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PDF Calculations of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames With Local Extinction

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PDF Calculations of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames with

Local Extinction
Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

A joint velocity– composition–turbulence frequency probability density function (PDF) model is used to
calculate a series of piloted-jet flames of methane. The ingredients of the present model include the simplified
Langevin model for velocity, a stochastic model of turbulence frequency, the Euclidean minimum spanning tree
(EMST) mixing model, and the 16-species augmented reduced mechanism for methane. The solutions are
obtained using a particle/mesh algorithm, and the chemistry mechanism is implemented via the in situ adaptive
tabulation (ISAT) algorithm. These flames exhibit an increasing amount of local extinction with increasing jet
velocity, and are good cases to test the capabilities of turbulent combustion models to account for local
extinction in turbulent nonpremixed flames. The calculation results are compared extensively with the
experimental data, and demonstrate the ability of the PDF model to represent, quantitatively, the processes of
local extinction and reignition that occur in these flames. © 2000 by The Combustion Institute

INTRODUCTION flames made recently by Barlow and Frank [5]

provide a library of comprehensive data which is
Strong effects of turbulent fluctuations on ideal for testing combustion models. These
chemical reactions can cause local extinction in flames, with different main jet velocities, exhibit
nonpremixed turbulent flames when the reac- different amounts of local extinction, and are
tions are slow with respect to the turbulence accordingly labeled A to F in the order of the
time scale. Accurate modeling of local extinc- increasing jet velocity. Among these flames, flame
tion phenomena therefore requires a rigorous A is laminar whereas B and C are transitional
means of representing such an intense interac- flames without local extinction. Starting from
tion between turbulence and finite-rate chemis- flame D, local extinction becomes visible, while
try. However, since the interaction between flame F has significant local extinction. In each of
turbulence and chemical reaction is highly non- these flames, the amount of local extinction
linear, it gives rise to the difficulty of tackling reaches a peak at an axial distance of about 30 jet
this interaction in moment closure models [1], and radii, with reignition occurring further down-
leads to a number of methodologies: flamelet stream. The severe local extinction in flame F
models [2], probability density function (PDF) presents substantial challenges to any model, and
methods [3], conditional moment closures [4], thus serves as a good validation for the model’s
and so on. Advances in this research field rely description of turbulence– chemistry interactions.
heavily on examining different submodels in the The objective of this study is to apply the
frame of each methodology by comparing their most advanced PDF methodology to these
predictions to experimental data. flames (namely D, E, and F) to ascertain its
Numerous experiments have been designed ability to calculate the details of local extinction
to investigate the structure of nonpremixed and reignition. The velocity– composition–tur-
flames, and also to provide data sets for testing bulence frequency joint PDF (JPDF) model [9,
turbulent combustion models. These include a 10] has the distinction of taking into account
series of piloted-jet methane flames [5–7] which both the chemical reactions and the convection
have been selected as standard test cases [8]. in closed form. Hence, the direct effects of
The measurements of piloted-jet methane chemical reaction are treated exactly, and the
gradient-diffusion assumption is avoided. This
model also contains information on the turbu-
*Corresponding author. E-mail: pope@mae.cornell.edu

Current address: GE Power System, Combustion Design lence time scale through modeling the turbu-
Engineering, 1 River Rd., Schenectady, NY 12345; E-mail: lence frequency. The recent progress in mixing
jun.xu@ps.ge.com models and the efficient implementation of
COMBUSTION AND FLAME 123:281–307 (2000)
© 2000 by The Combustion Institute 0010-2180/00/$–see front matter
Published by Elsevier Science Inc. PII S0010-2180(00)00155-3
282 J. XU AND S. B. POPE


Conditions for Flames D, E, and F

Flame U j,b (m/s) U p,b (m/s) U c (m/s) Re(U j,b ) Features

D 49.6 11.4 0.9 22,400 little local extinction

E 74.4 17.1 0.9 33,600 moderate local extinction
F 99.2 22.8 0.9 44,800 severe local extinction

U j,b ⫽ bulk velocity of the fuel jet; U p,b ⫽ bulk velocity in the pilot; U c ⫽ free-stream velocity.

detailed reaction mechanisms are also incorpo- teractions since it is fluid-dynamically simple, but
rated within the velocity– composition–turbu- still allows strong turbulence effects on the chem-
lence frequency JPDF formulation to model istry under conditions approaching extinction. The
Barlow and Frank’s flames with the aim of experimental flows chosen for this study are taken
determining the accuracy with which local ex- from a series of piloted-jet methane flames (D, E,
tinction (and reignition) can be calculated. and F) measured by Barlow and Frank [5].
The ingredients of the current approach consist The experiment setup is now briefly summa-
ofajointvelocity– composition–turbulencefrequen- rized. The fuel jet with radius R j ⫽ 3.6 mm is
cy PDF model; the Euclidean minimum spanning accompanied by an annular pilot (R p ⫽ 9.2
tree (EMST) mixing model [11]; and the augment- mm) which is then surrounded by a slow coflow
ed reduced mechanism (ARM) of methane oxida- of air (U c ⫽ 0.9 m/s). The jet fuel is a mixture
tion [12] which is computed by the in situ adaptive of air and methane in the ratio 3:1 by volume,
tabulation (ISAT) algorithm [13]. The model equa- while the pilot burns a lean premixture of C2H2,
tions are solved by the particle/mesh algorithm H2, air, CO2, and N2 with the same nominal
which is implemented in the code PDF2DV [14]. enthalpy and equilibrium composition as meth-
Computational results are compared extensively ane/air at the same equivalence ratio. Such a
with the experimental data. These comparisons setup guarantees a low level of hydrocarbon
demonstrate the capability of the current model to fluorescence interference in the scalar measure-
calculate accurately and in detail the statistics of ments, and reduces the flame length so as to
these turbulent flames with local extinction. enable high main jet velocity with little or no
The background of this study is reviewed in the local extinction [5].
next section, which is followed by a section de- The central jet and pilot velocities are varied
scribing the PDF and chemical submodels used (with their ratio being fixed) to yield flames with
(i.e., the velocity– composition–turbulence fre- different extents of local extinction. The condi-
quency JPDF model, the EMST mixing model, tions for flames D, E, and F are given in Table
and the ARM for methane). Then, we describe 1. The measurements in these flames consist of
the computational implementation of these mod- mean scalar profiles, conditional PDFs, and
els, and the numerics concerned with the calcula- conditional scalar means (both conditioned on
tions. Computational results are presented for mixture fraction) at different locations ( x/R j ⫽
mean profiles, conditional mean profiles, condi- 4, 15, 30, 60, 90, etc.) for various species,
tional PDFs, and scatter plots. The comparisons including H2O, CO, CO2, H2, and OH. How-
between the PDF calculations and the experimen- ever, velocity fields are measured only for flame
tal data are subsequently discussed, while conclu- D by Janicka’s research group [15]. These data are
sions are drawn in the final section. available on the Internet from Barlow et al. [16].
The definition of the mixture fraction ␰ in the
BACKGROUND experiments follows the method of Bilger et al.
[17], by excluding oxygen from the expression,
Experiments 0.5共Y H ⫺ Y H,2兲/W H ⫹ 2共Y C ⫺ Y C,2兲/W C
␰⬅ ,
0.5共Y H,1 ⫺ Y H,2兲/W H ⫹ 2共Y C,1 ⫺ Y C,2兲/W C
The piloted-jet flame geometry is proving very
useful for the study of turbulence– chemistry in- (1)

