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ADMIRALTY E-Reader User Guide V1.3 PDF

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User guide

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide


Introduction to ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 Updating the AENP catalogue and NM

............................................................... 3 updates from the ADP update DVD ... 12

Keeping up-to-date .............................. 3 Updating AENP catalogue and permits

from removable drive ......................... 13
AENP Catalogue .............................. 3
Permits ............................................ 3 Installing AENP Editions ....................... 15
AENP Editions ................................. 3 Installing AENP editions from the
Internet .............................................. 15
AENP Notice to Mariner (NM)
Updates ........................................... 3 Installing AENP editions from DVD .... 16
AENP Scheduling ................................ 3 Using the Book Shelf............................. 18
New editions .................................... 3
Opening an AENP ............................. 18
Expired AENPs ................................ 3 Adding an AENP as a Favourite ........ 18
Ordering AENPs .................................. 3 Opening Recently used AENPs ......... 18
System Requirements ............................. 4 Using the View Book Screen ................. 19
Operating System ................................ 4
View Book Toolbar ............................ 19
Recommended Minimum System Page Up/Page Down...................... 19
Requirements ...................................... 4
Goto page ...................................... 19
Multiple installations ............................ 4
Zoom Level .................................... 19
Windows permission settings .............. 4
Fit Visible ....................................... 19
Network permissions ........................... 5
Fit Width......................................... 19
Installing.................................................. 6 Fit Height ....................................... 19

Activating ................................................ 7 Rotate left/right............................... 19

Activating via Internet .......................... 7 Single Page ................................... 19

Activating via E-Mail ............................ 8 Double Page .................................. 19

Snapshot Page .............................. 19
Updating the AENP Catalogue, Permits
and NM Updates ................................... 10 Search Book .................................. 20
Search Previous/Search Next ........ 20
Updating the AENP catalogue, permits
and NM updates by internet............... 10 Switching between and closing AENPs
.......................................................... 20
Updating the AENP catalogue, permits
and NM updates by email .................. 11 Closing an AENP ........................... 20
Switching between open AENPs .... 20

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Snapshot Function............................. 20
Contents panel .................................. 20
NM Panel .......................................... 21

Generating an AENP Certificate ............ 22

User Settings ........................................ 23

Opening the User Settings page ........ 23
Set Palette Mode ........................... 23
User Information ............................ 23
e-Reader User Permit .................... 23
Open Logs ..................................... 23

Uninstalling ........................................... 24
Backing up AENP data ...................... 24
Uninstalling ........................................ 24
Removing all remaining files .............. 24

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Introduction to AENP Notice to Mariner (NM) Updates

NM updates are issued every Thursday,
ADMIRALTY e-Reader and provide corrections and additions to
your AENPs.
ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 is a standalone AENP Scheduling
application that can be used to update and
New editions
view ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publications
New editions of ADMIRALTY publications
are released periodically, and contain new
data in addition to the NM updates
published for the previous edition. When a
Keeping up-to-date
new edition of an AENP you own is
published, you will be given access to it as
To keep your ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3
part of your licence for no additional cost.
installation up-to-date, you will need to
regularly update the AENP Catalogue,
Upon installing the data for a new edition
permit file, AENP editions and AENP NM
that replaces a book you already have
installed, the previous edition will be
AENP Catalogue available for a further month before being
The AENP catalogue file tells the removed from your bookshelf.
application when NM updates and new
Expired AENPs
editions are available.
When an AENP expires, it remains
accessible on the bookshelf for a further
The AENP catalogue is published every
month. If the AENP is not renewed by your
Thursday, and should be updated
ADMIRALTY Chart Agent before the end
weekly to make sure your AENPs are
of this additional month it will be removed
from your bookshelf.
A permit file contains the licence keys for
the AENPs you have purchased. New Ordering AENPs
permits are made available when you
purchase additional AENPs, or when new To purchase additional AENPs, or renew
editions are published for the AENPs on any that are about to expire, contact your
your licence. ADMIRALTY Chart Agent.

AENP Editions AENPs are purchased for 12 month

AENPs are supplied as edition files. These subscriptions, except for e-NP314 which is
can be downloaded using ADMIRALTY e- purchased for 24 months. AENPs can be
Reader 1.3, or installed from the ADP renewed in the last month of their
software or update DVDs. subscription period, or the month following

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

System Requirements Recommended Minimum

System Requirements
Your PC must meet certain requirements
to install and use ADMIRALTY e-Reader CPU: 1GHz or faster 32-bit (x86)
1.3. or 64-bit (x64) processor.

Memory: 1GB RAM (32-bit)

Operating System or 2GB RAM (64-bit).

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 is only Display: DirectX9 graphics device

compatible with the following Windows with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver.
Disk space: At least 5GB of available disk
- Windows 7 (SP1) space.
- Windows 8.1 (SP1)
- Windows 10
Multiple installations
The UKHO does not support
ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 on operating ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 can be
systems where Microsoft support has installed on up to three PCs under a single
been withdrawn, i.e. Windows XP. AENP licence.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 is not

suitable for operation across Windows permission
a network.
ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 is not
compatible with non-Windows ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 can only be
operating systems such as macOS, or installed on a Windows user account with
Linux. administrator access.

Windows virtualisation software may Once installed, ADMIRALTY e-Reader

allow ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 to run 1.3 can be run on a Windows user
on an unsupported operating system, account without administrator access.
but using the application in this way is
not supported.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Network permissions

If using the Internet communication

method, ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3
requires access to the following.

IP Address:

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 connects to

enavigator.ukho.gov.uk via https (port

e-Reader additionally uses an FTP

connection (PASV mode) to
ftp://ukho.gov.uk which will use the normal
control port of 21 in addition to other high
range ports.

If you encounter any problems when

using the internet communication
method, provide these details to your
IT department.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Installing 6. The next screen will allow you to

change the installation location if
This guide will take you through the
process of installing ADMIRALTY e-
Reader 1.3.

The ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 installer Click Next when you are happy with
can be found on both the ADP Update the installation location.
and Software DVDs.

1. Insert the ADP Update DVD or

Software DVD into you PC. 7. Click Install to begin installation.

Navigate to the DVD and double-click

the file named e-NP_Reader_1.3.exe 8. When the installer has finished, a
in the ‘ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3’ window stating that the installation
folder. has completed will be shown.

2. The ‘ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader

Setup’ window will be shown.
Click Finish.
Click Install.

9. The ‘ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader

3. Click Next. Setup’ window will show that the
setup has been successful.

Click Close.
4. The ‘Licence Agreement’ window will
be shown.

Read the licence agreement and click 10. ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 has now
I accept the terms in the Licence been installed and is ready for
Agreement if you are happy to activation. The following icon will be
proceed. added to your desktop:

5. Click Next to continue.

Note: Some systems will require
you to restart your PC to complete
the installation.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Activating 4. Click Internet to select it.

This guide will take you through the steps

5. Click Next.
for activating ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3.

You will need Login and Password

details for your licence to activate
6. Enter the Login and Password
ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3. Your
supplied by your ADMIRALTY Chart
ADMIRALTY Chart Agent will supply

Activating via Internet

7. When you have entered your details,
1. Double-click the e-Reader 1.3 icon on click Next to continue.
the desktop.

8. Click Activate.

This will open ADMIRALTY e-Reader

1.3 on the ‘Tools’ page. Your activation request will be
2. The ‘Activation’ tile will show
‘Activation Not started’. 9. When the activation process has
completed, an ‘Activation Successful’
message will be shown.

Click Finish.

Click the Maximise button in the top-

The ‘Activation’ tile will now show
right of the ‘Activation’ tile to open the
‘Activation Complete’.
‘Activation Status’ panel.

3. Click Next.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Activating via E-Mail 7. Click Browse to open the ‘Browse For

Folder’ window and navigate to where
1. Double-click the e-Reader 1.3 icon on you would like to save the activation
the desktop. request file.

8. Click Save.

This will open ADMIRALTY e-Reader

1.3 on the ‘Tools’ page.
The activation request file will be
saved to the PC.
2. The ‘Activation’ tile will show
‘Activation Not started’.
9. Follow the onscreen instructions to
email the activation request to the

10. When the activation request file has

been emailed, click Finish.

Click the Maximise button in the top-

right of the ‘Activation’ tile to open the
‘Activation Status’ panel. The ‘Activation’ tile on the home
screen will show ‘Activation

3. Click Next.

4. Click Media to select it.

11. When a response from the UKHO has

been received, save the file onto the
5. Click Next. PC where ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3
is installed.

12. Click the Maximise button in the top-

6. Enter the Login and Password right of the ‘Activation’ tile to open the
supplied by your ADMIRALTY Chart ‘Activation Status’ panel.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

13. Click Browse to open the ‘Browse For

Folder’ window and navigate to folder
containing the response file.

14. Click Load.

When the activation process has

completed, an ‘Activation Successful’
message will be shown.

15. Click Finish

The ‘Tools’ page will now show

‘Activation Complete’.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Updating the AENP 3. Click Next.

