of conservation of mass was clearly formulated by Lavoisier
and confirmed by his experiments.
Russians believe that their Tsiolkovsky was the
first to invent space exploration using rockets.
Particularly, Russians claim that Tsiolkovsky
was the first to invent multi-stage rockets. This
is another blatant Russian lie. The idea of
multistage rocket appeared in the 18th century;
in 1914, American Robert Goddard patented the
idea; in 1923, the German physicist Hermann
Oberth proposed a two-stage rocket for a flight
into space. Even the newspaper Pravda
repeatedly wrote about the idea of "German
Professor Oberth, who invented the method of
flying into space." And only four years later, the
great Russian scientist Tsiolkovsky got drunk
enough to conceive his idea. And you know
what Tsiolkovsky actually proposed? He
proposed to simultaneously launch 512
individual rockets, which are controlled by 512
pilots. When the fuel is consumed in half, the
rockets somehow meet in the air in pairs - and
half of these rockets pour the rest of their fuel
into the others. Empty rockets with pilots fall,
the rest are flying until they again consume a
half-tank. And so on. Only one of 512 rockets
Tsiolkovsky's scheme for 16 rockets reaches space. Ravings of a madman?!! - Nope.
Russian genius. Even the sacred "Tsiolkovsky's
Equation" was actually discovered by the British mathematician William Moore in 1813, long
before the Russian "genius" was born.
However, the most disgusting is that Tsiolkovsky was an adherent of
radical eugenics. So in Tsiolkovsky's fantasies "Physically, mentally or
morally imperfectly are [destroyed] by celibacy or fruitless marriages."
Gagarin, the supposedly first astronaut, drank heavily, which led to
KGB liquidating him. Fortunately, being the slobber dolts, they forgot
to seize some photos from the family archives, and these photos have
surfaced now. In reality, Gagarin haven't flew anywhere beyond the
vodka store (yes, Russians have numerous special shops just for
alcohol). That video Russians published back then is completely staged.
Like the majority of Russian achievements. The only Russian success
was killing numerous astronauts by launching them as soon as possible
(to beat the West) in the untested badly made rockets, akin to the
Kerbal Space Program. There are numerous "Lost Cosmonauts", and
the rocket Gagarin was supposedly to fly in was either empty or the
original cosmonaut was lost. But Russians love to save face, such is Drunk Gagarin
their servile Asiatic mentality.
I would not be completely surprised if in 100 years Russians will conveniently forget about their
Lysenko and "the reactionary pseudoscience", declaring themselves as the creators of genetics and
cybernetics. However, Russians already claim that it were Alexander Bogdanov and Petr Anokhin,
who laid the foundations of cybernetics, while the West meanly stole the ideas of these great
Russian scientists. Russian textbooks are full of propaganda in the spirit of "Bogdanov anticipated
the emergence of ... key concepts of cybernetics. This Russian scientist has succeeded to..." and "15
years before Wiener P.K. Anokhin already discovered that... P.K. Anokhin's pupils consider him
being the pioneer of modern biocybernetics."

And then one discovers that Russians have their own "Russian Logic", founded by Platon Porecki in
1884. Russian mathematicians [argue](https://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/18499352/) that
"classical logic, which is studied all over the world, is blatantly illiterate and densely ignorant. Only
the Russian logic can cope with the task of formalization, clearly formulated by Leibniz. The
training of classical logic is not only useless, but also criminal, since all thinking is destroyed. All
school and university textbooks are ignorant about logic, illiterate and stupid."

Russians, as a nation, feel very insecure about the Russia's achievements. A true Russian will place
one's own well-being below, say, the Russia's football team winning a match or some Westerner
praising Russia. Some random girl from Japan posted on twitter she liked some cheese dessert made
in Russia, and it made big news: "foreigners liked something Russian, validation, yaaaay!!!" And
the Russian government tries its best to appease this inferiority complex of the small-dicked asiatic
peasants. For example, the Russian government hired Gerard Depardieu, David Duchovny and
Stephen Seagal to praise the Russian nation, with Depardieu even accepting the Russian citizenship
for the show. More recently Kremlin made a fake German news website, cited by Russian
propaganda outlets, with the sole purpose of making headlines like "The Western man
acknowledges our Russian greatness".

After the misfortune with the Serpukhov night school, I called the Ministry of Education support
line to find out about getting a school certificate without visiting their school, besides I asked about
the possibility to get a certificate without studying up the flawed Russian language, degenerate
Russian literature and fake history of Russia, which I sincerely hate. Since I only need a school
certificate to participate in the Greencard Lottery to leave Russia. They responded that the
conversation was recorded and the record would be passed to their security department, yet refused
to answer my question.

By the way, Americans for some reason require school completion certificates from Greencard
applicants, as if the knowledge of Russian literature would somehow help to work in America as a
programmer. But on the other hand it is called Diversity Visa, and I am not a part of the Russian
culture and in general extremely hostile towards Russians, therefore I do not qualify for Greencard,
because the main goal of Diversity Visa is to attract to the US people, who have good connections
and knowledge about their home country: in other words the people who able to speak with the
Russians in their native language and build a bridge between the two countries. I, on the contrary,
rather bring conflict and destroy bridges, therefore by accepting such persons as me, the US will
spoil relations with other Russians. Apparently those who hate Russians, should live among
Russians and spit into the Russian soup, same way a real white racist must travel to Africa to shoot
Negroes at their lair.
F => (X => F (X X)) (X => F (X X))
-- Y-combinator loop in Symta, my programming language

With the work in Serpukhov everything turned out to be more complicated - I performed a test task
for the local company Skiezel (http://www.skichel.ru) by Skype, passed the interview and my task
was to create a spectrum analysis program using C++ and Qt. The manager sent me to the personnel
department - to arrange the job placement. However, providing just my general passport and soviet
style work passport were not enough for the personnel department - they said that the Russian
government requires one to also have the military passport, taxpayer registration documents,
medical passport and the insurance certificate.

And if to get the taxpayer documents and insurance certificate, I had to file an application and just
wait about a month, getting a military passport and a medical passport required two separate
medical commissions, visiting a myriad of doctors. I had to visit infectious diseases clinic twice,
where all the medical staff wear surgical masks, while I was at risk of catching some kind of
tuberculosis. Especially unpleasant was the test for eyesight, during which the doctor, so that I did
not blink, injected a syringe into my eye with some kind of paralyzing liquid, after which I could
not see well for another week. The polyclinic doesn't allow in people without shoe covers, which
cost a lot of money for an unemployed person like me. Therefore, in order not to violate the local
order, I simply took out the used shoe covers from trash can, even if they were dirty and with holes.

When I've received the military passport from the military registration and enlistment office, the
medical examiner, in response to the story of how I was treated during the first grade in psychiatric
asylum and seeing the psychiatrist's records in my children medical card, expressed regret, say "you
degenerate should still have served in the army, since the army service cures even the most severe
illness", putting the mark "fit for service." But they could not have taken me to the army, because of
my old age, so I got into the reserve, avoiding their "honorary duty."

Having collected all the necessary documents, I did got that job, and the most disgusting part began.
Firstly, I was forced to take exams on work safety. Secondly, they kept delaying payment of my
already small salary of $330/month. Thirdly one of the managers was a man of Soviet background,
who before Skiezel worked at the Ratep factory, which supplied equipment for the Soviet
submarines. This Soviet guy immediately disliked that I write C++ program code comments in
English, and, being more comfortable with Common Lisp, I used the experimental capabilities of
the GCC compiler, such as capturing the environment, and going beyond the accepted C++
practices of the time. He believed that everything should be done destructively, through an iterator
in the Java style. But this soviet electrical engineer was especially annoyed by the fact that I write in
English, because Skiezel is a Russian company engaged in developing electronics instruments for
the Russian Defense Ministry, so all the developments should have been conducted in accordance
with the Soviet standards of R&D (NIOKR).

Of course I had no desire to write comments and documentation in Russian, so I've clashed with the
management and they said I must leave the company. Which I did. And I don't regret that, since in
addition to the patriotic management, that Skiezel company had a completely unhealthy
atmosphere, where workers used toxic substance to glue the special carpets used to determine the
movement of static electricity. These were employed in protecting the Russian army fuel depots that
were often plundered. My head was spinning due the heavy smell of glue, which didn't helped me
doing programming. I definitely had no place at Skiezel or maybe even Russia.
Shortly before my dismissal, Skizel people also drove off an electrical engineer from Belarus. He
was a talented guy, and the chief appreciated him, but the rest of the team disliked the Belarussian,
in the view of his autism, higher responsibility and the lack of communication skills, beside the
ones required to do the job. Employees seen him as an easy victim, and as a result he was bullied
and humiliated. After he left, the collective let go off evil jokes about him, from the category "these
dusty beetles are clearly from the Belarusian, he is contagious." At the same time, the Russians who
were harassing the Belarusian were examples of laziness and mediocrity, they practically did not
perform their work and most of the time they scrolled funny cat pictures in social networks, or ran
around and made noise, interfering with the work of others, including myself. So, for the first time I
met the peculiarity of the Russians to unite and harass the capable specialists, who stand out, among
the general gray mass of Russian society.
We do not sow, we do not plow,
We are fooling around,
We disperse the clouds,
By waving our dicks.
- Russian chastushka

Understanding that I could not find any work in Serpukhov, I again asked my mother to let me into
Moscow, because my brother lived with dad. Mother without much excitement has allowed me to
move into her Moscow apartments. She was unhappy, because she used to have her artist lovers
there... but at that point my mother was already a little old for any relationship. She should be
preparing to die already, instead of thinking about stupid stuff like love.

Now, instead of C++, I decided to apply for C# vacancies, which allowed me to use convenient
functional programming tools, such as LINQ, without the risk of being fired. Of course I would like
to work with Lisp code, but there were no Clojure jobs in Russia, and the nearest Common Lisp
vacancy was in the Ukrainian company Grammarly and they did not seem to consider candidates
from Russia, especially the ones without a proper university degree and experience. Other countries
have similar Nazi rules, requiring university diploma, when you apply for a work visa. You can't
just buy a train ticket, visit Berlin and pass the interview for a programming job - Germans are still
being the Nazis they are, and deny the entry to Jews like me, because lets face it, I'm much smarter
than most Europeans and will snatch the jobs from these euro-dolts, who cannot compete with me
on a fair playfield.

After a couple of interviews, I was accepted into the company "Devino Telecom", engaged in e-
mail and SMS mass mailings (spam). They had their own software solution consisting of several
services written in different languages, including C#, Java and PHP. As the database they mainly
used MSSQL, but there were also Oracle, MySQL and various nosql key-value bases. My initial
task was to "support the technical support", troubleshooting and fixing bugs in C# services. Then
creating a module for integration with third-party services. And finally translating the "legacy" PHP
service into C#.

Formally I've managed to complete the task, but with the large amount of mailings the performance
of the old PHP service still exceeded C#, because of such factors as the shared-nothing PHP
architecture releasing all the resources after sending the messages block, using optimized libraries
(including the bzip2 compression library) written in C/C++ (while for the C# version they told me
to use some hobbyist made C# versions of the libraries). Just as well PHP used the more efficient
utf8 format for storing strings, while C# used utf16, wasting two times more processing resources
per message. It's impossible to use utf8 in C#, because all libraries, including the http request
generators, expect utf16. The worst thing was automatic memory management, which knew nothing
about how several processes running concurrently inside a service will use memory, and therefore
sometimes giving up all the memory to one service, while other services fail with errors, losing
messages, and therefore, customer money.

It was 2014, around this time Russia has invaded Ukraine, and I fell into disgrace after trying to
bring to the fanatically committed C# team that C# has weaknesses and there are cases when the
solution in PHP better copes with the task and that PHP service deserves a chance to live, because it
is not profitable to translate it to C#, only because somebody believes that PHP is an ugly language.
During the lunchtime talk about politics in response to "our tanks will be in Berlin again", I half-
seriously stated that I dream about the NATO entering Moscow and Russian language being banned
for its defectiveness, making English mandatory and the only language in Russia. No one
understood the joke and the whole team turned against me.

A few days later I was summoned by the manager for "a talk", and he asked to write a letter of
resignation. Most likely it was affected by several factors: I could not communicate my argument to
the collective; the manager did not want to keep such a controversial individual as me; my refusal to
donate money for all sorts of holidays, including the birthday of the cat of team leader (I consider
this practice a Soviet system of extortion). During interviews with other companies, they asked me
about the reasons for me being fired from the previous work and when they learned that I'm
Russophobe and hate Russia, they without hesitation refused to consider my application. Which is
quite logical, because few Russian HR people would like the criticism of their ugly nation, while I
could not get along with the Russian team anyway; and knowing the Russian character, Russians
can easily push you down the stairs, or frame you somehow, or otherwise get you "retired."
After analyzing my difficulties with stable employment, I decided to work for myself. And began
with the development of Symta - my own programming language. Symta has automatic memory
management, yet lacks the problems inherent in the popular languages, such as the mentioned
before C#'s out of memory errors and the garbage collection pausing. Within a couple of months,
after the language compiler was ready and able to compile itself, I started developing the first
commercial program in this language - an isometric video game The Spell of Mastery, where
players compete over the control of fantasy world. I hired several beginning artists-freelancers,
myself acting as an art director. The most capable and responsible for some reason were Ukrainian
artists, while the Russians could
suddenly disappear in the middle of
the project, or take the prepayment
and disappear. The sounds effects
were taken from royalty-free sites
or produced by my own modest
audio-designer skills.
When my video game product The
Spell of Mastery was close to
completion and passed Steam
Greenlight, to distribute it through
Steam and other stores I needed a
bank account and, preferably, a C-
type corporation, for the
convenience of managing further
development. I decided to open an
account and a corporation in the
US, because of the simplicity of A screenshot from
opening and running a business, the early version of The Spell of Mastery
Americans respecting copyrights,
and also to avoid financing Russia and the Russians, which I had already begun to despise.
The bank I picked was Wells Fargo department in Denver, that would have also allowed me to see a
big city, which I know practically nothing about, so I applied for a tourist visa of type B2.
Unfortunately the consulate refused to grant me a B2 visa. The reason for the refusal is still
mysterious to me: - Perhaps the refusal was caused by the fact that I once played in the DV lottery,
or that B2 visa is not suitable for opening a bank account, the purely subjective factors are not
excluded either, because consulate officer, a neat blue-eyed blonde from the Third Reich racial
propaganda photos would likely disliked my "degenerate" appearance mixed with hormonal
problems, balding head and a slightly crumpled shirt that I did not find time to iron.

In a proper country (hint: not Russia) one just visits consulate, honestly voices the purpose of his
visit and asks for a visa. At the Internet forum devoted to the problems of obtaining visas, I was told
that I had to lie, that I was going with tourist purposes or to register for some language courses,
because opening an account in a US bank in their opinion "looks ridiculous." In response to my
indignation that it is wrong to lie, and constant lies are what turns Russians into Russians, they
immediately banned me for once, after saying me that I'm "hohol" and do not belong in Russia, if
I'm so honest about disliking Russian culture. Obviously, it is mostly the Russians who lie about the
purpose of the visit, for example, in France there are practically no refusals of US or other country
visas. For the first time I realized that the passport of a Russian citizen is a punishment and a wolf
ticket. It's a shame and simply disgusting to be a citizen of Russia, similarly to how unpleasant it is
to have venereal disease.

After the release of the demo of my game The Spell of Mastery, my Russian friends started
spreading rumors about me that I was crazy, schizophrenic, that my game allegedly contained
viruses and stolen graphics.
This is, by the way, not his art, but sprites ripped out of all sorts of games in the last 10
years. He really sat like an autist, and for several years he deciphered the file formats in all
kinds of retro games. He even published somewhere the source code of his sprite ripping
utility. With stolen assets it is impossible to sell, of course. It is strange that Gabe has not
banned him from Steam yet.
-- Typical defamatory Russian comment
However, Russians failed to indicate where and what I've stolen. In fact, a part of the graphics was
created by myself, another part was ordered to artists, or was obtained from royalty free sites (such
as itch.io and pixabay), and then edited for the needs of the game. Each file in my game contains the
source of origin and the list of authors who participated in its creation.

I replied to such libel that I prohibit Russians to launch my game - that way they will have no
problems with "viruses." However, I've indeed enjoyed reverse engineering and modifying
commercial video games, digging in an assembly code, and wrote a collection of graphics
converters combined into a single package - SAU (Sprite and Archive Utility). However, in my
game, The Spell of Mastery, I did not take a pixel from these games. I was just inspired by the
general ideas from such classic games as Lords of Chaos, Spellcraft and XCOM.

And then Russians, including my brother, began bullying me for my project. They kept repeating
that my game sucks, because it is not like some other game, or because it is in 2d, while everyone
today use cool 3d engines like Unreal, Cryengine and Unity, designed for large professional teams.
Russians apparently had no idea, that developing a good 3d game costs a lots of money, in range of
millions USD. Using industry standard AAA engine also requires a rather large team of
programmers experienced in said engine, and even larger team of artists producing optimized low
poly 3d models. Several examples, like Star Citizen, demonstrate that even industry veterans with
huge teams, 20 million USD budgets and decades of experience are incapable to handle these heavy
3d engines, and modify them for their game design needs.
It is far easier to just manually draw sprites into framebuffer using `screen[x][y] = color`, than
learning some GPU assembly language, D3DXAssembleShaderFromFile and using complex 3d
software, requiring PhD in computer graphics to understand. It is very easy to produce a simple 2d
sprite, but can you image how hard and time consuming would be sculpting a similarly detailed 3d
model in the very expensive ZBrush and animating it in even more expensive Maya? Even
initializing a simple OpenGL viewport requires several thousands of C/C++ lines - the size of a
small OS, like the first Unix version.

Furthermore, I use my own programming language Symta, and it would be near impossible to
interface it with say Unity or Cryengine, which is written in C/C++ -- a language that doesn't
support runtime introspection, and requires special very complicated parser to produce bindings. It
is also much easier to optimize the drawing of 1,000,000 sprites at fixed angle camera than the
drawing of 1,000,000 polygonal meshes, especially if camera is free, as required by 3d games
standards. Russians gave me absolutely no discount for having organic brain damage (resulting into
autism, psychopathy and schizophrenia), no education in art or computer science, and no budget, in
addition to me being persecuted by Russia, with all my bank account being blocked for terrorism.
No. I still must use Unreal, even if I know nothing about it or professional 3d graphics.
Have you ever thought what defines a Russian girl? I look at
them and understand that the more I see them, the less I
distinguish. They all look the same. They say something,
grimace, their facial expressions are trying to portray
something, but behind these pitiful attempts hang the FAT
IMMOBILE CHEEKS. Chiefly Russian! Pay attention to the mimic
crease going between the wing of the nose and down just beyond
the edge of the lips. In Russian girls, it distinguishes
between the movable part of the face and the overhanging
immobile immovable pig CHEEKS. All the same and equally
disgusting! God, why was I born in such a nasty country?!
-- Anonymous comment

My personal relationships also did not go well. The unsuccessful experience of dealing with the
rude Russian women did not inspire me too much, because more than half of the Russian women
just want your money, using ingenuous psychological tricks in the spirit of "you can't buy me this?
are you even a real man at all?", other Russian females, being cleverer, trying to get you drunk, and
then to get some money from you, and they lose all interest, realizing that you don't drink at all; the
third kind of Russian women I met tries to borrow some money, without any intention to return.

There is little to talk about with Russian women, except some vulgar stuff, or in especially terrible
cases about Orthodox Christianity and how they are in love with their cleric, who, they believe, is
probably gay as he does not reciprocate. In addition, Russian women laughed at me because of my
female sized tits, which appeared from the hormonal imbalance caused by anti-psychotics, which I
was forced to intake since childhood. But the worst part
about Russian women is that they are extremely
patriotic: even being taken out of Russia, Russian women
force their children, that were born in marriage with
European, American or Japanese native, to learn Russian
language and culture.

Russian women always try to morally humiliate and

crush you. They do not hesitate to insult you, that you
look bad and have oddities in behavior. For example,
they told me that I was too cold and dating me they "do
not feel flight." Well, let them fly to hell - it's hot there.
But why reproaching me with the peculiarities of my
personality, all the more caused by brain damage?
Psychiatrists told me that emotional poverty and coldness
are the foremost symptom of schizophrenia. Tatyana Sokolva

Did I really say I would not repay? I haven't conned you, and secondly, you
really annoyed me with your stupidity. Even more of that you are boring,
tedious to deal with, and you are also a greasy type. Instead of changing for
better you have become only worse. I'm not going to repay you any money,
because I do not think that I owe you anything. And if you keep being annoying
I'll throw your sweater into garbage bin.
- Tatyana Sokolova, in private, before the conflict was made public

The most typical example of a Russian woman from the Russian dating sites was Tatyana Sokolova
(https://vk.com/id68058790) - a short, fat, evil woman with rude habits and two children from some
Muslim who left her for good. Tatyana came from the family of Soviet officer who commanded
tank forces, and now, through an acquaintance, settled himself as a manager at Gazprom (the main
Russian gas exporting enterprise), where many former military officials work now. Other her
relatives also work for government, such as her sister working in the police. And Tatyana works as
the chief accountant, again, thanks to her connections. To my question how she graduated from
college, without knowing mathematics at all, Tatyana honestly admitted - bribes. From Tatyana I
learned that for the proper people firearms in Russia are "legalized", and her father, for example,
always keeps a loaded Kalashnikov assault rifle at home.
Sadkov! Well, you're really retarded. I do not owe you anything.
Local bum now wears your sweater, he pulled it out of the trash.
You need psychiatric treatment. You can't just say that you love me
and you can not forgive that I left you. I've paid off you in full
with my body. And stop disgracing yourself.
- Tatyana Sokolova, publicly, after making the conflict public

Tatyana spent all her childhood at the military base with tunnels entering the mountain complex.
Tatyana despised me for avoiding military service. She also loved to take me in public by my huge
nipples and twist them. Tatyana did not approve of my dream of getting rich and emigrating to the
America. We parted with Tatyana on a romantic note of the annexation of the Crimea by Russia.
Tatyana was very happy about the seizure of Crimea, their family even celebrated this event as a
victory day. In addition Tatyana tried to turn me into drunkard and refused to return the $83 she
borrowed, so I had to break off the relationship. Tatyana's farewell words were "fuck you and your
America." In addition, Tatyana threw out my sweater, which I forgot at her house.
Although with one relatively nice woman, poetess
Gaziza, half Tatar, the other half Russian and Jewish,
I continued friendly relations. Her father, a well-
known Tatar director, from a non-drinking Islamic
family, got succumbed into Russian culture and died
of complications related to alcoholism, but during his
lifetime, being drunk, he constantly mistreated his
wife and children, so much in fact, that Gaziza's
grandfather, an intelligent Jewish engineer Alexander,
could not stand that and once punched the drunken
Let the gratings all explode,
It is time to run away.
Quick before the guards block road,
Won't be longer their prey.

We are tired, yes too tired,

That we got so sick in head.
From this camp we get retired -
Soon this country will be dead.

Running far as wolves pack,

Into forest - common home.
Wait Tenth Plague, you Russian shack,
Let the Truth be your tombstone. Gaziza
In the glade we all will gather,
Dancing nobly, singing song,
And the curse begins to vanish,
For a moment peace returns.

Alas I haven't got from this friendship anything but constant quarrels. The poet, albeit relatively
liberal, was terribly proud of her Russian noble roots, being Lunacharsky's great-granddaughter.
She condemned my opinion that the problem of Russia is not in the government, but in the Russian
population, which continuously regenerates the tyrannical rulers, like Stalin or Ivan Grozny.

After the terrorist attack during the performance of Nord-Ost, the theater on Dubrovka was
converted into circus "Aquamarine", with fountains. So now clowns and jugglers are performing on
the stage from which once the bearded freedom fighters were demanding the freedom for Chechen
people. Gaziza then invited me to this circus, for her mother worked there as a clown. I had mixed
feelings sitting in the auditorium, where the Putin's FSB has poisoned all the spectators, but Gaziza
assured me that after the terrorist attack the building was consecrated by a priest and now
everything is fine. However, for some reason I still feared FSB more than the "terrorists," which
were still doing God's will and fighting for their rights.

About her grandfather Gaziza told that despite the repression of the family, he remained a devoted
communist, but in the end he was killed by wonderful Soviet doctors, who treated him from the
wrong disease. Only shortly before his death, did Gaziza's grandfather repent, seeing what
communism had led to. Government driven medicine is just a forced withdrawal of money from the
population in exchange for a service of questionable quality, and so applies to all the government
services in Russia, with the traditional Russian lack of competition.

Gaziza, apparently influenced by the ideology of Orthodox Christianity, condemned gay people and
believed that gays have no place in Russia. Gaziza was very angry when I said that I dreamed of
marrying a transvestite, but in Russia, unfortunately, same-sex marriages are forbidden. Her hatred
of gays was completely irrational, and I could not get a logical answer to the question "what's
wrong with homosexuality". She insisted that gay people are disgusting, dissolute and spoiled
people, taking away guys from the women like her. Like my mother, Gaziza claimed that
homosexuality is unnatural and against nature. Yet there are more gays than dolphins, so what is
more natural: gays or dolphins? Of course, gays haven't molested Gaziza during childhood, but
when she returned home late as a schoolgirl, she was raped and beaten by a drunk and straight
police officer. Of course the crime case was quickly dismissed, Russian cops have strong esprit de

Being half Asian, although a native Muscovite, Gaziza suffers constant racial profiling by Russian
cops. Once Gaziza forgot her passport at home, and the Moscow metro police detained her, beating,
insulting and poking gun in her face, threatening to shoot her for being an illegal immigrant. Now
being a poetess, she is compelled to publish her poems under the Russian pseudonym "Galina
Bulatova", so that the Islamic name does not alienate Russians who are known for their prejudice.
Regarding music, Gaziza liked Belinda Carlisle, Roxette and Cyndi Lauper.

As a result of my "essay on the Russians", burning the flag of Russia and the attitude towards gays,
Gaziga and I constantly quarreled, Gaziza declared that the Russian poetess can not have a friend of
Russophobe and a latent fagot. For example, one day the reason for the quarrel was my joke that
Christ was probably gay and fucked in a train with all the apostles, while Judas betrayed him
because of unrequited love. The New Testament itself witnesses about the pederasty of Christ,
beginning with Jesus being unmarried, the absence of women among the apostles and the favourite
apostles among them, like John the Theologian, whom Jesus loved in a special way. Gaziza was
very angry and said that I'm blaspheming, but the fact that Christ was a sexist did not bother her at
all. However, later Gaziza changed her attitude towards gays to more neutral.

My mother gave Gaziza impression, as Gaziza succinctly put it, "a condominal woman." Later I
saw the definition of the word: condominality implies backwardness, rudeness, rejection of novel,
aversion to cleverness and xenophobia (first of all hostility to incomprehensible phenomena, alien
beliefs, tastes and habits).
From the prescribed antidepressants Gaziza one day got stomach pain and the arriving ambulance
hospitalized her. The state hospital prohibits smoking even in the toilet and there are no smoking
areas. The head physician threatened her that if Gaziza were caught again smoking in the toilet, she
would be sent for compulsory treatment to a psychiatric hospital or immediately injected with
antipsychotics by the arriving psychiatrists. After this, Gaziza fled the hospital, forgetting about the
treatment. I made the assumption that the hospital administration was just waiting for a bribe from
Gaziza, but perhaps it is really the repressive measures aimed at intimidating the patients and
asserting the authority.

Gaziza was forced to intake these antidepressants and antipsychotics since the age of seventeen.
After the return of Gaziza from the United States, where she studied at the exchange school and was
an excellent pupil, Gaziza became pregnant as a result of a typical Russian drunk rape, and araising
psychological problems, due to the atmosphere in the family and alcoholic father, who drank two
bottles of vodka a day, and this all resulted in a drop of Gaziza's school performance.

Knowing nothing about Russian medicine, Gaziza's mother, trying to somehow solve the problem,
sent underage Gaziza to psychiatric hospital. Needless to say, that Russian asylums are not your
comfy western hospitals, and if you have mental problems, getting into this hell is the last thing you
want. Russian doctors, without any hesitation, immediately prescribed Gaziza with the beloved by
domestic medicine haloperidol (a very strong anti-psychotic with adverse effects, used to keep the
unwanted older patients immobile, and helping them to die quicker), which caused an epilepsy in
pregnant Gaziza, because of the unborn child's intolerance of such a "treatment." Learning that
Gaziza is pregnant, the chief doctor of the psychiatric hospital ordered forced abortion to Gaziza,
although after the treatment with haloperidol her child was likely already was doomed.

You will probably ask, how could these Russian doctors killed the child? Well, Russians, being
inborn communists, are alien to Christian morals, have no respect for human rights or human life at
all, so for a Russian doctor prescribing death sentence is like visiting a toilet.

As the result of an abortion injury, Gaziza lost the ability to conceive children, and as the result of
antipsychotics - the ability to learn and work. Russian doctors have an interest in making life-time
patients out of healthy people so that they can pull money from the relatives of the unfortunate
victims, or simply fill the beds in the government owned psychiatric asylum, receiving additional
funding, based on the number of patients. I asked Gaziza why won't she just stop taking all the
prescribed toxic pills, she answered that the blood pressure raises, supplemented by painful
migraines, withdrawal syndrome begins and the vital neurotransmitters are simply not being
produced in the brain anymore, so without some of her antipsychotics, Gaziza can not even walk,
and without others - sleep.

Gaziza told that in the psychiatric hospital, patient deaths are common, when they are being injected
with drugs into the overdose or simply thrown naked in a cold room, so that they catch pneumonia.
For a verbal skirmish with the medical staff one can be beaten even to death. Then such deaths are
proclaimed to be natural or suicides.

Gaziza hoped that I would change my mind about the Russians, that I will see that there are decent
specimens among the Russians, so on September 27 Gaziza invited me to the "Nasledie" (Heritage)
contest, the nominee of which she became, having paid the money for participation. In the "Russian
Bread" grocery, on the way to Gaziza house, the "chicken pie" had spoiled slimy potatoes, and had
no actual chicken meat, although nearby a number of hard-working Muslims sold Kebabs of
excellent quality. The contest happened at the Central House of Writers, and Gaziza being nominee
for some reason did not even got a seat in the hall, and she was forced to sit on dirty steps. The
contest hostess was the Head of the Russian Imperial House - Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna,
she looked similar to Baron Vladimir Harkonnen from the Dune movie, dressed as a market gypsy
and speaking Russian with the accent of a mentally disabled Spanish woman, and ineed she was an
actual citizen of Spain. The presentation was preceded by the reading of classic Russian poems,
among which was the immortal Tyutchev's "the mind can never grasp the Russia's soul..." Indeed,
Russia is completely irrational.

Of course, a Jew, with the Islamic name "Gaziza" and poems about love, could not reach the finals,
because that "Nasledie" was established by the Russian Writers Union (funded by government), and
therefore only the writers who are up to date with the current agenda can be among the finalists. In
the ranks of the winners there were two Russian Orthodox Church approved archpriests who came
there wearing robes, two national guard officers, daughter of some government functionary, an
engineer from a military factory, several combatants (who served in Chechnya and Ukraine), a
burly woman - an official from Crimea, two more nominees who supported the Russian interests in
the countries of the European Union, and the duty members of the Writers' Union of Russia, all
born around 1950. These were the laureates of Brezhnev competitions, who probably participated in
the persecution of Brodsky. In the foyer of the Central House of Writers, the members of the union
arrived drunk with red faces, having already celebrated their victory. Their poetry was of
corresponding quality.

Almost all nominees were young women, but for some reason most winners were old men. Such a
result is not surprising, because the "Nasledie" award was overseen by Vladimir Churov, who
created the famous 146% of support votes dring Vladimir Putin president elections. Leaving,
poetess-nominees felt deceived, others, naive, blamed irrelevant factors, and I again remembered
the rotten potatoes in the Russian "chicken pie".

The story about Gaziza in Russian Internet collected biased comments like "Muslim kike immigrant
bitch whines that her shit-poetry was not appreciated at the internal Russian competition" and "who
gave Jews the rights to get into Russian poetry, Jews do not know the language", although Gaziza
was born in Moscow and Russian is her native language. As for the other commentary, some Jews,
like Dietmar Rosenthal, seem to know Russian better than most native speakers. Later, I argued
with Gaziza about the lack of culture of the Russian nation, yet Gaziza continued to protect the
Russians, while I without looking or sniffing sat down on a bench that was standing beside me, it
was drenched either with beer or with urine - you can not discern, because Russian pee and Russian
beer smell the same. Gaziza said that God has punished me.

In general, Gaziza was surrounded by beautiful people: an old woman, your typical "Stalin's
grandmother", whom Gaziza invited for a tea, stole a frozen chicken from Gaziza's refregirator.
Other old woman neighbor had an alcoholic son, who used his mother's pension to purchase vodka
and regularly beaten her. A few years later, this son has killed his mom. Irina, a friend of Gaziza,
survived the house fire, after which a good neighbor approached her and asked give "things that did
not burn completely". Irina was very surprised, because she is the one who needs help and

However, Irina remained a patriot who blamed all the misfortunes to the accursed Americans, who,
as Ira had read on in Russian Internet, themselves blew up their 9/11 world trade center towers and
invaded the middle east without Russian approval. Moreover, according to Irina, the US will soon
be destroyed either by some huge meteorite, or by the planet Nibiru, or by a tsunami, but Irina could
not decide. Having learned that I do not like Russians, Irina advised me to go to the US embassy,
because Americans also hate Russia, and for some reason I also should join the LDPR party, headed
by the half-crazy Russian analogue of Donald Trump, who promotes Russian chauvinism. Irina
advised Gaziza to visit a cemetery several times a month and pray at some saint grave there. In the
end Irina sold to Gaziza some Kardiket pills for treatment of migraine, from these pills Gaziza got
heart problems in additioon to her headache.

The former wife of Gaziza's brother, Tagir, Natalia Klimontova

(https://www.facebook.com/natali.klimontova.3) married Tagir only for the sake of his father's
connections. Natalia is typically Russian: envious, greedy, loves to command everyone, and
especially badly deals with Lucy (her daughter from Tagir), whom she beat since childhood.
Natasha's father, a forester of a large plot, takes bribes from poachers, providing them opportunity
for hunting, building and extracting resources. Natalia's parents have a very expensive mansion, in
which there is even an elevator. Not surprisingly for a daughter of a public servant, being the simple
lawyer and working in government structures, Natalia magically earned to herself enough money
for three apartments in Moscow and the real estate in Europe. Married and living with Tagir, our
Natasha, being the loyal Russian wife, did not hesitate to have a bunch of lovers. Moreover,
Natasha constantly provoked Tagir to a fight, although Tagir simply filed for divorce, after which
Natasha tried to sue off from Tagir his own Moscow apartments.

When Gaziza called me during the Coronavirus, I learned that she is now being treated with daily
electroshock therapy (ECT) against her will, and being kept in a special intensive supervision ward.
She could call people only once in a few days, when they gave her a phone for a few minutes, while
closely listening to what she says. All that happened after her mother committed her into the
hospital once again, because she had a relationship with a guy her mother disapproved of. Basically
Gaziza's mom paid that corrupt hospital (Moscow NTSPZ) to keep Gaziza medicated. Ward
personnel had no medical masks and a few patients were taken out with pneumonia already. Ward
security took away the phone after hearing her telling that to me.

I doubted that Gaziza will remain in this hospital for too long, since she was a heavy smoker, which
ruined her lungs.
Nation of Filth
Stalin, Putin?" But Stalin haven't performed the executions personally,
neither Putin today beats protesters at the squares,
or persecutes people for "hate speech". No, it is the Russian nation,
even if wearing police or other uniform, it His Majesty "THE PEOPLE".
-- Boris Stomakhin, Russian human rights activist,
who got sentenced to 15 years in prison for his Internet posts.

All this time the war with Ukraine continued, then transfering into Syria, fueled by imperial
ambitions of the insane Russian ogre of a nation. My mother, who was practically a stranger to me,
complained that her friends had normal children, who served in the army, some married, now some
voluntarily went to defend their homeland to Novorossia, and only she was ashamed of her son -
me. She continued her sad rant with a tirade about how she would be glad if I now fought in the
Donbass. As a result of the verbal squabble, my mother went on shouting and promised to poison
me, fearing that I would go and join the volunteer battalion on the side of Ukraine. However, the
hysterical flow of irrational statements and threats is an everyday communication method of typical
Russian person.

Russia's rising from its knees,

Then stands still decaying freeze,
Grasping air with rotten stumps,
And on the vile way it clumps.
Yet the madness blinds the sight,
Russia is being not too bright,
Eating feces with deep bite,
Lapti are full of mite.

An analogy can be seen. There is a dog breed called "Pitbull". Pitbulls don't excel at intelligence, or
individuality, or even at size. What make Pitbull truly unique are the three properties:
1. Pitbulls are very aggressive towards their own species - dogs.
2. Pitbulls kill without any reason, just to kill. They don't eat the victim.
3. Pitbulls don't have any self preservation instinct. They will continue fighting "on stumps," two or
more broken legs, and far worse.

Such animal properties never occur in nature, yet it was possible to introduce them in just a few
hundred years of breeding. Similarly, Silver Fox domestication experiment has shown that it is
possible to significantly change animal behavior with just a few generations of unnatural selection.
Then we also know that some birds species can no longer fly due to an evolutionary trap: these bird
species found a local maximum, and subsequently lost this very important ability.

The input genetics doesn't really matter: numerous bird subspecies lost their ability to fly
independently, while Pitbulls were mixed from unrelated different dog breeds.

Russians are very similar to Pitbulls, tame foxes and flightless birds, because
1. Russians have no self preservation instinct (women will produce more soldiers).
2. Russians are very tame towards their Kremlin slavemaster.
3. Russian brain has degraded and lost the ability to think, similarly to how aforementioned birds
lost ability to fly.

Same way input genetics doesn't matter: Russians could have originally been Tatars, Finno-Ugrics,
Germans, Jews, Mongols or Slavs, they may even preserve some external features of these
ethnicities, but internally they are disfigured with the above properties. Therefore Russians are just
the shells of human beings. Guess that is why Russians are so insecure when being compared to a
rooster, which has a huge cockscomb and wings, but nothing much of substance - it can't even fly.

It is hard to believe that Russia still exists in the 21st century - the century of individualism, when
civilized people cease to think slavish "we", more and more thinking of the free "I". Attempts at
finding any individuals or personalities among Russians is tantamount to trying to identify a biting
wasp in a wasp hive. Russians do not need to learn lies, theft, cruelty, and meanness - a newborn
Russian gets these qualities at birth, as they are part of the Russian animal's genetics and by default
are perceived by Russians as dignities. A Russian child begins to talk and lie at the same time. If
earlier I had rather liberal views, analyzing the essence of Russians, their Russianness, turns one
into a Russophobe.

No decent person would call himself "Russian", because Russians are the barbarous nation of serial
killers, thieves and slaves. Similarly no decent person would take upon himself other people's sins.
Not all villains are Russian, but all Russians are villains. "Russian" is an "adjective" stigma on the
serfs, meaning slavish belonging to the Moscow Empire. Russia is a diaper, and Russians are the
shit in this diaper. One wont wash a used diaper, but throw it into the garbage dump. Similarly the
Russia's place is in the history's garbage dump, along with Russians. Unfortunately Russia is worse
than a diaper, because if diaper just stinks, and does not touch anyone, Russia is an explosive gas

The Russian nation is a collective villain, because it is Russians in their collective unconscious who
created the Moscow empire centered in Kremlin, it is Russians who regenerate the authoritarian
government typical of Russia, placing at the head of it the most notorious miscreants like Ivan the
Terrible, Stalin and Putin. Stalin is certainly a tyrant, but it were Russians who submitted to KGB
the millions of false reports, after which innocent people were executed and sent to the Gulag
camps. Russians love the concept of collective guilt, when everyone is punished for the fault of one,
so it's necessary to judge Russians collectively. Time to uproot the Russian tree with poisonous
fruits, then replace it with useful plants.
Who in Russian thinks and speaks,
From them shit awfully stinks.
Wash the Russians with napalm,
Drying after with A-Bomb.

Even Russian language induces disgust after comprehending its rotten nature, because Russian
language is devoid of any good qualities, such as the brevity of Hebrew, the simplicity of English,
or the wisdom of the proper Asian languages. In addition to the illogical mess of inflections, the
Russian language is full of sexism: in it every word is gendered, compared with asexual English.
Russian speaker is forced to give preference to one gender, the Russian rule of thumb is to pick
male gender, breeding more toxic masculinity.

Russian language gives rise to spelling mistakes, because Russian text is an order of magnitude
harder to edit than the similar text in English, for the slightest change requires the correction of
numerous inflections and genders throughout the sentence, because Russian is the so called
"synthetic language." Using Russian language for constructive projects is like hammering a nail
with a piece of feces.

Russian subhuman language forces to change and add suffixes to people's given names, usually
inventing these endings yourself or using some insane rules. A Japanese or an Engish speaker
knows clearly that if a person is named "John", then they should call him John without making any
modification to his name, while Russian scoundrel will at every opportunity think how to distort
and ruin the name: Johna, Johnu, Johnom.

The language of Russians is severely limited by its niche, like a system of signals in a colony of
harmful bacteria, and is adapted by centuries of criminal Russian history to serve certain inhumane
goals. Russians constantly prove that the main areas of application of their language are: insults,
lying and organizing crimes, in the abundance committed by Russians. Russian language exists as a
mean of defecation, breeding demagoguery and emitting negativity. Russian language is alien to
reason and creativity. For several centuries Russian liberals tried to ennoble Russian language,
incorporating the lexicon and knowledge from the civilized languages into it, but that made Russian
language only more monstrous, for, as the Americans say, "you can not polish a turd." However,
Russians themselves also say "my language is my enemy", which differs from the direct translation
of the Roman proverb "the language of a fool is his enemy", hence even Russians themselves
understand that Russian language is the language of fools.

Russians claim that Russia does not control the Russian language, that the Russian language has
gone beyond Russian borders. Russians note that there are a lot of Russian-speaking Jews in Israel,
and some particularly sly Russians have even climbed it into Europe and the USA. I will answer
that the anus of a mentally retarded degenerate also does not control the fecal excretion, but this
does not mean that everything around should be smeared with shit, like in a psychiatric hospital

World's culture needs to be optimized with the single unified language - the American English
language. Other languages and cultures are the dead ends, which have no reason to exist. All
national history forgeries and national literature nonsense must be purged in the largest and the
most impressive book burning event of the millennium. Book burning is good, when the books are
obsolete and in a dead language, like this Russian language. Time for the change!
How many Russians is required to change a light bulb?
None: Russians will simply declare that the lamp works,
and the darkness - is the light.
-- Lightbulb joke in the realities of Russia

Westerners on the IRC chat advised to think about how to improve Russia and turn it into a good
country. After some reflection, I came to the conclusion that the only way would be the reduction of
the Russian population, where Russians are ousted with decent nationalities and Russian language
is supplanted with a superior language, such as English. Despite that this idea seems absurd at first
glance, there are processes that, when launched, will help Russians to destroy themselves, with a
relatively small amount of investment money, and sometimes even reaching self-sufficiency. I
reviewed them in "Essay on the Russian, the problem of the Russians, and the methods of
combating the Russians"
With the Russians it is not a question of whether but of when.
If you say why not bomb them tomorrow, I say why not today?
If you say today at five o' clock, I say why not one o' clock?
-- John von Neumann, generally regarded as
the foremost mathematician of his time.

When the number of Russians is sufficiently reduced, it is necessary to implement the following
- Freedom for all republics, including the republics of the Caucasus, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, the
republics of Siberia and the Urals (It is necessary to help these colonized peoples to get out of the
Russian swamp);
- Nuclear disarmament (in the 21st century there is no place for the weapons of mass destruction);
- Liquidation of the Russian military-industrial complex, which entails a reduction in taxes
(investors will not pay for the Russian military toys);
- Ban on the army, outside the NATO structure (without army, any Russian ambitions would be an
empty threat);
- Elimination of corruption, pensions and other social taxes (taxes will not go to feed parasites,
including corrupt officials);
- Retirement of the Russian ruble, with the replacement of it by a proper currency, such as Euro or
US Dollar;
- Education reform modeled on American universities with teaching in English;
- Liberalization of the labor code;
- Lift of the ban on the same-sex marriages;
- Simplified visa and customs regime - a paradise for investors, without protectionism, providing
cheap labor to the business;
- Elimination of the Russian plebs as a class (legalization of heavy drugs, birth control, with the
auction for the birth or adoption of additional children in excess of the quota);
- Replacement of the Cyrillic alphabet with the Latin alphabet and the gradual replacement of
Russian by English, starting with supplanting of primordially Russian words with english analogs
and obsoleting the Russian ones (elimination of the language barrier for investors and

Interesting to note that other nations see Russia for what it is and have respective names for
American: vodka niggers
Israeli/Turkish: Natasha (russian females work hard in these countries)
Arabian: shuravi "‫( "شوروی‬soviets)
Chechen: rusnya (the word "russian" is an insult by itself for a North Caucasus man)
Estonian: tibla (from the russian phrase "you bitch")
German: russisch schwein (russian pig)
Polish: bydlo (cattle)
Ukrainian: katsap (goat looking)
Latvian: urlas (cattle) and nepilsona (subhuman/noncitizen)
Georgian: ghrusi "ღ რ უ ს ი " (from ghori=pig and rusi=Russian)
Finnish: ryssä (the core in the verb "ryssiä" - to fuck up)
Buryats: mangut/mangad (evil zoomorphic creature, mythical monster, stealing and eating small
Protesting in Vain
A cop is a bastard, a cog in the system,
Biliary mixture of shit and urine.
Schmuck's uniform and a gun to assist him -
Cop you so clumsy, keep serving your law.

Stupid cop's sight, but his thoughts are lower,

Wolves of Islam would maul him down.
Getting the bribe is the only cop's power,
So knows his place our small toughy clown.

Since I hate Russia and want to fight back, somehow revenging Russians, I need to prove and assert
myself. I had to start somewhere, so I published numerous protest videos on YouTube in which I
read my poetry, defiled the Russian flag in various ways, and mocked the Russian anthem. Most of
these videos were removed by YouTube moderation after numerous complaints from the frenzied
Russian patriots, with reason being breaking some nonsense "hate speech" rules. Guess Russians
are the new niggers, therefore you are not allowed to criticize Russians in the slightest. For
example, among the banned "hate speech" videos was a video, where I use Russian flag with coat of
arms as a rug in front of my door, and wipe feet on this Russian flag and spit on it.

Finally, deciding to do more serious action, I bought a liquid for ignition of braziers and a plastic
flag of Russia. On August 21, 2016, I soaked the flag in a combustible mixture and put it into odor-
proof bag, then went to Red Square, where, as a protest against Russia and Russians, I burned this
Russian flag, directly in front of the Moscow Kremlin, and even filmed it on video. Although I
chose a relatively deserted time and place, without civilians, there still were bored cops at some
distance, with typical thoughtless Russian faces. Although the cops paid attention to me, they did
not even try to prevent the burning of the flag of their country, even though it is a crime under
Article 329 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Extinguishing the burnt remnants of
the Russian flag with a heel, I calmly passed by these cops and threw out the remains of the burnt
flag into the garbage bin - the proper place for Russian symbols. Nobody needs the nasty Russian
world, even the Russian police-devils in its center, so let the Russia burn.

Unfortunately the quality of the video left much to be desired, since I had to both film and set the
flag on fire on my own. All the opposition activists, whom I approached asking to help filming,
exposed themselves as cowards, although I even offered them money. Some honestly said they were
afraid, others responded in a patriotic manner, "I am against the burning of my country's flag," some
answered in the purely Russian rude manner, using a swearing words, like one famous "opposition"
video blogger, apparently frightened that his channel will get closed because of me.

The next day, on August 22, it turned out that yet another of my accounts on the social network site
vk.com (Russian Facebook clone) was blocked "on the basis of the demand from the General
Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation No. 27-31-2016/Id3561-1 of 19.08.2016". Since I
burned the flag on the 21st August, my account was obviously closed for my earlier publications
criticizing Russia. The flag burning video on YouTube has collected many comments from the
Russian subhumans, most of them insulting my appearance, mental health and sexual orientation.
Mystically, the day I burned the flag crossed with the Day of the Flag of Russia (about which I did
not knew anything beforehand), when in many cities of Russia, Russians, like these autumn red
ants, marched in the colors of the flag inspired by the heyday of the Third Reich rallies.

People on the Internet advised me to stay out of Russia for now, because while for burning a flag
the penalty is a year of prison, then for my messages in support of Ukraine Russians could jail me in
for six years, or simply kill me. Russians are known to keep detainees without clothes in an ice cold
cell, or force to take onto themselves other crimes they didn't commit, using blood-chilling torture,
from the full arsenal of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, such as filing teeth with a file,
inserting barbed wire into the anus or the classical suspension on a hook. My mother lamented that
they will do the right thing imprisoning me for my opinion, continuing with a hysterical stream of
"disgrace to the grandfather - the hero of the USSR", and "my real child was replaced in the hospital
after birth".

I got tired of my mother and had no desire to get incarcerated for this nonsense, so I had to leave. At
first I thought to visit Ukraine, in which I was only once in the distant childhood, with my
grandmother, visiting relatives in New Kakhovka. But because of the war, I would most likely be
denied entry, especially if I honestly voiced the purpose of my visit, because Ukraine is trying its
utmost to extinguish the conflict with Russia, and doesn't want the problems associated with giving
a shelter to an odious personality. Therefore, I decided to go to Belarus instead, to wait for the
Russian law enforcement to make its move.

Before the trip, I went to KFC, had a snack and looked on wifi the stores selling tourist backpacks.
Some Russian, who came up 30 seconds after me, forcefully pushed me out of the queue towards
the cashiers, saying that he was there before me. On the question "do you want run into a fight," he
replied that "yeah I'm in a mood for a fight." To the threat to call the police, the Russian said that he
is himself is a police officer and in general works in the FSB, but refused to show his documents. I
did not to go into fight and let him pass forward. The incident reminded me of the previous similar
case, when the drunken young Russian guys in the Pyaterochka grocery demanded me to pass them
forward in queue, saying "hey asshole! we only have beer. Are you a fagot?!!".

On the 22nd of August, after collecting my things, I went to the bus station. In the Moscow metro,
the Russians sat with sour or straight angry faces; only one North Caucaus man for some reason had
a calm face. The tickets were only for the late evening, so I had to wait the bus for a few hours. In
the waiting room, there were two Ukrainians. One was nice guy from Odessa, visiting his brother.
The other was very old, bent, angry old woman from Donbass, the main pride of which, judging
from the conversation was that all her children were fighting with the Ukrainians in the Novorosiya,
while her grandchild died there, killed in action. That little old woman showed amazing feats of
hatred, saliva flew out of her ugly mouth when she called to "crush Poroshenko into dust", but
having spent so much of her forces shouting, she lowered her hoarse voice, and began ranting about
Bendera and the Ukrainian fascists, which in Soviet times were executed by firing squad. The old
woman was a refugee from the Donbass and already settled in some Russian city, while the guy
from Odessa was returning home to Ukraine, and wondered what to do with the rest of the Russian
money, as he had no intention of visiting Russia in the near future.

There, at the bus station, was a typical Russian married Russian couple with a girl who asked to buy
her a hotdog. The mother harshly noticed that there are as many as two sausages in the hotdog and
therefore she will not buy it her. The girl burst into tears, her mother started yelling at her. I noticed
to her that it was bad to scream at children, for a child would grow up nervous with a myriad
psychic problems - in response, she subsided, but her drunken father decided to get into a squabble
with me, starting with a typical "who are you, schmuck, to teach us how to raise a child?!!"
However, the wife, realizing that her husband is going to do something stupid and, instead of their
"Uryupinsk", they will go to the police department, somehow managed to calm her husband, and
together with the teardroping daughter they retired to the toilets.

First of all, on the way to Minsk, I was surprised by the sharp jump in the quality of the road surface
when crossing the border of Belarus. If during the Russian segment of the road the bus was shaking
as if in an epileptic fit, then on the Belarusian road it went smoothly like an airliner. Minsk itself
was distinguished from Moscow primarily by its clean streets, coupled with the neatness of the
Belarusians. Minsk metro stations are equipped with elevators for disabled people. On the Minsk
TV, any negativity is avoided, and among the advertisements there are social videos, like "help
finding this lost white cat" or "be careful with gas." Unlike Russians, Belarusians are almost all
blonde, blue-eyed and deprived of the typical Russian Asian features, like epicanthus. Yet antoher
confirmation that Russians are not Slavs.

At the pedestrian crossing, in front of Burger King, I was almost hit by a car that had passed when a
red light was on and people were crossing the road. I was not surprised to see the license plate and
flag of the Russian Federation on the car.

A couple of girls from Norway, a Pole, a journalist from Argentina, an intelligent student with
glasses from Germany and a Russian "businessman" were staying at the Minsk hostel "Trinity" on
Starovilenska Street, where I stayed. The Norwegians, the German, the Pole and the Argentinean
were always polite and smiling, while the Russian was rude, showing familiarity and got angry that
I did not know what is "Ryazan", which turned out to be the place where he was born.

That Russian constantly loduly spoke on the phone, solving some half-criminal business, inserting a
lot of swear words and words from the Russian prison slang into his speech. Speaking with his
accomplice, he insisted that there should be no bank trasncations, only cash. Being very horny this
Russian tried to get into bed the young girl from the reception, pawing her and asking her to show
him her leg tattoo. Argentinean guy didn't knew Russian but, but was too not indifferent to that girl,
gallantly courted her and even cooked for her some dish of their national cuisine. I remember that
the girl jokingly asked the Argentinean to make her an offer. Russian did not wash the dishes and
left rubbish on the table in the hall.

Trinity hostel was owned by a married couple: the intelligent Belarusian girl who opened that hostel
and her husband - a short rustic Russian guy named Alexander. This Alexander considered it
necessary to inform the whole hostel about his diarrhea in terms like "my bottom tears", and then
explaining in details what got out of him. As any proper Russian, Alexander talked in overly loud
voice, often swearing for trifling reasons. One morning, shortly before my departure, Alexander,
apparently dreaming of corvee and flogging of servants at the stables, yelled at the unfortunate
maid, Marina, and grabbed her by the hand. Speaking in strong Belarusian accent, Marina, usually
calm and polite, broke away with a cry of "Do not you dare touch me," and was about to resign.
Several guests woke up from the screams of squabbling. Particularly shocked was the Ukrainian
freelancer with two laptops (one with Windows, other - with OSX). After years living in Germany,
that was a cultural shock, which knocked him out of work. He noted that they do not yell at anyone
in Germany.

Getting no news regarding the crime case against me, I decided returning to Russia. Unfortunately, I
had missed the opportunity to meet the charming Minsk tranny girl in Minsk. On the remaining
Belarusian rubles I bought new wireless mouse in place of old wired USB mouse. That left me
without money. The toilet at the station was paid, even for those who bought tickets, and the nearby
shopping center was already closed. Fortunately, a good woman, who took the payment, allowed
me in for free. I still left her with some small thing and a token for the metro. I do not know if in
Minsk you can get detained for urinating in the public place, but I did not want to check it, since the
bus was leaving in minutes. However, Minsk does not stink at every corner with urine and feces, as
in Moscow, where it is generally accepted to shit in crowded places.

Although on the border in the direction of Belarus they didn't search the people, upon returning to
Russia, angry due to lack of vodka and/or sleep, Russian border guards with automatic rifles,
checked the passports and threw out of the bus, sleepy foreigner (likely an EU citizen), who was not
speaking Russian. Apparently he tried to enter Russia via some wrong checkpoint, intended only for
Russian and Belarus citizens. The foreigner with a fright almost forgot his things when he was
shouted at by crazed rude Russian border troops, who don't know even the basic English. Sitting
next to me was a surprisingly sober Russian man who threw his legs onto the back of the chair in
front of him. He happily gloated over what had happened, spitting stereotypic Russian pearls like "a
foreigner is a shitstainer."

However, such a Russian attitude towards the foreigners is not at all surprising, considering that
even the Russian children's songs are dedicated to the bombing of America
Slowly rockets hide into the distance,
Meet them, Mr. Regan, please await.
Pity poor America's existence,
Which from Planet soon shall be ablate.

Our goal is not to injure or spoil,

These extra megatons got there for good.
See how the red-hot earth still boil,
Where the White House once stood.

With Nuclear Fusion Washington glows -

Will we survive - some rednecks will ask.
Strong radiation happily flows,
Finding gas mask would be nigger's first task.

Black shroom so huge is growing so high,

Shadows from smoke are closing the sky.
Ocean of fire will take time to cool,
Where the Pentagon used to rule!

Russians openly hate Americans: they want Yellowstone Volcano to wake up there, or a meteorite
to fall on the united states; but I instead hate Russians: I want the Russians to wake up to their
conscience and put their hands on themselves, realizing the full weight of their monstrous
cannibalistic sins.

Back in Moscow, on the way to the subway, I sat down on a chair by a cafe with tables to the street
to put some of my things into backpack. And although there were many free tables, a waitress ran
up to me in a few seconds, saying that only customers of the cafe have the right to sit down at the
tables and that she will now call the guard, despite the fact that I sat down for just a minute. The
guard came running when I was already leaving, and shouted something rude after me, apparently
trying to provoke the conflict for no good reason.

At the entrance to the subway a cop was pestering an old beggar woman, probably wanting a share
from her donated money. The woman pleaded for the sake of God to give her the opportunity to get
some money for bread, but the policeman, all in black, threatened her with his club. The woman
branded him "servant of Satan," the surrounding people paid attention, but the contented cop
continued to harras the defenseless woman. I recalled the comparison of Putin with the Antichrist,
where it was shown that Putin formally falls under the definition of anti-christ, and there is even a
similarity between Putin's appearance and the devil from the medieval frescoes. In the subway, two
Russian guys of about 18 years discussed the elections, I confessed to them that I am a Russophobe,
and therefore I vote for United Russia and I hope that they will soon be drafted into the army and
sent to "defend the Motherland" somewhere in Syria.
Dirty Moscow subway meets you with the depressing Stalinist era socrealism art and the chewing
gums smeared handrails, which I carelessly touched and then for several minutes tried to remove
the gum from my shirt. TV broadcasted the powdered face of Vladimir Putin, erupting the standard
speech, explaining to the most unwise, why it is great good, that Putin and his friends are still in
power. After Putin's speech, there were the news about the death of another "president" - Islam
Karimov, who was a big friend of Russia.
Pre-election streets were filled with the
advertisements for United Russia - the Putin's
party and the fascist organization of the NOD
(National Liberation Movement). This NOD is
a half religious organization, which has
associated temple, named The Main Temple of
Russian Armed Forces, and having some
creepy design. I again recalled that Command
& Conquer video game, which also had a
fascist terrorist organization NOD, led by a
Putin type dictator, and and it even had a
temple. Apparently Russians are trying to NOD rally
mimic dystopian future down to minor details.
Returning from the grocery, I asked a
company of women at the yard, whether
they like it that their commie-blocks are
covered with all this aggressive propaganda.
They, frightened by this question, gave me a
suspicious look and fled in different
directions - all but one woman, who in a
sarcastic voice replied "simply delighted."
On the wall at the entrance of each commie-
block building and inside the stairwell there
too were such stands, glassed with fortified
glass, and full of the propaganda for United
Russia, hung with the unpleasant faces of
some military men who had reached it into
politician ranks. In addition to the

Interiors of the Main Military Temple

propaganda, typical such stand had a warning in large
letters "PROHIBITED: unauthorized access and
unauthorized placement of any information on the stand!"
Guided by the proverb "first clean your own home," I took
a heavy cobblestone and smashed it into the glass stand
with the United Russia poster at the entrance to my
commie-block building. Of course, there were a lot of
glass splinters, but the fact that the stupid Russian
bantlings could cut themselves was of the least worry to
me. After all, no normal person will have children in
Russia - a shithole of a country. Russia is the territory of
danger and suffer - the Hell on Earth. Had each Russian
citizen threw a stone at the Kremlin, the Red Monster
would had collapsed, being buried under an enormous
mountain of stones. Alas, Russia is populated by Russians,
who can not even clean their entrance from garbage.
The sound of the propaganda display stand breaking has Propaganda Removal is Forbidden
awakened a fat naked beer torso of a typical representative of the Russian nation. This Russian
gopnik was shouting from the second-story window. With the words "what a fucking joke," this
alcoholic mug began to threaten me with militia and that he himself would go down to stand up for
Putin's honor. Hearing from his window the sounds of the Russia 1 TV channel and knowing who
was in front of me, I shouted "Glory to Ukraine" - from these words the torso began to tremble
frantically, belching something about the "Banderites" and almost falling out of the window.

Alas, due to expecting the arrest, the lack of time to play games, and the need to free the mother's
apartment from my things, I decided to sell my CDs. After the meeting with the gamer who bought
the remaining collector's version of the game Baldur's Gate, nothing promised a negative, although
subway interiors had a noticeable presence of fanatical looking people, wearing the ribbons of St.
George, which became the symbol of some new purely Russian religion, deifying war, similar to the
Сonfederate flag, used by the American neo-Nazis.

On the way out of the subway car, I asked the person standing before me "do you exit too?", but had
received no answer, when the doors were already opening. I asked louder "can I get out?", In
response, the corpulent carcass with the St. George ribbon turned to me and yelled malignantly
"Stop shouting, retard. I'm not wearing headphones." Realizing that the Russian blocking the
passage wanting to assert itself through this conflict, and it is not possible to squeeze through to the
other exit, I had to apologize and ask again to pass, after which the carcass disappointed by my
peacefulness moved reluctantly away, letting me leave.

Having crossed to the Koluga-Riga line of the Moscow subway, again in the subway car, I took the
empty seat. After a few seconds later, from the other end of the car, a woman in an Orthodox
kerchief came running and declared that she did not give me this seat, but offered it to some old
woman, who declined. I refused to get up, and that woman stared at me angrily, repeating the
demand to free the seat. To the question "why she looks at me as if she saw Jesus," she replied that
she "saw human stupidity." I agreed, because the tradition of giving a seat to an older women is a
stupid relic of communism, which is discrimination by gender and by age (ageism). That is why I
never give seats, even to pregnant women, because their baby is completely their responsibility in
our overpopulated world.

To make a concession to a woman is to offend her ability to be equal to a man, even if she is
pregnant. In the general case, if a person is unable to stand in the subway, then this is his personal
logistics problem. Otherwise, people with disabilities will be discriminated against when hiring,
even if a mechanical prosthesis allows them to be more effective than a non-crippled person.
Moreover, these old people deserved suffering, having created such communist system, where they
do not have a free seat. It was necessary in their youth, working as an engineer, to calculate
everything in such a way that everyone would have a seat.

A babushka with a walking stick enters a public bus, but all the seats are occupied. Will you give up
your seat to a babushka? If your answer is "yes, I'll give up", then you are a communist. If your
answer is "depending on the babushka", then you are a Nazi. If your answer is "no, I won't give up",
then you are an egoist anarchist. If you can afford a personal car and don't ride public buses, then
you're a capitalist.

Walking the streets of a Russian city, one diligently tries to avoid stepping into the glistening
Russian spits, puke, urine and feces, which are the major decorations of the uneven asphalt of the
Russian sidewalks. And you're lucky if these Russian fluids are frozen. Russians will litter anything
they can reach. If a Russian can't urinate in public, then this creature will spit, usually producing
unpleasant gurgling sounds, trying to collect more phlegm into his spit. Such an overabundance of
excretions in Russians is formed due to the excessive number of cigarettes Russians smoke - the
cheapest and harmful tobacco brands that disrupt the lungs. Russian males cannot just swallow
phlegm, because according to the Russians "once swallowed - you're a fagot forever." As for me,
they called me "pidor" during childhood, because I swallowed my snots. Formally, Russians are
correct, because sperm and snot have in many respects a similar chemical composition, which in
fact also matches the mucus of the vagina.

Unfortunately, that propaganda display stand at the entrance into my commie-block was almost
instantly restored. However, having decided to finish what was started, I broke it again, plus two
more stands with the propaganda of United Russia and the Communist Party of the Russian
Federation. Hearing the noise of broken glass, a woman looked out from the apartment on the first
floor, asking what was going on. I replied that the Putin's advertisement was being removed, and the
woman hid back without words.

Yet I got tired of cleaning up the propaganda stand at my entrance, which are restored by the
authorities quicker than the cleaning lady find the time to remove the broken glass from them.
Therefore, having found the phone number of the organization responsible for these stands, I called
them with a demand to stop placing their stands at my commie-block. The phone was answered by
the patriot of her fatherland and its propaganda, saying that propaganda would not be removed and
stating that I'm messing with wrong people, because these propaganda stands belong to the state of
the Russian Federation, and they will force me to pay them for the stands that I've vandalized. In
response, I threatened that in retaliation I will destroy their stands in the whole area.

Although these stands really belong to the state, the money from the advertising is collected by a
private company "Clean City M", which is owned by the relatives of some fat government official.
Quoting the site of this corrupt company cleantown.ru, the scope of their activities includes
"Placement of information on the entrances of apartment houses in Moscow and the largest cities of
the Moscow region." Cleaning the facades of residential buildings and the surrounding area from
unauthorized advertising." I.e. among other sins, "Clean City M" removes any advertisement
unauthorized by them; so, for example, they remove requests for help finding a lost cat and or
apartment rent ads.

The next day, a surprising thing has happened: that Clean City M company [removed]
((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-bbNwv-a4E)) its stands from the entrance into my commie
block building. That happened after all their threats to set the police on me and force me to restore
their stands. Apparently they decided that the lawsuit and the reputation of the broken glass
provider would cost them a bit more than just surrendering their positions. Thus, the rule "first clean
your own house" is true, because even one person who resisted the authorities can drive United
Russia out of his house.

Also near my house there were parked several cars with the flags of the DNR on the number plates.
I planned to break the glass at night, pour the interior with some incendiary mixture and set these
cars on fire, but at the last moment I was dissuaded by Gaziza. Most likely if I did it, I would be
found and killed, because the cars seemed to belong to the leaders of pro-Russian terrorists, curated
by FSB.

On the 7th of September of 2016 I phoned the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian
Federation about the blocking of my social network account. They refused to discuss the matter by
phone and told to write to their Internet Reception, attaching a screenshot of the blocking message.
Which I did, sending the following message:
My account https://vk.com/funcall was blocked in violation of my rights on the
basis of the request of the Prosecutor General's Office. I do not see extremism in the
protest against the criminal foreign and domestic policies of the Russian Federation,
including the annexation of Crimea and the invasion of Russian mercenaries into
Ukraine. I demand immediately to withdraw your requirement to block my
accounts, groups and materials, including the video of me burning the flag of your
organized criminal organization - the Russian Federation
-- Nikita Sadkov
That time I also got an e-mail message from PayPal, about tightening requirements for the transfers
to Russia, in the view of the new Russian draconian laws. Among them, "You must ensure that the
electronic money transfers initiated by you or received by you do not entail the need to execute a
transaction passport in accordance with Russian requirements and currency control procedures, and
other applicable restrictions imposed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including Russian
requirements and currency control procedures." Apparently Russia tries to make it difficult for the
freelancers like me to survive.

Tired waiting for a response from the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, I
decided to somehow take revenge on a criminal Russian organization that violates my constitutional
right to freedom of speech. Therefore, armed with the contents of the tray of Gaziza's cat Leopold, I
went to the reception of the General Prosecutor's Office, located on the Blagoveshchensky lane, 10
at the metro Mayakovskaya. Gaziza, again trying to dissuade me from such actions, eventually
decided to go with me as a witness, if I suddenly get killed, because at the entrance into the
Prosecutor's Office building there are always some AK47 armed guards.

For a start, I decided to visit the General Prosecutor's Office reception, where an incredibly obese
prosecutor (thin public servants are a rarity in Russia) told me that the Internet is a nuisance for
them, teens are wasting time on selfies and tweets, and in general the Internet is guilty of all the
woes of Russia. Regarding the blocking me in social networks, the prosecutor offered to wait for an
answer further, apparently until old age. I hardly kept myself from pouring the contents of the cat's
tray at this fat bastard's desk, as my main argument in defense of Internet. Yet I decided to hold the
action in a more suitable place - at the legal address of the General Prosecutor's Office, on Bolshaya
Dmitrovka Street, hoping to provoke the AK47-armed guards there to open fire, hitting a few of
their compatriots at the entrance.

The way to the main building of the Prosecutor General's Office on Bolshaya Dmitrovka 15A
crossed Tverskaya. Gaziza, grown up and well-oriented in this place, recalled how well she felt
herself in her youth, while she was not yet cured by the anti-psychotics prescribed by the good
Russian doctors. In fact, the happiest and quietest time in her life was studying in the US when there
was no alcoholic father nearby, and she was not pestered on the street by the drunk men trying to
rape her.

Now Gaziza with great difficulty and pain can walk the distance that in her youth she ran without
noticing. The neuroleptics typically prescribed by Russian doctors damage internal organs, as well
as lead to migraines, to treat which Aesculapius of Russian medicine advised Gaziza to swallow
analgin, causing even greater problems with the liver and heart. Gaziza would had most likely been
detained as my accomplice, and given her history of psychiatric treatment, they would had sent her
directly from the police station to the insane asylum, wherever she could be simply killed. Since
that I persuaded Gaziza to return home, saying that everything will get resolved.

Then I went into the general prosecutor's office, entering right behind another visitor, hoping that
his body will protect me from the AK47 bullets if the guards decide to shot, and I immediately
poured out of the tray all the labors of the cat into the hallway, managing even to film it on camera,
then quickly retreating. Oddly enough, these typical bored cops guarding the hallway with machine-
guns became confused, and didn't even try to stop or pursue me. Therefore, I without problems
reached Pushkinskaya metro station. I was never actually charged explicitly for that provocation,
although later did they attached it to my crime case.
Later came the long-awaited response from
the General Prosecutor's Office of the
Russian Federation in the form of a
registered letter. At the post office gathered
a traditional live queue of 20-odd people.
But one stuttering drunkard kind of guy
punctured without waiting in line, shouting
that he is a retired veteran and shaking his
military passport. Also on the shop there
they sold republished soviet children's
books and various tasteless school goods,
including a Russian language exercise book
with an illustration on the cover of the flag
of Russia fluttering from the mouth and the
title in broken Cyrillic letters "Я ЛЮБЛЮ
RUSСКИЙ ЯЗЫК". The answer of the
General Prosecutor's was that they have
nothing to do with the blocking and I must
to deal with some "Federal Service for
Supervision in the Sphere of
Communications, Information Technology
and Mass Communications," or just "I love Russian Language" notebook
On October 5th, a policeman awoke me, insistently knocking at the door about the broken stand of
United Russia. The cop was called by one of the commie-block neighbors, because being a snitch
and reporting everything to authorities is in the toxic blood of the evil Russian creatures. I told this
cop to "fuck off" and he had to retreat without further questions, due to having no means to unlock
the door. The communication with Roskomnadzor was unfruitful, Roskomnadzor stated that they
are engaged in websites, and not separate social network accounts, and I must deal with the General
Prosecutor's Office instead. So the circle was closed, and I realized that my social network account
will not be unlocked, therefore only the real life was left for the protests, and Russians were just
pushing me to get out onto the streets.
Rusich The Rooster
"Democracy is in Hell, while Heaven is the Kingdom."
-- St. John of Kronstadt

On the wave of the news about the Khabarovsk Satanist Girls, I got the idea of a new protest action,
mixing the desecration of the Russian flag with another crime - offending the feelings of the
Orthodox Christian believers, who love to impose their faith onto others. This protest also
compared Russia with a rooster - a symbol of a heterosexual man, who was forced to a become a
passive homosexal in the prison. Such man routinely gets anally raped and is being forced to suck
other inmates cocks, under the threat of breaking his teeth if he dares to bite the penis. It would
certainly be possible to burn the Bible
wrapped in a Russian flag, but I decided to
be more original, knowing that violence
towards an absurd animal, such as rooster,
and in general cruelty to animals, as shown
by precedents, will attract more attention
(PR-friendly construction).
On the other hand, animal cruelty is a
criminal offense, and an absurd lawsuit in
which a person is accused of killing an
animal that everyone consume for food will
look ridiculous and almost guaranteed (as it
Russian satanist girls torture a puppy with BB gun seemed to me then) to create some
controversy. Such act also invites some
analogy with Kapparot, catching the anti-Semitic strings of the soul that are inherent in most
Russians. The resulting PR I planned to convert into advertising of my video game The Spell of
Mastery, using the succès de scandale technique.
Preparing for the act, I went to the village near
Moscow and bought a live rooster called Rusich
of the beloved Russian breed Kuchinskaya
Jubilee. Then the flag of Russia, which came with
the coat of arms. The last tool was a pair of
scissors for cutting chicken meat. I kept the
Russian rooster in the toilet. Russian moderators
at YouTube immediately blocked my video with
that rooster sitting on the toilet in a cloak of the
Russian flag, although there was no animal
violence in the video. Moderators believed that
putting a Russian flag on a chicken is a "hate
speech". Unfortunately, the moderation of the
Russian Youtube segment is trusted to Russians,
who remove any anti-Russian material with
prejudice. Russian girls open up a kitten

Next morning I woke up to the morning call of Rusich. After having some stale rye bread for
breakfast, I took a cat's transfer bag with Rusich, and went out to the autumn street under a drizzling
rain. The sidewalks were strewn with slippery mud produced from the fallen leaves, which no one
had card to clean. Yet in the summer, when the sidewalks are clean, the car washing the road works
even during the rain, throwing water onto the feets of unlucky pedestrians, for it is necessary to
create an appearance of work for the stolen money of taxpayers. My goal was the main Orthodox
Temple of Russia - the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which belonged to the Moscow Patriarchate.
Russian Orthodox Church has reached the pharisaic level to the point where car washing services
were opening as part of temples, while vodka and cigarettes are sold in the temples using a
preferential tax regime.
Russia's patriotic rotten bones,
Save them Russkies from unknowns.
Russian Lord of Heaven - patriarch
Embodied in gold like oligarch.
Russian Temple serves with car wash,
But no Jesus wants this ugly slosh.

Arriving at the scheduled place on the Patriarchal Bridge in front of the Temple, I began to prepare
for the ritual of sacrifice, taking out the scissors and the rooster Rusich from the bag. Then I put the
Russian flag with the coat of arms around Rusich as a cloak, so that the cock would symbolize
Russia and the Russian patriot. Feeling danger, Rusich wagged his wings and cried out in an
attempt to preserve his Russian life. I thought to use a knife for slaughtering the rooster, but it
would be very difficult to film the process on the camera, while cutting the cock's neck with a knife.
In addition, carrying a knife is a serious criminal offense in Russia. I was uncomfortable with what I
had to do, because until that moment I had never deprived anyone of life, but realizing that this
Russian cock personifies everything Russian, everything that is Russian soul, all the Russian
patriotism, I experienced an inexpressible hatred that resulted in the desire to kill Rusich.
Taking scissors, I tried to cut off Rusich's head, but the cheap Chinese blades were too blunt and
unsuitable for this purpose, only suffocating the Russian cock. Despite the crunch of broken
cervical vertebrae, Rusich remained alive. Roaring, beating with wings and claws for life, Rusich
attracted the passers-by attention. They Russians tried to stop me, which quite distracted me, so that
Rusich has bursted out using his last strength, and run, flashing back with the inscription:
"RUSSIA" under the coat of arms. The Russian by-standers were definitely outraged by the process
of this embarrassing sacrifice.

Rusich the rooster runs for its life

Rushing after Rusich, I've barely caught him, and clamped his neck again in the steel of scissors,
lifting Rusich with scissors right into the air, using Rusich's body to brush away the Russian
bystanders, turned into attackers. Struggling with scissors, I broke the already half-broken Rusich's
neck. Instead of blood the Russian cock's death produced liquid feces, flowing directly onto my
jeans. I sill felt a kind of relief, as if there became one less the Russian in the world.
Looking now at the angry Russian bystanders, I shouted "DEATH TO RUSSIA, DEATH TO THE
RUSSIANS!" And, to annoy the assembled Russians more, I also yelled "GLORY TO
UKRAINE!!", which was the last straw for them. "The Russians do not abandon their own," and
therefore a small crowd of these Russian roosters joined in to fight away the corpse of their
tovarisch. They began to arm themselves with improvised means, threatening to "cripple" me and
"throw me off the bridge" down into the car traffic. Russians were shouting at me "You're a beast".
In response, I said that it are you Russians, who are beasts.

Having no desire to part with my life, I was forced to retreat, without even grabbing the rooster
corpse, which was suitable for soup. Although the Russians tried to pursuse me, most of this
patriotic rabble was frightened by FSO officers who guarded the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and
the remaining Russians "philantropists" were too cowardly to crawl into the fight alone, even if it
was a fight against a single person. Only that neo-Nazi in camouflage with the German symbols
shaked in impotent rage, due to me comparing the Russian nationalists with that rooster Rusich,
saying, during this squabble, that the Russian nation will also break its neck. In this Orthodox
church, they did not gave me the shelter, so I had to run to the subway, for the remaining pursuers
tried to reassemble the crowd that could lynch me. For some reason, the Russians did not want to
call the police.

In the KFC lavatory, where I documented to the camera that the Russian cock had shitted at me
before his demise, a Muslim, hearing my speech, asked what is it all about. I replied that it is a
protest against the criminal policy of the Russian state. The Muslim agreed that Russia is a criminal
country, bombing his brothers in Syria.

The reaction of the Russian Internet to the recording of the Rusich's execution consisted mainly of
overly aggressive comments, with promises to track me down and torture. Russians experienced the
death of Rusich as if they were themselves roosters, and I killed one of them. I could not find a
single comment saying "quit raving! It's just a chicken wrapped in a rag of aquafresh toothpaste
colors." I was a little sorry that I once wanted to become a biologist and create a life, but now I'm
just killing to provoke Russians into displaying even more obscurantism and hatred.
Nikita Sadkov Stupid Jew .. Not a nation and not a people,
but only a miserable bunch of bastard from the cannibalism sect
the syndrome of Napoleon. Fucking giyur sicker. Come on, come on
you kike-fuck, show your fascism in all its glory.
Get out of Russia, scum.
Take away Judaism and the Jews themselves will disappear from the
face of the earth. Haha.
-- a comment of a typical Russian

This is a kike Ashkenazi he resembles us on the outside

but inside sits a kike, a real fagot, the death will
take you wait for it you Russophobe fagot
-- his colleague's comment

just another nutcase from lack of sex and frequent masturbation

lonely biomass, but considers himself original and progressive.
you can answer that I'm a vatnik or something else stupid,
you're incapable of more.
-- a comment of the Russian "psychologist"

Dwindling in their traditional brightness, Russians confused me, a Russophobe, with a member of
the Russian opposition. Compatriots considering me to be an opponent of their beloved Putin and
Stalin, although I'm on the contrary dreaming that a new Stalin will arise to power and sets up a hell
in Russia, exterminating Russians in millions for the glory of his homeland Georgia. Then Russia
will be plunged into the dark ages, like Cambodia, and the Russian nation will disappear from the
news. Perhaps Kadyrov will become the next Stalin, because the Russian serf loves such strong
hand. Some Russians stigmatized me as a "Nazi", although I do not belong to any nation, and in
addition I oppose the filthy Russian nation, hence, I am rather an anti-Nazi, because my existence is
purely reactionary, caused by the incorrigible Russian reality.

Other Russians thought I was crazy, because in their opinion only a madman will oppose the
Russian world and criticize Russians, especially living in Russia. Russians wrote countless reports
to police and FSB regarding me, because the desire to send somebody into Gulag is in the foul
blood of the Russian nation. However, by that time I had indeed violated several ridiculous articles
of the criminal and the administrative codes (a list of all the articles I violated is at the end of the

In practice, crime articles, like cruelty to animals, are used mainly to extort money from
businessmen, as the case of 5-475/2015, where the businessman Kolobaev A.V. refused to pay the
government officials his protection money, so "incommunicability" of this businessman forced
these officials to bring madeup charges against him - he had a Russian flag displayed in his grocery.
They interpreted that as a desecration of the flag, which is a felony in Russia. Crime code articles
for the cruel treatment of animals should be feared primarily by farmers, because the next police
checkup can suddenly discover that the chickens are kept in sadistic conditions, pigs are not fat
enough, and the cows have the wrong food. However, such cases are full of irony, as the same store
owner Kolobaev suffered from Russia for his patriotism and devotion to Russia - that is why he
displayed Russian flag at his shop.

The last few days on all media, on all news sites, the audience continued to be outraged at the
young Khabarovsk Satanist Girls, against whom a huge criminal prosecution has began. The matter
with these satanist girls is that they are females, young and relatively well-groomed, while most of
the other females, older and less well-groomed, are indignant and scream "to the fire these witches,"
guided by traditional Russian envy and malice. Russian males, on the contrary, discussed how much
these priestesses of Satan are good in the role of priestesses of sex. Nobody actually cared about
these animals tortured in the name of Satan. In the end, my rooster act did not take off, although
several people were really trying to set animal rights activists and Orthodox Christians against me.
Hypocritical animal rights activists did not even show any indignation about the murder of the
rooster. The Orthodox Christians exploded a bit more actively, but even christfags haven't went
anywhere beyond the empty threats of burning me.

Later, I held a similar action, but only with the hamster (symbolizing the slaughter of a stupid and
naive liberal - the "hamster of Navalny") and the Orthodox hymns playing in background, this time
deriding at once the Orthodox christfags and the followers of Navalny, who served as a Kremlin
controlled opposition leader, helping to dissipate protests. I killed that hamster as a proud son of
Russia to recoup on somebody weaker, like the son of alcoholics, who gets beaten at home, then
goes to torture animals and weaker classmates, to somehow release his frustration and feel as
somebdy meaningful and controlling his life. Mother Russia turns its children into psychopaths.

The result was the same - no PR, the agonizing burning death of the hamster haven't melted the cold
Russian hearts. I've even proposed them donating money to free that hamster, instead of killing him
- Russians haven't donated a cent to save the poor animal's life. I think the fault lies in the absurdity
of animal and the lack of physiological details of death (I just broke the rooster's neck and set the
hamster on fire), while the Khabarovsk Satanist Girls shocked the public by gutting the pregnant cat
alive on the camera.

A curious fact is that according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation a person, who
murdered a hamster, could be sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment, which is comparable to the
punishment for the actual homicide (from 6 years of imprisonment). It follows that the life of a
Russian does not cost much more than a hamster's life, and consequently Russians are not human
beings, since their lives are valued as the lives of hamsters. Generally, Russian justice is very
lenient towards murderers, especially if they committed the crime under the influence of alcohol;
Mikhail Efremov's case being the most famous, where the sentence is apparently going to be just a
suspended one. Life costs literally nothing in Russia.

Generally, human feeling towards animals can be used to create an explicit and violent conflict. For
many animal rights activists, pets play the role of children, so activists can get very aggressive
defending them. Such sentiments are easy to exploit in a fight against the government, which either
ignores the murdered kitten, or gives a too lenient or a too harsh sentence. On the one side we
gather say doghunters, and on the other we gather animal rights activists. Both sides of the conflict
are easy to rally towards common goal - toppling the government. In fact, the laws against animal
abuse were introduced after the millions of animal lovers were rallied and governments got scared.
Yet solving the problem using such laws won't address its source. Same with pedo hysteria, where
just watching child porn grants you a lengthy sentence, and I mind you, these sentenced pedophiles
are not the psychos who rape toddlers, but mostly some 20 years olds who jerk at the photos 17
years old girls.

Now the reader will probably think that I am a loser. And I will agree. But, unfortunately, we are all
forced to act using the knowledge, opportunities and tools available to us, and I had no pregnant cat,
as well as no talents of a sadistic physician, and it would be hard to embed a cat into a political
context - comparison with a cat will not offend anyone - everyone loves cats. Later there was an
idea to buy a German shepherd dog, which traditionally serve as police dogs in Russia (former
police dogs are sold at Avito, the Russian ebay clone, into "good hands"), and to conduct a ritual
murder of this cop dog (entitled "Honored retirement"). This would have surely insulted the cops
themselves, while the trolling with this video at the communities for the police employees, bringing
me recognition and state awards. However, that idea is still free - go for it!
Memorial of Military Glory
"Slava got his balls torn off" - such news flabbergasted me in the call of upset Gaziza. After my
parting with Gaziza, she had a long chain of guys, and the bulk of this cut of the Russian nation
turned out to be criminals: one stole her tablet PC, another used threats to force Gaziza to give away
her gold earrings, the third was a heroin addict, the fourth, former Airborne Troops member, simply
raped Gaziza, moreover he threw out of the window Gaziza's plush toys, the fifth - Lesha, the
Linux-geek from Obninsk, turned out to be fixated on BDSM and coprophagy. Among other things,
this Linux enthusiast wanted Gaziza to urinate into his mouth. Another "fighter without rules", the
former inmate, highly disliked Gaziza's mother and promised to roll her into the "Odessa ruberoid",
and "to tear the mouth" of Gaziza herself. Thanks to the efforts of his uncle from the FSB, this felon
was released from the prison a little too early, despite the fact he was convicted for murder. Now
Gaziza was in love with some Slava from Kuzminki, but her previous hoped-for suitor, gopnik
Sergey, continued to harass her, so Gaziza asked this Slava to deal with Sergey.

Slava, being a skinny fat nerd, went to the fight unprepared, directly from his computer, pulling up
ragged sperm spattered tracksuit pants and not wearing underpants. That was his fatal mistake. The
attempt to strike first ended in a fiasco for Slava, for the skilled in fight and physically strong
gopnik Sergey dodged Slava's attack, crouched, and lowered Slava's pants, grasping his balls with
an iron grip. Slava, distraught with pain, lost his balance and in a spindle fell to the ground,
allowing Sergey to pull Slava further by his genitals. Done playing with the Slava's family heritage,
Sergey left the loser, not forgetting, however, to grab the fallen out Slava's smartphone. Gaziza was
indignant that Sergey acted low, like a prostitute, who has squeezed the balls of a cheapass client. I
finally realized the unwritten truth of the Russian nation: for a Russian the main goal is to humiliate,
and not to negotiate.

According to Gaziza's story, Slava tried to losen a bit the infernal pain by holding his balls under
the cold water, as a result of which he only chilled them and helped the necrosis to begin. Now
Slava is in the hospital and the desire for the opposite sex has disappeared, together with his genitals
and the cell phone. Gaziza assured me that she would not give up Slava anyway, because Slava
suffered through her fault, although at the same time she corresponded in English with a handsome
Bulgarian, with photos against the background of sunny beaches. I, having drunk tea with a cake
and having returned money for the lost cat transfer (which used to hold Rusich the Rooster), went
home, wishing Gaziza good luck in Bulgaria.

A few days later, Gaziza broke her finger. In the hospital, they refused to impose a cast and simply
taped the broken finger with a duct tape to a healthy one, saying to avoid walking. Ironically,
Russian hospitals also refuse to provide x-ray photos, saying it is forbidden by the chief doctor, but
you can give the bribe and they will allow you to photo the x-ray from their monitor's screen.
Gaziza still had to go for groceries, so the finger broke again without being properly fixed. Russian
medicine is the best medicine in the world!

At home mother met me with the words "you are an idiot, I despise you". It turned out that the
information about my action with the rooster Rusich reached my mother, and she herself has
reported me to police, in addition she informed me about her acquaintance to the FSB officer, but
that guy simply dismissed my mother's report.

For a long time I was annoyed by the Russian Great Patriotic War cult and the propaganda of
militarism. Russians refuse to accept World War 2 as a relic of history, and to enter into the new era
without wars. Russians keep making huge deal out of the Russian forces entering Europe and raping
europeans with Communism. Even worse, the Russian authorities are carrying out numerous
military parades and smaller events, like the day of the Airborne Forces, while banning gay pride
parades and gay clubs.

In my opinion a gay parade is a much more positive event than a parade of goniks with AK47
assault rifles dressed in uniforms. And Russians themselves [insist]
((https://regnum.ru/news/economy/2993374.html)) that "those who are against the Victory Parade,
those support the gay parade on Red Square or elsewhere. That will never happen!" In addition, this
cult of war is financed by the state from my own taxes, therefore I have the right to speak against it.

That drived my next protest action into the directed against the icon of the Russian military glory
and the holy cow of all Russia - the Great Patriotic War. For this action I went to Preobrazhenskoye
Cemetery near the subway station Preobrazhenskaya Ploschad. On the way, I had to print a portrait
of Putin. The girl in the print shop was surprised "why do you need a portrait of our president?", To
which I replied "for masturbating at" and kissed Putin on the lips.

The rotten Soviet subway is falling apart before our eyes. Past the platform of the subway passed a
broken train, which was towed by another electric locomotive. A crowd accumulated before the
train arrival, and the usual fight arose when the Russians tried all to get into the same long awaited
train all at once. From all sides Russian swear words could be heard. The crowded subway car stank
with vomit and burned wirings. It is not surprising that, looking into the open door of the control
room at the station, I've noticed equipment that has likely seen Stalin.

On the subway platform, an elderly woman, going near, could not stand it and told me "you're
Jewish shit". Maybe she disliked my beard, or my cap of the LGBT flag colors, for otherwise I dont
look too Jewish. At the bus stop, another Russian woman was a bit late to get onto a shared taxi and
for a minute screamed at this moving away minibus, something along the lines of "you fagot,
shitted yourself in the morning, churka", apparently demonstrating the typical Russian friendship of
the peoples ("churka" is a pejorative for a muslim person, who frequently work as minibus drivers
in Moscow).

The Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery was almost deserted, so

nothing prevented me from taking off my pants and
sprinkling the urine onto the Eternal Fire burning there for
the glory of the Russian soldiers and the Russian victory.
Then I also burned that Putin's portrait on that piss
"blessed" eternal fire. Alas, the filming was interrupted in
the middle of the process, as happens if you accidentally
close the smartphone's lens with your finger (the
smartphone automatically thinks that it was shoved into
your pocket and stops filming). Therefore, I've decided to
repeat the action another day, better prepared.

Eternal Fire at the Military Cemetery On November 3 2016, I drank a bottle of Coca-Cola and
pissed into it, then came to another Eternal Fire on
Poklonnaya Hill. Around there were many Russian patriots who gathered here in honor of the
National Unity holiday, therefore the administration representatives immediately asked me what I
was going to do there. To which I honestly replied that I plan to desecrate their Eternal Fire. They
did not believe me and I freely went straight to the eternal fire. Kids started throwing snowballs at
me. Seeing that police noticed me, I had to act quickly, but slipping on ice near the fire, I hurt my
leg painfully. However, I still had thrown a bottle of urine into the eternal fire, like a Soviet soldier
throwing a grenade at a Nazi panzer tank, right before the eyes of the foreign delegation, and I was
successful at filming the video this time.
By the same act, I got postmortem vengeance over my grandfather, Georgy Moskalev, who
mistreated me as a child, because in the building opposite to that Eternal Fire was his name, among
the names of other Heroes of
the Great Patriotic War.
Grandfather loved urine
therapy, but he hated Coca-
Cola, so it would have been
"blasphemy" to extinguish the
Eternal Fire by pure Coca-Cola.

Alas, the pain in the leg

prevented my escape from the
cops that were running after me.
I was detained and taken to the
police station. There, I was
interrogated first by a cop, then
by an arriving FSB operative,
who looked like a casual guy
with a smartphone. That FSB
guy called psychiatrists,
Eternal Fire at Poklonnay Hill
because they had no desire to
publicize that their eternal fire got desecrated, while I even warned them that I will do that.

A visiting psychiatrist with dreadlocks, more like a hippie, argued with the FSB guy for a some
time that he did not want to take people because of politics. But the FSB guy overtook that after the
Muslim babysitter Gyulchekhra Bobokulova, who cut off the child's head, all such perpetrators
should be checked sanity. In addition, the FSB pointer at my bandana of the rainbow colors of the
gay flag and my answer that I do not consider myself a heterosexual, but rather a gender queer.
Refusal to consider myself hetorosexual was enough for forced hospitalization, because Russian
psychiatry still considers homosexualism a mental disorder.
Russia is a very big crazy house.
There are tragically obsessed. Poor souls.
Then there are quiet idiots
-- Zinaida Gippius

Psychiatric ambulance car rushed in haste at full speed, having turned on a siren with a flasher. It
drived through the red traffic lights and maneuvered between the less crazy shared taxis, as if the
ambulance driver himself consumed some psychoactive substance. It almost got into an accident
and braked so that I would have broken my neck, had I not been fastened. At the end I was placed
in the supervisory ward of the Psychiatric Hospital No. 15 where all my belongings (including a
smartphone, money and a notebook with a pen) were confiscated from me, so all the following
impressions of the psychiatric hospital are based on my already weak memory, in addition to
haloperidol and a ton of other neuroleptics, which the caring Russian doctors immediately
prescribed me.

