Kuya LP in English
Kuya LP in English
Kuya LP in English
I. Objectives:
Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate understanding of various linguistics nodes to comprehend various
Performance Standard:
The learner analyses text types to effectively understand information/message(s)
Learning Competencies:
Note significant details in the story.
II. Content:
Noting significant details in the story
Topic: “The Fox and the Stork”
III. Learning Resources:
Code: (EN6LC-llla-2.2)
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, pictures
IV. Learning Task
Preliminary Activities
1. Let the pupil solve the puzzle picture and discover the name of each puzzle.
The teacher will ask the following questions:
2. Motivation
Unlocking of difficulties
Choose the best synonym or meaning of each underline word
1. A stork arrives at the forest, and looking to make new friends.
a. reaches b. attains
2. The fox plays a cruel trick.
a. fake b. hoax
3. He serves soup on a shallow dish.
a. thin b. narrow
4. The fox cannot get its snout.
a. informer b. nose
5. The fox apologizes for having played the original trick.
a. informer b. nose
2. Developmental Activities
- Let the pupils read in silent reading for 3 minutes
- Then the teacher will read the story
- Let the pupil read the story aloud.
Post Activity:
Task 4 : Group Activities
Group I – Identify the characters in the story and describe each of them through
Semantic Web.
Group III – Arrange the following strips of the story according to its sequence.
Group IV – Let they make their own interpretation of story through acting.
- The teacher will supervise the activities of the pupils.
- The pupils will present their output after 5-10 minutes.
- The teacher will evaluate the output of the pupils in front of the class.
What do you think is the moral lesson of the story?
Let the pupil share about his/her experience about the bad effect of trickery.
IV. Assessment:
Make and essay entitled “My Most Unforgettable Experience about Friendship”
V. Reflection:
Let the pupil discuss further their experiences about trickery and encourage them to
apologize to their friend whom they trick if there is any.
Prepared by :
Checked by:
Head Teacher II
Day 2
I. Objectives:
Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate understanding of various linguistics nodes to comprehend various
Performance Standard:
The learner analyses text types to effectively understand information/message(s)
Learning Competencies:
Note significant details in the story.
II. Content:
Noting significant details in the story
Topic: “The Fox and the Stork”
III. Learning Resources:
Code: (EN6LC-llla-2.2)
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, pictures
IV. Learning Task
Preliminary Activities
1. Show a picture of a crow and a pitcher
The teacher will ask the following questions:
2. Motivation
Unlocking of difficulties
Choose the best synonym or meaning of each underline word
1. An old crow is known to be clever.
a. wily b. intelligent
2. The hot weather dried up the streams and ponds
a. withered b. become dry
3. There is only a little water left in the bottom.
a. opposite of right b. remain
4. The crow fears it will die of thirst.
a. doubt b. worried
5. The crow thinks of a solution to sustain his thirst.
a. answer b. way
2. Developmental Activities
- Let the pupils read in silent reading for 3 minutes
- Then the teacher will read the story
- Let the pupil read the story aloud.
Post Activity:
Task 4 : Group Activities
Group I – Identify the character in the story and describe it through Semantic Web.
Group III – Arrange the following strips of the story according to its sequence.
Group IV – Let they make their own interpretation of story through acting.
- The teacher will supervise the activities of the pupils.
- The pupils will present their output after 5-10 minutes.
- The teacher will evaluate the output of the pupils in front of the class.
What do you think is the moral lesson of the story?
If you were the crow what will you do if you were on the situation?
Let the pupil share about his/her experience about problem solving thinking
IV. Assessment:
Let the pupil make an action plan about how the pupils make a solution on each problem they
encounter every day.
V. Reflection:
Let the pupil discuss further their experiences about problem solving and encourage
them to fulfil their action plan.
Prepared by :
Checked by:
Head Teacher II
Day 3
I. Objectives:
Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate understanding of various linguistics nodes to comprehend various
Performance Standard:
The learner analyses text types to effectively understand information/message(s)
Learning Competencies:
Note significant details in the story.
II. Content:
Noting significant details in the story
Topic: “The Fox and the Stork”
III. Learning Resources:
Code: (EN6LC-llla-2.2)
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, pictures
IV. Learning Task
Preliminary Activities
1. Let the pupil solve the puzzle picture and discover the name of each puzzle.
The teacher will ask the following questions:
2. Motivation
Unlocking of difficulties
Choose the best synonym or meaning of each underline word
1. a songbird lives trapped in a cage
a. stuck b. imprison
2. The bird can sing beautifully.
a. chirp b. hum
3. During the day the bird pretends to sleep
a. faking out b. imagine
4. The bird is being caught.
a. trapped b. caged
5. The bat responds that there is no use following the plan.
a. answers b. replies
2. Developmental Activities
- Let the pupils read in silent reading for 3 minutes
- Then the teacher will read the story
- Let the pupil read the story aloud.
Post Activity:
Task 4 : Group Activities
- The teacher will group the class into four.
- Each group is given different task to do.
Group I – Identify the characters in the story and describe it through Semantic Web.
Group III – Arrange the following strips of the story according to its sequence.
Group IV – Let they make their own interpretation of story through acting.
- The teacher will supervise the activities of the pupils.
- The pupils will present their output after 5-10 minutes.
- The teacher will evaluate the output of the pupils in front of the class.
What do you think is the moral lesson of the story?
If you were the bird what will you do if you were on the situation? Share experience until it will lead
to have a safety precaution.
Let the pupil share about his/her experience about being ready
IV. Assessment:
Make an essay about how to be ready before an expected danger.
V. Reflection:
Cite some things that we need to have safety precautions
Prepared by : Checked by: