Effect of Heat Stress On The Porcine Small Intestine: A Morphological and Gene Expression Study
Effect of Heat Stress On The Porcine Small Intestine: A Morphological and Gene Expression Study
Effect of Heat Stress On The Porcine Small Intestine: A Morphological and Gene Expression Study
Effect of heat stress on the porcine small intestine: A morphological and gene
expression study
Article in Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology · May 2010
DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2010.01.008 · Source: PubMed
101 811
9 authors, including:
Jianqin Xu
China Agricultural University
All content following this page was uploaded by Fenghua Liu on 24 April 2019.
Effect of heat stress on the porcine small intestine: A morphological and gene
expression study
Jin Yu a, Peng Yin b, Fenghua Liu a,c,⁎, Guilin Cheng a,c, Kaijun Guo a, An Lu a, Xiaoyu Zhu b,
Weili Luan a, Jianqin Xu b,⁎
Department of Animal Science and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing 102206, PR China
College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, PR China
Beijing Key Laboratory of TCVM, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing 102206, PR China
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: With the presence of global warming, the occurrence of extreme heat is becoming more common, especially during
Received 26 November 2009 the summer, increasing pig susceptibility to severe heat stress. The aim of the current study was to investigate
Received in revised form 13 January 2010 changes in morphology and gene expression in the pig small intestine in response to heat stress. Forty eight Chinese
Accepted 14 January 2010
experimental mini pigs (Sus scrofa) were subjected to 40 °C for 5 h each day for 10 successive days. Pigs were
Available online 22 January 2010
euthanized at 1, 3, 6, and 10 days after heat treatment and sections of the small intestine epithelial tissue were
excised for morphological examination and microarray analyses. After heat treatment, the pig rectal temperature, the
Heat stress
body surface temperature and serum cortisol levels were all significantly increased. The duodenum and jejunum
Morphology displayed significant damage, most severe after 3 days of treatment. Microarray analysis found 93 genes to be up-
Gene expression regulated and 110 genes to be down-regulated in response to heat stress. Subsequent bioinformatic analysis
Electron microscope (including gene ontology and KEGG pathway analysis) revealed the genes altered in response to heat stress related to
Microarray unfolded protein, regulation of translation initiation, regulation of cell proliferation, cell migration and antioxidant
Small intestine regulation. Heat stress caused significant damage to the pig small intestine and altered gene expression in the pig
Pig jejunum. The results of the bioinformatic analysis from the present study will be beneficial to further investigate the
underlying mechanisms involved in heat stress-induced damage in the pig small intestine.
Crown Copyright © 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction To investigate the effect of heat stress on the porcine small intestine,
the current study placed Chinese mini pigs in an artificial climate
With the presence of global warming, heat stress is now a primary chamber for 10 days, simulating the surge in the heat experienced
factor influencing animal health and growth, especially during the during summer. Morphological changes in the porcine small intestine
summer months (Leon et al., 2005). Across the United States heat stress were examined by light and electron microscopes. Gene expression
is estimated to be responsible for a loss of between $1.69 and $2.36 billion profiling by DNA microarray has recently been established, enabling the
to livestock industries (St-Pierre et al., 2003). The gastrointestinal (GI) comparison of thousands of genes simultaneously (Trevino et al., 2007).
tract of the pig possesses a large surface area, providing a regulatory This method was employed to ascertain whole gene expression profiles
barrier to which the pig is exposed to a large assortment of nutrients, of the pig small intestine using an Affymetrix DNA microarray. We
microbes and exogenous toxins. The intestine permits the exchange of executed a gene ontology analysis (including molecular function,
beneficial nutrients into the systemic circulation, while simultaneously biological processes, cellular components and KEGG pathway) on
preventing penetration of pathogenic organisms and toxic compounds genes displaying a differential expression between treatments, provid-
(Cario et al., 2002; Hirata et al., 2007). Thus, maintaining the integrity of ing insight into the potential mechanisms underlying heat stress-
the epithelium lining the gastrointestinal tract is of great importance, induced injury in the pig small intestine.
ensuring its absorptive and protective functions are not compromised
(Leon et al., 2005). Extreme heat stress can damage the pig gastrointes-
tinal tract epithelium resulting in low animal yield and performance, as 2. Materials and methods
well as increasing morbidity and mortality (Liu et al., 2009).