The main occupants of the insane ward were the alcoholics under droppers, whom their relatives
handed over with delirium tremens. Although one violent drunkard was brought there by the cops,
after he broke their desk at police station. But there were also more colorful crazy persons, such as
the oligophrenic hunchbacked Lesha Davidov, who constantly fiddled with his penis, making a
voluptuous face and a mumbling something inarticulate about the "Kazan Mother of God". Waking
up in the morning, you could find Lesha above yourself, masturbating to your face. Beside Lesha,
there was Maxim Melikh, who got involuntarily hospitalized after an attempt to blow up his
commie-block with the help of household gas. He also loved to sniff Domestos (a cleaning liquid,
which affects brain when inhaled). Now Melikh had a new plan - to plant his entire commie-block
apartment with cannabis under mercury lamps. Melikh's favorite catchphrases were "I'm a fool" and
"forgive me, a fool."

Next bed to me due to some coincidence of fate there was a crazy FSB officer. He apparently
quarreled with his superiors, although he was quickly transferred to a special hospital for the FSB
personel. I learned about the fact that he served at FSB after overhearing his conversation with the
doctor, because he was called right in front of me.

Oligophrenic Misha from time to time sucked his finger, which he constantly kept near his mouth.
Being a great "talent", Misha sang to the ward guards the song "I Serve Russia", nuzzling the verse
"do not forget the soldier". Misha was very excited when I suggested publishing a video with him at
the Internet, as he mistook it with internAt (a place for the permanent housing of retards in Russia),
to which Misha dreamed of being sent back. Misha was sent to this hospital as a punishment,
because he conflicted with the retard place administration. The neurotic Denis Borodkin mentioned
that he is a musician, composes songs, and now some mental patients even have access to the
Internet in the internat. That can be a clue to the declining discussion level on the Internet, as well
as the falling value of the modern music. Borodkin sang his songs banging fingers on the table, as if
on the keyboard of a synthesizer.

Many patients, like the ugly retard Aslan, steal from the bedside tables and lockers, when they are
open, or just grab anything left in the open. The also beg for food and phone calls from the relatives
who came to visit other patients. For example, Aslan could grab from the table someone else's apple
and immideately bite it with his rotten from Haloperidol teeth. The less savage nutcases are trying
to get into friends with you to beg for stuff using the mechanics of "after all you are my friend, you
should share with me." In case of refusal to share, they can arrange some problems for you. For
example, in the form of an urinal poured onto your bed, or feces on your pillow. There were no
"Napoleon" in the ward, but there was a mental degenerate with the surname "Suvorov" (after the
Russian national hero, general Alexander Suvorov).
Despite the fact that the hospital was in Moscow, almost all the nurses were swearing fat throaty
women after 50, from Serpukhov, which I had previously described. However, the brutality and
masculinity of these women was handy there, for there was clearly a lack of male ward guards.
Some imbecile asked to call his mother, and a good-natured nurse painted a phone buttons on a
cardboard and gave it that retard to make a "call." Another nurse was singing "I do not know
another country like this, where a person so freely breathes..." (an unofficial Russian anthem,
written during the Stalin's rule).
There was a slight smell of mold in
the wards, rusty bars on the
windows and a cobweb that came
down from the ceiling. Especially
lucky people could catch a
cockroach, squashing it along with
an egg capsule under a torn sneaker.
The toilet meets visitor with its three
shitholes in floor. The classy toilet
walls are always smeared with fecal
matter, in the view of the
peculiarities of how retards wipe
their asses, spending a lot of paper
when it is there. For unknown
reason, in the toilet room, there was
a broken mirror that aroused hopes
that some psycho would pull out a Toilet in a typical psychiatric hospital.
piece of glass and use it to open
someone's throat. Finally, there was a TV in the ward, and it was showing exclusively the RenTV
channel, where they always talked about crazy stuff, like aliens, global warming, dangers of GMOs,
paranormal phenomena and other conspiracy theories, therefore most retards believe that Americans
staged the 9/11 tragedy.
I was the sole dissident. The other patients
were showing raving patriotism. One schizo
argued that Russia supposedly has the
smallest taxes in the world - only 13%.
However, this "low taxes" is a propaganda
trick for the most stupid, because in practice
Russia has many hidden taxes, called
"contributions" (as if they are paid
voluntarily by the sucker). We have: 13%
personal income tax + 5.1% contribution to
the health fund + 22% contribution to the
pension fund + 3% contribution to the
social insurance fund + 3% loss of income,
due to two-year service in the army (not
A medicated patient enjoys healthy sleep. considering lost health), with the average
life expectancy. Now total is 46%. All these
contributions are paid by the employer and our demented patriot sees only 54% of the money
earned by him, but that is not all, from these money Russian patriot will pay 18% more VAT
included in the price of any product or service, hence (54*18)/100 = 10%, so, considering the VAT
paid by our patriotic lunatic from its income, the tax is already 56%. But that's not all! The price of
many goods, like gasoline and cigarettes, includes excises taxes, often reaching 50% or more. And
when buying an imported commodity, Russian retard pays customs duty, also often exceeding 50%.
That's why the IPhone in Russia is order of magnitude more expensive than in the US. However, if
VAT, excises and customs duties are paid by sucker without noticing it, additional fees, such as a
contribution to the capital repair fund or auto insurance, like OSAGO, are paid by the lunatic
himself. Thus, taxes in Russia can reach 80%, if tax subject imports car, smokes or consumes

Russian hospitals have no non-smoking wards. Therefore, during my stay in psychiatric hospitals, I
hated smokers with pure hatred, because when toilet is filled with these smoking retards, one could
suffocate in there during defecation. And then I had to push through this herd of subhumans
smokers to wash the shit of my ass, for there is no toilet paper in a Russian mental hospital.
Besides, I have hemorrhoids, making such washout vital, because a bath day in hospital is once in 2
weeks, and not when you want it, in addition fat nurse will shout at you to wash quicker, watching
the process, because each patient is given just five minutes to finish washing.

Since there is a lot of free time in Asylum, I spent it overseeing other patients and reporting on any
unauthorized behavior that usually included illicit cigarettes transmitted by relatives, cell phones or
all sorts of things, such as notebooks and clothes, which the lunatics were hiding under their official
mental patient uniform, for it was too cold in the ward during winter. However, coffee and tea are
also forbidden to retards, and I reported a fool to whom his mother brought a bag of Nescafe, which
the dolt ate without water (subhumans don't get the access to warm water). The ward guards found
that empty Nescafe plastic bag, after which the offender was disallowed to see his relatives in
observable future. A mean act, but still it's nice to take a revenge on someone, especially when that
someone is smoking.

Another problem of the hospital are the

snoring patients, from which you just can
not hide, so you have to deal with them
somehow. One old grandpa, of Jewish
ethnicity, was snoring really loudly, so
when there were no ward guards nearby, I
used a pillow to suffocate him a bit in
revenge, so that the asshole will not snore
anymore. They kept that old Jew bound
due to psychosis, which gave me full
access to his body. Later, the old fucktard
complained to the ward guards, but they
just said he is crazy, ignoring the
sufferings of the schizophrenic Jew.
Maybe I'm an ineradicable individualist
who is alien to any communal living, but Typical ward interior.
on the other hand Jews, in the person of The bucket is used to host fecal waste.
Karl Marx, invented and participated in the building of communism, therefore it is not a sin to bully
a representative of their people, especially if he was an engineer in the Soviet times, building
communism, and this Jew was so fond of Russia that he did not leave for Israel when the borders
are opened. He deserved such treatment.

Smokers, violent patients and snoring schizos were not the only insane asylum problem. The
patients toilet (wardens enjoy their own) is closed for the night and if you want to piss, either you
suffer until the morning, or you piss in the ward. Trying to persuade the ward guard to let you pee is
a wrong idea, for he/she will inform the psychiatrist that you do not sleep at night and you want to
piss, and the psychiatrist will increase the dose of haloperidol, so much that you will piss under
yourself. If you just piss on the wall, the scrubwoman will come and complain, they will be
searching who did it. The solution is simple - to piss on a patient, the one tied up and under the
antipsychotics. Now everyone will think that the schizophrenic has urinated himself, disregarding
what he would say in his defense (he is schizo after all). You can certainly try to hide a plastic
bottle to piss at night into it, but such a bottle will be confiscated at the next search and you will get
beaten, for plastic stuff isn't allowed (one can make a knife from plastic material or something like
that). Other methods of punishment are special ice cold cells or the deprivation of cyclodol, which
is required to balance the torturous side effects caused by haloperidol. Doctors also have various
other drug tortures at their disposal as the standard method of maintaining the discipline among the
more contentious patients.

When I was transferred from the supervisory into a normal ward, I was allowed to read books from
the local library. It had nothing even remotely interesting or useful, so I got the first volume of
Vladimir Lenin's works and Philip Farmer's novel "Jesus on Mars". In his earlier writings, Lenin
had some insights: "The use of machines reduces the need for workers and makes the existing
Russian overpopulation even more pronounced." - wrote Lenin. Indeed, there are far too many
Russians for our wonderful green planet Earth.

Patients are not allowed to sleep during the day, nor can they sit on their beds. You have to read
standing, or sitting, if you manage to occupy one of the few sits on the bench in the corridor. On the
other hand, there is a struggle for sitting places, sometimes physical, and yet not not all the ward
guards and not alway watch for the patients breaking the rule against sitting on beds. They rather
leave the rule as a method of punishment, in case they want to bully one of the patients, and since I
was on the good side, reporting on other patients, guards condescendingly allowed me to sit on my

During the scheduled ward inspection, one of the psychiatrists, a relatively young Russian man, saw
that Lenin book, and ordered the expropriation of these revolutionary writings from me. He ensured
that any Lenin books would be withdrawn from the library. Interestingly, before that another
psychiatrist, Olga Nikolayevna, also asked about that Lenin book, but did nothing about it.

However, Olga Nikolayevna, apparently tried to diagnose me with schizophrenia, constantly asking
unambiguous questions like "when was the last time you heard the voices," and prescribed me with
drugs that contribute to the emergence of the symptoms of schizophrenia, at the end of my stay, she
for some reason ordered to inject me a heavy prolonged haloperidol dose without cyclodol,
apparently out of a personal dislike for me and for what I did. She was incredibly outraged that I
extinguished the Eternal Fire, in connection with which she read me a whole lecture. Among the
other things, Olga considered homosexuality a mental illness. Alas for her, the symptoms I have
accumulated were enough only for the schizotypal personality disorder (F21.8 in ICD 10) - a mental
illness which was early called sluggishly progressing schizophrenia, diagnosed to people speaking
against the government.

The psychiatrists threatened that they would not let me out if I wont agree to have my beard shaved
off, or they would shave it off against my will, calling the ward guards. However, they did not
bother. They have also discharged me very timely, on December 13, for the other patients were
preparing a revenge against me, because of my anti-Russian views (you wont find greater patriots of
your country, than the lunatics in a madhouse) and the fact that I exposed ther cigarettes smuggling
scheme that allowed patients to smoke more than they are allowed by ward guards: patients with
apparent prison past hid the cigarettes given under the guise of chocolate bars and in flower pots,
while managing to cook the chifir and even do tattoos. Before my eyes, the nurse, searching beds,
withdrew from the depths of the mattress a tattoo making apparatus, made of a syringe needle and a
ballpoint pen. The alcoholic patients there described me as "you only look like a human, but you're
rotten on inside."

Pshychiatric medication tormented me with constant dryness in the mouth, gastric pains and
pyrosis, flavored with hiccups, which disappeared only a day after I gout out of madhouse and
stopped taking psychiatric drugs. In addition, prescribed medicines turned the faces of Russian
people into the dodgy black worms-maggot pies. Like those glasses of truth from the movie "They
Live" exposing the subhuman aliens.

After the abrupt stop of haloperidol-decoate injection and of other neuroleptics, I developed
neuroleptic parkinsonism - a condition when you shake uncontrollably so that you can not even
keep your head on the pillow and get muscle pain due to it. My vision deteriorated so much that I
could not read the text from the screen of the monitor and books, becoming half blind with
everything being very blurry. In addition, I fell ill with pneumonia due to the cold, poorly ventilated
wards of the psychiatric hospital, which was confirmed by x-ray.

My mother spent a few of her salaries on medicines, doctors and droppers to cure me from
pneumonia and withdrawal syndrome. The vision restored only after a few months. Breaking a leg
was an order of magnitude less painful experience to me than the withdrawal syndrome of
antipsychotic medications. So if you have a choice between having your hand chopped off or living
on Haloperidol, then by all means go for the hand.

- What are you doing now?

- We are working on a very interesting thing - we determine which parts
the brain are responsible for what. In the process of working with
test subjects, we found that these regions in all people have a
similar localization. This will allow us to understand which areas
can be invaded for the treatment, and in which treatment is impossible,
otherwise a person will stop moving or lose speech.
- Dr. Sviatoslav Medvedev explains the essence of
experiments on the human brain
Svyatoslav MEDVEDEV: "I began to shy away from women"

From the medical standpoint, remarkable is the story of Yevgeny Titarenko, the brother of Raisa
Gorbachev, the wife of Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the USSR, who lost power as a result
of the Yeltsin's coup. Titarenko was a writer of children's books by trade, therefore, as typical
Russian writer, he consumed a lot of vodka. Once, being drunk at his sister's home, Titarenko had
the imprudence of insulting Mikhail Gorbachev himself. As a result, Titarenko was forcibly
hospitalized a few days later. Psychiatrists quickly diagnosed with schizophrenia and he received a
life sentence in a psychiatric hospital, usually reserved for especially dangerous dissidents. In
hospital Titarenko was lobotomized and turned into a drooling fool, now with a real non-fake
diagnosis of "organic brain damage." That's all there is to know about Gorbachev and his attitude
towards human rights. But despite Gorbachev basically murdering his own brother in law, there are
still enough liberal fools who believe in the good Czar and deify Gorbachev. Similarly they deify
Yeltsin, who began several wars against the indigenous peoples of the USSR, who demanded the
independence from Russia. Titarenko's last words to his friend, Viktor Pankratov, were "they firmly
determined to turn me into a disabled creep. It would be very difficult to save my life! ... Farewell,
my friends!, Farewell, my youth!"

An interesting fact is that in the 80ies Gorbachev lifted the ban on lobotomy practices, with the goal
of "treating" political dissidents:
In 1950 psychosurgery was prohibited by the special order of the
Minister of Health of the USSR for ideological reasons. The third
period starts in the early 1980ies with the acceptance of modern
stereotactic techniques for treatment of intractable pain and
obsessive-compulsive disorders.
-- On the history of psychosurgery in Russia,
Acta Neurochirugie [Wien], 1993, vol 125: 1-4

Relevant story happened in Ukraine, where the Ukrainian "Sviatoslav Medvedev", Dr. Andriy
Slyusarchuk, practiced neurosurgery with a fake MD diploma and was awarded State Prize by
Viktor Yanukovych. After Maidan and Yanukovych's escape, Slyusarchuk was finally sent to
prison for two murders by negligence. However, thanks to corruption, the killer was released a year
later under an "amnesty."

After getting to know psychiatric patients, I had formed an opinion that the most humane and
rational in matters of psychiatry were the German doctors. Smart Germans introduced the Aktion
T4 program, which prescribed the merciful euthanasia to the fools and schizos. It is quite obvious
that neither Borodkin nor Davidov, nor that old schizophrenic Jew, will ever recover, while the
"treatment" with haloperidol will only worsen their condition. That forces us to recognize the
impotence of the contemporary medicine, and to consider the possibility of humanly dispatching
this genetic garbage to end its anguish, all while saving the poor taxpayers some money. Why
should we be forced to pay for this ugly ballast of the demented parasites and their hospital staff?
Here, as with the amputation of a limb affected with gangrene - it hurts, but it is necessary to save
the rest of the body. The patients of the psychiatric hospitals suffer immensely, although they are
innocent and did not commit crimes, unlike the real felons serving life sentence. Therefore such
patients deserve a swift humane death, rather than a life-long medical torture.

If the reader gets indignant and calls me a Fascist Doctor Mengele, then I recommend the reader
himself/herself to visit the psychiatric patients and admire these insane beings. After that the reader
will think for himself whether he wants to spend his own money on the maintenance of these
creatures, without any benefit to humanity, when even the healthy people don't have enough
resources. Human rights are in shortage, and therefore should be reserved for the actual human
beings only, instead of wasted on the mentally crippled vermin. Especially since the genetics of this
degenerate rabble usually differs from us, normal people; for example, the down syndrome
degenerates possess an extra chromosome. They can never be considered full-fledged human beings
and qualify for the human rights. Schizophrenics and cretins should have only one right - the right
to euthanasia.

To those planning on becoming mental patients in Russia, I have the following advice: on
admission to the hospital, it is necessary to get to grips with other strong boys to keep the ward
under control. If you do not want to lose health and fitness in asylum, you need to exercise
regularly, and for this you need to eat well, and therefore there is a need to take away food from
other patients. The hospital's skilly is enough only to avoid a hunger death, you will want all the
food you can get by any means.

It is better to choose victims from the newbies: a fresh patient arrives at the supervisory ward,
awakens from the initial horse dose of haloperidol and then he must be somehow "registered" in the
hut, so that he immediately gets broke and understands his place. To do this, a provocative gopnik-
question is asked in the forehead. For example:
- What will you kiss: a hot iron or a hairy ass?
- Fuck in the mouth or haloperidol in the ass?
- A week bound to bed or in the ass without a gel?
- Your head into shithole or a dick in your ass ass?
- Aminazine kilogram or sperm a hundred grams?
- Sell your mom or suck a cock?

In the case of an incorrect answer, the schmo is punched to the solar plexus, and then gets lowered
in the patient hierarchy to the ground. After that you can easily take away that good food brought by
his relatives, or simply the bread from his hospital ration. You can also extort money from such a
patient, by forcing him to pray to his relatives to transfer some money onto your or your friends
accounts, or just bringing some money to the hospital ward. Money can be used to buy goods, like
vodka and order expensive restaurant meals, through the corrupt hospital personnel. Since there are
no girls in the ward, you can also rape such subtile and weak patients. In the hospital environment
might makes right.
Tell you, I'm Innocent!
Against the people you are thinking!
So you will learn how be against!
-- Yevgeny Yevtushenko - Senka Razin

It's surprising that they haven't charged me under the Article 354.1 of the Russian criminal code -
"desecration of the symbols of Russia's military glory," which undoubtedly include the Eternal Fire.
However, they started a case under article 282 p.1 (case number 11702450031000023) for hate
speech and under article 329, after they found that vide of me burning the Russian flag in front of
the Kremlin in protest against Russia's foreign and domestic policy.

March 23, 2017, introducing themselves as a neighbor, who was flooded, the cops broke into the
apartment, badly smashed my mother's leg, while I got beaten, knocked to the floor and handcuffed.
Then the cops turned the apartment inside out and confiscated all the digital electronics, including
the laptop, the usb flash drives and the smartphones. The battered mother was indignant at how they
dared to touch an elderly woman - a patriot of Russia, who devoted all her life to serving the
Russian culture. Cops replied to her with a fairly logically statement that in my person she gave
birth to a scum and a traitor, to which my mother tried to offer excuses that it is not her fault, and
that I'm insane since childhood and don't know what I'm doing, while she always insisted that I
should respect Motherland.

After the search, I was taken to the interrogation at the 1st Novokuzminskaya Street, 13/8, to the
Investigator of Especially Important Cases, Yulia Sergeevna Korovina, where, under pressure (if
you do not confess, you will sit in the cell till the court hearing) I was forced to give evidence
against myself. Also, during the interrogation, the government provided lawyer who was invited by
the investigator, joked about me with the investigator as with a good acquaintance. As a fun fact,
the last name "Korovina" translates from Russian as "Cow".

I was charged with Article 282 part 1 "hate speech" for the fact that in the pamphlet "Kill the
Germans" by Ilya Ehrenburg, I jokingly replaced "Kill the Germans" with "Kill the Russians",
speaking to the Ukrainian and Syrian peoples, to show that the Russians had themselves became
fascists by attacking Syria and Ukraine. The pamphlet remix was originally posted at the collective
anonymous blog 2ch.hk/po/. After that, someone put my alteration to the site yaplakal.com, with a
call to lynch me. The cops regarded this as an incitement of hatred against the group "Russians".

So posting the following text guarantees you a long jail sentence in Russia:

> We've realized: Russians are not human beings.

> From now on, the word "Russian" is the most terrible curse for us. Henceforth, the word
"Russian" discharges a rifle. We will not talk. We will not be indignant. We will kill. If you did not
kill at least one Russian this day, your day is lost. If you think that your neighbor will kill a Russian
for you, you do not understand the threat. If you do not kill a Russian, the Russian will kill you.
> Russian will take your loved ones and torment them in his cursed "Russian World". If you can not
kill a Russian with a bullet, kill a Russian with a knife. If there is a calm in your sector, if you are
waiting for a battle, kill the Russian before the battle. If you leave the Russian to live, the Russian
will hang a free man and rape a free woman. If you killed one Russian, kill another - there is
nothing more fun for us than Russian corpses. Do not count the days.
> Do not count miles. Count one thing: the Russians killed by you. Kill the Russian! - this is
praying raped Ukraine. Kill the Russian! - this is the Syrian child crying to you. Kill the Russian! -
this is the plea of humanity. Do not miss. Do not let them pass. Kill!
Surprisingly, after the interrogation I was given back my internal passport as well as the travel
passport, and was released on recognizance not to leave the city of Moscow. The practice shows
that most people persecuted under the article 282 usually spend their time at pretrial detention
center, out of which they go immediately to prison. However, Korovina, for example, attributed to
me the presence of a minor child in dependence and gave a guarantee to the judge that I would not
hide anywhere, in spite of returning me the travel passport, confiscated during the search. As I
understood, Korovina shared the bribe with the judge and her chief. A tooled conveyor!

On the Internet, where Russians nicknamed me "Zolotse" (Goldie - from golden shower), there
were also topics where Russian patriots tried to track me down for the purpose of physical
punishment. Yet they went to the wrong address. Perhaps the tenants at it had already got a molotov
cocktail into the window. Although some of them worried that the activists are too cowardly to
lynch me:
What is already found:
Address of his mother: Moscow. Shushenskaya street 7 (100%), apt. 20 (?)
Registration: Serpukhov, st. Sovetskaya 144 (?), Apt. 19 (?)

As soon as the address of Zolotse is found, anyone could pay a visit

to punch him in the face. To be honest, I don't have much sympathy
for Zolotse anymore.

The essence of doxing was to simplify access to him

by "ill-wishers," if you do not understand.

Oh fuck. Well, isn't that getting old? That Ukrainian who was laughing at
200 dead passengers was also doxed. And his address and information
on his relatives. And you did not do anything to him. NOT A FUCK.
Can you cowards do anything beside shitposting on the Internet?

sent this info to 40 fourties, orthodox church neo-nazis.

nikita, shave your ass.

I phoned Gaziza, to tell what happened. Phone was answered not by Gaziza, by one of her "friends"
- a criminal and, in combination, an alcoholic. To the question "where is Gaziza," the gopnik replied
that she had "overdosed with pills," and when asked why he has her phone, the gopnik stated that
"Gaziza herself presented it", her expensive smartphone, "to him." Later it turned out that he had
entered an empty apartment and took away everything that could be carried away. Gaziza, after our
quarrel, met with different distinguishing personalities already mentioned in the story. Such
"friends" tortured Gaziza so much that she tried to commit a suicide by taking a lethal dose of
neuroleptics. In addition, Gaziza was given a sick bird at her birthday, and a few days later the bird
died and Gaziza got very upset.

Gaziza was rescued, for after taking the pills, Gaziza called her mother to say goodbye, and her
mother immediately contacted Gaziza's friend - a single woman holding a dozen of cats. Her friend
had a copy of the keys, and opened the door for the doctors. It was lucky that Gaziza miraculously
forgot to close the door on the bolt, as she always did. In hospital, Gaziza got treated for a week and
then transferred to a psychiatric hospital - to ingraft her with the love for life by swearing and
beatings by junior medical staff, as well as haloperidol therapy.

Since Gaziza's mother was on theatrical tour, and other relatives were busy, I decided to help
Gaziza somehow, and brought her some stuff - clothes and food. The hospital provided food was
relatively inedible, and instead of clothes, the patients were given Soviet kind of dressing gowns (as
in the picture below), contributing to the development of somatic diseases in the cold premises of
the psychiatric hospital, because the administration always saves on heating. Of all the Gaziza's
friends, for some reason I was the only one who visited her during this period of life.

In the women's part of the psychiatric hospital, the rules are similar to those for men's part: smoking
was limited to a few cigarettes a day, you can not drink coffee or tea, you can not walk. No book
reading allowed either. Relatives can visit patients only twice a week at a special hour, and if you
are not a relative, you would be denied a visit, so I had to lie that I'm a relative. Smartphones and
any other recording devices are strictly forbidden. You can go to the toilet only with the permission
of a ward guard. Toilet paper and other means of hygiene are not allowed, because one can easily
make a knife out of say a toothbrush. At night everyone should sleep, and after 8:00 the siting or
lying on the bed is forbidden - if someone wanted to sleep some more, he was helped with
invigorating beating. Even elderly patients were forced to stand up, even if they could hardly walk.
Those who did not sleep well at night (or slept too well during the day) were awarded with
increased doses of antipsychotics and other drugs, which the hospital had surplus of. In the daytime,
you can only walk down the corridor or sit, if one of the few benches has free seats; those, who did
not found a seat, sat on the cold floor.

Gaziza particularly remembered the case of a perfectly sane granny with sick legs, who was
committed into this asylum by relatives (to take possession of her commie-block apartments). That
granny fell to the floor, apparently under the influence of antipsychotics, and the nurses kicked her,
demanding to stand up, after which this grandma has shitted herself, which further angered the
medical staff. Astonishingly, the junior medical staff in Russian hospitals is not overly
compassionate, and does not possess much medical literacy. If the patient is under antipsychotics, in
prostration drooling and does not understand their threats and commands, the medical attendant sees
it as a challenge, a provocation and an unwillingness to obey, and therefore an excuse to treat the
patient with "physiotherapy." Such is the Russian medical service.

Finally, Gaziza's mother has arrived, she brought a bribe to the head physician and Gaziza was
released without any question. The bribe was required for the discharge from psychiatric ward,
because Gaziza's passport was lost in the general mess, in addition, forcibly hospitalized patients
had to stay at least six months, according to some internal orders, most likely introduced to
stimulate corruption. Release became Gaziza's best anti-depressant. As in that old parable...
A Jew complains to the rabbi about poor living conditions:
- Poverty, one room, little space, wife, children, relatives.
The rabbi replies:
"Buy a goat and bring into the room."
A few days later the Jew returns to the rabbi:
"Without a goat, there was no life!" Goat made it even worse!
"Now sell the goat."
The next time the Jew returns joyful:
"It is so wonderful now!"

On April 6, I was again interrogated by the investigator, where she asked me about my friends
(potential accomplices?) Whom I do not have, except for Gaziga being friend for what she is good.
The investigator said that they would come for me and take me to a psychiatric clinic for a forensic
examination. Yulia Sergeyevna Korovina also knew about that performance with the toasting of the
hamster, but only laughed with her collegues before my eyes at the tortures of the animal, viewing
the video of the execution of the unfortunate animal, that they found on my smartphone.

On the 7th of April, the police came to demand explanations on the fact that I burned the flag of
Russia. On the 8th of April I was summoned to show the place of the flag burning, where I
provisionally showed the place that the policeman told me to show, threatening that otherwise the
sentence would be a more severe. In addition, my "conscientious" mother on the summons of the
investigator gave exhaustive evidence on me, although the law allows refusal to testify against close
relatives. They also interrogated and Gaziza, but Gaziza, unlike my mother, haven't said anything.

In Italy, they came up with chocolate eggs "Kinder Surprise" of two varieties of chocolate with a
toy inside. In Russia they invented the eggs "Christ has Risen", from cheap faded chocolate and
empty inside, apparently to emphasize the immanence of God. Seeing these Russian eggs in the
store and buying one such egg for the sake of interest, I wondered what is the general benefit of the
Russians? Have the Russians ever created anything good? I asked on the Russian Internet what
Russians can do, while the Americans created Microsoft, Intel and Tesla. The answer was: "A
Russian can break your jaw."

Was arguing with my mother, who still wanted the return of USSR. In my opinion, the USSR
consists of:
1. criminal prosecution for homosexuality - five years in prison (Article 121 of the Criminal Code
of the RSFSR);
2. criminal prosecution for unemployment (parasitism);
3. criminal prosecution for self-employment (Illegal entrepreneurship in the sphere of trade);
4. criminal prosecution for criticizing the USSR (articles 70 and 190 of the Criminal Code of the
RSFSR: Anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda);
5. criminal prosecution for evading military service;
6. exit visas, when traveling abroad it was necessary to prove your loyalty to the regime;
7. admission to universities only through competition, when Jews and other minorities simply
discriminated against;
8. The genocide of certain ethnicities, such as Chechens, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars;
9. the bloody suppression of attempts by the republics to gain independence from the USSR;
10. total deficit, as a consequence of the previous paragraphs.

Moreover, for just that 121-st article, the USSR deserved a nuclear attack with the entire US
arsenal. My mother did not support me, as she, traditionally for Russians, completely irrationally
hates gays. I also showed mother a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdEG02z3aZk),
which captured the boorish behavior of Russian soldiers in Latvia, and my mother began to defend
the Russians, commenting that she is so proud of our boys, and that the Balts should learn their
Russians are the world evil, hateful to humanity,
and they is determined to destroy your society.
Do you need to wait for them to strike first?
-- Alexander Solzhenitsyn

It also turned out that my mother volunteered for a witness and testified against me (although I told
her not to do so), and even signed that she knew that her testimony would be used against me. My
mother helped prove the motive for my crime and agreed that I had actually committed it, and also
testified that I had sold the device with evidences, and was guilty of other crimes that she had not
even been asked about. For example, the mother reported that I provided a fake diploma in a job
interview and forged a refusal of work in order to receive benefits.

My mother gave me a rather negative description (unemployed, antisocial, mentally ill) that could
be used to change the measure of restraint, as well as to choose a more severe punishment if found
guilty: an unemployed sociopath will be given a longer jail time than a working family man. My
beloved mother made me a dangerous recidivist, a psychopath and a swindler, who in no case
should be allowed to roam freely. Later on the mother's tip, the police interrogated Gaziza. Yet my
father refused to testify against me at all. What conclusions should I draw?
Early on the 26th of April, arrived the operatives from the criminal investigation department,
searched me and without any explanation, confiscating the smartphone, then they took me to the
Gilyarovsky psychiatric hospital N3. To my question whether they will give me 15 years as
Stomakhin got for his Internet posts, these operatives answered that Stomakhin received that much
for standing up for Chechens and calling for the separation of Chechnya, and my Russophobia does
not carry such a threat, so they will give me less. In a psychiatric hospital, after a brief conversation,
the psychiatrist, the head of the department, stated that I'm "brainwashed" and I should be treated
with medications due to the opinions I hold.

Russian psychiatrists had five minutes of conversation with me - enough to diagnose me with
schizophrenia, recognizing that I'm dangerous to myself and the others, and therefore need
indefinite compulsory treatment in a psychiatric institution. One of the psychiatrists was particularly
indignant that I do not know when is my mother's birthday (as if I should know when all kinds of
shit are born) and stated that this failure in my memory is the result of my mental disorder, despite
the fact that I perfectly remembered my cell phone number and the current date.

As the result of the examination, the main symptoms used to diagnose the schizophrenia were
"looks ridiculous and eccentric", "responds in a low-modulated voice", "omits information that
characterizes him from the negative side" and "programs a computer game." My disagreement with
the Russian politics was called by Russian psychiatrists "reformist delirium." Russians on the
Internet commented that my "danger" strives from the fact that I provoke Russians into wishing to
kill me, therefore a good Russian patriot could get imprisoned for murdering me.

After haloperidol, my eyesight deteriorated sharply, so shortly before my arrest, I went to the clinic
for lasernal eye surgery. However, the doctors were able to recognize the strange nature of the
defocusing (although I haven't mentioned that it was the result of neuroleptics, even lying that it
was not). For some reason they did not chase after the money and refused to operate me. Have they
performed the surgery, I might have even lost sight. Yes, several months after the operation are
required for vision to restore. I hardly could got out of Russia blindly. But fools are lucky.
Parting with Subhumans
After the trial, with 95% probability you will get compulsory
treatment in a madhouse, which can last for a life.
Considering heavy adverse effects from the large doses of typical
antipsychotics, which seriously affect health, there is a very high
chance that you wont live to the release.

The lawyer said that now I can forget about the suspended sentence or any indulgences from the
judge, for with the diagnosis I will be put into a psychiatric hospital for at least three years, and in
future they will likely prolong the "treatment" for life, especially if after neuroleptics I do not fall in
love with Russia. Schizophrenia is treated with haloperidol, which I've had enough for the last 1.5
months in a Russian psychiatric hospital, and in three years good Russian doctors will definitely
turn me into an incapacitated vegetable, especially if they are given such a goal.

And I was really starting to go crazy, because living in Russia, you feel like a white racist among
Negroes in Somalia, where a decent racist is disgusted by everything: from savage cultural customs
and to the ugly language of the aborigines. It is not surprising that one wants to introduce apartheid
or emigrate.

It is annoying to hear the ugly Russian speech, going outside. Annoying inscriptions in Russian,
made with the eye-hurting Cyrillic fonts. Annoying ugly Russian graffiti in the commie-block
stairwells, all these "masha + vasya = love" and "anton - condom". Annoying eternal alcoholics
with fat bare torsos and bottles of beer, who scream at you with a Russian swearing if you look
askew at them. Why, Lord, for what sins did I deserve this? Annoying. Annoying. Annoying so
much that I want to take a Russian and burn this subhuman garbage with a soldering iron until he
speaks English, or just cut the Russian throat so that the beast wheezes with its rotten blood, and
never again spits out a Russian word, or tear out his scathing Russian tongue and shove this viper
into his annoying Russian ass.
Russian child - a scumbag from diapers,
"Mother Russia" - his first word.
Want a proper way to raise him?
Cut his Russian language cord.

In addition on the laptop confiscated by the FSB, they could find enough evidence to charge me
with "terrorism", because blinded by hatred for the Russians, I did consider the possibility of a
terror attack by poisoning the local water supply segment, so my laptop had information related to
the acquisition of toxic substances and the creation of pressure to inject it into the pipes. Even more,
I was looking for ways to get a job at the Mosvodokanal for gaining practical experience of
Moscow's fresh water infrastructure. But even that's not all, under the guise of a neo-Nazi, I tried to
recruit people at social networks to assassinate people useful to Russia, like engineers, scientists and
professors. So, for example, there was a plan to kill the professor of mathematics of Mikhail
Verbitsky and the key engineers of Yandex, betting on the fact that after hearing such news, other
educated people would flee horrified from Russia, causing significant damage to the Russian pool
of talents. I even found several scumbags potentially capable of such deed. Again, the evidence for
these projects was on the seized laptop.

Terrorism is not a joke, therefore it was necessary to somehow save my life, and I decided to flee
into Ukraine, with which Russia still had tense relations, therefore there was a hope that Ukraine
would not extradite a political refugee to Russia. I decided to run through Belarus, because although
Russia and Belarus have synchronous databases of criminals, information is not updated right away.
On the 4th of May, quickly gathering my stuff, I found through BlaBlaCar a passing car to Minsk.
While waiting for the driver, I got into conversation with another passenger, a Belarusian, who told
that their "president" Lukashenko sent all homeless and unemployed people to forced labor camps,
while any protesters are immediately arrested by the Belarusian KGB. The Belarusian was very
proud of Lukashenko and insisted that human rights bring only problems for Russian people.

In Minsk I found that it was impossible to get into Kyiv by bus, because the bus goes through a
checkpoint limited only to the citizens of Belarus and Ukraine. So I bought a ticket for the Minsk-
Odessa train, with a stop in Kyiv.

The most dangerous part of the road began, because the train passed through two customs
checkpoints. Belarusian border guards searched my luggage and asked about the purpose of my trip
to Ukraine. For some reason they disliked my banal answer "tourism", yet they did not take me off
the train, although I was visibly nervous. I was unbelievably lucky, for had they made a call to their
Russian colleagues, I would have been returned to Russia in handcuffs. Ukrainian border guards
inspected the train with a large white dog, sniffing out either drugs or explosives. I decided to
immediately declare that I am a political refugee, but the border guards said that there is only a
signature, but no seal on the ruling to proclaim me as an accused, which I was presented by
Russians, and I got away before the first court hearing, so I had no other documents.
Most likely, without the invitation of the Ukrainian side, they would have removed me from the
train, without escalating it to the security service or the migration service of Ukraine. Just because
these grunts don't want to deal with random refugees. I was saved only by the fact that before the
trip I took a phone of my mother's classmate in Ukraine, and, on the call of the border guards, she
confirmed that she knows me and expects a visit. Therefore, the border guards let me through,
advising me to acquire sealed documents if I intend to apply for an asylum. They also told me that I
should never mention that they have refused to accept my political asylum application.
Upon arrival, I immediately contacted Emigrussia and the UNHCR on political refugee issues. Alas,
the process is long and bureaucratic, and therefore it takes several years until it finally becomes
clear whether Ukraine will give the political asylum or not. Contacting Emigrussia was a mistake,
because, as it turned out later, the organization was composed from the people from the Navalny
team, with whom I have a disgusting relationship. In a few words: they are the Russian patriots and
will never help anyone who hates Russia.
Having lost me in Russia, the cops got mad, started digging up to my relatives and acquaintances,
interrogating even Gaziza. They demanding my parents to press me into returning to Russia: that I
should not aggravate my situation, and everything will go so well if I surrender. If I wont surrender,
they will still find me and give a maximum sentence possible. To which I directly answer the cops
"deceitful rubbish trash, try to find me now, incompetent losers. In the meantime, wash yourself,
you speaking epaulettes."
The police threatened relatives that if they help me, they would be accused of financing terrorism,
get their bank accounts blocked and wont be able to leave Russia. When asked by my mother "why,
he did not kill, did not rob anyone", the FSB agent, who interrogated my mother, said it is much
better when people sell drugs, than when they meddle into politics.

Common Russians too were indignant that I escaped reprisals:

Hey, fagot, fucked off into Ukraine already? If not, go looking back
and say the same thing to your fucking mamma."
- a comment of a typical Russian

One of the few people you look at, and even without knowing him
absolutely, you understand that it would be a pleasure to have
him beaten, or even killed.
- Another typical Russian comment about me
Other Russians demanded me getting extradited, since, as they said, I'm not a political refugee, but
a criminal.

Finally, on June 14, 2017, the world clown, under the name of Russia, declared me on an
international wanted list, which I undersatand means the Interpol diffuse notice. However, they
failed to get the "red notice" with Interpol on me. Perhaps Interpol is not involved in political
affairs. Yet Interpol site has countless "red notices" on the various Dagestanis and Chechens
oppositionists, accused by Russia of separatism - a rather political affair.

At the interview on refugee status, a member of the Migration Service of Ukraine asked whether
any of my relatives participated in terrorist organizations and illegal gangs. I said that my
grandfather, Georgy Moskalev, served in the Red Army.
Ukraine, My Dear Dumpster Fire...
I had high hopes with Ukraine, as with a country that wants to develop, throwing off the shackles of
Russia and the Soviet legacy. Ukrainians went to the Maidan in defense of their European choice,
desiring to remove from power the Kremlin puppet - corrupt Yanukovych. For their actions on the
Maidan Ukrainians deserve respect and admiration.

Similarly to Belarusians, Ukrainians have more indigenous European appearance with expressive
open eyes, strikingly different from the usual Russian piggy faces with the Asian narrow eyes,
epicanthus and swine snout instead of a nose - a consequence of the Finno-Ugric genetics and the
Mongol past. After the Russian attack on Ukraine, a few, usually young, Ukrainians refuse to speak
Russian, but in this case, they usually know English. Unfortunately, the majority of Ukrainians
continue humiliating themselves by speaking a Russian language.

Ukraine has a lot of its own problems. In the Kyiv metro on the advertising poster for school of
English, three teachers: a white guy, a white girl and a black guy were inviting to learn English with
them. And some idiots painted over that black teacher with the racist-nazi symbolism "white
power". Also, there are many inscriptions directed against gays: from the "stop LGBT" and ending
with a direct appeal to beat "the fagots", which I came across repeatedly.

Before the metro and on the streets of Kyiv people sell all sorts of small things, like books and T-
shirts stylized with traditional Ukrainian patterns. Yet usually they sell something very cheap, like
used Soviet books in Russian. Beggars and gypsies beg for alms without being persecuted. In
Russia, police would have immediately arrested them.

Kyiv hosts a lot of immigrants from the east of Ukraine - Donbass: Donetsk and Lugansk (DPR and
LNR), many of whom participated in military operations on the side of the pro-Russian terrorists.
These immigrants are the descendants of the Russians who were resettled by Tsar and then Stalin to
Ukraine to dilute the Ukrainians (who were
instead deported to Siberia, to cities like
Khabarovsk). Most of the settlers are very
negative about everything Ukrainian. They
get drunk, behave inadequately and can
easily get into a fight with you, if you for
example speak English or Ukrainian to
them. In Kyiv hostels there are a lot of
settlers from the Donbass and a little less
from Lugansk. It is these resettlers that I had
conflicts with.

Although Ukraine is trying to put an end to

the Soviet past, even in the center of Kyiv,
at the Pecherskaya metro station, one can
observe the personification of the Russian
aesthetics - the tires used as flower beds,
and at the same time whitewashed trees
following the soviet tradition. On the other
Ukrainians paint all manner of things in their
hand, there is a tiny Europeanization in the flag colors.
form of green spaces, a cafe with tables outside and flowers on lampposts. The subway plays new
age music, but it is distorted by the old Soviet speakers.
Half of the trams are still made by Russians, they are rattling with all the metal during the trip, and
feature a manual Soviet ticket perforator, an ugly salon with hard seats, freezing cold in winter.
Such trams also get frequent breakdowns (doors jam and the driver leaves to open or close them
manually). The stations are not announced, so in the absence of GPS you have to guess when to go
out. But the other half of the trams is made by the Polish firm Pesa, they look aesthetically pleasing,
with a cozy salon, soft seats, heating, information screens and USB phones chargers, some of which
already got stuck with chewing gums, similarly to how Russians and Ukrainians vandalize elevator

Pirated CDs are sold in Kyiv quite openly. I asked a policeman walking alongside - that cop said
that he did not know anything about it. How can one pretend to be a European state with such a
communistic disregard for copyright? Drivers are not fined on every step, like in Russia, but that
makes them to behave in a boorish way, parking off the sidewalk and driving through the red light,
so that I was nearly hit at a pedestrian crossing. Ukraine has icecream brand "STOP DRUGS" with
pictures of poppies and hemp leaves on the package. If in the West there are shops "all for $2", then
in Ukraine there are shops "all from 10 hryvnia".

Ukrainian TV shows Russian patriotic series "Shtrafbat" about the heroic deeds of a Soviet soldier
and other nauseating Russian crafts, like the series about valiant Russian cops. Russian chanson is
audible even in the center of Kyiv, on the Independence Square, and from the passing cars one can
hear the heartfelt Russian "silence, silence, I want to get drunk!" from the soundtrack to the Russian
TV series about Russian police. I heard actual Ukrainian music in Ukraine only a couple of times.
What kind of independence can there be from Russia? As a mobile phone provider in Ukraine, there
is the Russian MTS mimicking Western Vodafone, but unlike the European Vodafone with 4G,
MTS does not even have 3G Internet. Other Russian companies (like Sberbank, Eldorado and
Sportmaster) freely work in Ukraine, and in stores you can see the same Russian "brands"
Greenfield, OGGI, Gloria Jeans, Faberlic and O'STIN.

Ukrainians welcome you

with the typical Russian
tram rudeness. So at the exit
from the tram I've managed
to get into a squabble. Next
to me was a guy in
headphones, playing video
game on the phone. Some
elderly woman at first just
screamed at him, and then
roughly ripped off his
headphones, demanding that
the guy give a seat to
another old woman who
herself did not ask for
anything. I stood up for the
guy, trying to explain that
you can not violate someone
else's personal space, that in Typical Kyiv view.
Europe it is not customary to give seat and that the guy is not obliged to give anything to anybody,
and it is healthy for the old woman to stand, otherwise her feet will become atrophied. To the
conflict came a couple of quick-witted men, immediately switching to a Russian swearing words
with threats of physical violence in my direction. Ukrainians seemingly had no care for the fact that
swearing turns human being into a Russian. However, I had to go out, so there was no fight, but
they still managed to get that gamer guy out of his place.
From the conversation with another refugee in Ukraine, I learned that the Maidan effect was much
more local than everyone thought. The Maidan prevented the entry into the Customs Union
organized by the Russians, but it did not change the country and failed to uproot the Soviet essence
of the bureaucracy. Government officials betrayed Maidan already in 2014, and by 2017 nothing
was changed. Although officials serve the state that arose as the result of the Maidan, in the eyes of
these officials, especially the cops and military, the Maidan was chaos and hooliganism. Yesterday
they were sent to disperse the Maidan, and now they could be chased for it themselves. From the
conversation with representatives of the criminal world, I discovered the truly Russian scale of
corruption reigning even in the security service SBU, whose employees in the Russian tradition do
not shy away from taking protection money.

One Ukrainian woman was indignant: she came to Poland (the new visa-free travel and all that),
and there Poles refused to speak Russian. As a good example of European country, she pointed at
Czech Republic, where everyone spoke Russian with her, while Poles became impudent. For some
reason this Ukrainian woman has not learned even basic English in her 50 years. The impression, as
if the Russian mistress had arrived and was astonished that the former imperial slaves had gotten
out of control. Another Ukrainian women at hostel was angry that they hired girls from the western
Ukraine: she asked them in Russian where some thing was, and they answer her "in shukhlyada"
and laughed at her, as she got confused, not knowing what shukhlyada is.

In between other businesses, I visited the Ukrainian language courses and I noticed a wonderful
difference: in Ukrainian the word "Rodina" means "family", while in Russian "Rodina" means
"homeland" - i.e. the territory and the government controlling it. The Ukrainian loves his family,
while the Russian loves the Gulag. But, undoubtedly, it would have made sense for Ukrainians to
abandon the Cyrillic alphabet, and adopt Latin script, as they plan to do in Kazakhstan. Such a step
will ennoble the language and reduce the availability of texts in Russian, especially if the schools
stop teaching Cyrillic.

In Ukraine, donuts are sold at every corner, but not the beautiful American donuts, which Homer
Simpson loves so much, but the Soviet GOST donuts, which are carcinogenic, because they are
boiled in oil. Instead of normal glazing, on the Soviet donuts there is a nasty soiling sugar powder.
Indeed, "Ukraine is Europe". Back in Russia, they too sold these burnt donuts everywhere, instead
of inviting a normal western company, like Dunkin Donuts. "Age-old union of fraternal peoples",
"welded forever to stand in filth," ugh!

When I bought three such donuts (5 hryvnia each), I was conned for 5 hryvnia: I gave 20 hryvnia,
they gave me a donuts bag and 5 hryvnia in return, but since the tram was already coming, I didn’t
count donuts in the bag, but I put it in my pocket and ran. It turned out that they gave only 2 donuts.
To steal 5 hryvnias is a purely Russian pettiness: not 500 dollars, not 500 hryvnias, but 5 (five)!
Such is the Russian mathematics. Petty, disgusting, swinish. Like unscrewing the nuts on the rails
or breaking off the sign from the Mercedes car.

Zhukov's operational art is the superiority in forces of 5-6 times.

He builds his career on his soldiers blood.
-- Marshal A.I. Eremenko
In Kyiv, there are several
Great Patriotic War victory
parks. In the park near
Darnitsa, a new monument to
the Great Patriotic War was
erected. That was done in
2016, already after the
Maidan, proving that new
government still worships
that Russian victory over
Ukraine. One Ukrainian
woman said that when she
was a little pioneer girl, they
were forced to clean up one
of these victory parks for
entire day, but they were
unfed, and one of the children
Kremlin Star in a Kyiv Park obtained sausages somewhere
and roasted them on the eternal flame, not out of spite - he just wanted to eat. I consoled her,
explaining that the fallen soldiers, in alleged honor of whom the gas is being wasted on burning this
pathetic fire, would you bring them back to life, would fry on this very fire the Soviet officers led
by the scoundrel Zhukov, for they treated soldiers like cannon fodder and ruined their lives. Then
we must take into account that people responsible for the Second World War are the highest
leadership of the USSR, which entered into an alliance with Hitler and started this war from the
invasion of Poland, so soviet leaders are to blame for the World War II.
Near the Demiivska subway station, there is a WW2 memorial dedicated to GAZ-AA "Polutorka" -
the Soviet clone of Ford Model AA. This truck memorial has the title "in honor of the 40th
anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War." The "Polutorka" had plate number 881418,
referring to the Nazi slogan 14/88. Under this shrine one can find scattered the usual "sacrifices",
like cheap cigarette butts, faded wreaths, St. George ribbons and bottles from the beer "Zhiguli".
When I stopped to take a picture of the exhibit, a woman stood before this soviet shrine made a
crucifix sign with hand, bowing to this clone of Ford, as to the crucified Christ. On the way back, I
noticed a muzhik around this exhibit, judging by the appearance, a Donbasssian: the muzhik
smoked, looking thoughtfully at the "Polutorka" and spitting aside.

On the way to the subway one can see rusty garages, and there is always a raving pack of 6-7 mutt
dogs, fed by the mucky-looking elderly garages guard in a tattered tracksuit pants. Of course, the
guard does not keep these dogs on the chain, beyond the gate, and lets them roam freely without a
muzzle. Moreover, dogs are not small: each the size of a German shepherd. Seeing a passerby, these
beasts rush at him and bark, striving to go behind and bite. Among other things, the whole road is
littered with canine shit. And nobody will fine this guard, although the dogs frequently bite people
(if you can use this word to describe Ukrainians). Russian World blooms and smells in Ukraine.

I've also called Yulia Sergeevna Korovina - the investigator leading the case against me. Korovina
said that I'm a wanted man, to which I offered her to solve the problem with money so that
Korovina sabotage the case, or even altogether close the persecution of me by Russia. Unfortunately
Korovina refused to cooperate, hissing like a vampire, that I'm out of my mind, money solve
nothing, not everything in this world is bought and demanded of me to surrender voluntarily,
because they would capture me anyway. I objected that you can buy everything - the question is
only about the price, and Korovina apparently thinks of herself as an expensive whore. So I said
farewell, because surrendering to Russia was not in my plans.
Russia is full of people like Korovina, who are incapable of doing anything useful for humanity, so
they just sit at their government positions and waste Earth's resource.

I had dreams of dogs, Rottweilers and German shepherds tearing each other apart.
Kyiv Hostels and Bedbugs
Kyiv hostels, in addition to ordinary Ukrainians, host a lot of migrants from Donetsks and Lugansk
(the so called Novorossia). These Novorossians while working in Kyiv, still support the Russian
World, and yet they are indignant that Putin has betrayed them by refusing to annex the territory, by
analogy with the Crimea, and instead turned Donbass into a buffer zone.

The first unpleasant story happened in the

hostel YourHostel (which was near the
metro station Arsenalna), where I moved
from a more expensive hostel. One of the
administrators, Valya, a boorish old woman
of the Soviet type, who supports Putin,
seeing my refugee card, replacing my
Russian passport, and hearing my story,
disliked me and took on the task of getting
me evicted. Even more her hatred
intensified when I started complaining to
the hosts of the hostel that the toilet walls
were covered with shit, and her pet resident
Igor, a nasty refugee from Donbass, steals
other people's things and food. Advertisement for a typical hostel at the Kyiv
central train station
This Igor, was a true Novoros. He grew up
in a government institution for orfaned children while his parents were serving prison time. Being a
worthy offspring, Igor stole food from people: one person lost milk, another - eggs, while I,
personally, lost to Igor my sausages. Even his shorts were expropriated. From the more expensive
things, that Novoros stole a smartphone from an old man, also from Donbass, who came to Kyiv to
receive a pension from the "bloody junta". All this ended with a fight, when Novoros appropriated
someone's slippers, after which he promised to kill their owner at night. After so many complaints,
Igor was finally evicted.

Valya's bullying me began with the fact that I am a parasite, who almost all day sits on the bed with
a laptop and does not work. She accused me:
- that I coughed during a cold, that I have a beard;
- that I badly tucked up the bed;
- that I occupy the bathroom for a long time (15 minutes is too long, even if I take a shower during
the day when there is no queue to the bathroom);
- that I did not remove drying linen in time;
- that I cut my nails outside of the bathroom;
- that my shoes are old and they should be thrown away;
- that I sat in the kitchen with a laptop at night, recording this story;
- that I used lard for cooking;
- that I haven't washed the foam from the detergent in kitchen sink;
- that once I came about 12 hours.
For all these sins the old commandant fined me. In the end, she found a fault with the fact that I
only take clothes for laundry once a month, since washing is paid for and I have enough clothes to
change it every three days. On my complaint
to the owner of the hostel, he replied that I'm
a conflict person, and he completely
supports Valya, who just makes him money
by enforcing the mandatry laundry.

I had no problems with two other

administrators from the western Ukraine, but
Valya was bothering me for a long time,
even setting her Igor on me, who started to
attack me with threats. Igor tole me that I
should buy a deodorant and that he would
throw me out of the window for supporting
gays and gay parade in Kyiv, because gays
rights conflict with the criminal worldview
of Igor. That Valya also did not approve of
homosexuality for some reason. After Igor
was expelled due to me and another
administrator, Valya gave me an ultimatum,
either I change clothes every day, or she
evicts me. Of course, it was easier for me to
find another hostel, without such Soviet
administrator and the Novorossians, who
had just returned from serving the prison

The owner of the hostel, Sergei Sergeevich

(he has declined to provide his last name),
refused to refund me the money I paid
forward and immediately switched to
Laundry pricing at YourHostel in Kyiv personal attacks in the style of "hey dude,
you must have a wooden head" and "you need to be treated with medications." In the end, Sergey
Sergeevich began to threaten me that if I leave a bad review, he will put me onto some black list of
guests and I wont be able to
move into any hostel at all.

Sergei Sergeevich is
obviously Russian in his
gopnik soul, since all the ads
and rules in his YourHostel
are in Russian, unlike the
more expensive Ukrainian
hostels, where preference is
given to English and
Ukrainian. When asked why
everything is in Russian, and
not in Ukrainian and English,
I received a concise answer
"that is not your business".
The owner of the hostel also Non-exhaustive list of fines at a Kyiv hostel.
loved to shout at administrators, in front of the residents. Other guests in Internet reviews similarly
characterized YourHostel as a student dorm of the worst USSR kind with an evil porter type

The next Kyiv hostel, Rock'n'Roll Hostel, due to bedbugs had a nasty sweetish smell. There was
anarchy. The administrator was not there at all. But for the eldest there was the always laughing girl
Julia, writing poems in Ukrainian. On the walls of the hostel hung Soviet records, marked with the
infamous "Melodia" brand. One of these records, according to the label, had recording "Gypsy
Dance", which has an unclear relation towards rock and roll. The main problems of the hostel were
bedbugs and theft. The first night I lost my socks, which I left drying.

The Rock'n'Roll Hostel was owned by a Russian woman named Sveta, about fifty years old, of the
corresponding mentality. In front of my eyes a girl paid the hostel for a few days, but after a few
minutes, seeing the situation, especially the roaming hordes of bedbugs, changed her mind and
asked the money back, but Sveta rudely refused. The girl called the police, which solved nothing,
since there are no law governing hostels in Ukraine.

With bedbugs it's all the easier. Seeing a bedbug, one involuntarily thinks about the Russian nation.
Crushing a bedbug, you do not feel regret, realizing that humanity has not lost anything. Likewise,
if you crush Russia, nothing of valuable will disappear, but the world will breathe a sigh of relief
when the stink of the Russian bug gets dispersed.

A roommate in the hostel, Valera, told his story of a visit to Russia in 2016. Valera came to his
relatives in Cheboksary and immediately became a part of some FSB's project. The operatives came
to his home, saying that they are working on "prevention of separatism", then they interrogated him
about the purpose of his visit to Russia and the planned time of stay. Later, in the evening, Valera
was knocked down by the FSB minibus, apparently doing surveillance on him.

The hostel also housed several Muslim Africans, students from the Gambia, who for some reason
hated Shiite Muslims, saying that Shiites are not real Muslims, but simple infidels.

From the bedbugs bites I got an allergy that made me appreciate the power of these smelly insects,
hinit the idea of revenge to the owners of YourHostel network who had evicted me earlier without
refunding the money. Throwing back the mattress and carefully collecting a dozen bugs in the jar, I
prepared for a biological diversion. Fortunately, these idiots did not put me on the black list, but the
sight of reddening from bites was suspicious to the administrator of one of the hostels of the
network YourHostel: she guessed about bedbugs and refused to lodge me, saying that I'm will carry
bedbugs in my belongings.

The next day I acted smarter, asking the girl for a skin-tone corrector cream, I smeared the bites and
managed to settle into another hostel of YourHostel network, opening there the jar to release
bedbugs, which hastily fled into the dark inaccessible places, and out of my things got a dozen more
parasites. Now, to get rid of bedbugs, they will have to establish a quarantine: throw out all the
furniture, mattresses, pillows, TV, rip off baseboards and wallpaper, under which bedbugs love to
hide, cover everything with harmful insecticides and lose customers. All because of the refusal to
return me some miserable 200 hryvnia. It's a pity that there was also a refugee Nazira from
Uzbekistan living in this hostel, but she quickly moved to a better housing. Nazira later, when I
encountered her at the immigration service, recommended me to avoid hostels, unless I wanted
adventures. I ignored her advice.

My adventures in Ukraine continued at the Golden Gate Hostel. Evening. Loud drunk voices in the
corridor. The noise of the fight. The sound of spraying a gas can. Coughing and screaming sounds. I
leaned out into the corridor, to ask what was going on, but immediately hid myself back behind the
closed door, frightened of the girl coming towards me with a pepper spray gas can in her hand.
Alas, the gas quickly went even under the closed door, and the open window, causing a draft, only
strengthened the gas inflow. Therefore it was necessary to hastily retire from the hostel and spend
the rest of this beautiful night on the streets. The administration refused to return the money.

It turned out that a certain Karina Zlunikina (https://ok.ru/profile/569254038605) from Donbass

(from Gorlovka), got drunk with her lover from Mariupol, and quarreled with him. In addition, this
Mariupol novoros without permission smuggled Karina to his hostel room, and she did not pay for
the accommodation. In the course of a quarrel, Karina sprayed with a can into the face of her
fucker, then the administrator and some hapless lodger - and they all rushed to the bathroom to
wash their eyes and mouth. After that, Karina, taking someone else's iPad, quietly disappeared in
the nearest gateway, without waiting for the arrival of police, which was called only by me and the
Africans from Nigeria. What is characteristic, Karina grew up in the government institution, for her
Novorossian parents apparently did not care for her.

Administration of the Golden Gate Hostel did

not even called the security and flatly refused
to write any statements for the police, while I
could not make a statement because of the
absence of a passport and the uncertainty of
being in Ukraine, while the Africans only
knew English and wanted to just get their
money back (they paid for a month), so that
they could move to another hostel. The rest of
the guests simply wanted to avoid any
problems. Arriving police said that without a
report they will not be looking for a this
Karina and the conflict is over. Everyone
laughed when to the question about the
nationality of Karina, her drunken lover
blurted out "Nigeria", thinking that they ask
about the nationality of the African girls who
called the cops. The last time I saw that
Mariupol guy, was when he was buying
vodka at the nearby grocery, because from
that gas spray in the face the Novoros
instantly sobered up, and had to became
drunk again.

One lady, an attorney, after hearing from my

conversation with the police that I am a
refugee from Russia and have troubles getting
an asylum in Ukraine, said that I'm a fool,
because without bribes one can't achieve
anything in Ukraine, just like in Russia.
Apparently psychiatrists were right,
diagnosing me with schizophrenia, because I
kept believing in the honest Ukraine without
corruption, seeing Ukrainians as good people
- something that is just not there. Makhtumkuli monument in Kyiv.
Gaziza with her mother (a violinist performing in the theaters and doing arrangements) and her
niece visited me in Kyiv, where they came for a certificate from the synagogue they need to
repatriate to Israel with the whole family, because in Russia they lost hope and no longer see the
future. Gaziza's brothers, also creative people, even gave their children Jewish names, so as not to
bind them with the depraved Russian culture. Having seen a monument to the Turkmen poet
Makhtumkuli near Khreshchatyk, Gaziza burst into tears, remembering her father, Bulat Mansurov,
who shot the film "Fragi - Split with Happiness" about Makhtumkuli, wept that she did not visit the
grave of her dad, and that she did not become a worthy daughter. All the problems in Gaziza's life
can be reduced to the negative influence of the Russian environment.
The Nigerian Carder and The Donbass Bully
"Russia is Nigeria with snow."
-- Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google

The next Kyiv hostel, iHotel, gave new impressions. In the four-bed room were only two of us: I
and Kingsley - an African from Nigeria. Kingsley constantly talked on the phone about buying and
selling stolen American credit cards, SSN (social security number), and bank accounts, including
Citibank, ordering fake checks and discussing how to communicate with the bank's staff when
cashing out the stolen money. Judging by the conversations, they stole thousands of dollars from
other people's accounts. Kingsley spoke in English with a strong African accent, while in Russian
Kingsley knew only one word "cykablyat" that became obvious when he started yelling at me, for I
put my bag on unspokenly his chair, standing for some reason near my bed.
Besides loud phone conversations,
Kingsley kept me awake all night (from
00:00 to 6:00), listening to rap without
headphones and watching Nigerian TV
shows, apparently about some cool Black
gangsters. When I asked if he had
headphones, Kingsley said that he did not
need headphones, adding that he would not
turn off the sound and that I should not talk
to him, because he dislikes Ukrainians. The
room was stuffy, because Kingsley did not
allow to open the window, because he was
kind of cold. Kingsley also turned on light
in the middle of the night, when people are
supposed to sleep. After the complaint to
iHotel Entry Hall the administrator, she scolded Kingsley, to
which he stated that I am a racist, for I requesting silence
at night. After that, Kingsley began threatening me with
physical violence. Bakhadir, a human rights activist from a
neighboring room, said that I should not contact police,
because these people are mafia and they are surely covered
by the authorities of Ukraine, and snithching is not okay in
I have been branded all my life with this "snitch" label,
because I reported on others from the preschool age, but I
still don't get what is wrong with exposing bad people
committing real crime with real victims. After all, there is
really nothing wrong, it's just that in the Russian culture
based on criminal concepts, it's "scummy" to betray a
iHotel Kitchen
colleague - a thief. For example, in the US, the reporting
someone to police is called by the beautiful word "whistleblowing", and there are also beautiful
words "informer" and "denunciation". Besides, in the West, to hand over a Russian gangster is an
honorable thing. Russia's big problem is precisely in the poorly developed institute of informers,
who could uncover an abscess of state corruption, the actions of special services and the Russian
Against all advices, I've still reported about Kingsley to the Ukrainian office of Interpol
<interpol@police.gov.ua>, with the following open letter:
I live in the hostel iHotel, Kyiv, Nagirna str., 25, room 605. My roommate, African
Kingsley from Nigeria, constantly discusses by phone with his accomplices and
"clients" the sale of stolen credit cards, SSN, bank accounts (including Citibank), as
well as the cash out methods. I would like to know if you are investigating such case
and whether you are aware that the carder mafia openly operates in Ukraine, and their
victims are the US citizens?

I apologize for writing this in Russian, for I am a political refugee from Russia, who
applied for political asylum in Ukraine, therefore I have not yet learned Ukrainian.

-- Sincerely, Nikita Sadkov

Interpol responded "On the issue stated in your letter you need to contact the Department for
Combating Cyber Crime of the Ukrainian National Police." And from the National Police of
Ukraine, I got no reply. Although in order to uncover the theft of tens of thousands of dollars from
the US citizens, it was enough for the Ukrainian police to conduct only a small check by
wiretapping Kingsley's calls or asking the cleaning lady to install a bug, or simply getting Kingsley
to show them the history of his messages in the phone. Alas, in the real world, evil wins and goes

Finally, I asked the administrator to move me to another room, away from Kingsley. There, the
roommates worked at construction. One of them swelling with vodka and beer, came to the room,
and fell asleep on a chair, pouring a bottle of beer on the floor, and leaving the TV on the phone on.
That beer was for some reason of the Russian brand "Zhigulevskoe".

En passant, there was also a former jail inmate from Donbass, Dima Fedichev
(https://www.facebook.com/dima.fedichev.5), who converted to Catholicism and decided to retire
from the crime. To Kyiv Dima came from Donetsk, in the company of gypsies, who introduced
themselves as "the builders." Dima's son (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?
id=100005320238040) has managed to get through without soap into the US, on a fiancé visa, but
the wealthy WASP family excommunicated the crazy bride from the inheritance when they saw
their new Donbass relative. However, this fiance-gopnik does not complain, because he received the
US citizenship, yet he did not stop supporting Putin. A bit less smart Dima's nephew sits in the
Russian immigration jail, having been caught working in Russia without a residency permit; he can
not be deported back to Donbass because of the citizens databases were lost by the Russian
terrorists, and the Donbass rabble are not needed in Russia either. Dima's sister is married to a
corrupt official from the former team of Yanukovych.

Another construction worker, Oleg, despite the good (for Ukraine) salary $1000/month, for some
reason idolized the Russians (asserting that some Russians are quite good people), saying that he
would not be upset if Putin seizes Ukraine. Oleg blamed Maidan and personally Poroshenko for all
of his troubles, as if it was not Yanukovych who plundered Ukraine, leading up to the crisis.
However, when I logically proposed him emigrating to Russia he protested, saying that he had
already found some kind of a shady way to make Bulgarian citizenship in order to work in
Germany. Although Oleg liked booze, he himself was too greedy to waste money on vodka,
preferring to drink for free, therefore Oleg was always trying to convince other people into buying
him booze.

Oleg mentioned that he came from Donbass, where in 2012 he got "industrial climber" training. His
mother worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature, therefore now they on principle
never buy "Roshen" candies, and his "bro" regularly gets lengthy vacations in prison for robbery.
Oleg did not know Ukrainian hymn, but he knew the anthem of Russia. From entertainment Oleg
liked to watch the videos from registrars about the road rage on Russian roads, Russian TV shows
"Comedy Club" and Nasha Rasha, as well as games Need for Speed and World of Tanks. In a
conversation about music, Oleg said that he is disgusted with the Beatles, because any song not in
Russian is a "garbage", because he can't understand what they are singing about. Seeing that I'm
developing a two-dimensional turn-based game with pixel-art graphics, Oleg authoritatively stated
that my game is for the suckers and the graphics are obsolete. Oleg basically did not want to talk in

Due to my views on Russians, the fact that I spent whole days sitting at the computer in the room
while he was working hard on the construction site, Oleg had a strong dislike towards me, tirelessly
repeating that Russia pursues me for a valid reason and my fagot's place is near a shithole at the
prison in Magadan. Then Oleg humiliatingly suggesting me that in prison I should find a strong
lover, who will protect me. Oleg, for some unobvious reason, was especially upset that I reported to
Interpol on that Kingsley the carder. In Oleg's opinion snitching is unmanly. In regard to me, Oleg
said that he could not stand Jews, although he could not clearly explain why he hates Jews and how
Jews harmed him. Then Oleg also mentioned that his boss is a Jew with a Polish surname, but he
paid his salary always on time. Oleg also tried to borrow money from me, which I refused knowing
that he wont return. Oleg's dream was to have a million US dollars.

Further communication with Oleg resulted into a fight. There was only one door key for four people
in the room. In the afternoon, when there was no one, I went out to eat in the kitchen, and closed the
door behind me, because otherwise chances are great that something will be stolen from the room.
This Oleg came and, seeing the locked door, did not look for me in the kitchen or go to the
administrator (who had my phone number), but somehow lock-picked the lock (he boasted that
without a problem opens even car locks). When I returned, the angry Oleg began to threaten that I
have problems and that he knows how to beat the liver without leaving traces.

After that, I generally stopped closing the door, because I always carry all valuable things with me.
Non-locked door angered Oleg even more. I suggested Oleg to solve the issue with the
administration, but he followed his gang culture concepts, because solving issues through
administration is scummy. Oleg went into the threats to kill me and "bury under Odessa" so that
nobody will find me, if Oleg gets anything stolen from the room. To which I replied him, "fuck off!
you will not dare doing anything to me," Oleg flushed with anger, jumped out of bed with bloodshot
eyes and attacked me, trying to strangle me, I was lying on the bed, turned around and hit him with
my legs so that he flew back to his bed, despite that he had many times my physical training (the
main achievement of Oleg was his ability to pull himself up 10 times on the bar), after which
valorous novoros yanked and damaged the power supply of my laptop. I escaped from the room to
ask protection from the administrator.

The administrator talked with me, then with Oleg, and said everything is perfectly fine. Besides, I
myself am guilty, that offended Oleg saying "you will not dare to touch me", because what kind of
real men will stand it if someone tells that he "will not dare"? And the fact that Oleg threatens with
physical violence, and then really strangles clients is a common thing and generally I should solve
everything "as the men do" - coming out to "talk" outside. The administrator said that Oleg
promised to no longer beat me and that I should avoid speaking with Oleg in general, as he has a
very hot temperament.

As soon as I returned to the room, Oleg returned to bullying me and said that I must understand that
my place is near a shithole. In response to this, I silently (as recommended by the administrator)
pulled out his fumigator from mosquitoes, which he as usual stuck in a socket pertaining to my bed
(he had already used his own for charging his phone) to put my phone on charge. Oleg did not
expect such impudence and started yelling "if you touch my things again, I'll tear off your head and
see how you say something to the cops"; not staying to listen his nonsense, I ran back to the
administrator, and she finally decided to move me into yet another room. Later, I learned from a
guard, that after me this Oleg stabbed some an Armenian with a knife, on the basis of ethnic hatred.
Well, I don't like Armenians either - they are the Russian allies.
Uncle Yura; Gopnik Cop
Yuri Yudin (https://vk.com/id47514962), or, as he ordered to call him, "Uncle Yura", was a former
engineer geophysicist-oilman from the Crimea. Uncle Yura ended up in this bedbug ridden Kyiv
hostel due to a combination of circumstances. Prior to Russia's invasion of the Crimea, Uncle Yura
worked shift on an oil platform in the Black Sea and called Putin to invade. Yet after the annexation
of the Crimea, the company has closed, all the equipment from the oil platforms was taken away
somewhere, and Uncle Yura was left without work.

As a shift worker who worked in hazardous and dangerous production, Uncle Yura hoped for a
preferential early retirement, where the amount of his pension should have exceeded the average.
But Russia kicked the pensioner out, saying that he won't get any pension, since he was working for
Ukraine. So Uncle Yura went to Kyiv, trying to get his pension from Ukraine, which said that the
supporting documents remained in the Crimea, and therefore, before the liberating Crimea from
Russia, Uncle Yura won't find any luck in Ukraine. Enraged, Uncle Yura decided to sue the
government of Ukraine, instead of taking revenge and say doing a mass murder in Russia, which
was responsible for his misfortunes.

His wife drove Uncle Yura out of the house in the Crimea, because the fat man was not especially
well-groomed, while his parents left their property to another son. As the result, Uncle Yura is a
homeless now and works as a security guard. And he works illegally, since an officially working
man he will be deprived of any social benefits and a free lawyer, in his case against Ukraine, in
addition such low income work will decrease his state issued pension coefficient. Periodically
Uncle Yura is left without work, borrowing money from other residents of the hostel and the fiance
of his daughter.

Any movement is very painful for Uncle Yura, who is extremely overweight. Therefore his choice
of work is limited to exclusively sedentary. Uncle Yura is so lazy he can't walk to the local grocery
store, preferring instead to send to this errand some idiot roommate (me). Yet, still, Uncle Yura
loves to eat, and he eats a lot, most of the day usurping the hostel's cramped kitchen with his whale
carcass, and then disgustingly champing at the resulting sickening yum.

An interesting trait of Uncle Yura is his addiction to urine therapy: for this purpose Uncle Yura
keeps a metal mug in the toilet of the hostel, into which he urinates, dilutes it with water and drinks.
For a long time this ritual remained a secret. It was suggested that the mug is used for washing, in
the view of the traditions of Islam or to treat some banal hemorrhoids. However, Uncle Yura is
orthodox christian, and the loud manipulations with the mug and the persistent odor of urine
emanating from Uncle Yura have betrayed him, uncovering the medical activities. Uncle Yura
seems to have learned about the benefits of urine therapy from the works of the prominent Russian
urinotherapist Genady Malakhov.

In addition Uncle Yura liked to turn off the bathroom light unceremoniously, if he thought that
people were washing in the bathroom for too long, preventing Yura from having a session of urine
therapy. Uncle Yura bullied me with humiliating jokes in the style: you sit too long in the toilet, are
you masturbating in there; or: we should put on the door a price-list for your services, how much
you take to suck a dick, there Denis will be your pimp; or: Nikita should be sent to Donbass war
zone to serve soldiers with his ass. Since the other guests did not engage in harassing me, Uncle
Yura stated that they themselves are closeted fags, for by his logic you either hate gays or you're a

Although Uncle Yura positions himself as a patriot of Ukraine, he curses the Ukrainian authorities
(Yatsenuk especially displeased Uncle Yura), and loves Russians, in some ways agreeing with
Putin, especially when it comes to persecution of gays in Russia. Several times Uncle Yura recalled
his service in the army, saying that if one did not serve in the army - then one not the real man.
Typical of Russian patrits, Ucle Yury's Vkontakte social network page contained postcards in the
honor of the 9th May. The main hobby of Uncle Yura is watching football with a beer bottle and
Russian TV shows about cops. Regarding me, Uncle Yura said that "fags have no place in Ukraine"
and that homosexuality is a disease, and gays should be neutered and get some forced psychiatric
treatment. However, this did not stop Uncle Yura from stealing candy from me sometimes, as well
as getting angry at my refusal to fix his computer for free when he messed up his Internet settings
by installing some badly written program.

My denunciation of carder Kingsley, Uncle Yura called "mean", and the fact that I was beaten and
choked by Oleg, in the eyes of uncle Yura was completely normal, because I'm a "fagot". Of course,
Uncle Yura without hesitation violated the rules of the hostel, for example watching football and
cop shows without headphones after 23:00 (until 4:00 am), and using some cheap chinese heater
that could have started fire at any moment (in addition to burning the oxygen and the moisture out
of air). The usual heating was not good enough to warm his fat body, because obesity disrupts the
regulation of temperature. Uncle Yura is also proud of pirating software and movies, downloading
and distributing them through torrents, thereby violating the copyright laws. However, this is
normal for the Russians, who even found themselves an impressive justification: supposedly there
are many Jews in Hollywood, and it is okay to steal from the Jews. Sounds like a joke, because
Russian love to call themselves "anti-fascists" and brag about defeating Hitler.

When I mentioned the foolish quote of Arnold Schwarzenegger "I think gay marriage should be
between a man and a woman," Uncle Yura said that it's not for you, fagot, to judge. To which I
replied that at least my social network pages are not littered with St. George ribbons and I don't
have Russian patriots among my friends. Uncle Jura, apparently deciding that I had offended him,
could not stand it, and without announcement turning over the furniture he threw himself at me with
his fists, striking my head. I was saved only by the fact that the fat carcass quickly got tired. Other
guests laughed that it is bad for Uncle Yura to beat a woman, as I'm not a real man. Thus, Uncle
Yura has once again confirmed that the university engineering education does not guarantee the
sanity and consistency of the individual's actions, even when he is sober.

The next morning it turned out that Uncle Yura lied to the administration that I was trying to
assrape him and he beat me up in defense. To no avail were my pleas and calls to reason that I am
against violence, we are with Uncle Yuri in different age and weight categories, he is stronger than
me - the only way I could have raped him is by placing my ass onto his erect penis. The
administration stated that they do not have a place for gay men in iHotel, and I must definitely be
evicted this moment, otherwise waiting for tomorrow, otherwise somebody will just murder me for
being gay and they will have a problem with cops. One member of the administration said that he
was sitting in prison and he does not like gays. And to the fact that I was beaten, they said that I
have only myself to blame, because I'm gay. Moreover, the day before I've just paid my stay for a
month and they decided to steal these money, refusing to return them. I had to ask for help from
UNHCR, and after talk with their lawyer, the administration of iHotel has suddenly agreed to return
the money.

In addition to me, two girl students moved out of the iHotel hostel. From the conversation with
them I realized that they were sexually harassed in the elevator by drunken Donetsk gopniks, one of
whom offered to press the stop button and "have some fun." After this incident, the girls decided
were in hurry to find a less dangerous place to stay.

The Donbass refugees I met were all semi-criminal, always drunk and swearing. Donetsk persons
never miss the chance to get into a fight, so when I came to the kitchen where there was the best
wifi, one Donetsk man refused to let me sit down in the free seat, and to my "vybachte, can I sit
here?", The Donetsk creature, breathing alcohol fumes, replied "how about you sit in prison", then
starting to harass me for the Ukrainian word "vybachte" (excuse me). At the exit from the kitchen,
in the corridor, the cleaning lady was washing the floors, and for some reason another drunk
Donetsk man was shouting at her. I asked him what the problem was, after which this Donetsk
gopnik, spewing unintelligible threats, began staggeringly moving towards me, but due to his strong
intoxication could not catch up with me. Can there be any more fitting real life equivalent for the
video game monsters?

Of course, not all Donbass refugees are criminals and aggressive homophobes who drink urine.
Here is an example of Denis - another guest from the same room with Uncle Yura. Like Uncle
Yura, Denis is Russian with the same Russian name, also a migrant, but from Donetsk, but a man
who can be respected: despite the loss of his parents when he was a year old, and the physical
trauma of the spine, Denis works in Kyiv on two jobs and learns externally, in addition, every day
doing gymnastics, does not drink or smoke. When leaving the Donbass, drunk pro-Russian
terrorists confiscated Denis's laptop and money, and when Denis began to protest, the terrorists
threatened to kill him. However, judging by the stories of the refugees, this is a common practice in
the Donbass, where apartments and cars can easily be stolen from their owners - armed militants
come and throw out the owner. Denis is polite, does not bully anyone, and is neutral to gays,
although he is heterosexual himself.

I also remembered a cool guy, Kemal, a Crimean Tatar, whom his parents sent to study and work in
Kyiv, for fear of his life. Crimean Tatars are subjected to repression, so much that all leaders of the
Crimean Tatars were killed, fled, or imprisoned for made-up accusations. In Kyiv, Kemal has an
Ukrainian girlfriend, but his parents do not allow him to enter into relations with her, for the Tatar
people barely survived the genocide committed by the Russians and are threatened with extinction,
therefore Tatars must marry only other Tatars. And he respected the opinion of his parents. Kemal
constantly argued with the Russians in the Instagram, while Russians insulted him and threatened
with reprisal.

Immediately after the move to another hostel without a name, an opposite situation occurred. A
drunken married couple from the Donbass was drinking vodka with beer in the kitchen. First, the
wife drove me from the kitchen, dissatisfied with the fact that I crunched with an apple. Such ladies
always tell threaten you with their males, so realizing the danger, I had to retire and eat in the
corridor. But another subtile guy indeed got beaten up by the drunken husband, who did not like
that the guy made some remark at his boorish wife.

Instead of the police, the "guards" have arrived - the armed gangsters. The Donbass rowdy was
hastly droped onto the floor and beaten into bloody meat, under the screaming of his crazed wife.
The literally wife fell into a hysterical faint, and then woke up, saying that the rest here do not
drink, because they are abnormal and have problems in life. She also tried to puch and provoke the
real victim - that subtile guy. She asserted that he is not a man, but a rag, for her husband had beaten

Towards the end of the evening the family was finally kicked out onto the night streets. There was
still a pool of blood in the kitchen. The present foreigners experienced a cultural shock. However,
this was not the first such eviction. In the same way, the hostel was stained with green dye, as it
turned out the previous administrator got brilliant green into her face from another drunkard, again
from Novorossia. However, the administrator herself was fired and beaten, because she stole money
(by not recording the tenants), in addition to frequently leaving a guest in place of herself.

In this hostel I also met an interesting person. A Korean cook, who has lived in Ukraine since the
times of the USSR. Then, in 1937, the Russians repressed the Koreans as potential traitors, forcibly
deporting them to Central Asia. But this Korean married a Ukrainian woman and moved to Ukraine.
Funny, but Ukrainians consider him Kazakh and welcome "salam aleikum." The Korean has a leg
injury and he hardly walks. Asked whether he got it from old age, Korean replied that he got this
injury during his service in Afghanistan as a sniper. To the question what happened there, in
Afghanistan, the Korean did not respond, saying that he was not at all proud of killing the Afghans,
and there was nothing to boast about, so he did not want to talk about it.

In the kitchen of the hostel there was often an Azerbaijani, Yasin, a great womanizer. After
listening to my story, Yasin suggested that I should urgently write an appeal to Putin asking for
pardon, and then surrender. To my objection that Putin is a dictator and no self-respecting person
will ask Putin for anything, Yasin said that dictatorship is normal, rulers in Azerbaijan generally
inherit the presidential post, as in North Korea, and without dictators it would be much worse, some
Sharia and slavery is such that people could be execute for missing a prayer. Yasin hated
Armenians, which, however, did not stop him from dating an Armenian girl in Kyiv. From me
Yasin borrowed a couple of tea bags, which he didn't return, although I reminded him.
One who attaches importance to Namaz, but without good reason
does not perform it, in the madhhabs of Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbeli,
onto such person the death penalty is imposed by a court decision.
In the mazhab Haneefi, it is ordered: until he begins to pray,
he is taken into custody and commits a refund.
- M.Syddik Gumush

People began to recognize me in real life. A certain Roma from the hostel, apparently knowing me
from imageboards, reported me to the Ukrainian migration service, that Sadkov is supposedly a
villain, illegal immigrant, and a Russian spy, who ate a fried hamster and burned a chicken at the
Eternal Fire. Police came, spoke to the admin, made sure that I was in Ukraine legally. Then this
Roma was evicted from the hostel, due to him making such troubles.

And then they sharply raised the price of accommodation, while cancelling the cheap tariffs for a
month. The hostel was also far from the metro, lacked bed linen and had a broken washing machine.
In addition, I was placed in a passage room through which all the night a herd went to smoke at the
balcony and into the adjacent room, shuting the door directly over my head. Despite numerous
requests, they refused to move me to another room on the lower shelves when they freed, saying
that they'd better settle the new clients there, because I had already proved my ability to climb a
palm tree and live in the noisiest room. So again I had to move to another hostel.

On the way, I was stopped by a guy, who said that I have a happy look and I need to know about the
Vedas. In response, I asked him: if the Hindus are so clever, then why are they so poor? The guy
did not know what to say, and I continued on my way. Already on the way to the hostel a woman
greeted me, in response to my perplexity, she looked me in the eyes for some time, then declared
that she had mistook me for somebody else.

Coming to the hostel, I kissed the "closed door". Administrator Anton Taban
(https://vk.com/id135563579) on the phone said that his wife, Yulia, would come and settle me. As
a result, I waited several hours and froze. For each call Yulia answered that she will arrive in 10
minutes and I need to wait at the entrance, although she could have honestly said that it will be in a
few hours so that I would have waited in a warm cafe near the subway. Passing several times near
me, an unusual looking tenant warned that the icicle would fall on me, but I did not believe him. In
a few minutes, a huge icicle indid fall off, luckily not on me, but on my backpack.
Finally came this administrator Yulia - a swearing hag with a disrespectfully familiar attitude
towards customers. Later I was told that Yulia and her husband Anton Taban came to Kyiv from
Lugansk, and these admins worked for a discount to live in the hostel. Therefore I should not be
surprised at their boorish behavior. The first thing that Yulia did was demanding me to fill an A4
sheet out by hand with personal data, giving as an example a document in Ukrainian. In answer to
my questions about the form of filling, Yulia answered with the question "what are you, fuck, a
moron?", saying mockery at my photo in the document, then she screamed at me swearing when I
began to write in Ukrainian as in the original example she provided. She said that I should write in
Russian, that is - not "misto Moscow", but "gorod Moscow". Yulia was not pleased that I'm refugee
from Russia, since her sympathy for Russia was rather open.

After I filled out the form, Yulia

announced that I stink and I should be
hurrying to take a shower, otherwise I will
be evicted right away. When I took a
shower, Yulia immediately went into the
bathroom and announced that the drain had
been stuffed with my hair and I had to
clean it, in response to my protest that
there was long hair, while I'm practically
bald and shave even my crotch, Yulia said
that it does not matter whose hair these are
and I still need to clean even after others.
In addition, Yulia forced me wash the floor
in the bathroom, because she said that I got
out of the bathroom wet and smeared dirt
on the floor, despite the fact that the mud
was there before me, while I dried myself
with a towel right in the bathtub, washed
behind the curtain and jumped right into
my slippers.

It turned out that this admin Anton Taban

served as a policeman in the Lugansk drug Anton Taban and his friend consuming vodka.
control under Yanukovych
(https://www.work.ua/resumes/1433699/), but now he was out of work. Anton came to me
immediately (ordering the rest of the guests to leave the room), saying that he already wont prolong
my stay, for I talk a lot, honestly answering the questions of other residents of the hostel, regarding
how I found myself in Ukraine. Anton's argument was the same as that of the iHotel administrators
who previously evicted me: our guests will kill you, and we do not need any problems. In addition,
Anton said that my way of carrying a bag with a laptop and documents everywhere is insulting
other hostel guests, as they see that I do not trust them, that I think they are thieves, but there is no
theft in his hostel. Yet Anton made a reservation that administration does not bear responsibility for
the lost belongings.

I prayed to Anton: let me stay the time I paid for, because I sit quietly, huddled in a corner, do not
drink, I do not smoke, I do not listen to music without earphones. To which Anton said that I really
will sit quietly, because from the previous police work he has "bracelets" and it doesn't take much
provocation for him to chain the guests to the battery and kick to near death. And the fact that I sit
silently and do not communicate with anyone - another reason to evict me, because Anton decided
that every guest must fit in the team (primarily drink vodka along with everyone), but I had nothing
in common with these Donetsk gopniks, whom I had to share the room with. Probably I must say
thank to Anton that he did not evict me at once, but gave me enough time and find a new place
where to move.

One roommate, Lyokha, a male from Donetsk, asked what I read there on my laptop. I honestly
replied that I read the Manifesto of Elliot Roger. Hearing a non-Russian name, Lyokha instantly got
agitated and burst into a brilliant tirade that "Americans are forcing their manifestos upon us,"
continuing with "they break into foreign monastery with their own Bible;" then Lyokha gradually
moved to ranting about the dominance of the Jews. If this Lyokha knew details about me, he would
probably tried to kill me with his bare hands. In addition at the kitchen some girl in glasses
recognized me from 2ch.hk, beginning to explain about me to some students there, and I was lucky
there were no Donetsk subhumans around.

These Donetsk creatures berated Ukraine, Ukrainian Armed Forces and Ukrainians. One of them
proudly told how he beaten "one moron" - an Ukrainian patriot who tried to paint the children
playground into the colors of Ukrainian flag. Donetsk creatures were unable to talk without
swearing. An example of a typical Donetsk speech: "fucking shit, this dude in kind of an assfucking
bitch. fuckup sneakers bend-up.", "like pissing off two fingers" and "if you try, you can crap and not
wet your pants."

Seeing that I took a bag with my documents and laptop to the bathroom, Anton demanded me to
leave my bag in the room: "people would think that you are jerking off, and the laptop would get
wet". Then, when I was drinking tea in the kitchen, Gaziza called me, telling that she has a new
knitting hobby and asked how I was doing, I said that I would be moving from this hostel, due to
the utterly boorish behavior of administrators. This part of the conversation was overheard by Yulia,
who came in and started yelling at me using a lot of bad words. Her argument was that I have the
nerve to criticize her and the hostel, when there are other guests in the kitchen, and she demanded
that all my further phone conversations should be outside - on the street. I asked her to be more
polite, to which Yulia replied "I'm cykablyat is being now polite with you retard!"

After Yulia left, I asked other guests where this Yulia works, noticing that this probably her higher
education makes itself felt. I said that I will film the next Yulia throws a tantrum, for the purpose of
publishing on the Internet. Someone present in the kitchen informed Anton about this. Anton did
not seem to enjoy my plans to make a funny video with his wife, he offered to go outside so that
other clients would not hear, and on the street Anton began threatening me that I would be found
dead, and cops would not do anything about it, because this network of hostels is owned by his
friend Lieutenant-Colonel of the SBU, while Anton himself is working here as a good acquaintance.
Regarding the fact that Yulia sweared at me, Anton said that she has right, because she is sick - she
caught a cold, and that "Yulia was ill because of the freaks like you shit in the hostel, and Yulia has
to clean up."

Unable to suffer it anymore, I recorded Anton's boorish speeches to the smartphone and moved out
of the hostel. As parting words Anton told me to get out of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, for I was
an idiot and went to the wrong country to expect any good service. Anton talked that "it is in
America you can..." and that all his "relatives live in Russia". Then Anton justified his right to insult
clients by saying that he is a policeman (no matter if former), while clients are ordinary citizens, so
Anton has the right to be rude and insult everyone, but nobody can insult Anton himself, for it
would be a criminal offense to insult a police officer.

After publishing the recording on the Internet, I sent Anton a link to it, saying that he should treat
clients like human being, rather than treating people like they are criminals in prison, otherwise
Anton doesn't qualify even to guard a paid toilet, because no client would visit a toilet guarded by
such Lugansk jerk. In response, Anton and Yulia tried to invite me for a talk, saying that I had
forgotten my pillow, which they cannot just throw it away, and that they would like to return the
money to me, because I left before the time for which I paid. Seeing that his childish tricks do not
work at me, Anton got mad, phoned me several times, pouring in a hail of threats, that I will get
deported; that they would put me into jail, and Anton would personally visit to fuck me in the ass;
that I should be dissolved in a barrel of sulfuric acid.

Tired of the adventures on cheap hostels, I moved to an expensive one, where most clients were
foreigners. Next, I decided to rent a room. So I contacted the broker, she sent me to the old woman,
who at first was glad that I'm from Russia, she told me that she has relatives in Russia and her son
works in Moscow as a logistician. However, having learned why I fled from Russia and dislike
Russians, this old woman changed dramatically in the mood, saying that I'm not a guest for her, for
I am an evil person and people like me did Maidan, so her "only son" is now regularly harassed in
the Moscow for being Ukrainian. In addition, according to this old woman, I have a repulsive
appearance. The broker comforted me, saying that she has another apartment where I can be moved
in, and very cheap. I asked who are the other renters, the answer was "Refugees from the East of
Ukraine," I politely declined, noting, however, that Donbass subhumans are not refugees but
resettlers. Broker had no more options.

The good-natured American traveler James from Kentucky. He introduced himself as "James,
James Bond, shh...". James traveled all over Europe on a bicycle and now stopped in Ukraine.
James travels with his little home cushion with embroidered English words wishing good dreams.
When asked about the situation in the United States, James admitted that he was not happy with
Trump and believed that Trump was a rather stupid clown president, who was a liability to the US.

To my story about the problems in Russia, James said that he will not go to Russia, although
Americans like Ukraine very much. When I told James that the Russians still think of Russia as the
Third Rome, the heiress of Byzantium and the Roman Empire, James replied that then he too could
consider himself to be James Bond. Concerning the old woman, who refused to rent me the room
because of my political views and landlords who work only with female or male renters, James said
that in the United States that would be considered discrimination.

By education James is an artist with Art Degree, as I understood in Fine Arts, and is engaged in the
production of large decorative ceramic products. In Ukraine, James was arranging the opening of
production line and gave master classes in art. James talked about different types of ceramics, how
he built his own house and a special furnace for pottery baking, from the fire-resistant bricks.
Unfortunelly, his Ukrainians partners deceived James, so Ukraine will remain with the used tires in
place of proper ceramic flower beds. The usage of tires as part of the city and courtyard landscape
design is a some strange Soviet tradition, which cognate to painting the trees white, because they
use the same white tree paint to paint these tires.

