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Paper 2 PDF
Keywords: Electrocoagulation (EC) is a popular wastewater treatment alternative that had been studied extensively for a
Electrocoagulation wide range of wastewater types, due to its versatility, ease of setup, low footprint and eco-friendly nature. The
Wastewater treatment recent studies on EC advancements on various wastewater types had been reviewed in this paper. The opera-
Sustainability tional variables that are vital to EC and the fundamental relationship of EC with conventional chemical coa-
Sustainable technology
gulation had been assessed as they are the primary factors that govern the pollutant removal mechanism of the
Hybrid system
Water reclamation
process. Hence, EC needs further studies for optimisation of its process parameters and modelling for scale up in
Recycle the industrial level. Moreover, this paper reviews the current emerging hybrid technologies of EC with integrated
Reuse separation technologies and their limitations for enhanced wastewater treatment systems for cleaner effluents,
water reclamation and recycle. The current prominent hybrid EC processes under research include: EC-ad-
sorption, EC-peroxidation, EC-chemical coagulation (CC), photovoltaic EC and EC-membrane. Due to the overall
low footprint requirement, environmental sustainability and strong potential of constant operation without
needing extensive control, hybrid EC-membrane process undeniably stands out to be the future of wastewater
1. Introduction It is evident that emerging industries and urban societies are major
drivers for global economic boost. However, disregarding the en-
Rising scarcity of fresh water is a global concern. According to the vironmental consequences strictly on appropriate waste treatment and
World Economic Forum, the global water crisis ranks as the number disposal, will sooner or later, not only tax the world economy, but also
four risk in terms of impact on the society till date. A significant de- can build up to the collapse of the ecosystem sustainability, even im-
crease in the available fresh water quality and quantity is raising con- pacting climate change in the long run.
cerns on consequent impact on not only human health and ecosystem For instance, Malaysia being one of the top global palm oil produ-
but also the world economy [1]. Besides, the United Nations (UN) cers, generated 19.86 million tons of crude palm oil (CPO) in 2019
realizing the importance and urgency of freshwater crisis mitigation, alone, which is a marginal increase by 1.8 % [3]. With every ton of CPO
placed “Clean Water and Sanitation” as the number six goal to be produced, huge amount of water is employed for extraction processes
achieved by 2030 under the movement of Sustainable Development on fresh fruit bunches (FFB) and about 50 % of the water is disposed as
Goals (SDG). Therefore, Target 6.3 under goal 6 (SDG) is to improve effluents [4]. Besides, the effluents are high in organic matter and nu-
water quality, wastewater treatment and safe reuse. By UN definition, trients that are nontoxic but carry potential to induce algal growth and
the accomplishment of Target 6.3 (one of the eight targets to achieve eutrophication overtime [5], while the conventional treatment methods
SDG goal 6) is visualised by breaking it down to the following four fail to meet the environmental discharge standards set by Department
measures [2]: of Environment (DOE) of Malaysia [6]. Similarly, most wastewater ef-
fluents besides treated palm oil mill effluents (POME) [6–9], from
1 Reducing pollution several industries such as cheese whey effluent [10], municipal was-
2 Abolishing dumping and minimizing the emission of hazardous tewater [11], mineral processing wastewater [12] and many other types
materials and chemicals of wastewater are discharged into rivers after conventional treatments.
3 Cutting down the quantity of untreated wastewater by half Typical treatments before discharge into rivers involve physical, bio-
4 Substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally. logical and/or chemical processes.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.S. Jami).
