Haloalkanes or Alkyl halides
Haloalkanes or Alkyl halides
Haloalkanes or Alkyl halides
Haloalkanes or Alkyl halides
Haloalkanes or Alkyl halides
Classification of Haloalkanes
When two halogen atoms of the same type are present on the same carbon
atom, the compounds are named as alkylidene or geminal halides.
When two halogen atoms of the same type are present on adjacent carbon
atoms, the compounds are known as alkylene or vicinal dihalides.
Example Draw the structures of all the eight structural isomers that have the molecular
formula C5H11Br. Name each isomer according to IUPAC system and classify
them as primary, secondary or tertiary bromide.
Nature of C – X bond
Nature of C – X bond
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alcohols
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alcohols
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alcohols
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alcohols
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alcohols
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alcohols
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alcohols
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alcohols
Example Why is sulphuric acid not used during the reaction of alcohols with KI?
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alcohols
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alcohols
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alcohols
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alkanes
Reactivity of X2 :
Reactivity of H :
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alkanes
Reactivity - Selectivity Principle
Reactivity - Selectivity Principle
Example Among the isomeric alkanes of molecular formula C5H12, identify the one that
on photochemical chlorination yields
(i) A single monochloride.
(ii) Three isomeric monochlorides.
(iii) Four isomeric monochlorides.
Preparation of Haloalkanes - Allylic halogenation
Preparation of Haloalkanes - From Alkenes & Alkynes
Example The major product obtained in the reaction
Example 2,2-Dichloropentane can best be synthesised by
Preparation of Haloalkanes - SEAr
Preparation of Haloalkanes - SEAr
Preparation of Haloalkanes - Sandmeyer reaction
Preparation of Haloalkanes - Finkelstein reaction
Alkyl iodides are often prepared by the reaction of alkyl chlorides/ bromides with
NaI in dry acetone. This reaction is known as Finkelstein reaction.
Example Which of the following can be used to prepare 3-bromopropene?
Example Draw the structures of major monohalo products in each of the following
Example Draw the structures of major monohalo products in each of the following
Example Which of the following sequence of reactions will give 1-bromo-
Haloalkanes - Physical Properties
Alkyl halides are colourless when pure. However, bromides and iodides develop
colour when exposed to light.
Bromo, iodo and polychloro derivatives of hydrocarbons are heavier than
water. The density increases with increase in number of carbon atoms,
halogen atoms and atomic mass of the halogen atoms
Haloalkanes - Physical Properties
The haloalkanes are only very slightly soluble in water.
A protic solvent is one that has acidic protons and can solvate both cations
and anions.
Small anions are solvated more strongly than large anions in a protic solvent
and this reduces their nucleophilicity.
Solvent Effects on Nucleophilicity
Solvent Effects on Nucleophilicity
Polar aprotic solvents have strong dipole moments to enhance solubility, yet
they have no H capable of forming hydrogen bonds with anions. These can only
solvate cations.
Nucleophilic Substitution
When does the bond between the leaving group and the carbon break?
Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution - SN2
General Reaction:
Order of Reaction:
Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution - SN2
Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution - SN2
Effect of substrate
Nature of Solvent
Leaving Group
General Reaction:
Order of Reaction:
Unimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution - SN1
Effect of substrate
Nature of Solvent
Leaving Group
Example Predict the products of the following SN2 reactions.
Example The order of reactivities of the following alkyl halides for a S N2 reaction is
(a) RF > RCl > RBr > RI
(b) RF > RBr > RCl > RI
(c) RCl > RBr > RF > RI
(d) RI > RBr > RCl > RF (IIT 2007)
Example An SN2 reaction at an asymmetric carbon of a compound always gives
(a) An enantiomer of the substrate
(b) A product with opposite optical rotation
(c) A mixture of diastereomers
(d) A single stereoisomer (IIT 2007)
Example (a) Mixture of (i) and (ii)
(b) Mixture of (i) and (iii)
(c) Only (iii)
(d) Only (i)
Internal Nucleophilic Substitution - SNi
General Reaction
Elimination Bimolecular E2 Reaction
General Reaction
Elimination Bimolecular E2 Reaction
Orientation of Elimination
In most eliminations with two or more possible products, the product with the
most substituted double bond predominates. This principle is called Zaitsev’s
rule, and the most highly substituted product is called the Zaitsev product.
Elimination Bimolecular E2 Reaction
Elimination Bimolecular E2 Reaction
Elimination Bimolecular E2 Reaction
Energy Profile
Factors affecting Rate of E2 reaction
Effect of substrate
Nature of Solvent
General Reaction
Competition with SN1 Reaction
Energy Profile for E1 Reaction
Example When the following compound is heated in methanol, several different products
are formed. Propose mechanisms to account for the four products shown.
Example Predict the mechanisms and products of the following reactions.
Example Solvolysis of bromomethylcyclopentane in methanol gives a complex product
mixture of the following five compounds. Propose mechanisms to account for
these products.
Example The major product of the following reaction is IIT
Factors affecting Rate of E1 reaction
Effect of substrate
Nature of Solvent
Comparison of E1 and E2
E1 E2
Stereoselective Stereoselective
Predicting Substitution Vs Elimination
Example The final product is
Example Which will give white ppt. with AgNO3 + NH4OH?
Example Rate of SN1 is maximum when X is
A. X = –OCH3
B. X = –CH3
C. X = –NO2
D. X = –Br
Example Which of the following is the most reactive towards SN1?
AIIMS 2018
Example Under identical conditions, solvolysis of which of the following substrates would
lead to maximum racemization?
Predicting Substitution Vs Elimination
SN2 Vs E2
Predicting Substitution Vs Elimination
Predicting Substitution Vs Elimination
AIIMS 2018
Elimination Unimolecular E1CB
It occurs In basic medium, where a poor L. G. (eg. F, -OH, -OR and an acidic H
eliminate to form an additional bond.
1. Resonance effect
Reactions of Haloarenes
Thus, C—Cl bond length in haloalkane is 177pm while in haloarene is 169 pm.
Reactions of Haloarenes
Addition - Elimination Mechanism
Elimination - Addition or Benzyne Mechanism
Favored in presence of a strong base e.g. NaNH 2 or high Temp and Pressure
Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution