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DC Motor PDF

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DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.


Q.01 A motor is machine that converts ____

A. mechanical energy into wind energy

B. electrical energy into mechanical energy

C. mechanical into mechanical energy

D. Electrical energy into pressure energy

Ans.: B

Q.02 which one operated in more protected locations?

A. generator

B. motor

C. mechanical engine

D. all required same protection

Ans.: B

Q.03The construction of DC motor is similar to

A. mechanical engine

B. dc generator

C. ac generator

D. transformer

Ans.: B

Q.04 which of the machines generally used in location they are exposed to open environment?

A. motor

B. engine

C. generator

D. all of the above

Ans.: A

Q.05 The construction of generator is generally

A. closed type

B. semi closed type

C. open type

D. semi open type

Ans.: C


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

Q.06 The construction of motor is generally

A. closed type

B. semi closed type

C. open type

D. semi open type

Ans.: A

Q.07 The motors require protective enclosures for

A. drip- proof

B. fire proof

C. moistures

D. all of the above

Ans.: D

Q.08 A motors is work on the principle of

A. Electromechanical energy conversion

B. electromagnetic induction

C. Fleming’s right hand rule

D. Fleming’s left hand rule

Ans.: B

Q.09 When a conductor carrying current in a ____, a force is produced on it.

A. electric field

B. electrostatic field

C. magnetic field

D. electromagnetic field

Ans.: C

Q.10 Direction of force of conductor carrying current in a magnetic field is found out by

A. Fleming’s right hand rule

B. Fleming’s left hand rule

C. Faraday’s law

D. Ampere’s law

Ans.: B


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

Q.11 The force experienced by the conductor carrying current in a magnetic field is in __

A. unidirectional

B. bidirectional

C. tangential direction

D. any of the above

Ans.: C

Q.12 A____ is developed on the rotor.

A. momentum

B. turning effect

C. displacement

D. acceleration

Ans.: B

Q.13 A. turning effect developed on the rotor is known as__

A. Force

B. velocity

C. torque

D. friction

Ans.: C

Q.14 The torque produced on the rotor is transferred to the ____

A. shaft of the rotor

B. to drive a mechanical load

C. to drive a electrical load

D. none of the above

Ans.: A

Q.15 The sequence of transfer of torque is

A. rotor to the shaft of rotor

B. shaft of rotor to drive a mechanical load

C. rotor to rotor shaft to drive a mechanical load

D. rotor to drive a mechanical load

Ans.: C


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

Q.16 In case of motor, the induced emf is known as

A. armature reaction

B. back emf

C. reactance voltage

D. all of the above

Ans.: B

Q.17 The back emf oppose the

A. terminal voltage

B. induced emf

C. applied voltage

D. circulating current

Ans.: C

Q.18 The back emf induced in motor is

A. due to motor action

B. due to generator action

C. due to engine

D. all of the above

Ans.: B

Q.19 Back emf is also known as

A. induced emf

B. counter emf

C. generated emf

D. all of the above

Ans.: B

Q.20 The correct expression of back emf is

A. Eb = NPфZ/ 60

B. Eb = NPфZ/ 120A

C. Eb = NPфZ/ 60A

D. Eb = NPфZA/ 60

Ans.: C


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

Q.21The back emf of the motor is

A. always greater than its terminal voltage

B. always equal to its terminal voltage

C. always less than its terminal voltage

D. any of the above

Ans.: C

Q.22 In motor, current flows from the __

A. line into the armature to add the generated voltage

B. armature into the line

C. line into the armature against the generated voltage

D. line into the armature to oppose the generated voltage

Ans.: C

Q.23 The terminal voltage of the motor is given by

A. V = Eb + Ia Ra

B. V = Eb + Vdrop armature

C. V = Egen + Ia Ra

D. Both A and B

Ans.: D

[V= motor terminal voltage, E= generated emf, Eb = back emf]

Q.24 When a dc machine is loaded either as a motor or generator, the ___ carry current.

A. stator conductor

B. rotor conductor

C. field conductor

D. all of the above

Ans.: B

Q.25 In rotor the conductor lie ____ of the rotor at a common radius from its centre

A. near the centre

B. near the surface

C. in between

D. anywhere


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

Ans.: B

Q.26 The torque produce around the ____ of the rotor and the rotor starts rotating

A. radius

B. diameter

C. circumference

D. area

Ans.: C

Q.27 When the machine is operates as a generator at constant speed, the torque is

A. equal and same as that of provided by the prime-mover

B. equal and opposite to that of provided by the prime-mover

C. unequal and same as that of provided by the prime-mover

D. unequal and opposite to that of provided by the prime-mover

Ans.: B

Q.28 The expression of mechanical power developed by the armature is

A. Pm = τav

B. Pm = ωτav

C. Pm = 2лnτav

D. Both B and C

Ans.: D

Q.29The average torque is given by

A. τav = PZф / 2лA

B. τav = PZфIa / 2A

C. τav = PZфIa / 2л

D. τav = PZфIa / 2лA

Ans.: D

Q.30which of the following is electrical equivalent of gross mechanical power developed by the

A. EIa

B. I2a Ra

C. VIa


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

D. E

Ans.: A

Q.31The torque developed by the dc motor is

A. directly proportional to armature current

B. directly proportional to the flux of pole

C. Both A and B

D. inversely proportional to armature current

Ans.: C

Q.32 All the conductors in the ___ develop torque in the __

A. armature winding; opposite direction

B. field winding; same direction

C. armature winding; same direction

D. field winding; opposite direction

Ans.: C

Q.33 The force experienced by a conductor carrying current in a magnetic field is given by

A. F = BL newton

B. F = BIL newton

C. F = BI newton

D. F = IL newton

Ans.: B

Q.34 In electric machine the energy conversion is______unless there is some opposition

A. possible

B. there is no such relation

C. not possible

D. can’t defined

Ans.: C

Q.35 In generators opposition is provided by___

A. electric force

B. magnetic force

C. tangential force


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

D. centrifugal force

Ans.: B

Q.36 In motors opposition is provided by___

A. back emf

B. centripetal force

C. centrifugal force

D. electrostatic force

Ans.: A

Q.37 The mechanical power developed by the dc motor is maximum when the back emf is equal to

A. Two times the applied voltage

B. same as applied voltage

C. Three time the applied voltage

D. half the applied voltage

Ans.: D

Q.38 The turning of twisting moment of a force about an axis is called

A. force

B. torque

C. angular momentum

D. all of the above

Ans.: B

Q.39 The torque is measured by the

A. product of force and diameter

B. product of centrifugal and centripetal force

C. product of force and radius

D. product of force and circumference

Ans.: C

Q.40 If the motor speed is in rpm, the torque is given by

A. 1.55 EbIa / N N-m

B. 9.55 Eb / N N-m

C. 0.159EbIa / N N-m


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

D. 9.55 EbIa / N N-m

Ans.: D

Q.41 The torque available at the shaft of motor for doing useful work is called

A. working toque

B. shaft torque

C. useful torque

D. average torque

Ans.: B

Q.42 The torque developed in the armature is

A. equal to shaft torque

B. not equal to shaft torque

C. useful torque

D. average torque

Ans.: B

Q.43 The gross torque is also called

A. shaft torque

B. armature torque

C. average torque

D. Both A and C

Ans.: D

Q.44 The shaft torque is given by

A. Tsh = Ta + lost torque

B. Tsh = Ta / lost torque

C. Tsh = Ta – lost torque

D. Tsh = Tav – lost torque

Ans.: C

Q.45 what is the unit of torque?

A. N-m

B. N/m3

C. m/N


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

D. N-m2

Ans.: A

Q.46 what is break horse power?

A. The horse power developed by the shaft torque

B. The horse power developed by the armature torque

C. The horse power developed by the lost torque

D. The horse power developed by the shaft and lost torque

Ans.: A

Q.47 The power developed in horse power, its value is given by

A Po = 2лNTsh / 60

B. Po = 2лNTsh /746

C. Po = 2лNTsh / 60 x 1/746

D. Po = 2лTsh / 60 x 1/746

Ans.: C

Q.48 which of the following is true?

A. 1 hp(in metric horsepower) = 735.5 Watts

B. 1 hp (boiler horse power) = 9809.5 W

C. 1 hp (mechanical horse power) = 745.7 Watts

D. all of the above

Ans.: D

Q.49 The efficiency of motor is the ratio of

A. input power to output power

B. output power to input power

C. Input power –losses to input power

D. Both B and C

Ans.: D

Q.50 The difference between the input and output power is the

A. lost power outside the machine

B. lost power inside the machine

C. lost power in load


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

D. lost power due to friction

Ans.: B

Q.51 The efficiency of electrical machines is always

A. more than unity

B. some finite value

C. less than unity

D. unity

Ans.: C

Q.52 The efficiency of dc machine will be maximum when

A. variable losses more than constant losses

B. variable losses is equal to constant losses

C. variable losses less than constant losses

D. any of the above

Ans.: B

Q.53 For small dc machine efficiency is about__

A. 50 to 60%

B. 60 to 80 %

C. 80 to 85%

D. 90 to 95%

Ans.: C

Q.54 Speed regulation of motor is in percentage

A. N0 – N/N0 x 100

B. N0 – N/N x 100

C. N – N0/N x 100

D. N – N0/N0 x 100

Ans.: B

[N0 = no load speed, N = full load speed]

Q.55 The efficiency of large dc machines is about

A. 50 to 80%

B. 70 to 90%


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

C. 85 to 95%

D. 90 to 98%

Ans.: C

Q.56 Classify the dc motor according to connection of field winding.

A. series motor

B. shunt motor

C. compound motor

D. all of the above

Ans.: D

Q.57 The field winding is connected in parallel with the armature is known as__

A. compound motor

B. series motor

C. shunt motor

D. brushless motor

Ans.: C

Q.58 Which of the following voltage equation is correct of shunt motor?

A. For field wining V = IshRsh

B. For armature winding V = E + IaRa

C. V = IaRa

D. Both A and B

Ans.: D

Q.59 which of the following is true

A. Power input = mechanical power developed + losses in the armature

B. Power input = mechanical power developed + loss in the field

C. Power input = mechanical power developed + losses in the armature + loss in the field

D. Power input = loss in the field + losses in the armature

Ans.: C

Q.60 Input current in dc shunt motor is given by

A. I = Ia + Ish

B. I = Ia


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

C. I = Ish

D. I = Ia + Ish +Iload

Ans.: A

Q.61 In series dc motor the field winding is connected in __

A. in parallel with the armature winding

B. in series with the stator winding

C. in series with the armature winding

D. in parallel with the load

Ans.: C

Q.62 which of the following is/are correct of dc series motor?

A. I = Ia =Ise = Iload

B. V = E + IRa + IRsh

C. Pm = EI

D. all of the above

Ans.: D

Q.63 In dc motors the resultant flux is strengthens at the ____ and weakened at the ____

A. trailing pole tips

B. leading pole tips

C. leading pole tips; trailing pole tips

D. trailing pole tips; leading pole tips

Ans.: C

Q.64 Sparking at the brushes is due to

A. fast commutation

B. delay in commutation

C. issue of bearing

D. all of the above

Ans.: B

Q65 Motor inter pole has a polarity ____ that of the following main pole in the ____of rotation of

A. same; direction


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

B. opposite to; opposite direction

C. opposite; direction

D. same; opposite direction

Ans.: C

Q.66 The change in direction of current in the armature changes the

A. polarity of the field winding

B. polarity of the inter pole

C. polarity of the stator winding

D. polarity of the terminal voltage

Ans.: B

Q.67 The inter poles in dc motors is connected

A. in series with the armature winding

B. in series with the stator winding

C. in parallel with the stator winding

D. in series with the terminal

Ans.: A

Q.68 what are the different characteristic of dc motors?

A. Speed – Torque characteristic

B. Speed –armature characteristic

C. Torque –Armature characteristic

D. all of the above

Ans.: D

Q.69 which of the following is called electrical characteristic of dc motor?

A. Speed – Torque characteristic

B. Speed –armature characteristic

C. Torque –Armature characteristic

D. all of the above

Ans.: C

Q.70 which of the following is called mechanical characteristic of dc motor?

A. Speed – Torque characteristic


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

B. Speed –armature characteristic

C. Torque –Armature characteristic

D. all of the above

Ans.: A

Q.71 which of the following main two type of characteristic of dc motor?

A. running characteristic

B. starting characteristic

C. intermittent characteristic

D. Both A and B

Ans.: D

Q.72 In dc shunt motor, the flux is

A. almost variable

B. almost constant

C. vary with load

D. vary with supply

Ans.: B

Q.73 In dc shunt motor, when the load increases, the flux decreases slightly due to__

A. delay in commutation

B. reactance voltage

C. armature reaction

D. all of the above

Ans.: C

Q.74 The torque in dc shunt motor is

A. inversely proportional to the armature current

B. directly proportional to the armature current

C. directly proportional to the load current

D. inversely proportional to the load current

Ans.: B

Q.75 In dc series motor, the torque is____ before saturation

A. inversely proportional to the armature current and flux


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

B. directly proportional to the armature current

C. directly proportional to the armature current and flux

D. inversely proportional to the load current and flux

Ans.: C

Q.76 Before the saturation if we double the current then torque

A. becomes double

B. becomes three times

C. becomes four times

D. remains same

Ans.: C

Q.77 which of the following motor has the characteristic between shunt and series motors?

A. ac motor

B. series motor

C. compound motor

D. special motor

Ans.: C

Q.78 In differential compound motor when the armature current increases the net flux

A. also increase

B. decrease

C. remains constant

D. none of the above

Ans.: B

Q.79 Arrange the decreasing order in torque producing capability.

A. cumulative compound motor, series motor, shunt motor

B. series motor, shunt motor, cumulative compound motor

C. series motor, cumulative compound motor, shunt motor

D. shunt motor, series motor, shunt motor

Ans.: C

Q.80 Running characteristic is the graphical relation between

A. speed and torque


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

B. speed and the armature current

C. speed and load current

D. Both A and B

Ans.: D

Q.81 In dc shunt motor the speed is

A. inversely proportional to the flux

B. directly proportional to the flux

C. directly proportional to the load current

D. none of the above

Ans.: A

Q.82 The series motor is ___ machine

A. constant flux

B. exponential flux

C. variable flux

D. zero flux

Ans.: C

Q.83For the dc series motor, the speed is

A. inversely proportional to the field current

B. inversely proportional to the armature current

C. inversely proportional to the load current

D. directly proportional to the field current

Ans.: B

Q.84 The speed-load characteristic of dc series motor is a

A. rectangular parabola

B. square parabola

C. rectangular hyperbola

D. square hyperbola

Ans.: C

Q.85 In dc series motor, when the load current is small the speed will be

A. very small


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

B. infinitely

C. zero

D. very large

Ans.: D

Q.86 In dc series motor at no load or at very light load

A. there is possibility of dangerously high speed

B. large centrifugal force

C. may damage the motor

D. all of the above

Ans.: D

Q.87 DC series motor should never be coupled by belt drive because

A. belt may break any time and motor operated on no load

B. belt may break any time and motor operated on full load

C. belt may break any time and motor operated on half the full load

D. none of the above

Ans.: A

Q.88 Which of the following motor is never run of started on no load?

A. dc shunt motor

B. compound motor

C. dc series motor

D. ac motor

Ans.: C

Q.89 A dc series motor should always be coupled to a

A. electrical load either directly or through gearing

B. mechanical load directly

C. mechanical load through gearing

D. Both B and C

Ans.: D

Q.90With increasing in armature current

A. the flux also increases


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

B. the speed is reduced

C. Both A and B

D. the speed is also increase

Ans.: C

Q.91 The torque- current characteristic of a dc series motor is initially ____ and finally becomes
___when the load current becomes large.

A. hyperbola; linear

B. parabola; non linear

C. parabola; linear

D. hyperbola; non linear

Ans.: C

Q.92 The Torque-current characteristic of dc series motor

A. changes steps from one curve to another

B. changes smoothly from one curve to another

C. changes exponentially from one curve to another

D. any of the above depend upon load

Ans.: B

Q.93 The characteristic relating the useful torque to armature current is parallel to the ____, but is
slightly __it.
A. armature torque-speed; above

B. Gross torque- armature current; above

C. Gross torque- armature current; below

D. Gross torque- load current; above

Ans.: C

Q.94 The speed- torque characteristic of a series motor can be derived from a

A. speed – armature current characteristic

B. torque-armature current characteristic

C. torque-speed characteristic

D. Both A and B

Ans.: D

Q.95 The dc series motor has


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

A. high torque at high speed

B. high torque at low speed

C. low torque at low speed

D. low torque at high speed

Ans.: B

Q.96 The speed of the dc series motor changes considerably with

A. decreasing load

B. increasing load

C. does not depend on load

D. none of the above

Ans.: B

Q.97 The dc series motor has

A. high torque at high speed

B. high torque at low speed

C. low torque at low speed

D. low torque at high speed

Ans.: D

Q.98 A dc series motor is very useful for

A. traction purpose

B. hoist and lifts

C. where at low speeds a high starting torque is required to accelerate large masses

D. all of the above

Ans.: D

Q.99 which one of the compound motor is generally used in practice?

A. cumulative compound motor

B. differential compound motor

C. Both are equally used

D. not defined

Ans.: A

A.100 which of the motor has a high starting torque together with a safe no load speed?


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

A. shunt motor

B. series motor

C. compound motor

D. long shunt motor

Ans.: C

Q.101 DC compound motor has a high starting torque together with a safe no load speed, due to this
factors it make it suitable for use

A. with heavy intermittent load

B. with light load

C. with light load throughout its operation

D. all of the above

Ans.: A

Q.102 A motor which has nearly ____ is said to have good regulation.

A. variable speed

B. intermittent speed

C. constant speed

D. variable with intermittent

Ans.: C

Q.103 The armature resistance of a 200 V shunt motor is 0.4 ohm and no load current is 2A. Find
approximately the no load speed when loaded and taking an armature current of 50A, the speed is
1200 rpm.

A. 1250 rpm

B. 1328 rpm

C. 1420 rpm

D. 1350 rpm

Ans.: B

Q.104 In dc shunt motor, if armature current increases

A. back emf decrease

B. speed decreases slightly

C. Both A and B

D. speed increases slightly


DC MOTORS MCQ (www.mcqelectrical4u.com)

Ans.: C

Q.105 A dc shunt motors are suitable for

A. constant speed and low starting torque

B. constant speed and high starting torque

C. constant speed and medium starting torque

D. variable speed and medium starting torque

Ans.: C


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