Received 8 April 2020; Received in revised form 23 May 2020; Accepted 10 June 2020
2214-7144/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Tahreen, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101440
A. Tahreen, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101440
A. Tahreen, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101440
3.1. Parameters affecting EC showing greater effectiveness compared to Fe while Fe excels with its
relatively low power consumption minimizing the overall process cost
3.1.1. Current density [32,58,59]. Moreover, in terms of decolorization of acid dye, Fe once
A key parameter affecting EC efficiency is current density, which is again surpassed Al by removing 98 % of the dye unlike 53 % by Al Chafi
the current applied per effective electrode surface area. Current density et al. [60]. Beside maximum decolorization yield, the energy require-
determines the release rate of electrons as a consequence of dissociation ments and costs were minimized with Fe. Therefore, a fine line cannot
of metal ions from the electrode [46]. In fact, the electrode dissociation be drawn as to which electrode combination gives the best outcome.
directly corresponds to the applied current density [24]. However, the Both Fe and Al have their own distinct properties with respective me-
range of current density applied varies widely for different types of chanisms in their dissociation and chemical properties. More factors
wastewater. The differences arise mostly due to variation in ionic in- such as optimum working pH and reaction time must be considered as
teraction resulting from the nature of pollutants present in the waste- well in parameter optimization as they vary for different electrodes,
water. along with the chemistry of the targeted wastewater. However, a
Typically, the current density applied for EC may range from as low number of works concluded Al-Al to be the best electrode combination
as 0.01Am−2 [50] to as high as 880 Am−2 [51]. Even though the ap- for maximum COD removal [12,47,53,61,62].
plied current greatly corresponds to the metal ion dissociation and re- A few studies had attempted to utilize a combination of both Al and
lease of ions in the solution, an excess of current may negatively affect Fe electrodes for EC on several wastewater and reported a greater
the efficiency of EC by enabling secondary reactions and over dosage of overall efficiency in terms of pollutant removal as well as reduction in
coagulants can cause charge reversal of the colloids. This phenomenon power input and therefore, process costs [46,63–65]. El-Naas et al. [62]
may reduce the electrode life span while deteriorating the efficiency of however, achieved the best COD and sulphate removal with Al anode
EC and management of resources (energy supply, electrodes, etc.). and cathode. Besides Al and Fe electrodes, some researchers had also
Therefore, current density is an important parameter that requires op- attempted to use graphite and stainless steel as electrodes in their re-
timization to carry out EC for the desired wastewater/water treatment. spective EC based wastewater treatments [62,66,67].
EC is also optimized corresponding to other key operational para- Other than electrode combination, electrode arrangement can also
meters such as initial pH, operation time, electrode type, electrode ar- affect EC performance. Electrodes can either be simply arranged as
rangement and geometry [46]. The effect of current density on the shown in Fig. 3 with a cathode and an anode, or they can have a
operation and effectiveness of EC had been studied by various re- complex arrangement involving multiple sets of anodes and cathodes in
searchers on several operating conditions [26,52–54]. High current a single EC set up. The three types of complex electrode arrangements
leads to high ohmic drop (IR drop) between the electrodes along with are monopolar parallel (MP-P), monopolar series (MP-S) and bipolar
increased voltage that leads to higher costs. By reducing current den- series (BP-S), differing based on variation in electrode connection, and
sity, the power consumption costs can be tackled, compromising how- the concepts can be further understood in the works by Hakizimana
ever, the reaction time [55]. The current density can be reduced while et al. [46], Naje et al. [32] and Shamaei et al. [68].
obtaining the same EC efficiency by modifying the other key parameters
of EC. For example, the costs can be minimized by reducing the power 3.1.3. Inter electrode distance
input by diminishing the inter electrode distance, raising electrolyte The distance between electrodes plays a significant role in an EC
conductivity and electrode surface area [56]. Hence, parameter opti- operation, as it determines the electrostatic field between the anode and
misation is vital in EC to study the synergistic or antagonistic effects of the cathode. The electrostatic field is the highest when the inter elec-
multiple parameters on pollutant removal. trode distance is at its minimum. Therefore, the metal hydroxides that
aid in forming flocs to support coagulation degrade due to strong col-
3.1.2. Electrode material and arrangement lisions from the high electrostatic attraction [69]. Consequently, EC
The electrode material hugely influences the EC performance, effi- efficiency is low at minimum inter-electrode distance.
