Stabilizing Thermoelectric Controller (TEC) Loops Using A Unit-Step Response
Stabilizing Thermoelectric Controller (TEC) Loops Using A Unit-Step Response
Stabilizing Thermoelectric Controller (TEC) Loops Using A Unit-Step Response
Maxim > Design Support > Technical Documents > Application Notes > Power-Supply Circuits > APP 3842
Abstract: Thermoelectic controller (TEC) loops can be stabilized by using the loop's response to a step
function to determine stability. The gain is then reduced to the point where the circuit is stable. This
application note describes the procedure and uses the MAX8521 EV Kit to demonstrate this process.
Remove the three integrator components (C16, C17, and R16 ) and the two differential components (R18
and C18). Place a 500kΩ or greater potentiometer across the op amp (output to feedback). This forms
an error amplifier with only DC gain. Place a scope probe on the THERM test point and rapidly change
the temperature set point with R23. Raise the gain with the installed potentiometer until strong ringing or
oscillations are observed from a transient step. Note the frequency of the instability (ring).
Note that TECs have stronger thermal gain in heating mode and this should be the worst for transient
response. Normally ringing is caused by poor phase margin from the second pole in the TEC and it can
be compensated for with the differential components of the PID (R18 and C18). The differentiator is able
to add as much as 90 degrees lead phase shift. As an example to calculate the differential components,
if the ringing is at 2Hz and R17 is 50kΩ, the differentiator should start adding phase at 0.3Hz and end at
After installing C18 and R18 again, adjust the potentiometer for optimal transient. Once you have a good
transient response, the integrating cap (C16) can be added. C16 sets the integrators to zero. This zero
should match the first pole of the TEC module, which is usually 0.02Hz to 0.06Hz.
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Usually the loop gain is high enough that the frequency of the zero inserted by the integrator does not
need to be exact. C16 should be ceramic and a smaller capacitor is better for circuit performance.
The loop gain should be rolled off at a frequency at least two times higher than the differential. In the
example in this application note, this would be 24Hz or higher. C17 rolls off the loop gain and its value
can be found using:
It may be necessary to scale all the circuit values until realistic components can be found. Note that in
heating mode (cooled environment), there is higher thermal loop gain and this is the worst case for
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150µF ±20%, 6.3V, 18m ESR, 2.8A, D2E size, POSCAP
C21 1
Sanyo 6TPE150MI
J1 1 DB25 male right-angle connector
J2 1 2-pin header
J3-J6 0 Not installed
J7, J8 2 3-pin headers
L1, L2 2 2.2mH, 1.6A inductors Sumida CDRH2D18/HP-2R2
npn bipolar transistors, 40V, SOT-23 Central Semiconductor
Q1, Q2, Q3 3
0.1Ω ±1%, 0.25W (1206) sense resistor Panasonic
R1 1
R3 1 47kΩ ±5% (0402) resistor
R4 1 100kΩ ±1% (0402) resistor
R5-R8, R24 0 Not installed (0402)
R9, R10, R11 3 4.7kΩ ±5% (0603) resistors
R12-R15, R18 5 1kΩ ±5% (0603) resistors
R16 1 240kΩ ±5% (0603) resistor
R17 1 47kΩ ±1%, (0603) resistor
R19 1 10Ω ±5% (0603) resistor
10kΩ ±0.1%, 25ppm/°C (0805) resistor Panasonic
R20 1
R21, R22 0 Not installed (0603)
R23 1 10kΩ potentiometer (multiturn)
SW1 1 Switch, momentary, NO
U1 1 Power driver, 36-pin UCSP MAX8521EBX
U2 1 Op amp, 6-pin SOT23 MAX4238AUT-T
U3 0 Not installed, 8-pin SO
U4 1 Serial, 14-bit DAC, 10-pin mMAX® MAX5144EUB
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