Catalogue, Permits
and NM Updates 4. Click Internet to select it.

This guide will take you through the steps

for updating the AENP catalogue, permits
and Notice to Mariner updates in 5. Click Next.
ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3.

Updating the AENP 6. Click Request to download AENP

catalogues, permits and NM updates.
catalogue, permits and NM
updates by internet
When the request has been
1. Click Tools on the right-hand menu to processed a ‘Successfully updated
bring up the ‘Tools’ page. the AMDIRALTY e-Reader’ message
will be shown.

When NMs and catalogues are

required, the ‘Get NMs and Permits’ 7. Click Finish.
tile will show ‘Out of Date’ for each.

The ‘Get NMs and Permits’ tile will

show ‘Up to Date’ for NMs and

The ‘Get NMs and Permits’ tile will

not show when new permits are

2. Click the Maximise button in the top-

right of the ‘Get NMs and Permits’ tile Your AENP catalogue, NM updates
to open the ‘Get NMs and Permits’ and permits are now up to date.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Updating the AENP 6. Click Request.

catalogue, permits and NM

updates by email 7. Click Next.

1. Click Tools on the right-hand menu to

bring up the ‘Tools’ page.
8. Click Browse to open the ‘Browse For
Folder’ window and navigate to where
you would like to save the activation
When NMs and catalogues are request file.
required, the ‘Get NMs and Permits’
tile will show ‘Out of Date’ for each.
9. Click Save

The update request will be saved to

the chosen location.

The ‘Get NMs and Permits’ tile will 10. Follow the onscreen instructions to
not show when new permits are email the activation request to the
available. UKHO.

2. Click the Maximise button in the top- 11. When the activation request file has
right of the ‘Get NMs and Permits’ tile been emailed, click Minimise to
to open the ‘Get NMs and Permits’ return to the ‘Tools’ page.

The ‘Get NMs and Permits’ tile will

3. Click Next. show ‘NMs Update Requested’.

4. Click Email to select it.

12. When a response from the UKHO has

5. Click Next.
been received, save the file onto the
PC where ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3
is installed.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

13. Click the Maximise button in the top- Updating the AENP
right of the ‘Get NMs and Permits’ tile
to open the ‘Get NMs and Permits’
catalogue and NM updates
panel. from the ADP update DVD

The AENP Catalogue and NM updates

are loaded from the DVD in a single
14. Click Browse to open the ‘Browse For
process. Permits will need to be
Folder’ window and navigate to the
obtained separately using the internet
folder containing the response file.
or email communication method.

1. Click Tools on the right-hand menu to

15. Click Load. bring up the ‘Tools’ page.

When the response has been

processed a ‘Successfully updated When NMs and catalogues are
the AMDIRALTY e-Reader’ message required, the ‘Get NMs and Permits’
will be shown. tile will show ‘Out of Date’ for each.

16. Click Finish.

The ‘Get NMs and Permits’ tile will

show ‘Up to Date’ for NMs and
Catalogue. The ‘Get NMs and Permits’ tile will
not show when new permits are

2. Click the Maximise button in the top-

right of the ‘Get NMs and Permits’ tile
to open the ‘Get NMs and Permits’
Your AENP catalogue, NM updates
and permits are now up to date.

3. Click Next.

4. Click Media to select it.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

5. Click Next. 1. If the permits and catalogue files are

saved on a USB drive, insert the it
into the PC where ADMIRALY e-
Reader 1.3 is installed.
6. Click Browse to bring up the ‘Browse
For Folder’ window. 2. Click Tools on the right-hand menu to
bring up the ‘Tools’ page.
Navigate to the DVD location and
click OK.
When NMs and catalogues are
7. Click Load to install the AENP required, the ‘Get NMs and Permits’
Catalogue and NM Updates. tile will show ‘Out of Date’ for each.

When the AENP Catalogue and NM

updates have been installed, a
message will be shown.

The ‘Get NMs and Permits’ tile will

not show when new permits are

3. Click the Maximise button in the top-

Your AENP Catalogue and NM right of the ‘Get NMs and Permits’ tile
Updates are now up-to-date to the to open the ‘Get NMs and Permits’
week shown on the DVD. panel.

Updating AENP catalogue

and permits from removable 4. Click Next.


The AENP Catalogue and permits can 5. Click Media to select it.
be loaded from a removable drive in a
single process. NM updates will need
to be obtained separately using the
internet or email communication 6. Click Next.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

7. Click Browse to bring up the ‘Browse

For Folder’ window.