ciency and cost. The material determines the type of electrochemical On the other hand, larger inter electrode gap defers the subsequent
reaction that will take place. The efficiency is mainly judged by the formation of metal hydroxide-flocs due to reduced electrostatic forces
electrode dissociation rate, pollutant removal percentage and the coa- [70]. Electrode spacing beyond optimum largely reduces the EC effi-
gulant needed. These parameters correspond directly to the release of ciency, incurring higher power consumption to overcome the slower
the metallic ion coagulants in the electrolytic solution. Coagulants with movement of the released ions between the anode and cathode [47,56].
a greater charge valency are favoured due to their ability to enhance the Hence, it is vital to run EC at an optimum inter-electrode distance.
coagulation of pollutants assisted by their greater level of electrical Several studies had used a minimum distance of no less than 10 mm
double layer compression [39]. Considering the ability of effective [10,11,25,28,58,71] for various types of wastewater. Beside this, an
coagulation along with cost-effectiveness, availability, reliability and interelectrode distance of 20 mm–30 mm had also been employed in
non-hazardous characteristics, Al and Fe electrodes had been widely many studies [7,27,65,72].
utilized worldwide for EC with successful removal of targeted pollu- A recent study by Changmai et al. [73] determined the effect of EC
tants [10,43,46]. efficiency in metal removal on steel industry effluent, with change in
Even though both metals, Al and Fe, are on a similar level in the electrode distance that was varied from 5 mm to 20 mm. It was con-
metal reactivity series, differences in their ion dissolution rates result in cluded that as the interelectrode gap was decreased, the metal removal
varying outcomes in the EC process. There are differences in opinions of efficiency increased, due to the reduced resistance of the solution and
several researchers regarding the most suitable electrode combination the minimum travelling distance for the ions. Therefore, with less
for specific wastewater treatments. As example, for EC treatment on current density, higher metal removal percentage was achieved. How-
palm oil mill effluent (POME), Nasrullah et al. [57] concluded that Al ever, the most appropriate electrode distance, as all key parameters,
electrodes resulted in a greater COD removal of 70 % compared to Fe also depend on the type of wastewater and the EC reactor design. A
with addition of a coagulant and oxidant, whereas Bashir et al. [7] with larger space between the electrodes can be overcome by a larger ap-
Fe electrodes had achieved a COD removal of 71.3 % on the same type plication of current. And the current requirement also depends on the
of wastewater with oxidant addition. Differences in other factors such conductivity, pH and zeta potential of the wastewater.
as EC time, wastewater characteristics and initial pH may have col- Akarsu et al. [74] and Aswathy et al. [47], both carried out EC on
lectively impacted the EC efficiency. bilge water (oily wastewater produced within ocean vehicles) applying
Besides, numerous studies had shown that both Fe and Al more or 10 V of power supply. Aswathy et al. [47] achieved a COD % removal of
less, resulted in the same range of COD % removal, generally with Al 89.84 % in 120 min compared to 52 % COD % removal by Akarsu et al.
A. Tahreen, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101440
[74] in 90 min. The major distinguishing factors between both studies EC efficiency.
are the EC time as well as the electrode distance. The major difference pH largely controls the conductivity, which determines the current
in COD% removal is due to the huge gap in the interelectrode distance. flow in the solution. It governs the economic feasibility of the EC pro-
Akarsu et al. [74] employed an electrode distance of 80 mm compared cess especially in terms of power consumption. Higher conductivity
to 10 mm by Aswathy et al. [47]. Besides, the findings of Aswathy et al. means less current is required to achieve the same pollutant removal
[47] were strengthened with additional EC carried out and optimized efficiency. Often, electrolytes such as NaCl and NH4Cl are added to
on synthetic bilge water first, achieving over 84 % COD removal, later increase the solution conductivity. However, not many studies had been
validated by real bilge water. Therefore, it can be concluded, that the undertaken to optimize the electrolyte concentration for optimum EC
interelectrode distance plays a crucial role in pollutant removal effi- yield.
