ICT and Language Teaching
ICT and Language Teaching
ICT and Language Teaching
ICT has pervaded society it is everywhere and most students are digital learners
they do use and like ICT.
ICT help manage time and space instead of writing a paragraph you can take a
picture of it.
Some studies proved that the use of ICT enhances teaching and learning.
ICT can enhance learner autonomy to be independent from the teacher to some
ICT makes language learning and teaching effective and efficient (less
expensive, allow us to achieve learning purposes)
ICT can replace teacher in the repetitive aspect where the students can watch or
hear records of the course at home.
ICT cannot replace teacher in the non-repetitive aspect where the teacher solve
problems, monitor motivate and assess students, and he also deals with
individuals differences.
When teacher use ICT in language classroom it should respect the theories of
second language acquisition.
Applications used in computer for the purpose of language learning and
teaching like wiki, blogs, mooc (massive online open course), smartphones,
projectors, interactive white boards.
1 listening:
Ex: listening materials can be created on the computer, in which digital audio
files are supplemented with glosses of individual words or for chunks of words,
providing transcripts, definitions, visual cues or play back of words in isolation
(Jon, 2003)
2 speaking:
-ICT enhances speaking skill of learners through the use of video and audio
-speech recognition allows learners to practice speaking skill and get instant
Ex: computer programs can interact directly with learners to improve their
pronunciation (ex: speech recognition software)
3 reading:
-Computer software and websites can reinforce the teaching of reading skill
(pre, while and post reading task)
4 writing:
-ICT facilitates the teaching of writing through blogs, wikis, and emails
-internet allows the learner to publish his/her writing and get feedback from
other learners
-internet tools allow the teachers to check originality of the learners writing and
prevent plagiarism
-ICT will be the solution for the growing demand for language courses world
-ICT makes it possible to reduce contact time between students and teachers,
maintain the quality of instruction and achieve comparable learning outcomes
- E-Morocco 2010
- Genie program 2005
- Massar program.
There has been a sizable change in the attitudes toward technology. Two factors
may have influenced this change; the first is the emergence of a body of research
that examines how technology affects learning both in positive and in negative
way, this research informs the effective applications of technology to teaching
and learning, the second factor is the general acceptance that technology has
pervaded our society and ignoring or suppressing it would be doing students a
Technology should make language teaching and learning more effective and
Skinner divided the task of teaching into two distinct parts: one part of teaching
involves imparting factual knowledge that is highly structured, predictable and
consistent without regard to context or student differences (delivered by
machine), another part of teaching involves dealing with unpredictable
eventualities such as a misunderstanding on the part of the student or individual
learning difficulties, and so can only be handled by a human teacher
Galavis (1998) and Dunken (1990) assert that the use of technology enhances
learners’ language proficiency and their overall academic skills
The advent of technology and the development in the field of education has
accelerated a shift from teacher-centered to learner-centered approach in
language learning and teaching.
To meet the needs of digitally grown up learners, teachers need to adopt
different roles, they need to be facilitators, rather than the traditional bench-
bound instructors and they need to support and guide students’ learning.
4 assessment shift
The overall assessment shift from teacher to self and peer evaluation contributes
to the development of students’ autonomy which is emphasized in learning in
the 21st century
Murphy (2006), states that the internet can serve not only as a reference source
but also as a means of communication. It is argued that technology enables the
user to get connected to the world outside of the classroom and hence produce
high-quality work, knowing that their work will be viewed by a large audience.
1 lack of access
Many researchers believe that lack of teacher training, lack of knowledge and
practice are factors that prevent the successful use of internet as a learning tool
Romano (2003), found clearly that access to technology does not improve
learning unless teachers are empowered to adopt technology as an educational
Baylor and Richie (2002), also argue that technology would remain unused if
faculty members do not develop the appropriate skills, knowledge and attitude
for incorporating it into the curriculum
3 teachers’ attitude
Research into the barriers to technology use in education has found that teachers’
attitude was a significant barrier in the academia (Hodas, 1993)
Some teachers thought that technology was a disruptive tool and resisted any
changes (MC Grail, 2005)
4 students’ attitude
Students resisted using technology, complaining that it removed them from their
instructors and dehumanized the learning experience
5 lack of time
Lack of time and technical support could be another reason for teachers’
disinclination toward using technology
Immediacy to information
Shift from:
Shift from:
Electronic devices that we use to view, store, send and receive information.
Preparing lesson plans, completing your gradebook, checking emails, preparing
letters, making posters
It is compact devices that project images in high resolution. Help create visual
connection for students from a variety of devices and programs
The majority of researchers and educators believe that ICT, when properly used,
improves teaching and learning and provides more teaching and learning
supports for the teachers and learners
ICT has been proven to provide a good environment for general language course
(Mullamaa, 2010)
Lam and Lawrence (2002) claim that technology provides learners with
regulation of their own learning process and easy access to information the
teacher may not be able to provide
The use of technology brings both disadvantages and advantages for language
Teachers are the main characters to employ ICT in educational contexts; they
should be trained in how ICT can be integrated in the teaching process