Regeneration of Waste Lubricant Oil by Extraction-Flocculation PDF
Regeneration of Waste Lubricant Oil by Extraction-Flocculation PDF
Regeneration of Waste Lubricant Oil by Extraction-Flocculation PDF
ABSTRACT: Waste lubricant oil can be regenerated by solvent extraction and flocculating agent to get rid of impurities. In this
paper, butanol was selected as an extractant, and monoethanolamine (MEA) as a flocculating agent. The aim of the work was to
identify the best refining conditions to separate base oil suitable for the formulation of new lubricants and avoid the coextraction
of impurities. The effects of time, temperature, solvent/waste oil mass ratios, and flocculant concentration on the separation
efficiency and yields were investigated. Optimization conditions of the refining were obtained by experiments: refining time = 20
min, temperature = 30 °C, solvent/waste oil mass ratios = 5g/g, flocculant concentration = 2g/kg solvent. When comparing i-
butanol/MEA and n-butanol/MEA, it was found that yields obtained with composites of i-butanol/MEA were slightly higher
than those obtained with n-butanol/MEA. On the other hand, because MEA not only agglomerates waste oil contaminants but
also reduces the dosage of solvent, the solvent/waste oil mass ratios at which stabilization occurs with composite butanol/MEA
were smaller than that obtained with single pure solvent (n-butanol, i-butanol). Under composite refining, metallic and oxidation
compound removal was very efficient, and the properties of the recovered oil were notably improved than that in the original
waste oil. The recovered oil was almost similar to a HVI150 virgin oil and, therefore, suitable for the formulation of new lubricant
1. INTRODUCTION In this study, alcohols with four carbon atoms were selected
Waste lubricating oils are byproducts of oil used in vehicles and as extractants that dissolve the base oil, and monoethanolamine
machinery. Oil must be replaced because of the degradation of (MEA) was chosen as a flocculating agent that removes the
the fresh lubricant components and contamination from dirt, contaminants from waste oil for the purpose of reusing it as the
water, salts, metals, incomplete products of combustion, lubricant base oil. First, this process seems to overcome the
additives, and other asphaltic compounds coming from overlay major problem of the sulfuric acid treatment: the production of
on bearing surfaces. Once replaced by new lubricants, the used an acid sludge, which is a source of pollution and causes very
oil is a matter of greater environmental concern: polluting difficult disposal problems. Then, for the process solvent can be
water and earth and causing air pollution if burnt. Therefore, to recovered and recycled, since the organic sludge produced may
prevent environmental pollution and to conserve petroleum be used as an asphalt component or may be mixed with liquid
sources, waste oil should be regenerated. fuels and burned. The best use for this sludge is, according to
Several technological processes have been proposed to Alves dos Reis et al., an offset ink component.7,8 More
recycle waste oil. The most familiar technology is the acid- specifically, the effect of the refining time, refining temperature,
clay process, but the process was prohibited because the acid solvent/waste oil mass ratios, flocculant concentration on both
sludge is a source of pollution that causes serious environ- the yield and quality of the recovered oil were studied. The
mental problems.1 In the acid-free clay process the waste oil is quality was evaluated through the determination of phys-
pretreated using atmospheric distillation to remove water and icochemical properties, metallic compounds, and oxidation
light hydrocarbons followed by vacuum distillation and products. The major purpose of this paper is to offer a feasible
hydrogenation treatment.2 However, this process is not highly choice for waste oil recycling by extraction−flocculation, and
efficient in removal of contaminants, and low quality recovered select the best process conditions leading to both high yield and
oil is obtained with unpleasant smells and poor stability.2−4 As quality of the recovered oil.