ciency in EC and must be kept optimum to avoid higher power con- Typically, the colloids with charge more positive than 30 mV and
sumption. more negative than 30 mV are considered stable [75]. More research is
required to investigate the effect of electrolyte concentration and pH on
3.1.4. Initial pH and conductivity the zeta potential of the wastewater solution besides conductivity,
Conductivity and pH are important factors to be considered to carry especially to determine possible interaction with key EC parameters
out efficient EC. pH affects the conductivity, zeta potential as well as whether they aid or diminish EC activity in colloidal destabilization.
the electrode dissolution in the wastewater solution [24]. However, the
pH tends to change throughout the EC process. Consequently, to map 3.1.5. Reaction time
the direct relationship between the pH and EC efficiency is hard. The pollutant removal efficiency is dependent largely on the EC
Therefore, measuring the initial pH is the most appropriate step to time. With longer times, higher rate of pollutant removal is achieved
determine pH effect on EC. due to the generation of more metal coagulants and flocs at a constant
Generally, pH of the wastewater, targeted for EC, is adjusted with current density [32]. However, the EC efficiency forms a plateau at
addition of common bases like NaOH solution and acids like dilute specific time frames as the pollutant removal rates become constant due
sulfuric or hydrochloric acids. Varying the initial pH helps to optimize to occupied active sites forming coagulant pollutant flocs [58]. The
the EC process to determine the optimum initial pH for the specific EC optimization of EC time is necessary as the pollutant removal rate is
process [37,38]. Every EC process specific to a certain type of waste- affected by electrolysis time, to avoid loss of energy and resources.
water varies in terms of optimum initial pH; some wastewater types
give optimum EC efficiency at acidic initial pH such as the works by 3.1.6. Temperature
Bashir et al. [7] on POME, Dimoglo et al. [28] on laundry wastewater, Most EC studies are generally carried out at room temperature.
Changmai et al. [26] on oily wastewater, Reilly et al. [5] on dairy However, some researchers had investigated the effect of temperature
processing wastewater. On the other hand, some EC operations are in pollutant removal efficiency in EC. For instance, Çırak [76] con-
more efficient on relatively more alkaline pH environment, such as the cluded that heated solutions result in a more efficient and cost effective
studies by Deveci et al. [27] on tannery wastewater, Nawarkar & Salkar colloidal separation. Higher temperature increased the generation of Al
[11] on municipal wastewater, Verma [65] on textile wastewater and (OH)2+ ions which is one of the most effective coagulant species.
Akarsu et al. [74] on bilge water. Moreover, there are also a few studies Raising the temperature from 25 °C to 85 °C, not only enhanced the
that depicted optimum pollutant removal with a neutral initial pH such turbidity removal percentage from colloidal calcareo-argillaceous sus-
as the studies carried out by Elazzouzi et al. [72] and Khemila et al. pension significantly but also reduced power consumption [76]. Cor-
[29]. Therefore, EC proves to be a versatile electrochemical treatment responding to increased effectiveness, operating EC at higher tem-
process that can perform at its optimum in wide range of pH, acidic, peratures, lowers current density requirement, therefore, reducing
basic or neutral; largely depending on the type of electrodes used and process costs notably.
their interaction with the targeted wastewater. Shamaei et al. [68] achieved an increase in total organic carbon
Sher et al. [31] had carried out electrochemical coagulation and (TOC) % removal at 60 °C while varying temperature ranging from
flocculation on wastewater and achieved remarkable outcomes with a 20 °C to 60 °C. However, the efficiency significantly increased at 60 °C.
revived design. The authors concluded that the current applied is the At high temperature, the formation of more metal hydroxides is pro-
most effective variable, achieving over 50 % COD removal with Fe minent due to higher rate of ion movement explained by Brownian
electrodes and around 12–18 % with Al electrodes, both on the same motion and collisions which destabilize the colloids rapidly with more
wastewater with constant initial pH of 7.3. It is evident that initial pH efficiency. But higher temperature may have negative effects in EC. For
plays a crucial role in the performance of specific electrodes and the instance, metal coagulants become more soluble at heated temperatures
best electrode for giving optimum pollutant removal cannot be con- [77]. Consequently, the ability to separate the filterable precipitates are
cluded from this study and therefore, needs incorporation of initial pH potentially reduced leaving behind dissolved substances in the treated
optimisation for each electrode type. Demirbas and Kobya [53] had effluent [68].
carried out a study by using both Al-Al and Fe-Fe electrodes and found
that Al electrodes produced best results at a pH of 6.5 whereas Fe 3.1.7. Other factors
electrodes performed best at pH 7.5. Each electrode type exhibits op- Stirring speed. Stirring speed is an important factor for EC to
timum performance at varying pH ranges when tested for the same ensure homogeneity in the reactor mixture and enhance pollutant
wastewater [60]. removal rate by imparting velocity through agitation. In general, the
Different metal electrodes have different rate of dissolution at dif- stirring speed is kept constant at most EC studies for wastewater
ferent wastewater solution. For instance, Al electrodes release trivalent treatment, typically within 80–300 rpm [7,12,57,78]. However, some
Al3+ ions which are oxidized to Al(OH)3, which release their OH− researchers investigated the influence of stirring speed on EC process in
hydroxide ions at the cathode. The release and uptake of these ions pollutant removal efficiency. Increasing mixing speed enhances the
according to the electrochemical nature of the wastewater affect the movement of ions and flocs produced within the EC reactor increasing
initial pH of the solution. Unlike Al, Fe electrodes release Fe2+ ions the overall efficiency of the pollutant removal. However, beyond
which tend to further oxidize to Fe3+ ions before forming the hydro- optimum range, the agitation can impact negatively to the EC
xides. Therefore, the initial pH of Fe employed EC varies compared to efficiency by breaking down the flocs that trap the pollutants within
that with Al electrodes. Further studies must be carried out on EC to by possibly restabilising the colloids [32,58,69].
evaluate and solidify the relationship between electrode material and
optimum initial pH for specific wastewater, and their effect on overall Supporting electrolytes. Supporting electrolytes boost the
A. Tahreen, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101440
conductivity of the EC mixture by enhancing electron transfer in anode efficiency, lower capital cost and footprint requirement, no extensive
dissolution. Consequently, a larger current can pass through the chemical addition, easy setup and non-hazardous by-products, make EC
electrolytic solution at a smaller voltage, reducing the power one of the most sustainable wastewater treatment option. However, EC
consumption of the overall EC process, making it economical by has its limitations in treating water to the purity level of reuse along
saving time and resources to achieve the same efficiency. The most with deterioration of sacrificial electrodes during the EC process, hence
common electrolyte used is sodium chloride (NaCl) as it is inexpensive requires time to time electrode replacement [56]. Therefore, there is
and readily available. Besides, polyaluminium chloride (PAC), immense room for improvement in employing EC technology especially
potassium chloride (KCl) and sodium nitrate (NaNO3) supporting by optimization of operational parameters for maximum purity and
electrolytes were compared along with NaCl for EC by Keshmirizadeh yield.
et al. [78]. It was found that KCl worked as effectively as NaCl in total Based on the findings summarized in Table 1, it can be noted that EC
removal of chromium IV from wastewater. Therefore, the conductivities is a booming technology and holds immense potential to replace con-
of the EC mixture are adjusted by the addition of appropriate ventional wastewater treatment methods. However, EC alone is in-
supporting electrolytes at optimum concentrations. sufficient to reclaim water for industrial or domestic reuse as COD is not
However, more studies should be carried to optimise supporting completely removed by EC process. Hence, development of hybrid
electrolyte concentration in EC as it affects the total dissolved solids technologies by integrating EC with other separation processes holds
(TDS) of the final effluent which is crucial for operations that require potential to effectively overcome the EC limitations. The hybrid tech-
feed water of strictly low TDS value. nologies can be designed to produce water from wastewater, that can be
reused; contributing to cut down global freshwater crisis and reduce
4. EC based wastewater treatment pollution by cleaner waste discharge to the environment.
Till date, EC had been widely studied in treating wastewaters from 5. Advancements in EC based hybrid technologies
various sources including bilge water [47,74], municipal wastewater
[11,79], textile wastewater [29,70], oily wastewater [26], tannery Several researchers had studied the impact of many hybrid tech-
wastewater [27], mineral processing wastewater [12], urban waste- nologies integrated with EC to enhance its performance; the related
water [72], laundry wastewater [28], metalworking fluid wastewater studies had been reviewed and summarised in Table 2.
[53], industrial waste water [80], palm oil mill effluents (POME) [7,57]
and more (summarized in Table 1). The main operating parameters, 5.1. EC-peroxidation
namely current density, electrode type, inter-electrode distance, initial
pH and the percentage of pollutant removal had been also summarized Among the prominent wastewater treatment technologies that are
in Table 1. Notably, over 85 % of pollutant removal with EC treatment widely integrated with EC, advanced oxidation process such as perox-
on several types of wastewater, proves its reliability to be an alternative idation is an attractive alternative. The hybrid process combining both
technology for treating wastewater. Beside pollutant removal EC and advanced oxidation is also known as electrochemical
Table 1
Summary of EC process on various types of wastewater in current studies.
Reference Wastewater type Electrode Inter-electrode Optimum current density/ Optimum initial EC time % Pollutant removal
combination distance voltage pH
A. Tahreen, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101440
Table 2
Recent studies on EC based hybrid systems for wastewater treatment.
Reference Wastewater Hybrid EC technology Research outcome
[82] Distillery industrial photo-EC, electrochemical peroxidation ECP gave the best COD removal (86 %) and colour removal (100 %) with minimum
effluent (ECP), photo-ECP energy consumption of 1.2 kWhr/m3
[7] POME ECP 71.3 % COD removal was achieved using Al electrodes with optimum conditions of pH
4.4, current density 40.21 mA/cm2 and 45.67 min reaction time
[27] Tannery wastewater EC-fungal treatment 96 % COD removal was achieved.
Electrodes: (Al-Fe) with optimum values
pH 8, current density 0.81 A and time of 60 min
[74] Bilge water EC-nanofiltration 62.38 % COD was removed in 90 min with pH 6.25 and 15 V
[57] POME ECP with addition of PAC 95.08 % COD removal was achieved in 180 min at optimum current density of 80 mA/cm2
and addition of 2 % H2O2+3 g/L PAC
[29] Textile dye wastewater Photovoltaic EC 99 % turbidity and 95 % colour were removed using solar energy as power source
[68] Oil sands produced water EC-CC The highest % TOC removal (39.8 %) was obtained at 0.34 A, pH 8, temperature 60 °C at
90 min EC process
[11] Municipal effluent Photovoltaic EC 92.01 % COD, 93.97 % turbidity and 49.78 % TDS were removed with solar energy as
power source
[73] Steel industry effluent EC-MF 100 % removal of heavy Mn was achieved and water reclaimed was recycled for unit
operations in the industry
[83] Sunflower oil refinery EC-EO 90–95 % of organic wastes were removed at pH 5.8, current density 8.58 mA/cm2 and
effluent operation time 243 min
peroxidation (ECP) [83–85]. ECP involves addition of oxidant, namely solar power for continuous EC operation. Long term EC efficiency and
hydrogen peroxide H2O2 while operating EC process [83]. Researchers solar grid infrastructure for continuous operation are yet to be in-
namely Asaithambi et al. [82], Nasrullah et al. [57] and Bashir et al. [7] vestigated [29]. Seeking a sustainable power input for remote areas
carried out ECP studies and achieved promising results. By adding H2O2 with electricity deficit, Khemila et al. [29] investigated the use of
concentration of 234 mg/L, Asaithambi et al. [82] achieved a COD re- photovoltaic EC to remove turbidity and color from textile wastewater
moval increase by 13 % using ECP hybrid process compared to EC and achieved a removal of turbidity and color by 99 % and 95 %, re-
alone, with a final COD removal of 85 % on industrial distillery effluent spectively. Also Nawarkar and Salkar [11] after incorporation of solar
using Fe electrodes at an initial pH of 5. Beside enhanced COD % re- powered EC in continuous operation, achieved COD removal of 92.01
moval, peroxidation with 0.5 g/L of H2O2 combined with EC, reduced %, turbidity 93.97 % and TDS of 49.78 % from municipal wastewater. It
the current density by 28.2 % and reaction time by 30 % on POME [7]. is, therefore, evident that photovoltaic EC can be a promising alter-
Moreover, alongside ECP by addition of 2 % H2O2, and by further ad- native for enhancing pollutant removal efficiency while cutting off
dition of coagulant aid PAC, Nasrullah et al. [57] achieved a COD re- power requirement costs with renewable energy.
moval of 95.08 % on POME. Therefore, combination of ECP as well as
coagulant aid proves to be a promising hybrid system not only for re- 5.4. EC-biological treatment
moving organic pollutants but also saving time and energy costs.
However, addition of coagulant aid suggests the need for further pol- Deveci et al. [27] incorporated biological fungal treatment (BFT)
ishing steps for chemical by-product removal with additional unit op- with EC to improve tannery wastewater treatment and observed a COD
eration. Also, the requirement of powerful oxidant, H2O2 in ECP, makes removal of 96 % using Al and Fe electrodes. It is a relatively new insight
the process less environment friendly. Moreover, Sharma et al. [83] to merge biological treatment process with EC as a hybrid system but is
compared ECP with an EC integrated electro-oxidation (EO), an ad- significantly effective to remove toxic pollutants and heavy organic
vanced oxidation process based hybrid system and concluded that hy- matter from tannery wastewater. However, the need for a highly con-
brid EC-EO surpassed both in terms of pollutant removal efficiency as trolled environment with strict media composition for growth and
well as power consumption efficiency against ECP. Additional studies fermentation, makes the hybrid system to work at longer times adding
must be undertaken considering the sustainability of the hybrid EC-EO more complexities for large scale industrial applications. Therefore,
process along with economic feasibility and to tackle the arising com- further studies must be carried out to investigate the sustainability of
plications in industrial scale up as well as environmental sustainability. the combined system and downstream processes needed for the final
effluent removal from the fungal reaction mixture.
5.2. EC-CC
5.5. EC-membrane
Despite possible complications in the downstream polishing steps of
treated effluent, EC combined with chemical coagulation (CC) effec- Above all separation processes, the emerging membrane technology
tively removed total organic carbon (TOC) of 39.8 % on oil sands paves way for a versatile and promising water treatment system with
produced water [68]. Hence, the idea that CC is not a good combination low space, minimum chemical requirement and simple integration with
with EC as compared to ECP is further strengthened. Even though the EC. Changmai et al. [73] accomplished a 100 % removal of heavy metal
wastewater is clarified to an extent, EC-CC fails to achieve the effluent namely manganese (Mn) from steel industry effluent employing a hy-
quality pure enough to be recycled in the industry unit operations. brid EC-membrane process. Through microfiltration (MF) membrane,
the flocs were separated to obtain the treated water that was pure en-
5.3. Photovoltaic EC ough to be recycled as process water for the steel industry unit opera-
tions. Besides, the fabrication of the microfiltration membrane from the
A remarkable advancement in EC technology for wastewater sys- steel industry waste such as steel slags, had made the hybrid EC-
tems is the integration of photovoltaic cells in EC for energy supply. membrane system more impressive owing to its ability to remove 100 %
Solely, depending on solar energy to carry out EC, takes it a step further of the targeted heavy metal from the wastewater, along with promising
in environmental sustainability and cost efficiency. Not many studies environmental sustainability considering waste reduction by recycle
had been performed to investigate the large-scale implementation of and reuse. Moreover, without the need of harsh chemicals that incur
A. Tahreen, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101440
production of unwanted by-products and incorporation of further pur- and EC as its pretreatment. For instance, Chellam and Sari [44] con-
ification steps to obtain the treated water, membrane filtration com- cluded that EC removes viruses, organic matter and other pollutants
mendably stands out from advanced oxidation process. Therefore, hy- from the sample that are foulants for membrane filtration. Therefore, a
brid EC-membrane process must be further studied especially in terms fully optimized, specified and controlled EC process can greatly en-
of parameter optimization and system design. Also, the potential of the hance membrane filtration by significantly minimizing membrane
hybrid system in upscaling to industrial level must be assessed. fouling. Moreover, many researchers developed pore blocking models
Akarsu et al. [74] carried out EC to treat bilge water and concluded to study the nature of fouling on a type of membrane on different types
that EC solely was insufficient for COD removal and therefore, a com- of effluents. For example, Hermia’s models are the most prominent
bined nanofiltration membrane process was required for further clar- equations according to various literature for evaluating the type of
ification. Besides, the crucial limiting factor of membrane filtration that fouling on the membrane filtration process, basing upon which fouling
largely influences the process efficiency in long-term, is membrane mitigation strategies are developed [22,86,89–91,92].
