Dr. Mukesh Kumar: Department of Physics IIT Ropar Office: 2 Floor, #206 Ph. No.: 01881-24-2263 Email
Dr. Mukesh Kumar: Department of Physics IIT Ropar Office: 2 Floor, #206 Ph. No.: 01881-24-2263 Email
Dr. Mukesh Kumar: Department of Physics IIT Ropar Office: 2 Floor, #206 Ph. No.: 01881-24-2263 Email
Department of Physics
IIT Ropar
Office: 2nd floor, #206
Ph. No.: 01881-24-2263
Email: mkumar@iitrpr.ac.in
Optical imaging
Substituting values
Other alternatives?????
h: Planck’s constant
λ = h/p p: momentum of particle
The electron gun produces a source of electrons in an energy range typically 1-40kV.
The conventional electron gun (triode) has three components, a hot wire (called the
filament or cathode [- ve] or electron emitter), a Wehnelt (grid) cap [-ve], and an
anode [+ ve]
The hole in the anode allows a fraction of the electrons to continue down the
column through the lenses to produce a smaller, more cohesive beam
Two important parameters for any electron gun are the amount of current
produced and the current stability. At the saturation point the beam is most
Condenser and objective lens
The purpose of a lens is to change the path of the rays in a desired direction
Since electrons are charged particles and they can be bent in a magnetic field
These produce a focal length which can be changed by varying the current through the
coil. They are called electromagnetic lenses
Under the influence of a magnetic field, electrons assume a helical path, spiralling
down the column
There are two lens, condenser lens and objective lens
Condenser lens: The condenser lens converges the cone of the electron beam to a spot
below it
Objective lens: converged back again by the objective lens and down onto the sample
Condenser and objective lens
This initial convergence can be at different heights, that is, close to the lens, or
further away
The closer it is to the lens, the smaller the spot diameter at the point of
convergence. The further away, the larger the diameter of this point
So the condenser lens current controls this initial spot size and is referred to as
the spot size control
The objective lens also has some influence over the diameter of the spot size of the
electron beam on the specimen surface. But its main role is in focusing the beam
onto the sample
A focused beam produces a smaller spot on the surface than an under or over-
focused beam
The objective aperture arm fits above the objective lens in the SEM. It is a metal
rod that holds a thin plate of metal containing four holes
Over this fits a much thinner rectangle of metal with holes of different sizes. By
moving the arm in and out different sized holes can be put into the beam path
The aperture stops electrons that are off-axis or off-energy from progressing down
the column. It can also narrow the beam below the aperture, depending on the
size of the hole selected
A large aperture is chosen for low magnification imaging to increase signal and
for BSE and microanalysis work
Electron-solid interaction
Secondary and back scattered electron imaging
The backscattered electron has an energy up to the incident beam energy and is
usually very near that energy. The greater energy of BSE, compared with SE, means
that BSE produced from deeper within the interaction volume are able to escape from
the sample and be collected by the BSE detector: lower resolution than SE images
For non-conducting sample carbon can be coated (a low atomic number material) to
enhance conductivity without obscuring the compositional detail from below
Energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDXA)