Topic 5 - EO 226
Topic 5 - EO 226
Topic 5 - EO 226
• The governors of the Board shall be citizens of the Philippines, at least thirty
(30) years old, of good moral character and of recognized competence in the
fields of economics, finance, banking, commerce, industry, agriculture,
engineering, law, management or labor.
Powers and Duties of the Board
• The Board shall be responsible for the regulation and promotion of
investments in the Philippines.
• It shall meet as often as may be necessary generally once a week on such day
as it may fix.
• Notice of regular and special meetings shall be given all members of the
• The presence of four (4) governors shall constitute a quorum and the
affirmative vote of four (4) governors in a meeting validly held shall be
necessary to exercise its powers and perform its duties, which shall be as
(1) Prepare annually the Investment Priorities Plan as defined in Article 26,
which shall contain a listing of specific activities that can qualify for incentives
under Book I of this Code, duly supported by the studies of existing and
prospective demands for such products and services in the light of the level and
structure of income, production, trade, prices and relevant economic and
technical factors of the regions as well as existing facilities
(2) Promulgate such rules and regulations as may be
necessary to implement the intent and provisions of this
Code relevant to the Board
(3) Process and approve applications for registration with the Board, imposing
such terms and conditions as it may deem necessary to promote the objectives
of this Code, including refund of incentives when appropriate, restricting
availment of certain incentives not needed by the project in the determination
of the Board, requiring performance bonds and other guarantees, and payment
of application, registration, publication and other necessary fees and when
warranted may limit the availment of the tax holiday incentive to the extent
that the investor's country law or treaties with the Philippines allows a credit for
taxes paid in the Philippines
(4) After due hearing, decide controversies concerning the implementation of
the relevant books of this Code that may arise between registered enterprises
or investors therein and government agencies, within thirty (30) days after the
controversy has been submitted for decision: Provided, That the investor or the
registered enterprise may appeal the decision of the Board within thirty (30)
days from receipt thereof to the President
(5) Recommend to the Commissioner of Immigration and
Deportation the entry into the Philippines for
employment of foreign nationals under this Code
(6) Periodically check and verify, either by inspection of the books
or by requiring regular reports, the proportion of the participation
of Philippine nationals in a registered enterprise to ascertain
compliance with its qualification to retain registration under this
(7) Periodically check and verify the compliance by registered
enterprises with the relevant provisions of this Code, with the
rules and regulations promulgated under this Code and with the
terms and conditions of registration
(8) After due notice, cancel the registration or suspend the enjoyment of
incentives benefits of any registered enterprise and/or require refund of
incentives enjoyed by such enterprise including interests and monetary
penalties, for (a) failure to maintain the qualifications required by this Code for
registration with the Board of (b) for violation of any provisions of this Code, of
the rules and regulations issued under this Code, of the terms and conditions of
registration, or of laws for the protection of labor or of the consuming public:
Provided, That the registration of an enterprise whose project timetable, as set
by the Board is delayed by one year, shall be considered automatically cancelled
unless otherwise reinstated as a registered enterprise by the Board
(9) Determine the organizational structure taking into
account Article 6 of this Code; appoint, discipline and
remove its personnel consistent with the provisions of
the Civil Service Law and Rules
(10) Prepare or contract for the preparation of feasibility and other pre-
investment studies for pioneer areas either upon its own initiative; or
upon the request of Philippine nationals who commit themselves to
invest therein and show the capability of doing so; Provided, That if the
venture is implemented, then the amount advanced by the Board shall
be repaid within five (5) years from the date the commercial operation
of said enterprise starts
(11) When feasible and considered desirable by the
Board, require registered enterprises to list their shares
of stock in any accredited stock exchange or directly offer
a portion of their capital stock to the public and/or their
(12) Formulate and implement rationalization programs for certain
industries whose operation may result in dislocation, overcrowding or
inefficient use of resources, thus impeding economic growth. For this
purpose, the Board may formulate guidelines for progressive
manufacturing programs, local content programs, mandatory sourcing
requirements and dispersal of industries. In appropriate cases and
upon approval of the President, the Board may restrict, either totally or
partially, the importation of any equipment or raw materials or finished
products involved in the rationalization program
(13) In appropriate cases, the subject to the conditions which the
Board deems necessary, suspend the nationality requirement
provided for in this Code or any other nationalization statute in
cases of ASEAN projects or investments by ASEAN nationals in
preferred projects, and with the approval of the President, extend
said suspension to other international complementation
arrangements for the manufacture of a particular product on a
regional basis to take advantage of economies of scale
(14) Extend the period of availment of incentives by any
registered enterprise; Provided, That the total period of
availment shall not exceed ten (10) years, subject to any
of the following criteria
(14) Extend the period of availment of incentives by any registered enterprise; Provided,
That the total period of availment shall not exceed ten (10) years, subject to any of the
following criteria:
(a) The registered enterprise has suffered operational force majeure that has impaired its
(b) The registered enterprise has not fully enjoyed the incentives granted to it for reasons
beyond its control;
(c) The project of the registered enterprise has a gestation period which goes beyond the
period of availment of needed incentives; and
(d) The operation of the registered enterprise has been subjected to unforeseen changes in
government policies, particularly, protectionism policies of importing countries, and such
other supervening factors which would affect the competitiveness of the registered firm
(15) Regulate the making of investments and the doing
of business within the Philippines by foreigners or
business organizations owned in whole or in part by
(16) Prepare or contract for the preparation of industry
and sectoral development programs and gather and
compile statistical, technical, marketing, financial and
other data required for the effective implementation of
this Code
(17) Within four (4) months after the close of the fiscal
year, submit annual reports to the President which shall
cover its activities in the administration of this Code,
including recommendations on investment policies
(18) Provide, directly or through Philippine Diplomatic
Missions, such information as may be of interest to
prospective foreign investors
(19) Collate, analyze and compile pertinent information
and studies concerning areas that have been or may be
declared preferred areas of investments
(20) Enter into agreements with other agencies of government for
the simplification and facilitation of systems and procedures
involved in the promotion of investments, operation of registered
enterprises and other activities necessary for the effective
implementation of this Code
(21) Generally, exercise all the powers necessary or
incidental to attain the purposes of this Code and other
laws vesting additional functions on the Board
Powers & Duties of the Chairman
(1) To preside over the meetings of the Board;
(2) To render annual reports to the President and such special reports as may be
(3) To act as liaison between investors seeking joint venture arrangements in
particular areas of investments;
(4) Recommend to the Board such policies and measures he may deem
necessary to carry out the objectives of this Code; and
(5) Generally, to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as
may be directed by the Board of Governors from time to time.
Powers & Duties of the Vice Chairman
(1) To act as Managing Head of the Board;
(2) To preside over the meetings of the Board in the absence of the Chairman;
(3) Prepare the Agenda for the meetings of the Board and submit for its
consideration and approval the policies and measures which the Chairman
deems necessary and proper to carry out the provisions of this Code;
(4) Assist registered enterprises and prospective investors to have their papers
processed with dispatch by all government offices, agencies, instrumentalities
and financial institutions; and
(5) Perform the other duties of the Chairman in the absence of the latter, and
such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Board of Governors.
Term Definitions
• shall mean the Board of Investments created under
Registered Enterprise
• shall mean any individual, partnership, cooperative, corporation or other entity
incorporated and/or organized and existing under Philippine laws; and registered
with the Board in accordance with this Book: Provided, however, That the term
"registered enterprise" shall not include commercial banks, savings and mortgage
banks, rural banks, savings and loan associations, building and loan associations,
developmental banks, trust companies, investment banks, finance companies,
brokers and dealers in securities, consumers cooperatives and credit unions, and
other business organizations whose principal purpose or principal source of
income is to receive deposits, lend or borrow money, buy and sell or otherwise
deal, trade or invest in common or preferred stocks, debentures, bonds or other
marketable instruments generally recognized as securities, or discharge other
similar intermediary, trust of fiduciary functions.