fouling. Membrane fouling is the consequence of reduction in the flow Moreover, employing EC as a pre-treatment process for membrane
rate of the filtered effluent (also known as permeate) due to pore separation is an enormous progress in water treatment technology. For
blocking of the membrane by accumulated pollutants [86]. Many re- instance, chemical coagulation and membrane filtration combined
searchers had extensively studied the types of fouling, their causes and system called coagulation membrane bioreactor (CMBR) had been ef-
mitigation strategies to overcome the consequences. Li et al. [87] car- fectively applied for treating drinking water by Best et al. [93] andTian
ried out direct observation through membrane (DOTM). DOTM is an et al. [94]. Not only the organic matter removal efficiency was en-
optical observation procedure of particle deposition on membrane first hanced but also membrane fouling was greatly mitigated. Therefore,
developed by UNESCO Centre of Membrane Science and Technology Liu et al. [95] concluded that coagulation was the most effective
(UNSW) via Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) treatment technology to not only mitigate membrane fouling but also
[88]. By investigating the particle distribution, the differences in flux extend overall membrane lifespan and boost permeate quality. With the
ratio of clean and fouled membrane were evaluated in terms of flux CMBR, many operations such coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation,
decline on crossflow microfiltration. filtration etc. can be completely removed due to the induced air lift
Changmai et al. [73] integrated microfiltration with EC to remove circulation in the reactor mixing the feedwater and the reactor mixture
flocs from oily wastewater. The mechanism of metal ion entrapment [96]. Therefore, the flocs formed increase in size with the internal
and separation using hybrid EC-membrane had been remarkably illu- circulation and mitigate membrane fouling by preventing smaller flocs
strated in Fig. 4 by Changmai et al. [73]. The mechanism depicted in or particulates to block the membrane pores.
Fig. 4 can provide a clear general understanding on the targeted pol- For CMBR, typically PAC is used as coagulant or adsorbent which
lutant removal process for various types of wastewater employing hy- also requires extensive maintenance and additional operation for its
brid EC-membrane system. removal [96]. The addition of any chemical reagent like PAC can be
With ceramic microfiltration membrane, Changmai et al. [73] omitted with EC. Therefore, replacing the chemical coagulation process
concluded that about 75 %–85 % of the initial flux through filtration of with EC and integrating with membrane process or membrane bior-
the EC treated samples was achieved. However, no counteractive eactor (MBR) once again stands out as a promising alternative for
measures were undertaken or suggested in the study to overcome the water/wastewater treatment that needs to be thoroughly explored and
flux loss. If the EC treated samples were allowed to sediment for a studied. A schematic diagram for the overall water reclamation process
period of time, the flocs would settle, and the clarified EC sample would and reuse in the industry had been visualized in Fig. 5.
significantly enhance the microfiltration process minimizing the con-
sequences of fouling and reduced flux. In fact, many studies view
membrane filtration as the core polishing step for treating wastewater
Fig. 4. Schematic visualization of particle removal through EC-membrane hybrid technique [73].
A. Tahreen, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101440
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of overall hybrid EC-membrane process plan for process water reclamation and recycle.
A. Tahreen, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101440
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