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T. A. ::\OSSEIR, :\1. EL-GnDY, and F. A. EL-SATED

Ain Shams "Cniversity. Faculty of Engineering. Energy and Automotive Dept.. Cairo.
Received June .1.. 1982
Presented by Prof. Dr. Z. LEVAI

1. IntrOtinction

In n~hicle modplling the tyn' is onC' of th.· most important ('lements

which influences the accuracy of the calculated results. In case of yihration
analysis of a ,-('hicle manoeuyered on irregular road surfact'. it rt'quires a
more realistic c.g. yiscoE'lastic tyre model. This modd inyolyes many yariably
parametf'rs such as dynamic stiffness and damping e.wfficient whieh ,-ary
with the simulated frequency, vertical load. and inflation pressul'<' of the
tyre mc)(l;,l. The yiscoelastic model is a suitablP 'JlW for the most important
radial propertiei' of a pneumatic type.
In the present ,';ork attempt,. are prt'8ented to simulate tI1t' tyre by a
yiseoelastic model and to il1Y{'stigate tIlt' radial prolwrti.>s undf'r diffel'pn t
operating eonditions.
The dynamic stiffness and the damping coefficient for two types of tyrt'5
(croi's-ply and raflial-ply) have been ealculated using mobility test data and
abo the transmissibility of both types hav(, heen invl'stigated under different
operating eonditions.

Z. Tyre model

The mo~t widd ... used tyrp mode·l to obtain lh,' n~spOll"e of the tyre
consists of a ma"s and a linear eh,stie spring in parall .. j with, or without a
viscou:3 damping clcm,~nt [1 :3]. A mol';' rc-aliqie tyre mod,,] has J)(,(,ll deyel-
oped by Tidking [1]. H· comide!" d tIlt' tyr" a:3 a thin .lastie eyIindrieal shell
of finite width supported on radial ~print::s. This modPl is not widdy used
in vehide mod,:lling.
Gehman [.5] su ggest('d a yiscodas tie tyr,~ meet·] to simulate tyre per-
formance. This model COl1sif'tE of static stiffnf'ss and f'requPl1ey-dqJendent

" Report of a research wark I.:ade in cooperation het\\'een the Institute of Yehicle
Deyclopmellt. Teeln,jcal L hiyersity. Budnp~"t. and the Energy and AutOillotive Department.
,\in Sham,. "C l,iversi 1y. Cairo. Eg:ypt.
112 SOSSEIR, T, A, et al,

K 2: f (W)

/1111,,1 III

Fit'. 1

Vz ,FZ- - .----'--'1

/2 ,Fi- - )

~ ye
1/. _,~_ _ _i._-,-~-
Fig. 2

spring stiffness and damping coefficient. In spite of that this model is more
realistic than the others, it is not used in tyre modelling due to many diffi-
culties associated with the determination of the dynamic behaviour of its
Fig. 1 shows the suggested viscoelastic model. Fig. 2 shows the total
model representing the tyre test arrangement, in which the tvr(' preload is
simulated by a lin('ar spring.

3. Theoretical analysis of the vertical response

The analysis is based on small displacement excitation applied to the

tyre in order to neglect the non-linearity of the tyre characteristics [4]. In
this case the tyre can be considered as a linear system and the mobility tech-
nique can be applied.

3.1 Mobility technique

The dynamic behaviour of idealized linear mechanical systems can be

conveniently descrihed in terms of mechanical impedance or mohility functions.
The mohility M is defiend as [6]:

J1 = V F (1)

V - velocitv
F - exciting force.
For a linear system, the input and output mobility functions can be
defined in terms of four parameters such as:
The input force Fin

Fin (2)
The input velocity Vin
Font, VOltt the output force and velocity, respectively;
all' a 12 , a Z1 ' all - the four pole parameters.
The four pole pare meters for the basic elements (mass m; spring K; damper C)

Fo' m." m [:

For stiffness K [1 (4)

Jw K

w - frequency.
The series elements, stiffness and damping are shown in the model (Fig.
2), their values depend on the exciting frequency, Kz = f(w) and C = f(w).
K1 and K3 are assumed to be constant.
Applying Eqs (2), (3) and (4) on the model:


F2] =
[V 2
[1 (6)


114 SOSSEIR. T. A. et al.

For the overall system, V3 = 0 because there is no motion at the upper

fundation. Solving Eqs (5), (6) and (7) yields the mobility JJ = F I. VI:


Separating the real and imaginary parts of Eq. (8):

Real paTt R -- (9)

Ki+ (Kl K 2 )2

K, ~ ("'-(;)' (Ko K 1)

('~~J' (K: 1
Imaginary part I (10)
K3 1 m-m

m KI K 1 )2

In Eqs (9) and (10) there are two unknowns, K2 and C. K 1, K3 and 111 can be
determined from a static test which will be described lateI'.
Eqs (9) and (10) aTI: non-lineal' simultaneous equations, the only physi-
cally valid solutions for the unknowns are

c (11)



cl 1
'0 J


3.2 Transmissibility of a tyre (TR)

The motion tTansmissibility across a tyre is a veTY important term in

evaluating the vibTational beha,iouT of a tyTe and its effect on the vehicle
body vibrations. The transmissibility in the pTesent model being defined as
the modulus of V 2 VI' fTom Eqs (5), (6) and (7) the transmisibility TR becomes

1 Ki (WCK2)(K1 K 2 )2
1 (Kl -'- K3 -
! m 0})2 -L (w CK 2)2 (Kl -'- Kz -'- K3 - m( 2)2'

3.3 Calculation of the tyre properties

In order to predict the mobility JI and the transmissibility TR, the

values of C aud K 2 must be determined \'S. frequency by substituting experi-
mental values of R, I and 'Y. into Eqs (11) and (12).
A FORTRAN computer program has heen prepared to evaluate the
yalues of R, I, C and J( 2 uuder different operating conditions. The necessary
input data to the computer program haye heen o13tained from the experiments.
The required data are the following measured parameters:
1. Static stiffness of the tyre (K I )
2. Input yelocity to the system (VI)
3. Input force to the ;;vstem (F]).

-1. Experimental work

-L 1 Static tests
The static test has 13een performed to measure the static stiffness of the
tyres used in the study. The test rig is sho'wn in Fig. 3. In these tests the load-
ing forcl' and the tyre deflection have heen measured for 130th cross-ply and
radial-ply tyres at different inflation pressures.
The loading force has been measured by force transducer and the def-
lection hy yariable resistance. The force and ddlection have been recorded
simultanpously hy a pf'l1 reeordPl'.

4·.2 Dynamic tests

Fig. -1 shows a g,'nerallayout of the used test rig. It consists essentially

of three parts:
1. Cam ,'xcitt'r. The cam is a disc with an eccentricity of 1 mm. The cam
shaft rotates at different angular velocities to be controlled hy means
of a series of gear boxes.
2. Tyrt' clamping.
3. Preloading system, which consists of a single semi-elliptical leaf
spring of 12.44 KN ill stiffness.
In the dynamic tests the following parameters have heen measured and
recorded simultaneously:
1. Input force and velocity FI and VI' resp.
2. Output velocity V 2
3. Excitation frequency 0).

116 NOSSEIR, T. A. e' al.

reduction unit
power screw

variable resistance

load dynamo meter.

reduction unit


Fig. 3

5. Results and descussioll

5.1 Static stiffness K1
Fig. 5 shows a lattice plot of static load-deflection for the cross and radial
tyres. This figure shows the effect of the radial load and inflation pressure on
the tyre stiffness. It is evident that the static stifffness of the cross-ply is
greater than that of the radial-ply, due to the greater shear stiffness of the
It is also evident that the cross-ply tyre exhibits marked non-linear
characteristics whereas the radial-ply tyre is linear oyer most of its normal
loading range.
118 NOSSEIR, T . A. el al.

,_ 20 24 28 32 36 40
RaOJc! deflection lmm)
Fig. 5

1.02 1.36 1.70 2'-04- '

Inflation pressure '(MP ) 2.36

Fig. 6

5.2 Damping Coefficient C

Figs 6 and 7 show the variation of damping coefficient with the inflation
pressure at constant frequencies varying from 10 to 24 Hz, and constant
vertical loads (1000 and 2000 N). It can be noted that for cross-ply tyre
the damping coefficient has a maximum value at a certain inflation pressure
(1.7 MPa), above and below this pressure the damping coefficient decreast's.
For radial-ply the damping cocfficient increa8e8 with the inflation pressure
due to the high energy loss acr08S th(' tyr(' at lo'w inflation pressure (large
hysteresis loops at lo-w pressure).
Figs 7 and 8 point out that, radial-ply tyres under low preload at con-
stant frequency have a higher damping co('ffiei('nt than under high preloads
at high inflation pres8ure. At low inflation pres811re the difference between
damping coeffici('nts under low and high preloads becomes n(,gligible. Cr08:;;-
ply tyres have the :;;ame behaviour as radial-ply ones.
Figs 8 and 9 show the variation of clamping coefficient with the exciting
frequency at constant inflation pressure. For radial-ply tyre:;;, the damping
coefficient increases with the frequency, this can be explained referring to
Pain [7]. He stated that "the energy lost per cycle in the system during forced
oscillation at first increases as the frequency inCrea8el:'. Then it reaches a peak
value at a certain frequency, beyond which the en('rgy loss gradually diminishes
with increasing frequency". This is so because at high frequency the share of

- - Racial- ply (constant frequency)

1- _ Cross-ply (constant frequency)
2000 (N) prelooding

/ /
/";::::_ .:::::-"24(Hz)
7 /'" "22
20 / - " "' 2 0
-, 18
'"c: 18

16 "'- 16

8 14
'a 41
E 12

:r -....;; 10

1 ~
1.02 1.36 1.70 2.04 2.38
Inflation pressure (MPa )

Fig. 7
120 SOSSEIR, T. A. ,t al.

Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 8

I - - Radial- ply (constant inflation pressure)

I- - Crass-ply (constant inflation pressure)

8 ~ 2000 (N) preloading

, 'f
~ 3[


J 0~--~--~---1~2--~16----2~O--~2--4---
Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 9

displacement due to the viscous damper is small compared to the share of

its companion spring.
Thus, it can be concluded that cross-ply tyres have a higher energy
loss than have radial-ply ones. This is due to the higher damping coefficient
of the cross-ply than of the radial-ply tyre.

5.3 Dynamic stiffness

Figs 10, 11 show the variation of dynamic stiffness with the inflation
pressure at constant frequencies. For radial-ply the dynamic stiffness increases
with the inflation pressure for frequenciE's over 19 Hz, hut does not vary
with the inflation pressure in the middle range of frequencies (between 16
and 19 Hz), and in the lower range (hetween 10 and 16 Hz) the dynamic
stiffness increases as the inflation pressure decreases.
Figs 12, 13 show the variation of the dynamic stiffness with the exciting
frequency at constant inflation pressure. For radial-ply, the dynamic stiffness
increases as the frequency increases. This is due to the increase of the rubher
elastic modulus from a minimum value at low frequency to a maximum at
higher frE'quency.

- - Radial-ply [constant fequency)

- - Cross-ply [constant frequency)
1000 (N) preloading
.,..------- 21.(Hz)

350 ",-/. _ - - - - 22
...-_ - - - -- 20
300 1/ ",- 18
II1 /-----
~ 250 ,,1 ._---
1// / _/ -16

~ ~~f=:!"'!
~ 200
u </ / .
E 150 __ ---...-) :8




1.36 1.70 2.04 2.38

Inflation pressure I MPo )

Fig. 10
122 i\'OSSEIR. T. A. et a1.

- - Radia! - ply (constant frequency)

_ _ Cross'ply (constant frequency)
2000 (N) preloading _ _ 24 (Hz)

350 /:::: _ - 22
/"..- - - - 2 0
E 300 /:r- _---18
a~./ _----16
250 t//
/::----12 _---11.