where Y X denotes the mass fraction of element of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames (TNF) [8,
X in the flame, while Y X,1 and Y X,2 are the mass 28]. At TNF4 [28], several researchers reported
fraction of element X in the main jet stream and PDF calculations of these flames, namely Chen
the coflow stream, respectively. W X is the (joint composition PDF model, Reynolds stress
atomic weight of element X. From the experi- model, and reduced 12-step mechanism), Hinz
mental data, we have Y H,1 ⫽ 0.0393, Y C,1 ⫽ et al. (joint composition PDF model, k- ⑀ and
0.117, and Y H,2 ⫽ 0.0007, Y C,2 ⫽ 0.0. The GRI mechanism with ILDM (Intrinsic Low-
stoichiometric mixture fraction ␰ s is 0.351 [5]. Dimensional Manifolds) or reduced 4-step
mechanism), and Lindstedt (joint composition
PDF Calculations of Piloted-Jet Flames PDF model, Reynolds stress model, and re-
duced 16-step mechanism). The mixing model
PDF methods at different levels have been used adopted in these calculations is either IEM or
to model piloted-jet nonpremixed flames of the modified Curl’s mixing model. In some
methane. Besides the flames of Barlow and cases, it is found necessary to maintain artifi-
Frank, the piloted-jet methane flames of Masri cially the composition at flamelet values until
and Bilger [6] have also been widely modeled x/R j ⫽ 15 in order to avoid blow-off. Although
with PDF methods [18 –23]. Generally, these many of these calculations are quite reasonable
previous calculations used either the IEM (in- for flame D, none captures the essence of the
teraction by exchange with the mean) mixing local extinction in flame F (with the possible
model [24] or the modified Curl’s mixing model exception of Lindstedt’s calculations). At x/R j ⫽
[25], and used simple chemistry mechanisms 30 the conditional means are not calculated
(fast chemistry or reduced mechanisms). Saxena accurately, and the calculated conditional PDFs
and Pope [21, 22], however, adopted in their do not have the bimodal shape characteristic of
calculations a skeletal C 1 mechanism of 16 local extinction.
species and 41 reactions (provided by Correa, The above results provide insights into how to
see also [26]) via the ISAT algorithm, and the improve the combustion submodels. It is essen-
joint velocity– composition–turbulence fre- tial to improve the accuracy of chemical mech-
quency model with the EMST mixing model. anisms and the performance of mixing models.
Their work shows that the ISAT algorithm is One of the principal drawbacks of the IEM mixing
capable of reducing significantly the computa- model and the modified Curl’s mixing model is
tional time of implementing detailed mecha- that they are not local in composition space [11].
nisms. However, with the skeletal mechanism, In this work, the EMST mixing model is used
the mass fraction of CO for ␰ ⬎ ␰ s tends to be in conjunction with the ARM mechanism im-
overpredicted by as much as a factor of 2. Also, plemented through ISAT to calculate flames D,
the flame modeled there has almost no local E, and F of Barlow and Frank. The present
extinction. model is different from [27] in that the velocity–
Among the flames of Barlow and Frank, composition–turbulence frequency JPDF model
flame D is modeled by James et al. [27] using a with the EMST mixing model is adopted;
joint composition PDF method, the k- ⑀ model whereas, in contrast to [22], the ARM mecha-
and the skeletal mechanism (the same as that nism instead of the skeletal mechanism is used,
used in [22]) and the ARM mechanisms [12]. In and the flames calculated are also different.
these calculations, the constants in the dissipa- Moreover, the flames modeled in [22, 27] ex-
tion model are tuned to yield the mean velocity hibit little local extinction. The present calcula-
and mixture fraction profiles that are in good tions therefore are to examine extensively the
agreement with the experimental data. It is advanced PDF models, in particular their pre-
demonstrated that the ARM mechanism is su- dictability of strong turbulence and finite-rate
perior to the skeletal mechanism by giving ac- chemistry interactions.
curate predictions of CO. The description of the EMST mixing model
Barlow and Frank’s D, E, and F flames are and the ISAT algorithm as well as other sub-
also the main target flames of the International models and numerical implementations are
Workshops on Measurement and Computation given in the next two sections.
284 J. XU AND S. B. POPE


Model Constantsa

C0 C ␻1 C ␻2 C ␻3 C ␻4 C ␻5 C⍀ C␾

2.1 0.56 0.9 1.0 0.25 0.2 0.6893 1.5

Note that the effect of C ␾ is studied by using a range of values, i.e., 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0.

JOINT PDF MODEL viscosity [9, 29, 30]. Here, the simplified Lange-
vin model (SLM) is employed [3], in which G is
The joint velocity– composition–turbulence fre-
quency model provides turbulence time scale
information by including the turbulence fre-
G ij ⫽ ⫺ 冉 3

C 0 ⫹ ⍀ ␦ ij.

quency, and therefore forms a self-contained The SLM model is equivalent to Rotta’s model
approach for modeling turbulent flames. Taking
for the pressure-rate-of-strain tensor in Rey-
the Lagrangian view, which is equivalent to
nolds-stress modeling [29]. It holds a simple
solving the modeled transport equations for the
form, but gives robust and satisfactory perfor-
joint PDF by a particle method, the flow is
mance in free shear flows.
modeled by an ensemble of notional particles.
In terms of the particle velocity U*, convec-
Each particle has its own position X*(t), veloc-
tion is stipulated by the particle movement
ity U*(t), turbulence frequency ␻ *(t), and com-
positions ␾*(t) (⬅ { ␾ *␣ (t), ␣ ⫽ 1, 2, . . . , ␴ }) dX*共t兲 ⫽ U*共t兲 dt. (4)
at time t. Correspondingly, Lagrangian models
are established for particle velocities, turbu- Turbulence Frequency Model
lence frequency, and compositions. These mod-
els are described below to make precise the
A stochastic model for the turbulence frequency
variants of the submodels being used.
␻* of particles was developed [9] to provide a
time scale of turbulence. The turbulence fre-
Velocity Model
quency is the inverse of the dissipation rate of
The evolution of particle velocities is modeled turbulent kinetic energy k. Alternatively, ␻˜ is
by the stochastic differential equation (SDE) of analogous to the quantity ␻ used in the k- ␻
the Langevin type. The general form of the two-equation model [31]. The stochastic model
velocity model is written for ␻* is written [10]

1 ⭸具P典 d ␻ * ⫽ ⫺C ␻3⍀共 ␻ * ⫺ ␻
˜ 兲 dt ⫺ S ␻⍀ ␻ * dt
dU *i ⫽ ⫺ dt ⫹ G ij共U *j ⫺ Ũ j兲 dt
具␳典 ⭸ xi ˜ ⍀ ␻ *兲 1/ 2 dW,
⫹ 共2C ␻3C ␻4␻ (5)
⫹ 共C 0k⍀兲 1/ 2 dW i, (2) where the model constants C ␻ 3 and C ␻ 4 are
where ␳ and P are the fluid density and pres- given in Table 2, and S ␻ is defined below. In
sure, respectively; “具 典” denotes the conven- homogeneous turbulence, a gamma distribution
tional mean; “˜” represents the density- is obtained from this model. Moreover, to ac-
weighted mean, for example Ũ ⫽ 具␳U典/具␳典; the count for external intermittency effects, the
model constant C 0 is given in Table 2; k ⬅ 21 conditional mean turbulence frequency ⍀ is
˜ defined by
iu⬙ (u ⬙ ⬅ U ⫺ Ũ ) is the turbulent kinetic
i i i i
energy; ⍀ is the conditional turbulence fre- ⍀ ⬅ C ⍀具 ␳ * ␻ *兩 ␻ * ⱖ ␻
˜ 典/具 ␳ 典, (6)
quency as defined below; while W is an isotropic
Wiener process. The model is completed by where the model constant C ⍀ is chosen such
providing expressions for the tensor G, which that ⍀ and ␻
˜ are equal in fully developed
models the effects of pressure fluctuations and homogeneous turbulence (Table 2). Therefore,

the mean dissipation ⑀ is more precisely equal to PDF at ␾ ⫽ ␺0 in composition space is deter-
k⍀, and the turbulence time scale ␶ becomes mined solely by the compositions in a small
neighborhood of ␺0. As shown in [11, 35], the
␶ ⬅ 1/⍀. (7) EMST model can be qualitatively viewed as an
In Eq. 5, the source term S ␻ is modeled as extension of mapping closure concepts [36] to
multiple scalars.
ᏼ 具u ⬙j典 ⭸具P典 A full description of the EMST model can be
S ␻ ⫽ C ␻2 ⫺ C ␻1 ⫹ C ␻5 , (8)
k⍀ 具 ␳ 典k⍀ ⭸ x j found in [11]. Briefly, as implemented in the
present calculations, at any time the model
where ᏼ ⬅ ⫺u⬙ ˜
i u⬙j (⭸Ũ i /⭸ x j ) is the production chooses a subset of N s particles to mix (from the
of k. The values of model constants C ␻ 1 , C ␻ 2 , ensemble of N particles in a grid cell) according
and C ␻ 5 are given in Table 2. The choice of to the mixing history of each particle which is
C ␻ 1 ⫽ 0.56 is discussed in [32]. In addition, decided by an age property of the particle. A
variable density effects are considered here Euclidean minimum spanning tree is formed in
which results in the third source term above composition space on this subset of N s particles,
[33]. Note that in the frame of the current PDF so that each particle is associated with at least
model, the mean of the density-weighted veloc- one neighbor particle. Then, the mixing evolves
ity fluctuation 具u ⬙j 典 requires no modeling. For the compositions of these N s particles (for i ⫽
the flames considered here, the term in C ␻ 5 has 1, . . . , N s ) by
but a small effect.
d ␾ 共i兲
冘 B 兵共␾
␣ 共i兲
w 共i兲 ⫽ ⫺␥ ␯ ␣ ⫺ ␾ 共n ␯兲
␣ 兲 ␦ in␯
Mixing Model dt ␯⫽1

The conservation equation for the particle’s ␣th ⫹ 共 ␾ 共i兲 共m␯兲

␣ ⫺ ␾ ␣ 兲 ␦ im␯}, (10)
composition ␾*␣ consists of two parts: the micro-
where w (i) denotes the numerical particle
mixing process M ␣ , and the chemical reaction
weight; the ␯th edge of the tree connects the
S ␣,
particle pair (m ␯ , n ␯ ); and ␦ represents the
d ␾ *␣ Kronecker delta. The determination of the
⫽ M ␣共t兲 ⫹ S ␣共 ␾*共t兲兲. (9) model coefficients B ␯ and ␥ is discussed in [11]:
in particular ␥ is obtained through an iterative
This equation is solved by a time-splitting procedure to achieve the desired decay rate of
method in which the mixing term is calculated composition variance due to the mixing. The
first, and then compositions are evolved due to decay rate is determined by the mixing time
the reaction source term. It has been shown that scale ␶␾ which is, according to Spalding [37],
the solution thus obtained is at least of first- modeled by
order accurate [26].
In PDF models, the micro-mixing process has ␶ ␾ ⫽ ␶ /C ␾, (11)
entailed major modeling efforts. Norris and where C ␾ is an empirical constant.
Pope [34] have shown that the simple IEM The quantity of C ␾ ⫽ ␶ / ␶ ␾ is the velocity-to-
model incorrectly predicts local/global extinc- scalar timescale ratio, which in shear flows is
tion in the fast chemistry limit; and that a found to range from 1.5 to 2.5 [38]. The more
localized mixing model in composition space is recent inert round-jet measurements of Pan-
needed to remedy this defect. This mixing local- chapakesan and Lumley [39] yield C ␾ ⫽ 1.5. In
ness concept is further explored and demon- the present work, the influence of C ␾ is exam-
strated in [35]. The EMST model developed by ined by performing calculations with different
Subramaniam and Pope [11] is used in this values of C ␾ between 1.0 and 3.0. It is found
study. This model performs mixing locally in the that the calculation of local extinction (in par-
composition space through interacting particles ticular in flame F) is sensitive to the specified
with neighboring particles. In other words, in value of C ␾ , and the best agreement with the
the EMST model, the evolution of the scalar experiments is obtained using C ␾ ⫽ 1.5. Hence
286 J. XU AND S. B. POPE

we take C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 as the base-case value, rather formance than the skeletal mechanism in the
than the traditional value of C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 originally joint composition PDF calculation of flame D
proposed by Spalding [37]. Of the eight model [27]. We use ARM in the current calculations
constants given in Table 2, C ␾ is the only one implemented using the ISAT algorithm [13].
that is adjusted by reference to the Barlow and
Frank’s data. Many results are also reported
using the conventional value C ␾ ⫽ 2.0. NUMERICAL SOLUTION PROCEDURE
The performance of the EMST mixing model
has previously been tested in a periodic reaction In this section, we describe the numerical and
zone [40] and by the previous PDF calculations computational methods used to solve the joint
of piloted-jet flames [22] of Masri and Bilger PDF transport equation, including the imple-
[6]. However, it is yet to be challenged by more mentation of chemical reaction.
complex flames, especially those with significant
local extinction (e.g., flame F). Particle/Mesh Method

Chemistry Mechanism As discussed in the previous section, the fluid is

represented by a set of particles whose proper-
An accurate chemistry mechanism is necessary ties evolve according to the Lagrangian models
to describe a flame accompanying strong turbu- (Eqs. 2, 4, 5, and 9). The computational domain
lence– chemistry interaction. In contrast, the is decomposed into small cells to represent and
skeletal mechanism used in [22] is shown to give to estimate mean fields (such as the mean
poor results (for ␰ ⬎ ␰ s ) since it does not velocities Ũ i ). Such a particle/mesh method has
contain C2 species [27]. Hence, a detailed mech- been implemented in the PDF2DV code which
anism (e.g., the GRI mechanism) is desired to solves the modeled velocity– composition–fre-
be implemented with PDF methods. However, quency joint PDF equation for statistically sta-
such a mechanism usually involves tens to hun- tionary two-dimensional (plane or axisymmet-
dreds of species, and PDF methods require an ric) turbulent flows, in particular reacting flows
efficient means to implement such a mechanism [14]. This code uses a rectangular mesh. The
so as to be computationally tractable. There- flames considered here are statistically axisym-
fore, various reduced mechanisms (typically in- metric, so the computational domain is a rect-
volving four reactions) are widely used. How- angle in the x-r plane, and the equations are
ever, it is recognized that some of the crucial solved in the form appropriate to the axisym-
intermediate species may not exist in steady metric geometry.
state over an extensive thermodynamic param- The PDF2DV code uses a pseudo-time
eter range as assumed normally in these re- marching scheme to solve the SDEs in many
duced mechanisms. The relaxation of these small time steps ⌬t. Statistics of the solution
assumptions can lead to a reduced mechanism evolve from the specified initial condition until
that contains a moderate number of species and the statistically stationary state of interest is
reactions, but yields significant improvement in reached. The time step ⌬t is chosen to ensure
modeling complex combustion systems with that both the Courant number (based on parti-
strong turbulence– chemistry interactions. cle velocities and the local mesh spacing) and
Sung et al. [12] recently derived an ARM ⍀⌬t are small compared to unity. Typically, the
from GRI-mech 1.2 for methane oxidation maximum values of the Courant number and
through relaxing the quasi-steady-state (QSS) ⍀⌬t are 0.6 and 0.5, respectively. At any time t,
assumptions for some C2 species. This mecha- the mean fields are required to advance the
nism consists of 16 species and 12 reaction particle equations. In PDF2DV, the mean fields
steps, and has been tested at various circum- are represented as linear splines based on the
stances, such as perfectly stirred reactors, lami- nodal values, which are estimated by a cloud-in-
nar flames, and counterflow nonpremixed cell method [41]. Once the statistically station-
flames with extinction and ignition [12]. The ary state is reached, the solution is continued for
ARM has also been shown to give better per- some time so that mean quantities can be

time-averaged to reduce the statistical error reaction mapping R(␾0), which is defined to be
[10]. the solution to the reaction equation
To enforce the mean continuity equation and
to obtain the mean pressure field, correction d␾
⫽ S关 ␾共t兲兴, (12)
algorithms are devised for particle position and dt
velocities. At first, the position correction is over the time step ⌬t from the initial condition
performed to satisfy the consistency condition, ␾0. This is exactly the quantity needed in the
which states that the volume associated with a solution of the particle composition equation
subensemble of particles equals the geometric (Eq. 9) using the method of fractional steps
volume occupied by the particles. Then, the [26].
particle velocities are corrected so that the An essential observation is that realized com-
divergence of the mean mass flux vanishes. As a
positions of reaction are restricted to a small
result of the correction, mean pressure is ob-
subset of the composition space—the accessed
tained as well. These algorithms are described
region. In contrast to the direct integration (DI)
in detail in [42].
of the reaction equation, or a priori table storing
Finally, PDF2DV is parallelized using a par-
the reaction mapping in the whole composition
ticle partitioning approach [43]. In this study,
space, the ISAT algorithm builds adaptively an
the parallel computation is also implemented
unstructured table of the reaction mapping only
for the EMST model to improve the computa-
for the accessed region. The table is built in the
tional efficiency as well as to retain the numer-
course of the PDF computation, and an in situ
ical accuracy of EMST [44].
data retrieval or DI is conducted according to a
The overall numerical features of this parti-
prescribed error tolerance ⑀ tol .
cle/mesh algorithm for the JPDF model may be
A table entry in the ISAT algorithm consists
found in [10]. In brief, the scheme is (by numer-
of: the initial composition vector ␾0; the map-
ical experiments with the piloted-jet flame of
ping R(␾0); the mapping gradient A(␾0); and
Masri et al. [6]) demonstrated to be convergent
in terms of the number of particles in each cell the specification of the ellipsoid of accuracy
(N pc ) and the cell size. The statistical error (EOA, a hyper-ellipsoidal region centered at
converges at the rate of N pc ⫺1/ 2
; the bias is ␾0). For any query ␾q , the linear approximation
proportional to N pc ; and the spatial discretiza- to the mapping is
tion error is second-order with respect to the R共 ␾q兲 ⯝ R共 ␾0兲 ⫹ A共 ␾0兲共 ␾q ⫺ ␾0兲. (13)
cell width. The statistical error is further re-
duced by time-averaging. The choice of the By definition, the EOA is the region around ␾0
numerical parameters and the resulting numer- in which the normalized error in this approxi-
ical accuracy of the calculations are discussed in mation is less than ⑀ tol . If ␾q lies within the
“Numerical Parameters.” EOA at ␾0, then R( ␾q ) is retrieved using the
linear approximation. Otherwise, DI is per-
ISAT: Implementation of Chemical Reaction formed to obtain R( ␾q ), and also the error
between this new mapping and the approximate
Computational intractability and the lack of an mapping is measured. If the error is smaller
efficient algorithm have been limiting the appli- than ⑀ tol , the EOA is grown and R( ␾q ) is
cation of detailed chemistry mechanisms in returned; otherwise, a new record is generated
combustion modeling. Even the implementa- based on ␾q .
tion of the ARM mechanism includes 16 species The details and the tests of ISAT algorithm
and 12 reaction steps, and requires a fast algo- are described in [13, 22]. It has also been
rithm. In this study, this task is accomplished by applied to turbulent nonpremixed flames in [22,
the ISAT algorithm developed by Pope [13]. 27]. It is shown that ISAT can speed up the
The ISAT algorithm is in essence a storage/ computation of chemical reaction by as much as
retrieval technique for the calculation of com- a factor of 1000 in comparison with the full
position changes due to chemical reaction. The direct integration of the mechanism. For pilot-
fundamental quantity stored and retrieved is the ed-jet nonpremixed flames, the speed-up factor
288 J. XU AND S. B. POPE

is typically 40 to 100 [22, 27]. In this study, the

generated table in one PDF calculation is often
used in subsequent calculations to enhance fur-
ther the computational speed. The accuracy of
ISAT is determined by the error tolerance ⑀ tol .
The appropriate value of ⑀ tol depends on the
accuracy required, the chemical mechanism, the
time step ⌬t, and the accessed region. In the
previous calculations of piloted-jet flames using
ISAT [22, 27], ⑀ tol is assigned values from 8 ⫻
10⫺3 to 8 ⫻ 10⫺4. In this work, ⑀ tol ⫽ 5 ⫻ 10 ⫺5
is used. The accuracy achieved using this error
tolerance with the ARM mechanism is deter-
mined using the PMSR (Pairwise Mixing Stirred
Reactor) test case [13] with the inflow stream Fig. 1. Inlet profiles of mean quantities for flame D.
compositions of the piloted-jet flame computa-
tions. The results of these tests (reported in [44] ˜ are speci-
and [45]) show that with the error tolerance mean turbulence frequency and u⬙v⬙
used ( ⑀ tol ⫽ 5 ⫻ 10 ⫺5 ) the error in mean fied in the same manner as [10]. Figure 1
species mass fraction is less than 1%. presents these inlet boundary conditions. Inlet
boundary conditions for compositions and tem-
Computational Domain and Boundary perature are deduced from experimental data
Conditions [16] and are shown in Table 3. Note that, based
on the experimental data, the pilot temperature
in flames D, E and F are taken to be 1880 K,
For the piloted-jet flame calculations, we use a
cylindrical coordinate system with the origin at
the center of the fuel jet. The computational TABLE 3
domain covers a rectangular area of (0, 25R j ) in Specifications of Boundary Conditions for Compositions
radial direction and of (0, 120R j ) in axial (Specific Mole Numbers, Y ␣ /W ␣ ) in Different Streams at
direction. In the computations, velocity and the Inleta
length are normalized by the centerline velocity Streams Pilot Coflow Jet
at the inlet U j and the jet radius R j , respectively. T 1880.0 291.0 294.0
In a PDF calculation, the initial and boundary P 0.993 0.993 0.993
conditions are defined for the joint PDF, and H2 6.4026 ⫻ 10⫺5 0.0 0.0
specifically defined for particles. At the inlet, H 2.5010 ⫻ 10⫺5 0.0 0.0
the velocity PDF is prescribed to be joint nor- O2 1.6997 ⫻ 10⫺3 7.3718 ⫻ 10⫺3 6.1407 ⫻ 10⫺3
OH 1.6507 ⫻ 10⫺4 0.0 0.0
mal, and the appropriate gamma distribution is H2O 5.2311 ⫻ 10⫺3 3.4773 ⫻ 10⫺4 0.0
assigned to turbulence frequency. Both of them HO2 0.0 0.0 0.0
have the prescribed means derived as follows. H2O2 0.0 0.0 0.0
The mean axial velocity Ũ and the Reynolds CH3 0.0 0.0 0.0
CH4 0.0 0.0 9.7472 ⫻ 10⫺3
˜are inferred from experimen-
normal stress u⬙u⬙ CO 1.4506 ⫻ 10⫺4 0.0 0.0
tal data [16]. The mean radial velocity Ṽ is taken CO2 2.4960 ⫻ 10⫺3 0.0 0.0
to be zero, and the remaining normal stresses CH2O 0.0 0.0 0.0
C2H2 0.0 0.0 0.0
˜ and w⬙w⬙
v⬙v⬙ ˜ are each taken to be equal to
C2H4 0.0 0.0 0.0
˜/2. However, there are no data on the
u⬙u⬙ C2H6 0.0 0.0 0.0
N2 2.6220 ⫻ 10⫺2 2.7053 ⫻ 10⫺2 2.3101 ⫻ 10⫺2
˜ nor on mean frequency ␻
covariance u⬙v⬙ ˜ . As a
Note that these conditions are the same for flames D, E,
pointed out in [10], the boundary conditions at and F except that in the flame F, the temperature of the
the inlet for these two quantities are crucial for pilot stream is 20° K lower according to the experimental
the turbulence frequency model. Here, the data.