2.1. Animals
1095-6433/$ – see front matter. Crown Copyright © 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
120 J. Yu et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 119–128
Forty eight male, two-month old Chinese mini pigs (body mass 7.6 ± Table 1
0.5 kg) were purchased from the Changping Experimental Pig Farm, The villus height and crypt depth of the pig small intestine.
Chinese Agricultural University. Pigs were randomly assigned to either Day Villus height(μm) Crypt depth (μm)
control or heat treated groups (24 pigs per treatment group) accounting
Control Heat treatment Control Heat treatment
for body weight and litter origin. The two groups were raised in an
Duodenum 1 328.0 ± 16.2 299.1 ± 16.4* 206.8 ± 18.6 208.0 ± 23.7
artificial climate chamber (light, 7:00–19:00 h, humidity 60%) with free
3 331.1 ± 14.7 295.7 ± 15.7* 213.0 ± 17.3 192.8 ± 16.3
access to food and water. Routine immunizations were performed. 6 329.2 ± 16.8 297.5 ± 9.7* 203.2 ± 17.2 193.2 ± 19.2
10 327.0 ± 17.5 317.5 ± 17.1 211.5 ± 20.5 208.8 ± 15.1
2.2. Treatments and sampling Jejunum 1 331.7 ± 13.4 261.3 ± 17.5** 208.2 ± 17.0 174.6 ± 12.1**
3 337.0 ± 18.6 261.8 ± 14.3*** 203.4 ± 15.6 165.2 ± 16.3**
6 332.0 ± 13.5 297.3 ± 13.6** 212.7 ± 20.2 186.0 ± 20.6
Both control and heat treated groups were initially housed for five 10 333.4 ± 20.3 317.2 ± 16.8 209.6 ± 14.5 196.0 ± 18.8
days at 23 °C. Animals in the heat treated group were then subjected to Ileum 1 298.8 ± 22.7 289.0 ± 19.4 202.3 ± 18.4 182.7 ± 18.5
40 °C for 5 h, from 04:00 to 09:00 h, before the temperature was 3 305.7 ± 17.1 276.4 ± 16.0** 204.5 ± 15.8 180.7 ± 19.1
lowered back to 26 °C. Heat-treated animals underwent this protocol 6 301.2 ± 15.8 296.2 ± 20.3 205.8 ± 21.5 178.2 ± 20.4
10 308.5 ± 18.3. 292.0 ± 14.2 201.0 ± 20.4 203.0 ± 17.2
for ten consecutive days, while control animals were maintained at
23 °C only. Rectal and body surface temperatures were detected before Notice: Different from control,*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. Values are means ± SE,
and after each exposure using infrared and contact thermometers n = 6.
(Fluke 561, USA). Six pigs were randomly selected from each group at
1, 3, 6 and 10 days. Pigs were electrically stunned using a head-only
electric stun tong (Xingye Butchery Machinery Co. Ltd, Changde, procedure was performed based on manufacturer's instructions
Hunan Province, PR China) and subsequently exsanguinated. Blood (Promega, USA); in brief, 70 °C for 5 min followed by 42 °C for 2 h.
samples were collected and centrifuged at 3000 g for 10 min, and the The RT products (cDNA) were then stored at − 20 °C for PCR.
sera stored at − 20 °C until required. Sections of the duodenum,
jejunum and ileum were rapidly excised and washed with physiolog- 2.5. DNA microarray
ical saline. All intestinal segments were divided into three parts: 1) a
1 cm length section was fixed in 10% neutral formalin for paraffin 2.5.1. RNA extraction and target labeling
embedding; 2) a 1 mm2 sample was fixed in 4% glutaraldehyde for Total RNA was isolated from the pig jejunum by TRIzol reagent
electron microscopy; 3) a 3 cm length section was minced and (Invitrogen Life Technologies, P/N 15596-018) and an RNeasy Mini Kit
separated into three sample tubes, snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and (QIAGEN, P/N 74104) according to the manufacturer's instructions. RNA
stored at −80 °C until required. integrity of each sample was documented using a RNA 6000 LabChip Kit
and an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA,
2.3. Morphological examination and serum cortisol analysis USA). RNA was only processed when it had a 28 S/18 S rRNA ratio of
≥1.8. RNA was purified using a QIAGEN RNeasy® Mini Kit (#74106,
Formalin-fixed samples were embedded in paraffin and sectioned QIAGEN) and amplified using a Low RNA Input Linear Amplification kit
in transverse (5 μm thick). After deparaffinization and dehydration, (#5184-3523, Agilent, USA). Each RNA sample was annealed with a
the sections of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum were stained with primer containing polydT and T7 polymerase promoters. Reverse
hematoxylin and eosin. The structure of the mucosa was observed transcriptase produced single and double-stranded cDNAs. T7 RNA
using a BH2 Olympus microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) and polymerase then created cRNA from the double-stranded cDNA by
analyzed using an image analysis system (Olympus 6.0, Tokyo, Japan). incorporating cyanine-3-labeled cytidine 5-triphosphate. The quality of
Using 40× magnification, the labeled cRNA was again verified and the absolute concentration
Villi height and crypt depth of at least five well-oriented villi were determined by spectrophotometry (ND1000, Nanodrop).
measured and recorded. Intestinal epithelial cells were examined by
electron microscopy. Small pieces of the intestine were fixed for 1 h in 2.5.2. Hybridization, scanning and feature extraction
4% glutaraldehyde in 0.1-M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4). Tissue sections The cRNA was hybridized to arrays; equal amounts of cRNA were
were then washed in the same buffer and fixed for 1 h in cold 1% hybridized using a Gene Expression Hybridization Kit (#5188-5242,
osmium tetroxide in cacodylate buffer. After dehydration in graded Agilent, USA). Hybridization was performed at 60 °C for 17 h on
ethanol solutions, the preparations were embedded in Araldite (EPON Affymetrix Whole Porcine Genome Arrays (#ATH1-121501, Affymetrix,
812, Emicron, Shanghai, China). Ultra-thin sections were stained with
saturated uranyl acetate in 50% ethanol and lead citrate, and
examined by transmission electron microscopy (JEM, 1230, JEOL,
Tokyo, Japan). Serum cortisol concentration was determined using an
I125 cortisol radioimmunoassay kit, according to the manufacturer's
instructions (Beijing Chemclin Biotech Co., Ltd, China).
Total RNA was isolated from the pig small intestine using a phenol
and guanidine isothiocyanate-based TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen, USA.)
according to the manufacturer's instructions. The concentration and
purity of isolated RNA was assessed by a spectrophotometry
(SmartSpec plus, BIO-RAD, USA) based on the OD260/OD280 ratio.
Total RNA was reverse transcribed as follows: 2.0 μg RNA isolated
from each tissue sample was added to 25 μL reaction solution
Fig. 1. Pig rectal temperature before (B) and after (A) heat treatment (5 h at 40 °C). Pig
containing 2.0 μL oligo-dT18, 5.0 μL dNTPs, 1.0 μL RNase inhibitor, rectal temperature was significantly elevated following heat treatment (P < 0.05).
1.0 μL M-MLV transcriptase, 5.0 μL M-MLV RT reaction buffer Values represent the mean ± SE, n = 6 pigs for each group. *P < 0.05 before versus after
(Promega, USA) and RNase-free water. The reverse-transcription heat stress.
Author's personal copy
J. Yu et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 119–128 121
Fig. 2. Pig body surface temperature before (B) and after (A) heat stress. Body surface temperature was significantly increased after heat treatment (40 °C for 5 h). Values represent
the mean ± SE, n = 6 pigs for each group. *P < 0.05 before versus after heat stress.
USA). Arrays were washed using a Gene Expression Wash Buffer Kit Scanner (Affymetrix® GeneChip® Scanner 3000, USA) and the data
(#5188-5327, Agilent) before the stabilization and drying solution was compiled with the Affymetrix Feature Extraction Software (Affymetrix
applied (#5185-5979, Agilent). Arrays were scanned on a Microarray GeneChip Operating Software Version 1.4). The processes involving
initial RNA amplification through to the final output data were all
performed by a private contractor (CapitalBio Co., Ltd, China).
122 J. Yu et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 119–128
Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of hematoxylin- and eosin-stained sections of the pig small intestine from heat treated and control animals after 3 days of treatment (200× magnification). A and B)
Control and heat treated duodenums, respectively; C and D) control and heat treated jejunums respectively; E and F) control and heat treated ileums, respectively. Severe damage to the intestinal
villi is apparent, with desquamation at the tips of the intestinal villi and exposure of the lamina propria. Abnormal microstructures are indicated with arrowheads. Scale bar 100 μm.
2.6. Validation of HSP90, HSP70, HSP27, EGF and EGFR mRNA in the pig and then the melting curve from 55 to 95 °C at 0.2 °C/s was monitored
jejunum by real-time PCR continuously by measuring fluorescence. Expression levels were
determined using the threshold cycle (CT) method as described by
Expression of HSP70, HSP90, HSP27, EGF and EGFR were quantita- the manufacturer of the detection system. This method was applied to
tively determined using real-time PCR. Quantitative PCR analysis was each gene by calculating the expression 2− ΔΔCT, where ΔΔCT is the
carried out using the DNA Engine Mx3000P® fluorescence detection sum of: [CTgene − CTβ-actin](Heat-stressed) − [CTgene − CTβ-actin](Control).
system against a double-stranded DNA-specific fluorescent dye
(Stratagene, USA) according to optimized PCR protocols. β-actin
was amplified in parallel with the target genes providing a control. 2.7. Statistical analysis
The cDNA was subjected to real-time RT-PCR using the primer pairs
listed in Table 1. The PCR reaction system (20 μL) contained 10 μL of All results are presented as the mean ± SD. Statistical analysis was
SYBR Green qPCR mix, 0.3 μL of reference dye, 1 μL of each primer performed by independent-sample T-tests using SPSS 12.0. A P-value
(both 10 μmol/L), and 1 μL of cDNA template. Cycling conditions were of < 0.05 was considered significant. Microarray analysis was
94 °C for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles of 94 °C for 30 s, 56 °C for 30 s conducted using a Molecule Annotation System (http://bioinfo.
and 72 °C for 40 s. Dissociation began with a step of 95 °C for 1 min, capitalbio.com/mas/).
Author's personal copy
J. Yu et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 119–128 123
Table 2
List of the differentially expressed genes.
Ssc.15939.1.A1_x_at 90.24 AF248302.1 Clone PVA3A Ig heavy chain variable VDJ region
Ssc.22483.1.A1_at 44.96 CF795103 Transcribed locus
Ssc.15988.1.S1_at 6.41 NM_213818.1 Elafin family member protein
Ssc.11197.1.S1_at 5.22 CK461732 Heat shock protein 27 kDa
Ssc.12191.3.A1_at 5.04 BQ604703 90-kDa heat shock protein (hsp90)
Ssc.22953.1.A1_at 4.25 BX671488 –
Ssc.114.1.S1_at 4.15 X68213.1 Heat shock protein 72 (pot.) mRNA
Ssc.12191.2.A1_at 4.12 BQ600020 90-kDa heat shock protein (hsp90)
Ssc.18563.1.A1_at 4.01 U15459.1 Clone pvg7a Ig heavy chain variable VDJ region
Ssc.4617.1.S1_at 3.72 NM_214394.1 Vitamin D3 25-hydroxylase
Ssc.268.1.S1_at 3.48 NM_214075.1 25-hydroxyvitamin D3-24-hydroxylase
Ssc.428.10.A1_at 3.43 AB087975.1 T-cell receptor alpha chain mRNA C-region, 3′ end of cds
Ssc.5145.1.S1_a_at 3.26 NM_213766.1 Heat shock protein 70.2
Ssc.13780.11.S1_x_at 2.63 AB105382.1 MHC class I PD7 mRNA, partial 3′ UTR
Ssc.14511.1.S1_at 2.49 Y15010.1 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate monooxygenase
Ssc.15947.1.A1_at 2.44 AF248278.1 Clone 6 immunoglobulin heavy chain
Ssc.26799.1.S1_at 2.39 CN166265 Clone Clu_10353.scr.msk.p1.Contig1, mRNA sequence
Ssc.496.1.S1_at 2.39 AJ236927.1 Hypothetical protein (5′; clone 2C2)
Ssc.286.1.S1_s_at 2.38 NM_213817.1 Inflammatory response protein 6
Ssc.23513.1.S1_at 2.37 BP168084 MRNA, clone:THY010204E06, expressed in thymus
Ssc.23287.1.A1_at 2.35 BX672495 –
Ssc.23986.1.S1_at 2.35 CK451737 MRNA, clone:SPL010080F09, expressed in spleen
Ssc.15885.1.S1_at 2.34 NM_213804.1 RNA helicase
Ssc.18554.1.S1_x_at 2.30 AB105380.1 SLA-1 mRNA for MHC class I antigen, partial cds, allele:SLA-1*02
Ssc.13769.1.S1_at 2.27 M81327.1 Lactoferrin
Ssc.16335.1.S2_at 2.26 X62984.1 Lipoprotein lipase
Ssc.12072.1.S1_a_at 2.25 BI181608 MRNA, clone:UTR010033A11, expressed in uterus
Ssc.3968.1.S1_at 2.23 NM_213947.1 Epididymal secretory protein E4
Ssc.17799.1.A1_at 2.12 AB087930.1 TCR-a mRNA for T-cell receptor alpha chain, partial cds, clone:PPA151
Ssc.27304.1.S1_at 2.11 BI327092 Thymosin beta-4 (LOC733606), mRNA
Ssc.18773.1.A1_at 2.09 CF363138 Clone rski0137_l13.y1.abd, mRNA sequence
Ssc.21.1.S1_s_at 2.06 AF319661.1 RNA helicase
Ssc.21283.1.S1_at 2.01 BI118474 MRNA, clone:LVRM10044E04, expressed in liver
Ssc.24.1.S1_at 2.01 NM_001001535.1 Muscle-specific intermediate filament desmin
Ssc.10974.1.S1_at − 2.00 NM_213931.1 Arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase
Ssc.16234.1.A1_at − 2.01 CB472702 Haptocorrin
Ssc.26113.2.S1_at − 2.07 BX914409 MRNA, clone:LNG010058C07, expressed in lung
Ssc.315.1.S1_at − 2.09 NM_214108.1 Dipeptidase
Ssc.206.1.S1_at − 2.11 NM_214420.1 Cytochrome P450 2C49
Ssc.29175.1.A1_at − 2.13 CO951217 MHC class I PD7 mRNA, partial 3′ UTR
Ssc.18553.1.S1_at − 2.13 AB105383.1 SLA-2 mRNA for MHC class I antigen, partial cds, allele:SLA-2*03
Ssc.16051.1.S1_at − 2.16 AJ681165 Cellular disintegrin precursor
Ssc.10654.1.A1_at − 2.20 BQ597543 MRNA, clone:PBL010089E08, expressed in peripheral blood mononuclear cell
Ssc.203.1.S1_at − 2.21 NM_214422.1 cytochrome P450 3A39
Ssc.22959.1.S1_at − 2.21 BX676168 MRNA, clone:LVR010098C08, expressed in liver
Ssc.26321.1.S1_s_at − 2.23 U35733.1 Cytochrome P450 2C34 /// cytochrome P450 2C35 /// cytochrome P450 2C36 /// cytochrome P450 2C49
Ssc.10015.1.A1_at − 2.27 CK465404 Vascular endothelial growth factor
RPTR-Ssc-AF292560-1_s_at − 2.30 RPTR-Ssc-AF292560-1 –
Ssc.17770.1.S1_at − 2.30 AF334739.1 Clone 2-4 immunoglobulin kappa light chain VJ region
Ssc.710.1.S1_at − 2.32 M31496.1 Secretin
Ssc.11267.1.S1_at − 2.33 NM_214413.1 Cytochrome P450 2B22
Ssc.15949.1.A1_at − 2.35 AF248274.1 Clone 2 immunoglobulin heavy chain
Ssc.11791.1.S1_at − 2.38 NM_213967.1 Scavenger receptor class B member 1
Ssc.14073.2.S1_at − 2.39 AJ683636 MRNA, clone:LVRM10122H12, expressed in liver
Ssc.26326.1.A1_at − 2.44 AB052266.1 Cytochrome P450 3A46
Ssc.714.1.S1_at − 2.45 NM_214235.1 Motilin
Ssc.14551.1.S1_at − 2.52 NM_213906.1 Amelogenin 173A
Ssc.11171.1.S1_at − 2.73 CN167008 MRNA, clone:THY010088A06, expressed in thymus
Ssc.15996.1.S1_at − 2.87 AJ399510.1 Apolipoprotein B (apoB gene), editing region
Ssc.55.1.S1_at − 3.01 NM_214007.1 Epidermal growth factor receptor
Ssc.15949.1.S1_at − 3.20 AF248274.1 Clone 2 immunoglobulin heavy chain
Ssc.87.1.S1_at − 3.37 NM_214020.1 Epidermal growth factor
Ssc.14073.1.S1_at − 3.38 CN159960 MRNA, clone:LVRM10122H12, expressed in liver
Ssc.29911.1.A1_at − 3.43 CO939399 MRNA, clone:TCH010025F03, expressed in trachea
Ssc.16213.1.S1_x_at − 3.45 L36579.1 MHC class II SLA-DRB2-2D mRNA, exon 2
Ssc.5204.1.S1_at − 3.46 CK463412 Clone rnco1933b_j2.y1.abd, mRNA sequence
Ssc.645.1.S1_at − 3.47 NM_213859.1 Stefin A1
Ssc.18948.1.S1_at − 4.06 CB475095 Serum amyloid A2 (LOC733603), mRNA
Ssc.15995.2.S1_at − 4.68 AF233358.1 Slow delayed rectifier K+ channel
Ssc.16212.1.S1_x_at − 5.14 L36575.1 MHC class II SLA-DRB2-2D mRNA, exon 2 /// MHC class II SLA-DRB2-2A mRNA, exon 2
Ssc.16203.1.S1_x_at − 8.70 Z81295.1 Hn-RNA, clone h5155
Ssc.16169.1.S1_x_at − 9.74 CB338040 –
Ssc.27875.1.A1_at − 29.12 CO988835 Transcribed locus
Author's personal copy
124 J. Yu et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 119–128
Fig. 5. Morphological alterations in the ultrastructure of the porcine jejunal epithelium following 3 days of heat treatment (50,000× magnification). A and B) control jejunum; C and
D) heat treated jejunum. Microvillus height was significantly shorter in the heat treated jejunum compared with the control (2013 ± 18 nm versus 2232 ± 30 nm, respectively).
Three days of heat treatment caused the internal cristae of mitochondria to become swollen and shortened, increased the number of mitochondria and secondary lysosomes present,
as well as alter tight junction morphology (indicated by arrows).
3.1. Rectal temperature, body surface temperature and serum cortisol Heat treatment clearly caused marked damage to the pig small
concentration intestine, found to be most severe in the jejunum after 3 days of heat
treatment. Desquamation of mucosal epithelium was exhibited at the
Pig rectal and body surface temperatures were significantly tips of the intestinal villi, exposing the lamina propria (Fig. 4). Villi
elevated after 5 h of chronic heat exposure (Figs. 1 and 2). Serum height and crypt depth was shorter in the heat treatment group
cortisol concentration of heat treated pigs was also significantly compared to control animals (Table 2), most evident in the jejunum
higher than that of the control group (Fig. 3). after 3 days of heat treatment.
Author's personal copy
J. Yu et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 119–128 125
Table 3 Table 5
Primers used for real-time PCR. Biological process analysis result of the differentially expressed genes.
Description Accession Primer sequence Product Biological process Total P-value Q value
number (bp)
GO:0006986 response to unfolded protein 5 0.000000 0.000000
β-actin NM_031144 Forward: TTGTCCCTGTATGCCTCTGG 218 GO:0030334 regulation of cell migration 1 0.000000 0.000000
Reverse: ATGTCACGCACGATTTCCC GO:0006457 protein folding 5 0.000000 0.000000
HSP70 M29506 Forward: GTGGCTCTACCCGCATCCC 114 GO:0006413 translational initiation 1 5.85E-4 3.6E-4
Reverse: GCACAGCAGCACCATAGGC GO:0006118 electron transport 8 0.005031 0.002991
HSP90 NM_213973 Forward: CGCTGAGAAAGTGACCGTTATC 126 GO:0006879 iron ion homeostasis 1 0.014016 0.008035
Reverse: ACCTTTGTTCCACGACCCATAG GO:0006826 iron ion transport 1 0.020764 0.011876
HSP27 NM_001007518 Forward: AGGAGCGGCAGGATGAG 101 GO:0007173 epidermal growth factor receptor signal.. 2 0.020980 0.011971
Reverse: GGACAGGGAGGAGGAGAC GO:0006824 cobalt ion transport 1 0.039577 0.022423
EGF NM_214020 Forward : CAGTAACCTGGGAATGTGGC 231 GO:0046327 glycerol biosynthesis from pyruvate 1 0.040751 0.023034
Reverse : GGGCTGTATGGGCAAAGTAT GO:0050730 regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phospho.. 2 0.080068 0.045047
EGFR NM_214007 Forward : GCCTTAGCCGTCTTATCCAA 299 GO:0048595 eye morphogenesis (sensu Mammalia) 1 0.135553 0.075778
Reverse : TGGGCACAGATGACTTTGGT GO:0050679 positive regulation of epithelial cell .. 1 0.149207 0.083314
GO:0009168 purine ribonucleoside 1 0.156470 0.087219
monophosphate bio..