~ 200 / / / ,/ - ...-:::::::::=:: ~~ l Hz)

~ i50 -
o I -16
100 --------12

1.02 1.36 1.70 2.01. 2.38

Inflation pressure {~,,1Pa)

Fig. 11


- - 1000 l N) preloading
- ..:.. 2000 (N) preloading
Constant inflation pressure

.~ 150


o 8 12 16 20 i 24
Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 12

5.4 Transmissibility

Fig 14 sho'ws the transmissibility TR for both tyre types (cross-ply and
radial-ply) at two different inflation pressures, 1.02 and 1.7 NIPa. It can be
noticed that in the range of low frequencies (below 18 Hz) the transmissibility


--1000(N) preloading
---2000(N)preloading ,(/

7 2.38 (MPa )
Constant inflation pressure ? 2.04
/. ..... 1.36
/. /"
/ 1.36
//// 102
'E 200
2.38.... 1/ 1.02

"~ /1-
150 I

100 1

Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 13

11.02 (MPa ) inflation pressure 1.7 (MPc ) inilation pressure



:~ 2.0

r --cross-pty 2000(N) pretoadlng

. c:
l _._._.. .. 1000 (N) ..
---Radial-ply 2000(N) ..

• 1000(N) ..

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 2 6 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 14

level of the cross-ply is better (i.e. lower) than that of the radial-ply tyre.
But in the range of high frequencies (over 18 Hz) the radial-ply tyre has a
better transmissibility than the cross-ply one. This is due to the lower
dynamic and static stiffness values of the radial-ply than the cross-ply tyre.
The figure also sho'ws that the transmissibility of the radial-ply tyre
has a peak value at resonance frequency lower than that of the cross-ply tyre.
124 -,OSSEIR, T. A. et al.

The measured and calculated results show that

1. The cross-ply tyre exhibits marked non-linear characteristics 'whereas the
radial-ply behayes linearly oyer most of its normal loading range.
2. Both the cross-ply and the radial-ply tyre exhibit the same behaviour of
dynamic stiffness versus inflation pressure and frequency. But the cross-
ply tyre has a higher dynamic stiffness level than has the radial-ply one.
3. Behayiour of the damping coefficients of cross-ply and radial-ply tyre
yersus inflation pressure and frequency are different. Here it can be con-
cluded that cross-ply tyre show higher energy losses than radial-ply tyres do.
-L The transmissibility of the radial-ply tyre is hetter (i.e. lower) than that
of the cross-ply one at frequencies higher than 18 Hz. And the resonance
frequency of the radial-ply is 10'wer than that of cross-ply one.

The radial properties of two types of tyres (cross-ply and radial-ply) have heen investi-
gated under variahle operating conditions (inflation pressure, vertical load and frequency).
The static and dynamic properties (dynamic stiffness and damping coefficient) have heen
calculated using a viscoelastic tyre model and data measured in mohility tests. Static and
dynamic test rigs have heen designed and huilt for the study purposes.
The investigations showed the viscoelastic tvre model to suit simulation of the dynamic
behaviour of a p~eumatic tyre. ~ ~

TR transmissihility of a tyre:
..11 mohility (m/i'iS); ~
m mass of tyre (kg);
Kl static stiffness of a tyre (1'\lm):
Kz dynamic stiffness of a tyre (~/m);
K3 preload spring stiffness (~/m);
C damping coefficient of type (~S/m);
0) ecxitation frequency (rad/s):
F force (N):
V velocity (m/s);
a pole parameter;
J .1-1.

1. CHIESA, A.: Sae Trans., 1966, no. 650117.
2. PACEJKA, H. B.: lnt. J. of Vehicle Design, 1980, no. 2, pp. 97-119.
3. LOEBICH, R.: Duet. Kraft., 1967, no. 189.
4. TIELKIl'C, J. T.: SAE Trans., 1965, no. 650492.
5. GEH:!IIAl', S. D.: ::\1. Inst. Mech. Eng., 1957, no. 30, 1202
6. HIXSOl', E. L.: Shock and Vihration Handbook, :\icGraw-HilI, 1961.

Dr. 1\'1. EL-GINDY

7. PIAl', T. H. H.: Structural Damping, Chapter 5, John Wiley and Sons, "ew York 1959.

Ass. Prof. Dr. T. A. NOSSEIR Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineer-

ing, Energy and Auto. Dept., Ahhassia,
Eng. F. A. EL-S_·uED Cairo, EGYPT.

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