1880 K, and 1860 K, respectively. Boundary above parameters has been comprehensively
conditions other than the inlet condition, in- evaluated [44, 45]. It is shown [44, 45] that
clude outflow conditions at the outlet boundary numerical errors in mean and r.m.s. profiles are
( x ⫽ 120R j ), reflecting (axisymmetric) condi- around 10% for x/R j ⱕ 30, less than 20% at
tions at the centerline (y ⫽ 0) and free stream x/R j ⫽ 60, but larger at x/R j ⱖ 90 and for
boundaries ( y ⫽ 25R j ). These conditions are Reynolds stresses. Statistics conditioned on mix-
imposed straightforwardly at the particle level. ture fraction display considerably less numerical
Finally, the particles are initialized to possess error. Clearly, gains in computational efficiency
the same conditions as the inlet boundary; but are desirable so that more accurate calculations
the statistically stationary state does not depend (e.g., N pc ⫽ 400 on a 100 ⫻ 100 grid) can be
on the details of the initial conditions. performed at reasonable cost. Nevertheless, the
accuracy of the present calculations is sufficient
Numerical Parameters to test the model’s ability to predict local extinc-
tion and reignition, which occur at x/R j ⱕ 60.
Numerical parameters in the computation in-
clude the number of cells in the domain (or
grid size), the number of particles per cell Npc, RESULTS
and the time step. The numerical behavior
with respect to these parameters has been In this section, PDF calculations are compared
studied by the present authors [10], and the to the experimental data of Barlow and Frank’s
accuracy of the EMST mixing model with flames D, E, and F. As described in “Joint PDF
respect to Npc is examined in [46]. The numer- Model,” the JPDF model consists of SLM, the
ical parameters below are thus chosen follow- variable density model of turbulence frequency,
ing these studies. EMST, and ARM (implemented via ISAT).
A nonuniform rectangular 61 ⫻ 61 grid is The model constants used are given in Table 2.
used with a finer spacing near the centerline and The mixing model constant C ␾ is varied to
the inlet. The nominal number of particles in investigate its influence on the calculation of
each cell N pc is approximately 100, which is the turbulence– chemistry interactions. The base
same as that used in the previous PDF/ISAT/ case calculations are performed with C ␾ ⫽ 1.5.
EMST calculation of piloted-jet flames [22]. A As discussed above, the numerical error in
constant time step ⌬t ⫽ 0.3R j /U j is used, which the calculated mean and root mean square
satisfies the restrictions described in “Particle/ (rms) profiles may be unacceptably large for
Mesh Method.” For the three flames D, E, and x/R j ⱖ 90. Consequently, in general, results are
F this yields ⌬t ⫽ 1.7112 ⫻ 10 ⫺5 s, 1.1408 ⫻ presented only up to x/R j ⫽ 60; and the axial
10⫺5 s, and 8.556 ⫻ 10⫺6 s, respectively. profiles beyond this point are not considered to
The choice of these numerical parameters is be reliable.
partly due to the constraints of available com-
puter resources. Some calculations are per- Profiles of Means and Variances
formed on an Intel cluster (Pentium II 450
MHz) and others on an IBM SP2 supercom- Since the velocity data are available only for
puter. In both cases, five processors are used to flame D, the PDF calculations are first com-
perform a single calculation. It takes about 100 pared to the experimental data for this flame.
to 120 hours per processor (i.e., 500 to 600 The calculated statistics are weighted by mass.
processor hours) for a job starting from scratch Figures 2 and 3 show radial profiles of the mean
to reach a statistically stationary solution in and variance of velocity and mixture fraction
about 3000 time steps. About 90% of the total plotted against the experimental data at three
CPU time is spent on the ARM/ISAT calcula- axial locations. The direct effect of increasing
tions of chemical reaction. By the end of calcu- C ␾ from 1.5 to 2.0 is to increase the mixing, and
lation, about 19,000 records are generated in hence to decrease ˜ ␰⬙2 . This affects the mean
the ISAT table. density, and thereby the mean and rms velocity.
The numerical accuracy achieved using the In general, the agreement between the calcula-
290 J. XU AND S. B. POPE

Fig. 2. Radial profiles of flame D. Symbols, experiment;

lines: PDF calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 (solid) and C ␾ ⫽ 1.5

tions and the experimental data is reasonable,

the largest discrepancies being for the variances
at x/R j ⫽ 15.
The comparison between the calculated ra-
dial profiles of the means and variances of other
scalars and the experimental data is presented
in Figs. 3– 6 for flames D and F.
The profiles of the rms of mixture fraction, ␰⬙,
show how the mixing is affected by different

Fig. 4. Radial profiles of flame D (continued). Symbols,

experiment; lines: PDF calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 (solid),
C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 (dashed).

values of C ␾ . The lowest value of C ␾ (i.e., 1.5)

leads to the largest values of ␰⬙ (and also rms of
other properties) for x/R j ⱕ 30. It also implies
that decreasing C ␾ increases not only the vari-
ance ˜ ˜
␰⬙2 , but also the scalar flux v⬙␰⬙. Conse-
quently, as may be observed, decreasing C ␾ also
leads to increased spreading of the mean mix-
ture fraction (Figs. 3 and 5).
In general, there is good agreement between
the calculations and measurements both in pro-
file shape and peak values. The agreement
deteriorates somewhat downstream ( x/R j ⫽
60), and for flame F in comparison to flame D.
For flame D the difference between the calcu-
lations with C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 and C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 is not
great, and neither value produces uniformly
better results. For flame F, the calculations of
mean mass fractions with C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 are clearly
Fig. 3. Radial profiles of flame D (continued). Symbols,
superior, resulting in the correct peak levels of
experiment; lines: PDF calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 (solid), most species (with some exceptions at x/R j ⫽
C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 (dashed). 60). The calculations for flame E (not shown)

Fig. 5. Radial profiles of flame F. Symbols, experiment;

lines: PDF calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 (solid), C ␾ ⫽ 1.5
(dashed), and C ␾ ⫽ 3.0 (dash-dotted). Fig. 6. Radial profiles of flame F (continued). Symbols,
experiment; lines: PDF calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 (solid),
C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 (dashed), and C ␾ ⫽ 3.0 (dash-dotted).

show agreement with the data comparable to

that for flame D (see [44, 45]). the solution reaches statistical stationarity, uni-
In flame F, it may be seen (from Fig. 5) that form time-averaging is used to reduce the sta-
both in the experiment and the calculations the tistical error.
mean temperature at x/R j ⫽ 60 is higher than In Figs. 7–10, the conditional means of tem-
that at x/R j ⫽ 30, which indicates the reignition perature and mass fraction of some species for
of the flame. flames D and F are compared at three locations
to the experimental data. The most interesting
Conditional Statistics of Scalars feature of these conditional means is the sup-
pressed values associated with local extinction,
Let ␩ be the sample space variable for the which are most evident upstream ( x/R j ⱕ 30) in
mixture fraction ␰; and define the mass- flame F. It may be observed from Figs. 9 and 10
weighted mean of a scalar variable Y(x, t) that these effects are very well represented by
conditional on ␰(x, t) ⫽ ␩ by 具 ␳ Y(x, t)兩 ␰ (x, t) ⫽ the model calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 1.5: the cal-
␩ 典/具 ␳ 典. This subsection explores these statistics. culations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 and 3.0 are significantly
At a specified axial location (e.g., x/R j ⫽ 30), and uniformly inferior. For the less testing
the estimation of the conditional means uses all flames D (Figs. 7 and 8) and E (not shown) the
particles lying in the single strip of cells in the agreement is also good, although for several
radial direction centered on that location. Sim- quantities and locations the calculations with
ilarly, in the experiment, the conditional means C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 appear superior. The least convincing
are constructed from data at all radial measure- agreement is for OH, for which (with C ␾ ⫽ 1.5)
ment locations. A total of 50 bins in mixture the maximum overprediction of the peak value
fraction space are used in the estimation. After is about 50% (for flame F at x/R j ⫽ 15).
292 J. XU AND S. B. POPE

Fig. 7. Conditional means of flame D. Symbols: experiment; Fig. 9. Conditional means of flame F. Symbols, experiment;
lines: PDF calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 (solid) and C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 lines: PDF calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 (solid), C ␾ ⫽ 1.5
(dashed). (dashed), and C ␾ ⫽ 3.0 (dotted).

Fig. 8. Conditional means of flame D (continued). Symbols: Fig. 10. Conditional means of flame F (continued). Sym-
experiment; lines: PDF calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 (solid) bols, experiment; lines: PDF calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0
and C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 (dashed). (solid), C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 (dashed), and C ␾ ⫽ 3.0 (dotted).


Lower ( ␰ l ) and Upper ( ␰ u ) Limits of the Mixture Fraction Range Used in the
Definition of CPDFs and B.I.; and Reference Mass Fractions (or Temperature) for B.I.