The main problem in this expensive hostel, oddly enough, was the same Russians - this time
tourists. Russians behaved noisily, always drunk and prevented other guests from sleeping, talking
loudly and turning on the light after 00:00. The main topic of Russian talk was bawdry about
Ukraine, Poroshenko and Saakashvili. Very sharp contrast in comparison with the quiet intellectual
tourists from Lithuania, Japan and America. James said that he faced with such a thing for the first
time, in Europe people treat others respectfully, but James did not complain about it to the
administrator, but sat quietly in the reading room. However, I, being the can-I-speak-with-the-
manager person, did complained and instantly made enemies in the face of these Russians, but the
administrator lady has somehow quieted the Russians, turning off the light and forcing them to
move their drunk discussion to the kitchen.
In this hostel I also meet a blockheaded refugee from Syria. The Syrian worshiped Assad, the
Russians, Russia and Putin, "who saved Syria." In Ukraine, this Syrian found a place for himself
first in Donbass, where he studied in some fence-building college until the war began. Syrian hated
the United States, considering them the root of all evil and responsible for the wars in Syria and the
Donbass. Syrian guy also sympathized with Palestinian terrorists and advocated the destruction of
Israel. Learning that I'm a refugee, the Syrian offered me to come to Syria - I refused, in view of the
allergy to bloody dictators and savages. Syrian guy did not know English, and he didn't knew
Ukrainian either. For an unknown reason he learned only Russian, which he spoke very confidently.
The Sour Grapes of Eugenics
On the advice of the Internet I read the manifesto of Elliot Roger's "My Twisted Life". In the end a
bright déjà vu appeared. Something in this Elliot was familiar to the vomiting, echoing with my
story One Life in Russia. And then it dawned on me! Elliot is Russian! Yes Yes! A real Russian

Elliot has all the features of the Russian on the list:

- Contempt for human life and a propensity for violence: Elliot got into fights and killed people for
- Respect for totalitarianism, dictatorship: Elliot advocated concentration camps for those whom he
- Lack of respect for private property: Elliott, without invitation and without knocking, broke into
his father's house and was very rude to father and his stepmom.
- Lack of respect for the freedom of others: Elliot was trying to get his mother to marry a rich man,
so Elliot would have more money.
- Making nasty things to happy people: Elliot repeatedly poured coffee and juice over lovers
couples. Breaking a nameplate from a Mercedes of a successful person is the epitomy of the
mysterious Russian soul.
- Patologic lying and ingratitude: in his manifesto, Elliot defamed many people, including his
stepmother Soumaya, who cared about him more than his own mother and tried to somehow distract
him from dependence on computer games, this can be deduced from his manifesto already, and
confirmed by leaked letters.
- The opinion that everyone owe him: everyone must suck Elliot's dick.
- Accusing others of his own mistakes.
- The propensity to drink vodka and puke in crowded places.
- Lack of respect for employment: Elliot did not want to study or work - believing that the work at
McDonalds is unworthy of him.
- Wishful thinking that everything should be according to his command: hence the Elliot's belief in
"The Secret" and "Law of Attraction."
- Lack of initiative: instead of creating a party and inviting people by his interests, Elliot was sick
that he was not invited to other parties.
- Good relation with other Russians: Artem and Danila, who bought Elliot vodka.
- Love for show off: these armani, expensive cars and even the skateboard hobby - all for the sake
of show.
- Megalomania: Elliot considered himself almost a God, similar to Russians who consider
themselves God-bearing people.
- Instead of learning and self improving, Elliot built delusional revenge plans.
- Pathological greed: manifested from childhood, when Elliot did not want to share the cake with
other kids.
- Ludomania issues: Elliot wasted parents's money in lotteries, as in Russian roulette.
- Dependence on online games: Elliot wasted a lot of time playing World of Warcraft, while almost
all Russian kids now hang in stupid online games, like World of Tanks and DoTA.
- Unwillingness to smile and tune yourself to the positive: at each his photo Elliot looks unfriendly
with a sullen face.
- Mongrel, a half-European, self-identified as "Eurasian": Russians, according to Dugin, are Euro-
- Zoological anti-Semitism: Elliot bullied his Jewish neighbor Gurevich.
- Racism: Elliot hated Africans, Asians, Mexicans and Moroccans who are too backward for him, in
addition Elliot regularly visited Nazi/alt-site sites, dyed hair for a blonde, while he himself could
not boast of pure blood.
Otherwise, the manifesto of Elliot Roger describes the United States as complete hell: everyone is
happy, lover couples all around, beaches, celebrations and parties. There are parks for
skateboarders, Disneyland, amusement parks, like Universal Park. Everyone has expensive personal
car since 16 years, top laptops (even children), and all live in private homes. In schools, nobody is
actually bullied, the way they bully you in Russia (beat you in the toilet and push you head down
the shithole), in American colleges it is generally unacceptable to violate personal space. Who
would want to live in such a horrible country? America doesn't even have these Russian chronic
drunks lying on the streets!!! Better move to Siberia!

Yet I have to agree that these "Incels" pose an enormous existential problem to the civilized world.
In fact they are just the tip of the much larger iceberg. As I learned at insane asylums, an ugly face
is almost always connected with neural disorders and other incurable health issues. Just look inside
any psychiatric ward: they are literally filled with ugly subhumans, and the more retarded the
patient the uglier he looks. Same way, baldness is correlated with numerous health issues. Face is
the real passport of psyche, and a shitface is almost always the evidence of brain problems and bad
genetics at play. Even if the ugly look is due to malnutrition, one still has bad genetics, because his
deficient parents have failed to provide him with good food. Of course one can get disfigured in a
car accident, but that is no different: getting into a car accident increases chances of low IQ (DUI,
driving cheap unsafe car, having slow reaction, etc...), therefore a freak is always evolutionary

It doesn't take a Ph.D in evolutionary biology to infer that it would be a winning strategy for women
to date only handsome males with high libido, because kids conceived from promiscuous males will
carry their genes and will strive to have sex with as many women as possible. And of course such
alpha males should be physically fit. You can't have sex with 1000 women/year, if you look like
some Elliot Rodger jewish-asiatic manlet freak. That is actually what my mother taught me about
the rules guiding our society and how real men behave themselves.

High libido males are very sociable and actively search for multiple sex partners, they look nice and
clean, make presents to women and paying them attention - this all shows a woman, that her
wannabe partner will do everything to pass on his genes. And subconsciously it is very important
for any woman, that her partner had many sex partners, as that means her children will also have
many sex partners and will pass her genes forward. From that we can conclude that the female
centered natural selection (matriarchy) is a all about mass procreation, while the male center
unnatural selection (patriarchy) is all about making tricky systems with draconian laws, where they
can game the system by enslaving women. That is why women are naturally less creative and more
into people than systems.

According to the Next Steps Project by University College London, which has been tracking people
born in 1989-1990, around 12.5% of them were still virgins at the age of 26. Since this figure
naturally includes more males than females, we might actually have to adjust the estimate from 10%
to 15% or even 20% of men being Incels. That is a huge number of freaks and creeps threatening
the future of humanity: these 20% of inferior males are constantly thinking and scheming about
gaming the system and enslaving women, drowning humanity in the new dark ages, because that is
the only chance to procreate for these ugly degenerate monsters. It is no secret, that ISIS was
formed from young sexually frustrated males, who, like the western Incels, were unable to secure
their niche and a sexual partner in the polygamous Islamic world.
If you mean whose side one should be on, Israel or the Arabs, I would certainly
say Israel because it’s the advanced, technological, civilized country amidst a
group of almost totally primitive savages who have not changed for years and
who are racist and who resent Israel because it’s bringing industry,
intelligence, and modern technology into their stagnation.
-- Ayn Rand

Given that, it would make sense to start the war on ugly. We need a good old genocide to cleanse
the humanity from this genetic trash. Only brutal eugenics can solve the ugly question. Until we
start killing the monstrous subhumans, there will be mass shootings, like that of Elliot Rodger. As
said Fyodor Dostoevsky, "only beauty will save the world", of course Dostoevsky referred to the
Jews and the Jewish culture (Fyodor really hated non-Christians), but we can extrapolate that to the
whole humanity, without regards to religion, and then we will see many ugly things, not worth
saving or investing into. If we simply kill all the malformed children, there will be no such
obnoxious virgin losers. And that will be the final solution to the Incel question.

Kind Russian people insisted that the story of my life is similar to the manifesto of Elliot Roger
(My Twisted World: The Story of Elliot Rodger). I disagree, because I just want the Russians to
leave me alone, ceasing to poison my life. But the Russians on the contrary seek my extradition to
their beautiful and glorious Russia, where they opened a criminal persecution against me for my

At the same time, I was accused of being a coward, who fled to Ukraine, instead of entering a
suicide fight with the Russians, to somehow take revenge. Russians put this Eliot Roger as an
example of a brave man who attacked his own, albeit illusory, problem. I'm really a coward, but
such a fight will not be justified strategically, for a death of say a dozen Russian will not shake
Russia a bit. So - no, I'm not as mad as Elliot Roger. But I'm not completely a coward, for I would
be ready to sacrifice my life for the sake of fatal damage to the Russians, leading to the
disappearance of the Russian nation from the horizon of events and Russia from world maps.

Returning from the USA to Kyiv: near the Demiivska metro station stood a maniacal dude with a
chainsaw. He offered me to buy this tool, I said "no, thank you," and quickened my steps. On the
Internet, I was told that this is just a new kind of fraud that came to Ukraine from Moscow.
More "Hospitality"
Finally I've managed to rent a room in which no one should have bothered me. However, the
landlord, Grisha, a short perky male from Crimea, spoke with brash familiarity, he insulted me
"bald" and forced me to help him carrying some dirty things for free (since he was doing some
renovation), after which I had to wash my clothes. Being a father, Grisha had am ill son, and when
this son died, Grisha was not even mourning the loss of a relative, but was happy and called
prostitutes. But I think that was a foster child. Is that the Crimean mentality or just the general
Ukrainain? However, Grisha was not very enthusiastic about the Ukrainian nationalism, and would
rather be in Moscow, than in Kyiv. Then again, you can't spell "Crimea" without "crime".

All that would be barely tolerable, but one day this Grisha has puzzled me: he complained that I had
littered over the stove. It should be noted, that I have no talent for cooking at all, and mostly eat
sandwiches. For example, when I tried to make some boiled eggs in Russia, they have just
exploded, after I forgot about them. The egg pieces were then hanging from the ceiling. In fact, the
last time I cooked anything was frying that crucified hamster on a gas stove.

Besides me there were three other people on the floor: a programmer guy who quietly sits in his
room, a girl who is constantly chatting on the phone in Ukrainian and Andrei, a guy from Donbass,
a type of person, about which Russians usually say "the salt of the earth." The programmer did not
littered the stove, for I saw that after cooking he thoroughly wiped everything. An Ukrainian girl,
too, was neat-natured - she, on the contrary, complained that everything was littered with dirt,
including the bathroom.

It turned out that this Andrei from Donbass behaves like the proper Russian muzhik: he walks
around the house in street shoes, leaves empty cigarette packs and cigarette butts, does not wash
away after himself, throws dirty socks around the bathroom, does not clean the stove after cooking,
and washes shoes over the sink, which gets covered in the mud and around the sink is mud. The
Donbassian does not seem to lock the front door, although the owner of the house particularly urged
us to lock it, because Ukrainian gas workers often carry out sabotage, making their way to houses
through the open doors and breaking the gas seals, then fining the naive owners $700. Besides,
when Andrei saw that I was closing the door, the drunken novoros shouted at me "LEAVE IT
OPEN! I'm for a half hour to visit the store, I wont be unlocking this shit."

Worse yet, the Donbassian had no respect for private property: so this novoros without any question
took someone else's toilet paper and soap, in addition constantly using my kettle, without asking. In
the end he has burned my unfortunate electric kettle, using his great Russian wisdom and turning it
on without water. During a year of residence, this thievish novoros did not even bothered to buy his
own kettle, although other residents all had their own. Unfortunately, I was forced to keep my kettle
in the kitchen, in a place accessible to the Andrei, since the landlord forbade holding containers of
water or drying clothes in my room, because the previous tenants had already grown out mold,
drying clothes there.

However, kettles are a painful topic for me, because at the iHotel hostel the local urla broke the
common kettle by turning it on without water. I complained about this to another guest, and he
suggested I use a kettle standing in the room, I refused, because I had no permission from the owner
of that kettle. Later it turned out that this is the kettle of the very same Uncle Yura. Of course, I
reported to Uncle Yura that another guest uses Yura's belongings. Uncle Yura's reaction was the
opposite of what was expected: he immediately scolded me, that I'm trying to pit people against
each other.

After novoros Andrei again made a mess of the bathroom with a thick layer of street mud, I had a
conversation with the landlord, Grisha, who said that this Donetsk man is a good muzhik and
generally his sidekick, supplying him cheap prostitutes, and I'm alone here. In addition, Grisha was
for some reason dissatisfied that I spent whole days in my room, while he was working and
supporting his family, saying that's why I was to blame for everything and should answer for
everyone there, stating that before me there was a woman with a child, and she cleaned shit for
everyone, and I'm not any better than her, so I must do the same.

Entering my room, Grisha had the audacity to say "hey! you do not make mess out of your place."
Yes, because I do not make mess at all - the persons who make mess in Kyiv are the other Russians
from Donetsk - they for example, broke the monument to heroes killed at Maidan. I'm so "lucky" to
deal with such subhumans. Instead of making a reprimand to this Donetsk "Sharikov" or including
the cost of cleaning into the rent cost, the Crimean bullied me for nothing, most likely out of
personal dislike.

I got nausea. The alternative was then to settle share an apartment with an entire family of Donbass
vampires as neigbors, while the realtor woman there h described these novoros bastards with such a
pity. However, I'm myself to blame, because it was necessary to ask meticulously whether my
neighbors would be Donetsk gopniks, and the landlord's opinion on the Maidan revolt.

This Andrei, as I understood, was a gangster, working as a pimp. Andrei liked to talk on the phone
all night long in front of my open window about how much and what alcohol he was drinking, or
shouted obscenely at his girls. When I asked him to be quiet, Andrei began to speak even louder,
and then turned on some rap music on his phone. In the conversation, Andrei used interjection
"blya" (rude swearing in Russian) after each second word. To a more insistent request and
explanation that I am trying to sleep, the pimp declared "sleep, but I will speak and smoke." Andrei
did not greet me, because as it turned out, Andrei considered me to be a "white-handed fagot,"
saying that normal patsans (russian word for gopniks honoring the prison values) do not behave that

A typical episode of communicating with this novoros Andrei was his question to me "are you a
computers expert." Russians often ask such a question, believing that you should repair their
computers and smartphones for free. If you refuse to help, the Russian will conceal his anger and
could do some nasty trick to you afterwards. Andrei apparently needed a few sites for his human
trafficking operation. My answer "no, I know nothing about computers - I'm an artist" did not evade
this novoros, and he continued to intrude and digging me with "well, you, the hacker, you are
constantly sitting behind the laptop." He wasn't conviced even by the fact I actually really drew
sprites in ProMotion NG, apparently deciding I'm simply trying to avoid helping him.

Well, after all I should have known better, because Ukraine is widely known as a sex turism
destination. Ukrainian pimps literally enslave the local girls.

In the bathroom, among other things, the shower cabin was broken for a long time, and all the water
poured out, so the entire ceiling was covered in mold. Landlord did not care to repair the cabin or at
least setup some curtain. Andrei did not come up with anything better than throwing some
damnated rag and tried to make me wash the floors with it, collect the spilled water and squeeze it
into the toilet (with my bare hands). If you have a pipe burst, will you collect the leaking water and
squeeze, or fix the pipe? In addition, Andrei said that there should be a duty, who should clean the
common space, as in Russian prison. On my refusal, Andrei insulted me, and after I said I will not
speak further with him, Andrei began to break through my door, shouting "hear, durynda, blya, I'll
fucking deport you tomorrow".

When the young girl moved out, in her place arrived another neighbor - Lida from Lviv, western
Ukraine. Lida refused to speak Ukrainian, claiming that she is "Russian-speaking." Lida told me
that my bald head makes me look like a criminal (Russian inmates are forced to have hair shaved
off, to avoid lice). Lida rudely accused me that I stink and there is a stench coming from my room
as from the elderly people. Apparently this is due to my digestive problems, developed due to

A parishioner of the Moscow Patriarchy Orthodox Church, Lida made regular pilgrimages to the
holy places of Russia. Lida loved Putin, but hated Jews, Scientologists, Jehovah's Witnesses and
gays, believing that gay people must be forcibly treated in psychiatric institutions. Yet she had
nothing against the Islamic terrorists, whom she called "very pious people". Had Lida been born in
the West, she would had likely turned to be a feminist - these ugly ladies too believe that Muslims
are very progressive, because you know, they oppose pornography and other modern sins. Now
contemporary Islam is generally considered to be a leftist ideology, targeting various poor human

Instead of music, Lida listened round-the-clock to some kind of church psalm readings, interspersed
with the speeches by priests of the Russian Orthodox Church, including Patriarch Gundyaev. One
such track consisted of the phrase “Lord, have mercy,” repeated for several minutes in a row. But
who am I to define music? Some say that white noise is music to them, others believe that rap is
music too. On top of her other traits, Lida suffered a hypochondria and considered every minor sore
fatal, calling the priest to commune with her. I don't know if the Holy Spirit is immortal, but the
Patriarch will one day surely die, likely while sodomizing another tender altar boy. Lida believed
that her God will punish me for my blasphemy against the Orthodox Christianity.

When asked to comment on the words of Archpriest Valerian Krechetov, "I'd rather be in hell with
God than in heaven without God," Lida said that the archpriest is a very wise person and that
paradise on earth is really unnecessary. Over a door Lida hung a sticky flypaper trap for flies, and I
frequently got sticked into that trap. Similarly to Anton Taban, Lida openly accused me of
mistrusting, because I always closed door into my room and carried my laptop with me, even when
Lida was around. I still dont undestand, why I should trust anyone, especially some dirt pooor 3rd
world eastern european shithole strangers, who can rob you blind. Even in the 1st world people
could probably prank on you by messing with your computer, like sending child porn from under
your name.

In addition, Lida shouted at me that I allegedly sprayed water when I washed the apples. To my
protest that these were just a few drops that evaporated themselves, Lida started yelling even louder
that I should not touch the sink in the kitchen. So, when I was washing my eyes over this sink, Lida
said that you can't wash your face in the kitchen and you also can't wash your hands, because she
has food and dishes in there. Your eyes are snot, it is mucus, and everything in a sink must be

After that I overheard Lida's conversation with Andrei, who she has quicly befriended. Lida
explained to Andrei "Do not put spoons into the sink. I do not know what he is doing there, it's
dangerous with him. I am washing everything above the sink." Lida also claimed that it is forbidden
to work during the Feast of the Intercession, shouting at me when I turned on the washing machine.
My answer that it was not me who is working, but the washing machine, has not convinced Lida. At
the same time, Lida herself worked and cooked her dinner, justifying it as a necessity, that was
excluded from the rules. Lida borrowed some money from me, returning 5 hryvnia less than she
took, saying that I did not learn math at school, since I have never been to school. After the further
investigation, she admitted that she indeed had stolen it.

Later, when Lida lost her smoothing-iron and some other things, she began to suspect me for no
reason. I responded that her items might have been stolen by Andrei's prostitutes or even by
himself. Lida conveyed my words to Andrei, mentioning that I was washing my eyes over the sink.
Andrei got mad and started yelling "What did he say? My girls stole the smoothing-iron? What a
suspecting fuck! He goes here to wash his fuckface. I will fucking kill him, we don't need this fagot
here. We'll take him out to the Donbass to get this fuck killed." I said from behind the closed door
that "the threat of murder is a criminal offense," and Andrei began to break at me with the words,
"What do you dislike there? Hey, moron?!" The smoothing-iron was later found, but nobody
apologized to me.

Finally, the landlord Grisha decided to evict me. The official reason I was evicted is because I left 2
hairs in a shower. The unofficial reason (my guess) is because the new family of Ukrainian
immigration service employees demanded my eviction (they know nuances pertaining to such
immigrants), or because Grisha found better renters. The official 2 hairs version just doesn't hold
water, because there is a lot of mold in a bathroom and shit leaking from the sewage pipe. So small
hairs from my legs would be the last thing one notice there.

I was given just 2 days to find a new home: Jan 16 evening the landlord told me that I have to get
out immediately, with Jan 18 21:00 being the deadline, before he calls a crime gang to evict me.
When asked about usual rules of giving one month to find the new housing, the landlord pointed,
that I'm not in Europe or America to have any consumer rights. When asked where should I go no
into the night, landlord said that I can probably spend a night at a railway station.

I asked real estate agents if such evictions are a common practice in Ukraine, and they answered
that throwing people out onto the streets in the night is indeed a widespread practice in Ukraine. As
an example, a girl rented room in a commie-block flat, and refused to provide sex to the landlady's
son. She was evicted in a single day without any refund. Frequently people return from work to the
newly rented apartment only to find that the lock was changed and all their stuff got stolen by the
landlord. Well, what have I expected? This is Ukraine, not a Disneyland.

It is impossible to find a cheap new room in 2 days. Especially when Grisha calls you frequently
and in a threatening tone demands "heya, speed this shit up, understand?", and especially in my
case: usually landlords ask why do I have a Russian accent. When they hear that I'm a felon wanted
by Russia, under the extremism charges, they get extremely nervous and immediately refuse to rent
me anything. I'm still trying to persuade them to look into my crime case documents: I haven't
murdered, robbed or sexually harassed anyone, it is just a victimless crime, and FSB doesn't really
want me that much to bomb their apartments. Yet there landlords and landladies begin threatening
to call police if I wont get lost instantly. That is in addition to various other discrimination: some
landlords openly admit that they accept only white guests, no Blacks, Asians or Arabs, and they
prefer guests to be single girls (or at least families without kids), the guest shouldn't be staying in
the apartments for the whole day, but leave early in the morning and return only in the evening.

This appalling state of the rental market can be ameliorated with anti-discrimination laws, or, more
precisely, the positive discrimination laws which could enforce the quotas of convicts and suspects
a landlords will be required to house, similarly to how they have these quotas for the people of
color. That way there will be no problems for drug users and paedophiles to find a home. Then we
will also need quotas for single male homosexuals and immigrants. Some people must be forced to
accept the criminals like me. But to do that all criminals and convicts of the world must unite and
fight for their rights. Convicts are a large voters base, especially in Russia, where every family has a
relative convicted of some crime, and if united convicts can become the power to be reckoned with.

Later some people told me the real reason for my eviction: a couple of days after I got evicted,
Grisha transferred this Andrei from his normal room with a double bed to my room with mold on
the ceiling, while Andrei's room was given to Grisha's young mistress lover. I really doubt this
experience made me into a better person.

At a social network I was contacted by some Ukrainian posing as a gay, who was too seeking a
partner to rent a room together, splitting the cost. I asked his phone to discuss the details, and he
gave me the phone of his classmate with mental issues. This classmate had a voice of drooling
vegetable under anti-psychotics, and told that he is not gay and was annoyed that his phone is being
exposed to random people. Now I doubt I can trust Ukrainians, because Ukrainians are as deceitful
as my Russian compatriots.

There was a snowfall in Kyiv, and I had dreams of dogs. One dog bite my leg. I punched that dog
on the nose, but the dog still did not let me go.
Ukrainian Psychiatry
Rather, for the sake of moral satisfaction, I wrote a letter to the email addresses of the Russian
consulates in Ukraine. The letter read:

Open Appeal of Nikita Sadkov.

Depraved Russian pigs, I demand that you immediately stop the

judicial process in crime case No. 11702450031000023, instituted
against me, Nikita Sadkov, by your organized criminal gang - the
Russian Federation, for I have a full the right to desecrate a rag-
flag of your flawed country, piss on your memorials of military
glory, and also to incite people into the fight against your
parasitic Moscow Empire with its center in the Kremlin. There is
nothing wrong with inciting hatred towards Russia and Russians.
Everyone hates you, Russian bastards.

-- With due disrespect, Nikita Sadkov.

Most Russian consulate officers were surprisingly smart enough not to respond, but the staff of the
Kharkov consulate (consulkharkov@gmail.com) decided to bully and insult me. So the Russian
consul in Kharkov replied that I should get psychiatric help and pointed to the Kharkov psychiatric
hospital (http://khrcph.com.ua). Apparently rudeness will never stop to be the basis of the Russian
Russia is not only a country of fools, but also a country of louts.
If Russia perishes, I generally will not be sad.
-- Valeria Novodvorskaya, human rights activist

However, to refute the diagnosis awarded me by the Mother Russia's punitive psychiatry, I've
indeed followed the "advice" of the Russian consulate and went to the Ukrainian psychiatric
hospital for examination.

In contrast to the crazy Russian psychiatric patients, mainly consisting of alcoholics, drug addicts
and the victims of fetal and alcohol syndrome, the contingent of the Ukrainian hospital proved to be
a bit more orderly: a train machinist, who was on a psychiatric test, after having witnessing a
suicide (some guy jumped under the train); a man with phantom pains; a gopnik, who beaten a
drunkard for knocking on the roof of his car.

Beside men, there were different women with their own, female problems, such as depression, panic
attacks and nervous breakdowns, very similar to each other. Although one woman, who has escaped
from the Lugansk People's Republic, went through rehabilitation there after experiencing the
Russian World, and at the same time enjoyed free living on medical insurance. Another elderly
woman tried to commit suicide, unable to withstand the death of her husband, as she put it "my roof
was blown off". There was even a "Napoleon" in the form of a communist guy, who expressed
vivid megalomania and reformist delirium: he did not listen to anyone, and with foam at his mouth
vent about having enough of rich people, that the money and private property must be abolished,
and that only he could establish the new order, constantly comparing himself with Christ;
experiencing frequent outbursts of anger, the communist crushed furniture and broke things, like
pencils and rulers.

I remember one agitated patient whose speech consisted entirely out of Internet memes. He insisted
that he is an "alpha male", and not some "miserable omega", as his mother tried to groom him up.
The most unpleasant fellow was a drug addict from Donbass who was undergoing some substitution
therapy. As was the case with most Donbass persons, this guy was also a former prison inmate.
Before ending in a psychiatric hospital, Novoros tried to gain asylum in France, using Donbass war
as pretense, but was denied. Such immigrants are not needed in Europe, which considers the rest of
Ukraine to be "safe."

However, being under drugs, Novoros has managed to get there in a car accident. Saved only thanks
to the high standards of the French medical services and European medicine, but the insurance
company had to pay a large sum measured in tens of thousands of dollars to resurrect this human
garbage. In the hospital, the proud son of Donbass first pissed at the toilet seat, and then fell to the
bed in dirty street shoes. Having learned that I am from Russia, Novoros said that he respects Putin
"for his firmness." At night, the novoros got some drugs related psychosis and was running along
the corridors, scaring the medical staff. I remembered the words of the classic: "Nobody had put the
Donbass on its knees, and no one will ever put it."

The Ukrainain psychiatric hospital environment was a bit more tolerable than the prison-style
Russian asylums: the polite medical staff speaking Ukrainian, each ward has a separate toilet with a
shower, beds with orthopedic mattresses, bedside tables for personal items, individual wall sockets
for charging smartphones. In comparison with the concentration camp of the Russian hospitals, in
Ukrainian there is a varied diet, among which there are porridges, butter, soups, tomatoes,
cucumbers, zucchini, cheese, sausages, juices, cookies, fish, beef, chicken and eggs. No one
fordbids smoking, so patients freely smoke in the courtyard.

The main weapon of the Ukrainian psychiatric diagnostics is the Soviet SMIL test (the laughable
plagiarism from the obsolete American MMPI test used in 1940), consisting of questions like "have
you stopped drinking cognac in the morning - yes or no?". Earlier I came across this SMIL during
an interview at the NIX supermarket for a programmer job. Back then I've successfully completed
the test task (I wrote the code on a piece of paper and transformed an algebraic expression using the
newton binomial formula), and while I've passed the interview, I've failed the SMIL test, and the
psychologist said that I'm a "lying psychopath" type, and unfortunately they can not offer me a job.

This time, knowing how to pass the test, I had to actually lie, like a proper psychopath, that
sometimes I drink alcohol, get irritated and suffer from constipation. However, if you answer all the
questions, trying to paint yourself in a positive light, then the scale of lies will invalidate the test.
The logic is simple: the intellectual majority drinks vodka and eats shit, which causes digestive
problems. If you suddenly declare that you do not consume alcohol, then you either lie, or
something is very wrong with you. Therefore, a honest person can never pass SMIL without lying -
it is just impossible. Of course, I can not honestly answer that as a child I liked playing dolls,
because this is a sign of mental illness, although in my childhood I even made dolls myself, stuffed
them with cotton, and painted.

In addition to that SMIL, encephalograms, medical examinations, analyzes and clinical interviews
with psychiatrists, there was the Rorschach test and the Sondi test, as well as the test to repeat 10
words, draw pictograms to concepts and to classify pictures. To my misfortune, I blurted that during
job application I've seen these tests already, which the psychologist did not like and said that the
tests in this case are unreliable, and therefore do not work in my favor. Alas, the psychologist now
has considerable power, especially considering the practice, such as the trial of Vladimir Makarov,
who was imprisoned only because the psychologist saw in the child's drawing of a fox the male
sexual organ instead of a tail, treating it as evidence that the child is a victim of a pedophile.

After ten days of hospitalization, the psychiatric commission refused to diagnose me, giving the
conclusion: "There is no way to confirm or deny the presence of a mental disorder due to the lack of
information and conflicting information provided by the patient about himself." Yet the
psychologist diagnosed me with "brain dysfunction" or in plain english she said I that I'm a "retard".
Likely reason for such hostility are my own words: during a group psychotherapy session I said that
psychology is a pseudoscience, and people who come to a psychologist simply waste time and
money in vain, in addition, "winding up" their psychological problems, because a psychologist is
interested in regular customers; and therefore the depression is best treated with sports, an exciting
hobby or just a visiting the movie theatre with friends for a merry comedy. But yeah, I can't keep
my mouth shut. And nobody will ever force me.

On the other hand, the result of my IQ test (giving 64) was confirmed, and in fact Russian
psychiatrists too claimed that I have "the reduced intellectual and mental abilities". Yet, your mental
retardation is not as important as the intelligence of those around you. If you are surrounded by
idiots, then regardless of your IQ, your life will turn into a farce.

It is possible that they labeled me with "brain dysfunction" due to the fact that when I try to express
my thoughts in the text, I often omit letter and put the words in the wrong form or order, and miss
prepositions: "she do" (instead of "she does"), "running after trains" (instead of singular "train") or
"things students", instead of "things of students". In oral speech I just stumble. Perhaps these
stumblings occurred as a result of a my childbirth birth injury or the subsequent treatment with
neuroleptics, but the psychiatrists rate it as a dyslexia, which is a symptom of mental retardation.

On the other hand, people constantly notice that I speak quickly, hysterically and indistinctly, yet
quietly, while a real man should speak slowly, in a calm tone but sound tone, making pauses. I also
fail in quick and active work, like in McDonald's, when one has to serve customers quickly one by
one, or in sports, - I simply begin to panic and mess things up. So I can accomplish task only in a
slow and calm environment.

And what does the IQ test measure? It is clear that IQ tests do not measure intelligence, simply
because the term "intelligence" is not clearly defined even today. However, there are different IQ
tests and Gauss distributions from those that passed them. These tests are designed by psychologists
and psychiatrists on the basis of their own questionable considerations. I think the correct answer
would be that the IQ test measures how well the subjects correspond to the imaginary mental
standard of the test-designer, or rather, whether test subjects want to play this game and whether
they understands the rules. Just that. The same Raven's Progressive Matrices can be parsed and
solved by a computer program in a split second. Does this mean that a primitive program has a
higher intelligence than its creator? Some argue that “intelligence is the ability to solve problems”,
but say haloperidol also solves problems, because haloperidol is so smart it finds approach to every

The funny thing is that many schizophrenics, like the Unabomber, have a very high IQ. I.e. it turns
out that they are superNORMal in their delirium. On the other hand, many psychologists and
psychiatrists study psychiatry under the influence of their own mental problems, and therefore the
IQ tests they design show rather the degree of insanity of their test subjects. The most striking
example is the MMPI test, where if you answer that you suffer from abdominal pain, then you will
be diagnosed with "hypochondriasis schizophrenia" and will be prescribed antipsychotics, even if
you really have a stomach ulcer. And from neuroleptics there your ulcer will turn into a perforative
form, which entails death. Psychiatrists are not interested in your real problems: if you die in the
course of treatment, it will be written off for natural causes.

By the way, passing the Sondi test (where you have to choose from the photos of psychopaths) gave
me the following idiotic results:
A passive-feminine type of person with a penchant for torturing relatives and loved ones.
Sadohumanism: Dualism. Sadomasochistic tendencies are weakened by the fact that erotic
tenderness is not lost. Kindness and gentleness, conscientiousness, high morality. Avelevian
trends. A sense of loneliness in connection with the severance of relations with a loved one.
Severe neuroticism. Inferiority complex. Excessive feminization. Expansive-schizoid or paranoid
manifestations. Complete duality in the sphere of contacts. Fidelity struggles with infidelity,
excessive communication with closedness. Violation of concentration.

I've also tried to expose the Russian psychiatric abuse at Western psychiatric forums, but
everywhere I was quickly banned, justified usually as follows:

> NikitaSadkov: I came to the forum, hoping people here will help me to disseminate the
information that psychiatry is just a pseudoscience, using made-up diagnoses to attack and isolate
political enemies.

> ninjastar: If that’s what you’re looking for, this isn’t the right place for you. This is a place where
people who are actually ill with schizophrenia can come to receive support in battling their disorder.
Political discussion is not allowed on this site. I recommend trying a different website. You do not
have the right to use your full name and personal information here, because it violates our

> Treebeard: You might have been a victim of political persecution by corrupt professionals, but
that is not a common thing in most other places of the world. We will not allow you to spread this
kind of misinformation. We have a community of people prone to delusions and paranoia, and
allowing such messages to reach them here would be unethical. Both me and @ninjastar have been
diagnosed with this illness and have been treated for it. We know what we’re talking about. I think
you need to find a different forum.

> You have been permanently banned from this board.

> Please contact the Board Administrator for more information.
> Reason given for ban: wrong venue for you, sorry
> A ban has been issued on your username.

I asked the IPA (Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia) for help. Their answer came down
to "We do not advise you to dispute the diagnosis - it is futile ... You must agree that you have a
mental disorder that needs treatment, and state in court that you are ready to regularly visit a
psychiatrist and fulfill his appointments."

In fact, IPA offered me to surrender to the Russian injustice, although for some reason they stood
up for the real schizophrenic Mikhail Kosenko, who has beaten a policeman at a political rally. IPA
also wrote "you certainly do not represent a danger, neither for yourself nor for other persons", and
who will vouch for this? Government psychiatric examination recognized me as being dangerous.
And IPA psychiatrist can't confirm diagnosis at a distance by email. Further, if I agree with the
presence of mental disorder that makes me dangerous, then I am indeed dangerous, because I agree
with the fact that nothing prevents me from say committing a murder. Therefore I've to conclude,
that IPA lied to me.

However, later I discovered that IPA receives funding from the Russian government, so their lies
and harmful advice to surrender to the authorities of Russia are quite logical:
>IPA of Russia continues to work under a presidential grant (Order of the President of the Russian
Federation of March 29, 2013 No. 115-ph)

Worse, the head of the NPAR, Yuri Savenko, [believes]

omosexuality) that homosexualism is a mental disorder and [endorses]
(http://2005.novayagazeta.ru/nomer/2005/93n/n93n-s26.shtml) forced sterilization of patients, still
practiced in Russian psychiatric hospitals, stating that "preventive eugenics is justified. "
And You Expect Me to Love THIS?
When I've just arrived in Ukraine and got temporary asylum seeker document (Dovidka) from
Ukrainian Migration Service, I visited Privatbank office, asking to open me a checking account.
Privatbank refused, telling that they wont open accounts for anti-Putin/anti-Russian refugees, yet at
the same time mentioning that Privatbank opens accounts for normal Russians, even if they love
Putin and support annexation of Ukraine, the only requirement is to have Russian passport. But with
my political refugee dovidka Privatbank will not open me an account, so I will have no way to find
a job and earn any money legally. I argued that they basically force me into criminal activity and
carding - using illegally obtained plastic cards. Yet heartless Privatbank employees were deaf to my
cries, even more, they threatened me with their security department, that I will be arrested for illegal
activity, Privatbank has forced me into. Pro-Putin clients in queue after me overheard my
conversation with Privatbank employees and made some evil remarks about me. Such is the
Ukrainian compassion. Now give me a single reason to love Ukraine and Ukrainians.

Given that, the only way for me to use bank transactions

was to employ an illegally obtained plastic card registered
to another person. I had no experience in carding and
searching for the so-called "drop" persons for opening
cards, therefore I tried to find such dummy person at
random. It was too dangerous to hang out at the entrance
to the employment center, the cameras there, the staff
constantly snooping around, they can call the cops, so I
decided to stroll through the not so good neighborhoods
of Kyiv. That led me to meet a lot of wonderful people.

The first person I meet was of a schizoid type of bum of

man with a broken head and gore on his bald head and
hair. When asked if he had a desire to earn 7,000 hryvnias
in two hours, the hobo looked at me as if I offered him to
become a gay porn star, and he began assuring me that he
has a pension of 1,300 hryvnias, relatives throw him up a
Kyiv couple has lost the elixir.
few bucks and he earns himself enough
money collecting bottles and cans.

I go further ... a beggar’s kind of granny on

a bench, when presented with an offers to
earn money and having heard the word
"bank", screamed "I don’t need your money!
I’m afraid of money!!". Another babushka
crossed herself in Orthodox christian gesture
and promised to report me to the police.
Dedushka who sells some kind of briar at
the metro has become prostrated at the
words "checking account" and "debit card",
I totally failed to explain the essence of
these concepts to him. This oldman said that
this was all for "important people, and he is
a simple man," pointing to his rose hips and
rotten apples. Romantic lovers.
On the other hand, babushkas and dedushkas have relatives who, on occasion, may beat me for
trying to defraud their parents. A disabled person in a ragged sweatpants with crutches on a bench
in front of a commie-block, looked at me as if I'm a pedophile, said that he would not be able to
walk to the bank and would not take a taxi, but he could call his friends and “they will open you an
account for the rest of your life.”

Dirty construction workers with cheap beer

bottles expressed greater interest in easy
money, but were still scared of scammers. In
the end, I got violent diarrhea, grabbing me
by my stomach, likely from a cheap
cheburek I've eaten earlier, and I almost
crapped myself in the middle of Kyiv,
miraculously reaching the makeshift toilet
behind the bushes. Having freed myself, I
was forced to conclude that Ukraine must be
a rich country, since the Ukrainians do not
need money so much that they do not know
the word "bank".

Another wonderful relaxing pair. In the end I was able to convince several
Ukrainians to open me accounts, which I then used to do cashout, before they got sober enough to
close them.

Kyiv Bazaar
Later, I [recorded a video](https://goblinrefuge.com/mediagoblin/u/nikitasadkov/m/the-main-
problem-of-ukraine-9acb/) (previously at https://vimeo.com/316125069 and
https://vimeo.com/317095979 - censured by Russians) of my visit to Privatbank of Ukraine, where
they refused to open me a checking account. Since in the video I spoke English, it turned out that
Privatbank employees do not understand English, as well as Ukrainian, preferring Russian to these
languages. Privatbank employee women started shouting for me to stop filming, I pretended that I
didn't understand them "sorry I don't understand Russian. Please speak civilized language, like
English." Their answer was pressing the alarm button and calling the security, which showed me a
decorative badge with the inscription "POLICE", checked my documents, then gave up and left,
while Privatbank consulting girls showed their professionalism, whispering evilly, making remarks
and claiming that I had a bomb in my bag, and then they pounced on me, kicking and knocking the
smartphone out of my hands (that is battery crime in America) - all under the ridicule of the guards,
who, in theory, would have had the goal to protect the clients of their bank from violence, including
from such employee girls. Having picked up the broken phone from the floor, I was forced to leave,
without finding a common language with the Russian-speaking Ukrainians.

The worst part is that this Privatbank branch was near the main Kyiv's train station, with a lot of
English speaking guests from Europe. Imagine some rich German businessman or immigrant
coming to Privatbank (Ukrainian version of Wells Fargo) to open an account, then realizing that
even Ukrainian bank employees don't understand English and demand speaking in Russian. What
kind of integration with Europe they are talking about? These orcs want back into the Mordor of
Russian Gulag.

Having some time on my hands, I strolled

around Kyiv, making photos. Kyiv is the is
city of the homeless bums, exploring
garbage dumps for tin cans, drunkards
laying laying along pavement, and a ton of
badly done graffitis on every wall, usually
advertising the phones or telegram
channels of drug dealers. Kyiv is a
romantic place, where even the used heroin
syringes on the streets come in pairs.

Near Demeevska, along the way there were

private houses, among them, next to a nice
private house, which was rented by Used syringes along the Kyiv roadside.
Americans, was a shack of some Russian muzhik who was sawing some crud in the yard.
I addressed him: what a beautiful mansion is in your neighborhood! Ukraine is surely a country of
Muzhik: a fucking country of retards.
I: so you are not a patriot?
Muzhik: fagriot.

Filming this shack next to a mansion, I continued my walk. A pregnant woman was walking in front
of me, talking on the phone loudly. The woman was indignant that her acquaintances recommended
her to name her son by the Ukrainian name "Taras", instead of a Russian name. "Call yourself
Taras" - was her answer; then she reasoned that in a country where the majority of the population is
Russian, to call a child a non-Russian name is to create problems for him and make him an object of

The Internet explained to me that the woman had in mind that the name "Taras" rhymes with
"pidaras" (the Russian word for fagot), hence the boy with that name will be bullied by Russian
speakers. I replied that being a pidaras is an occasion for a pride, because you are not like all this
bydlo, and a good person will not bully on a base of your sexual orientation or name, and the insult
of "pidaras" is used primarily by Russian children brought up in Russian culture, from which it is
better to stay away.
My mother was dissatisfied with my poem about the Airborne Troops at my Facebook page:

They have friends in Ukraine with whom they served together and perished.
This is a brotherhood. And you're a complete idiot and you will never
understand. I will not answer you again. You get yourself deporatetion back to
Russia for all your filth.

Note that I did not offend the mother in any way, the epithets "idiot," "moron," "cretin," and "fool"
from the mother's lips are heard by most Russians since childhood, which I noticed is
fundamentally different from how Jewish mothers raise their children. You can only dream about
another mother and another homeland. However, even this mother understands that deportation to
her beloved homeland is a punishment.

However, I did not limit my hatred for my homeland army to the airborne troops alone. For
example I can notice that the great Russian marshal Georgy Zhukov was a showy cock with dog
medals; And the surname of the dung-beetle Zhukov is also talking ("Zhukov" means beetle-like in
Russian). It remains only to laugh at the Russian idiots, choosing such insecure homo-commanders
in tie up costumes, like that of Lady Gaga.

At the same time, let's say American Admiral Nimitz, who brought US the victory over Japan, looks
extremely modest (only four stars speak of the title). It is clear that Nimitz on his photos thinks
about the professional tasks, not about the badges or "what the supreme leader Stalin will think if I
wont hang that medal". Of course, Nimitz had medals, but these were simply the signs recognizing
his honorary membership in some the orders (he was in the British knightly order) and well-
deserved awards for accomplishing the tasks. It is noteworthy that the American analogue of the
Russian Hero's Star, "Medal of Honor", is not given to anyone like candies or "Ready for Labour
and Defense of the USSR" badges, and Americans do not make fake heroes out of 14-year-old
children died due to bombardment.

Kyiv has problem with timely garbage disposal.

Being in Ukraine for several years, I never managed to find a job. Everywhere they either don’t
want to accept me without documents, or they say that they do not need such strange refugee
seeking employees who can be deported at any moment, or they don’t like my personality. If not
that, then after asking how I came to Ukraine and after finding about my views, they refuse me
employment, in the style "we have people from the different sides in the team, and you will bring
conflict, in addition, we prefer long-term cooperation and reliable employees." In general,
Ukrainians are completely inadequate and biased, just like the Russians. If you dislike Russians,
then in Ukraine you will have problems at every step, you will feel that everyone around you are
your enemies and are opposed to you.

Ukrainians speak the purest Russian mat swearing without a shadow of an accent. From everywhere
in Ukraine you hear the oh so familiar "cykablat pidor ebany". Ukrainians also know all the typical
Russian wisdom idioms, like "better sailing the waves than hanging by the dick." Just like Russians,
Ukrainians treat women like garbage. For example, the company of chronic drunks, whom I met,
included a female drinking companions who were regularly beaten and insulted. And when I was
sitting in the tram, a drunk male with alcoholic delirium began speaking to his imaginary wife, even
though there was nobody in front of him, his intonation was in the vein of "you hear me, bitch," and
he threatened "her" with severe physical violence. A nearby woman, frightened, moved to the other
end of the tram.

Instead of normal European/American-style

buses, Kyiv has these soviet looking
Bogdan buses. Bogdans are already
uncomfortable by design, and officially
have the space for just 43 passengers, but in
practice are always filled up to 70
passengers, due to some transportation
monopoly trying to squeeze the last penny
from each bus, with Ukrainian dolts silently
agreeing to this treatment. It is very hard to
exit from such a compressed bus, if you're
Overloaded Bogdan bus. caught in the middle, far from door.
Sometimes Bogdans even crash due to
overload. There is always fighting and a lot of swearing going in Bogdan buses (or portative gas
chambers, as one Ukrainian put it). Obviously, there is no heating in Bogdan buses, and you don't
need heating when so many bodies are compressed into a single square meter. Luckily there are
huge holes in the Bogdan's hull, so absence ventilation is not a problem. Bogdan bus is like that
circus car with the infinity of clowns inside of it - an exercise in non-euclidean geometry.