8. Navigate to the location where the
files have been saved and click OK.

9. Click Load to install the AENP

catalogue and permits.

When the catalogue and permits have

been installed, a message will be

The ‘Get NMs and Permits’ tile will

show the catalogue as up to date. If
NM updates are required, these will
need to be obtained using the
Internet or email communication

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Installing AENP 5. Click Internet to select it.

6. Click Next.
This guide will take you through the steps
for installing AENP editions in
ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3.
7. The next page allows you to select
which AENP editions to load. AENP
Installing AENP editions editions you are licenced to view that
from the Internet are not installed will be selected by
default. The selection can be modified
Installing AENP editions via the internet by selecting and deselecting
will require an internet connection on the individual AENP editions.
PC where ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 is

1. Click Tools on the right-hand menu to

bring up the ‘Tools’ page.

Clicking All e-NPs will select all

AENP editions for installation.
2. The ‘Load e-NPs’ tile will show ‘Out of

8. When you are happy with the

selection, click Next to continue.

9. Click Load e-NPs.

3. Click the Maximise button in the top-
right of the ‘Load e-NPs’ tile to open
the ‘Activation Status’ panel.
10. A dialogue box will be shown. Click
OK to confirm you are happy to
4. Click Next.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

When the selected AENP editions 4. Click Next.

have been installed, the message
‘Successfully loaded eNPs’ will be
shown. The installed AENP editions
will be shown on screen. 5. Click Media to select it.

The ‘Load e-NPs’ tile will show ‘Up to

6. Click Next.

7. The next page allows you to select

which AENP editions to load. AENP
editions you are licenced to view that
Installed AENP editions may are not installed will be selected by
require NM updates. default. The selection can be modified
by selecting and deselecting
individual AENP editions.
Installing AENP editions
from DVD

AENP editions are supplied weekly on the

ADP Update DVD.
Clicking All e-NPs will select all
1. Click Tools on the right-hand menu to
AENP editions for installation.
bring up the ‘Tools’ page.

8. Click Next to continue when the

2. The ‘Load e-NPs’ tile will show ‘Out of
required AENPs are selected.

3. Click the Maximise button in the top-

right of the ‘Load e-NPs’ tile to open
the ‘Activation Status’ panel.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

9. Click Browse to bring up the ‘Browse

For Folder’ window.


Navigate to the DVD location and

click OK.

10. Click Load to install the selected

AENP editions.

When the selected AENP editions

have been installed, the message
‘Successfully loaded eNPs’ will be
shown. The installed AENP editions
will be shown on screen.

11. Click Finish.

The ‘Load e-NPs’ tile will shown ‘Up

to Date’.

Installed AENP editions may

require NM Updates.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Using the Book Shelf 3. Click the ‘Star’ icon next to the AENP
you want to favourite.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 contains many

features to help you use and search your

Opening an AENP

1. Click Book Shelf.

Favourites will be shown in the
‘Favourites’ tile on the ‘Book Shelf’

2. Click on the required AENP from the

list to open it.

Opening Recently used


The selected AENP will open on the A list of all recently opened AENPs can be
‘View Book’ page. found on the Book Shelf home page.

1. Click Book Shelf.

Adding an AENP as a

1. Click Book Shelf. 2. Click the Maximise button on the

‘Recent’ tile.

2. Click the Maximise button on the ‘All

Publications’ tile.

Click on the recent AENP you wish to


ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Using the View Book Fit Visible

Screen Fits the page to the current size of the

page view panel. This will reset any
The View Book screen allows you to view current zoom level to 100%.
AENPs and any NM updates or
addendums applied to them. Fit Width

View Book Toolbar Fits the page width to the current size of
the page view panel.
Screen resolution can affect what
options are shown on the tool bar. Fit Height

Fits the page width to the current size of

To view what options are not shown
the page view panel.
click the down arrow shown on the far
Rotate left/right

Rotate the currently viewed page left or

Page Up/Page Down
right from its current position.

Allows you to navigate up or down a single Single Page


Changes the view so that a single page is

Goto page

Displays the current page number and Double Page

allows you to manually enter a page
number which will change the view
accordingly. Changes the view so that two subsequent
pages are shown side-by-side.
Zoom Level
Snapshot Page

Allows you to select from a set of pre-set

Allows you to create a single-page excerpt
zoom levels to increase or decrease the
of the book that can be saved or printed.
scale of the page shown.
Also contains separate pages for NMs and
Addendums applied to the selected page.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Search Book

Allows you to enter a word(s) to search for

within the contents of the book.