GO:0030324 lung development 1 0.195823 0.108404
GO:0006813 potassium ion transport 1 0.219127 0.121097
GO:0046685 response to arsenic 2 0.354286 0.194676
Ultrastructure examination of the pig jejuna epithelium on day 3 GO:0045187 regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycl.. 2 0.355078 0.194889
revealed that microvilli height in heat-stressed pigs was significantly GO:0008293 torso signaling pathway 2 0.410344 0.222943
shorter than the control (2232 nm ± 30 versus 2013 ± 28 nm, GO:0007098 centrosome cycle 2 0.413952 0.224650
GO:0008595 determination of anterior/posterior axi.. 2 0.431667 0.234001
P < 0.05). Jejunal epithelium exhibited an increased number of
GO:0046777 protein amino acid autophosphorylation 1 0.433061 0.234494
mitochondria with shortened internal cristae, increased organelle GO:0009408 response to heat 3 0.453834 0.245055
debris within the lysosomes, and enterocyte tight junction morphol- GO:0048754 branching morphogenesis of a tube 1 0.471393 0.254110
ogy was found to be altered (Fig. 5). GO:0030855 epithelial cell differentiation 1 0.487382 0.262437
GO:0007465 R7 cell fate commitment 2 0.548343 0.294277
GO:0008284 positive regulation of cell proliferati.. 2 0.566955 0.303760
3.3. Microarray and bioinformatic analysis GO:0042462 eye photoreceptor cell development 1 0.575281 0.307708
GO:0006811 ion transport 3 0.580626 0.308711
Gene expression profiling in the pig jejunum at day 3 was GO:0006983 ER overload response 1 0.580990 0.308711
performed using cDNA microarrays. 93 genes were found to be GO:0018108 peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation 1 0.585094 0.310550
GO:0007229 integrin-mediated signaling pathway 1 0.637633 0.330093
significantly up-regulated and 110 genes down-regulated (T-test GO:0007498 mesoderm development 1 0.642068 0.332033
P < 0.01 and fold change ≥ 2.0) in the heat treated group compared to GO:0009615 response to virus 1 0.662201 0.334293
the control. Some of the significant genes are listed in Table 3. GO:0007169 transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine 1 0.719917 0.334293
To further characterize the types of genes altered in response to GO:0045103 intermediate filament-based process 1 0.727416 0.334293
GO:0016042 lipid catabolism 1 0.793788 0.364448
heat stress, the 203 genes that were significantly altered in response
GO:0051084 posttranslational protein folding 1 0.807103 0.366878
to heat stress (P < 0.01) were classified into gene ontology (GO) slim GO:0051085 chaperone cofactor-dependent protein fo.. 1 0.807103 0.366878
terms. GO slim assigns high level terms from each of the three major GO:0001525 angiogenesis 1 0.844462 0.379772
gene ontologies: molecular function, biological processes and cellular GO:0008360 regulation of cell shape 2 0.853074 0.383288
components. GO:0048514 blood vessel morphogenesis 1 0.879798 0.383943
GO:0006094 gluconeogenesis 1 0.889246 0.383943
Molecular function analysis (Table 4) showed GO 0003779 (actin
GO:0001568 blood vessel development 1 0.905634 0.383943
binding), GO 0004497 (monooxygenase activity), GO 0003743 GO:0006163 purine nucleotide metabolism 1 0.917381 0.383943
GO:0007010 cytoskeleton organization and biogenesi.. 1 0.921234 0.383943
GO:0007283 spermatogenesis 2 0.923033 0.383943
GO:0007015 actin filament organization 2 0.929363 0.383943
GO:0015671 oxygen transport 1 0.972912 0.383943
Table 4
GO:0009117 nucleotide metabolism 1 0.975677 0.383943
Molecular function analysis result of the differentially expressed genes.
GO:0019882 antigen processing and presentation 4 0.979551 0.383943
Molecular function Total P-value Q value GO:0016477 cell migration 1 0.990376 0.383943
GO:0006468 protein amino acid phosphorylation 1 0.990849 0.383943
GO:0003779 actin binding 1 1.6E-5 1.0E-5 GO:0002474 antigen processing and presentation of .. 1 0.991021 0.383943
GO:0004497 monooxygenase activity 6 2.0E-5 1.2E-5 GO:0019886 antigen processing and presentation of .. 1 0.994540 0.383943
GO:0003743 translation initiation factor activity 1 3.12E-4 1.94E-4 GO:0019884 antigen processing and presentation of .. 1 0.994894 0.383943
GO:0030338 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate 1 0.001223 7.49E-4 GO:0006916 anti-apoptosis 1 0.996809 0.383943
monooxygenase a.. GO:0008283 cell proliferation 2 0.996921 0.383943
GO:0005506 iron ion binding 9 0.003643 0.002207 GO:0007517 muscle development 1 0.996928 0.383943
GO:0016712 oxidoreductase activity, acting on pair.. 6 0.006979 0.004098 GO:0006461 protein complex assembly 2 0.997131 0.383943
GO:0048503 GPI anchor binding 1 0.008528 0.004987 GO:0007155 cell adhesion 1 0.997700 0.383943
GO:0008199 ferric iron binding 1 0.010594 0.006184 GO:0006629 lipid metabolism 2 0.998455 0.383943
GO:0020037 heme binding 6 0.010996 0.006364 GO:0006955 immune response 3 0.999731 0.383943
GO:0004465 lipoprotein lipase activity 1 0.013369 0.007678 GO:0048002 antigen processing and presentation of .. 1 0.999958 0.383943
GO:0015087 cobalt ion transporter activity 1 0.024175 0.013770 GO:0006952 defense response 3 0.999970 0.383943
GO:0004000 adenosine deaminase activity 1 0.031314 0.017815 GO:0007166 cell surface receptor linked signal tra.. 1 0.999976 0.383943
GO:0050897 cobalt ion binding 1 0.032498 0.018467 GO:0000074 regulation of progression through cell .. 2 0.999987 0.383943
GO:0019239 deaminase activity 1 0.038400 0.021795 GO:0000902 cell morphogenesis 1 0.999997 0.383943
GO:0005249 voltage-gated potassium 1 0.039577 0.022423 GO:0006950 response to stress 3 1.000000 0.383943
channel activit.. GO:0007165 signal transduction 1 1.000000 0.383943
GO:0004613 phosphoenolpyruvate 1 0.040751 0.023034 GO:0006810 transport 3 1.000000 0.383943
carboxykinase (GTP).. GO:0007275 development 1 1.000000 0.383943
GO:0004611 phosphoenolpyruvate 1 0.044267 0.024978 GO:0030154 cell differentiation 1 1.000000 0.383943
carboxykinase activ..
GO:0005006 epidermal growth factor receptor activi.. 1 0.046603 0.026265
Author's personal copy
126 J. Yu et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 119–128
Table 6 4. Discussion
Cellular component analysis result of the differentially expressed genes.
J. Yu et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 119–128 127
Table 7
Pathway analysis result of the differentially expressed genes.
regulated after heat stress, consistent with previous reports. Altering isms: 1) alter the level of transcription factors; 2) adjust the activity of
gene expression is an integral part of the cellular response to heat transcription factors; and 3) change the cellular location of transcrip-
stress as this regulates protein translation, and hence cellular tion factors (Sonna et al., 2002; Hahn et al., 2004). In the current
function. Heat stress can affect gene transcription via three mechan- study, genes relating to the regulation of translation were found to be
significantly altered following heat treatment, in agreement with
previous reports. We recently reported that heat stress-induced
damage to the pig small intestine epithelial tissue was rapidly
repaired within the following few days following heat stress (Liu
et al., 2009). The regeneration of the damaged intestine epithelium
encourages crypt cell proliferation and migration (Kaushik and Kaur,
2005). Consistent with rapid cellular regeneration, the current study
found that the expression of genes related to the regulation of cell
proliferation and migration was significantly altered after heat stress.
Furthermore, the changes in gene expression following heat stress
provided significant insight into the potential biological pathways
activated or inhibited in response to heat stress (Table 7) in the pig
small intestine. Pathway analysis of genes altered following heat
treatment revealed linoleic acid metabolism, MAPK signaling, metab-
olism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450 and arachidonic acid
metabolism to be involved in the response to heat stress.
Linoleic and arachidonic acid are essential for tissue growth and
development, and play a critical role in intestinal epithelial cell
differentiation and tumor development (Hui et al., 1999; Kawajiri
et al., 2002). Metabolism of arachidonic and linoleic acid via
prostaglandin H synthases and lipoxygenases generate an array of
lipid compounds which serve as potent mediators of several
physiological and pathophysiological processes (Zeldin, 2001). Our
results found heat stress to stimulate genes regulating arachidonic
Fig. 6. mRNA expression of HSP90, HSP70, HSP27, EGF and EGFR in the pig jejunum acid metabolism, potentially in response to oxidative stress in order to
using real-time PCR. alleviate the stress response.
Author's personal copy
128 J. Yu et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 119–128
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