Once I had to use a Bogdan bus for transportation. I sat near the driver, right next to a 7 years
old boy. In these Bogdan buses they don't pronounce the stop titles and you have to explicitly ask
driver (who doesn't understand English) to stop, where you need, so I have been looking into
Google Maps all the time to avoid missing my destination. People were asking me to pass fare, I
passed from those who spoke in Ukrainian "будь ласка", ignoring those who spoke Russian
"пожалуйста". One man got annoyed that I ignored him and began to verbally assault me that I
should give my sit to a person who will pass the fare payment (i.e. to him), despite that the little kid
did passed his fare payment instead of me. Well, I had to give a place to that nasty pedophile
looking old man, who apparently wanted to tickle that boy. Now standing I kept using my phone
instead of holding the handrail, while Bogdan bus drivers accelerate and decelerate very rapidly, so
I heavily bumped into other passengers, they swore a lot, with one woman falling to her knees,
when I lost my balance and got flying into her. Why Ukrainians are such pigs, who can't say a
single good word and force people into positions where they will do even more harm? Like when in
Privatbank they refused to open me a checking account and forced me into the carding crime with
illegally obtained plastic cards.
Some people have this habit to shoplift minor things, like candies. Well, don't do this in Kyiv.
Just don't. They wont call police. You won't get fined. They wont even search your bag to make
sure you have actually stuffed the stolen goods in there. I have personally witnessed the fate of one
shoplifter. Guards caught him when he was already out of the grocery, and decided to give him a
proper lesson. Believe me he himself called police for help, while they gang-beaten him. And there
was a police station over the road. There was even a lazy policeman watching the beating, yet
without any interruption. That incident happened between Dimeevska and Goloseevska.
So yeah, don't shoplift in Ukraine. They don't get such
jokes, they wont tell you to pay for stolen stuff. They just give
you a free lesson. Also, keep any proofs of purchase until you
are far from the shop. I had incidents where they stopped me 100
meters from grocery to make sure I have proper cashier desk
check. If you call bullshit on them during such moment, they
will begin beating. So don't get into dispute with Ukrainians,
unless you have spare teeth, liver and kidneys, and don't threaten
to call police, for the same reason, and unless you have a lot of
money to spend on bribes.
A few people pointed that it is wrong of me to hate
Russians, while having a Russian name. Indeed I hate with
passion my Russian given name and surname. Russian names are
ugly, meaningless and depressive. Because lets face it, if your
given name is "Shit", then the shit you will be. For example, I Chernobyl memorial.
was named after some useless Orthodox Christian saint. Unfortunately there is no way I can change
my Russian name today, so I've to carry it like Jesus carries his cross. And still I would love to take
a good sounding western name, like Gerhard, Konrad, Wolfgang, Wilhelm or Bernhard. Then I will
also have to get rid of my Russian surname somehow.
Returning from dreams to reality, I
had another bad experience in Ukraine: two
drinking companions sat down at different
ends of the tram's cabin and shouted
talking to each other. Of course in Russian.
One of them addressed me with the
question "hey muzhik, where is the
Pokrovsky monastery?", Which by the way
was in a completely different direction. I
pretended that I did not hear, but the
drunkard took silence as an insult and
began to harass me using the heavy
swearing Russian words, "listen here, I'm
talking to you, pridurok..." To which I
replied "Sorry. I don't understand
Ukrainian. I'm from Russia," but my
This “swan” is typical Kyiv art from used tires.
English made the alcoholic even more
angry, and he turned to the threats of physical violence. Fortunately, some woman saved me by
explaining using the language chronic drunks usually understand. She told them that they were on
the wrong tram.
In general, I always answer in English to any request in Russian: that saves me a lot of time
and effort, but unfortunately such tactics doesn't always work with drunk and aggressive Russian
males. Russian females also often throw some taunts in response, but they limit themselves to
verbal abuse. Still it is satisfying when they tell you "пожалуйста передайте за проезд", and you
answer "Sorry. I don't speak Russian. I'm from Russia."
I still wonder why people like me with schizophrenia diagnosis are banned from obtaining a
driver license. Because Russian buses are always overloaded, there are always these annoying
crying children, and you have to endure this torture for an hour, while getting to work, and for
another hour on return. Always in such a such heavily overloaded bus, without fresh air or a place
to sit, with some freaks constantly bothering you to forward their dirty infectious fare payment to
the driver, you just cant avoid touch contact with these dirty creatures. For me it is really hard to
name even a single thing that doesn't annoy in the Russian public transportation. Can you imagine
my overflowing hatred? I want it all to be over in a single bright flash, because I want my suffering
to stop.
The official reason to ban psychiatric patients from driving is that psychoactive medications
impede reaction and judgement, while some forms of schizophrenia/brain-damage can suddenly
result into epilepsy. So to safe-guard Russians just forbid people with any (even mild) mental
disorder to drive cars. No need to mention what amount of corruption that breeds, because anyone
with money can still easily obtain an official driver license illegally through bribes or just get a fake
After experiencing the Russian public
transportation for a year, you will start
reflecting about it. In the end it is
increasingly easy to go postal. Especially
when you understand that you have the
whole life of such humiliating torture ahead
of you. You just can't throw out these
homicidal thoughts out your head and stop
wanting to stab these nasty crying children
and pushy rude women. This annoyance
and the desire to kill grows in you with
time, and you have nowhere to escape, you The so called boyarka (aka nastoika glodu) is a very
still need to use that bus to get to the work. popular Russian-Ukrainian infusion.
Good thing I can limit my exposure to the
public transport, and try to call a taxi when possible, but still it is far more dangerous to allow the
psychopathic introverts to ride say tram or a bus, than driving a bike or a car. Easily annoyed people
should be spared from the slimy company of the sick post-Soviet degenerates. I still wonder how I
haven't stabbed anyone in that stinky bus yet.
I can find a thousand of reasons to murder somebody in Russia, but it is very hard to find a
single reason to let him/her live. The concentration of annoying scum per square meter is just too
high. Especially in public transport.
Brothel is Not a Sanctuary
On July 10, Ukraine denied me political asylum, despite the full set of documents proving that
Russians were persecuting me for my posts on the Internet. Obviously, the decline cause was my
Russophobia, which turns me into a danger to the Ukraine's security, because Ukraine serves as a
home to many self-identified Russians. In addition, employee of the migration service directly
reproached: they believed that my deeds are appalling, especially that desecration of the military
glory monuments in Russia. They said that there was nothing good in my other anti-Russian antics.
I certainly did not expect that Ukrainians would honor the memorial to the dirty Russian soldiers -
the Communists, the occupiers, the rapists and the marauders. Such are these "Banderites", who
love Russians and worship the Soviet monuments in Moscow.

People on the Internet drew attention to the fact that under the asylum denial there are Russian
names. Of course, it is idiotic to ask Russians to provide protection from other Russians. Therefore,
the refusal is not really surprising. My mother told me to go back to Russia and repent before the
Russians, to which I replied that I do not repent before the pigs. Angry Russians wrote in the spirit
of "traitors are hated by everyone":

Because no one needs unnecessary russophobes and other traveling nazis.

It's such a shit that it's best to return it to the sender. Really.
I understand, if a person has fled from the country due to being persecuted
for religion or sexual orientation. But there we have a man who hates
his country, INTENTIONALLY HARMS his Motherland and escapes to another
country to continue hating his people there.
-- the opinion of a typical Russian
about the prospects for my deportation

I'm not the only refugee who was denied asylum. So at the migration service met a guy who came
to Maidan to support the European choice of Ukrainians, and now does not want to return to
totalitarian Russia. Migration officials told him to go home, that nothing threatens him. Ukrainians
denied asylum even to a significant human rights activist and publicist Pavel Shekhtman, persecuted
by Russia for "hate speech" after a post at Facebook, in which Shekhtman criticized engaged
Russian journalists, who covered the events in Ukraine one-sidedly. Have to note, that Shekhtman
himself was very patriotic about Russia, and demanded Ukraine to extradite me back to Russia,
since I hate Russians.

Bakhadyr Namazov, an Uzbek human rights activist, who lived in the hostel next to me, was also
refused his asylum application, despite the fact that he has all the documents proving the need for
the asylum. If Bakhadyr returns to Uzbekistan, where human rights activists are brewed alive in
boiling water, Bakhadyr will likely lose his life. However, just like Shekhtman, in regard to me,
Bakhadyr had a negative opinion, calling me "Anika Warrior", for I am a traitor to my people and I
wish only evil to the Russians. Bakhadyr didn't understand how one can hate his nation.

Even more sad is the story of the anti-corruption activist Vladimir Yegorov, who had a house
burned in Russia and subjected to criminal prosecution. The authorities of Ukraine simply took
Yegorov to the border, handing him over to the FSB, in violation of the Ukrainian laws and
international norms, despite the fact that Yegorov was in the process of obtaining an asylum, having
immunity to such extradition.

At the court hearing on the reason for denying me refuge, it turned out that the Ukrainian side, in its
explanation without any independent from Russia diagnosis, recognizes the correctness of the
Russian psychiatric examination that branded me as a schizophrenic. Therefore, in the opinion of
Ukraine, I am a dangerous madman, who is being prosecuted rightfully. In other words, the
Ukrainian migration service justifies its decision by the documents drawn up by the party that
pursues me (Russia). In spite of the conclusions of independent Ukrainian experts proving the
absence of symptoms of mental illness. Thus, the "independent" Ukraine puts Russian legislation
above its own. It is also interesting to ask the Ukrainian officials "Who has the right to Crimea?",
Because the documents on the Crimean Annexation Referendum also have these seals with the
Russian double-headed mutant eagle, just like my Russian psychiatric diagnosis.

It is worth noting that Ukrainians, employees of the State Migration Service who are not certified
psychiatrists, do not hesitate to quote the text of ICD-10 in Russian language, although there are
Ukrainian and English versions. Why did the official representatives of Ukraine give priority to the
Russian source, and even climbed into the region beyond their competence? Why did not the
Ukrainians remember the article of the UN Convention on Refugees, according to which persons
undergoing psychiatric persecution in their homeland also need asylum?

In addition, the migration service referred to the children's diagnosis issued to me at the age of eight
years with USSR seals on the froms from All-Soviet Mental Health Research Center (VNCPZ). If
Ukraine recognizes the diagnoses produced in the USSR, then Ukraine is still part of the USSR, the
legal successor of which is Russia. My belief in a new independent Ukraine seemed to be a
psychotic delusion, but this response of the Ukrainian authorities brought me back to reality and
launched a remission, letting me understand that Ukraine, being independent of Russia, was the
fruit of my sick imagination, and then I understood that there is no Ukraine as a country at all, that
in fact, there is the territory of the USSR - part of the USSR or its legal successor - Russia.

Common Ukrainians and other refugees from Russia too supported my deportation. For example, a
Russian refugee, Elena Diadechko, wrote:
And I want that people like you to stop existing. From the word "absolutely". It looks
like your disease is progressing. Get out of here, for you will be beaten here soon too.
There is such a strange type of people being beaten everywhere. Have not thought-
why?)) You are a dull shit and schizophrenic. What are you waiting for? Applause?
Done with you! Deportation! We have enough shit without you!
-- https://www.facebook.com/elena.diadechko
This Elena most of all was outraged by my oath to turn my anger onto the Russian children in case
of deportation, so she "logically" wished me this deportation to Russia, even if I'm not Russian and
my ancestors came from Ukraine and Belarus. I told her that to kill a Russian child is much more
humane than leaving him to suffer in Russia, and if you think otherwise, then you are a cruel sadist,
who wants to condemn a person to the torture in Russian hell for life. Same way, Russian children
are subhuman, and therefore cannot give Humanity anything good, beside wasting the scarce
resources and growing up to be Putins and Stalins. Therefore giving birth to children in Russia is a
crime. Just like Chinks and Africans giving birth in their overpopulated shitholes commit serious
crimes, which should be ideally punishable by death, because such crimes endanger the sole
existence of humanity. Child birth should be planned in accordance with the demand for the new
human beings, dictated by the current and future states of the economy.

Later I learned that a problem not dissimilar to mine happens to the White South African people,
especially the ones of the Boer ancestry, who get deported from Britain and Netherlands. These
Whites are being told that their hatred for Africa and niggers is "racist", and therefore they should
return back to South Africa or some Zimbabwe, and start loving niggers. Exemplary is the case of
Damian Truter, who was born in South Africa, yet grown up in Britain. Now The Home Office of
UK will deport him, because in their view he has "an ability to adapt to life in a new country."
Given that, the only way Damian can show he has no such ability, is by starting to kill niggers, after
he gets deported to Africa. Or at the very least Damian could desecrate nigger graves and do other
cynical provocation, which would help inciting the persecution and the massacres of Whites in SA.
Then Damian could flee and apply in Britain as a refugee, who has legit fear for his life, since there
is now the war to the extinction in SA between Whites and niggers. It seems, there is no other way
for a White racist to demonstrate that he/she really hates niggers and has no desire to live in some

In the opinion of Russian patriots, I got "kicked out of a brothel for being a whore." Then again, the
Moscow Patriarchate church operates freely in Ukraine, Ukrainian athletes take photos of
themselves kissing with Russian athletes, while Ukrainian figure skaters use Ukrainian funding to
"train" in Russia and publicly admit their love for my ugly Motherland. And on Khreshchatyk near
Maidan (vul. Khreschatyk 34, ul. Horyva 31 A, Kyiv, 04080; Phone: 097 801 7788) works a
department of the well known from my childhood Vyacheslav Bronnikov "MKC Key of Sophia
(Bronnikov Method)”, deceiving Ukrainian citizens and supporting in their leaflets the annexation
of Ukrainian territory by Russia.
Opposition to What?
I hate all of you, I hate this country. Now would have gone
into opposition. I'm new to Navalny, as I understand, he is the
leader. In the absence of another, I would go with him with
-- Alexander Pichushkin, serial killer

When I had just arrived in Ukraine, it turned out that I have "friends" in Ukraine in the face of a
certain Julia Arkhipova (https://www.facebook.com/arkhipova.j) from Emigrussia, seeking my
extradition to Russia, for her heart bleeds when somebody burns the aquafresh colored rag.
Because of such wonderful people there are superfluous questions
to people, who were engaged in some real useful activity in Russia
and were forced to flee. Right to Protection now has an entry for 2
weeks forward, in the Migration Service has a hell with the number
of applicants due to the fact that they are now responsible for the
whole Kyiv region. Resources are limited and I would prefer promote
that they are spent on those who really deserve them. I have
evidence, and will provide it to UNHCR, to Right to Protection, I'm
quite ready.
-- Julia Arkhipova, employee of Emigrussia,
explains how she will "help" me,

Before materializing in Ukraine, this Arkhipova worked as a metroinstructor in the Navalny

Team. It touched me how these anti-Putin dissenters, like the Navalny fanbase, go in line with the
flags of the Russian Empire, like under an exemplary Putin's political instructor. Real opposition
would have promoted their own flag, in the manner of the US flag, where each republic has its own
strip or a star, emphasizing their independence.
Numerous facts testify that Navalny is just a puppet of the Kremlin acting on the principle "if
you can not defeat the opposition - lead it". The task of Navalny is to "release steam": sabotage
protests, dissipating them, or at least to guarantee a controlled transition of power, which will suit
everyone important. Navalny does not promise any mind-blowing changes if he comes to power. In
fact, Navalny even considers Crimea to be Russian territory.
Then for some reason, Navalny is very concerned about the corrupt officials who withdraw
capital from Russia and arrange their children in the West. Although it is precisely such corrupt
officials-parasites who are the Russia's primary enemies, because the more they take bribes and
steal from the budget, investing in the West, the faster Russia will collapse, and civilized countries
will come in its place. Navalny wants to block this flow, up to the introduction of exit visas for
bachelors who decided to build a career in the West, having received education in the Russian
Finally, Navalny's father was a KGB officer. The rest of the FBK managers are similarly tied to
the security services, from the managerial top to the field coordinators. Navalny comes from the
Kremlin's crowd of bastards like his friend Zakhar Prilepin. Navalny's wife is also from a KGB
family. FBK director, Ivan Zhdanov is a son of a GRU colonel. Here Russians usually insist that the
real patriots in FSB and GRU are against Putin, who does everything to destroy Russia, so it should
be no surprise they will be opposing Putinism, and see Navalny as a chance of transition to a more
patriotic government. But why do we need their evil Russia at all in any shape or form?
Navalny has graduated from the RUDN University, the place where the USSR and Russia train
spies like the infamous Patrice Lumumba. Random people from the streets are not accepted there
without good recommendations. Kremlin dependent media, like Echo of Moscow, and the clowns,
like Zolotov promote Navalny as the alternative to Putin, while in case of legit opposition such
media usually keeps complete silence to avoid attracting any attention.
Other than cooperation with Kremlin, it is difficult to explain how Navalny still haven't "hanged
himself" in jail already, while real oppositionists, like Nemtsov, Udaltsov and Martsinkevich, were
all killed and/or imprisoned for much less.
However, Navalny lunatics are not alone. Less major "anti-Putin" opposition leaders too express
deep nationalist sentiments. One good example would be Khodorkovsky, who explicitly scolded the
people wanting to sabotage and destroy Mother Russia:
"The worse - the better. The better - the worse. "All that unites - all
for the benefit of the regime. Down with the common festivities..."
- whatever the adherents of such a position do think about themselves,
they objectively lead to the destruction of the Russian nation
and the possibility of creating proper civic Russian state.
-- Mikhail Khodorkovsky,
about Russophobes in the context of FIFA 2018
I am ready to deal with political prisoners in the context of Europe,
but in Ukraine - thank you, no more. I'm sure there are less toxic
spheres for human rights activities.
- Julia Arkhipova,
indignant that the Ukrainians are careful not to cooperate with her

I have indeed applied to Emigrussia for help, in a private form, before holding an action of
burning the flag of Russia, on the question of whether I will be granted asylum in Ukraine in this
context. They said "no." But I burned the flag anyway to express my opinion. Now this Yulia
Arkhipova, ignoring the elementary ethics, published the details of personal correspondence and
promised to obtain my extradition to Russia. In her blog, Arkhipova criticizes Ukraine and attacks
Ukrainian human rights activists, condemning the picketing of the Russian embassy, and pointing
out how Ukrainians should behave themselves. To the indignation of another refugee from Russia,
Misha Agafonov, "Oh, here you are teaching Ukrainians about human rights and activism!",
Arkhipova answered in Russian simply, "Misha, I can teach you how to go fuck yourself if you do
not know already."
However, I am guilty myself, because other refugees warned that it is better to stay away from
Emigrussia, which is a branch of the House of Free Russia, that exists on Kremlin money, and is
engaged in provocations (for example, the posed wearing German Nazis uniform, as if on behalf of
Ukrainians). House of Free Russia arrogantly speaks on behalf of all Russian emigrants, and also
participates in the legitimization of false elections in Russia, urging emigrants to vote. Moreover,
signatures were collected in the petition to the Ukrainian authorities for the closure of the
Emigrussia and the House of Free Russia, whose activists declare that Ukraine is their Russian land,
but the Crimean Tatars are, in the opinion of the House of Free Russia, a "horde" and "Ottoman
vassals". This greatly offended the Tatar people, and the leader of the Crimean Tatars, Aider
Muzhdabaev, also called for the closure of the House of Free Russia, which in fact is an open agent
of the FSB. https://15minut.org/articles/171829-aktivist-iz-doma-svobodnoj-rossii-v-Kyive-obvinil-

On account of me, one of the Russian oppositionists uttered the following:

Your political views are secondary. They were formed as a result
of your negative experience. A negative experience is obtained because
you are a degenerate and an unpleasant person who repels and disposes
of himself not only normal people but also russian patriotic bydlo,
who formed your views on life and on Russia. Whatever you're doing,
breeding rabbits, fishing or installing lighting equipment -
the attitude towards you would remain the same.
The other oppositionist directly wanted my deportation and punishment:
you, fuck, should already be in prison or in madhoulse, less stink will

In reply to my protest about human rights violations, the oppositionists answered without
human rights?
but you sadkov are not a human being for the fucking of it
any hamster, hedgehog, yes a rat is more human than you
so no rights for you fucking bug - just death

In Facebook they too wrote without unnecessary reasoning:

I'm sorry, but he needs not a political refuge, but
a serious psychiatriс help, I think.
A person is traumatized to inadequacy and does not understand it
-- Inga Igrikova, about the sketch of this manuscript

Concerning my political ideas, the opinion of anti-Putin opposition could be reduced to:
Your position seems to be an ugly curved mirror reflecting
the same hatred that is filled with the people you are fighting
(or you think that you are fighting).
Hate kills the soul of the hater ...
-- Arthur Kalmeyer, https://art-of-arts.livejournal.com/880955.html

I would like to get rid of such publications. Mr. Sadkov's bold

like the legalization of child porn, etc. IMHO not everyone here is
interested in it. This is very mildly speaking.
I do not consider "moral court" a normal human disgust for the character
who writes all kinds of shit.
-- Sergei Sagalovich, on freedom of speech

At another site, lj.rossia.org, which is advertised to have the most radically thinking opposition
multiplied by free speech, they had the same blind negativity towards me:
This is all - "the Russians must suffer,"
"russobydlo must suffer" and other spam,
which is poured into my comments - this
in principle, the official Putin's ideology,
organized by the ruling criminal group,
and in particular FSB. I do easily forgive it
to my good Ukrainian friends, who suffered
from provocateurs, from intimidated persecution,
but otherwise I won't tolerate this shit here
Either you are a FSB provocateur, or you are,
again, a stupid shit, suffering from a defect
imagination; only your brothers in mind can
talk to you, who putting cotton wool in their noses.
Nobody fucking cares why and whom you hate.
Out of courtesy in response I would have wished you
the painful suffering you wish for other, but
the idea of choosing the future for you, even
wearing disposable gloves, causes disgust.
Go kiss Your Holy Boots, in Moscow
The Kremlin is full by your like-minded people.
But here you have nothing to catch.
-- Julia Friedman 'aculeata',
commented on my hate of the Russians
and wished me deportation to Russia

Her husband, Mikhail Verbitsky, part-owner of the site, was dissatisfied that during my stay in the
psychiatric hospital, I reported to the nurses on other patients, and also informed police about the
carders who robbed US citizens:
just go fuck yourself
fucking snitch
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/tiphareth/2115257.html?thread=110942137

Also on lj.rossia.org, another dissenter, with a madfrequency nickname, supporting Navalny and
boycotting the election of President Putin, wrote to me:
just already die nikita
Do not whine about your fate here - it's not interesting to anyone.
all that is happening to you now is your fault personally, schizo
you should've been sent to prison after you burned that hamster,
go die already, nutcase

And to my observation that Ukraine is not a Russian business, madfrequency replied:

As for "Russian" and similar statements in my address - it's a ban
immediately, you are schizophrenic bastard. I should also ban everyone
who added you to friend list because it is a sign - adding as a friend
such a schmuck. And I'm not going to keep silent - it's not only their
internal Ukrainian business, if they consider themselves civilized, and
not closeminded national fuckwits. The one who, having a Ukrainian
passport, believes that those who don't should not state their position
on what is happening in Ukraine, must fucking fuck off. Quickly!

He was supported by the Russian-speaking "Ukrainian" lady double_agent, hinting that I would be
helped in a psychiatric ward, and when asked if she really was Ukrainian and why she attacked me -
a person loyal to Ukraine, she answered that she was not sure of my loyalty to Ukraine, continuing:
Sadov, go already fuck yourself. With your cruelty, you
would make a good cop. And my nationality is generally

I do not know from what, but the concentration of the fuck

ups goes up... Just Sadkov shows a lot, I do not know
where he was before, but he was not there and he appeared
after the Crimean Annexation.
-- double_agent believes that if a person does
not like Russians, then he is "fucked up"

However, judging by her diary, where [her typical post]

(https://lj.rossia.org/users/double_agent/456301.html) begins with the words "again we drink
absinthe", in Spain double_agent was engaged in alcotourism, as befits the real Russian person.
Apparently I'm still a traitor to Russian culture, for Absinthe is the last thing I thought of filling my
leisure with had I been in Spain, where I could visit La Sagrada Familia for example, or just go to
the sea. In [her next post](https://lj.rossia.org/users/double_agent/455871.html) double_agent called
the Europeans "swine".

A year later, the drunken double_agent [made a debauch in Europe]

(https://lj.rossia.org/users/double_agent/492495.html), reporting on her victories over the
Drinking like a Pig. Long time since I had not kicked it like that, maybe almost
10 years .. I was drinking up. 2 more nights, I am somewhere delirious in the village
home. Glasses safely removed, not too know where I am. I went out, turned on the
song. For the pilots, Quin. I wont to brek free ... Already almost 2:00, I decided that
if there will be more quinn, I was leaving. And left. I came out - there is such a bitch
beautiful garden. And I got under it and decided to vomit because they have a
garden and they evict me from an apartment. And specially came up and 2 fingers in
my mouth. If you see already dripping saliva is transparent and beautiful - push on
further. In short, I came showered the garden flowers in vomit and I felt a little
better. Then another 5 or 4 times vomited under different gardens. The remote thing
is this bulimia - at first, the play then you still OK, and the other way around. Bitch
fucking hate. I went to the house. I am almost OK and in general. Yes, in general,
oh. Thanks to the auto-corrector, I hope you understand something, but not so, and
dick with it

The anti-Putin oppositionists did not hesitate to use my physical appearance and mental disorders as
an argument against me:
An annoying young man writing under the nickname sadkov, as always, is kicked
out from everywhere. And the reason here is completely not in some kind of
his "oppositionary" attidue. He is not an oppositionary at all. It’s just
that he constantly needs to be driven from somewhere by a filthy broom, he
needs to constantly confirm to himself his bad life scenario. As they say, a
difficult childhood, lack of vitamins. This is not treated.
-- Dmitry Belomestnov

Yes, morality. There is such a concept. You're a freak. Russia has every
right to demand your extradition.
-- Paul Sekhtman, Russian publicist

I knew several gay men, both at work and just, but, here they would rather
fuck an ugly girls than you. Mizulina should award you with some anti-gay
medal. Because with such terrible gays anyone will become straight!
-- blu4sezon

Seeing such a fag naked, any gay will become straight. Oh, I just guessed
that he was not sitting in Russia. The guys did not want to fuck him and
shied away. I thought, probably, that the Ukrainian gays would still fuck
him. And it turned out, that even Donbass Orcs disdained.
-- blu4sezon

It seems to me that Sadkov has a very strong guardian angel. Otherwise, how
to explain that a person who does everything in order to end up in prison or
go to a mental hospital is still at large? It’s scary to watch him destroy
his own life.
-- moyagospoja

Then blu4sezon turned to threats to kill me, after I noticed that he was using sockpuppet accounts
for pro-Russian propaganda:
And yes, the bots that I will set on you will not be here in the LJR, but in
Kiev - boots put on the feet of the right-wing guys, and from these boots you
will be really bad.
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/samozvanec/1071387.html?

Other dissidents hiding in Ukraine reacted with surprising negativity to my Russophobia and the
dream about leaving Russia to never return again, although they themselves were persecuted under
Article 282, as for example blogger Anton Myrzin, who wrote:
It turns out that you prefer for others to fix the country for you, but at
the same time you call yourself "Russophobe". Strange position. I'm for
example not a russophobe, although they try to record me in as one.
-- Anton Myrzin, in personal correspondence

Here it is necessary to separate people and power, even if people,

support the power and the majority - those who are against this power both
inside Russia and beyond its borders - in theory they are your allies, but
you too, it turns out, fucking annoyed them. You have yourelf to blame. I
still understand that there is such a phenomenon as political radicalism, but
in your actions there is no politics, rather - a diagnosis.
-- Anton Myrzin, about my relationship with Emigrussia and Russians

Similarly to madfrequency, Anton Myrzin defended his right to tell Ukrainians what to do and what
language to speak. To my indigned objection that it is not our Russian business to climb into the
affairs of Ukraine, Myrzin began furiously swearing:
I have not been deprived of the word's right, incl. the right to give
assessment of the political events taking place here. The Ukrainian
government is corrupt, in its essence. And this is not a secret to anybody.
Here, at least, it is necessary to separate the country and the government.
It's not your dog business to tell me what talk and what to keep quiet about.
Try reading me my rights, you fucktard.
-- Anton Myrzin, speaks for Ukrainians about their government

The Ukrainian context, among others, is shaped by me. Like it or not. And I
do it without asking, because I myself decide what is right and what is not.
And I'm sending fucking advisers to fuck themselves no matter what is their
-- Anton Myrzin, saying "fuck yourself" to Ukrainians

However, Myrzin's opinion was not authoritative for me, for Myrzin is a Russian nationalist,
involved with the far-right circles. Previously Myrzin adorned his blog with swastikas and
mentioned Hitler in a rather positive light. At the same time, Myrzin [reported to FSB]
(https://lj.rossia.org/users/shitter/17752.html) on his neo-nazi friends, due to [working]
(https://lj.rossia.org/users/shitter/3790.html) as a paid informant for that service. In the context of
Russia's war with Ukraine, Myrzin edited several Stalinist and Nazi era posters, adding slogans
mocking the Russian invasion into Ukraine, for which he was charged with crime under article 282
of Russian crime code.

In 2014, Myrzin prophesied that the Putin regime would fall at the latest in 2017, but in 2018 the
new election of Putin were prepared without any excesses. For 11 years of his career, Myrzin
perfectly mastered the artistic style of a child from the deviantart.com, hammering out the
compositionally inarticulate flat collages from the stolen stock art, flavored with gradients, eye
hurting palette and the reluctance to research the depicted object. Often posters of Myrzin include
elements of neo-Nazism, homophobia and sexism.

As the true artist, Myrzin supports the Pirate Party that advocates the legalization of theft of
intellectual property. So actively in fact, he received a lock on his youtube account due to the theft
of other people's videos. At the time of writing the story, Myrzin was not shy about shoveling
Ukraine into the shit and ridiculing Ukraine's attempts to distance itself from Russia, like getting rid
of the Russian Orthodox Church. So are the Russian anti-Putin activists.
It is obvious they won't give you asylum in Ukraine you. Likely, they'll tell
you to fuck off. And not even the state, but ordinary citizens. Well, if you
completely cling with your horns, you'll get them broken off and put in a
madhouse, at best. At worst, you will be buried. I think this is the most
real thing that generally shines for you in Ukraine. And all because you are
the very Russian bydlo, and completely and tightly fucked up. You have a
talent of getting yourself into meaningless troubles. You're already fucked,
you've already been "done." And worse than you are now you are unlikely to be
already. And I do not want to get my hands dirty.
-- Anton Myrzin, about my prospects in Ukraine

Myrzin's sidekick, blu4sezon, gave a call:

I am ready to send $20 to the one who beats the face of Sadkov into a bloody pulp, and uploads
a video of that at youtube, throwing the link here, the money will arrive in a few days onto your
WMZ purse.
Another Russian nationalist, kambodja, wrote:
I've feeling that someone Sadkov is a FSB project. I.e write "Russians -
nonhumans," "kill Russians," "Putin's a fuck" - and then begin to carry such
a heinous shit that anyone per milligram a decent person will stay hundred-
kilometer away from this hydrofagot. Fuck, well. Sadkov is just a man-toilet.
Neither a protest nor anger, nor the desire to argue. Just lice. It seems to
me that if no one loves you, and everywhere they beat and ban you, then you
yourself are always to blame. "Doctor, it hurts me here, and here. - Yes,
your finger is broken." this scum, in his own words, "wrote a denunciation."
he also suggests killing children, killing people based on their nationality,
and not just suggest, but does: he is killing animals. his place is next to
the stomachin. in prison for life. stomachin, however, could be already
released. He doesn't advocate to kill the Russians anymore, realized: prison
- it helps. but the stomachin, in the words of Novodvorskaya, a conscientious
boy, stricken with injustice, and broken. he never hurt animals. and sadkov -
it is psychopathic scum. genetic degenerate, no different from his parents,
read his own shitposts about about his family. I hope, soon he will be
deporterd to the Russian Federation. I do not really understand, Misha, why,
some complexes? Why do not you ban this attenion whore? It is obvious that
this mentally fucked creature just loves attention. Why should we pay
attention to him? Ban him and be done with it. Fuck this democracy and
pluralism. Bastard and idiots must be banned.
-- kambodja, https://lj.rossia.org/users/kambodja/100813.html
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/kambodja/101232.html

The programmer and punk-anarchist hex_laden wrote:

Fuck off already from Kyiv (in fact, I have helped a little in this matter
already). You make me vomit. Fat guy is not a man, I hope, in the Russian
Madhouse you will lose weight, they feed there so-so.
-- regarding my woman sized tits

The user, instant_karma, who considers himself rather an anarchist, was dissatisfied with the
hamster I burned and wrote about me:
User with the avatar of the cat again fucked up to the mice... From where,
and most importantly - WHY for some people in character this Talmudic-
Kabbalistic meticulous meticulousness and pettiness?
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/instant_karma/76434.html

He was supported by kaledin, the administrator of the site lj.rossia.org, calling me crazy:
The answer to all these questions is contained in the textbook on forensic

A follower of Putin with the nickname a_n_d_r_u_s_h_a wrote:

Judging by your posts, you are either an ideological extremist, or just
Both do not get the right of asylum in any country in the world.
You must either go to jail or be treated in psychiatric ward.
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/sadkov/177110.html?

The old lady Shapoklyak messed with people and insulted people because
she was bored and had no friends. Well and shed had senile marasmus.
But why Sadkov is such a nasty dirty geezer?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Nomally, it goes away at 14.
It turns out Sadkov has senile marasmus. At this age!
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/a_n_d_r_u_s_h_a/3652785.html

Think about it - why do the fucks like you deserve life? What did you do?
Killed a hamster and peed around the KGB corner and now it's your pride?
What did you do good? Crapped and snitched at good friends and now boast
of it? Wrote an unnecessary video game in which only you play?
Such people, always aching and demanding attention, people like you are
unreliable, useless, mean - they are worthy of death, it is useless
to treat them in psychiatric ward. Go get healing until you kill
a little girl.
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/sadkov/200257.html?

They echoed gudrun_fioshev, a Russian oppositionist living in the US; he was indignant that I had
not been banned so far:
Sadkov was banned (from his words) everywhere, even on the github.
LJR is the only place where he was not banned and maybe
wont be banned. They love shit there.
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/kambodja/100813.html

In my opinion Sadkov is worse than Russian, suka.

Although nothing could be worse.
Not even the superstitious stump-for-trump biogarbage.
This is ultimately just a delusion - they are just idiots who make money
and therefore they have no money. Sadkov is much worse.
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/gudrun_fioshev/179661.html

Another liberal, Dmitry Belomestnov, who was dissatisfied with my poem about Kadyrov, wrote:
Someone else doubts that sadkov is a provocateur?!
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/anti_myth/2747251.html

Another Russian oppositionist, josephus, was indignant at my threat of killing Russian children,
should Russia achieve my extradition, as if I had no right to take revenge on the Russians:
By the way I thought donating Sadkov some money, say $100 a month,
especially when he fumbled around the hostels, it was very pitiful.
And then he began talkin about the slaughter of Russian children,
so, well, fuck this shit. Nobody likes terrorism.
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/josephus/21319.html

Ukrainians expressed themselves about me in the same way:

Here you are - a fucking illegal immigrant, and I do not like you.
I won't make a lampshade out of you, just hear, get the fuck out.
-- t. Ukrainian bourgeois nationalist.

Ukrainians were also unhappy with the fact that I criticized the situation with the LGBT rights in
Russia, they called me "fagot". To such accusation, I replied that I do not like their Ukraine for a
number of reasons, and I am not an immigrant (neither illegal nor any), I do not desire their
Ukrainian citizenship, but only seek asylum in order to obtain a legal status and escape into another
country, more hospitable, than the Russian-riddled Ukrainian garbage dump. Preferably escaping
further to the West, and not to the East.

The answer of the Ukrainians did not take long, somebody Anton Litvinov, with the nickname
'Svobobul', it looks like the colleague of Myrzin from the "Svoboda" party, not knowing the
Ukrainian language, wrote in Russian:
I can help.
Well, I don't about "to the West," but from Ukraine for sure, because we dont
need such fagots, we have enough already. Zolotse, if you think that it's so
hard to find you in Kyiv, or where you are there, for a Nazi, then you are
cruelly mistaken. It is enough of sent your photo together with screenshots
and a link to your blog to the chat rooms of the nationalists, and already in
a couple of days there will appear a videos as you're apologizing before
Ukraine and Ukrainians.

To his ignorant barking came my ignorant answer: "Try, help, you Ukrainian fucktard." And this
Litvinov frenzied. Using internal telegram channels of the Nazi organizations Sokil, C14 and the
National Corps, Litvinov began spreading the calls to lynch me "fagot" "with a razor to the throat
and throw into the well." Other Ukrainians wrote similarly:
Go back to your swineland, we don't need you here. Ukrainian nationalists are
already looking for you Russian fagot Get ready! Soon we will forward your
carcass back to the East, to Russia, alive or dead.

I answered that Ukrainian nationalists have nothing more to do but to fight with bloggers and gays.
It is difficult for them to dismantle the USSR coat of arms from the "The Motherland Monument",
to understand why the fraudulent killer Slyusarchyk is still free, why Russian companies like
Eldorado, O'STIN and Sportmaster still operate in Ukraine, or finally just to date a girl to create a
family. The nationalists responded in Russian:
Partly you are right. Ideally we should come to a well-balanced society,
containing all manifestations extremes, from fucking the ass fagots to the
Chassidic Jews. But these are our internal affairs, and you are a fagot. Your
potential weight and usefulness as an apologist for Ukraine in the world is
the magnitude negative, we do not need such shit as an "ally" even with
surcharge, get the fuck out, scum fuck.
-- typical Ukrainian nationalist response
Apparently for Ukrainians it seems normal when "ideally" one talks to them in Russian, and
instead of answering "не кажу на вашій мові" or immediately punching into the face, Ukrainians
slavishly agree to speak the invasive language of the Russian aggressor. Even worse Ukrainians
themselves talk in Russian, with pleasure sucking the unwashed Russian cock. And I'm not their
"ally": I'm on my own. First of all, I want to escape somewhere to a civilized country to work on my
programming projects, forgetting the Russian language and Eastern Europe completely. But
Ukrainians do not seem to want to forget the Russian language and Russian culture. Why do
Ukrainian has such a love for a sweaty Muscovite sock in his mouth? To my question about the use
of the Russian language by Ukrainian nationalists, instead of their own Ukrainian language (or
"Mova" as they call it), the answer was:
I'm used to it, in general. To surrounding people, as they are, fucking dont
care that I speak Russian. The main thing is that we understand each other.
Your ideas about Ukraine came from the Russian TV. And then you came here and
decided to feed the people surrounding you with your Russian manure. It
should be understood that the people around you are not sick fucks with a
headache brain as, for example, you. I do not fucking care, when the pig
degenerate from the fucking nowhere begins indicate what I SHOULD. I'll cut
your mouth, fagot. Go fuck yourself, you fucking creature.
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/sadkov/136161.html?thread=5300705#t5300705

To my question, "Then what makes you Ukrainians better than Russians?" - the answer was:
Instead of producing the likes of you, Ukrainians destroy them. rejoice that
you have to to rest in this fertile land, even though you are not worthy.

Dmitry Vedeneev, a blogger supporting the Putin's regime, made assumptions and argued that I'm
lying, I do not have the right to claim refuge status and therefore must return to Russia, because
"nothing threatens" me:
Nikita Sadkov is trying to throw dust into our eyes. he was in madhouse and
probably he has a certificate that he is retarded and, most likely, has
disability due to this. This explains the inadequate behavior of Sadkov. He
shits in a public place, he does some other abominable things and that, most
of all most importantly, he gets away with it all. But the availability of a
certificate and a disability for the reason that he is retarded explains most
of this issue. Summary. Nikita Sadkov has a certificate that he is retarded
and has disability. He receives a pension of about 17-20 thousand rubles, for
which he exist. Programming (loudly said) is his hobby and he doesn't make
him money. Nikita won't get refuge neither in Ukraine, nor in Estonia, nor in
Zimbabwe, nor in any other country due to the fact that he is a retard in the
direct sense of the word. They have enough sick idiots without Nikita.
Nothing threatens Nikita's health and life in his home country, due to the
fact that he is crazy. And in Russia retarded are tolerated so far. Moreover,
I will say that Nikita needs to return to his native country.
-- Dmitry Vedeneev, believing that pissing at
Russian military glory monument is "abominable"

Of course, in case of deportation to Russia, Vedeneev himself and his compatriots will pat me on
the head, possibly with a brick. To my argument that there is a threat to me in Russia, Vedeneev
said that I violated the laws and must be punished. I objected that Russian laws are not the laws of
human being, but only tribal conventions, analogous to the traditions of African cannibals. I.e. it's
one thing to steal from a Western man, another thing - stealing from an oriental Russian subhuman.
In my opinion, after the introduction of NATO troops into Russia, heroin must be legalized as the
first new law, just as the British poisoned these cunt-eyed Chinese goblins with opium. And for the
good, since today China is the Russian ally - two evil asiatic gook nations.
The most neutral person at lj.rossia.org was the Ukrainian programmer wieiner_, who was
dissatisfied that on an informal resource for mathematicians is spamed with political debates.
However, under the pressure of his Russian colleagues, wieiner_ also insulted me "mentally
unhealthy" thus supporting the punitive Russian psychiatry:
I'm here for mathematics, and not for politics or the flaming with
incomprehensible mentally unhealthy people.

However, the Ukrainian wieiner_ is only by his passport, but in fact bears the Russian name
Alexander Militsin, basically refusing to speak Ukrainian language. As for English, Militsin
practically [does not know it] (http://militsin.com/resume/), spelling "artificial intellectuality"
instead of "artificial intelligence" and lives in Mariupol (that is in Donbass, near to Donetsk).

After Maidan in 2015, Militsin [moved to Moscow](http://www.gamedev.ru/job/forum/?

id=198212), where he tried to find work for a long time, declaring that he has "quite good
knowledge of mathematics", knows "philosophy and languages ", has a rich experience in
developing video games ("the first game was written in 1992 - free of charge."), but the hospitable
Russians denied this pathertic cockhole a programming job, so the talented Donbass philosopher
Militsin, the inventor of [Quantum Linguistics] (http://militsin.com/L4wiki/index.php?title=
%D0%B3%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8) and [Militsin's
Fourfold Logic] (http://militsin.com/L4wiki/index.php?title=%D0%AD%D0%BB
%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F), is compelled to
compete with the Tajiks, working then a security guard, then a ticket selle in the public toilet. Later,
Militsin finally made his opinion about me:
the more I read the Russophobic texts of Nikita Sadkov,
the less I want to be a Russophobe. Looks first
disgusting, secondly, these "attempts of a madman"
to fight with the archetypical god of Russianness
are ridiculous.
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/wieiner_/270966.html

you are an embittered and brash Russian fool. typical moskal,

unfortunately very toxic. drink a diluted wine maybe
you'll pass for a Romanian, and then we'll see. :))
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/sadkov/120814.html?thread=4512750

Can't speak Ukrainian right now

I'm somewhere near Moscow, storming stars
-- wieiner_ in response to an attempt to talk to him in Ukrainian

Militsin disliked even my condemnation that in Moscow cops drive away beggars:
you're crazy, you understand this? what you write contradicts itself. you do
not even know what you're writing about. You seem like an adult, but you talk
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/do_/526350.html?thread=2301454#t2301454

The Russians massively supported Militsyn's attacks on me:

eccentric good-natured Weiner is a billion times prettier than sadfuckov, in
all senses. of course you have to run from Mariupol, because by autumn. Putin
will move tanks there. and run to Kyiv, to Moscow or to Dusseldorf - what's
the difference? Just enjoy your work. while sadfuckov everywhere will be an
unwanted, brainless fagot.
As well as the Ukrainians, like freir, who wrote:
I would not be surprised if someone kill him there. The cops won't throw him
into the sewer. most likely, will be afraid because now it is not known,
where the problems come from, while nationalists will happily take the
responsibility. I believe that after these Gypsies [Ukrainian neo-Nazis
recently killed gypsies] this will somehow whitewash them in the eyes of the
liberal public.
-- freir, regarding what the Ukrainian police will do to my corpse

Anton Myrzin agreed:

Stomakhin personally displeases me completely, but the first thing we do,
coming to power in Russia, will be giving him freedom, because he is not a
political subject and absolutely harmless. Putinists intentionally put him
into anger with the help of systematic bullying, to demonstrate everyone "the
face of Russophobia".

But Sadkov is less lucky - he is a socially dangerous psychopath with organic

damage to the brain and will be placed on a lifetime forced psychiatric
treatment. Yes, a brutally tortured hamster is certainly not the main
indicator of Sadkov's inadequacy, he has a whole bunch of symptoms.

All other Sadkov's "performances" around "eternal fire", etc. are committed
by drunk residents of the Russian Federation every year, so that even in this
he is not original. I.e. Sadkov was not seriously prosecuted in the Russian
Federation, except that he "lucky" to become a complete freak - mainly due to
his own worldview.

Concerning the fact that Sadkov, is most likely - "a crazy on trust,
specially released by the FSB into Ukraine to discredit the real
oppositionists who fled here, through demonstrative and inadequate
"Russophobia", this idea is conjectured by my Ukrainian friends. By the way,
did anyone ask how Sadkov so easily managed to escape from the supervision of
police, when he had already been searched, was interrogated, etc.?

What is most interesting, Ukrainians hate not Russians, but only those who
supports Putin (in fact, there are many who support him - the same Buryats,
Chechens, Ossetians, etc. of the people - if we talk in the context of ethnic
the composition of the Putinists), I was convinced of this on my own
experience - when I say who I am and where and why I was in Ukraine - the
reaction such - first surprise, then they listen with interest and some
-- https://lj.rossia.org/users/wieiner_/270966.html?thread=1801590#t1801590

There, Myrzin was asked "We are who?" about his "the first thing we'll do when we come to
power in Russia." Myrzin responded "liberals." That's why I hate the anti-Putin liberals an order of
magnitude more than Putin and his FSB, because they have no power, but already planned Gulag in
advance and formed blacklists full of "enemies of the people."
In addition, the Russian liberals banned me at https://www.reddit.com/r/liberta/ for my verse
calling the ethnicities of Russia to fight for independence. Russian patriots at least are honest evil,
openly supporting Stalin and the repressions, while the Russian oppositionists are the same evil, but
wearing sheep's clothing. The Chechen War was started not by Putin, but by the beloved by Russian
liberals Yeltsin, an adherent of Russian imperialism, and Putin was approved as a successor by
Yeltsin, while I was forcibly "treated" in psychiatric hospitals under both Yeltsin and Putin.
Oh, the proud Chechen, the mighty eagle,
We Russians have taken the land of your people.
And all you can do now is helplessly wheeple.
Weak-willed Tatar, to the Russia who bowed,
Your people got lost in the Russian crowd,
Being good slave to our Moscow you vowed.

Naive Buryat, your Baikal turns to slew,

The Russian speech is surrounding you,
We cut down your trees, your resources are few.

I'm addressing you without being polite!

Are you going regain your honor in fight?
Or being a cattle - your fateful blight?

Even Gaziza betrayed me, for some reason angered that I killed that hamster, which symbolized the
Russian oppositionist:
When a person hates the authorities who disfigure the nation and run away
from it where the eyes look - this is one thing! But sadism – it's completely
different! If you really burned a hamster, then I despise you! You disgust
me!!! I do not want to talk to you! You roasted him alive! You are crazy! I
thought you were just miser, and you're also a killer !!!!!
-- Gaziza, after learning about the action with a hamster

It turns out that some hamster is more important than friendship and human rights. Besides, the
hamster was my private property, bought for my money specifically for the performance act. But
not everyone understand that pointing others how they should dispose of their property is a sign of
communism, under which there was no private property and everything belonged to the party
nomenclature, while people were essentially powerless slaves. How will such revolutionaries intent
burn the riot police, which defends the dictatorship, if they fear even to burn a hamster without the
permission of their master?

Although Gaziza told not to write her anymore, I later asked her, as a poet, to evaluate the poetry I
had written recently. Gaziza's review of my poetry is brief:
Frankly: you are a monster!

Further, Gaziza began with the zeal of a Komsomol member to praise the Russian-Soviet people:
Against your ideas are not only a multimillion army of Russians, but the
whole world, even those who do not speak Russian, they read not only Brodsky,
but also other great works of Russian literary heritage. Also, not only
Russian but also Soviet! By the way, for example, the same Americans are very
fond of Dostoevsky! And Johnny Deep repeatedly confessed that he dreams of
starring in the role of Raskolnikov

In addition, Gaziza without any irony posted the 9th of May the paraphernalia attributes, like photos
of eternal fire and St. George ribbons. I wished for all Russians to go to Hell, to which Gaziza
replied "Be careful no to get there yourself." However, for me, Hell is their abominable Russia,
inhabited by devils. Russia has not given me anything but evil: I have no friends or acquaintances
among Russians, but there are plenty of enemies, including those Russians who rush at me with
fists, and even knives. To my opinion that the Russian people should be treated as Salome did to the
troublemaker John the Baptist, Gaziza continued:
No matter how much strength your “Salome” has,
You're scum, and she is powerless before God!
I hope this girl will someday be killed too...
You are a sadist, Nikita! And a fascist...
This is some nonsense!
We must have a mind, conscience and a pure soul!
And the Russian language, as the people will live forever!
Gaziza's opinion coincided with the opinion of other Russians who read my poems:
it is more correct to destroy such bastards,
or forcedly treat for life in a psychiatric ward
- Commentary of typical Russian

And my brother, Denis Sadkov, answered with the following:

You should surrender to the Russian authorities. With such a track record, no
country would accept you. In general, you're a complete idiot...... and it
would not hurt you to get psychiatric help to treat your sociopathy.
All the same, there are no bigger enemies than your relatives, because say Pavlensky is orders of
magnitude more dangerous than me: Pavlensky nailed his scrotum to the Red Square, cut off his
earlobe and set fire to the FSB door, but for some reason the Russian psychiatric experts recognized
him sane, while France even gave political asylum. Maybe because Pavlensky, who afterwards did
more damage to France, than he did for Russia?
I haven't done anything socially dangerous at all - only peaceful protest performed by accident: I
walked with a bottle of Coca-Cola, got tired, and put the bottle near the Eternal Fire, but the wind
blew, the bottle toppled and put out the fire. Or I went to the General Prosecutor's Office, to find out
why my social network account was blocked by their order, and accidentally spilled cat's tray,
which Gaziza asked to throw out into the trash can. Then I wanted to cook that rooster Rusich for
lunch with noodles. Try proving the opposite.

However, Denis retorted to that:

Proving is your task, and the impression from your statements is created that
you are a sick person, and no country needs additional cripples. Pavlensky
made a name for himself in the beginning, got influential friends around the
world, but, in any case, look how he finished. Even liberal France did not
understand such "art".
Free Speech: is there Such a Thing?
The earth burned under their feet, we made them to shit themselves.
If you want to establish life for many centuries, then people need
to be educated, but Chechens are ill-educated. They have good land,
and the soil is fertile: throw a seed - everything grows. What kind
of reconciliation could be there? "Chichi" as we call them. We will
still kill them all. They must be destroyed, they are fucking beasts.
-- Russian invaders talk about Chechens and Chechen land

Tired of Russian government propaganda at Wikipedia, I registered there and tried to

challenging the edit of a well-known propagandist, who is also the unspoken manager of Russian
Wikipedia. The result was predictable: almost instantly I got indefinite block, without any reason,
warning and discussion, after my first and single edit, removing the false and islamophobic
assessment of the "Islamic terrorist" in the article about the hero of the Chechen people - Amir
People responsible for Wikipedia simply refused to discuss the reasons for the ban and the
possibility of unblocking me. After my ban, a new lie was immediately added to the article,
groundlessly stating that Khattab is an "Arab mercenary", although Khattab is a Circassian, whose
ancestors fled from the Russians invading Caucasus, where the Russians committed the genocide of
Circassians. Khattab, at the call of the heart, fought for the idea and freedom of the fraternal
Caucasus people from the Russians, first in Afghanistan, where the Russians unceremoniously
invaded, then in Chechnya, which Russians attacked like a pack of plague ravens on the eagle.
Judging from the discussion, I was banned at Wikipedia by obvious Russian hurray-patriots,
whose personal pages are filled with St. George ribbons (a neo-nazi symbol, Russian equivalent of
American Confederate flag), orthodox icons and plaques, like "Born in the USSR." There is an
obvious conflict of interest. It's not for these Russian imperialists to judge Khattab, Bandera or any
other national separatist or anti-Russian insurgent.
Amir Khattab did not engage in terrorism, he haven't harmed civilians. Amir Khattab fought
exclusively with the invading Russian military forces. But Russians meanly slandered the freedom
fighter. Terrorism is when some Charlie Hebdo is blown up for funny pictures, but not when you
defend against the attack of the drunk Russian soldier, armed to the teeth, who came to the lands of
your ancestors at the order of Kremlin. The so-called "Chechen terrorism" is just a provocation by
the FSB, which was tasked with getting an excuse to seize Chechen land. Russians themselves blew
up their commie-blocks (the so called "Ryazan Sugar" case), accusing the Chechens of this, just as
Stalin rigged Kirov's murder, accusing his political opponents.
In addition, after publishing a sketch version of this research in Russian, I began receiving
threats that Kadyrovtsy would now kill me. Ramzan Kadyrov, a Kremlin prostitute, bears anti-
Semitic nonsense about Khattab, stating that "Khattab is a Jew and his daughter is Sarah." All of
Russia is made up of such frank cynical lies. Chechen people themselves call Kadyrov "Kafirov"
(from the word "Kafir" - traitor), for the fact that the Kadyrov clan cooperated with the KGB even
during the Soviet Union and sold their people to the Russians for money and the patronage of the
In 2008, in the context of the war with Georgia, Russians began to massively change in all
articles the name "Tskhinvali" to "Tskhinval", leaving edit war as winners, although historically
they always wrote it with "i". Similarly, in the context of the war with Ukraine, Russians are
massively replacing "in Ukraine" with the phrase "on Ukraine," thus emphasizing that Ukraine is
just a territory, and not an independent country, and therefore it can be annexed with impunity.
Purely Russian pettiness, crossed with ostentatious grandeur.

By writing to info@wikimedia.org, I received the official reply from the Wikimedia Foundation:
"we can not deal with queries about the Russian Wikipedia,
since each version has its own rules and policies "
- Lawrence Devereaux

It turns out that the Russian part of Wikipedia is completely controlled by Russian government, and
the Wikimedia Foundation does not answer for it. I was redirected to the Russians at info-
ru@wikimedia.org, where, in spite of my question asked in English and the request to reply also in
English (I don't speak Russian, could you please reply in English?), some Oleg Dogadin boldly
responded in Russian:
"Статьи в Википедии пишутся ... на основе информации из авторитетных
источников, не зависимо, положительная или отрицательная информация о герое"
- Oleg Dogadin

Thus, the representative of Wikipedia subscribed to the fact that obvious pro-Kremlin sources like
RussiaToday and Regnum are authoritative enough to constitute one-sided insulting judgment about
the person who fought for the independence of his people from Russia, and the principle of NPoV
can be neglected when it is convenient for propaganda.

In addition, Russian government operates the so-called "Virtual Front" at Wikipedia, whose official
task is
"to fill the often used Internet resource "Wikipedia" with full and truthful
information about the achievements and exploits of the Russian people."
- http://www.bbc.com/russian/features-38996007

Patriotic participants of the Russian Wikipedia comment on this:

"If these frontline soldiers write articles ... then it's
fine ... the content will not be superfluous."

Employees of such "Fronts" are creating politically biased articles, similar to that article about
Amir Khattab, removing any information contradicting the official Russian mythology. For
example, in the Russian version of the article on the capture of Siberia by Russians, there is no
mention of the genocide of the Siberian people:
Among Russian Wikipedia users and admins, homophobia and sexism are rampant. For
example, absent in other languages, the article "Homonegativism" (Гомонегативизм), which
quotes homophobes, like the Russian sexologist M. Beylkin, who insists on the compulsory
treatment of gays and the change of their orientation to heterosexual.
The Wikipedia sexists included even a member of the Union of Writers of the Russian
Federation, Nikolai Eikhvald, who opposed the holding of the women's wiki-marathon. And on the
justified statement of the fact of sexism on Wikipedia, from Russians there comes a brash
shameless answer "why journalists support this nonsense about sexism", implying apparently some
conspiracy theory aimed at destroying their patriarchal little world in which Russians can get drunk
and beat their wives with impunity.
On attempts by women to investigate the subject of longstanding discrimination, the Russian
Wikipedia editors state that "gender studies are quackery and pseudoscience", further harshly
hinting that the articles written by women "deserve nothing but criticism." Then Russians don't
hesitate to point out the "proper" woman's place: "after all, a man usually kills mammoths, and the
woman cooks them and sits with children." After that go nasty sexist jokes about "Systemic
deviations caused by the centuries-old oppression of women". [1]
After I made my blocking public, the administrators of Russian Wikipedia began helpless
justification that there is the so-called "The three-revert rule" - "An editor must not perform more
than three reverts on a single page—whether involving the same or different material—within a 24-
hour period. Violations of the rule often attract blocks of at least 24 hours." However, I made only
two reverts (certainly not more than three) and Russians blocked me permanently (rather than for
24 hours), disabling even the ability to request an unblock. [2]
In response, the Russians continued to justify themselves that I am just a new user, immediately
telling that according to Wikipedia rules "admins are stricter towards beginners than the
experienced participants", which fundamentally contradicts the fundamental principle of Wikipedia
"Assume Good Faith", suggesting that beginners are treated with condescension, because beginner
errors by default are not from evil. Thus, the Russians violate their own rules when it is profitable
for propaganda, and of course they will not tolerate newcomers, especially if these "newcomers"
are trying to question Russian propaganda, and the moderator is a member of the "Virtual Front",
"born in the USSR", wearing St. George ribbons, thinking that gays should receive forced
psychiatric treatment, and that the woman's place is "at the kitchen."
Losing argument Russian Wikipedia admins suddenly declared that I'm "just a socially inept
idiot" and that "blocking you was completely justified", citing the example of a certain other user,
Pavel Shekhtman, saying that Shekhtman is "opposition leader", who contributed to hundreds of
articles. In a personal conversation, Shekhtman told me that now he rarely edits Wikipedia, and
some time ago administration politics was different, but after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict of
2014, many politically active supporters of the Kremlin did come to Wikipedia, but they did not yet
decided to block Shekhtman, apparently because of his fame and contribution to Wikipedia. With
regard to Amir Khattab, Shekhtman does not have a final opinion, but agreed that the description of
the "Islamic terrorist" should be reformulated into "person X has opinion that person Y is a
terrorist" and placed under opinions section, in order to observe the NPoV principle. All this, in
spite of the fact that the Shekhtman is very critical regarding Islam and apparently himself takes
money to propagate the Kremlin's line, since Shekhtman supports the Russian invasion into Syria
and the Russian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Learning that I published this research on my personal page in the English-language Wikipedia,
the Russians started global campaign against me, demanded the global administrators of the
Wikimedia Foundation to block me on all Wikimedia sites. [3]
To the credit of the Western moderators, they only suppressed my personal page, allegedly because
it disclosed someone's personal information, not satisfying the request for global block on me.
I asked for a comment on this text on the official IRC channel of Russian Wikipedia
(#wikipedia-ru), the answer was received from the administrator of this channel and the oldest
participant of Russian Wikipedia, a certain Sergey Kukovlev, who stated that my claims were
"khuita" (fucked bullshit), then Kukovlev falled into homophobia about "fagots" "who had the
audacity to translate into Russian articles about US politicians who are gay", giving a link to his
blog [4]. In other words, Russian community at Wikipedia is not capable of anything more than
homophobia and rudeness with swearing and insults.
Administration of Russian Wikipedia is very biased. The members of administration are often
employees of state institutions. So Sergei Ilyinykh (Wulfson) - the main administrator and the
acknowledged unspoken owner of the Russian part of Wikipedia, bears an officer rank (real one, in
Russian army), is a military interpreter by profession and for a long time worked as a chief in the
military office (hence KGB informer), in his own words. Ilyinykh created the article
"Russophobia," exposing the enemies of the Russian people, and promoted the stigma "terrorists"
for the Caucasian separatists, for trying to challenge which Ilyinykh gives permanent ban. The
essence of Sergei Ilyinykh as a propagandist is well manifested in the discussion of the same article
about Amir Khattab, where the Ilyinykh fully argue in the vein of the official Kremlin rhetoric,
presenting it as the opinion of "Russian society", which in reality was against the annexation of
Chechnya, because Russian are racist and don't want to share a single country with Muslims.[5]
The main contribution of the Ilyinykh is the frenzied propaganda in political articles, such as
"The change of power in Ukraine in February 2014," "Russia's role in the civil war in Syria," and
"Russian-American relations," where the Ilyinykh, who in fact is the half-official owner of Russian
Wikipedia, freely writes, like in a personal blog. [6]
Ilyinykh does not recognize the point of view that is different from the Kremlin's propaganda,
so Ilyinykh banned user "the wrong man", because he answered "My dear wulfson, and why write a
frank propagandistic nonsense about fifteen thousand killed Chechen militants (nobody seen the
corpses) and about the heroic Russian soldiers?". Ilyinykh, in the spirit of Russian chauvinism bans
Chechens and sympathizers, with formulations like "you supported a man who tries with his
lamentations about "correctness and neutrality" to justify the actions of bandits and terrorists (and
their ideological patrons) who killed citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of their
ideological and religious views."
Ilyinykh also eagerly bans editors for discussing Russian Wikipedia politics at external sites or
their personal blogs, despite these people breaking no Wikipedia rules. For example, users Leonid
Makarov and Alexander Krasotkin were blocked for an article on the external website about the
murdered Russian diplomat, Aleksandr Shilin, who, in the official version, committed suicide.
Their article proves that Shilin was a participant in Wikipedia, and Shilin's contribution to
Wikipedia completely refutes the version of suicide, because, for example, Shilin had almost
finished articles written in his personal user space. Presumably, Shilin was eliminated because of
the likelihood that he would publicize Russia's participation in the nuclear programs of Iran and the
DPRK, because the man just couldn't keep the tongue behind his cheeks.
The second most important administrator, Roman Becker, is officially liberal, but in practice he
is harmful fr gay people and pushes a position that is advantageous to the Kremlin, perhaps paid
like Ilyinykh. Under the Soviet Union, Roman was an ardent Communist, proudly declaring:
"There is experience, beginning with the school and student government (the Komsomol secretary
of the school, the trade union group in the student years) and to this day (the management of the
department)", and also boasted a fake medical doctor's diploma, which Roman used to justify his
authority to edit psychiatry related articles.
Another influential administrator of the Russian Wikipedia, A.Vajrapani, allows herself
statements in the spirit of: "The feeling of disgust for same-sex intercourse of the vast majority of
the world's population is due to a normal healthy reaction". [7]
Then A.Vajrapani gets angry that "the content is submitted in the context of sodomy as a
variant of the norm", in spite of the fact that modern science considers homosexual orientation as
the variant of the norm. Even worse, A.Vajrapani with her accomplices abuses administrative
privileges to push anti-LGBT propaganda, removing actual pro-LGBT activists from LGBT-related
articles editing process.[8][11]
Top-level administrators were caught in a poorly concealed manipulation of the voting process,
thus dragging their supporters and sockpuppets into the management clique and screening out those
unwanted. Despite this, the owners of the Wikimedia Foundation turn a blind eye to what is
happening in Russian Wikipedia.
Such administrators, while blocking political opponents, however welcome political allies, as,
for example, Shamash - homophobe and anti-Semite, who in religious frenzy replaced where
possible "Jew" with "Jude", thus insulting secular Jews.[9]
The publication of this research on wikireality.ru (a site dedicated to researches on the Russian-
language Internet) in the discussion of the article on Wikipedia led to an instant ban for the
"acquittal of terrorism".[10]

If Wikipedia refuses to comply with Russian laws, then here this is strictly
forbidden: the acquittal of terrorism in Russia is legally prohibited.
-- John Locke 08:00, January 18, 2018 (UTC)

Similarly, I was banned for exposing the Russian-language Wikipedia on the corresponding page of
the discussion of the site lurkmore.to, similar to wikireality.ru, there I was called "SJW-nutcase"
and "anally disabled". In addition, after the ban, my user's page was defaced with homophobic
comments. Other oppositionists suggested that lurkmore.to is the unspoken organ of Russian
propaganda, they ban any valid criticism of Russia, yet they attack the people opposing Putin's
regime. The owner of lurkmore.to, Dmitry Khomak
(http://anticompromat.org/zhizhisty/homakbio.html), worked as a political technologist in elections,
in particular, in Transnistria (by his own admission, he wrote speeches of the type "Come, vote,
show Moldova cock...") and was an employee of the pro-Kremlin newspaper "Youth newspaper
RE:Action", founded in 2006 and using the funds of the presidential administration. By his own
admission, Khomak regularly communicates with officials from RosKomNadzor, removing
information that is unfriendly to Russia
Lurkmore is not your personal army
Lurkmore is not a place to fight against the Russians
-- The administration of lurkmore.to about information criticizing Russia

it turns out that you too ban the people critical of the company Mail.ru,
which on its own project also organized real totalitarianism, suppressing
all squeals of disagreement.
-- user Taisia, about the ban on criticising Mail.ru at lurkmore.to

A crappy site controlled by FSB. They wrote such nonsense about me there
that it is disgusting. And people seriously reference this shit.
That is, it can be funny to someone, but they have wild fantasies instead
of facts.
-- Mikhail Verbitsky about lurkmore.to

In response to the publication of an article on Wikipedia, the Russians responded with indignation,
calling me "rooster" and "fagot", and then calling for the genocide of the Chechens:
Most Russians just want monkeys to behave normally, or they stop
existing at all. I prefer to bring the good old genocide to the end,
or the dirty folk have not learned to live by conscience, just like
our government. The Chechen monkeys themselves arranged genocide
repeatedly. The question with them must be solved definitively and
permanently, and not as now.
-- The opinion of a typical Russian about the Chechens.

I.e. peaceful Russian occupants are angry at any attempt to stand up for the Chechen people.
Russians captured the Chechen land, and the Chechens themselves are now called "monkeys",
while Russians plan to exterminate them.

It turned out that the Russian YouTube moderators removed my video protesting the cult of the
Second World War, where I put out the Eternal Flame - one of the central symbols of this new
Russian religion. Although YouTube does not delete the videos, where other sacred objects get
desecrated, for example, where people burn the Holy Quran or the Bible. Such zealous censoring of
Russia related videos is apparently related to the fact that the Russian YouTube office consists of
the employees of Russian special services engaged in propaganda. This became possible either
because of the threats to block YouTube in Russia and/or the Kremlin just paying YouTube for the
right to control Russian-language video segment. Other video bloggers also noticed the vivid pro-
Russian censorship of video clips criticizing Russia. Later the Russians managed to completely ban
me from YouTube, after I published a video exposing the Russian attitude toward human rights,
where a group of Russians beat and set on fire a gay boy, because he had long hair and earrings in
his ears.
Facebook also blocked my account for the rhyme mocking Stalin and another rhyme ridiculing car
wash service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, saying that I broke some "hate speech" ToS.
Both rhymes were in Russian and could not be automatically translated, using tools like google
translate, therefore, my account was blocked by ethnically Russian moderators, who, in addition,
were not too lazy to follow the link to my verse on YouTube, and blocked my account as a matter
of fact for activity on a third-party resource, because I did not violate Facebook ToS. Other than
being paid by Kremlin, it is hard to explain why the Facebook administration is hiring Russians into
the moderator team, because Russians are always prejudiced and deprived of critical thinking, due
to the linguistic defectiveness of the Russian language and the corresponding school education, and
therefore Russians do not hesitate to ban anyone who publishes content criticizing Russia, Russians
or Putin.

Later Facebook similarly banned me under "hate speech" pretense for linking to video about people
selling Soviet military awards, including Star of Hero of the USSR. I have just one question: "hate
speech" against whom? The long-dead heroes of the Great Patriotic War, whose rewards were sold
at Ebay by their descendants to American collectors? Or to the religious cult postulating that these
military awards are sacred?

Similarly, Facebook kept serving Russians by banning me for posting a note about the Russian
cosmetics brand: the "Russian Line" company created in 1998 was renamed to "Faberlic" in 2001,
lying that their brand is French. It took Russians three years to realize that calling their skin cancer-
inducing cosmetics brand "Russian Line" is like calling it "Fecal Mark". Yet the same way you can
rename the "Russian" cheese brand into Parmesan, but from changing the name it will not cease to
be a plastic putty with pubic hair and the aftertaste of urine, because employees were caught
bathing in the ingredient vats for the cheese.

Unfortunately, Russians have also managed to block even the text of this story on github.com.
Hi Nikita,

Thanks for writing in. Your repositories were set to require a login to view
following multiple reports from users concerned about their contents. This
was done as an alternative to hiding or disabling the content entirely.

GitHub Support

Russians support freedom of speech that much.

Free Will: is there Such a Thing?
I consider the world with and without God.
And I like the world with God more.
I feel a little sorry for people who do not believe in miracles.
Their world is very cold, the world of machines without feelings.
-- Alexander Gorbatovsky

Visited Pirogovo - the museum of Ukrainian culture,

where among the corn fields there are sham historical
Ukrainian huts. Inside them on the walls hang the plastic
corn cobs, which was not in Ukraine before Khrushchev.
There is also a fake church and a thick rotted cross, with a
disproportionately small Jesus made of faded plywood,
and in front of him a small wooden cross, just of the size
of that Jesus.
Ukraine also has that Motherland monument, decorated
inside as a temple, where instead of God there is
Communism. This Temple of Communism was originally
armed with a long sword, which had to be shortened,
because the original calculations did not agree with the
physical reality and oscillations accumulated in the sword
from the windblow.
From my childhood I remember the market in
Serpukhov. And at this market was the priest, dressed in
cassock and selling occult literature. Passers-by said to the
priest "you are Orthodox, are you not ashamed?", but the
priest joked off.
When I applied for the refugee status, they asked what
kind of religion I had:
- I answered "Agnosticism".
- They: no, we have no such religion.
- Well, I say, then can you write "Satanism"?
- And this is not allowed either.
- Then what is there?
- Animalism for example is. Pirogovo Jesus
- Ok, write me down under some religion of your choice.
I still do not know which religion I was ordained to. However, most religions profess the so-
called "golden rule", having the form of "feed others with shit the way you want yourself to be fed
shit". Many philosophers spoken out both for this rule and against it, giving rise to arguments of
varying degrees of stupidity.
But a philosopher differs from a layman first of all by a detached analytical view of phenomena,
and when a philosopher is offered an axiom, like "treat others as you want them to treat you," the
philosopher sees all space of similar axioms and realizes that this is not the only possible way.
Similarly, the philosopher sees the harmful consequences (or lack thereof) to which the acceptance
of this axiom leads.
Let's try to parameterize "treat others as you want them to treat you." To begin with, we replace
the actors with variables:
X treat Y as you want U to treat V
Now substitute the relation "treat" with variable relations R and S:
R(X,Y) as you want S(U,V)

Next, substitute "as you want" with a variable P:


Thus, we have a 7d-space (P, R, S, X, Y, U, V) including, in particular:

"Love others not like penguins hate pigs"

P = not like
R = love
S = hate
X = you
Y = others
U = penguins
V = pigs

In other words, there are a lot of ethical axioms of this kind.

Note though, that precedent and antecedent don't have to include the same actors. For example,
precedent could be an exemplar life of Biblical characters, while antecedent be your own life. So it
makes sense to have separate variables X,Y and U,V (instead of Y,X). Why doesn't this stranger
treat me like that other person treats their best friend?
With the consequences of adopting an axiom, everything is more complicated. For example, the
above "golden rule" axiom in fact allows you to mask the path to Hell with good intentions, as in
that fairy tale where a squirrel drowned during baptism, but it was still good, because the squirrel
died orthodox christian. In the Old Testament, there is an alternative axiom formulated as "an eye
for an eye" (or treat others as they treat you), but it leads to similar problems. On the other hand, in
the Old Testament, there is "you will reap what you sow." Perhaps humanity can not be organized
by such simple rules, including the universal quantifier?
Any formal or ordinary reasoning somehow comes down to a set of axioms - some beliefs.
Therefore, to talk with someone about something or study someone's text, it is necessary to
understand which system of axioms the person or the author of the text uses in his reasoning.
Otherwise it will be a conversation between the blind and the deaf.
However, it happens that one system of axioms can be expressed through the other, especially in
social systems. For example, at first sight, communists and individualists will never understand
each other, for when a communist says "good", he means a common good, and when the "good" is
said by an individualist, he means his own personal good.
But the trouble is, the supporters of communism are by no means unselfish, and they usually try
to hide their personal benefit inside the common good, trying to cover the way to Hell with good
intentions for the sheeple. So the communists sometimes even openly argue that one must take
away other people's wealth and appropriate it for their own good, but usually they do it in a veiled
manner, for example introducing benefits and welfare for themselves.
Communists and the socialists in general are known to be the masters of embezzlement.
Comrades of the communists, the Nazis, also believe that it is necessary to destroy or enslave other
nations by taking possession of their property. Likewise, a woman who feeds 40 cats does not care
about the welfare of these cats, but tries to compensate for her mental problems, like loneliness and
the lack of children. Each has its own social justice, but it reduces to the interests of the survival of
some system, or this system does not live long, such as a ponzi scheme or a bomb explosion.
Such expressiveness of one through the other is traced throughout the foreseeable world - from
biology, to the motion of galaxies, to quantum particles. Supporters of cybernetics will protest that,
say, a black hole "sucking" objects into itself does not have control over its actions: where to fly to
and what objects to catch into its gravity; - I will object to this, that none of the systems have
control over themselves. Control is illusory, like the freedom of will itself, and depends on external
deterministic factors.
It's a lie that people are responsible for their actions. No person ever made self: one always has
parents, acquaintances, attending psychiatrist, accomplices, and a political instructor who has
pestered him in the head. A pair with the Down syndrome will give birth to a Down syndrome kid,
and if you were born in a Russian village, in a family of drunkards, you most likely will become the
same Russian alcoholic, unless a miracle happens: for example, your mom will be killed by a
drunken stepfather, and you will be sent to an orphanage from which Americans will adopt you. It
is obvious that individual chemical reactions have no choice as to how to proceed, so why should a
person (a composition of chemical reactions) have a choice?
Thus, in terms of control over their actions, a person is no different from this black hole, onto
which falls a lot of dusty garbage. Everything that we see around us speaks about the ultimate
determinism. You can call it fatalism, but sooner or later the matter of which your body is
composed will be in the black hole located in the center of the Milky Way. And you can't do
anything. You may as well jump now from a bridge... however, whether to jump or not, you have
no choice.
Different polls show that about 80% of people believe in free will. On the other hand these same
people have an 80% chance to have that opinion, so their choice here is 80% deterministic.
However, had 100% of the people unanimously believed in determinism, there would certainly be
no freedom of will, while answering that question. That gives us insight, that systems with reduced
amount of freedom of will do exist. And if there is a goal, then the will is already unfree, being
subordinated to this goal.
To those who believe that there is no free will, psychiatrists diagnose schizophrenia, the so
called "delusion of control". Therefore, if you tell the doctor that you do not control your life, then
you can be sentenced to a life in a psychiatric hospital, where they will control you by medication,
restricting your movement and by beating you. According to psychiatry, turning you into a
vegetable by means of neuroleptics, so that you can't go to the toilet yourself, will somehow help
you gain control over your life. Then again, Russian psychiatry recognized Chikatilo as sane.
In their reasoning, people often use logic based on the syllogisms of the form P, Q -> R. I.e.
having correct premises P and Q, we can assume by induction R to be correct too. For example:
P = All Russians are criminals.
Q = Vladimir Putin is Russian.
R = Vladimir Putin is a criminal.

Even intuitive and delusional thoughts are reduced to such induction:

P = An antenna is located at the nearby building.
Q = I read somewhere that antennas can transmit information.
R = This antenna transmits voices into my head.

Insane persons make such a conclusion, without understanding physics and neurophysiology,
believing in the transmission of thoughts using a radio frequency signal, based on some of their
conjectures or information from the media. Crazy people are also fixated on their own personality,
believing that everything happens just for them, and even this antenna irradiates them, and not
somebody else, and then they teleologically look for the answer to the question of why they get
"irradiated"", making correct conclusions from incorrect premises and incorrect conclusions from
correct premises.
Once upon a time, based on such observations and developing Markov's ideas, I wrote a very
simple program [markov_sort] (https://github.com/saniv/markov_sort/), which takes as input the
state of the world before and after some actions. To each value in the "before" space, the program
assigns a set of sensors with different thresholds (selectable randomly at program startup) and links
them with random values in the "after" space, again giving them random influence, thus making
cross-correlation of each bit of information with each other. Seeing the unknown "before" space
each such link votes (using its influence), producing the most likely "after" space. In addition, each
link has associated statistics, estimating how strongly the associated "before" value affects the
"after" value, it is this statistic that determines how link will vote in each particular case.
Thus, such a system can predict rather complex functions, like sorting items in ascending or
descending order, while simple logical operations, like XOR, it guesses with 100% accuracy.
Moreover, the more connections and the more experience system has, the more accurate the guess.
Also, this system can work in a closed loop, trying to predict the state a few steps forward, as if
collecting chain links of markov chain. Thus, having a set of actions, the system can choose the
action that brings it closer to the goal.
On the other hand, the program can play a role of a simple chat bot, generating a response based
of examples of chat conversations. Interesting, but the reasoning underlying this program has little
in common with reasoning behind neural networks or perceptrons, and it is much easier to
implement: it actually works directly with raw bits and does not even require floating-point
In some sense, we have reduced the precedent and antecedent of the previously discussed axiom
template to the spaces "before" and "after" in this stochastic system. That stochastic predictor
system can arise in numerous ways, including Neural Nets or KD-trees as, but the above presented
path is the easiest way you can reason up to it.
At the root of computing and the theory of probability stands Blaise Pascal's persona. In 1652,
Pascal invented the world's first mechanical calculator, capable of adding and subtracting numbers.
Later, Pascal tried to find evidence of the existence of God, but similarly to the friar Mendel, who,
instead of the Creator of Man, discovered the algorithm of genetics, Pascal discovered the first and
most significant cellular automaton, - Pascal's Triangle, - a mathematical structure that proves that
complex processes can arise on the basis of simple rules. A triangle is generated according to a
simple rule - each cell holds the sum of two cells above it:
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1

At its core, the Pascal Triangle is the space of everything that is possible in our world. This triangle
binds together a set of mathematical patterns. So it contains all the numbers in ascending order, and
if you represent a triangle as a face of a pyramid with a square base (obtained by making each cell
the sum of four cells on it), then the sections of this pyramid will include the multiplication table.
Each element of the triangle is equal to the number of paths, which lead to it down from the top. For
example, element 6 can be reached in six ways (minus - move left, and plus - move right):
The sum of each row of a triangle is equal to a power of two. The numbers of each row are
distributed according to the law of the normal Gaussian distribution in the form of a bell, the one
that models the distribution of people according to the results of the IQ test and other competitions.
The sums of the series of the shifted Pascal Triangle give Fibonacci numbers:
1,1,1+1,1+2,1+3+1,3+4+1,1+6+5+1... = 1,1,2,3,5,8,13... These numbers are closely related to the
helix of the trajectory of an object falling under the action of gravity. The spiral of such proportions
is formed by already mentioned Milky Way galaxy, slowly falling into the black hole in its center:
1 = 1
1 = 1
2 = 1 + 1
3 = 1 + 2
5 = 1 + 3 + 1
8 = 1 + 4 + 3
13 = 1 + 5 + 6 + 1
21 = 1 + 6 + 10 + 4
34 = 1 + 7 + 15 + 10 + 1

If we express the column `k` in the row `n` of the triangle through `C(n,k)` (the Newton binomial
formula), then for large `n` (128, and higher) the expression `2*(2^n / C(n,n/2))^2 / n` begins to
approach the number `Pi`. Note that `2^n` is the sum of all elements of the row `n`, and` C(n,n/2) `is
the central element of that row. Generalizing the Pascal triangle, the mathematicians derived
Pascal's Rhombus and the so-called elementary cellular automata, one of which, Rule 110, is
Turing-complete — that is, able to perform any arbitrary computation, like a normal computer. If
you cut out all the even numbers from the Pascal triangle, then you will see the so-called Sierpinski
triangle - a fractal that is closely related to the elementary logical operations.
Pascal's triangle can also be associated with physics and chemistry. For example, many physical
laws include the formula of a square or inverse square, and one of the variations of the Pascal
Triangle contains its diagonal of the squares of all numbers from zero to infinity
1 2
1 3 2
1 4 5 2
1 5 9 7 2
1 6 14 16 9 2
1 7 20 30 25 11 2
1 8 27 50 55 36 13 2
1 9 35 77 105 91 49 15 2

One of such quadratic laws is the number of electrons on the s, p, d, f shells of an atom, equal to
2*n^2 (2,8,18,32,50,72,...). Using the initial elements 2 and 4, we will see these numbers in the
Pascal Triangle.
2 4
2 6 4
2 8 10 4
2 10 18 14 4
2 12 4 28 32 18
2 14 40
50 22 4 60
2 16 54 100 110 72 26 4
2 18 70 154 210 182 98 30 4

But as you see there are different diagonals, corresponding to different universes with different
chemical properties. I was hinted that most of them will likely collapse on creation, leaving to only
the (2,8,18,32,50,72,...) one, and maybe a few parallel universes with unimaginable properties. Just
like the more higher level evolution process leaves only the fit species alive. That can be seen as
another proof of total determinism.

There is also a connection between the Pascal triangle and other simple triangles:
1 = 1
4 = 1 2 1
9 = 1 2 3 2 1
16 = 1 2 3 4 3 2 1
25 = 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1

In this triangle, each number is a manhattan distance metric to its edge.

You can also see the connection with the multiplication table, rotated at an angle of 45 degrees:
2 2
3 4 3
4 6 6 4
5 8 9 8 5
6 10 12 12 10 6
7 12 15 16 15 12 7
8 14 18 20 20 18 14 8
9 16 21 24 25 24 21 16 9

Replacing each cell in it by the sum of the distances to the nearest numbers in the sum giving the
number in the cell, we get a triangle similar to the previous one:
1 1
1 2 1
1 2 2 1
1 2 3 2 1
1 2 3 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1

The sum of the odd rows of the triangle is again produces n^2 squares.
There are versions of such triangles, when they refer to themselves, going through their values in
different intervals, creating continuous computation.
The question remains: does the number in the cell of a triangle has the freedom to take its value
or to influence the values of numbers below? Pascal's follower, mathematician Stephen Wolfram
[makes a guess](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eC14GonZnU) that free will is an illusion,
because our reality can be modeled by a cellular automata, akin to te Pascal Triangle, and
Wolfram's opinion is [shared](http://www.pnas.org/content/107/10/4499.full) by biologist Anthony
Cashmore. Another mathematician, David Wolpert, [proved]
(https://plus.maths.org/content/inferring-limits-reality), that if God exists, he does not have the free
will to influence the world he created, otherwise God himself doesn't know what kind of world he
created, and as a result God cannot create a god equal to himself according, and such a second god
simply cannot exist. So God cannot be omnipotent or all-knowing. I think if God knows in advance
what he will do, then he can has no free will, it is predetermined - i.e. God cannot see or predict
future (at least perfectly). Mathematician John Conway [argued]
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_will_theorem) that in the end free will depends on quantum
particles, which behave predictably.
Today the concept of Free will is defended mainly by the adherents of various obsolete religions.
Their scientific argument is based on the erroneous understanding of quantum mechanics, that
supposedly quantum processes produce true random numbers, but this is not so. What looks random
to us is just the result of a complex process, we don't have enough brain power and/or methodology
to appreciate in full. For example, the Law of Gravity and Coulomb's Law act at an unlimited
distance, hence every particle in the Universe affects every other particle.

The philosophical argument for free will is similar to Pascal’s Wager argument for believing in
I believe in free will. If I am mistaken, it is not my will. And if there is free will,
then those who do not believe in free will are mistaken, moreover, by their own
I think we can without any contradiction define "God" as our Universe itself, which is self-
similar on many levels. We individually and as a society are in many ways similar to the Universe
that spawned us, as part of a fractal, like the part of Pascal Triangle is similar to the whole triangle.
Thus, each person is a part of God, and God is in each person.

For me, free will is at very least individual, and, for example, my whole life confirms that I have no
power over my fate. I didn't even choose my name. Already the Russian Orthodox names
themselves sound unpleasant and turn their bearers into freaks: if you have been called a Russian
name, then you have no power over whom to become. The Russian stigma of ugliness will pursue
you to the end. A good thing won't be called "shit". If, however, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is to be
believed, language determines thought, hence my thinking is already a hostage to the Russian
Goodbye, Unwashed Mad Ukraine
Thinking now, I can make an analogy between myself and a serf slave peasant in the older
Russia. Such serfs frequently ran away from their unjust landlord masters, and re-applied to other
masters. Yet, usually they were returned back to the original master, since no landlord wanted
troubles with their neighbors. Neither the landlords wanted to coddle such runaway peasant slaves,
breaking the institute of ownership. Especially when the enraged slave owning neighbor is a very
powerful warlord.
My case is a bit more special. Inside this analogy, I would be that White serf slave, who was
placed with the slaves from Asiatic tribes, and behaved racist towards them, triggering unrest,
insulted the Russian landlord himself and vandalized his property, promising to kill his slaves and
damage other to property. Now when I apply for a protection of the neighboring Ukrainian landlord,
it is logical he wont be desiring such rebellious racist slaves, who don't recognize authority and
create troubles inside the household. Once a traitor is always a traitor.
So where should such slave go? Which serf-owning landlord will grant the needed protection?
Maybe now is the time to end with the slave masters? But where is the country for the free
individual now? Long ago it was America, but where should the persecuted freedom loving rebels
go today?
Having no answer to that question, but I had to leave Ukraine. Therefore I decided to go to
Uruguay, since they speak English there. But it Uruguay was closed due to Covid19 lockdown.
Then I had tried to get Mexican electronic entry permit. Yet the request was automatically declined,
likely due to Russia having that international arrest warrant on me. That led me to assume the
possibility that Ukraine will likely put me into the extradition arrrest if I try to leave through any
official checkpoint.
Getting tired of running away, I decided that it would be a good time to get deported to Russia.
Then Russians will have two options: killing me in jail or releasing alive. In later case I will have
the full moral right try my best to implement my revenge against them, since Russians have
themselves invited me back and inprisoned me, while I have no desire to live with them.
Having this mindset, I bought a ticket to Brazil, which had no lockdown and didn't require a visa
for Russian citizens. Had Ukraine allowed me to leave, Brazil as a Russian friend would have likely
extradited me. Yet my friends in Ukraine have hinted that my flight has a stop at Amsterdam, so I
still have a chance to get asylum. Since Russians shot down MH17, killing Dutch citizens,
Netherlands has a rather strained relationship with Kremlin, and there is a possibility they could
approve me a political asylum just to spit at Russia. Most Dutch people also speak English
language, so I shoul have no problem explaining my case to them, and just living in Netherlands. So
I have decided to apply at Netherlands, if the Ukrainians will allow me to leave.
Around this time I have also met a girl Sasha, who agreed to help me in case of extradition
arrest. But that is the story for another time.

Surprisingly I was able to leave Ukraine without being placed into the extradition arrest, or blocked
in any other way. Thanks to Ukrainians at least for ignoring the Russian arrest request. The only
issue was that boarding a flight to Brazil requires a return ticket, so I had to buy that ticket in the
last moment, using the last money. I have barely managed to board the plane. I have to thank
Nataliya Garilska, who made that call, waking me up, when I was asleep in the waiting hall,
thinking that I won't need the return ticket. Without her call, I would had no time to purchase the
ticket. Frequently a single call can change everything. Since after failing to leave Ukraine by air, I
would had to wait for Ukrainians to deport me.
On the flight transfer in Netherlands, I've applied for the asylum, and they placed me in the
immigration prison, till my case gets processed. When the car was leaving airport I have noticed
rusty junk with the Russian Aeroflot logo. It was in start contrast with the nice maintained property
of the other airline operators.
Have to say that the Dutch immigration prison is better than a $30/day hostel in Ukraine: no
bedbugs and you don't get pneumonia from cold, there is even PlayStation for prisoners to play, but
it has no Internet access. But they do confiscate your phone, laptop and flash cards, so one needs to
have all the required documents printed and on hands, while all the important information recorded
on around ten A4 pages, since all other paper could be confiscated on entry and they wont be
looking on more than 10 pages.
The prison cells do have builtin phones, which is the only way to contact outside world, although
interface is not in English and making international calls was a bit tricky. Actual citizen prisoners
do get Internet access and a much better gym. Apparently, it is better to be an inmate in Europe than
to be a free person in Russia.
One curious fact is that while all other prisoners from Russia had nationality "Russia" written on
the sheet near their cell door, I had "Soviet Union" label on my cell. Homo sovieticus? There was a
library in Prison with books in various languages. The only book in Russia was "Childhood
Boyhood Youth" by Leo Tolstoy. Instead I took the book in English "Sidney Sheldon - The Sands
of Time", about the Basque terrorists, whom Russia now funds by again.
One major problem I got is that Dutch immigration service expects everyone from Russia to
speak Russian on their asylum interview. Even Buryats, Chechens and Tatars are expected to speak
Russian, not English. So they have provided a Russian interpreter to me, an older lady, born in the
Soviet Union. Such people have very strong patriotic upbringing. So I had to explain in depth why I
don't speak Russian and would prefer to have English interpreter instead. They said that my refusal
to speak Russian could reflect negative on my chances of getting asylum.
Another refugee, a Black Somalian lady, said that she came here from South Africa, and that
South African Blacks are racist towards the Blacks coming from other countries, claiming that they
"steal the jobs." So that lady had to leave South Africa, but was unable to return to Somalia,
because of the unbearable politico-economic situation in the country, known mostly for its
Somalian pirates, hijacking ships.
I was very lucky to be early transferred from the immigration prison to a refugee camp, while a
lot of other people spend several months in there, with some apparently getting deported right to
their Turkey, Nigeria or Russia. Unfortunately there are proper Russians at the camp too. As I write
this text, under the window, one, apparently drunk, Russian muzhik has called Russia and talks
completely in Russia sukablyad swearing to his Russian compatriots. There are also birch trees
growing in Netherlands. How far I am from Russia?
There are many Chinese females at the Netherlands dating sites. They always set their location to
Amsterdam, but physically they are in the mainland China. They are uber patriotic, and get agitated
when the talk touches Taiwan or Honk Kong independence. Yet, despite their love for China and
Communism, they still want to marry a Dutch guy for some reason. These sneaky Chink snakes
abruptly cut any communication, when I mention that I'm a political activist from Russia, and that I
dislike socialist dictatorships. Apparently this Chinese issue needs further research, but I just have
no time for that.
Being in doubt that Netherlands will approve my asylum, I had to begin daily exercise in
preparation for the deportation to Russia, since one needs all the strength to survive the Russian
prison and/or psychiatric asylum, when that is possible in his individual case.
One Life at the Zoo
Beside my Russian compatriots, who called me "stupid", after I admitted my shame of being
Russian, the refugee camp also hosted numerous African refugees. These had some enlightening
world view. First of all, Black refugees hate Netherlands, and call king William "criminal" and
"racist", because long ago Dutch had some business and colonies in Africa (i.e. Boers). When I
inquired why did they came to Netherlands, if they hate Dutch people, Blacks replied either "I don't
know" or "because you whites have destroyed our Africa." When I pointed that now there are no
whites in Africa, and African countries are run by Black leaders, they said that these are bad Blacks
and "criminals". It seems Africans hate Europe, hate America and accuse all Whites of racism and
One Black guy from the West Africa said that he hates English language and Portuguese, since
these languages were brought by the colonizing whites, and he instead wanted to speak his
Mandinka language. Yet he also hated his own Black compatriots who speak the Fula language. He
was a bit racist towards these Fula people, which are like the local version of the Jews/Mexicans
there. This Mandinka African noted "allow one Fula in, and he will bring other Fulas, stealing our
jobs, because they are criminals". Yet the only reason these different tribes even remotely
understand each other today is because Portuguese brought to the region some common language.
Black refugees told me that White women like African guys for their big dicks, but never love
them. Africans insisted that all white women are racist whores: they want to conceive children from
the Black men, and then they will kick them out of the family, cutting the access to common
children. These Blacks believed that I'm an undercover Dutch cop or an immigration service agent,
who snitches over them, since I asked a lot of questions. They also called me "Russian man". When
I pointed that I'm not Russian, they inquired "in what country have you been born?" - I responded
"Planet Earth", and from that moment started calling me "Mr Nobody."
In their view, Michael Jackson turned white because he was homosexual, and not because he had
vitiligo. Regarding the game of Chess, Africans said that Chess is a "game for lazy people, who can
only sit." Black man needs a "game where you have to move, to sweat." Not surprising, since many
refugee camp Africans couldn't write or count, neither they were able to read any large sized texts,
preferring to watch Youtube videos instead. Especially the conspiracy theories videos. So it was
even less surprising, when Black refugees claimed there is no covid19: it is a hoax created to put
Africa down again, while Ebola was designed by white racists to kill Blacks.
One Nigerian spoke Russian, due to his "education" in Moscow. He was very proud of it and
addressed me in broken Russian, asking "how can you hate your own country and people." I did my
best explaining him that Russians are not my people, since Russians are mongoloids, while my
family came from Belarus and Ukraine, so I'm white. Yet that Nigerian accused me of "racism".
Putin, in the eyes of African refugees, is a good and honest man, and Africans usually have
sympathy for Russia, even despite Russia having a non-existing Black population. Africans believe
that Russians helped Africa to gain independence from the European colonial rule. At the same
time, these Africans hate America, because "all Americans are racist and slave owners" and "they
have bombed Iraq and killed our Gaddafi in Libya".
Obviously, these Blacks believed that Russians persecute me rightfully and I should be
extradited to Russia. I have suggested them to apply for asylum in Russia, and a some of these
Africans said, that they will indeed apply in Russia, if Netherlands gives them negative. I wish them
free one way tickets to Siberia. Generally, these Africans reminded me of Trump supporters. Same
intelligence, same education and reasoning skills.
After an incident, I've learned it the hard way, that you
should never give anything to Blacks. Out of politeness I
have shared my chocolates with a Black guy, named Larry,
but he somehow went to expect that I should now share
everything with him, and asked me to give him more
chocolates. I told him that I have no more chocolates, but he
got it as a personal attack in the vein of "you don't want to
share it because you don't like me." Larry held some rather
curious views: first he believed he is Jewish, calling himself
“heaven's man”, but instead of Torah he followed some
crazy youtube witchdoctor diet, that made Larry to regularly
vomit into the kitchen sink. I would be interesting to see the
reaction of actual Israeli Jews to their Black brother.
Everything deteriorated further due to the fact of me
refusing to tell my name to anybody, including this African
guy. That is because I dislike my Russian name and don't
want people calling me by it. Alas Africans always get it
personally, replying that "you don't want to tell your name, Communist children propaganda
you don't trust me, you're not a nice guy." So that Larry got magazine "Murzilka"
mad, since he told me his name, but I haven't. Larry
demanded that once he enters kitchen, I should leave, otherwise he will beat me, stating that he is
very strong, and they had to heavily medicate him in prison. And I should never dare speaking to
him. Larry doesn't look like person who jokes, since he served prison time in Germany, before
being kicked out of there, apparently for beating some guy, so I've reported the threats to the
administration. Surprisingly that only made other local Blacks to turn against me.
Their argument was "you're a white snitch, you go to the other whites to seek protection against
us, because you're racist." They also told me "you should kill yourself" and "you will get some
boiling water poured over you." Blacks claimed that I'm a "white criminal", and that my
"grandfather robbed Mamma Africa and raped African children." Compared to the western SJW
dolts, I have no "white guilt", so I responded that "nobody of my ancestors ever been to Africa, and
even if they been or even had a plantation, I'm not responsible for their actions, so stop bitching."
Of course such bold response could easily get one shanked here. Another Black guy replied that if I
get killed here, nobody of them will go to jail, because the camp chief is a Black guy from
Morocco, so he will cover the murderers.Very nice and lawful people are these Africans.
Generally, refugee camp Blacks, half of whom served prison time for violent crimes, don't hold
much love for whites. One Black Muslim guy told me that he contemplates a suicide, and that since
I'm a bad white person, he considers taking me with himself, claiming that he already has a suicide
note. I have several times heard "kill all white motherfuckers" from these Africans. Good news is
that in the Black opinion "all Whites" also include all Russians, so here I can at least agree with
When I brought some new bread, and gave the remaining stale bread to a Nigerian, who had his
phone stolen by other Blacks, so he needed too buy a new one, leaving him with very little money.
Other Blacks got angry at me, demanding that I should give him my fresh bread instead. I told
them, if a person is hungry and has no money, he will be thankful even for a stale bread. They said
that I'm a "white mothefucker, mocking them", and that in Africa I "would have been killed."
I told them that I don't care about Africa, and I have absolutely no plans ever traveling to Africa,
since it has nothing to offer me: no culture, no education, no architecture, no employment
opportunities in any of their Africa shitholes. Only malaria and HIV/AIDS. That haven't made them
happy. And I continued that I would love to travel to America instead. They told me that America is
a very racist criminal country full of white supremacists, and their Black brothers there will kill me,
doing the right thing. To which I answered that apparently the only racists and criminals in America
are their African brothers, because they rob and kill white people only because they are white.
These same Blacks also claimed that it is me, who stole the Nigerian guy's phone. I told them to
report me to police then, but they said that they hate cops, and prefer to deal with all the problems in
person. Generally Black people get agitated and switch to murder threats rather quickly.
Africans put these yellow supermarket bags inside the
daylight lamps. When I asked why do they do it, the
Blacks replied "because this white light is the prison light,
we need the yellow light." Since this dim yellow light
really strains eyes and putting a plastic bag inside the lamp
creates fire hazard, I reported that to the camp
administration. But Africans have overheard it and warned
me that they "hate informers." I replied that only the
criminals dislike informers, to which one of them
responded that he is a criminal. I said that criminals should
be in prison. Guess that haven't turned him into my friend.
Apparently I have terrible socials skills. I think in Africa
they still have these yellow incandescent light bulbs, so
African modification to a daylight these newer diode lamps make them nervous. Yet Africans
lamp. are surprisingly not afraid of IPhones, which use similar
display technology to the modern lamps.
Yet I believe the worst part about Blacks is their tribal mentality, where the individuality is not
welcome and everyone must conform to the tribe's traditions and eat from the same plate with the
others. They don't respect your personal space, and don't have even a notion of it. They can take you
stuff without asking, if you don't keep it in locker, or steal your food from the fridge, and then see
nothing wrong with that. That comes in the stark contrast with the Western individualism. All other
African qualities, from stealing to vomiting into the kitchen sink to believing into conspiracy
theories, strives from this primitive communist mindset and the lack of self-consciousness.
When the Blacks in the camp lose their smartphones to theft, they lament "why do they steal
from other Blacks, instead of going to the town and stealing from whites?" I.e. it is not that theft is
wrong for them, it is that theft from Blacks is wrong, but stealing from whites is completely okay.
And I mind you, these Dutch whites are not American whites, which according to Blacks must
repay for the slave ownership, even despite only the minority of American whites profited in any
way from the plantations. In fact, common whites in America lost high paying jobs to slavery,
because plantation owners had no need to pay white workers, when they could had owned slaves.
But try explaining that to an African.
On my arrival at the refugee camp, I bought a glass bowl to make salads and to have something
usable with a microwave oven. I left it in the kitchen, hoping it could be useful for somebody else
too. The bowl was broken in a week. In fact, only plastic and metal kitchen ware survives here,
although without the glass lids and handles - which get broken very fast.
Africans for some obscure reason have this affinity to breaking things. Especially the glass and
the porcelain items. Then Africans also make a mess in the kitchen, usually because they stack the
items without planning or any thinking at all. For example, Blacks put the sauce pan to the table
edge, it will lose balance and get overturned onto the floor, splashing everyone with the hot stinking
broth. When Africans cook, better stay as far away as possible from them, as from a battlefield -
even if they wont splash you with their boiling crap, they will still make you responsible for all their
I'm yet to see a Black man with a smartphone with an unbroken display. For all their Savannah
dexterity, they are very clumsy and always break their phones, just like my Russian compatriots. I
will never understand why, because I myself use smartphones since their appearance and have yet
to break one. When the TV remote here ran out of batteries, the Blacks, instead of changing the
batteries, started smashing the remote onto the table, either thinking it will fix the issue, or because
of anger that they can't watch their football match.
Don't want to sound racist, but I have to
admit that Black refugees throw litter trash and
cigarette butts everywhere, even when a
garbage bin stands nearby. I'm sorry for Dutch
people who have to live near the camp - their
neighborhood would be pristine clean without
the Africans. Dutch people are uber neat and
When the fridge is full, instead of
rearranging and throwing out the expired
items, Africans still try to push their stuff there
with the full force, sometimes kicking it to fit.
Apparently, they don't care if that will get the
fridge broken. Blacks don't have outstandingly
good manners either: when I was at the Black refugees try to stick in the used toilet paper
immigration prison, the staff presented and banana peels into the ash tray.
everyone there with some chocolates, while I
gave mine to one Indian lady, who looked very depressive and was psychologically struggling with
being detained. Some obese Black woman there immediately snatched these chocolates from the
hands of the Indian lady, without asking. To my indignation, the Black woman excused herself that
she is a “chocoholic.” The Indian lady was too humble to object.
Once a refugee camp worker was looking if everything is okay, nothing got broken, and he also
asked for an id card of some Black guy, who was living in my room illegally, while the legit room-
mate was away (some people visit camp only for registration). Instead of presenting the id card, that
Black guy responded with insults, calling the camp staff person "you racist motherfucker" and
threatened him with physical violence. Is this how a dream job looks like? Guess somebody has to
clean the chimp enclosure at a zoo.
Finally I've asked the camp administration to get myself relocated, since my Black room-mate
planned to kill me and then himself. And I was not particularly excited for such a Romeo and Juliet
opportunity. The new compartment provided more African experience. At night I was awoken by
the loud squabble sounds. There was a gay guy from Tunisia, and he was relaxing with his friend in
the kitchen, during night. Guess they left the strict Muslim country expecting to enjoy some
decadent Western life, but instead of the liberal West they met some strong African values.
Basically, a Black man from Ghana demanded them to GET THE FUCK OUT, because he wont
allow them kissing there in the kitchen.
Next day I asked him "what is wrong with gays?" He replied that "gays are different, they are not
true Africans and we must protect ourselves." Apparently homosexuality is still a big no-no in
Africa, and LGBTQ is the new racism, because the Africans I seen here are very homophobic, but
they are also rather conservative and right-winged. I.e. like Russians, just Black. Africans also hate
the Jews, despite Africa having no Jewish people, outside of maybe Eithiopia where there were a
few Black Jews.
After about two weeks, they had to relocate me once again, after the new Black room-mate,
Maurice, refused to to use the headphones at night, and then just exploded when I was brushing my
teeth in front of a kitchen sink, while the bathroom was occupied. That Black said that he had
"mental problems", that he will fuck me, and "damage" me, and "do something stupid" to me. When
I was leaving the room, he also produced a lengthy tirade in his own African language, which I did
not understood. As I left to seek the help of administration, he began chasing me there. Have to say
he had countless scars and one of his eyes was damaged. Since Maurice came from Libya, he
probably served as a mercenary under Gaddafi, who used the Black fighters as the last measure
against his own people. Basically it was the Nigerian Kingsley story all over again. Either history
repeats itself or the African people are just very similar.
The camp Blacks have admirable solidarity: they harbor their own from the deportation, and help
trading stolen goods, so it is not surprising they see me as a snitch. The atmosphere is very prison-
like "we against the camp staff", and the first rule is: never complain or report anything to the
administration. Local stores are apparently well aware of the camp inhabitants, since when I bought
sneakers, they had only one shoe out of the pair on display, while the other shoe was retrieved out
of a well locked storage, after the fact of purchase. When I brought a used bike, the store owner
asked my contact details, since the brought bikes frequently get stolen and resold back to him.
One amazing black lady took a shopping cart from the supermarket to the refugee camp! Or
maybe she has just borrowed it, and will return visiting the shop next time? I don't know. But I
know that some Russians steal these carts to use instead of furniture, like say the cradles for their
Many Blacks here don't use the toilet paper,
due to different reasons: they don't know about
it, want to save some money or because they are
Muslims, while Holy Quran orders using water,
sand or stone for the process. That works fine in
their squat shithole toilets, but with the western
style seating toilet there is shit, and piss, and
diarrhea all around - like literal pieces of shit
and undigested food, washed out with the water.
Walls and everything around also get splashed
with this ass water. So avoid touching anything
in the toilet visited by Africans, because many
nasty viruses get propagated through the fecal
Typical muslim toilet with a box of stones
matter venue and Africans naturally carry them.
instead of paper.
Holy Quran also designates the left hand for the
ass whipping purpose, so the right hand will remain relatively clean. So never ever give an African
anything with your left hand. That is the first rule you learn in a refugee camp. Better yet, avoid any
contacts with them at all.
Argued with the Africans about BLM. They say "Black Lives Matter." I reply that the life of a
person has as much value as much that person pays taxes or contributes to the American society.
Given that the majority of US prison population is African, the Black lives can only matter in a
negative sense. I also told them that George Floyd has resisted arrest and died out of overdose - the
man had a history of violent crimes. Equating all Black people with the violent criminals, such as
George Floyd and then bringing that message to whites, maybe a bad idea, which will only create
more racism. And BLM looks like a false flag movement, whose only purpose is to polarize and
create strife. It seems negroes have no argument against that, since they respond only with "kill
yourself" and "racist mothefucker". I also doubt that Blacks understand the notion of constructive
discussion and that you should use logic in your argument, instead of just insults, threats and
handwaving. BTW, why Blacks always use the word "mothefucker"? Are they obsessed with
fucking their big black mammas?
When I've just arrived at Netherlands, the Russian well-wishers rejoiced that I will become the
next Limonov and the Blacks in Europe will rape me, since they are all gay. In reality Black
refugees are very conservative and hate gay people with passion. Once the camp staff had to
relocate a nice friendly Tunisian gay person, after a man from Ghana has beaten him just because he
is gay, and kissed with another guy.
I was going to be his next target, since I spoke in defense of homosexuality. That Ghana man
said that Africa has no gay people, because in Africa everyone is either Christian and Muslim. In
his opinion gay people are "smeared in shit", and that I myself "eat shit", since my foul mouth
stinks. I objected that Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, was himself homosexual and had sex
will all the apostles. The proof of Jesus' homosexuality is right there in the New Testament. My
argument haven't convinced the Ghana man, he got really enraged and agitated, accusing me of
blasphemy, so I had to retreat before he attacked be with some heavy and/or sharp object. The
refugee camp indeed has an LGBT flag at the entrance, but it is a big joke, since the majority of the
population are hardcore fundamentalist right-wingers, who don't even know what that flag means,
otherwise they would have likely torn it apart.
I've already mentioned that Africans love breaking
things. Out of the numerous washing machines, at least
half is defunct, despite the continuous maintenance and
fixing by the camp staff. In addition to trying to wash
stuff like children toys, Africans always overload the
washing machines, probably trying to save on the
washing tablets. Sometimes Blacks have so much
laundry, they carry it balancing on their heads, while we
stupid white people use our heads for over-thinking and
over-complicating things. Blacks also wash their shoes
inside the washing machine at 60C, and when the shoes
dis-colorize and fall apart they get mad, trying to fix
them with some improper glue, which is not adhesive
with rubber. Even the door handles get vandalized. But it
is a good thing they broke the TV, because the only TV
show Africans watch is the football channel. For the gay- Door handle was damaged by the
haters, they spend a lot of time watching sweaty athletes refugees. Likely during some fight.
chasing the ball.
The classiest thing Africans do would be clogging the toilet, since their athletic intelligence
allows them to use the toilet for disposing of non-solvable stuff. Usually they don't call the repair
service, till the shit starts flowing over the top, introducing the true African odor to the apartments.
Can't blame them for their love of feces, since I heard in Africa they live in the huts cemented with
shit, while covering themselves in fecal matter as a way to fight skin parasites.
Of course Africans don't clean their apartments, so I had to spend several hours scrubbing off the
yellow cannabis smoke-ash from the walls around my bed. Smoking inside the apartments if
forbidden, but Africans don't care about the rules. Of course I reported them, but that haven't turned
me into a much loved person. Now I'm a disgusting snitch of a person. When I enter the room,
Blacks stop their talk about "how to evade the Dublin [convention]." Nobody of them wants to sit at
the same kitchen table with me. So, when I take a sit, they either change table. or demand me to go
away, since they don't want anyone to think they are my friends.
Many Africans came to Europe from Libya. They really love Muammar Gaddafi, saying that he
wanted to unify Africa, creating something like an African version of Soviet Union. Indeed Gaddafi
actively lobbied his unification ideas, opened schools and mosques in African countries, so he could
indoctrinate their youth for his dream of building the Great African Empire, which would have been
subservient to Soviet Union. That was the real reason the deranged bastard Gaddafi got eliminated,
because nobody needed such a huge corrupt African King Kong, not even the Gaddafi's Russian
friends, who want Africa in pieces for better digestion.
The Gaddafi's government employed a lot of unskilled African workers domestically, lowering
the common Arab wages and spoiling their lives with the Black neighborhoods. So it is no wonder,
that after Gadaffi's demise the local Ku Klux Klan department took some measures, including a
number of public lynching, which led to a massive outflow of these Negroes. Yet, for some reason,
despite their love for Africa, they haven't returned to their mother countries, but departed for
Europe. Guess when Vladimir Putin dies, Russian Tajik and Uzbek workers will too go to Europe,
where they will be praising the great emperor Putin. Libya was indeed very similar to modern
To my discomfort, I've learned more about Africa, than about Netherlands. I would love to tell
you that I met great Dutch artists or computer scientists, like Dijkstra. But it is the Black people
whom I've to deal with here continuously. And they brought Africa with them and began turning
everything around them into Africa. For example, there is a littler all around, and benches near the
refugee camp are defaced with graffitis, reminiscent of the Russian and Ukrainian ones. Probably a
warning sign that you enter a hazardous environment.
Africans don't eat from personal dish plates, but instead share a common plate. They don't use
utensils, like spoon or work, eating by hand. The pinnacle of the African kitchen is the dish called
"Fufu". It is a disguising looking mass, which smells and tastes like the Russian "mannaya kasha",
but a bit more viscous, since Blacks need to take pieces of it from the common plate to dip into the
sauce. When Blacks use a blender to cooks their African sauces, they always overload it, and then
violently shake the blender in hope it will start blending. If you point that they are doing it wrongly,
Blacks usually get angry and can throw something at you (and you're lucky, if it is not the boiling
oil). Apparently aggression is the only way for these creatures to vent out their savagery frustration.
Once I was talking with
the Black people here if they
ever played Sonic the
Hedgehog video game. They
asked "what is hedgehog?" I
shown them photos of
hedgehogs, Blacks said that
they hunt and ate them in
Africa, and in Netherlands
too - there are even squirrels
in the parks, but I guess not
for long now. Google search
confirms: "African countries
are flocking to eat
bushmeat ... like hedgehogs
and cane rats."
Hedgehogs at African Market But now, after all the time
being among African, I think
a very bad idea to speak with the Black people, to look at their general direction, or to even be
anywhere near them. There were several cases already when I walked in the camp smiling, and the
Blacks misinterpreted my smile to be pointed at them, and they went into instant rage, going after
me and demanding an explanation (usually not in English), why I'm smiling and looking at them.
My best bet is calling camp staff in these cases.
Apparently, smiling is not okay in Africa, since the Blacks usually have these unfriendly faces,
like the prison inmates have on these photos. While I don't smoke weed, many Blacks do, and the
weed to my humble knowledge is the only thing pacifying Black people. Africans of all kind are
much better when they are high. So it makes sense to always carry some weed with you to give it as
a treat to Blacks, like you give treats to the angry dogs.
Have I mentioned that Blacks are obnoxiously loud? Africans always shout, never speak quietly.
Even when speaking on the phone they are very emotional, screaming, gesticulating, spitting and
punching the table and/or walls. In their speech patterns, Blacks also love to repeat the same word
for several times in a row (i.e. good-good). Of course their native African languages are based
around word and syllable repetition ("reduplication"), but they carry these unmistakable speech
patterns to their broken French and English. Guess the process of African speech is similar to a dog
barking the same sound repeatedly, deeply animalistic and subconscious. When there are several
Africans around, it starts sounding like a soundtrack to the next remake of the Planet of the Apes.
Unfortunately Blacks also do a lot of noises at night, when I'm, being a stupid white male, try to
sleep. At 1:00 they either speak on the phone with Africa, or watch their African youtube videos or
a football match. When I asked of my room-mate if he can be a bit quieter in between 22:00 and
8:00 (the official sleep hours in the camp), and use the headphones, the Black male responded
"don't tell me what to do." The only working method convincing them, is calling the camp staff,
who can call police, because Africans either don't understand when you ask them nicely, or more
likely consider it unmanly to comply with a request of some "gay white matharfacker."
It seems Africans are just incompatible with any politeness. For example, I was inquired by one
of them, what age am I. I told him that I'm 35. To which he said that I'm very old and I should have
a family with children. I replied that no, I don't have children. Now a well mannered person would
stop asking further, but the Black man insisted, asking why I don't have a wife and a family. I
responded in a straight way, telling him that I'm homosexual, and I don't need children, since they
are a huge economic burden for their caretaker. That African said that I should be ashamed of being
gay and he will pray for me to stop being homosexual. I responded to him, that here in the West
people are proud of they sexual orientation. He asked if my parents are proud of me, I stated that
my mother is a non-westerner, her father was a full-blown mongoloid and she herself has Asiatic
mentality. The African replied that I'm racist. Well, guess I'm "racist" towards my own ancestry.
But then self-criticism is a racism too!
Anyway, I also don't listen to rap music, preferring Nobuo Uematsu, Bach and Vaughan
Williams instead. Please excuse me if what I say sounds xenophobic. I don't want to be racist, I'm
just describing my little sour experience. As usual, a lot of 'I's, and so little of 'We's, but I can't
speak for anybody else or in a passive voice. Sorry, I'm just a mere myself, i.e. not a part of any
crazy Black or White tribe. This part of my life made me completely convinced that the best part
about the Black people is their stylish black skin color, unfortunately for me that was about the only
good thing Africans posses.
After the second relocation I ended up with another lovely room mate, but this time not even
speaking English. Meet refugee Anis. He came to Netherlands from Morocco. The first thing Anis
did after my arrival was accusing me of stealing his cannabis stash, despite that I don't smoke. He
turned everything upside down, looking for his stupid weed. As a proper Moroccan, beside drug
pushing, Anis did shoplifting and apparently stole some stuff from the camp too. He was one of the
guys selling obviously stolen items around the camp.
Like my previous hostel friends, including Kingsley, Anis slept at day time, but turned on the
light and made a lot of noise during the night hours. At 3 am (3:00 in the night) Anis got into a loud
squabble with another refugee from Middle East, again over a stash of cannabis. I complained about
being unable to sleep, but Anis continued. So I began recording, which haven't pacified him a bit.
Hearing that I will report him to camp administration, first he punched the phone out of my hand,
then there was a fight. Anis tried to get my phone and break, so this recording wont surface.
Fortunately the phone flung under the bed, out of his reach, but he messed my other stuff. When the
camp guards camp, he told them that I'm a "hacker" (i.e. a computer criminal), because I spent all
time sitting with my laptop. Now you understand why Morocco is not a safe country. Or maybe
they are just not sending their best?
Unfortunately this time the camp staff has refused to relocate me, saying that we will be friends
with Anis, so the next time he turns on the light at 3 am, I should just endure it and cope. Camp
counselors also said if I don't stop filming these retards assaulting me, I will go to jail, being
charged with the "invasion of privacy." Doubt they have solitary confinement, but I guess they can
make an exception if something happens to my cellmate, after he makes a chimpout at 3 am.
Therefore I explicitly asked them to report me to cops, since the prison at Schipol was the safest
place I lived in Netherlands. That confused the camp staff, but they said they will look how they can
punish me.
The Last, but Not Least
"Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."
-- Hebrews 9:22

Imagine one day you wake up, brush your teeth, turn on a TV, make a breakfast, and suddenly
notice that something is missing on that map behind the TV news host. You go to Internet, and ask
people where is that nasty country, but immediately notice that there is not a single user with
Aquafresh colored flag in chat, while people just don't know what you're talking about: they never
heard about World War II, Communism or Nazism. Hitler was just an architect. There are no
Muslims in Europe, or Israel, Jews still live in Poland, while Middle East became a rich Caliphate
and now opposes both America, Europe and Asia. Then you open window shutters, and find that
you're on a colonial Mars base, because without two World Wars Germany has managed to be the
first country to send a man into space, and then colonized Mars. Well, that was just a dream, but
what if?..
For a long time I was indignant that I was branded as a schizophrenic since childhood, that I got
this forced diagnosis and was sent to rot in a madhouse. I'm not crazy, I do not have voices in my
head or other hallucinations! However, my whole protest against the despotism of psychiatry
collapses with one simple argument: "if you're not crazy, then why do you live in Russia, speak
Russian and haven't achieved anything in this life, beside failures?"
Indeed, only the finished idiots will live in Russia, while the Russian language, due to its
fundamental inferiority, interferes with the clarity of consciousness and the sobriety of thinking.
Russian language is good for writing schizoid poems, but for the scientific work, engineering
calculations and business correspondence, the Russian language is absolutely harmful. Russian
culture is likewise devoid of universal value.
So I have to admit that my diagnosis is correct and I'm really crazy, because my mind is
poisoned by the Russian reality. The fact that I'm Russian is my biggest sin, which can not be
redeemed, while my biggest mistake was to be born in Russia.
All my life I have been told that it is necessary to live for the sake of others, but the best thing
that can be done for Russians is humanely dispatching them. Russians do not deserve someone
living for Russian's sake and producing any benefit to their ugly Russia.
What would happen if scientists modify the pig genome, so that the pig takes the human form,
while retaining the pig brain? What rights such a homunculus produced from a pig will have?
Would killing such a pig be equal to killing a man? However, we already have pigs similar to
people - this is the Russian nation, and they absolutely do not deserve human rights, moreover,
Russian pigs cannot live without constant self-torture.
One of the Russians, Igor Poluychik, [demanded](https://cont.ws/@psewdo/742228), through the
court of Russia, to be legally recognized as a human being (the status that gives him constitutional
rights), but court refused to recognize Igor as a human being. Astonished, Igor filed an appeal, but
appeal instance confirmed the court decision, that Russians are not human beings, but only physical
entities. However, a robot can also be a physical entity.
People on the western Internet advised me to make it back to Russia and reconcile myself with
my compatriots. Yet reconciliation with Russians can happen only when Russians pay with the sea
of their rotten blood. Someone must rip the piggy Russian eyes out and direct them at what the
Russians have done. Maybe then Russians will finally see their viciousness?
If you want to measure the amount of evil, then you can measure it with Russians, as the most
concentrated carriers of all the worst:
1 Russian - the unit of evil. Short "rus".
Derivative units:
Moscow - 14 million rus.
Russia - 140 million rus.

Reading further the majority will now probably get outraged "how can one fight against
civilians, especially women and children?!!" My answer is simple: there are no civilians in Russia,
except for certain indivuals and political prisoners, like Boris Stomakhin, because all Russians with
their criminal action or inaction support the cannibalistic course of the Russia's movement. None of
the Russians came out and demanded that the Russian occupation forces be withdrawn from the
Ukraine and Syria.
Concerning the guilt of Russian children: Russians brazenly bombed Afghan, Chechen,
Ukrainian and Syrian children, hence Russians fully deserve the arrival of war at their own home,
directly at their Moscow, Saratov and Voronezh. Since the Russians do not respect the rights of
other people, the Russians themselves do not deserve any rights. Eye for an eye. And by say
banning LGBT from conducting gay pride parade, Russians themselves lose the right to human
rights and cease to be human beings in general. Russian child will undoubtedly grow into a Russian
warrior, and the Russian woman will give birth to even more warriors, because Russians do not
know anything, besides conquering and guarding the conquered. Russian nation is incapable of
good deeds.
After I get deported to Russia, in the context of my last political protest act, a password-
protected archive with the Russian children and/or toddlers being dismembered alive and a glass of
Russian children's blood drunk by me will be published on several file sharing sites. Pieces of the
password to the archive will be evenly distributed through the text of the story "One Life in Russia".
Thus, the story will be symbolically baptized with the Russian blood. Russians accuse Ukrainians
and Jews that they drink Russian blood. I have both Ukrainian and Jewish blood in me, so I can
transfer the blood libel from the field of metaphors into physical reality. However, to create the
necessary High Score, other, more reliable methods will be used, rather than abduction of babies.
For example, when I come to the Russian Pyaterochka store chain, I will replace the baby food
banks with poisoned ones. Dear Russians, I will write poetry with the blood of your children!

Personal reasons to kill a Russian child:

- Russian obstetricians inflicted me with birth-time brain trauma, leading to encephalopathy, and
reduced cognitive abilities. Yet Russians haven't performed the merciful euthanasia, but instead
prescribed me with phenobarbital to hide the symptoms of the neural problems. That is a life of
torture. No money can recompense it, only a sea of Russian blood.
- Russians committed me against my will into a psychiatric ward already when I was 8 years old,
and subjected me to treatment with heavy anti-psychotics, such as Haloperidol, which lead to
further cognitive and health impairment, such as hormonal imbalances, inducing female breast
growth and changes in psyche. No money can recompense it, only a sea of Russian blood.
- Russians bullied and otherwise harassed me my whole life. What can recompense for that?
- Russians expelled me from public school, closing education and further employment
opportunities. That is potential millions of USD worth of lost profits for me. Russian life costs less
than $1000, therefore I need to kill a thousand of Russians to recompense for that, or otherwise
inflict a million USD in damages to Russian nation.
- Russians confiscated my laptop and other electronics, worth several thousand dollars. A life of a
Russian bantling cots less than $1000, so to achieve vengeance for that, I need to kill several.
- For 30 years, Russians ruined my daily life with their annoying and insulting presence, speaking
their ugly and degenerate Russians language to me, while I had no way to distance myself from
them, especially at the psychiatric institutions. What can recompense for that?
- If a Russian child be spared, he will grow up into a Russian soldier, who will invade a civilized
- Russians have false-reported me and got my Youtube and Vime accounts blocked for "hate
speech", i.e. Russians literally forced me out of Internet, so I have no other way to express my
opinion than to return from online to real life and commit the slaughter.
- Russians consume Earth's resources bringing nothing good for humanity in return, so less
Russians means less wasted resources.
- Westerners say that my hatred for Russians is not serious, and I'm just trolling. Therefore I must
prove myself somehow. Prove to the world that my enmity towards Russians is real.
- I have nothing to lose and have to finish my life on a good note.
- I want to go to Hell, because I'm tired of never-ending Russian frost.

Reasons not to kill a Russian child:


As Brendon Tarrant said:

Children of invaders do not stay children, they become adults and reproduce,
creating more invaders to replace your people. They grow up and vote against your
peoples own wishes, for the interests of their own people and identity. They grow up
and take the potential homes of your own people for themselves, they occupy positions
of power, remove wealth and destroy social trust. Any invader you kill, of any age, is
one less enemy your children will have to face. Would you rather do the killing, or
leave it to your children? Your grand children?

And my Russian compatriots are the invaders.

The threat to bring my plans into life I sent to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB:
BE WARNED!!! Your criminal country, Russia, opened against me,
Nikita Sadkov, the criminal case No. 11702450031000023 on
the anti-constitutional article 282 of the Criminal Code of
the Russian Federation. Russia put me on its international
wanted list. However, in case of the success of your request
for my extradition, having freed myself, I promise to arrange
an act of terrorism on the territory of Russia, the goal of
which will be small Russian children. In Russian stores
children food products will be replaced with poisoned, which
will lead to hundreds of children deaths. I demand that Russia
stop persecuting me and does not demand my extradition, otherwise
you will be guilty of the death of Russian children. This is an
open letter, and the fact of sending it to you is fixed by the
Gmail system, so you can not say that you did not receive it.
-- Nikita Sadkov

Got the following handles

MIA: https:/77.xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/request_main/check/?status=9c1cMTIxNDUyNzI
Your application id 12145272 was received by the Main Directorate of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow
Your message of January 26, 2018 id of the appeal R77M12145272A was
registered on January 29, 2013. No. 3/187701489911 in the GU MVD of
Russia in Moscow. We draw your attention that in the system
The registration number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
Russian Federation is assigned to the appeal one time upon
admission and remains unchanged.

FSB: Provisional number of the received message: 20180126210556

Those wishing to support me and radical Russophobia, I call to use any effective methods of
causing damage to the enemy manpower - Russians. The war against Russians has many paths:
from terrorist attacks and direct action, to subtle sabotage, to the creation of a social rifts - social
It's necessary to divide Russians into several groups and pit them against each other. Any
difference (even contrived) can be used for social conflict. For example, you can create different
social clubs for only people whose surnames end into -ev or -ov (KhrushchEV, AndropOV), -in
(StalIN, PutIN), and all else: -sky, -ch, -yan (TrotSKY, KaganoviCH, MikoYAN). Another example
are differences in IQ, it would be easier to control low IQ individuals and they are more agressive.
To create such IQ group, just administer covert IQ tests for potential members, then sorting them
into different groups, which could be pit against each other. And we all know, that difference in
race, physical fitness, musical tastes, wealth, ethnicities and sexuality can lead to endless strife too.
For a terrorist the primary goals should be the educated individuals, the Russian children and the
young Russian females. For after killing a Russian female, you will prevent her from giving birth to
the Russian bantling youngsters, who would have grown up into Russian muzhik patriots, marching
with Kalashnikov rifles to conquer the free nations and ruin the civilized countries. Consequently,
the murder of a Russian female is a significant act of charity. Kill a Russian man - Russian women
will quickly replenish the population, but killing a Russian woman you deprive the Russian nation
ability to make up for their losses.
Yet if you can say collect a large number of important Russian engineers for some presentation,
and kill them all by say by bombing or setting the building on fire, then by all means do it. That will
inflict billions of dollars in damage, and Russia won't be able to easily replace a chief engineer,
working on a task of military importance. Grooming such individuals takes years.

Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us.
He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.
-- Psalms 137:8-9

I present you one of the promising method of destroying the Russian children. You can apply
this method even outside of Russia: at Russian social networks, such as vk.com, create groups
aimed at Russian children, primarily female, with prizes such as toys and sweets. "Winners"
themselves will give you their addresses, to which poisoned gifts are sent, spores of infectious
diseases, or self exploding devices. The most beautiful thing is that Russians can not protect
themselves and their children from such an attack, inspired by Unabomber. At the same time,
remember that it is much more important to disable a Russian than to kill him/her, because a legless
cripple is always a liability for Russia. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to use against Russians a
poisonous substance that does not kill, but leads to, say, a loss of vision, then certainly use this
The bombing of Moscow will grant us all wishes,
The flesh of their babies will spice our dishes.
And Satan will have so much joy that good day,
As sad Russian souls reach the Hell's foul bay.

However, even if you can not disable a Russian nuclear power plant, derail a Russian train or
even set a Russian car on fire, know that even the smallest failures of the Russian nation will always
help the Revolution. Therefore, passing by the water well in a Russian village, do not be too lazy to
break it and pour some toxic chemicals inside; passing near the Russian playground - break the beer
bottle with glass splinters into the sandbox - let the new generation of Russians grow up, digging in
the sandbox smelling with urine and full of broken glass. A subhuman who has grown up in such an
environment will no longer build a nuclear power plant, neither he will build a railroad, and he will
break his car himself driving drunk, because if an individual has at least a drop of brains, he will do
his best to emigrate from such Russia. Do not be lazy to spoil the Russian mood always and
everywhere, even if just by an insulting word at their social networks: see the accounts of a married
Russian couple - tell the husband that you had sex with his wife or vice versa - with her husband.
Do not hesitate, for the Russians are our enemies, and if we damage the Russian economy and
infrastructure, then more civilized competitors will force Russia out of its barbarous existence.
Don't hesitate to report other Russians: in Russia, treachery is a human virtue, because an idiot,
jailed, expelled or fired due to your denunciation, if he does not start to hate Russia and his
compatriots, in any case, will increase the amount of peace in the whole world. So during a lunch
time, some Russian jokes about the boss, complains about working conditions and small salary, like
everyone else, and it's up to you to bring his jokes to this very boss, you can gloss over your
denunciation a little, and even spice up with anonymous complaints. Do not be lazy to tell the
school or university administration about other students: who uses marijuana or listens to some
Satanic music. See the weak - make him prison queen.

Russians must disappear, because:

1. Russians are an extra and useless entity. Why Russian language, when there is English? Why
Russians, when there are civilized people? Why Russia, when there are civilized countries?
2. Russia is a mad dog in the manger, usurping the resources of a vast territory.
3. Russians are the jailer-nation and the executioner-nation, who destroyed many nations, or drove
them into slavery, seizing their land;
4. Russians are an aggressive psychopathic people, threatening the civilized world with a nuclear
cudgel and attacking other countries;
5. Russians are a vandal people who thoughtlessly destroy natural ecosystems, for example,
plunging toxic chemicals into Lake Baikal (the largest body of clean water) and cutting down
Siberian forests;
6. Russians are an ignorant people and a crackpot nation appropriating other people's discoveries:
Cherepanov's Locomotive, Popov's Radio, Maievsky Mumber, Kotelnikov's Theorem, Kolmogorov
Complexity (in fact, discovered by American Gregory Chaitin).

Liberals in Russia must stock-up water, and then poison the wells. The genocide of the Russian
Nation is like the removal of a cancerous tumor by surgery. Undoubtedly humane goal, justifying
any means, even the most sadistic. The war must go till the last Russian is dead. It’s the time for the
Russians to reap what they have sown.

Yet as Elie Wiesel said "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference" And so I hope in the end
everyone will become indifferent towards Russians, as if Russians don't exist, maybe because
Russians will indeed stop existing. Just like now we are indifferent towards Scythians and Khazars,
who created something akin to empire of their time. There will be no more Russian pigs. There will
be no hate, no nothing.

Wish you success, free people!

Clean sheet of paper ready
On the table, front of me,
And I write on it three words:
Glorious Bolshevik Party
-- Sergey Mikhalkov,
soviet propagandist

Recently my main activity was violating various Russian laws, for example, putting out an
eternal flame or roasting that poor hamster. At the same time I am not an anarchist. I will explain
my logic: for me there are only human rights, so I reject any laws that do not protect human rights.
In my opinion, any decisions must be made based solely on human rights.
But the rights of one person end where the rights of another begin. Therefore, it is totally okay to
violate the laws that do not protect human rights, and to commit the crimes in which there will be
no real victims. So by extinguishing the Eternal Flame with urine, I have not violated human rights;
on the contrary, I saved taxpayers' money that went into the gas, supporting that flame of ignorance;
similarly with a frying a hamster alive - such cruel treatment of animals does not violate human
rights, unless you harm another person's animal, damaging private property.
On the other hand, it is necessary to protect copyrights, because it is a human right, namely the
right to copy (copyRIGHT) - the inalienable right of a person to gather the fruits of his intellectual
work. Similarly, copyright is violated by the state laws on censorship, infringing on the author's
right to copy the information he created and transfer this right to others. A person has the right to
copy the result of his work, but by starting to copy someone else, he violates the right of another
person to his work.
Some confuse copyright with censorship, but censorship is usually introduced in the guise of
combating extremism and simply "harmful" information. Copyright protection is a bad foundation
for censorship, because copyright means, first of all, the right to copy, which the censorship is
trying to completely eliminate. Let's say there are some Valentin Turchin and Esenin-Volpin -
copyright in no way will help government to shut up these dissidents, moreover, their copyright will
actually strengthen them, because it is impossible without the author's permission to copy and
distort their works, and the authors can sell their manuscripts, using the received money to conduct
the new anti-government research.
Another example is the right to die, which is infringed upon by the government, which considers
itself entitled to decide for people what they can do with their bodies and lives. Suicide is
considered a taboo worse than child pornography and is banned in all countries. Moreover, if you
search for the ways to commit a suicide, say "exit bags sale" from under your Google account, the
police could be notified about your search, and you will be presented with the number of the suicide
hotline instead of the store, where you can buy cheap good quality exit bags, which would allow say
terminally ill person to die without suffering.
All these "Jesus loves you, suicide is a sin, think about your family" only annoy the person who
is tired of his life, and cause him to desire instead of just suicide to go postal plus suicide. Without a
way to easily obtain an exit bag, a suicidal person can jump under a train or a car, creating an
emergency situation and spoiling the lives of others. Had the society respected human rights, then
this person could have easily and openly said: "I'm tired of living. I'm planning my suicide at
8:00pm, I've already signed my will, and those wishing to say goodbye can be appointed on
schedule after 10:00am."
And then we have compulsory treatment of suicidal people, which is nothing short of
cannibalism, because only the companies sucking on medical insurance extract the benefit from
such treatment, which became forced even in the US, thanks to the communist Obama. That is,
people are forced to purchase the medical service. Moreover, such medical companies are often
owned by the relatives and friends of the corrupt officials, pushing corresponding unconstitutional
In general, communism is always cannibalism, when the ghouls usurping power devour the
weak. For contrast, in the Third Reich, a suicidal person would simply be euthanized, as a
subhuman. Nazis haven't spent the taxpayer money at maintaining an individual who does not want
to live and spoils the mood of other people. Therefore, Nazi Germany on some issues was much
better and more humane than the current communist America. One can try to explain the taboo on
suicide using Christian morality, but in the USSR suicide was also banned, so this is best explained
by slavery: you are a slave, who do not have the right to dispose of your life.
Thus, the state and laws can only be supported if they protect human rights. In all other cases, the
state and laws are in themselves criminal, because they violate human rights. Beyond the basic don't
steal and don't kill, no single law will suit everyone. Finally, when the fat government officials in
Moscow write laws for Siberia, it is called Imperialism.
Had Russians not been such useless dolts, it would have made sense to create a political party
"Licentia", which sets the following goals:
1. The abolition of all laws infringing on human rights, in the cases when these rights do not
infringe the rights of other people. I.e. any victimless crime must cease to be considered a
crime. This immediately follows with the legalization of drugs, decriminalization of treason,
child pornography, the legalization of illegal immigration, tax evasion and army draft evasion,
the use of private currency (instead of the Russian ruble) - because all these crimes have no
2. Cancellation of any bureaucratic posts, and the introduction of direct democracy: to make
any decision, a representative sample of the groups of all people affected by this decision is
taken. After that, the selected people vote for the decision. The entire sampling process (its
algorithm) and voting should be extremely transparent and accessible to anyone for
verification. For example, if a drunk driver was caught driving into a crowd, then voters,
randomly chosen from the residents of the city, decide what to do with the criminal: shoot him
humanely or hang him by his genitalia. Similarly, a decision could be made about what to do
with Putin and his gang.

Regarding the crime of treason, lets be honest: betraying some evil totalitarian country won't harm
anyone. It would be honorable to betray Russia, North Korea or China. So, in the perfect world,
treason is ultimately a victimless crime.

At the moment by my actions, I deliberately and purposefully violated 30 articles of the criminal
and administrative codes of the organized criminal group - the Russian Federation:

1. Article 245 - cruel treatment of animals: killed a Russian rooster;

2. Article 214 - vandalism: smashed state-owned billboards with the advertisement of United Russia
and the Communist Party;
3. Article 280 - extremism: in my articles and videos, I called for the destruction of Russia and for
the death to Russians as the slavish base of the Russian Empire, because only evildoers would today
identify as the Russians;
4. Article 213 - hooliganism: poured out the cat's tray content in the building of the Prosecutor
General's Office, because of the blocking of my social network accounts, which violates my
constitutional right to freedom of speech;
5. Article 329 - desecration of The Flag and the Emblem of the Russian Federation: several times
burned the flag of Russia with the coat of arms;
6. Article 148 - insulting the feelings of believers: conducted rituals, including sacrifices, without
the approval of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate;
7. Article 198 - tax evasion: I consider it criminal to support Russia financially;
8. Article 239 - suicide propaganda: Informed Russians at the Vkontakte social network about the
methods of painless withdrawal from life available to them, until my account in the social network
was blocked by the Russian prosecutor's office;
9. Article 319 - an insult to a representative of the authorities: said "fuck off" to a Russian police
officer, calling him an "asshole";
10. Article 119 - the threat of murder: threatened the school principal, because she refused to issue a
certificate, because she had no time for that;
11. Article 354 - calls for unleashing a war: I ask NATO for an air strike against the Kremlin;
12. Article 130 - an insult: I call Putin "khuilo" and "pedophile";
13. Article 357 - genocide: I call for the sterilization of Russians, and otherwise reducing Russian
14. Article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses - I often use swearing in my anti-Russian
speeches and poetry for provocative purposes;
15. Article 6.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses - propaganda of homosexuality: I advocate
for a gay pride parade at the red square and published gay porn on my pages in Russian social
networks, before they were blocked;
16. Article 17.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses - has repeatedly desecrated the idiotic
anthem of Russia;
17. Article 322 - Illegal crossing of the State Border of the Russian Federation. Fled Russia to
Ukraine, violating the undertaking not to leave the place;
18. Article 354.1 p.1 - rehabilitation of Nazism: I assert that Hitler was right on one account,
considering the Russian nation being subhuman;
19. Article 354.1 p.3 - desecration of the symbols of Russian military glory, committed in public:
burned a portrait of Putin on the eternal flame and put out another eternal fire with a bottle of urine;
20. Article 205.2 - justification of "terrorism:" expressed the opinion that Amir Khattab and other
Chechens are not terrorists, but freedom fighters, because they fought on thir land against the
Russian invaders;
21. Article 205 p.1 - act of terrorism: threatened to poison food at Pyatorochka, should Russia ever
achieve my extradition;
22. Article 291 - attempted bribery: tried to negotiate with the investigator Yulia Sergeevna
Korovina about stopping the criminal prosecution against me;
23. Article 328.1 - evasion of conscription: deliberately avoided fulfilling "duty" to the Motherland;
24. Article 212.1 - organization of mass riots: called for boycotting phony elections and pouring
urine at the electorate, which supports United Russia and all the "spoiler" parties.
25. Article 128.1 p.2 - slander, contained in a public statement: criticized countless people,
sometimes published details of personal correspondence.
26. Article 137 - violation of privacy: disseminated information about the lives of many people,
including, for example, Tatyana Sokolov.
27. Article 272 p.1 - unauthorized access to computer information: in 2006 hacked a few sites,
although I'm not proud of it, unlike many other achievements on this list.
28. Article 327 p.1 - falsification of documents: at the employment center, used fake stamp to sign a
denial of employment and receive a small unemployment benefit for a few months. Just for the
29. Article 327 p.3 - the use of a forged document: when employed, I used a fake diploma of higher
30. Article 297. Desecration of the grave: that eternal flame which I desecrated also symbolizes the
burial place of Soviet soldiers.
31. Article 205.1. - The promotion of terrorist activities: repeatedly called for terrorist activities
against the Russian Federation.
32. Article 242.1. - Production and circulation of materials or items with pornographic images of
minors: using a raster editor, edited a stock photo of a little boy with an open mouth, added a male
sexual organ to his mouth. Wrote poetry, that included sexual acts with children.
33. Article 159.3 p.1 - Fraud with the use of electronic means of payment: used bank cards and
accounts registered on other individuals, for fear that my personal accounts will be blocked as a
result of my political activism and statements in social networks. Forced to continue to do this in
Ukraine, because Unkrainians refused to open me a checking bank account with my Ukrainian
refugee Dovidka id card, demanding Russian passport instead.
34. Article 205.1 p.1 - financing of terrorism: donated $1000 to Boris Stomakhin, who was
convicted of terrorism, because of his Internet publications.

- Biggest "thank you" goes to the Russian nation, which made this story possible.
- Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, for his Russophobic politics.
- Special thanks to cat Leopold for the content for the Russian prosecutor's office.

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