Technological Assistance Contracts
• shall mean contracts for: (1) the transfer, by license otherwise, of
patents, processes, formulas or other technological rights of foreign
origin; and/or (2) foreign assistance concerning technical and factory
management, design, planning, construction, operation and similar
Foreign Loans
• shall mean any credit facility or financial assistance other than equity
investment denominated and payable in foreign currency or where
the creditor has the option to demand payment in foreign exchange
and registered with the Central Bank and the Board
Foreign Investments
• shall mean equity investments owned by a non-Philippine national
made in the form of foreign exchange or other assets actually
transferred to the Philippines and registered with the Central Bank
and the Board, which shall assess and appraise the value of such
assets other than foreign exchange
Philippine National
• shall mean a citizen of the Philippines or a domestic partnership or association
wholly-owned by citizens of the Philippines; or a corporation organized under the
laws of the Philippines of which at least sixty per cent (60%) of the capital stock
outstanding and entitled to vote is owned and held by citizens of the Philippines, or a
trustee of funds for pension or other employee retirement or separation benefits,
where the trustee is a Philippine national and at least sixty per cent (60%) of the
fund will accrue to the benefit of Philippine nationals; Provided, That where a
registered and its non-Filipino stockholders own stock in a registered enterprise, at
least sixty per cent (60%) of the capital stock outstanding and entitled to vote of
both corporations must be owned and held by the citizens of the Philippines and at
least sixty per cent (60%) of the members of the Board of Directors of both
corporations must be citizens of the Philippines in order that the corporation shall be
considered a Philippine national
Preferred Areas of Investments
• shall mean the economic activities that the Board shall
have declared as such in accordance with Article 28
which shall be either non-pioneer or pioneer
Pioneer Enterprise
• shall mean a registered enterprise (1) engaged in the manufacture, processing or production, and
not merely in the assembly or packaging of goods, products, commodities or raw materials that
have not been or are not being produced in the Philippines on a commercial scale or (2) which
uses a design, formula, scheme, method, process, or system of production or transformation of
any element, substance or raw materials into another raw material or finished goods which is new
and untried in the Philippines or (3) engaged in the pursuit of agricultural, forestry and mining
activities and/or services including the industrial aspects of food processing whenever
appropriate, pre-determined by the Board, in consultation with the appropriate Department, to
be feasible and highly essential to the attainment of the national goal, in relation to a declared
specific national food and agricultural program for self-sufficiency and other social benefits of the
project or (4) which produces non-conventional fuels or manufactures equipment which utilize
non-conventional sources of energy or uses or converts to coal or other non-conventional fuels or
sources of energy in its production, manufacturing or processing operations. Provided, That the
final product in any of the foregoing instances, involves or will involve substantial use and
processing of domestic raw materials, whenever available; taking into account the risks and
magnitude of investment: Provided, further, That the foregoing definitions shall not in any way
limit the rights and incentives granted to less-developed-area enterprises
Non-pioneer enterprise
• shall include all registered producer enterprises other
than pioneer enterprises
• shall include modernization and rehabilitation and shall mean
increase of existing volume or value of production or upgrading
the quality of the registered product or utilization of inefficient or
idle equipment under such guidelines as the Board may adopt
Measured Capacity
• shall mean the estimated additional volume of production or service which the
Board determines to be desirable in each preferred area of investment in order to
supply the needs of the economy at reasonable prices, taking into account the
export potential of the product, including economies of scale which would render
such product competitive in the world market. Measured capacity shall not be
less than the amount by which the measurable domestic and country's potential
export market demand exceeds the existing productive capacity in said preferred
areas. For export market industries, when warranted the Board shall base
measured capacity on the availability of domestic raw materials after deducting
the needs of the domestic market therefore
Tax Credit
• shall mean any of the credits against taxes and/or duties equal to those actually
paid or would have been paid to evidence which tax credit certificate shall be
issued by the Secretary of Finance or his representative, or the Board, if so
delegated by the Secretary of Finance. The tax credit certificates including those
issued by the Board pursuant to laws repealed by this Code but without in any
way diminishing the scope of negotiability under their laws of issue are
transferable under such conditions as may be determined by the Board after
consultation with the Department of Finance. The tax credit certificate shall be
used to pay taxes, duties, charges and fees due to the National Government;
Provided, That the tax credits issued under this Code shall not form part of the