mentioned above, persistent efforts should be made to improve
waste oil regeneration technologies. Using a single solvent or 2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
composite solvents to extract base oil from waste oil was a
feasible alternative before vacuum distillation, which is 2.1. Materials. Organic solvents (n-butanol, i-butanol) were
economical, efficient, and safe. Unfortunately waste oil supplied by Chongqing Reagent Company. Waste lubricant oil
constituents are kept in a stable dispersion as a result of was supplied by Swift Horse Engine Repair Factory. First, the
electric repulsion between heteroatoms and asphaltic com- waste oil was treated in a rotary evaporator at 70 °C under
pounds in the solvent system, a result of which is that the
impurities cannot be separated from the base oil. 5,6 Received: May 12, 2013
Accordingly, the addition of a flocculating agent exerts an Revised: July 31, 2013
action to break this stability and promotes a fast flocculation of Accepted: August 19, 2013
impurity particles. Published: September 3, 2013
© 2013 American Chemical Society 12763 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 12763−12770
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
vacuum (500 mmHg) to eliminate water and light hydro- As noted before, a large number of pure organic liquids, such as
carbons. Both types of compounds are undesirable for the hydrocarbons, alcohols, and ketones exhibited the properties
formulation of new lubricants and may modify the property of mentioned above and were applied to the extract waste
base oil components in the solvent. Waste oil properties after oil.2−6,9−12
this treatment are shown in Table 1. At the industrial scale this The following points were considered in the selection of an
step usually performed at atmospheric pressure. We made it optimal solvent: Hildebrand solubility theory of the solvents,
under vacuum to accelerate the separation process. the existing background on the regeneration of waste oil by
solvent extraction, and the selectivity or capacity of the solvent
Table 1. Properties of Waste Lubricating Oil to selectively extract base oil from waste oil.
First of all, it should be noted that impurity particles usually
waste oil have a high molecular weight. According to the Hildebrand
appearance black opaque solubility theory,13 they should dissolve more easily in the
w (water) (%) trace heavier solvents because the solubility parameters of the heavier
v40 (mm2.s 1) 104.65 solvents are close to those of the impurity particles. Therefore,
v100 (mm2.s 1) 11.58 in this study, low-molecular weight solvent was used, which
viscosity index 92.5 inhibits the dissolution of the impurity particles.
flash point (°C) 184 Then by previous works, when mixed with waste oil, liquid
pour point (°C) −7 hydrocarbons not only extract the base oil fractions, but also
w(sulphur) (%) 0.29 the solution of macromolecular and other additives as well as
w(sulfate ash) (%) 0.77 dispersion of carbonaceous and other particles.5,6 Conse-
oxidation stability 150 °C/min 148 quently, the liquid hydrocarbons were excluded in this research.
acid number (mgKOH·g−1) 1.53 According to Rincon et al.2−4 and Alves dos Reis et al.,5,6 the
w (metallic content) (mg/kg) ketones and alcohols, between three and five carbon atoms,
Zn 713 have been studied to recycle used oil. As a result of the
Ca 1090 molecular weight, alcohols with three carbon atoms can
Mg 332 dissolve little base oil, while those with five carbon atoms not
Fe 238 only extract base oil but also dissolved impurities.2−6 In regards
to the ketones, the only ketone with less than four carbon
2.2. Extraction Procedure. Mixtures of about 20 g of atoms, propanone, was almost immiscible with base oil at room
pretreatment used oil and solvent in solvent/waste oil mass temperature. On the other hand, both base oil and impurities
ratios ranging from 1/1 to 11/1, and MEA in weight were dissolved in ketones with five carbon atoms, which act the
proportions ranging from 1g/kg solvent to 3g/kg solvent same as the alcohols with five carbon atoms. Besides, ketones
were agitated to ensure adequate mixing (see section 4.1). were strictly controlled in China and availability was difficult.
Then, the mixtures were poured into centrifuge tubes that were Therefore, it was found that alcohols with four carbon atoms
later introduced into the support of a centrifuge. After performed as the efficient extraction solvent.
centrifugation at 600 rpm for 8 min, a sludge phase (additives, Finally, the dipole of butanol was close to that of the
metallic and oxidation compounds, and carbonaceous particles) lubricating oil (naphthenic distillate) (see Table 2), which is
was segregated from the mixture of solvent and oil. The solvent important for support of the solvent to selectively extract base
was separated from the mixture solution by distillation in a oil from waste oil.
rotary evaporator and the recovered oil was weighed. The
extraction yield was calculated as the mass of oil, expressed in Table 2. Dipole of the Solvent and Lubricating Results
grams, separated from 100 g of waste oil. The sludge phase was
also weighed in all experiments. lubricatingb
solvent n- i- s- t- (naphthenic
2.3. Analysis of the Metallic Content. The oil samples property butanolb butanolb butanolb butanolb distillate)
were heated at 200 °C for 4 h and calcined at 650 °C for 8 h μ, D 1.60 1.64 1.66 1.44a 1.23−1.64
prior to the analyses. The noncombustible residue obtained a b
3.26 cm wavelength. Reference 14.
(ashes) was further treated with hydrochloric acid, filtered, and
diluted with deionized water to determine the metallic content.
These analyses were performed by atomic emission spectros- In conclusion, solvent properties suggest that alcohols with
copy using an inductively coupled plasma Spectra HK-9600 four carbon atoms were the best candidates to become the basic
spectrometer. component of the extract solvent. In the study, s-butanol and t-
2.4. Other Analyses. Sulfur content was measured with a butanol were excluded because s-butanol yields two liquid
fluorescence measuring apparatus of ZDS-2000. Acid number, phases at room temperature, and the solid of t-butanol forms
pour point, flash point, sulfate ash, oxidation stability, and below 25.5 °C.
viscosities at 40 and 100 °C were determined according to GB/ 3.2. Choice of Flocculant. The impurities of waste oil are
T264, GB/T3535, GB/T3536, GB/T2433, SH/T0193, GB/ mostly composed of (a) oxidation products, (b) metallic
T265 procedures, respectively. compound, (c) degenerative additives, and (d) carbonaceous
particles. The bulk of these particles are kept in stable
3. EXTRACTANT AND FLOCCULANT dispersion by the dispersant additives.
3.1. Selection of Extractant. The extractant that is Author: Please verify that the changes made to improve the
selected must have two important properties: it should be English still retain your original meaning.At room temperature,
miscible with the base oil contained in the waste oil being when mixed with waste oil, the alcohol with four carbon atoms
processed and it should reject from a solution with impurities. dissolved the desired base oil. But because of the electric
12764 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 12763−12770
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
repulsions, it could only segregate a small part of the one-factor experimental design was adopted in order to select
undesirable materials which formed flakes that settled by the best process conditions leading to both high yield and
gravity.3,5 To avoid the formation of stable dispersions, quality of the base oil obtained.
flocculating agents can be used and added into the solution. Effect of Refining Time. To determine the mixing time for
By the process of flocculation, particles in suspension form systems to attain equilibrium, a group of experiments was made.
larger agglomerates, or small agglomerates already formed grow This group of experiments was performed at temperature of 30
as a result of coagulation through high molecular weight °C, solvent/waste oil mass ratios of 5g/g, and flocculate
polymeric materials.15,16 concentration of 2g/kg solvent.
Attention should be paid to an important finding of a suitable Results were obtained as follows (Figure 1). It can be
substance as a flocculating agent for recycling waste oil. In this observed that the extraction yields increase with time until a
paper, the flocculating agent was chosen by two steps. The first
step was the existing background on the regeneration of waste
oil by flocculation, and the second step was the difference in the
solubility parameters of the solvent and of a typical polyolefin,
polyisobutylene. Polyisobutylene is generally introduced in
lubricant oils as a viscosity index improver, where it acts to
remove the macromolecules of polymeric additives. Moreover,
according to Alves dos Reis et al,5,6 when flocculation occurs,
macromolecules and carbonaceous particles coflocculate and
settle together. When the solubility parameter difference is
high, one should expect to obtain high sludge removal values.5,6
Some materials were proposed for this operation, namely, l-
butanol by Brownawell and Renard,17 and 2-propanol by
Rincon et al.,3 Alves dos Reis et al.5 and Whisman et al.,18 a
substance with special amidogen groups by Zhang,19 and a
sorbitol oleic acid ester with special amidogen groups by
Xiong.20 All of the substances mentioned above exhibit
flocculant properties and have potential utility to coagulate Figure 1. Effect of refining time on yield. Composite, i-butanol/MEA,
n-butanol/MEA; solvent/waste oil mass ratios, 5g/g; MEA concen-
the additives and other undesirable impurities in waste oil. tration, 2g MEA/kg solvent; T = 30 °C.
According to Alves dos Reis et al.,5,6 the flocculating action
for the segregation of sludge from waste oil by polar solvents is
basically an antisolvent effect exerted on some macromolecules. constant value is reached. With butanol/MEA, the constant
In this study, propanol, butanol, and MEA were chosen, and the yield was approximately 81%−83%, which was achieved
individual component was guided by the difference |δ1 − δ2|, approximately after 20 min of refining. This was because the
where δ1 and δ2 are the solubility parameters of the flocculating contact time of the solvent, flocculant, and the waste oil played
agent and polyisobutylene, respectively. When |δ1 − δ2| was an important role for systems to attain equilibrium. On one
high, high sludge removal results are expected. Table 3 suggests hand, it should be long enough to allow the solvent to act on
the base oil contained in the waste oil being processed. On the
Table 3. Difference between the Solubility Parameters of other hand, it should allow flocculant neutralized charges of
Solvent δ1, and Polyisobutylene, δ2 particulate matter to break stabilization by electric repulsion.11
flocculant δ1, δ2(MPa1/2) δ1-δ2 (MPa1/2) Furthermore, flocculant (MEA) maybe adsorb and “bridge”
colloidal particles by permitting their aggregation to particle
polyisobutylenea 15.5
sizes big enough to separate from the liquid phase.15,16 The
1-propanola 23.5 8.0
slightly higher yield and lighter extract coloration attained with
2-propanola 24.5 9.0
i-butanol may be explained by considering the polarity and
1-butanola 23.1 7.6
molecular structure. It is well-known that components exhibit
2-butanola 22.2 6.7
better solubility as their polarities get closer to each other. Since
MEAa 31.5 16.0
base oil is a mixture of nonpolar or slightly polar molecular
Reference 21. components, its polarity is closer to that of i-butanol (55.2)
with lower polarity than n-butanol (60.2).22 This difference is
that the solubility parameter of MEA was far different from that probably due to the molecular structure, as i-butanol has a
of the polyisobutylene, which would be a better flocculating branch chain the same as the base oil molecules (ring
agent than butanol and propanol. In summary, to improve the hydrocarbons and alkane hydrocarbons with branch chain),
quality of the base oil extracted from the used lubricant oil and therefore according to the law of affinity has a larger
without renouncing high extraction yields, MEA was deemed to capacity to dissolve base oil components.
be a good flocculating agent. When the mixing time is compared with that obtained by
Rincon et al.,2 it can be observed that the equilibrium for 2-
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION butanol is attained at a shorter mixing time, less than 10 min. It
4.1. Effect of Factors. On the basis of the statement of the is probably for that reason that flocculant (MEA) was added in
basic problem, several factors involving base oil yield and this researchit increases the time of flocculation and
quality were investigated: the effect of refining time, the effect sedimentation of the impurities to be removed. Finally,
of refining temperature, the effect of solvent/waste oil mass according to Rincon et al.2 and Alves dos Reis et al.,5,6 as
ratios, and the dosage of flocculating agent. In this research, regards to the longer equilibrium time of the 2-pentanol,
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
and other oxidation products can be removed by the addition but also reduces the dosage of solvent needed for the system to
of MEA. Furthermore, it is well-known that sulfate ash attain equilibrium.
originates from additives and bearing surfaces, which form With the composite, refining and metallic and oxidation
macromolecular compounds. The distinct decrease of the compound removal are very efficient, and the characteristics of
sulfate ash may be explained by the fact that MEA may make the recovered oil are obviously improved. Furthermore,
these macromolecular compounds attach to two or more oxidation stability, viscosity, pour point, and flash point are
particles thus “bridging ” them together to form large flakes, similar to those of HVI-150 virgin oil.
which settled by gravity or centrifugation. As regards to the
decrease of the metallic concentration, it may be explained by AUTHOR INFORMATION
the following points: on one hand, metallic impurities formed
Corresponding Author
larger aggregates and sedimentation occurred with addition of
flocculant (MEA). On the other hand, according to Rincon et *E-mail:
al.2 and the Hildebrand solubility theory,13 metallic impurities Notes
were removed because the solvent molecular weight is much The authors declare no competing financial interest.
smaller than that of metallic compounds, which made the
dissolution of the metallic impurities difficult in the lighter
solvents. Finally, evident improvement of both pour point and
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