Non-static spherically symmetric solution of Einstein vacuum field equations with Λ
Non-static spherically symmetric solution of Einstein vacuum field equations with Λ
Non-static spherically symmetric solution of Einstein vacuum field equations with Λ
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Amir H. Abbassi
Department of Physics, School of Sciences, Tarbiat Modarres University
P.O.Box 14155-4838, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: The Schwarschild-de Sitter metric is the known solution of Einstein field
equations with cosmological constant term for vacuum spherically symmetric space
around a point mass M. Recently it has been reported that in a Λ-dominant world
the Schwarzschild type coordinate systems are disqualified by redshift-magnitude
test as a proper frame of reference (gr-qc/9812092). We derive the solution in a
FRW type coordinate system which is qualified according to the mentioned test.
Asymptotically it approachs to the non-static form of deSitter metric. The obtained
metric is transformable to Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric. It is an analytic function
of r for all values except r = 0 which is singular. This is carried out with no making
use of Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates and without entering any cross term in the
epoch [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. So far in standard models of gravitating systems the existence
of cosmological constant have been simply ignored,but after these observations the
theoretical models should be modified to include this term as a part of reality.
A theoretical issue as has been well explained in standard reviews of cosmological
constant is that the theoretical expectation for Λ exceeds its observational value by
120 orders of magnitude [6, 7]. Meanwhile it worth to mention that there is some
way to resolve this deficiency. It is proved that there exists a different commutation
relation between space coordinate and its momentum for massless particles [8]. The
field theoretical counterpart of this new commutation relation leads to zero vacuum
energy [9].
The familiar solution of the Einstein field equations with cosmological constant
for a vacuum space around a center of spherical symmetry (SS) is given by the
Schwarzschild-deSitter metric [10]. It has the following form (G = c = 1):
2 2M Λ 2M Λ
ds = 1 − − r 2 dt2 − 1 − − r2 dr 2 −
r 3 r 3
− r2 dθ2 + sin2 θ dϕ2 , (2)
where Λ stands for cosmological constant and M is the mass of an individual point
mass which is the source of SS. This metricqhas two coordinate type singularity at
distance very close to 2M − (M 3 Λ)/2 and 3/Λ − M and an intrinsic singularity
at r = 0. On the geodesic with
q dθ = dϕ = 0, ds2 does change sign in passing
from 2M − (M 3 Λ)/3 < r < 3/Λ − M interval to the neighboring intervals r <
2M − (M 3 Λ)/3 and r > 3/Λ − M. This enforces us to give up our common sense
and accept the ad hoc character exchange of r and t as space and time coordinate. On
the other hand according to the principle of causality we expect when M the source
of SS tends to zero the symmetry of the metric which is the effect of the existence
of M disappear, but in Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric the contrast of this happens
and SS remains. The crucial deficiency of the Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric is that
in a Λ-dominated universe the Schwarzschild type comoving coordinate system gives
a redshift-magnitude relation which does not confirm with observational data [11].
This discards the Schwarzschild type coordinate as a proper frame of reference in the
presence of Λ. A FRW type comoving coordinate system gives a correct prediction
for redshift-magnitude relation which quite well agrees with observation.
We are going to find the solution of Einstein field equations with cosmological
constant for a vacuum spherically symmetric space in a proper FRW type coordinate
system. Although a system consisting a point mass M possesses SS, it is plausible
to expect that at very large scales compared to M the space looks homogenous and
isotropic within good approximaton and its related metric to be de Sitter metric in
its FRW form. Thus it will not restrict the generality of the problem if take the
following form for ds2 ,
h i
ds2 = B(r, t)dt2 − R2 (t) A(r, t)dr 2 + r 2 (dθ2 + sin2 θ dϕ2 ) , (3)
where A and B tends to one in the large distance limit and R(t) the scale factor
Ṙ R̈ Λ
= = . (4)
R R 3
Taking ds2 = −gµν dxµ dxν , the nonvanishing components of gµν for metric (3) are:
grr = R2 A , gθθ = R2 r 2
gϕϕ = R2 r 2 sin2 θ , gtt = −B . (5)
Since the off diagonal components of the metric are zero, its contravariant compo-
nents are simply the inverse of the related covariant one.
Then the nonvanishing components of affine connection are:
Á Ṙ Ȧ r
Γrrr = , Γrrt = + , Γrθθ = − ,
2A R 2A A
r sin2 θ B́
Γrϕϕ = − , Γrtt =
A 2R2 A
1 Ṙ sin 2θ
Γθrθ = , Γθtθ = , Γθϕϕ = −
r R 2
1 Ṙ
Γϕrϕ = , Γϕθϕ = cot θ , Γϕtϕ =
r R
2ṘRA + R2 Ȧ B́ r 2 ṘR
Γtrr = , Γttr = , Γtθθ = ,
2B 2B B
r 2 sin2 θ ṘR Ḃ
Γtϕϕ = B
, Γttt = 2B
where(0 ) and (·) represent the derivative with respect to r and t respectively.
The nonvanishing components of Ricci tensor in terms of the above affine connec-
tions are:
00 !
B Á B́ B́ Á
Rrr = − − + −
2B rA 4B B A
" !2 #
R2 A R̈ 2Ṙ2 2ṘȦ Ä ṘḂ ȦḂ Ȧ
− + 2 + + − − − (7)
B R R RA 2A 2RB 4AB 2A
" 00 ! #
B B B́ B́ Á B́ 3R̈ Ä Ȧ2 ṘȦ
Rtt = 2 − + + − + + − 2
+ −
R A 2B 4B B A rB R 2A 4A RA
− − (8)
2RB 4AB " #
1 r Á r B́ R2 r 2 2Ṙ2 R̈ ṘḂ ṘȦ
= −1 + − − 2 − + −
Rθθ + + (9)
A 2A2 2AB B R R 2RB 2RA
Rϕϕ = sin2 θ Rθθ (10)
Ȧ B́ Ṙ
Rrt = − − . (11)
The Einstein field equations with Λ for empty space are reduced to
If (*) stands for the derivative with respect to ρ then the partial derivative of A and
B with respect to r and t are
Á = R(t)A∗ , Ȧ = Ṙ(t)rA∗ ,
B́ = R(t)B ∗ , Ḃ = Ṙ(t)rB ∗ . (17)
We may apply (17) to simplify (15) so it becomes
1 r Ṙ2 A∗ B ∗
+ + = 0. (18)
Equation (18) holds if we have
A∗ B ∗
+ = 0. (19)
Integration of (19) with respect to ρ gives AB =constant, since A and B need to
become one at large distances, thus we have
A = B −1 . (20)
This selection automatically satisfies the rt-component of the field equation and may
be considered as a justification for the assumption in (16). The θθ-component of the
field equation together with (4) and (20) yield
1 r Á ΛR2 r 2 RṘr 2 Ȧ
−1 + − 2− − = −ΛR2 r 2 (21)
and inserting (17) and (20) in (21) gives
1 ρA∗ Λ
−1 + − 2 − Λρ2 (A − 1) − ρ3 A∗ = 0
A A 3
d ρ Λ d 3
−1 + − [ρ (Λ − 1)] = 0 . (22)
dρ A 3 dρ
Integration of (22) with respect to ρ results
ρ Λ
− ρ3 (Λ − 1) − ρ = constant ≡ C . (23)
A 3
If we define D ≡ ρA, then (22) in terms of D becomes a quadratic equation
− ρD2 − 1 − ρ2 + D +ρ = 0. (24)
3 3 ρ
This quadratic equation has two real solutions:
r 2
Λ 2 C 4Λρ2
1− 3
ρ + ρ
± 1 − Λ3 ρ2 + C
+ 3
D± = . (25)
−2 Λ3 ρ
By evaluating the post Newtonian limits we observe that merely D− is physically
acceptable and the actual value of C is −2M. Thus we have
v −1
u !2 !
2Λρ u
t 2M Λ 2 4Λ 2 2M Λ
B = A−1 = 1− − ρ + ρ − 1− − ρ2 . (26)
3 ρ 3 3 ρ 3
Eq. (26) may be written in a more elegant form
u !2 !
1 u
t 2M Λ 2 4Λ 2 2M Λ
B = A−1 = 1− − ρ + ρ + 1− − ρ2 . (27)
2 ρ 3 3 ρ 3
ρ ≡ e 3 r. (28)
We may summarize the functional behavior of the obtained metric as follows. For
the interval ρ 2M we may neglect the 2M/ρ term comparing to others and
consequently come to B = A−1 = 1. This means that at these very large scales the
essential symmetry of space restores. This property also guarantees that when M
tends to zero the homogeneity and isotropy of space restore. For scales not too large
but comparable to 2M, (27) reduces to B = A−1 = (1 − 2M ρ
− Λ3 ρ2 ) which exactly
coincide with Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric. For the interval ρ quite smaller than
2M we have
2M Λ 2Λ 2
ρ 2M Λ 1
B = A−1 ≈ 1 − − ρ2 1 + 3
2 + 1 − − ρ2
ρ 3 1 − 2M − Λ ρ2 ρ 3 2
ρ 3
≈ . (29)
The obtained metric does not change sign and has quite different behavior in the
intervals which Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric faces with problems. In contrast to
Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric that at origin gives gtt = +∞ and grr = 0, this new
metric gives gtt = 0 and grr = +∞. thus the non-static metric is analytic everywhere
except at ρ = 0. At ρ = 2M − M 3 Λ/3 that is the familiar horizon of black holes the
metric gives ! s
M 3Λ Λ
A 2M − ≈ × 2M . (30)
3 3
On geodesic with dθ = dϕ = 0, the relation between dt and dr at this point for a
massless particle is
dt = q . (31)
ΛM 2
M −1
Since Λ is of the order 10−56 cm−2 , then it takes less than τ ≡ 105 ( km ) years for a
photon to escape from horizon region of black hole i.e. ρ ≈ 2M to outside of few M.
Since the metric is nonsingular for r 6= 0 and there is no horizon, the high
potential regions are accessible. This huge amount of potential energy can be con-
verted to thermal or other physical forms of energy and providing us with a new
supermachinary for high energy astrophysics. This can make drastic change in our
understanding of the AGN phenomenon.
We should mention that the presented non-static metric and the Schwarzschild-
de Sitter metric are transformable to each other by the following coordinate trans-
formation Ṙ Z ρ A(ρ̃)ρ̃dρ̃
ρ = R(t)r T =t+ , (32)
R 1 − 2M
− Λ3 ρ̃2
where A is given by (27). For the special case of M = 0, (32) reduces to
1 Λ 2
T = t − ln 1 − ρ . (33)
2 3
As it is evident from (33) this transformation does not preserve the symmetries of
space and this is the reason that why in Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric the spherical
symmetry remains in the limit M → 0.
In a recent work I have shown that there exist general spherically symmetric
solutions of Einstein vacuum field equations without Λ [12]. These solutions are free
of intrinsic singularity and are analytic at r = 0. We anticipate that the combination
of these two works will provide us the ultimate nonsingular metrics.
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