gross income of the grantee/transferee for income tax purposes under Section 29
of the National Internal Revenue Code and are therefore not taxable: Provided,
further, That such tax credits shall be valid only for a period of ten (10) years from
date of issuance
Export Products
• shall mean manufactured or processed products the total F.O.B. Philippine
port value of the exports of which did not exceed five million dollars in the
United States Currency in the calendar year 1968 and which meet the local
content requirement, if any, set by the Board, and standards of quality set by
the Bureau of Product Standards, or, in default of such standards, by the
Board or by such public or private organization, chamber, group or body as the
Board may designate. The above definition notwithstanding, the Investment
Priorities Plan may include other products for export subjects to such
conditions and limited incentives as may be determined by the Board
Export Sales
• shall mean the Philippine port F.O.B. value, determined from invoices, bills of lading, inward
letters of credit, landing certificates, and other commercial documents, of exports products
exported directly by a registered export producer or the net selling price of export product sold by
a registered export producer to another export producer, or to an export trader that subsequently
exports the same: Provided, That sales of export products to another producer or to an export
trader shall only be deemed export sales when actually exported by the latter, as evidenced by
landing certificates or similar commercial documents: Provided, further, That without actual
exportation the following shall be considered constructively exported for purposes of this
provision: (1) sales to bonded manufacturing warehouses of export-oriented manufacturers; (2)
sales to export processing zones; (3) sales to registered export traders operating bonded trading
warehouses supplying raw materials used in the manufacture of export products under guidelines
to be set by the Board in consultation with the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Bureau of
Customs; (4) sales to foreign military bases, diplomatic missions and other agencies and/or
instrumentalities granted tax immunities, of locally manufactured, assembled or repacked
products whether paid for in foreign currency or not: Provided, further, That export sales of
registered export trader may include commission income: and Provided, finally, That exportation
of goods on consignment shall not be deemed export sales until the export products consigned
are in fact sold by the consignee
Export Sales…(continued)
• Sales of locally manufactured or assembled goods for household
and personal use to Filipinos abroad and other non-residents of
the Philippines as well as returning Overseas Filipinos under the
Internal Export Program of the government and paid for in
convertible foreign currency inwardly remitted through the
Philippine banking systems shall also be considered export sales
Production Cost
• shall mean the total of the cost of direct labor, raw materials, and
manufacturing overhead, determined in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles, which are incurred in
manufacturing or processing the products of a registered
• shall mean converting of raw materials into marketable from
through physical, mechanical, chemical, electrical, biochemical,
biological or other means or by a special treatment or a series of
actions, such as slaughtering, milling, pasteurizing, drying or
desiccating, quick freezing, that results in a change in the nature
or state of the products
• Merely packing or packaging shall not constitute processing
Investment Priorities Plan
• shall mean the over-all plan prepared by the Board which includes and contains:
• (a) The specific activities and generic categories of economic activity wherein investments are to
be encouraged and the corresponding products and commodities to be grown, processed or
manufactured pursuant thereto for the domestic or export market;
• (b) Specific public utilities which can qualify for incentives under this Code and which shall be
supported by studies of existing and prospective regional demands for the services of such public
utilities in the light of the level and structure of income, production, trade, prices and relevant
economic and technical factors of the regions as well as the existing facilities to produce such
• (c) Specific activities where the potential for utilization of indigenous no-petroleum based fuels or
sources of energy can be best promoted; and
• (d) Such other information, analyzes, data, guidelines or criteria as the Board may deem
• The specific and generic activities to be included in the Investment Priorities Plan with their status
as pioneer or non-pioneer shall be determined by the Board of Investments
Investment Priorities Plan
Investment Priorities Plan
• Not later than the end of March of every year, the Board of
Investments, after consultation with the appropriate government
agencies and the private sector, shall submit to the President an
Investment Priorities Plan: Provided, however, That the deadline
for submission, may be extended by the President.
Criteria in Investment Priority Determination
• No economic activity shall be included in the Investment Priority
Plan unless it is shown to be economically, technically and
financially sound after thorough investigation and analysis by the
• The determination of preferred areas of investment to be listed
in the Investment Priorities Plan shall be based on long-run
comparative advantage, taking into account the value of social
objectives and employing economic criteria along with market,
technical, and financial analyses.
Criteria in Investment Priority Determination…(continued)
• The provision of the law in Section 1908 of the Tariff and Customs Code of the
Philippines, as amended, to the contrary notwithstanding, articles duly
entered for warehousing may remain in the regional warehouses for a period
of two (2) years from the time of their transfer to the regional warehouse,
which period may be extended with the approval of the Board of Investments
for an additional period of one (1) year upon payment of the corresponding
storage fee on the unexported articles
Rules and Regulations on the Jurisdiction, Operation & Control over
Qualified Goods Stored in the Regional Warehouse
• The Board of Investments and the Bureau of Customs shall jointly issue special rules and
regulations on the receiving, handling, custody, entry, examinations, classifications, delivery,
storage, warehousing, manipulation and packaging, release for re-exportation and for the
safekeeping, recording, inventory and liquidation of said qualified goods, any existing law
notwithstanding. Such rules and regulations shall be formulated in consultation with the
applicants/operators of regional warehouses in order to be responsive to the objective of
providing a procedure for the speedy inflow and outflow of the qualified goods which are
destined for the Asia-Pacific and other foreign markets and keeping a proper balance
between promoting the Philippines as a center for multinational regional warehouses and
safeguarding the revenue laws of the country.
• The Commissioner of customs is directed is directed to expedite the immediate re-
exportation or transshipment of the foregoing goods destined for regional warehousing to
their Asia-Pacific and other foreign markets, including the emergency withdrawal for re-
exportation by air and ship and the partial liquidation of bonds adopting simplified export
procedures therefor.
• Any willful violation by the regional or area headquarters of a multinational
company which has established regional warehouse or warehouses of the
provisions of existing laws shall constitute a sufficient cause for the
cancellation of its license or registration in addition to the penalties provided
for in this Act.
Any alien who possesses the following qualifications may be issued a Special
Investors Resident Visa.
1. He had not been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude;
2. He is not afflicted with any loathsome, dangerous or contagious disease;
3. He has not been institutionalized for any mental disorder or disability;
4. He is willing and able to invest the amount of at least US$75,000.00 in the
Philippines; Provided, That the foregoing invested amount shall be lowered to
US$50,000 for aliens availing of Executive Order No. 63 and Executive Order No.
1037 subject to the conditions imposed by said legislations: Provided, further, That
for purposes of compliance with this particular condition, the alien-applicant
should prove that he has remitted such amount in acceptable foreign currency to
the Philippines.
Reportorial Requirements
• As a holder of the Special Investors Resident Visa, an alien shall be entitled to
reside in the Philippines while his investment subsists. For this purpose, he
should submit an annual report, in the form fully prescribed for the purpose,
to prove that he has maintained his investment in the country. Should said
alien withdraw his said investment from the Philippines, then the Special
Investors Resident Visa issued to him will automatically expire.
Employment of Foreign Nationals
• The provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding, Export Processing Zone
Authority, hereinafter referred to as the "Authority" may authorize an alien or
an association, partnership, corporation or any other form of business
organization formed, organized, chartered or existing under any law other
than those of the Philippines, or which is not a Philippine national, or the
working capital of which id fully owned or controlled by aliens to do business
or engage in an industry inside the export processing zone.
Employment of Foreign
• Subject to the provisions of Section 29 of Commonwealth Act No. 613, as
amended, an enterprise, a zone registered enterprise may employ foreign
nationals in supervisory, technical or advisory positions for a period not
exceeding five (5) years from its registration, extendible for limited periods at
the discretion of the Authority: Provided, however, That when the majority of
the capital stock of a zone registered enterprise is owned by foreign national,
the positions of president, treasurer, and general manager or their equivalents
may be retained by foreign nationals beyond the period set forth herein.
Employment of Foreign
• Foreign nationals employed within the purview of this Book, their spouses, and unmarried
children under twenty-one years of age who are not excluded by Sec. 29 of C.A. No. 613, as
amended, shall be permitted to enter and reside in the Philippines during the period of
employment of such foreign nationals. They shall be issued a multiple entry visa, valid for a period
of three years, to enter and leave the Philippines without further documentary requirements
other than valid passports or other travel documents in the nature of passports. The validity of
the multiple entry special visa shall be extendible yearly. Foreign Nationals who have been issued
multiple entry special visas under this provision, as well as their respective spouses and
dependents, shall be exempt from obtaining alien certificates and all types of clearances required
by any government department or agency. For this purpose, the Commission on Immigration and
Deportation and the authority shall jointly issue the necessary implementing rules and
• A registered enterprise shall train Filipinos as understudies of foreign nationals in administrative,
supervisory and technical skills and shall submit annual reports of such training to the Board.
Tax Treatment of Merchandise in the Zone
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this Code, foreign and domestic
merchandise, raw materials, supplies, articles, equipment, machineries, spare
parts and wares of every description, except those prohibited by law, brought
into the zone to be sold, stored, broken up, repacked, assembled, installed,
sorted, cleaned, graded, or otherwise processed, manipulated, manufactured,
mixed with foreign or domestic merchandise whether directly or indirectly
related in such activity, shall not be subject to customs and internal revenue
laws and regulations nor to local tax ordinances, the provisions of law to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Tax Treatment of Merchandise in the
(2) Merchandise purchased by a registered zone enterprise from the customs
territory and subsequently brought into the zone, shall be considered as export
sales and the exported thereof shall be entitled to the benefits allowed by law
for such transaction.
(3) Domestic merchandise sent from the zone to the customs territory shall,
whether or not combined with or made part of other articles likewise of local
origin or manufactured in the Philippines while in the export processing zone,
be subject to internal revenue laws of the Philippines as domestic goods sold,
transferred or disposed of for local consumption.
Tax Treatment of Merchandise in the
(4) Merchandise sent from the export processing zone to the customs territory
shall, whether or not combined with or made part of other articles while in the
zone, be subject to rules and regulations governing imported merchandise. The
duties and taxes shall be assessed on the value of imported materials (except when
the final product is exempt) and the internal revenue taxes on the values added.
(5) Domestic merchandise on which all internal revenue taxes have been paid, if
subject thereto, and foreign merchandise previously imported on which duty or tax
has been paid, or which have been admitted free of duty and tax, may be taken
into the zone from the customs territory of the Philippines and be brought back
thereto free of quotas, duty or tax.
Tax Treatment of Merchandise in the
(6) Subject to such regulations respecting identity and safeguarding of the revenue as
the Authority may deem necessary when the identity of an article entered into the
export processing zone under the immediately preceding paragraph has been lost,
such article when removed from the zone and taken to the customs territory shall be
treated as foreign merchandise entering the country for the first time, under the
provisions of the Tariff and Customs Code.
(7) Articles produced or manufactured in the zone and exported therefrom shall, on
subsequent importation into the customs territory, be subject to the import laws
applicable to like articles manufactured in a foreign country;
(8) Unless the contrary is shown, merchandise taken out of the zone shall be
considered for tax purposes to have been sent to customs territory.
Additional Incentives
A zone registered enterprise shall also enjoy all the incentive benefits provided in Article 39 hereof
under the same terms and conditions stated therein. In addition zone registered enterprises shall
also be entitled to the following:
(a) Exemption from Local Taxes and Licenses. — Notwithstanding the provisions of law to the
contrary, zone registered enterprise shall, to the extent of their construction, operation or
production inside the zone be exempt from the payment of any and all local government imposts,
fees, licenses or taxes except real estate taxes which shall be collected by the
Province/City/Municipality responsible for the collection thereof under the provisions of the Real
Property Tax Code: Provided, That machineries owned by zone registered enterprises which are
actually installed and operated in the Zone for manufacturing, processing or for industrial purposes
shall not be subject to the payment of real estate taxes for the first three (3) years of operation of
such machineries: Provided, further, That fifty percent (50%) of the proceeds of the real estate taxes
collected from all real properties located in the Zone and such other areas owned or administered
by the Authority shall be remitted to the Authority by the province/city/municipality responsible for
the collection of such taxes under the provisions of the Real Property Tax Code. All real estate taxes
accruing to the Authority as herein provided shall be expanded for such community facilities,
utilities and/or services as the Authority may determine.
Additional Incentives…(continued)
(b) Production equipment or machineries, not attached to real
estate, used directly or indirectly, in the production, assembly or
manufacture of the registered product of the zone registered
enterprise shall be exempt from real property taxes.