Application Form For Admission (Session 2020-21) : Examination Year Institution/Board Subject Offered Division With %
Application Form For Admission (Session 2020-21) : Examination Year Institution/Board Subject Offered Division With %
Application Form For Admission (Session 2020-21) : Examination Year Institution/Board Subject Offered Division With %
App.No. : 202545
Name : GANGA
Gender : Female
Category : GEN
Father's Name : LALA RAM KORI Father's Mobile :9760219318 Parents Email :
Local Address : JHALKARI BASTI BILKESHWAR ROAD HARIDWAR UK Religion : HINDU Do you belong to Minority ? : NO
Are you Resident of Uttarakhand ? : YES Duration of Residence : Uttarakhand Region : NONE
Board/Univ.: HNB GARHWAL UNIVERSITY Last Examinations Passed : B.A Institute Last Attended : SMJN PG COLLEGE HARIDWAR Passing Year : 2020
Educational Qualification
Q1. Have you been caught using unfair means in any examination ? NO
Q2. Have you been punished for using unfair means in any examination ? NO
Q3. Have you applied for admission in any other course in any institution ? NO
Q4. Are you studying, at present, in any other course in any institution ? NO
Q5. Are you employed, at present, in any organisation (public or private) ? NO
Q6. Have you faced any legal trial for any offense ? NO
I,GANGA S/o.D/o.Mr./Mrs./Ms.LALA RAM KORI, solemnly, declare that all information provided by me in this application for admission are true to the best of my belief.
I have also carefully read and fully understood the rules and regulations of the Central Government / UGC /Government of Uttarakhand / HNB Garhwal University and
the college. I hereby undertake that
1. I shall abide by all the rules and regulations of the above-mentioned authorities.
2. I have selected course after careful thought and will not request for any change after recommendation by the admission committee.
3. I shall achieve the target of 75 per cent attendance in every course separately and will appear in all internal and external examinations.
4. I shall not indulge myself in any act of indiscipline and ragging.
5. I have filled online & attached affidavits for not indulging in ragging of any type and at any level.
I hereby agree that if found guilty of any aspect of ragging, indiscipline,violation of rules and regulations and providing false information given in this form, I may be
punished as per the provisions of the government/university/college. I hereby also agree that if my admission is found against rules and regulations, I shall have no
objection for cancellation of my admission thereof.
9/15/2020 S.M.J.N. (P.G.) COLLEGE, HARIDWAR, UTTARAKHAND| Session 2020-21
Undertaking By Candidates
I GANGA of course BA III ( Sem III (Aided) ), hereby affirm and state as the document and other information submitted by me to the college are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I understand that if any document or information is found to be false, admission shall be liable to get cancelled and fee deposited will be
Payment Reciept