Philosophical Issues, 16, Philosophy of Language, 2006: Descriptions With Adverbs of Quantification
Philosophical Issues, 16, Philosophy of Language, 2006: Descriptions With Adverbs of Quantification
Philosophical Issues, 16, Philosophy of Language, 2006: Descriptions With Adverbs of Quantification
We may read this as saying that the extension of a definite description ‘the
F’ is the singleton set consisting of the maximal member of the extension of
F, if there is one, and is the empty set otherwise. The maximal member of
the extension of F is that member of the extension of F that has every other
member as a “part.”
The use of the word “part” here may be somewhat misleading, but I’ll
continue to refer to the relation expressed by ‘≤’ as a parthood relation, with
the understanding that a different relation might be involved for different
choices of F, and that calling this relation “parthood” might not be quite
accurate for some of these choices.
When F is a plural count noun such as women, the relation can be under-
stood as the relation of being a sub-plurality of . A singular count noun such
as ‘woman’ will have in its extension each individual woman, none of whom
will be, in any relevant sense, a “part” of any other; while its pluralization
‘women’ will, on Sharvy’s proposal, have in its extension every plurality of
women, each of which is a “part” of (in the sense of being a sub-plurality
of) the plurality of all the women there are.2 So on the predicate version
of Sharvy’s proposal, the extension of ‘the woman’ will either be empty or
contain exactly one woman if there are no others; while the extension of ‘the
women’ will either be empty or contain the one (maximal) plurality consisting
of all the women there are if there are any at all. If we further take numeral
words to be predicate-modifiers,3 so that the extension of ‘two women’, for
example, will be that subset of the extension of ‘women’ that contains every
two-membered plurality of women, then the semantic proposals above for
plurals, numeral words and the definite article yield the following desirable
results, assuming that there are just three women, Ana, Bea and Carlita:4
The interpretation of (11) through (15) proceeds as just outlined given some
minimal assumptions. First, I assume that the the ‘to be’ verbs here are
the ‘be’ of predication and have no semantic value. Second, for negative
sentences such as (12) and (14) I assume that the ‘not’ appearing after ‘be’
is semantically an operator on the entire sentence, so that (12), for example,
has a logical form like ‘[not [Hilary [a woman]]]’, and is assigned the truth-
conditions represented by its standard predicate-calculus paraphrase, ‘¬Wh’.
The Russellian, in contrast takes ‘be’ here to be the ‘be’ of identity and, in the
absence of supplemental syntactic principles, assigns two logical forms to (12),
corresponding to the predicate-calculus paraphrases ‘¬∃x(Wx ∧ h = x)’ and
‘∃x(Wx ∧ ¬h = x)’. Only the first of these, which is equivalent to the simple
‘¬Wh’, represents appropriate truth conditions for (12).6 Third, I take it
that conjoined names, such as ‘Ana and Bea’ in (16), denote a plurality—
represented here as the sum Ana+Bea.
The treatment of descriptions as predicates occurring in the argument
position of other predicates, as in (16), is somewhat more involved.
Before sketching this treatment, I need to step back temporarily to set out the
assumptions I’ll be making about the syntax and semantics of quantification
in English and how to represent it.
The logical forms of sentences containing quantifier phrases will be
represented using restricted quantifiers and complex predicates formed by
abstraction, following the model of Barwise & Cooper (1981). A quantifier
phrase is represented as a “restricted quantifier,” formed by prefixing a one-
place predicate with a quantificational determiner, as in ‘[some : man]’. I
enclose the restricted quantifier in square brackets and use a colon to mark
the separation between determiner and predicate. A complex predicate is
formed by prefixing an open sentence with a variable-binding abstraction
operator, as in ‘x̂ x smokes’. A restricted quantifier combines with a one-place
predicate (complex or not) to form a sentence.7 Examples will help to
Descriptions with Adverbs of Quantification 69
illustrate; the gloss below the first logical form indicates how it is to be
There are two main advantages to using this notation in preference to the
restricted-quantifier notation familiar to readers of Stephen Neale’s (1990)
Descriptions, where the logical forms of (17) and (18) are represented as
Note that the predicate ‘smokes’ plays a very different semantic role in (23)
and (24) from the one it plays in (25). The difference can be captured by saying
that ‘smokes’ in (23) and (24) seems to be a predicate that’s true of a thing
at a time just in case it’s smoking at that time, whether or not that thing is a
smoker; while ‘smokes’ in (25) is a predicate that’s true of a thing at a time just
in case it’s a smoker at that time, whether or not that thing is smoking at that
time. I’ll describe the difference using the terms ‘episodic’ and ‘habitual’. The
predicate ‘smokes’ gets an episodic reading in (23) and (24), but a habitual
reading in (25). In saying this I do not take myself to be committed to the
claim that the word ‘smokes’ is ambiguous, only that predicates in which
it occurs may have either an episodic or a habitual reading. We might for
example say that ‘smokes’ invariably has the episodic meaning, but that it
may be modified (i) by an explicitly-occurring adverb of quantification—
leading to what I’ll call a “frequency of episode” reading for the modified
verb phrase “hardly ever smokes”; or (ii) by an unpronounced one with
something like the meaning of ‘generally’, ‘regularly’, ‘characteristically’ or
‘habitually’—leading to what I’ll call the “habitual” reading for the phrase
‘smokes’. I take it that (22) does have the three different truth conditions
displayed above, and that the descriptions-as-predicates view scores a point
against the Russellian in being able to account for them without positing any
ambiguity in the indefinite description.
A similar variation in quantificational force also occurs with definite
As before, the predicate ‘goes to bed early’ gets an episodic reading in the
first two cases (leading to a “frequency of episode” reading for the modified
verb phrase ‘rarely goes to bed early’), but a habitual reading in the third
(27) [∅∃ : the owner of an espresso machine] x̂ x rarely goes to bed early,
Some (unique) owner of an espresso machine rarely goes to bed
(28) [∅G E N : the owner of an espresso machine] x̂ x rarely goes to bed
In general, espresso-machine owners rarely go to bed early;
(29) [Rarely : the owner of an espresso machine] x̂ x goes to bed early,
Rare is the espresso-machine owner who goes to bed early.
72 Delia Graff Fara
The important thing to note about this example is that it contains a definite
description that can be true of more than one thing—despite the uniqueness
condition I’ve built into the semantics of the definite article—because the
uniqueness of ownership is relativized to individual espresso machines. This
can be made explicit in the logical form by representing the indefinite ‘an
espresso machine’ as taking its scope within the restricted quantifier but
outside the definite article:
(30) [DET : x̂ [∅∃ : an espresso machine] ŷ x (is) the owner of y].12
The two logical forms assigned to this sentence (only two because it does not
contain an explicit adverb of quantification) are:
The second logical form here, the one with the generic, is perfectly well-
formed and is semantically interpretable, but is ruled out on pragmatic
grounds since ‘the tiger’ can be true of at most one thing. Yet the logical
form with the existential quantifier doesn’t seem to capture the generic truth
conditions of (31). For all that’s been said so far, given that ‘tiger’ is neither a
plural nor a mass term, (31) is wrongly predicted to be true just in case there
is exactly one tiger and it breeds well in captivity. But this is not obviously
what (31) means. After all, breeding is not something a tiger can do on its
However, more can be said. Sharvy intended his generalization of Rus-
sell’s theory of descriptions to account for definite descriptions with plurals
and mass terms. But it, and its modification here, can also apply to the case
of kind definite descriptions: cases where the nominal complement of the
Descriptions with Adverbs of Quantification 73
(34) There are three tigers in this room; I hope they’re not hungry;
(35) Three tigers went extinct in the last century: the Caspian, the
Balinese, and the Javan.
Although it’s not superficially apparent, it’s worth noting that there is also
an analogous difference, albeit less marked than in the case of singly- versus
multiply-applicable definites, between the treatment of singular-indefinite
generics and that of bare-plural generics. Both involve generic quantification
on the treatment proposed here, but in the singular-indefinite case this is
generic quantification over individuals, while in the bare-plural case this is
generic quantification over pluralities of individuals. I’d like to think that
this difference could be appealed to in accounting for at least one important
difference between the two.17 The distinction is between the following:
‘Extinct’ is a predicate that can only be true of a species (or subspecies), not of
individual members of the species. Yet for some reason it is combinable with
the bare plural even on its non-taxonomic interpretation, while combinable
with the singular indefinite only on its taxonomic interpretation. This could be
handled on the present view by allowing “kind-level” predicates like ‘extinct’
to be true of pluralities as well as kinds. The bare-plural sentence would then
be interpreted on one of its false but sensible readings as generic quantifica-
tion over tiger-pluralities, and on its other false but sensible reading as generic
quantification over tiger-kind–pluralities;18 while the second sentence would
be interpreted on its sensible (and true) reading as existential quantification
over tiger-kinds.
Let me wrap up this section by summarizing the main points so far.
Definite and indefinite descriptions invariably have predicate-type semantic
values. When one occurs in an argument position of a predicate, it undergoes
a process that’s like quantifier-raising except that it slots into the predicative
(restrictor) portion of the restricted quantifier. The quantifier portion of this
restricted quantifier is either an unpronounced quantificational determiner
with either existential or generic force, or an adverb of quantification explic-
itly occurring in the sentence. Definite descriptions, however, except in those
special cases where they are multiply-applicable (for example because they
contain an embedded indefinite), can restrict only an existential quantifier,
the other quantifiers being ruled out on pragmatic grounds.19 Generic
readings for singly-applicable definite descriptions result not from generic
quantification but from a taxonomic reading for the predicative complement
of the definite article.
I take it that one of the most forceful arguments for the descriptions-as-
predicates view stems from the fact that descriptions (now including bare
Descriptions with Adverbs of Quantification 75
(41b), in contrast, is unambiguous, and can only mean that most espresso-
machine owners have the frequency-of-episode property.
Analogous claims were made about the interaction of indefinite descrip-
tions, bare plurals, and plural definites with adverbs of quantification:
(42) a. A Scandinavian rarely has brown eyes,
b. Every Scandinavian rarely has brown eyes,
c. Joe rarely has brown eyes,
d. Joe has brown eyes;
(43) a. Philosophers sometimes smoke,
b. Both philosophers sometimes smoke,
c. Joe sometimes smokes,
d. Joe smokes;
(44) a. The parents of a toddler usually have little time for relaxation,
b. Many parents of a toddler usually have little time for relaxation,
c. Joe usually has little time for relaxation,
d. Joe has little time for relaxation.
76 Delia Graff Fara
It is true that (42a) can’t equally naturally be read as having any of the three
readings (so far) assigned to it by the descriptions-as-predicates analysis. But
this is obviously to be explained on pragmatic grounds: having brown eyes
tends to be a permanent property of the things that have it, which is why we
most naturally read (42a) as saying that few Scandinavians have brown eyes.
The other readings (so far) assigned to this sentence by the descriptions-
as-predicates analysis involve attribution of the very strange frequency-of-
episode property attributed to Joe in (42c) (strange, at least, in the days
before tinted contact lenses) and are therefore less salient. (42b), in contrast
(I claimed), is unambiguous and can only mean that every Scandinavian has
the strange frequency-of-episode property.
I took these sets of examples to provide confirmation for the descriptions-
as-predicates view and a strong argument against Russellianism. The confir-
mation for the descriptions-as-predicates view stems from the fact that it
smoothly accounts for the “quantificational variability effects” of descrip-
tions (definite and indefinite, singular and plural) displayed in the a-sentences
in (41–44). Moreover, I take these sets of examples to provide confirmation
not just for the predicate view as contrasted with the uniform Russellian
view,20 but also for the predicate view as contrasted with a “type-shifting”
view, as proposed by Barbara Partee (1987) and accepted by virtually all
linguists who commit to a view on the matter—on which descriptions are
systematically and predictably ambiguous between a type !e, t" interpretation
when occurring in predicative position, and either a type e or a type !!e, t", t"
interpretation when occurring in argument position. For if descriptions in
argument position at least some of the time have to receive a type !e, t"
interpretation in order to serve as the restrictor of an adverb of quantification,
then since allowing them to uniformly take a type !e, t" interpretation provides
a smooth way of capturing the further ambiguity between existential and
generic readings in a way that, as we saw in the last section, provides a
nice account (given Sharvy’s important work and the extension of it here
to kind-level descriptions) of a wide variety of semantic facts about generic
statements, we have no good reason to adopt type-shifting.
The argument against Russell’s theory of descriptions stems from the
fact that however its proponents may ultimately explain the quantificational
variability effects that look troubling for it, the difference between the a-
and b-sentences in (41–44) with respect to the existence of quantificational
variability effects points to an important disanalogy between descriptions and
quantifier phrases. Call this the quantificational-variability argument against
It’s been stressed to me that it was not quite right to say that quantifier
phrases don’t ever interact with adverbs of quantification in the way that
descriptions do.21 The adverbs of quantification in the b-sentences above
may obligatorily modify the verb phrase in those sentences, but there are
Descriptions with Adverbs of Quantification 77
very closely related sentences that don’t place this restriction on the adverbs
in them.
Given the right conversational setup, the adverbs of quantification in (45–
47) can be understood as quantifying over some conversationally salient type
of situation or event rather than as modifying the main verb. For example,
imagine that each year I have a party to which I invite owners of various
types of kitchen machines: orange-crushing machines, apple-coring machines,
espresso machines, etc. In a conversation where it is under discussion that I
annually hold such a party, (45) can naturally be interpreted as meaning that
it’s occasionally the case that at one of these parties some of the espresso-
machine owners at that party prefer (habitually) tea to coffee:
(45) Some of the espresso-machine owners occasionally prefer tea to
And, just to round things out, given discussion of an annual party to which I
invite two people from each academic department in my university, (47) can
easily be interpreted as meaning that it’s sometimes the case at one of these
parties that both of the philosophers at that party (habitually) smoke:
(47) Both of the philosophers sometimes smoke.
neglected in Fara (2001), on which the quantifier phrases can vary their
denotation with respect to the different situations being quantified over, there
is also an exactly analogous extra, situation reading—equally neglected in the
earlier discussion—for the a-sentences containing descriptions in (41–44). For
example, in a situation in which it’s under discussion that I have an annual
party to which I invite, for each of a number of kinds of kitchen machine,
one person who owns a machine of that kind, (41a) (repeated here) can be
understood as saying that it is rarely the case at one of these parties that the
owner of an espresso machine at that party prefers (habitually) tea to coffee.
As far as I know, von Fintel is the only one to explicitly address this problem.
But his remarks are very brief, and meant only to suggest an avenue for
further investigation. He says that ‘some’, unlike ‘a’, is “inherently partitive”
and so that the situations being quantified over by the adverb each contain
all relevant Scandinavians. The quantifier-variability effect “will not arise,”
he writes, “because it is a side-effect of quantifying over very small situations
containing only one [Scandinavian] each” (2004, p. 163). The suggestion is
that ‘some Scandinavian’ is like ‘at least one of the Scandinavians’ in that it
requires for its felicitous use a contextually salient set of Scandinavians; but
unlike it, presumably, in allowing that set to be a singleton. In the absence
of such a contextually salient set of Scandinavians, a user of one of these
partitive phrases would be appropriately greeted with the question, “Which
Scandinavians are you talking about?” The further suggestion is that if,
for example, we’re talking about the Scandinavians at my annual party of
Europeans, then the minimal situations being quantified over by the adverb
must each contain enough of one of these parties to have all the Scandinavians
at that party in it (as well as enough of the party, I presume, to be a party).
The truth-conditions that result from this are just equivalent to what we
earlier called the situation-reading for the sentence. There’s no mimicking of
quantification over individuals because there’s not a one-one correspondence
between these minimal situations and Scandinavians.
My reply to this suggestion consists of two main parts. The first point
is that although I agree (I think) that there is a partitive-like use of ‘some’-
phrases, the availability of this partitive-like use is extremely sensitive to subtle
variations in intonation. In any case it’s not always there, since it’s perfectly
acceptable to initiate a conversation with an out-of-the-blue use of a ‘some’-
phrase. Compare the following.
(51) Guess what I just heard. One of the Scandinavians occasionally has
purple eyes.
(Appropriate response: which Scandinavians are you talking about?)
(52) Guess what I just heard. Some Scandinavian occasionally has purple
(Appropriate response: Do you mean to say that he or she doesn’t
always have purple eyes?)
I’ve substituted a more news-worthy predicate in the example, in order to
render it plausible as a conversation-opener.
The second point is that the problem is not to be accounted for by
attributing special properties to ‘some’; the problem is much more widespread
than that. Consider the following:
Descriptions with Adverbs of Quantification 81
One could, I suppose, utter this sentence to say of one particular (salient)
customer that that customer is perpetually right. But on its natural, almost
proverbial, reading, it’s a claim about any number of customers. Because this
is a singly-applicable definite description, it cannot sensibly restrict the adverb
‘always’, since this would yield something like a false “scalar” implicature to
the effect, in essence, that this singly-applicable definite description multiply
applies. So we cannot account for the natural reading of this sentence by
assigning it the logical form: ‘[always : the customer] x̂ x is right’. But note
that what’s being claimed here is not intuitively even like a quantification-
over-individuals reading for the adverb. We don’t say, in uttering this sentence,
that every customer is habitually right. Rather, we say that every customer in
a certain type of situation is right in that situation. What’s the relevant type of
situation? Something like a dispute between customer and employee. It looks
like we need to be able to accommodate something like the situation-based
approach in order to account for sentences like these (as well as the situation-
readings for the a-sentences in (41–44)). But there is nothing inherently
undermining in that. The semantics proposed here for descriptions will have
82 Delia Graff Fara
to modularly mesh with semantic accounts for any other type of phrase it
can co-occur with.27
Let’s look at Stanley’s proposal.28 He argues that we can account for
this sentence as a case of binding into a nominal restriction, a device which,
he proposes, accounts for a wide and somewhat disparate-seeming variety of
cases of context-dependence, including especially quantifier-domain restric-
This says what we want it to say: that every dispute (between customer and
employee) is an i such that the customer in i is right.31 One advantage this
Descriptions with Adverbs of Quantification 83
1. Throughout, I’ll use single quotes for both name-forming quotation and quasi-
quotation, and will drop the quotes in some cases for the sake of readability.
2. For a more developed and formal presentation of this idea, consult Link (1983,
for example).
3. For this proposal, along with independent motivations for it, see for example
Ladusaw (1982), Link (1987), and Krifka (1999).
4. For definite–numeral combinations I assume the syntactic structure [the [num F ]]
rather than the structure [[the num] F].
5. Here I represent pluralities as sums, which would have annoyed Sharvy given his
insistence (Sharvy 1980, p. 620) that, e.g., the men in Auckland are men, and hence
essentially a plurality, rather than some one single, mysterious sort of entity.
6. This is noted by George Wilson (1978, p. 51f.) and James Higginbotham (1987),
and is discussed in section IV of Graff (2001).
7. The syntax is reminiscent of that for Robert Stalnaker’s (1977) language L̂, in
which a logical formula such as ∀x̂F x is parsed as consisting of the quantifier ∀
and the complex predicate x̂F x formed by predicate abstraction. It extends the
syntax of L̂ in allowing restricted as well as unrestricted quantifiers.
8. In saying this, I blur the distinction between a set and its characteristic function
on the relevant domain, since Barwise & Cooper take a generalized quantifier to
be a set of sets of individuals.
9. This generalized quantifier can be obtained compositionally, moreover, from the
semantic value of the determiner and that of F, by assigning the determiner ‘every’
the appropriate type !!e, t", !!e, t", t"" function. Consult Barwise & Cooper (1981,
§2) or Heim & Kratzer (1998, ch. 6) for further details and elaboration.
10. A brief remark about terminology: in calling descriptions “determiner phrases”
I assume that the definite and indefinite articles, as well as numeral words, are
determiners, even though on my proposal they have the semantics of a predicate
modifier. I reserve the word ‘quantifier’ for those determiners with semantic type
!!e, t", !!e, t", t"", and ‘quantifier phrase’ for phrases of type !!e, t", t". ‘Restricted
quantifier’ is the term I use for those expressions that represent quantifier phrases
in the language being used to represent logical forms.
11. Or other phrase that has a type t semantic value at the level of logical form.
12. Essentially, we have allowed the (restricted quantifier restricted by the) indefinite
description to adjoin to something other than a sentence, namely, to the definite
description in which it is embedded. This sort of quantifier raising had already
been proposed by May (1985) under the heading of “inverse linking”. Allowing
it requires some complications of either the syntax or the semantics. Rather than
84 Delia Graff Fara
Zamparelli (1998) had already proposed the same idea in work I’ve only since
become aware of.
16. Here I suppress the internal logical form of the definite description inside the
restricted quantifier for the sake of readability. Spelled out, the whole thing
[∅GEN : ŷ([∅∃ : a mystery novel] ẑ y ((is) the author of z))] x̂ x is popular;
which is worth emphasizing so that it is clear that this is a multiply-applicable
definite description.
17. This much-discussed difference is observed in Lawler’s (1973) dissertation. For
more recent discussion of it, see for example Greenberg (2002) and the references
cited there.
18. Three subspecies of tiger went extinct in the last century; there are five remaining
ones (all endangered, three on the brink of extinction).
19. The fact that definite descriptions are subject to quantificational-variability effects
has pretty much been ignored or gone unnoticed. I suspect that this is because it’s
only multiply-applicable definite descriptions that are capable of exhibiting this
20. As vigorously defended by Stephen Neale (1990).
21. This has been stressed to me in discussion by Jeffrey King and Jason Stanley, and
also in a presentation by Berit Brogaard (2005).
22. Partitives aren’t required in order to get a quantification-over-situations reading
for quantifier phrases with adverbs of quantification. For example:
• All philosophers in the department sometimes attend an APA meeting;
• Some student who procrastinates usually fails.
The tentative generalization is that we get a quantification-over-situations reading
for these sentences because the sentences themselves raise to salience a type
of situation, either by mentioning it explicitly (APA meetings) or by using an
implicitly relational phrase (‘fail’) that has a type of situation (a class, say) as a
relatum. The first example was given to me by King, the second by Brogaard.
23. The descriptions-as-predicates view shares this advantage with Lewis’s (1975)
original proposal, and the developments of it instigated by Kamp (1981) and
Heim (1982).
24. The proposal Neale sketches (1990, pp. 247–251) can be viewed as a start in this
same direction. I should mention that Heim and von Fintel explicitly commit to
Russellianism only about indefinite descriptions.
25. It seems to me that these situations are very much like states of affairs that obtain.
26. Since ! in this case entails ", we can just re-write (! ∧ ") as !. I should mention
that von Fintel himself would probably not accept this paraphrase (though I
suspect that Heim would) since he implies that a bare minimal situation in which
there’s a Scandinavian is not sufficiently “situation-like” to serve as a contextual
restriction for an adverb of quantification, and would apparently prefer instead
to quantify over minimal situations in which we’re “encountering” or “sampling”
Scandinavians (2004, p. 163). I don’t think this is a promising tactic, in part for the
reason discussed by Lewis with respect to his example about quadratic equations,
but also because it requires that we the encounterers in these situations are not
ourselves blue-eyed Scandinavians.
86 Delia Graff Fara
27. This point is well-made throughout Neale’s (1990) Descriptions (with respect to
his favored theory, of course).
28. See pp. 386f.
29. See Stanley & Szabó (2000).
30. In order for this to be in keeping with the requirement that the description re-
stricting an adverb occur in the argument position of the verb phrase superficially
modified by that adverb, we have to think of ‘right’ as it occurs here as really
meaning something like ‘right in i’, which seems desirable.
31. Or: ‘is right in i’; see the preceding footnote.
32. For discussion of matters relevant to this paper I am especially indebted to Berit
Brogaard, Paul Elbourne, Michael Fara, Irene Heim, Jeffrey King, Robert May,
Daniel Rothschild and Jason Stanley.
Barwise, Jon and Cooper, Robin. (1981) ‘Generalized Quantifiers and Natural Language’,
Linguistics and Philosophy 4: 159–219.
Brogaard, Berit. (2005) Russell’s Theory of Descriptions vs. the Predicative Analysis: a Reply
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Association, New York, December 2005.
Cohen, Ariel. (1999) Think Generic!, CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA.
Fara, Delia Graff. (2001) ‘Descriptions as Predicates,’ Philosophical Studies 102(1): 1–42.
Originally published under the name ‘Delia Graff’.
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sachusetts, Amherst.
———. (2004) ‘A Minimal Theory of Adverbial Quantification’, in H. Kamp and B. Partee,
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Krifka, M. (1999) ‘At Least Some Determiners Aren’t Determiners’, in K. Turner, ed., The
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Ladusaw, William. (1982) ‘Semantic Constraints on the English Partitive Construction’, in
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Lawler, John. (1973) Studies in English Generics, PhD thesis, University of Michigan, Ann
Descriptions with Adverbs of Quantification 87
Leslie, Sarah-Jane. (n.d.) Generics: Cognition and Acquisition. Unpublished MS., Princeton
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