Search Previous/Search Next

Searches the entire book for the word(s)

entered in the ‘Search Book’ field. ‘Search
Previous’ looks for all entries before the
current page, while ‘Search Next’ looks for
all entries after the current page. The snapshot can be saved to your
desktop in a .pdf format by clicking the
Switching between and Save button or printed by selecting the
Print button.
closing AENPs
Contents panel
Closing an AENP
You can close an open AENP by clicking The book Contents tree is shown on the
on the ‘X’ icon on the book title at the top left-hand side of the screen.
of the e-Reader screen.

Switching between open AENPs

You can switch between multiple open
AENPs by clicking on the book title at the
top of the e-Reader screen.

Snapshot Function With this, you can quickly navigate to

different sections of the AENP.
When viewing a Book, click the Snapshot
Page Icon. • To jump to a section of the AENP,
click on the chapter you want to view
and the book view will change to the
appropriate page.
A window will be shown which contains a
preview of the page shown. • Chapters with an arrow next to them
can be expanded into sub-sections by
clicking on the arrow.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

NM Panel

The NM panel displays all NMs applied to

the current book

Clicking on the title of an NM will change

the view to the page it affects.

When an NM is selected, both the NM

box, and the page against which the NM is
applied will be outlined with a red box.

Addendums are listed at the bottom of an

NM box, and can be accessed by clicking
on the Addendum box. Addendums will
open in a new tab, outside of the open

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Generating an AENP When a certificate has been

generated, click Finish to return to
Certificate the ‘Tools’ page.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 can be used to

generate an AENP Certificate that can be
viewed, saved or printed.

The AENP Certificate allows users to

demonstrate that they are a valid AENP
user to inspectors. It also provides details
about subscribed AENPs and how up to
date they are.

1. Click Tools.

2. Click the Maximise button on the

‘Certificate’ tile.

3. Click Generate.

Three options will be shown:

Print – will send a copy of the

certificate to be printed if a printer is
connected to the PC.

Save – will allow you save a PDF

version of the certificate.

View- will allow you to view the


ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

User Settings User Information

The User Settings page shows information

This guide will take you through the that may be required by your ADMIRALTY
configurable user settings in ADMIRALTY Chart Agent if you experience any issues
e-Reader 1.3. with ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 or your
AENP licence.

Opening the User Settings


All configurable user settings can be

accessed through the ‘User Setting – View
Info’ page.

1. Click Tools to show the ‘Tools’ page. e-Reader User Permit

If your ADMIRALTY Chart Agent requests

the User Permit Number (UPN) for your
2. Click Maximise on the ‘User Settings’
ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 installation,
click the Copy UPN button.

The ‘User Settings – View Info’ The UPN will be added to your clipboard
page will be shown. and can be pasted into an email using the
Windows ‘Paste’ function.
Set Palette Mode
Open Logs
ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 allows users to
change the display palette to support The ‘Open Logs’ button opens the location
different lighting conditions. The available of the log file. This may be required by
options are ‘Daylight’, ‘Twilight’ and your ADMIRALTY Chart Agent if you
‘Night’. encounter any problems.

Click to select the required palette from 1. Click Open Logs. The folder
the options shown. containing the log file will be shown.

2. The ‘log.txt’ file can be attached to an

email and sent to your ADMIRALTY
ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 will begin to
Chart Agent.
use the selected palette immediately.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 – User Guide

Uninstalling 4. Windows will complete the

uninstallation process. When this is
complete, a message will be shown to
stating that ‘ADMIRALTY e-NP
This guide will take to you through the
Reader has been uninstalled
processes for backing up your AENP data,
and uninstalling ADMIRALTY e-Reader
Click Close.

Backing up AENP data

AENP data files can be backed-up by Removing all remaining files

copying the following directory into a back-
up location, for example a USB stick. 1. Some files will remain on the PC
following uninstallation. To remove
ProgramData\UKHO\Dpf\filestore them, insert the ADMIRALTY Digital
Publications DVD into your PC and
This directory and the files it contains can
navigate to the ‘ADMIRALTY e-
be copied over to replace the respective
Reader 1.3’ folder.
directories of another (or the same)
installation of an e-NP Reader to restore
2. Double-click the file Remove e-NP
the data.
Reader Files.bat.

A process will run and any remaining
files will be deleted.
1. Navigate to the ‘Programs and
Features’ menu on the PC where e-
When the process is finished, you will
Reader 1.3 is installed.
receive a message advising you that
the removal process has completed
2. Select ‘ADMIRALTY e-NP Reader’
from the list of programs and click

3. A Setup window will be shown. Click

3. Press any key to close the window.

ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 has now

been completely uninstalled.

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