␰l 0.35 0.30 0.43 0.28 0.48 0.30

␰u 0.45 0.40 0.53 0.36 0.58 0.40
Y 兩 ␰ (or T 兩 ␰ ) 0.1278 0.1127 0.05745 4.527 ⫻ 10⫺3 3.639 ⫻ 10⫺3 2023

Conditional PDF bimodal shape also emerges in the CPDFs of

CO at x/R j ⫽ 60, but the higher mass fraction
PDFs of scalar fields conditional on the mixture becomes more probable here than at x/R j ⫽ 30.
fraction (CPDF) clearly reflect local extinction These observations reflect the fact that more
and reignition processes. Both in PDF calcula- local extinction occurs as the jet velocity in-
tions and experiments, CPDFs are estimated in creases, and that the flame reignites down-
a similar manner to the conditional means. stream as shown by the higher temperature and
However, only samples in a specified mixture the increases in H2O, CO2, CO, OH, and H2 at
fraction range ( ␰ l , ␰ u ) (different for different x/R j ⫽ 60.
quantities) contribute to the estimation of the The calculated CPDFs are in fairly good
CPDF. The mixture fraction ranges are speci- agreement with experiments: both the shape
fied in accordance to [5], and the values of ␰ l and the peaks are well captured, and the evolu-
and ␰ u are given in Table 4. The experimental tion trend of local extinction with increasing jet
CPDFs shown hereafter are reestimated from velocity is predicted successfully. However, it is
the reported individual point measurements, noted that the calculation yields relatively nar-
and are different in magnitude from Barlow and row shapes of the CPDFs, and the calculated
Frank’s original results which are not correctly CPDFs of flame D are seen to contain more
normalized. As the main jet velocity is increased extinction samples.
in these flames, local extinction is enhanced,
which is manifested by the bimodal nature of
the CPDFs of temperature and of the major
products (CO2 and H2O). Particularly in flame
F, significant local extinction is observed at
x/R j ⫽ 30 where the flow is highly strained.
For all three flames (D, E, and F), the CPDFs
calculated with C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 are plotted along with
experiments in Figs. 11–16 at x/R j ⫽ 15, 30,
and 60. It is seen in the experimental data that
as the jet velocity increases, the CPDFs of H2O,
CO2, OH and temperature evolve to manifest
bimodal shapes at all three locations: D shows
no bimodal shape; E starts to exhibit some; and
the bimodal shape is clearly seen in flame F. On
the other hand, there exists one peak in the
CPDFs of CO and H2 at x/R j ⫽ 30 which shifts
to the lower mass fractions of these species as
the jet velocity becomes larger. The bimodal
shape persists at x/R j ⫽ 60 for the temperature,
Fig. 11. Conditional PDFs of temperature (C ␾ ⫽ 1.5). Left
CO2, OH, and H2O in flame F, but the median are experimental data; right are PDF calculations. Dash-
of the CPDFs is located at the higher tempera- dotted line: flame D; dashed line: flame E; solid line: flame
ture or mass fraction for x/R j ⫽ 60. The F.
294 J. XU AND S. B. POPE

Fig. 12. Conditional PDFs of CO2 (C ␾ ⫽ 1.5). Left are Fig. 14. Conditional PDFs of H2 (C ␾ ⫽ 1.5). Left are
experimental data; right are PDF calculations. Dash-dotted experimental data; right are PDF calculations. Dash-dotted
line: flame D; dashed line: flame E; solid line: flame F. line: flame D; dashed line: flame E; solid line: flame F.

Fig. 13. Conditional PDFs of H2O (C ␾ ⫽ 1.5). Left are Fig. 15. Conditional PDFs of CO (C ␾ ⫽ 1.5). Left are
experimental data; right are PDF calculations. Dash-dotted experimental data; right are PDF calculations. Dash-dotted
line: flame D; dashed line: flame E; solid line: flame F. line: flame D; dashed line: flame E; solid line: flame F.

Fig. 17. Conditional PDFs of flame F. Left are experimental

Fig. 16. Conditional PDFs of OH (C ␾ ⫽ 1.5). Left are data; right are PDF calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 (solid),
experimental data; right are PDF calculations. Dash-dotted C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 (dashed), and C ␾ ⫽ 3.0 (dash-dotted).
line: flame D; dashed line: flame E; solid line: flame F.

composition of a strained (a ⫽ 100 s⫺1) lami-

Calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 (not shown) nar flame is shown (as a solid line, [47]) for
indicate that the agreement of flame D and E reference.
results with the data appears better than that While these plots are informative, it should
obtained with C ␾ ⫽ 1.5. The above observa- be appreciated that there are limitations in
tions imply that C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 tends to give a making quantitative comparisons between the
distribution more probable to the lower mass
fraction and temperature, and thus brings about
more local extinction.
For flame F, further comparisons of the CP-
DFs of temperature, CO2, and CO are plotted
in Figs. 17–19 for different model values of the
constant C ␾ . Again, it may be seen that the
value C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 leads to the greatest amount of
local extinction in this flame; and it appears that
C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 gives the best agreement to the
experiment for this flame. The sensitivity of the
CPDFs to the choice of C ␾ is particularly
evident for CO at x/R j ⫽ 30 (Fig. 19).

Scatter Plots

Figures 20 –25 show scatter plots of T, OH, and

CO versus mixture fraction ␰ for flames D and
F. (Not shown are scatter plots for CO2 and
H2O which are similar to those of T, and for H2
which is similar to that of CO.) The calculations Fig. 18. Conditional PDFs of flame F. Left are experimental
are performed with C ␾ ⫽ 1.5. In the plots of data; right are PDF calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 (solid),
both the experimental and calculated data, the C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 (dashed), and C ␾ ⫽ 3.0 (dash-dotted).
296 J. XU AND S. B. POPE

can be described as a triangle with two legs. The

near void in the center of the triangle is in
agreement with the experimental data. Exclud-
ing the points near the flamelet line, the scatter
plots appear as three bands emanating symmet-
rically from their intersection around ␰ s ⫽
0.351. The experimental data show no such
structure: it is most likely a manifestation of the
“stranding” phenomenon connected with the
EMST model.
It is interesting to observe that for very lean
mixtures (␰ ⬍ 0.2) the experimental values of
Y CO (Fig. 25) are significantly above the flame-
let line. This feature is captured by the calcula-

Burning Index

It is desirable to characterize local extinction (or

Fig. 19. Conditional PDFs of flame F. Left are experimental
the lack thereof) quantitatively by a single vari-
data; right are PDF calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 (solid),
C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 (dashed), and C ␾ ⫽ 3.0 (dash-dotted). able. A particle or sample is declared to be in
the burning mode when it is near the state of a
strained laminar flame. Here we introduce the
experiments and the calculations. Some consid- burning index (B.I.) to characterize the lack of
erations in this regard are: local extinction: it is defined as
1. The experimental plots contain data from B.I. ⬅ Y 兩␰/Y r, (14)
different radial locations. These locations,
and the number of samples obtained from where Y 兩 ␰ denotes the first moment of the
each, are not reported. CPDF of a selected species, and Y r is a refer-
2. In the calculations the particles have differ- ence mass fraction which is taken to be the peak
ent numerical weights, but these weights are value of the mass fraction of the species based
not distinguished on the scatter plots. Also, on a strained, opposed-flow laminar flame cal-
only a subset of particles from the calcula- culation with a strain parameter a ⫽ 100 s⫺1
tions are plotted. [47]. The reference values for different species
3. Especially in the calculations, many points are listed in Table 4. Note that Y 兩 ␰ is the
may have the same values, which is not mass-weighted conditional mean
evident in the plots. (For example in Fig. 24
many samples correspond to Y OH ⫽ 0.) 具 ␳ Y兩 ␰ l ⱕ ␰ ⬍ ␰ u典
Y 兩␰ ⫽ . (15)
具 ␳ 兩 ␰ l ⱕ ␰ ⬍ ␰ u典
For flame D, there is generally good compar-
ison between the calculations and experiments, By definition, higher values of B.I. correspond
but with the former suggesting a greater amount to a near complete burning, whereas lower
of local extinction. values of B.I. imply incomplete burning or
For flame F, the bimodal nature of the CPDF extinction. The B.I. for temperature is defined
of temperature at x/R j ⫽ 30 is clearly evident in similarly as the mass-weighted conditional mean
the calculated scatter plot (Fig. 23): there is an of temperature divided by T r .
upper band (for lean mixtures) close to the First the burning indices based on H2O, CO2,
flamelet line, and a lower band with a peak CO, OH, H2, and temperature are plotted in
temperature of around 1000 K at stoichiomet- Fig. 26 versus the jet bulk velocity at x/R j ⫽ 30
ric. At x/R j ⫽ 60, the calculated scatter plot of where the amount of local extinction is the
T exhibits a characteristic banded shape which highest. It is clear that the burning index de-

Fig. 20. Scatter plot of temperature against mixture fraction of flame D at x/R j ⫽ 15, 30, and 60: left, experimental data;
right, PDF calculations (C ␾ ⫽ 1.5); lines, strained laminar flame (a ⫽ 100 s⫺1).

creases as the jet bulk velocity is increased. This larger inlet velocities, flame F differs from
is consistent with the experimental observation flames D and E in having a slightly lower pilot
that flame D exhibits very little extinction, temperature at inlet.)
whereas flame F has the most local extinction. To quantify the extinction and reignition in
The PDF calculations predict this trend very the flame straightforwardly, the B.I.’s are com-
well. (It should be noted that in addition to the pared for flames D, E, and F at different axial
298 J. XU AND S. B. POPE

Fig. 21. Scatter plot of OH against mixture fraction of flame D at x/R j ⫽ 15, 30, and 60: left, experimental data; right, PDF
calculations (C ␾ ⫽ 1.5); lines, strained laminar flame (a ⫽ 100 s⫺1).

locations in Fig. 27. The PDF calculations use local extinction. The B.I.’s of flame D based on
C ␾ ⫽ 1.5. It is seen again that as the jet velocity H2O, CO2, OH, and temperature show little
increases, the B.I.’s decrease, indicating more variation upstream to downstream, whereas in

Fig. 22. Scatter plot of CO mass fraction against mixture fraction of flame D at x/R j ⫽ 15, 30, and 60: left, experimental data;
right, PDF calculations (C ␾ ⫽ 1.5); lines, strained laminar flame (a ⫽ 100 s⫺1).

flame F, it is observed that in the experiments reignition in these piloted-jet flames. The calcu-
the lowest B.I. occurs at x/R j ⫽ 15 and 30. At lated B.I.’s are in very good agreement with the
x/R j ⫽ 60, B.I. is recovered gradually, and experimental data.
reaches to the maximum value at x/R j ⫽ 90 Along with the experimental data, the B.I.’s
where the flame is nearly fully reburnt except of calculations for flame F with four values of
for OH. Thus, B.I. is indeed a good quantity C ␾ are also plotted in Fig. 28. The PDF calcu-
measuring the extent of local extinction and lations with C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 and C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 exhibit the
300 J. XU AND S. B. POPE

Fig. 23. Scatter plot of temperature against mixture fraction of flame F at x/R j ⫽ 15, 30, and 60: left, experimental data; right,
PDF calculations (C ␾ ⫽ 1.5); lines, strained laminar flame (a ⫽ 100 s⫺1).

similar behavior of B.I. along the axial direction, the correct trend of local extinction and reigni-
and in particular the results with C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 tion, but relatively lower amounts of extinction
match the experimental data remarkably well than that observed in the experiment. A further
(except for the B.I.’s based on H2 and CO decrease of C ␾ to C ␾ ⫽ 1.0 gives rise to even
species downstream). For C ␾ ⫽ 3.0, little local more extinction, and the B.I. based on CO
extinction is predicted, whereas C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 yields shows almost no reignition downstream.

Fig. 24. Scatter plot of OH against mixture fraction of flame F at x/R j ⫽ 15, 30, and 60: left, experimental data; right, PDF
calculations (C ␾ ⫽ 1.5); lines, strained laminar flame (a ⫽ 100 s⫺1).

DISCUSSION good agreement with the experimental data.

Also, the comparison of radial mean profiles of
Generally, the calculated mean and variance other scalars with the experiment is rather sat-
profiles of velocity and mixture fraction are in isfactory. It is shown in the mean profiles
302 J. XU AND S. B. POPE

Fig. 25. Scatter plot of CO mass fraction against mixture fraction of flame F at x/R j ⫽ 15, 30, and 60: left, experimental data;
right, PDF calculations (C ␾ ⫽ 1.5); lines, strained laminar flame (a ⫽ 100 s⫺1).

(through varying the mixing model constant C ␾ ) velocity fields. Also, the effects of variable den-
that 具␳典 has a significant effect on Ũ. The sity on the velocity model need to be investi-
velocity model adopted is SLM. It is expected gated [33].
that the use of a more advanced velocity model, The scalar means conditional on the mixture
e.g., the Lagrangian Isotropization of Produc- fraction in flame D are not far from mildly
tion Model (LIPM) with pressure transport strained flamelet values, but those in F possess
model [9, 10, 29], can improve the prediction of lower values for T and products, indicative of

Fig. 26. Burning indices vs. jet velocities ( x/R j ⫽ 30). Filled
symbols: experiments; lines: PDF calculations with C ␾ ⫽ Fig. 27. Burning indices of flames D, E, and F. Filled
2.0 (solid) and C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 (dashed). symbols: experiments; lines with empty symbols are PDF
calculations with C ␾ ⫽ 1.5. Circle and solid line, flame F;
down-triangle and dashed line, flame E; up-triangle and
finite-rate chemistry. Comparing to the work of dash-dotted line, flame D.
Saxena and Pope [22], the same velocity model,
the mixing model, and a very similar turbulence index is a good measure of the lack of local
frequency model are used, and yet the flames extinction: it indeed clearly depicts the evolu-
calculated in this work are much more difficult tion of the extent of extinction with increasing
because of the presence of local extinction in jet velocity, and also reflects the axial variation
these flames, in particular in flame F. The only of local extinction and reignition in the flame.
significant difference in the models is the chem- The comparisons of CPDFs and B.I.’s between
istry mechanism: a C1 skeletal mechanism is calculations and experiments are very encour-
used in the previous calculations. The predicted aging. Notably, in flame F, the bimodal nature
conditional mean of CO for ␰ ⬎ ␰ s in those of CPDFs which symbolizes strong local extinc-
calculations is about twice higher than the ex- tion is successfully captured by the present
perimental data, whereas in the current calcu- calculations. On the other hand, the calculated
lations the composition of CO (even for ␰ ⬎ ␰ s ) B.I.’s also show the same evolutions of local
is shown to agree to the experiment very well for extinction and reignition as the experimental
all three flames. This observation demonstrates data, and their values are in good agreement
that ARM removes the deficiencies of the skel- with the experimental data. Note that only when
etal mechanism since it includes some C2 spe- the details of turbulence and finite-rate chemis-
cies in the mechanism. This is also observed in try interaction are described accurately, can
[27]. these local extinction and reignition processes
The evolution of local extinction in three (particularly in flame F) be resolved. Also, the
flames is well represented by the conditional current calculations do not use any artificial
PDFs of various species. To quantify the extent treatment to stabilize the flame. Therefore, the
of local extinction (or the lack of local extinc- present results essentially demonstrate that the
tion), the burning index is introduced. Both the joint velocity– composition–frequency PDF
experiments and the calculations show that this model with the EMST mixing model represents
304 J. XU AND S. B. POPE

Fig. 29. Radial profiles of normalized mean scalar dissipa-

tion ␹
˜ R j /U j for flame F. Solid line: C ␾ ⫽ 1.5; dashed line,
C ␾ ⫽ 2.0.

consider the scalar dissipation ␹. According to

the model, the mean scalar dissipation is

˜⫽ ⫽ C ␾⍀ ˜
␰ ⬙ 2. (16)

Increasing C ␾ causes ˜ ␰⬙2 to decrease, so the

overall effect on ␹˜ is not obvious. For flame F,
Fig. 29 shows the calculated radial profiles of ␹ ˜
Fig. 28. Burning indices of flame F. Filled symbols: exper- for C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 and 2.0. Interestingly, it may be
iments; lines with empty symbols are PDF calculations with seen that at x/R j ⫽ 15 and 30 ␹ ˜ is essentially the
C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 (solid), C ␾ ⫽ 1.0 (dotted), C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 (dashed), same for the two different values of C ␾ . Hence,
and C ␾ ⫽ 3.0 (dash-dotted). at these locations, the increased local extinction
observed with C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 (compared to C ␾ ⫽
well the intense interaction between turbulence 2.0) is not attributed to higher scalar dissipa-
and finite-rate chemistry. tion. Furthermore, at x/R j ⫽ 60, Fig. 29 shows
The comparison of conditional means, CP- that with C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 the scalar dissipation is
DFs, and B.I.’s with different values of the reduced (compared to C ␾ ⫽ 2.0), and yet Fig.
model constant C ␾ shows that this constant has 28 shows that the local extinction is increased. It
a major impact on the results. It is evident that appears, therefore, that the dominant effect of
the prediction of local extinction is sensitive to increasing C ␾ is to decrease the scalar variance
the value of C ␾ . One critical observation is that which in turn reduces the amount of local
in these flames, reducing C ␾ leads to higher extinction.
intensity of local extinction. This is also ob- The sensitivity to C ␾ indicates also the impor-
served in the PDF calculations with the IEM tance of mixing, and hence of the mixing model.
mixing model [19] as well as the modified Curl’s We attempted to make calculations of these
mixing model [18]. It is implied that increasing flames with the IEM mixing model and the
C ␾ causes the mixture to become more effec- ARM for methane, but failed to obtain stable
tively homogenized, and thus leads the combus- flames. In future work it would be of interest to
tion to approach to chemical equilibrium faster. investigate the performance of the modified
In flame F, C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 gives better results for Curl mixing model. Lindstedt et al. [28] showed
conditional means in comparison with the ex- that with a detailed chemistry mechanism it is
perimental data at locations x/R j ⫽ 15 and 30 possible to obtain stable combustion for flame F
where the strongest local extinction is present. without artificial ignition. The present calcula-
Also, at these locations by changing C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 to tions, however, use the EMST mixing model for
1.5, the model shifts the CPDFs to lower values, which an important feature is the localness of
and thus leads to lower B.I.’s which are also in mixing. With the use of this mixing model, the
better agreement with experimental data. calculations successfully yield the stabilized
In discussing local extinction it is natural to flame even for flame F. The present results

(especially for flame F) tend to favor C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 It is also interesting to note the ingredients
for the EMST mixing model (although some that the current model does not contain—for it
results with C ␾ ⫽ 2.0 are superior for flames D may be supposed that such missing ingredients
and E). are not essential. There is no explicit represen-
The traditional value of C ␾ is 2.0. It is noted, tation of the micro-structure, as for example in
however, that the measurement of a helium a flamelet model. The model does not involve
round jet in air by Panchapakesan and Lumley any molecular transport properties (diffusivity,
[39] implies the value C ␾ ⫽ 1.5. In addition, as thermal conductivity, or viscosity); and takes no
discussed by Peters [48], there are arguments, account of differential diffusion. The molecular
originally advanced by Corrsin [49], which sug- mixing is modeled to occur at the mean rate
gest that C ␾ is smaller for reactive scalars. C ␾ ⍀: mixing-rate fluctuations are not explicitly
The current calculations use about 100 parti- included.
cles in each cell with 3600 cells in the domain
(120,25) R j . However, the improvement of nu-
merical accuracy downstream ( x/R j ⱖ 90) is CONCLUSIONS
desired. It is recognized that the bias in the
current algorithm is relatively large [10]. To In this paper, the joint velocity– composition–
reduce the bias, one basically needs to use a turbulence frequency PDF model is used to
larger number of particles (say 400 particles per calculate a series of turbulent nonpremixed
cell), but this costs much more computational methane piloted-jet flames, namely flames D, E,
work. In the present case, that means at least and F of Barlow and Frank [5]. The model
400 hours CPU time per processor with a total incorporates the EMST mixing model and the
of 5 processors for one calculation, which ap- ARM for methane oxidation. The ARM is
pears not practical (using more processors re- implemented via the ISAT algorithm. Compre-
duces the parallel efficiency). A recent develop- hensive comparisons of basic characteristics of
ment of the consistent hybrid particle/finite the flames—scalar statistics conditional on mix-
volume scheme seems promising in reducing the ture fraction, scalar PDFs conditional on mix-
bias, and improving the computational effi- ture fraction, scatter plots, and B.I.’s— between
ciency [50]. The computational efficiency can measurements and calculations are conducted
also be improved significantly by employing a to ascertain the capability and accuracy of the
parallel implementation of ISAT. In a typical present model to describe the strong turbulence
calculation of this study, the ISAT calculation and finite-rate chemistry interaction. Conclu-
takes about 90% of the total CPU time of which sions are drawn as follows:
perhaps 95% is spent on building the ISAT The numerical accuracy of the calculations
table. By the parallel calculation of ISAT, the has been thoroughly assessed [44, 45], and is
task of building table can be shared by all sufficient to test the model performance in the
processors, thus accelerating the calculation. In regions of the flames that exhibit local extinc-
previous PDF/ISAT calculations of piloted-jet tion and reignition. The numerical errors in
flames the speed-up factor achieved by ISAT is mean and rms profiles are around 10% for
about 40 [22, 27]. The speed-up factor for these x/R j ⱕ 30, less than 20% at x/R j ⫽ 60, but are
calculations is not known. larger at x/R j ⱖ 90 and for Reynolds stresses.
In comparison to previous PDF calculations, Statistics conditional on mixture fraction show
the success of the present calculations stems considerably less numerical error. (More accu-
from the combined use of the EMST mixing rate and efficient numerical algorithms are cur-
model and the ARM for methane. Other im- rently being developed which are expected to
portant ingredients are an accurate and well- yield numerically accurate calculations for the
characterized particle/mesh method and the full extent of the flame at reasonable computa-
ISAT algorithm. Without any one of these four tional cost.)
ingredients, accurate calculations of the details In the calculations, stabilized flames are ob-
of the turbulence– chemistry interactions would tained successfully for all three flames without
not have been possible. introducing any special treatment that has been
306 J. XU AND S. B. POPE

found necessary in some previous calculations significantly improve the computational effi-
[28]. This success is attributed to the localness ciency by sharing the time of building the ISAT
of the EMST mixing model. The sensitivity of table over parallel nodes.
the calculations to the EMST model coefficient To conclude, the PDF/ISAT method has been
C ␾ is also investigated. Increasing C ␾ yields demonstrated to be capable of representing the
combustion closer to equilibrium. Generally, intense interaction between turbulence and fi-
the results with C ␾ ⫽ 1.0 and 3.0 are poor, nite-rate chemistry in turbulent nonpremixed
whereas C ␾ ⫽ 1.5 tends to produce the right flames. However, it is realized that further
amount of local extinction, in good agreement improvements in submodels (e.g., the velocity
with the experiments. The optimal value of C ␾ model), and especially in the computational
is likely in the range from 1.5 to 2. efficiency are desirable.
The calculated scalar means conditional on
mixture fraction are in good agreement with This work was supported in part by Air Force
experimental data. The ARM mechanism for Scientific Office of Research Grant F49620-97-1-
methane appears to remedy the deficiencies of 0126, and in part by the U.S. Department of
the skeletal mechanism used in previous calcu- Energy, Federal Energy Technology Center under
lations. In particular, the prediction of CO for cooperative agreement No. DE-FC21-92-
␰ ⬎ ␰ s is significantly improved. This is due to MC29061 through the Advanced Gas Turbine
the inclusion of some C2 species in the develop- Systems Research (AGTSR) program. Some com-
ment of the ARM from the GRI mechanism. putations were performed on the Cornell Theory
However, the OH mass fraction tends to be Center’s supercomputers, which receives funding
overpredicted, by as much as 50% in the worst from Cornell University, New York State, and
case. members of the Center’s Corporate Partnership
As the main jet velocity increases, the amount Program. For useful comments on a draft of this
of local extinction increases. In particular, flame paper, we are grateful to Professors R. W. Bilger,
F has substantial local extinction while it reig- G. Kosály, A. R. Masri, and N. Peters.
nites downstream. Aiming at quantifying the
local extinction and reignition phenomena, we
introduce a single variable BI (Burning Index).
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