Manobo Dictionary of Manobo As Spoken in The Agusan River Valley and The Diwata Mountain Range (PDFDrive)
Manobo Dictionary of Manobo As Spoken in The Agusan River Valley and The Diwata Mountain Range (PDFDrive)
Manobo Dictionary of Manobo As Spoken in The Agusan River Valley and The Diwata Mountain Range (PDFDrive)
Teofilo E. Gelacio
Jason Lee Kwok Loong
Ronald L. Schumacher
Manobo: Agusan
Copyright Summer Institute of Linguistics © 2000
by Jason Lee
If the letter o is not used to spell the u sound, what sound does it
represent? It does not represent the sound written with the letter o in
Filipino, such as in the Filipino word ngayon 'now'. Instead, in Manobo, it
represents what we call a schwa or pepet sound. The tongue and lips are in
the same position as when making the a sound, but the mouth is not
opened as wide, only half as wide.
If the letter e is not used to spell the i sound, what sound does it
represent? It represents the same sound written with the letter e in Filipino
as in the word ate 'older sister'.
The vowel sound ue is not found in Filipino, Cebuano or English.
To pronounce this sound, first make the sound i. You will notice that your
tongue is high up and in front of the mouth, and your lips are spread.
Without moving the tongue, round your lips as when making the sound u.
Or, first make the sound u. You will notice that your tongue is high up and
at the back of the mouth, and your lips are rounded. Without moving the
lips, move your tongue in front of the mouth as when making the sound i.
This vowel sounds like a cross between i and u because the lips are in the
same position as when making the sound u but the tongue is in the same
position as when making the sound i.
1.2 Glottal Stop
One 'sound' is not always written. That is the glottal stop. The
glottal stop is the 'catch in the throat' between the uh and the oh of the
English uh-oh or the way some English speakers pronounce the tt in words
like button.
In Manobo, we do not write the glottal stop when it is at the
beginning of a word, as in abaga 'shoulder', or when it is between vowels,
as in baaw (pronounced ba-aw) 'trail food'. We do write glottal stop with a
dash (-) when it is after a consonant, as in agid-id 'body-dirt', or when it is
between two vowels and one of the vowel sounds is written with two
letters (ae or ue), as in a-ae 'for a boar to pant'. In this dictionary, the
glottal stop is also written with a grave accent (`) when it is at the end of a
word, as in bakà 'jaw'. The word looks like it ends with a vowel but it
really ends in a glottal stop. If you do not write the glottal stop, then it may
be difficult to tell if the word is baka 'cow' or bakà 'jaw'.
1.3 Stress
Stress in Manobo words is usually a longer syllable with a slightly
louder volume. Stress is very important in Manobo in telling words apart.
Therefore, stress is written in this dictionary. We write it with an
apostrophe (') before the stressed syllable. For example, the only
difference between 'hilu 'thread' and hi'lu 'poison', is stress. In the first
word, the first syllable is stressed. In the second word, the second syllable
is stressed.
1.4 Consonants
The sixteen consonants of Manobo are spelled with the following
TABLE 2 Consonant Chart
Consonants Manobo
b 'baktas ‘hike’
d dadu'wa ‘two’
g gu'yangan ‘forest’
h hi'ngow ‘be drunk’
j ja'bu ‘spill’
k 'kanta ‘sing’
l la'ba ‘launder’
m ma'mà ‘betelnut chew’
n ni'pis ‘thin’
ng 'ngadan ‘name’
p 'panow ‘walk’
r ri'pulyu ‘cabbage’
s so'dà ‘viand’
t ti'yahù ‘cry’
w wo'hig ‘water’
y 'yukos ‘male’
adj. adjective OvSyn overlapping
adv. adverb synonym
Aff affix part. particle
Ant antonym prep. preposition
conj. conjunction pro. pronoun
det. determiner s.o. someone
e.g. for example sp species
esp. especially s.t. something
exis. existential s.w. somewhere
Gram grammar Syn synonym
interj. interjection v. verb
interr. interrogative var. variety
n. noun voc. vocative noun
a'dangay See main entry: sa'dangay. kaad'lawon adv. early in the morning.
'adey n. scabies, an itchy skin disease. aeg See main entry: 'ayag.
a'dì interj. ouch! exclamation of pain. 'aegad v. accompany s.o. who carries
s.t. to that person's destination in order
a'didit See main entry: a'ririt. to bring back that s.t.
a'dò See main entry: a'jò. 'aeg-aeg v. intrude; try to do s.t. when
one does not know how to do it; for s.o.
'adobang See main entry: a'jobang. of higher status to intrude into matters
concerning those of lower status.
a'dom adj. dull or lacklustre, of Aff: pa-.
formerly shiny things; dim, of light or
eyesight; dark blue, as the sea or the 'aeg-ag Variant: 'ag-ag; 'adag. v. sift;
evening sky. be shaken and jolted while riding a
a'doy interj. ouch! exclamation of pain,
hate, anger, fear, hardship. 'aehu n. pestle.
'aep-ap See main entry: 'aep-aep. 'agbot adj. intense; loud. Aff: ma-.
'agi n. accomplishments.
'agka voc. spouse! term of address 'agsa voc. cousin! term of address
between marriage partners. between cousins.
Usage: archaic.
'agsam n. vine sp. Core pith is used for
'agkap adj. light in weight. Aff: ma-. making bracelets, small baskets and
bags. fresh leaves are used for
'agkot adj. sticky. Aff: ma-. temporary building decoration.
v. pick on s.o. weaker; for a male to alika'kà n. kind of small frog heard
pick on a female. especially in rainy season from
locations where there is standing water.
ajum'-ajum v. pacify an angry or drunk
person; placate s.o.; appease a spirit. aliko'ub n. eyelid; tender area of skin
below the eye.
a'jun v. do s.t. properly or in a
comfortable position. Ali'mogkat n. name of a female spirit.
Believed to cause plagues.
'ak-ak v. split wood into lumber;
unsheath banana or abaca trunk. alim'puyus n. whirlwind.
akup'-akup v. do all of s.t. (especially a'ling v. care for an animal with a view
work), not letting others do it; to obtain a share of the offspring.
v. watch over cooking food or a cooking
'akwag v. for a dog to bark at s.t. or fire.
s.o. while pursuing it; for a dog to bark.
ali'ngaot v. feel hot, not due to fever.
a'lagad v. serve s.o.
ali'ngasa v. feel uneasy; feel hot and
n. servant. From: Cebuano. humid. From: Cebuano.
ali'wakos v. writhe or grimace in pain. 'ambà Variant: 'abà. voc. father! term
of address to one's father.
a'liwas n. bull monkey.
'ambag v. meet intentionally along a
'ama voc. mother! term of address to route.
one's mother.
amba'hù interj. pitiful! exclamation of
a'mà voc. father! term of address to pity towards s.t. or s.o. weak or lonely.
one's father.
'ambak n. frog.
'amà voc. brother! term of address to
an older male. 'ambat n. fence.
ami'minsae n. large dark red ant. Fat 'amue Variant: 'amuy. v. eat s.t. off a
and dark red or black; more than half an bone, seed, utensil, or finger.
inch long; has large mandibles that can Idiom: Ogpakaamue ka to tudyu nu.
tear skin; usually nests in palm ‘You will become very poor. (Lit: You
branches. See main entry: 'binsae. will put your finger in your mouth (as
your only viand).)’.
a'mison n. tree with edible fruit.
Source of drinking water when tapped. a'mung n. cause of trouble or
ami'yaetuk See main entry:
ama'maetuk. amung'-amung v. be the cause of
trouble or misfortune.
ami'yatuk See main entry: ama'maetuk.
amung'-amungan v. act maliciously.
a'momos n. small ant which nests in
tree branches. Nests used as bait for fish 'amut n. contribution. From: Cebuano.
traps ('bogjas) for catfish ('pantat) and
land crabs (yo'sob). amu'watuk See main entry:
amo'nu interr. what; how.
'amuy See main entry: 'amue.
amo'nuhon interr. how.
amu'yatuk See main entry:
'amoy n. father. ama'maetuk.
'andì voc. woman! girl! term of 'anggop v. for the body of a person or
address used by a girl or woman in animal to be completely infected by a
addressing another female of the same disease.
approximate age.
'anggot n. scar left on a person or
an'dini v. come here. animal by a rope which has been tied
andi'yà v. go away; go there, s.w. very
far from the speaker. 'anghit v. for s.o. to have body odor.
Aff: -on.
ando'i See main entry: ande'i.
'anghuy adj. for food or chaff to smell
'andung v. attend a feast or other burnt.
gathering where food is served.
Usage: archaic. a'ngi adj. foul-smelling fishy smell, of
improperly dried fish, or vaginal odors.
andu'on v. go there, s.w. not too far Aff: ma-.
from the speaker.
'angin v. implicate s.o. in an incident.
an'dutun v. go there, s.w. moderately
far from the speaker. 'angkadi v. give me! imperative
command to give s.t. to the speaker.
a'ngadon interj. oh! exclamation of
surprise. 'angkae n. altar where the sacrificial
animal is tied and killed. Commonly
a'ngag v. be cut short in the middle of used for pigs, sometimes for chickens.
an activity or climax.
ang'kani v. come here to the location
'ang-ang n. steps of stairs or ladder. of the speaker.
From: Cebuano.
'angkas v. ride mounted on s.t. From:
'angay adj. proper. Cebuano.
ani'hit adj. scarce, of food, shelter, 'anoy n. kind of termite with red head
clothing and other things considered and white body.
necessary for survival.
'ansod adj. burnt tasting, of food.
Ani'lungan to To'gas, 'Alidan to
Yum'bajan n. name of a mythical v. for food to be burnt.
an'taebun See main entry: anta'labun.
a'nislag n. hardwood tree used for
house posts and fences. anta'labun Variant: aen'taebun;
an'taebun. n. kind of white bird; Eastern
anis'lagon adj. reddish colored, of a Saurus Crane; heron. Grus antigone.
fighting cock similar to the color of the
inner bark of the a'nislag tree. antali'got v. whirl around.
'Anit1 n. female spirit of thunder and n. s.t. that whirls around; whirlwind;
lightning. whirlpool.
v. for the spirit Anit to punish s.o. for 'anti v. try; taste.
breaking a taboo. Anit taboos cover
incest and inappropriate behaviour 'antig Variant: 'ontig. n. kind of frog
towards certain animals, insects, and with long thin legs; person with long
reptiles. thin legs. Frog usually seen on dried
banana and other kinds of leaves. Light
'anit2 n. hide of an animal that has been in color. Leaves behind a little amount
skinned. of water when it jumps.
an'toyò v. stare blankly into space with a'pali n. edible kind of sweet tuber.
the body motionless, as when in deep Dioscorea esculenta. Grows as a thorny
thought. Aff: pa-. vine
antu'lihow See main entry: anti'huyow. a'pan n. katydid; green hopping insect
with elongated head.
'antus v. endure.
apa'pangig n. sides of the jawbone.
an'tutu v. heap s.t. over the brim of a
container. 'apas v. hurry an activity.
kaa'nugun v. feel that s.t. is wasted. a'pid v. double or place s.t. in multiple
layers; commit adultery.
a'nunang n. kind of medium sized tree.
Fruit is used as a glue; also a favorite a'pil v. include. From: Spanish.
food of birds. Bark and top is boiled and
drunk as a remedy for cough and fever. api'lidu n. surname. From: Spanish.
anu'nulì n. praying mantis. Young a'pipi v. carry s.t., esp. a child, on the
boys are warned to not go naked below waist above the hips.
the waist or they may be circumcised
('tulì) by the praying mantis. 'apis n. low fence trap or dam for wild
animals or fish. Made of sticks and
'anyad v. guide or lead s.o. s.w.; guide leaves about a foot high. Funnel shaped.
s.o. how to do s.t. Game or fish are funnelled or guided
into the trap by this fence.
manga'toyug n. hen that lays eggs. a'waaw adj. for a place to be isolated
and lonely. From: Cebuano.
'atras v. go backwards. From: Spanish.
Aw-a'junan n. mythical person who
atsa'-atsa v. be harried because of an built a golden house (salim'bae) for
inability to cope with a great deal of Yumabot, a righteous man.
work in a limited amount of time. From:
Cebuano. a'wak v. bleed vaginally. From:
'atsal n. green pepper. From: Cebuano.
a'wang n. clearing.
a'tu interj. wow! exclamation at the
sight of s.t. of great size, speed, height, ma'awang adj. clear.
weight or number.
'awas v. flow, leak.
'atu v. challenge.
awasan v. menstruate.
a'tubang v. face s.o.
'awat v. acquire a plant or animal with
a'tue v. for two or more people to work the purpose of reproducing it.
together performing complementary
tasks in a job that requires more than 'awey n. makeshift oar or paddle.
one participant.
v. paddle a boat with an instrument
a'tuli n. ear wax; smelly liquid ear wax other than an oar or paddle.
from an ear infection.
'awig adj. for a voice to be loud and
atu'ngag v. have tooth decay. prolonged. Aff: ma-.
See: tu'ngag.
pa'awig v. call s.o. loudly and
a'tuyub n. small fire made using prolonged at the top of the voice.
medicinal herbs.
a'wos v. desire strongly.
v. smoke and heat s.o. in a herbal fire.
n. desire; ambition.
aw1 conj. and.
a'wu interj. oh! exclamation of pity.
aw2 interj. oh!
ay interj. oh! exclamation of anguish.
aw a'taè interj. oh darn! exclamation of
frustration or disgust as after missing a 'ayad n. fence.
target or stepping on s.t. dirty.
'ayag1 v. crave or eat only viands.
aw ay interj. oh no! exclamation at the
sight of s.t. or s.o. pitiful. 'ayag2 n. kind of rattan with edible
fruit. Fruit is an ingredient of betelnut
aw 'naan interj. oh really? exclamation quid.
of incredulity.
'baengagon adj. large, of s.o.'s head. 'bae-ugtu See main entry: bi'yugtu.
'baentì n. medium sized tree with large ba'gae n. stem of the ecmo vine. Used
leaves and branches like inverted as ingredient of betelnut quid instead of
tripods. Bark used for dyeing; pith in ecmo leaves if there are no leaves.
the middle of the trunk is soft and
foamy; wood easy to split; branches Baga'isan n. Bagaisan lake.
used as chair legs.
ba'gakis n. ritual belt worn by a priest
'bae-os v. for prepared food to spoil or or priestess. Made out of braided cords
turn rancid. of 'nitù vine strips and human hair;
bundles of dried aromatic herbs, seeds,
'bae-ot v. mix; mingle. OvSyn: sakot. bark, roots, shells and charms are
attached to it.
baes adj. rough. Aff: ma-, Ant: a'linoy,
'hinglis. ba'gakwang Variant: ba'kagwang. n.
spine; backbone.
'baetbat v. fence an area to keep out
animals which might spoil a crop. 'bag-ang n. molar.
OvSyn: 'aebat, 'ayad, ku'dae.
v. bite using the molars.
'baetik n. spear trap for catching large
animals (e.g. pigs, deer) or people. bi'nag-ang n. pandan leaves which
Consists of a sharpened stake attached have been stripped and are wider (about
to a young sapling which is bent back half inch wide) than the usual size of
and acts as a spring. stripped pandan leaves (about quarter
inch wide), so called because it is about
v. trap an animal with a 'baetik trap. the size of a molar. Used for weaving
large baskets and mats.
bae'tinow n. type of hard black stone in
river beds. ba'gani n. warrior. Refers to a man
who has killed many people. He is
n. s.t. used for tying or bundling objects bagu'bae v. beat s.o. or an animal
together. severely.
ba'gumbun See main entry: ba'gunbun. darkens as it ages. Used to hold rice
wine, sugar cane wine, etc.
ba'gunbun Variant: ba'gumbun. n. type
of sand consisting mostly of sand and n. sacred porcelain jar with tiger head
some plant residue; sandy loam. handles and dragon figures on the body.
Used as the seat for an inductee during
ba'gutbut v. complain. induction (yug'natan) as a chief or
ba'guyus n. sound of strong wind.
n. wealth of a person as indicated by
'bagwae v. break up soil with a sharp possessions.
pointed stick.
baha'on v. sneeze.
'bagyoy n. bow and arrow used for
hunting small prey such as fish, fowl, v. abort journey. Abort a journey when
monkeys and lizards. Double or triple a person or animal in a travelling party
pronged barbed metal arrowhead is sneezes because of the belief that
attached to the arrow shaft (daga'sà) misfortune will befall if the journey
with a string and is detachable. continues.
Arrowhead will be embedded in the
prey, while the shaft serves as a float (in 'bahaw n. leftover or cold food.
water), called pa'taw, or an anchor (on
land). v. cool down to room temperature.
ba'hada n. steep downhill grade. 'bahì n. fishtail palm. Caryota sp. Top
Syn: baki'lid. From: Spanish. is edible and also a source of tuba
('tunggang). Wood used as flooring.
ba'hae v. ferment tuba. Core used to propagate edible larvae
n. coconut sap (tuba) that is highly
fermented but not yet vinegar. 'bahin1 v. divide.
Maintained as fermented tuba and not
vinegar by constant transfer of n. share.
container, removing the residue.
'bahin2 prep. about.
ba'hag n. g-string.
ba'hit v. for a wild pig to eat
pama'hag v. wear g-strings. agricultural crops.
'tamahag adj. of a person who always 'bahiwey See main entry: 'baehiwey.
and only wears g-strings.
'bahog v. warn or stop s.o. from doing
'bahan n. sawed lumber. s.t., usually s.t. bad or dangerous.
roots for lightning and thunder; and a bi'naju n. rice after pounding.
command to stop.
ba'jun v. approve or like s.t. that a
'bai n. female chief; title of a female person does; consider s.t. that a person
tribal leader. does right.
bina'kilid adj. for a pig to be laying on 'balbas v. shave hair from the face or
its side tied on the sacrificial table ready head.
to be sacrificed.
n. razor. From: Spanish.
ba'kit n. castrated pig.
'balhin v. transfer residence or objects
'baknà adj. half full. to another location.
'baknit v. trip outer layer off abaca. ba'li v. of two possible positions of s.t,
to be the wrong way.
ba'kod adj. for a part of the body such
as the eye or the belly to feel v. turn s.t. over, around, or inside-out.
uncomfortable, as when having foreign
particles under the lower eyelid. 'bali1 adv. finally.
Aff: ma-.
'bali2 n. value.
bako'kò See main entry: bajo'kò.
v. buy s.t. on credit.
bako'san n. python.
ba'libad v. make an excuse; refuse a
bi'nakosan n. kind of design in request.
weaving, beadwork and tatooing.
ba'lidbid n. tenderloin, muscles
'baktas v. walk a long distance. stretching along the spine.
Syn: po'tos.
ba'ligà v. enlist volunteer help.
'baktin n. piglet.
paba'ligà v. work voluntarily.
baku'kang n. cockroach.
ba'ligdà See main entry: ba'ligjà.
ba'kukang n. large skin ulcer.
ba'ligjà Variant: ba'ligdà. v. sell.
'bakung See main entry: 'baekung.
n. things for sale.
bak'yow v. raise hand/arm.
'balihow Variant: 'walihow. n. large
n. armband made of 'nitù vine or brass. hardwood tree with edible sour fruit.
Good for building materials.
bak'yawan n. arm.
bali'hukù n. fragrant medicinal herb.
bala'la adj. for bananas to have hard, OvSyn: 'kadlom, 'kadiyà.
reddish spots, indicating woody flesh.
OvSyn: 'bugtok. 'balik v. return. From: Cebuano.
bali'koskos v. wrap a cloth around the n. knife made out of a sliver of the outer
body; wrap a cloth around the body layer of bamboo. Used to cut the
unde the arms. umbilical cord or tobacco leaves.
'banhod v. for a part of the body to feel 'banwa n. place; home; world.
n. honeycomb.
'banlod v. imprison. From: Cebuano
banlud. ma'banwa adj. large, of a honeycomb
or insect nest.
ban'sagon1 v. shout in anger; shout
expletives; speak loudly in anger. Ban'waon n. name of an ethnic group.
water. Fruit usually eaten by deer and Some priests might rub the object on
bu'titok parrakeets. Places where this their forehead to aid visualization of the
tree grows are considered fertile. cause of an illness during a healing
ceremony. A midwife would rub it on
'basloy n. broom. her forehead to prevent blindness.
'basta conj. provided; mark my word; v. for s.o. to give a personal object to a
as long as. priest, priestess, midwife, or other such
'basu n. drinking glass. From: Spanish.
'batà n. child.
'basue1 Variant: 'basuy. v. blame;
regret; repent. ba'tad n. corn.
'batuk v. find or retrieve s.t. that was 'bayak Variant: baek. v. meet or find
hidden by oneself or, if hidden by s.o. s.o.
else, which the retriever knows the
location of; go or return s.w. to retrieve hi'bayak v. for people to meet
s.t. hidden. accidentally.
ba'yongkag See main entry: 'bengkag. 'bayus v. clean off the soft unused core
of rattan strips by scraping with a blade.
'bayos v. reciprocate good or evil;
reply; revenge. bayu'wow See main entry: bayu'yow.
bayu'don adj. bluish grey color, of 'bebos v. wave s.t. back and forth, such
chicken. Color of a certain dove as a fire-torch, palm frond or
('bayud). See main entry: 'bayud. handkerchief.
ba'yugtu See main entry: bi'yugtu. 'begbog v. throw s.t. with one or two
ba'yugu n. kind of vine which grows
along riverbanks. Stem is pounded, bek Variant: bo'yok. n. color.
mixed with water, and a bubbly juice is
extracted and used as a shampoo or ma'bek adj. colorful.
'bengkag Variant: ba'yongkag. n. mane
ba'yuk adj. bent. of a pig (usually only wild boars have
manes) or horse; pig's hair. Pig's mane
bayu'kow n. long climbing bamboo can be made into a necklace or bracelet.
about an inch in diameter with prickly
segments about ten inches long. ben--on See main entry: balin--on.
Segments contain much water which is
used for drinking when in the forest. 'benù Variant: ba'yunù. n. tree and fruit
Segments are split lengthwise and made that looks like mango, but green with a
into rim clamps when weaving baskets. fibrous rounded seed.
'bewang n. durian seed with the fruit 'bigtow v. break s.t. long and narrow.
still sticking to it.
'bigtujan n. edible fungus that grows
beybatà See main entry: 'baebatà. on dead plants during the wet season.
Emits a flourescent light ('aemag) at
'beytu Variant: 'betu. n. boat made night.
from a carved tree trunk.
'bigwas v. slash or stab s.o. with a
'biad v. for the back of a person or weapon unexpectedly, without warning.
animal to arch backward or curve
concavely, such as a pregnant woman or 'bihag v. capture.
pig, or a horse with many riders.
n. captive.
'bibi n. metal tool used in harvesting
rice. Syn: ka'lut. bi'ka v. roast s.t. by placing it beside
the fire, usually root crops.
v. harvest rice by cutting each head
individually. 'bikad v. spread the legs wide apart.
'bilas n. dirt that forms in the eye. 'bingà v. bend the gape of a fish hook
wider or narrower; for a hook to pull
pang'himilas v. rub eye dirt out of the and straighten while fishing.
bi'ngas adj. hare-lipped, of one whose
bila'sà adj. greedy, of s.o. who eats a upper lip is split; be shy, as if one is
lot all the time. hare-lipped.
biling'hinas See main entry: ber'hinas. 'bingwit v. fish with hook and line.
'binug n. ground composed of boggy v. visit with s.o. at his or her house.
mud. From: English.
bi'nukyad Variant: bi'nokyad. n. type 'bislay adj. mute. Syn: po'hà. From:
of plait like weave design for rattan or Cebuano.
vines. For rattan, this weave is usually
constructed from a single strand. This 'bisti n. clothes.
rattan weave is commonly used for
ferrules of tools and weapons. Vine v. put clothes on; saddle a horse. From:
weave is made into bracelets, armbands Spanish.
and legbands for men.
'bistiga v. for an official to investigate
bi'nuli v. do s.t. futile or useless. s.o. From: English.
bi'tik v. leave a long line or trail of s.t. bi'yugtu Variant: 'bae-ugtu; ba'yugtu;
'buegtu. n. rainbow. Syn: 'baengow.
'bitok n. roundworm. Usage: archaic.
'bogsang v. have high fever. 'bokos v. wrap s.t. for roasting, usually
fish or meat with banana or a'nahaw
'bogtak v. break; crack open. palm leaves.
bu'ad See main entry: bu'wad. 'budjak n. spear that is prized by the
owner. Usually used only during war.
'buad adj. thrifty. Aff: ma-.
'budjung n. horn made from large
bu'ada See main entry: bu'aja. shells or long tubes. Formerly used for
bu'aja Variant: bu'ada. n. crocodile.
'budon Variant: 'budun. n. honeybee
binu'aja n. bamboo or wooden carving larvae still in the comb or extracted
of a crocodile. from the comb; honeycomb with larvae
still in the comb.
n. kind of design in embroidery,
beadwork and tattooing. 'buduk See main entry: 'bujuk.
bu'ang adj. crazy; foolish; mad. budu'kut See main entry: buju'kut.
'bubi See main entry: 'bubue. 'budun See main entry: 'budon.
'bubu n. kind of funnel shaped woven 'budung See main entry: 'bujung.
fish trap about six feet long and more
than a foot in diameter. Much larger 'buegtu See main entry: bi'yugtu.
than 'bogjas.
bueng Variant: bu'yung. v. be satisfied.
bubu'ae v. for s.o. to act disgruntled,
murmuring and stomping the feet, but bues Variant: bu'yus. n. pole; unit of
still obeying instructions. s.t. long such as logs, bamboo or sugar
'bubue Variant: 'bubi; 'bubuy;
'buwibuwi. n. hair; feathers; fur. 'bue-us See main entry: 'biy-us.
'bubunbun adj. for the direction of the bu'ga v. spit s.t. out forcefully.
whinnying sound of the turtle-dove to
come from the direction just above the 'bugà n. pulverized lime used for
forehead directly ahead from the betelnut quid.
perspective of a traveller. Considered a
bad omen. 'bugae n. sow.
v. do s.t. through daybreak. Aff: na--an. bu'law adj. brown colored, of a pig.
'bukni See main entry: 'buknue. v. pull down one's lower eyelid at s.o.,
saying "bu'likat"; rejoice at s.o.'s
'buknue Variant: 'bukni. n. bulge or misfortune.
bubuli'kat v. for a woman to sit
v. for s.t. to bulge. Syn: 'bukdu. exposing her genitals.
'bunggan v. cook s.t. in a fire, wrapped 'bungyuy n. kind of softwood tree with
in leaves and placed on the coals. long pods and winged seeds. Wood
used for carving religious artifacts.
bi'nungganan n. s.t. cooked in a fire
wrapped in leaves. 'bunlow v. anoint the head with oil.
bun'titon adj. of a man with a pot belly. na'musbus v. for rice panicles to come
out of the stem, a stage in rice growth.
bunti'yak n. pot belly of a man.
bu'sikad adj. satisfied or full with food.
bunti'yakon adj. of a man with a pot Usage: archaic.
bu'silow n. sty on the eye.
'buntud n. kind of dark violet colored
rice. Two kinds: Glutinous and non- busi'sow v. urinary affliction
glutinous. characterised by constant passing of
adj. violet colored, the color of 'buntud
rice. 'buslit v. puncture a balloon-like
'buntug v. throw a spear or similar long
thin object with one hand. 'busna v. for s.o. to be through in doing
s.t., considering oneself finished, the
bu'nù v. stab with a pointed weapon task not necessarily being completed.
with an intention to kill; kill by
stabbing; use a spear to stab with both 'busow Variant: 'gusow. n. kind of evil
hands. spirit.
pretend to give when one's intention is bu'butong v. for dogs to fight one
not to give. another.
'butà v. for chickens to fight, usually bu'tù-butù n. kind of large blackish ant
two roosters. with white markings about three
quarters of an inch long. Has a painful
bu'taekae See main entry: bu'takae. bite which tears flesh. Can build their
nests on the ground but usually in
bu'takae Variant: bu'taekae. adj. male hanging plants.
of certain animals, esp. dogs. May
sometimes be applied to males of cats, 'butud v. for s.t. to become bloated.
carabaos, goats, horses and civet cats.
n. bloated dead fish found floating on
'butas v. acquire a dog. the water.
'butbut v. uproot a plant or post with bu'tud adj. for a fish, person or animal
upward movement. to be dead, bloated and floating.
bu'titok n. kind of small green parrot bu'u n. large lump on the skin, usually
with white beak. Usually found eating the size of half a tennis ball, a kind of
the fruit of the a'mison or ba'sikung disease.
'buud v. refuse to accept s.t. because
bu'tiyow n. scar. one feels that what is offered is not
enough, or because it was not given
'butong v. for a dog to fight another when one first asked for it. Aff: pa-.
dog (sometimes applied to cats).
'buuk n. unit of s.t.
bu'wà n. coconut kernel, the soft white bu'yog adj. partially blind.
spongy part in the center of the coconut
from which the shoot grows. na'buyog v. be partially blind, in either
one or both eyes. See: 'buyag.
n. prolapsed uterus.
bu'yow v. quarrel.
bu'wad Variant: bu'ad. v. multiply.
'buyu n. bamboo commonly used for
'buwag v. for a couple to separate. walling, arrows and spears. Cana bojo
bu'waling n. stomach of the 'gingow
fish, quite large. Used as a container for bi'nuyu n. kind of design in cloth
salted mudfish eggs. Hung over the weaving and embroidery.
'buyud n. hill, one side of which is a
bu'wanting adj. dark red background cliff beside a river. Can sometimes be a
with white spots, of the color of a hill surrounded by water with no other
chicken, usually roosters. hills beside it.
'buwibuwi See main entry: 'bubue. bu'yung See main entry: bueng.
'buyag v. be blinded.
'daas v. eat voraciously. OvSyn: 'doos. 'dadae n. ground runner of a plant such
as yam.
dabà-'dabà adj. for s.o. to be brash,
brazen, shameless or impudent. v. for a plant to crawl or put out ground
Aff: ma-. runners.
da'bos Variant: 'dagbos. v. hit s.t. or 'dadun See main entry: 'dajun.
s.o. with s.t. somewhat flexible (such as
a broom or tree branch) with a dadu'wa adj. two.
downward stroke. For example, when
driving away snakes from the trail while tigda'duwa adj. by twos.
travelling at night
dae See main entry: da'ya.
'dabu v. hit s.o. hard in the upper back
with the fist or palm in an overhand daeg n. fallen leaf.
'daenut n. cambium layer of a tree. daga'usu v. for the water level to rise.
da'dagà v. for a group of people to be dag'hà v. bump, bang or crash into s.t.
happy, talking, joking, laughing among
'dagong v. for a dying person to groan. 'dahag v. stay away for a long time.
'dali n. edible winged white ant-like da'maling n. large adult male deer;
insect considered newly stag; buck.
metamorphosed. Appears during light
rain, landing on the river. Collected by dada'malingay n. young buck.
'damdam v. grope about, as in the dark. 'dangan v. for wild animals to eat ripe
fruit, usually fallen ripe fruit.
da'mey adj. thick. Aff: ma-.
'danganon adj. of a tree which bears
'damhug n. dew. fruit that is eaten by wild animals; of a
place which has trees which bear fruit
dami'là v. talk angrily. which are eaten by wild animals.
'dampà v. touch or cover s.t. or s.o. 'dangka v. warm a body part or clothes
with an outstretched palm. near a fire.
dam'pig v. hit s.t. or s.o. with the side 'dangkag v. for nipples to get erect,
of a bolo. esp. when pregnant.
'dampok v. lay s.t. flat on a body dang'kayà v. for s.o. to lay flat on the
briefly for medicinal purpose. back on the ground after falling.
da'tong v. arrive.
dina'tuan n. prize given to the winner da'yà v. for s.o. to lay down with the
in an organised fight. face up; place an object down with the
concave side facing up.
datu-'datu v. for a lot of people to be
lying around dead or sick. 'dayan n. path; way; road.
daw'daega v. for a girl to be around the deg See main entry: 'doyog.
age of first menstruation. Aff: ka-.
'degbuk v. thud; for s.t. or s.o. to make
'dawi v. for a snake to catch prey. a thudding sound when hitting the
ground after falling from a height.
'dawit v. for a fish to bite the bait.
deg'matoy v. wail, esp. because of a
da'wog n. bunch of coconuts. death.
'dawot v. for s.o. to be disappointed at 'dehug v. for s.t. or s.o. slippery to slip
s.o. else. Aff: paN-. Usage: archaic. out from inside s.t. or from the grasp,
such as a baby from the womb or a fish
da'ya Variant: dae. v. bring. from the hands.
v. make s.t. last a long time. 'dikut adj. selfish. Aff: ma-.
di'nigsoyan n. horizon.
di'mudu conj. so; then; therefore 'diwit v. to haul the harvest to the
(discourse particle). Syn: kò i'yan 'naan. granary.
From: Spanish.
di'witan n. large rice basket made out
din pro. he; she; his; her. of pandan leaves. Placed in the middle
of a field when harvesting. Harvesters
'dingding n. wall. fill it from their small harvesting
baskets. When it is full, it is brought up
'dingey Variant: 'ingey. v. shake one's to the granary. See: 'diwit.
head, perhaps in disagreement.
diwong-'diwong v. stagger.
'dingey-dingey rock one's head from
side to side. di'yà n. there, far from the speaker.
'dingi v. rest one's head limply on the di'yan n. there, middle distance from
shoulder. the speaker; sometimes said or written
to or concerning s.o. who is still there.
'dingkug v. bump one's head on s.t.
di'yay-diyay v. walk with a swagger,
'dini n. here. Syn: 'kani. swinging the shoulders back and forth.
do'dow See main entry: do'jow. 'dogsang v. for the rain to start falling.
'dogdog v. travel during the night time. do'hik v. for s.o. to beach a boat or raft
onto the shore from the water.
'dogi adj. many; much; plenty.
Aff: ma-. v. crawl on the belly like a snake or
dogi'han adj. big; huge.
do'hun n. leaf.
kadogi'han adj. majority.
'dojong See main entry: 'doyong.
'dogkae v. for a snake to strike with its
head raised. do'jow Variant: do'dow; 'dejow;
'dedow. v. become healed; do s.t. well
'dogkot v. position s.t. or s.o. close to or good.
s.t. or s.o. else.
mado'jow adj. good.
'dogman n. kind of underwater
freshwater weed. Elodea. kade'jawi v. for s.t. to be the best.
'dogmok v. pulverise ; break into small kade'jawan n. for s.t. to be for the
pieces. benefit of s.o.
throat. Often occurs during the rainy do'ot adj. bad; ugly.
ka'doot n. destruction.
'domdom n. thought; memory; mind.
dodo'ot v. destroy.
v. remember; think.
pando'otan v. for a person to be
pahi'nomdom v. remind s.o. subjected to a bad bird omen.
'donok v. for rain to fall steadily for a 'doyog Variant: deg. v. go.
long time.
pa'deg v. head toward s.w.
do'og v. for s.t. to come into violent
contact with s.t. else or a place. ka'degan n. destiny.
do'on v. for s.o. to press down on s.t. v. travel or look for s.t. outside at night.
See: 'soyom.
'doos v. eat s.t. greedily or hungrily.
n. young female at the early stage of du'on n. there, not too distant.
fertility. See: 'daega.
'dupak v. for s.t. or s.o. to be lured into
'dumang n. fried and pounded a trap.
ka'tumbae chili peppers mixed with
salt. 'dupuk v. pulverize.
du'wa n. two.
duwa'duwa v. vacillate.
du'woy n. wife, not the first.
ed v. soak. See main entry: 'oyod.
'duya1 v. slither like a snake; creep like
a vine. eg1 v. don't!
G - g
ga'ad n. saplings used as poles for
'gaan adj. light in weight. Aff: ma-.
ga'bing adj. for the direction of the ga'ja Variant: ga'da. adv. later in the
whinnying sound of the turtle-dove to same day.
come from the direction directly behind
from the perspective of a traveller. ga'jod adj. only.
Considered a bad omen.
'gajod adv. also.
'gabing v. spread s.t. apart with some
effort. 'gakas v. dismantle or demolish a
'gabun n. fog; low clouds.
ga'kas adj. dilapidated, of a house.
ga'da See main entry: ga'ja.
ga'key v. press an animal or person
'gadey See main entry: 'gadoy. against a post or tree. Aff: i-, ing-.
'gasap v. cut and gather bamboo. ga'wid v. clamp s.t. or s.o. tightly in
the mouth, as a dog or snake would.
'gas-ow n. rafter of a nipa roof. Aff: -an.
gi'hapun adv. still; again; nevertheless. gin-'anow conj. therefore; that's why.
Syn: 'kaling.
gi'hob n. upper abdomen.
'ging-ot adj. cramped; messy. Aff: ma-.
giho'bon v. experience pain in the
upper abdomen. v. feel cramped because of too many
things in an enclosed area.
gi'hoy n. shred.
'gingow n. large freshwater fish.
gi'hoy-gihoy v. for s.t. to be shredded. Stomach of this fish is used to store
salted mudfish eggs.
'gikan prep. from. Syn: 'puun.
gin'hawa n. breath; feeling; seat of the
gini'kanan n. parents; source. emotions.
'ginit n. fibrous sheath at the base of oxbow; cutoff oxbow meander; island
palm trees. From: Cebuano. in a river surrounded by an oxbow
meander and cutoff channel; silted up
gi'nonà adv. just. sections of an oxbow meander between
the oxbow lake and the cutoff channel
Gi'nuu n. Lord; God. From: Cebuano. through the neck of the oxbow; oxbow
meander in a river; oxbow lake; dried
gi'ok v. step on s.t.; thresh by treading. up oxbow lake.
go'bay1 interj. that's right! exclamation v. be able to manage or deal with s.o.
of agreement or approval at the
statement of s.o. else. go'mow1 n. wild duck.
go'da ka interj. it serves you right! go'pù v. snap; break s.t. long and
go'dob v. cut young corn off from the
cob. gosì-'gosì n. sensation of prickles on
the skin from perspiration and the heat
'gogey v. hug s.o. of the sun.
go'gong-an n. nape; back of the neck. go'tab v. cut string, vine, or similar
long stringy objects with a slicing
'gohot n. mark; line. motion.
go'lot Variant: sang'golot. n. glans rim 'gotas adj. breathless, from hard
of the penis. exercise, holding the breath, or even
hunger. Aff: ma-.
'gombò v. gently hold private parts,
especially the breasts or nipples of a 'gotasan v. hold the breath in hunger,
woman. in fainting or for no reason.
'gomod v. suck or hold s.t. in the pa'gotas v. for some reason to cause
mouth without chewing. s.o. to hold the breathe in sadness or in
'gomos v. gently squeeze and hold the
breasts or nipples of a woman; 'gotgot v. cut with sawing motion.
guli'muk v. break s.t. up into tiny gu'tas v. forcefully cut s.t., esp. thick
pieces. underbrush.
'gupì v. beat s.o. severely in the upper magu'yangid adj. very mature, of a
torso with fist or club. plant.
n. thump; sound of the impact of the gu'yangan n. forest. See main entry:
above kind of blow. 'guyang.
ha'bey v. weave.
'hagong v. snore; for a cat to purr. hajun-'hajun v. swing the hands while
walking. Aff: pa-, paN-.
'hagpà n. low flat ground characterised
by tall grass and low trees.
'hakdom v. for the heat of the sun to ha'linghing n. low curb attached to a
diminish. structure to keep s.t. in or out, such as
on the edge of a bed.
'hakhak v. for a pig to attack.
'halus adv. almost. From: Cebuano.
ha'kog adj. greedy.
'hamatuk adj. genuine or pure, of
ha'kup n. double handful; measuring precious metals, antiques, character.
unit, esp. for grain, of two hands cupped
together. 'hambas v. cut grass or shrubs short.
v. scoop s.t. with the hands cupped 'hambog adj. loud; forceful. Aff: ma-.
'hambos v. cut or slash using a
ha'kut n. kind of black ant often seen diagonal downward motion.
carrying food, esp. rice.
'hambug v. boast. From: Cebauno.
'hakut v. haul.
'hambung n. shade.
'hakwad v. for a large mass or number
of objects to be removed, spilled or ha'milò v. knead or work s.t. with the
poured from a container. fingers.
'hakyad v. offer cooked food to the hamo'mos adj. compact; small; handy;
spirits. cute.
'han-as adj. quickly consumable, esp. 'hangtod Variant: 'hantod. adv. until.
of stored food. Aff: ma-.
v. for s.t. to last, endure.
han'daen-og n. shiny and dark
segmented worm about eight inches 'hang-ut v. bite or gnaw at s.t. fibrous.
long. Lives underground; makes a shrill
noise at night. 'hangyù v. bargain; make a request.
han'dii See main entry: ande'i. ha'nig n. mat placed beneath s.t.
v. crave s.t. one has to do without. 'hanip v. get weak from hunger.
Usage: archaic.
'han-ok v. dump or stuff things into a
'hangey v. desire; be interested in s.t. container.
'hanggab v. breathe through the mouth. v. lay blame on s.o. for another's
'hanggung v. sacrifice to a spirit called
Hanggunganan after a successful 'hanong adj. quiet, of a place. Aff: ma-.
hanong'tongan adj. extreme, of
Hanggu'nganan n. name of a spirit to drought, depth, heat, darkness,
which a hunter sacrifices after catching brightness or similar events.
a pig. See: 'hanggung.
hanow-'hanow v. survey a wide area.
'hanghang n. foothold, step or notch
cut in a tree trunk or steep hill. 'han-oy v. arrange a series of items or
processes into a nice order.
v. cut steps into a tree trunk or steep
hill. v. arrange warp threads on the loom.
'hanus v. feel hungry or not completely ha'pos v. hit s.t. hard with an object.
satisfied even if eating; crave for variety
in eating, usually of sick people and ha'pow1 n. white mite. Often infests a
lactating mothers. nest after the eggs have hatched.
ha'pag adj. for a roof to be nearly flat. ha'pow2 v. trim grass, cutting off only
a small amount; skim off the top layer
ha'pey v. accuse s.o. falsely; slander; of grain in a sack if that layer is bad.
lay blame on s.o.
'haptos exis. none.
'hapì v. for s.t. such as wind to flatten
plants. ha'puhap v. stroke or caress with the
palm of the hand.
hapi-'hapi n. anything.
'hapun1 n. late afternoon, getting dark.
ha'pilà n. kind of small, black, biting Aff: ma-.
'hapun2 v. for flying animals such as
v. for these small, black ants to bite. birds to land, perch or roost.
hapo'pok adj. short or taut, of rope like 'hasang See main entry: 'asang.
object; short, of time.
ha'sey v. apply heat to and massage an
area of the skin.
'haw-as v. unload or get off a vehicle 'hepà v. calm down, of anger, wind or
or boat. boiling water.
'hawì v. retrieve s.t. that was given to hi'banukli v. for people or messages to
another or thrown away. miss each other unknowingly because
they were enroute to each other's place;
'hawil See main entry: 'hawiy. for people to miss each other when one
arrives just after another leaves.
'haw-it Variant: 'saw-it. v. nick s.t. or
s.o. with the tip of a bolo. 'hibat v. lie down.
'hidhid v. apply s.t. viscous on a small 'higin v. sway or move together in one
area. direction, as of a rice field in the wind.
'hikoy v. prepare food; settle dispute. hi'low adj. raw or not fully cooked, of
food; unripe, of fruit or vegetables.
'hikyup v. drop off to sleep; fall asleep.
hi'lu n. poison.
'hilabi adv. very.
'hilu n. thread; bubbles streaming on
hila'bot v. disturb, molest or touch s.t. the river.
or s.o.
'hilunu v. molt.
hila'bun v. till and weed a field using a
bolo, burying rice seeds. In shifting hi'lus adj. watery consistency, of root
cultivation only. Done after seed is crops. Aff: ma-.
'hilut v. massage.
hi'là-hilà n. liver flukes.
v. reform behavior.
hi'lam-us v. wash the face.
'hiluwas v. translate; interpret.
hila'pas adv. very.
hi'maekan v. for pigs and chickens to
hilba'buyna n. mint. From: Spanish call a mate; for fowl to be in heat.
herba buena.
'himagà v. for female animals to be in
'hilbas n. kind of herb used to treat heat.
stomach pain. From: Spanish herba.
hi'mamat v. trace relatives.
'hiling v. examine.
'himanow v. worry.
'hilit n. wilderness.
hima'nu v. confer; discuss; gossip.
'hilog n. stone used to rub dirt from the
body. hi'matoy v. kill. See: pa'toy.
animals might scare away smaller ones. hina'jun v. for a plan to succeed.
Bad weather might occur. Syn: 'dajun. From: Cebuano dayun.
'himbot See main entry: 'imbot. hina'ki v. anoint the head with a liquid
such as oil.
'himonow v. worry.
hi'nakmò v. rest the chin in the hand.
'himos v. pack things. See: 'takmò.
hi'nongdan n. cause or reason for s.t. hiti'bug v. get along well together.
ho'got v. tighten; tie s.t. securely. ho'nay n. lover, one with whom one
has extra-marital relations.
adj. firm, of intentions and feelings.
'hondà voc. hi! greeting somewhat
manhumo'got n. one who is firm in equivalent to 'Hi!'.
intentions and feelings.
ho'ngae v. for rice panicles to be empty
'hogpà v. for swarms or clouds of s.t. of grain before harvesting.
to land on s.t. else, such as fog and
locusts. ho'ngahos v. pant.
ho'yung v. shelter from the rain or the hu'gun v. accept a marriage proposal.
heat of the sun.
'hugut v. pull out s.t. long from a hole,
'hubad v. unfasten. pile or bunch.
hu'ngit adj. eager to fight, of an animal 'hupoy v. ease s.o.'s grief or anger.
such as a carabao, dog or fighting cock.
hur'nigas n. small red biting ant.
hu'ngow v. evaporate; dissipate.
'hushus v. drive away a pig.
v. air s.t. out.
interj. shoo! word used to drive away a
v. release emotions. pig.
hu'ngun v. forge or smith articles out 'hutad adj. slow moving. Aff: ma-.
of metal.
hu'tang-hutang v. for a lot of people to
v. make up a story or lie. be lying around dead or sick. Aff: nang-
mag'hungunay n. smith; blacksmith;
goldsmith. 'huthut v. hoot of a turtle dove.
'huni n. sound of birds and certain 'huyad v. for a normally erect object to
insects and animals. lean or incline.
'hun-it v. hold s.t. with the teeth and hu'yakbit adv. say s.t. abruptly.
tear it apart by moving the head and the
object apart. 'huyanà adv. suddenly.
'hupit adj. well done, of work. Aff: ma- 'huyop v. have a nightmare.
. Considered as demon attacks during
hu'pow v. skim off the top portion of
grain stored in a container.
'huyow v. for the weather to become 'idam v. conceive; experience the early
dry. stages of pregnancy. Aff: paN-.
'ibà n. kind of tree that bears small 'idla adj. wild; untamed. Aff: ma-.
green sour fruit. Averrhoa bilimbi.
i'dob n. point.
Ibaba'suk n. rice spirit, female.
Believed to take care of agriculture, mai'dob adj. sharp; pointed.
especially rice. Appeased before
planting and at harvest. i'dù n. dog.
i'bid n. green lizard; agamid lizard. i'dud v. move about on the floor by
scooting; sitting on the floor and
i'bis n. kind of small white freshwater propelling oneself with the arms.
idu'kar v. educate. Syn: a'nad. From:
i'bog v. want or covet s.t. Spanish.
i'gì voc. girl! term of address to a ila'bù n. kind of freshwater fish that
younger female. looks like a grouper.
bagi'git adj. always having diarrhea, of i'lag adj. translucent; transparent; light
a person or animal. in complexion. Aff: ma-.
'ikid v. dodge; move away from s.t. 'ilid v. for a small child to walk around
quickly. steadying itself on objects.
i'kow pro. you; your; oblique second 'ilihan n. safe house used in times of
person singular. war.
i'nakad n. contents of the stomach and 'inggad ogka'amonu adv. come what
intestines. may.
in'dan v. mark for identification. 'inggok v. make a little sound. Aff: pa-.
'isog See main entry: 'isig. 'iwat v. turn s.t. long on a horizontal
is'pat n. flashlight. From: Cebuano.
'iyà voc. term of address for younger
is'pihu n. mirror. From: Spanish. female.
'itik n. muscovy or mallard duck; duck pangi'yutan n. part of the body nearest
that does not brood. See: 'patu; to the anus (between the anus and the
ka'gingking. sexual organs).
'it-it v. nibble.
i'tom adj. black; dark.
K - k
ka1 pro. you (singular); absolutive case
second person singular.
'kada adj. every. From: Spanish. 'kaebihid n. kind of tree that bears sour
fruit. Spondias pinnata. Leaves used
'kadae v. grate. medicinally.
ka'dayan n. grater; utensil with a rough 'kaebow See main entry: 'kaebaw.
surface on which to grate camotes,
cassava, young corn or coconuts. kae'gajan n. wealth. Usage: archaic.
ka'dang-ka'dang v. squat with the feet 'kaehà n. frying pan with a handle and
flat on the ground. Aff: paN-. curved sides.
'kaes adj. easily consumed. Aff: ma-. 'kagot v. make a grinding sound.
'kagang n. crab.
'kakae v. for fowl or monkeys to kalimu'tow n. dark part of the eye, iris
scratch for seeds on the ground. and pupil; pupil of eye; eyeball.
ka'kali See main entry: ka'li. ka'lipì n. small pouch used to contain
tobacco and betel nut ingredients.
'kakoy n. older sibling.
ka'lisow n. nut chewed with other betel
kal'diru n. cooking pot. Syn: kan'didu. ingredients.
From: Spanish.
kali'watan n. descendents.
ka'li1 v. dig. Syn: ka'puon. From: Cebuano liwat.
ka'kali n. digging stick, pointed at one ka'liyaan n. kind of large tree used for
end, for digging sweet potato. building materials.
'kambuoy See main entry: 'kaembuoy. 'kanap v. for a person or baby to crawl
on hands and knees.
'kami Variant: si'kami. pro. we; us;
absolutive emphatic first person plural 'kanay pro. I; me; my; mine; oblique
exclusive. case first person singular. Syn: 'kanak.
ka'sugudan n. meander in a river. See 'kawà n. large pan with curved sides.
main entry: 'sugud.
ka'wad n. hook for catching fish, used
katag'bungan n. mosquito bat. with a line.
'kodong n. kind of medium sized tree 'kokong v. for one's hand to be gnarled
which bears small sour edible yellow and crippled.
'kolis v. for the sun or moon to be in
kodo'pang See main entry: kado'pang. the position of early afternoon; that is,
after it has passed directly overhead,
ko'gà v. startle or shock. about one to two o'clock in the
ko'gae v. dry hard.
kolo'bod v. make a tickling motion.
ko'gang n. scab; scab, coagulated dried
tissue around a wound. v. scribble; write in cursive.
ko'pa v. hold one's breath because of kow pro. you; absolutive case second
fear of height. person plural.
ku'bung n. tobacco container made curse to void the curse. Curse like vows,
from a bamboo internode. illness or bad luck said to be caused by
evil are also fanned away in this
ku'dae n. fence. manner. The fowl is waved at the
person said to be under the evil
'kudlis See main entry: 'kudlit. influence.
'kudlit Variant: 'kudlis. v. mark. From: ku'japat v. climb or swing across from
Cebuano. branch to branch or structure to
'kudlung n. single stringed guitar.
kujo'mad Variant: kudo'mad. n. young
kudo'mad See main entry: kujo'mad. hair louse.
'kudung v. kneel with the head to the ku'jung v. shake s.t. or s.o. gently.
ground and hands laid forward palms
down. 'kukà Variant: 'kukat. n. kind of small
light-colored frog. Can be heard after
'kuengan n. cage. rain. Name said to be imitative of the
sound they make.
'kues v. be busy doing s.t. when s.t.
else demands attention. 'kukat See main entry: 'kukà.
ku'sina n. kitchen. Syn: 'abuhan. From: 'kuyahaw n. kind of small black bird
Spanish cocina. smaller than a crow. Calls only during
the dry season. Name sounds like its
kusi'sang n. kind of large, black, flying call.
insect which can give off a bad odor.
Tingpa'nguyahaw exis. for it to be the
makukusi'sang adj. bad-smelling, like dry season, when the 'kuyahaw bird
the kusi'sang. calls. Time to start the ta'ligobà field.
'libas n. kind of tree with sour fruit li'du adj. cross-eyed, but not severely
which stains the teeth yellow. Tarry so.
yellow stains difficult to remove.
'lidù n. problem.
'libat adj. cross-eyed.
'lidung v. deny; lie; deceive.
'libkag Variant: 'libkas. v. spring back
into normal shape. Maka'lidung n. name of the spirit
believed to have built the pillars
'libkas See main entry: 'libkag. supporting the world.
'linop v. engulf with rising water. 'lipit See main entry: 'ligpit.
n. clapper made of split bamboo. Placed 'lisig v. expand distance, time or space.
in a field to drive away birds. Activated
by strings from the clapper to the watch li'sit n. clitoris.
lisi'ton adj. big, of a clitoris.
'lipang v. for corn to reach the robust Usage: derogatory. Used by women of
stage of growth, about two months after women.
pali'sit interj. exclamation at s.o.
lipa'ra v. notice. From: Cebuano indicating that that person got the
dipara. deserved punishment, often
accompanied with the action of pulling
'lipas v. make a detour. down one's lower eyelid at the person.
Usage: derogatory.
'lipay v. be happy.
'liskog adj. stiff.
'lipid adj. flat.
'lislis v. scrap skin.
li'pit adj. small, of a vagina; virgin, of
a woman. Usage: derogatory. Used by Lis'ngadan n. name of a mythical man.
women of women.
li'sod adj. difficult. Aff: ma-.
madu'kilom n. nighttime. See main ma'gubay n. kind of tree that bears red
entry: du'kilom. seeds for making necklaces.
mae- affix. as small as the object/noun ma'hae Variant: ma'hal. adj. expensive.
being affixed. See: maga-.
ma'hal See main entry: ma'hae.
'Maegunut n. name of a mythical
woman. maha'tongod See main entry: to'ngod.
maga- affix. as big as the object/noun 'mahay v. feel hurt. Syn: na'sawà.
being affixed. See main entry: mae-. From: Cebuano.
ma'ma voc. brother! term of address ma'nanggat n. kind of tree, the leaves
from man to man. of which can cause severe skin
irritations. Syn: sa'goy. Grows in virgin
ma'mà v. chew betel nut quid. forest or uncultivated land. It is said that
the leaves quake when a person
ma'maktin n. sow with piglets. See approaches it.
main entry: 'baktin.
mana'ngilan adj. decaying, of a pig,
'mamamang v. copulate. from two to four days after its death.
Only of pigs killed in a trap, not from
'mamang n. bug; any small undesirable natural death.
insect, reptile, or other crawling
creature. n. decaying pig. Roasted with spices in
a young bamboo tube and eaten as a
Ma'manwa n. name of an ethnic group. delicacy. If two to three days old, it is
called ma'yombù no mana'ngilan,
ma'maon n. betelnut palm tree and 'young'. If four days old, it is called
fruit. Areca catechu. ma'guyang no mana'ngilan, 'old'.
After four days, it is no longer called
'mamue v. feel a sense of loss, having mana'ngilan, but du'nut, 'rotten' and
lost s.t. that one is depending on. not eaten.
'mandà adv. again; also. See: man; dà. 'mangga n. mango. From: Cebuano.
'mata n. eye.
tag'maemata adj. for corn grains to be mayu'banga adj. half ripe, of fruits.
as big as the eyes of a fish.
'mayus adj. good, only of words
Matan'hagà Variant: Natanhagà. n. spoken by shamans in trance, words
mythical land populated by the spirits. which are attributed to the spirits.
mati- affix. fond of. 'megmeg v. know the facts. Aff: ka-.
n. name of the one in charge of the 'mey-od See main entry: 'mey-og.
place of the dead.
'mey-og Variant: 'mey-od. v. mourn
'maya n. many kinds. for a period of time, usually of women.
See: 'meygù.
'mayas adj. spicy hot, of chili peppers.
Aff: ma-. mgo See main entry: 'mongo.
mi'lò n. civet sp., brown in color. 'mongo Variant: mgo ‘usual spelling’.
adj. pluralizer.
'mì-mì v. compact s.t. lightly.
'monmon v. stick to a resolve, purpose,
mi'mihà v. be soggy, watery, of or work.
overripe fruit.
mo'noey n. kind of bird, crane.
'mina det. 'the late', placed before the
name of a deceased person. mon'sanga See main entry: man'sanga.
mi'nagkilaw v. for a dying person to 'mosmos v. fall face first to the ground
have a fit, babbling in delirium or in a sliding motion; thrust the face of a
exerting uncanny strength. person or animal into the ground or s.t.
on the ground.
mina'ilu n. orphan. See: 'mina.
moy See main entry: mey.
'mingaw adj. lonely.
mu'kuy n. chick of the tabun bird.
'minuna n. former inhabitants of a See: 'tabun.
place who died long ago. Shamans will
appease them when conducting rituals. 'mundù n. ant hill.
na1 part. 'now...'; particle designating a 'nandà adv. merely; only; just; of
transition to a new paragraph. leaving behind only a little bit of s.t.
'ngosngos v. for a dog to whine. noy pro. we (not you); our (not your);
ergative case first person plural
'ngosò v. grimace; contort the face. exclusive.
ni'yug n. coconut.
'onki Variant: 'ongki. det. to; oblique 'opus v. melt away like a candle; wear
case determiner for plural personal away to a stub.
proper nouns (names). Usage: archaic.
See: ki. n. cigarrete stub.
'oyog1 Variant: eg. v. value s.t. highly; pa'-aewan See main entry: pa'ayow.
endear s.o. or something; feel sad for
the loss of s.o. or s.t. very dear. pa'agi n. method of performing an
activity; means of solving a problem.
i'noyog v. value. From: Cebuano.
o'yogon v. feel sad for the loss of s.t. pa'alin Variant: paalin'-alin. v. transfer
to another kind of work when one kind
'oyog2 Variant: eg. v. fit. of work has been finished.
'paawoy v. be alone.
'padpad v. shake off or out s.t. pa'gat n. crack in s.t. breakable; scar.
powdery; for s.t. powdery to be blown
or floated away. pagigi'hajan adj. for the direction of
the whinnying sound of the turtle-dove
pa'dumpue See main entry: 'dumpue. to come from the directions two to three
o'clock and nine to ten o'clock on the
'paeguy See main entry: 'yaguy. right and left, alternately in sequence,
from the perspective of a traveller.
'paepag n. bamboo raft with a shelter. Considered a good omen.
'paga n. shelf above the firetable. pa'gow adj. have a hoarse voice.
pa'gak v. for a hen to cluck, esp. after 'paguhà n. kind of wild banana with
laying an egg. seedy fruit that grows along river banks.
paga'majan adj. huge; extremely big. 'pahag v. drive bees from their hive.
Usage: archaic. See: 'puhag.
'pajag adj. clear to see and hear. 'pakot n. large wild boar.
Aff: ma-.
'pakow n. handle of a rice pot,
pa'japas v. for wind to blow a flame saucepan, or ladle.
under a pot so food is improperly
pa'ku n. edible fern that grows on river palu-'palu n. laundry bat used in
banks. Roots of this fern are boiled and washing clothes.
used as medicine.
v. bat clothes when laundering.
'pakun v. be the cause of trouble.
Aff: na-. pa'mae-as v. for rice heads to begin to
form, a stage in rice growth. See: 'bae-
'pakuy v. club; hit a person or animal as.
with a club, usually with an overhead
motion. pa'maes See main entry: paes.
'pamgu v. eat greedily, not satisfied good catch during a hunting or fishing
even after being served a lot of food. expedition
Usage: derogatory.
pana'gaeju v. cook.
pa'midjù See main entry: 'bidjù.
panaga'ham v. clear the throat.
pamilin-'bilin n. remaining
instructions, usually of a dying person. pana'gamhon v. assist delivery of a
See main entry: 'bilin. baby.
pa'minog v. listen. See main entry: pa'nag-an See main entry: 'tag-an.
pana'gà-sagà v. approach s.o. whom
pamis'lion n. kidney. one is not familiar with to ask for s.t.
pa'nakin v. for a young man to serve or 'pandihas n. purifier used after the
help the parents of the girl he wants to burial of a dead person. Made from an
marry. infusion of water and the juice of the
ulì'-ulì grass. People present at a burial
pa'nakmey v. be speechless because of wash their hands and feet with this
an unexpected event. water before entering a house to remove
any evil influence.
pana'langin n. religious act of blessing;
for God to bless; religious act of 'pandog v. put s.o. in stocks.
thanksgiving. Syn: pa'naengin. From:
Cebuano. 'pandoy n. craftsman; blacksmith,
jeweler, carpenter.
pana'likud v. depart. See main entry:
tali'kud. ma'pandoy adj. skilled.
ting'pangi exis. season for 'pangi fruit. pani'kop See main entry: si'kop.
'pangkot v. defecate.
pa'ri voc. term of address for one's pa'silom v. for an emerging shoot to
kumpari. From: Spanish compadre. become green.
pa'tahan v. warn. See main entry: 'paus v. for a voice to fade away.
'pawà n. yard around a house; clearing.
pa'tiawat adv. thriftily, of an action
such as collecting. See: 'awat. ma'pawà adj. devoid of grass and trees;
'patihan n. handle of an ax.
pa'wing n. shriveled up part of the
pa'tikdu v. say inciting words to s.o. body.
pa'toy See main entry: 'matoy. 'payok n. sand, esp. the mixture of
coarse to fine gravel found in or at the
'patu n. royal duck; duck that broods. side of a stream.
See: 'itik; ka'gingking.
pa'yondag See main entry: 'pendag.
pa'tù v. fall over from a sitting
position. pa'yong adj. untidy in personal
'patugu v. attempt to do s.t. one is
incapable of doing. adj. discolored from age or stain.
payù-'payù n. kind of game trap which 'pigok n. kind of black freshwater fish.
includes a tripwire set to cause a heavy
load to fall and scare the game into pi'gon v. restrain, of animate objects.
running into a trap.
'pigpig v. hammer s.t. flat.
'pebag Variant: pa'yobag. v. for a
mammal to be in heat. See main entry: 'pihit adj. scarce.
kapi'hitan n. necessities.
ped See main entry: po'yod.
'pihu adj. sure. From: Cebuano.
'pendag Variant: pa'yondag. n.
common bamboo flute with five holes. 'pikas v. cut lengthwise.
pi'ligru n. danger. From: Spanish. pi'nutì n. white bolo; bolo polished and
greased with pig fat. See main entry:
pi'lit v. stick. pu'tì.
'pilit v. force s.o. to do s.t. 'pipi n. kind of tree with purple fruit
that large birds eat.
v. for a spirit to oppress s.o. Usually,
when a spirit causes s.o. to be ill so that pi'risu v. imprison. Syn: 'bayod. From:
that person will give in to the spirit and Spanish.
become a medium for that spirit; or, if
s.o. is ill because of doing s.t. which pi'ritu v. fry. Syn: 'sangyag. From:
threatens a spirit. Spanish.
'pinggan n. plate, usu. porcelain. pi'sing n. kind of small bird that rides
on floating debris.
'pingot adj. having small eyes, of a
person. pisi-'pisi v. for a fish to wriggle when
out of the water.
pi'nig v. separate.
'pisnga v. blow mucus from the nose.
'pintaas n. mezzanine floor.
'pisngi n. cheek.
'pintik n. slingshot.
pi'sok1 adj. blind; without eyeballs.
'pitsa n. date. From: Spanish fecha. 'pogis n. yoke trap for pigs.
kapitu'an mey pitu n. seventy seven. 'pognot2 n. kind of vine that is woven
into bracelets.
pinitu n. sevenths.
n. kind of bracelet made from this vine.
'pityok v. strangle. From: Cebuano See: 'pugnut.
po'gong v. restrain; hold; abstain.
pi'yà n. cat.
po'gos v. force.
pi'yagit v. scream from pain.
po'gue n. laziness.
'piyak v. for a chick to make a
cheeping sound. adj. lazy. Aff: -on.
'pohon v. stop s.t. such as an attack, po'sok v. extinguish a fire; put out a
trouble, bleeding, or water flow. light; turn off an electrical appliance.
po'it adj. bitter. Aff: ma-. po'songa See main entry: pa'songa.
'pokpok v. knock s.o. on the head with pot'lò n. crease or folds in the skin.
'potos1 v. hike.
'polis v. unsling a strap like thing
which is hanging; cause a strap like 'potos2 adj. of one who uses
thing to slip. abbreviated speech.
v. act naughty or mischievous. v. cut the hair short across the forehead
into bangs.
po'ngot n. mustache; facial hair
(beard). See: bo'ngot. po'yod Variant: ped. v. cut down a
'ponhik v. climb up.
'poyok v. worry.
'ponok v. be quiet (imperative).
See: ho'nok. pri'meru adv. first. Syn: 'una. From:
'ponpon v. dam; obstruct the flow of
water. pri'sintar v. present; for the parents of a
young man to make a marriage proposal
po'nù adj. full. to the relatives of their prospective
daughter-in-law; offer one's services to
v. fill. another. Syn: 'saka. From: Cebuano.
'pubri adj. poor. Syn: u'yayod. From: pa'muhag v. gather honey, the whole
Spanish. process from the smoking to the actual
'pudpud v. plant seeds too close
together. v. dance a kind of dance in mimicry of
gathering honey.
'pudu adj. all, usually of mass nouns.
pu'hil v. push s.t. which is on the edge
'pudung n. cloth worn on the head. over the edge so that it falls; fire s.o.
from a job.
'pudut v. get.
pu'jù n. backpack usually woven out of
puè See main entry: pu'yù. abaca. Often used to carry betelnut
ingredients and personal belongings.
pues See main entry: pu'yus.
pu'jungut v. gather the top of a bag
puet See main entry: pu'yut. together as to tie it.
napu'lingan adj. of a person who has a pu'nù n. plant unit; unit of plant or
foreign body in the eye. tree; hill of plants as camote or corn.
pu'lipis v. rub s.t. between thumb and 'pùpù v. wash the vagina.
pu'pue adj. maimed, of limbs or digits.
pu'lipus v. make s.o. poor, exhausting
that person's resources by constant v. amputate limbs or digits.
'puputukan See main entry:
pu'liputan adj. small, of the hole of 'peputukan.
'pusgù n. kind of ant.
'pulsu n. pulse; wrist. From: English.
pu'siy Variant: pu'sil. n. gun.
'pumpun See main entry: 'punpun.
v. shoot with a gun. From: Spanish fusil.
'punduk n. group; pile.
pu'sod n. arrow flight; feather placed at
'pungguk n. edible snail; kind of cone the tail end of an arrow as an arrow
shaped freshwater gastropod about half flight.
inch in diameter.
v. fit a flight onto an arrow.
'pung'kù adj. disabled in the legs, of a
person. 'pusod n. navel; umbilical cord.
pu'putus n. wrapper.
pu'tusay n. wrapper.
R - r
'puu v. destroy; exterminate.
'raspa v. cut (s.o.'s) hair short. From:
pu'ud n. thigh. Cebuano.
pu'un v. originate. ri'lu n. timepiece; watch; clock. From:
ka'puun n. origin.
ri'pulyu n. cabbage. From: Spanish.
'puwas v. pull down s.t. such as a
shoulder strap or hat; for s.t. such as a ri'tunlan n. kind of yellow banana.
strap to fall down. From: Cebuano.
v. make use of s.t.; obtain benefit from sa'ba part. since; the reason why.
s.t. Phrase: sa'ba man.
'sabey v. do s.t. which which will lead 'sabuk v. loose; set a person or animal
one to be punished. free; escape.
'sabja Variant: 'sabya. v. throw out 'sabyoy v. drape or hang s.t. flexible
water from a container. over s.t. else.
'sablig v. splash or throw water on s.t. 'sada See main entry: 'saja.
or s.o. with an underhand motion.
'sadà See main entry: 'sajà.
sa'bod v. for wind to blow s.t.
'sadae v. for a water vehicle to run
sabo'ka adj. one of a group. aground.
'saepid Variant: 'sapid. v. braid or plait 'sagisi n. kind of black dove with red
s.t. such as hair. beak, eyes and feet.
sa'gang v. block a blow by raising the sa'gopu See main entry: sa'kopu.
arms or an instrument.
sa'goy n. kind of tree, the leaves of
saga'pà adj. leafy and having many which can cause severe skin irritations.
branches, of a tree. Aff: ma-. Syn: ma'nanggat. Grows in virgin forest
or uncultivated land. It is said that the
'sagbey v. impede smooth water travel. leaves quake when a person approaches
'sagda v. scold s.o.
'sagpì v. harvest corn.
'sagey v. strain a liquid.
'sagping v. cut off part of the body,
'sag-id v. for a vehicle to sidesweep s.t. usually the ears, perhaps also the lips.
or s.o.
'sagpù v. for a branch to break off from
v. for a rope or s.t. similar such as a a tree. Can be due to wind or the weight
snake to rub against s.t. of its fruit.
sagi'ling v. cry or throw a tantrum 'sagu n. fluid that flows from the
when someone is leaving, usually of respiratory tract of a corpse.
sagu'badbad n. tree sp.
sa'giloy v. sling s.t. over the shoulder.
sa'guksuk n. coucal (Philippine,
'saging n. banana. Rufous, lesser, and/or Steere's); kind of
dark red grass bird that lives in tall
sa'ging-saging n. kind of edible grass.
mushroom with wide cap. Grows on
decaying banana and abaca stalks and sag-u'li Variant: sau'li. v. go s.w. and
leaves. return the same day. See: 'ulì.
'sagwae v. stop s.o. from doing s.t. or v. propose marriage. First attempt for
going s.w. parents of an intended bridegroom to
visit the household of the intended bride
'sahà n. shoot or sucker of plants like with a spokesperson to present a
bananas, abaca and bird of paradise. marriage proposal to the parents of the
intended bride.
'sahag v. for a liquid to leak.
'sakaaw n. person or animal who
sa'ilap v. glance at s.o. or s.t.; see. snatches food without authorization.
'sakmit v. snatch s.t. while the owner is 'sali v. disturb s.t. supposedly put in a
not looking. safe place; disturb or interrupt s.o. doing
an activity. Aff: pa-.
'sakodu Variant: 'sokodu. n. bamboo
water container. sali'botbot n. kind of medicinal shrub
used to treat open wounds. Cambium
v. fetch water with a bamboo container. layer is scraped, wrapped in banana
leaves, and roasted. Warm juice is
sa'kognat v. move suddenly. Aff: pa-. squeezed from the cambium pulp onto
the wound.
sa'kopu Variant: sa'gopu; sa'kupu. v.
hold or carry s.t. in both arms, esp. a sa'libwa v. for a liquid to boil up or
child. boil over.
n. egg found in the body of a bird that insa'lig v. for s.o. to entrust s.t. or s.o.
has been killed. to the care of s.o.
'sakue v. extract starch from a palm sa'ligan v. strike s.o. with the blunt
tree. The whole process, from the edge of a bolo.
v. seal a blade tang to the handle with v. build a house extension, add another
this sap. room onto a house.
'sampit v. call s.o. or attract attention. 'sandì v. lean against s.t. See: 'sandig.
From: Cebuano.
'sandig v. lean against s.t. From:
'sampong v. cover an opening with s.t. Cebuano. See main entry: 'sandì.
sam'poyong v. lay the palm of the hand 'sandog v. for s.t. or s.o. to be stranded
on s.o.'s head. or run aground.
'sanap v. overflow with water; flood. sa'ngay v. name s.o. after s.o. else;
have the same name as s.o. else.
sang'golot See main entry: go'lot. 'sangpot v. yearn for the presence of
s.o. who has been away; rejoice at
'sanggot n. small curved bolo. Used for meeting s.o. who has been away.
cutting palm blossoms for the sap See: 'sampot.
sangu-'sangu n. snout of a pig.
'sanggue v. cut off the comb of a
rooster; cut off part of s.o.'s ear. n. face of a person. Usage: derogatory.
'sangkà v. insert the red hot tang of a 'sani n. thatch; nipa roofing.
bolo into the handle by striking the
handle against s.t. hard. 'san-ok v. dump; put things in a place
without arranging.
sangka'anan n. hard thing against
which the bolo handle is struck. 'santing n. kind of war dance.
'sangkad n. dwarf post; post placed san'titù n. kind of game played with
beneath a beam to support it. marbles or da'gaaw seeds where the
object of the game is to strike a
v. place a dwarf post beneath a beam to designated marble with a striker marble.
support it.
'sanyag v. dry fry in a pan; roast by dry
'sangkag v. drop or fall to the ground frying.
bottom first; compact the contents of a
container by repeatedly dropping the sa'ob n. lid; cover.
container on the ground bottom first.
sa'og Variant: so'og. n. floor.
'sangkap n. equipment.
sa'pà n. creek.
v. be equipped.
'sapà v. swear an oath or vow upon
kasang'kapan n. equipment and oneself; take an oath.
materials, or ingredients, for making s.t.
pa'napà n. curse.
From: Cebuano.
'sapad v. stop s.o.; advise s.o. to stop
'sangkod v. for people or animals to an antisocial act.
sa'pae n. bagasse; dry pulp of things
'sangkub v. crown; put s.t. on the head. like suger cane and grated coconut after
the juice has been extracted.
lack of training, or as in using the non- 'sayop v. for the sun or moon to set.
dominant hand in an activity.
sa'yopan n. west.
sawa'ing adj. of a person who has
inappropriate behaviour. Such sa'yoy n. lemon grass. Andropogon
behaviour includes marrying a close citratus.
relative, or a respected person being
drunk and shouting in the streets. sayoy-'sayoy n. kind of plant similar to
lemon grass used as fish poison.
'sawan v. have convulsions.
'sayu v. eat together from one plate or
sawan-'sawan n. kind of medicinal other serving dish.
herb. Juice used as a cure for
convulsions. Heated leaves used as a 'sayù n. bark of a tree (removed, not on
head poultice for fever or a poultice for the tree).
aching bodyparts
sa'yù v. strip bark from a tree.
'saw-it See main entry: 'haw-it.
'sayud v. collect with a container s.t.
'sawod v. plant rice by sowing. flowing downwards such as water, rice,
See: sa'bud. palm sap or blood.
sed Variant: so'yod. prep. in. 'sibà v. for insects and rodents to
destroy a crop.
v. enter.
'sibad v. for a fish or crocodile to catch
n. inside; contents. prey.
kasi'aman mey i'sa n. ninety one. 'sig-anit v. break the 'Anit taboo and be
liable for punishment. See main entry:
si'angat v. ambush; lie in wait for prey, 'Anit.
esp. to shoot fish with bow and arrow.
siga'rilyu n. cigarette. From: Spanish. si'hud v. kick s.t. aside with the foot or
shove it aside with the knee.
'sigbin n. kind of dog-like spirit.
'sikad v. push with the feet.
'sigi interj. okay! go ahead! From:
Spanish. 'sikadan n.
'sigkon v. stop doing s.t. Syn: 'ondang. si'kalima adj. one-fifth. See: li'ma.
'sihì n. kind of round brown edible si'key Variant: so'key. v. withhold s.t.;
aquatic snail. refuse to share with another.
si'kita pro. we; absolutive case pa'nilag v. guard s.t. or s.o. jealously.
emphatic first person plural or dual
inclusive. 'sil-ap v. glance at s.o.
si'kitanow pro. we all (incl.); us all 'silat v. for the sun or moon to rise.
(incl.); absolutive case emphatic first
person group or plural inclusive. si'latan n. east.
See: si'kanow.
'silhig n. broom.
si'kiyu Variant: si'kuyu. pro. you;
absolutive case emphatic second person v. sweep.
'silib v. peep.
'sikmat v. for a disease or bad behavior
to recur; relapse. si'ling adj. contrary, of a person.
sim'pana if it was me. phrase: sim'pana 'singkab v. for a fish to come to the
ku. surface of the water in order to catch
si'mud n. nose.
'singkaliyag v. for two or more people
'simyad Variant: 'simoyad. v. expose to like each other. See main entry:
oneself to the heat of the sun. See main li'yag.
entry: bo'yad.
'singsing n. ring.
sin det. messrs.; mrs.; misses;
absolutive case determiner for plural 'singwoy v. for a hen to wean her
personal proper nouns (names). chicks, leaving them on their own.
Syn: 'onsi, oy. Usage: archaic. See: si.
v. for a child to move away from home
si'nabong n. room, esp. a bedroom. and dependence upon family.
Usage: humorous.
si'nadab v. singe the hair of an animal.
'singyas v. signal by gestures. From:
si'naengsang n. altar for offering eggs Cebuano.
and betelnut chew to spirits of the air.
Made from a bamboo pole which is si'niku n. triangle.
planted in the ground upright. The top
end of the pole contains the eggs and adj. triangular. See main entry: 'siku.
betelnut chew.
si'nikwe adj. trapezoid.
si'nagjap n. woven bamboo walling.
si'nilas n. slippers. Not bedroom
si'nangkad v. place or wear a comb in slippers, but made of rubber with a
the hair. thong-like strap over the foot From:
si'nangyoy v. carry with a pole on the
shoulder with the objects hung at both 'sinlaub n. charm worn around the
ends of the pole. neck.
'sipnga v. blow mucus from the nose. 'sobsob n. water that collects from a
sipo'un n. cold; mucus.
so'bu v. for liquid to boil or bubble.
v. have a cold/runny nose.
v. temper metal.
'sipsip v. wedge.
'sobuuk adj. one.
n. wedge.
'sobuukon adj. only; alone.
si'ra v. close s.t., as a door or window.
From: Spanish. so'dà n. viand, food eaten with rice.
si'radu v. secure a door shut. From: 'sodlop See main entry: 'sodyop.
'sodon v. persist in doing s.t. in spite of
si'si v. detach a honeycomb from a tree danger or difficulty.
so'dop v. enter a trap or closed
sisi'bian n. waterline, line where the building.
water level meets the riverbank.
OvSyn: bagibi'tan. 'sodop See main entry: 'sojop.
'sitsit v. hiss at s.o. to get attention. 'soghoy Variant: 'sughuy. v. for long
hair to be worn loose.
'siwang v. nick a blade.
so'god v. for an insect to sting; for an 'somod adj. fatty or oily, of food.
insect or snake to bite. Aff: ma-.
so'hug v. mix s.t. liquid such as broth 'somong v. for plants to drown or be
or sauce with food such as cooked rice over-watered.
or camote.
'somot v. connive; plot evil against s.o.
'soi See main entry: 'sei.
'sompuk adj. blunt-tipped.
'soing v. sit close (touching) beside s.o.
'somu adj. rich or heavy, of foods such
so'ini See main entry: se'ini. as durian, honey, glutinous rice and ice
cream. Aff: ma-.
'sojop Variant: 'sodop. v. suck or soak
up s.t. such as air or liquid; absorb; v. feel unable to eat any more of a
draw in. certain food which is too rich.
so'key See main entry: si'key. 'son-ad v. cook staple food such as
rice, corn or camote.
so'kò adj. angry. Syn: ma'boyù. From:
Cebuano suku. n. cooked staple food.
'sokolid n. other side of s.t. blocking. so'ngo adj. one unit of s.t.
so'nob v. dive under water. so'yò v. for water that is being heated
to be about to boil.
paso'nob v. make s.o. dive underwater.
Also a kind of ordeal which parties are so'yod See main entry: sed.
subjected to if there are two main
suspects for a crime. The one who 'soyod n. roommate.
surfaces first is considered guilty while
the one who stays the longest is v. lodge; for s.o. to stay together with
considered innocent. s.o. else in the same room or house.
See: so'yod.
'sonson v. tighten or move closer
together things such as floorboards, 'soyom adv. early in the morning.
roofing, fencing, seedlings; tighten a
drumskin. v. do s.t. early in the morning.
See: 'doyom.
so'og See main entry: sa'og.
'soysoy v. narrate; tell s.t. to s.o.
so'ong v. obstruct; hinder the free
movement of s.t. su See main entry: sù.
sopak-so'pak v. eat s.t. noisily, su unu ko conj. lest. See: unu; ko.
smacking the lips. Aff: pa-.
su unu kud man conj. because I know.
so'pì n. hand of bananas. Contraction: su unu ku dà man.
in'sosey blame s.o. or s.t. for s.t. 'suba v. travel upstream or upriver in a
water vehicle.
so'sò adj. aggressive; persistent.
'subak v. for the bride's family to
sow'sebù v. except. reciprocate gifts from the grooms
family. Aff: -in--ay. Always less than
part. save; only. the bride price given to the bride's
family. After the wedding feast that is
'sowsow v. stir water with the hands or given by the bridegroom's parents, the
feet. bride's parents will give a feast equal to
or even not equal to the feast given by
'soya n. stem of the elephant ear plant. the bridegroom's parents.
su'bida n. upgrade.
v. ascend. Syn: go'mow. From: Spanish. su'gi v. feel pain in removing a thorn.
sueng n. part of roof covering the 'sugpà v. vomit blood or suffer from
gable. tuberculosis.
su'gang v. head directly into or go 'sugpat v. join two long objects end to
against s.t. impeding progress. end.
'sujà Variant: 'sudà. det. that (distant); 'sul-ub v. put on a garment. From:
absolutive or oblique case, definite. Cebuano.
'sulung v. attack. Syn: 'bukad. From: 'sungit v. feed s.t. into the mouth.
sung'kayog v. brace s.t. to strengthen
'sumad n. anniversary. it.
sinum'bagay v. box each other; have a 'sungkub n. kind of fish trap made of
fistfight. bamboo strips.
v. perform witchcraft; work sorcery insu'nud v. name s.o. after s.o. else.
against s.o. using a blow-dart.
sumu'sunud n. follower; heir.
'sundayu n. soldier. From: Cebuano
sundalu. 'supà n. bamboo container with a
fitting lid both made from a bamboo
'sundù1 v. sacrifice in order to appease internode. Syn: 'yokà.
a spirit.
'supak v. oppose.
'sundù2 v. go fetch s.o. from s.w.
masinu'pakon adj. disobedient.
'sundue v. follow. Usage: archaic.
'supas n. crackers; cookies. From:
'sungad n. snout of animals such as Cebuano.
'supnit adj. rough, of a surface.
su'ngaengag v. rebel; oppose; disobey; Aff: ma-.
go against s.o.
'supsup v. suck s.t. out.
su'ngak See main entry: so'ngak.
su'ub v. for a spirit to possess s.o. su'yù See main entry: suè.
'suut v. squeeze into s.t. narrow. 'suyuk n. far corner; distant place.
su'wà n. kind of citrus tree that bears 'suyun v. for people to live together in
sour yellow fruit. one house; for birds to use the same
nest; for animals to lie together.
su'wag n. horn of an animal.
su'wajan n. junction.
T - t
ta pro. we; our; ergative case first
suyak-'suyak v. walk through tall
person plural or dual inclusive.
'taak v. walk through an open area
'suyam v. embroider cloth.
such as a grassy plain, farm with low
crops, or bare land.
sinu'yaman n. embroidered cloth.
ta'bà n. fat.
su'yambì n. house extension.
mata'bà adj. fat.
su'yat v. write.
ta'baè See main entry: taba'yà. tabi'loy n. small shiny green lizard;
tree lizard.
ta'bagang n. rhinoceros beetle; kind of
insect with three horns that destroys tabi'yow n. coward.
coconut trees.
tabi'yuyu n. kind of freshwater fish
'tabak v. answer. about two inches in length.
'tae-an v. for s.t. to be found. Aff: na-. taep v. feel overwhelmed by too many
things needing immediate attention.
'tagsa adv. seldom. Aff: ma-. ta'haw n. nightjar; kind of bird that
flies in the evening. Caprimulgus,
tagsa-'tagsa n. each one. batrachostomus, and/or eurostopodus.
'tagù v. place s.t. inside a container. ta'hay adj. dry. Aff: ma-.
ta'kì n. kind of grassy weed which is 'taksi adj. fast. Aff: ma-.
difficult to remove.
'taksì v. strip the outer layer of abaca.
taki'ding v. for a person or animal to
show the side view; for a person or 'taktak v. shake out a powdery
animal to lay on the side. substance.
'takig v. have malaria. ta'kup v. for s.o. to provide s.t. for s.o.
'takmag v. bite like a dog.
'takyub n. cover of a container.
'takmey v. bite one's lower lip (not
until it bleeds) in a show of anger or v. cover a container. Syn: 'tak-ob. From:
because s.t. bad happened. Cebuano taklub.
ta'limà v. reserve or save s.t. for s.o. or 'tambang v. trap birds using a decoy
for future use. Syn: ta'gama. bird.
'tambis n. kind of tree that bears small ta'miluk n. beeswax of the small 'kiwot
red or white bell shaped fruit; generic bee, resembling guava jelly in
name of similar trees and fruit. Eugenia consistency.
ta'ming n. circular shield. See: 'kaesag.
'tambod v. wind a rope around s.t.
'tam-is adj. sweet.
tam'bodan n. place around which rope
is wound. ta'mod v. obey, take or keep words.
tambu'buyog n. large black wasp with 'tampod v. sever; cut off a part of s.t.
nests in the ground.
tam'pudà n. peace pact between two
tambu'kawa Variant: manambu'kawa. parties.
n. large spider which carries a white
nest on the thorax. manam'pudà n. person who acts as a
go between for feuding parties.
tam'buli n. musical horn made out of
an animal horn, a large shell or a 'tampus n. end of s.t.
bamboo internode.
v. come to the end of s.t. long; finish;
'tambung v. attend an activity or complete.
tam'pusù adv. make s.t. (usu. by
tam'buwà n. splash; heavy sound of s.t. embroidery) with a diamond pattern.
falling into water.
tinam'pusù adj. diamond patterned, of
'tamì n. sugarcane syrup. embroidery, beadwork, and tattoos.
See: 'pusù.
'tanak v. drop or lose s.t. 'tangkae n. portable cage for a pig, dog
or chicken.
'tanam adv. always; frequently.
tang'kagà n. sandpiper; kind of bird.
'tan-anan See main entry: 'taon. Numenius limosa, tringa, xenus, and/or
tana'ngow n. kind of insect that sucks
the milk of rice grains when rice plants 'tangkap v. spread over a large area.
are in the milking stage. Similar to the
kusi'sang. Can give off a bad odor. tang'kawae adj. long legged. Aff: ma-.
'tandow v. stand and look from a high 'tangkung n. vegetable sp. Ipomoea
place or window. aquatica.
'tandoy v. place s.t. long and narrow on 'tangob v. bury a body under the house
or across s.t. else long and narrow, such because of love for the dead one.
as a leg across s.o. else's leg.
'tangon v. for s.t. like a spear to be
'tandung n. crest feathers on a bird's embedded or stuck in the flesh.
'tangow n. venom.
'tangà v. carry s.t. in the mouth.
n. tusk-like appendage from the 'taon v. set up a trap, bait a hook, etc.
abdomen of the 'yaposung snake, said
to be poisonous. tao'nanan Variant: 'tan-anan. n. place
where a trap is usually set.
'tang-ow v. light; illuminate.
'tapa n. dried meat.
pa'nang-ow v. catch fish at night with a
light. ta'pajà v. hold s.t. up with the palms
facing upward.
'tangtang1 n. lime container, part of
betelnut chewing equipment. 'tapak1 v. patch up a hole. From:
'tangtang2 v. remove; disengage.
'tapak2 v. be stuck in s.t. such as mud.
ta'ngu n. tusk; fang; canine teeth.
ta'pat adv. should have done s.t.
'tangus n. locust. Syn: 'taengas.
'tape n. sugarcane wine.
'tanlus v. step on a thorn or nail that
does not remain in the foot. 'taphun v. for a bird to perch or roost.
'tanob v. stay out late. Aff: pa-. tapi'an n. arrow with metal arrowhead.
Usage: archaic.
'tapid v. arrange.
ma'tanob late at night. Usage: archaic.
ta'pik v. include.
ta'nok v. boil and dry newly harvested
unhusked rice. Usually done in the rainy ta'pilak n. centipede.
season. Reason is so that grains will not
be broken when pounded for husking. ta'ping n. dirt on the face.
ta'tanom n. seed, seedling, cutting for 'taplì v. fasten s.t. to a surface; in grass
planting. weaving, to fold back the loose end and
fasten into the weaves.
'tamnanan n. cultivated field.
ta'podì n. kind of insect like a
ta'now Variant: taw. pro. we; us; our; grasshopper with a pointed head.
ergative case first person group or plural
inclusive. 'tapoy n. mixture of ingredients used to
ferment wine. Ingredients: rice flour,
'tanud v. miss s.o. ginger and sometimes sugar cane juice.
ta'pun v. for s.o. to infect another with taw See main entry: ta'now.
a disease or sickness.
'tawad v. lose hope; be discouraged.
'tap-ung v. pile s.t. up.
ta'wae v. for a healer to blow on a sick
'tapus v. end. person after chewing herbs to promote
kata'pusan n. end.
'tawag v. call s.o. or spirits.
'tapus n. feast offering for the dead.
Participants partake of this feast to cut 'tawagon n. generic term for spirits.
off relationship with the dead person. At
the end of this feast, a winnowing 'taw-ang v. open a space in a solid
basket is filled with the favorite food of area, such as when clouds part and one
the deceased and carried into the center can see the sun.
of the house of the deceased by those
who carried the coffin. Others will be ta'was v. for a young man to serve or
standing aside. At a signal, the tray is help the parents of the girl he wants to
tossed upwards and the carriers rush marry.
aside for fear that the food might touch
them. The belief is that if that food ta'woy n. end or extremity of a
touches them, bad fortune would come physical or geographical object.
upon them.
taw'tanoy n. scarecrow placed in a
'tarong adj. upright; well behaved. field to scare away birds; figurehead
who is supposed to represent authority
kata'rongan n. reason; verbal defense. but in reality does not hold any
authority or power.
'tasa n. cup.
ta'yà Variant: taè. v. meet or find s.t. or
ta'sì v. be weak or thin from lack of s.o. accidentally.
nourishing food.
'tayà v. traverse or pass through an
'tastas v. cut a cord suspending s.t. by open area such as a field.
hacking it with knife.
tayà-'tayà v. walk mindlessly.
ta'sù v. for the handle of a bolo to
loosen. 'tayam v. walk or talk in one's sleep.
'tayom v. for the sun or the world to 'tenohù See main entry: 'tenahù.
darken as when clouds block the sun.
'teon v. postpone a journey.
'tay-ow v. for hunting dogs to continue
barking at a game animal after it has 'teru v. shoot. From: Cebuano tiru.
stopped running.
'tesik n. grasshopper.
ta'yoytoy1 adj. fluent or articulate in
speaking. Aff: ma-. 'teson v. warn a loved one about doing
ta'yoytoy2 n. mountain range.
'tetaka n. kind of magical drug which
tay'tajan n. bridge. See main entry: causes a person to lose interest or love
'toytoy. for another. See main entry: ta'ka.
ta'yù v. touch s.t. or s.o. cute or pretty 'tiang v. carry s.t. on the shoulder.
because of admiration.
'tias v. wipe anus after defecating.
ta'yubang Variant: 'tebang. n.
headscarf worn by men. n. thing used to wipe the anus after
ta'yubù See main entry: ta'jubù.
ti'bag v. split lengthwise as bamboo, or
'tayun v. for s.t. sharp to be embedded into halves as coconuts; break s.t. into
in the skin or flesh, such as a thorn, pieces such as rock.
splinter, spear or arrow.
'tibi v. for a person or object to be at
'tebaktin n. section of durian seeds (not the edge of a steep drop-off.
a section of husk). Looks like a set of
piglets in the uterus. See: 'baktin. tibi-'tibi adj. easily moved to tears, of a
'tebang See main entry: ta'yubang.
ti'bò adj. all.
'tebatu v. weight s.t. down underwater.
'tibow v. check traps.
'tebù n. kind of edible fungi, whitish
with a cap shaped like an inside-out ti'bug v. for s.t. to be whole, such as
umbrella, that grows on dead wood. fruit; for a baby to be born, esp. if the
mother has had a history of miscarriage;
'tedtod v. cut off excess from a block do s.t. without interruption.
of wood before carving it.
tibu'uk adj. whole.
'tegkos See main entry: 'taegkos.
n. chunk of s.t.
'tegpatoy v. stand vigil or participate in
a wake for a recently deceased person. ti'buyus adv. completely;
'tenahù Variant: 'tenohù. adv. for s.t. to
completely unexpectedly happen. 'tidang v. pierce an earlobe.
'tidow v. reach s.t.; arrive s.w. 'tigtig v. use a small instrument to beat
and flatten metal, esp. gold and copper.
'tidung n. "tailed-men" who once Idiom: tig'tigan to 'ngipon ‘beat the
invaded the Agusan river valley. Also teeth’. Threat made to children when
known as i'kugan. they are naughty.
tig- affix. time or season when an 'tiig adj. squeamish, cannot stand dirty
event usually occurs. things. Aff: ma-.
'tiga n. kind of hardwood tree that 'tiing v. pour water from a bamboo
grows in swampy places. Good for tube.
building materials.
'tikang adj. tall; high. Aff: ma-.
ti'gajun v. prosper. From: Cebuano
tigayun. 'tikas v. finish an activity.
'tigdà adj. seriously ill. Aff: ma-. 'tikos n. calf band; decorative band of
beads or woven vine worn by men just
'tigdù adj. accurate, of marksmanship below the knee.
or speaking to the point. Aff: ma-.
v. for bees to store pollen or nectar in
'tigom n. riddle. leg sacs.
'tikyad v. slash with a bolo, esp. to kill. pani'mayà v. for a shaman to conduct a
ceremony to foretell the future.
ma'nikyad n. warrior with the second
lowest rank. Refers to a man who has ti'mayà to mama'on betelnut omen
killed three or four people. See main used in foretelling the future. Shaman
entry: ba'gani. offers betelnut to the tutelary spirit in
return for information about s.o.'s
'tikyas n. rash caused by a fever. future.
ti'lad v. split s.t. open with a bolo, esp. ti'mayà gi'namit to ta'baè spear omen
betelnut. used in foretelling the future. Shaman
commands his spear to increase or
ti'lan-ang v. for rain to stop. decrease in length in response to yes/no
questions about s.o.'s future, esp.
'tilap v. lick up s.t. concerning the success of intended war
ti'là-ta v. for rain to let up.
ti'mayà to 'atoyug egg omen used in
ti'lauk n. windpipe. foretelling the future. Shaman offers
eggs to the tutelary spirit in return for
ti'lis n. kind of low flying hornbill, the information about s.o.'s future.
male of which is gray and the female
black. Syn: 'taegkos, ta'liktik. ti'mayà to 'agipu burnt firewood omen
used in foretelling the future. Same as
tili-'tili v. for rain to fall lightly. the swing omen (pa'najug). Used esp.
to find out about the return of s.o. who
'tilon v. keep still. has travelled away.
ma'tilon adj. permanently live in one ti'mayà to 'puthow metal omen used in
place. foretelling the future. Same as the swing
omen (pa'najug).
'tilud v. get every bit of s.t., such as
grains of rice on a mat or fruit on the 'timbabasi Variant: 'tambabasi. n. kind
ground. of watery plant used medicinally.
'Tim-ow n. name of a spirit who lives 'tinduk n. kind of large cooking banana
under the ground. about a foot long. Musa paradisiaca var.
'timpla v. season food; mix ingredients
in certain proportions. Syn: pana'kotan. ting- affix. season or time an event
From: Cebuano. regularly occurs.
'timpug v. cut off the end or tail of s.t., ti'nga n. food stuck between teeth.
such as camote, papaya, or a dog's tail.
'ting-ae v. for a dog to whimper.
'timpuk v. cut off the end of s.t., such
as camote or papaya. ti'ngaya v. be surprised.
ti'musug n. brass bracelet or anklet. n. kind of small black biting ant which
carries away newly planted rice.
tiN- affix. expose; affix which refers to See: ha'kut.
intentional exposure to s.t. harmful.
'tingkae n. top shaped spindle for
'tinà v. dye. spinning thread.
tinu'hani adj. ignorant; of a person ti'tilan n. flint and steel used to start a
having no knowledge about s.t. fire.
See: tinu'hanan.
tiwa'kas v. for a group of people to
ti'ow v. for s.o., usually elderly, to disperse and go home.
behave strangely or obsessively perform
some activity that was part of their 'tiwis v. drain liquid out of s.t.
younger life. Sometimes, this behaviour
is said to be caused by the soul of a pa'tiwis v. drain s.t. of liquid.
dead family member. One reason is that
the person with strange behaviour did 'tiwoy v. move a short distance away.
not behave correctly towards a person in
the household who is now dead, when ti'yahù v. cry.
that person was still alive.
ti'yog n. earthquake.
tipa'ka n. unhusked rice.
ti'yuk v. skewer food for roasting with
'tipdas n. measles. a stick; thread pieces of meat or fish
together with a strip of rattan for
'tipjung v. gather s.t. on a mat or sheet carrying.
into a neat pile by lifting the edges of
the mat. n. skewer for roasting; piece of rattan
used to thread pieces of meat or fish
'tipsoy adj. full-grained, of rice. together.
Aff: ma-.
to det. a; of; indefinite non-specific
'tipù v. extract s.t. solid from s.t. determiner.
larger, as teeth or horns; shell corn; pick
s.t., as fruit; pluck out a tooth or kernel 'toak v. sing louder.
of corn.
to'bà1 n. palm wine; palm juice or sap
tipu'sù n. ear of corn. produced by the bud of palms such as
the coconut or cabonegro.
'tobaon adj. reddish color, of a cock. v. curse s.o. so that he or she dies
to'bà2 v. harvest bananas by cutting
down the tree. 'togkad v. measure the depth of s.t.
such as water or a hole.
to'bas v. for a fruiting season to be
over. v. test or feel out s.o.'s thoughts.
n. native song. Style of singing with 'togsad v. reach the bottom of a river
abrupt phrases and long slurs covering or hole with a long object held at one
as much as an octave. end.
to'dos v. crush lice with the thumbnail. 'togsob See main entry: 'tugsob.
'togbang v. travel from a remote place to'kab v. for a fish to come to the
to a less remote place; go downhill; go surface of the water in order to gulp air.
to the river; go to town.
'toknob v. dip s.t. briefly in a liquid.
'togbok v. prick or pierce s.t. with a
small, sharp, pointed object. to'kod v. guess or answer a riddle;
guess a puzzle, such as the identity of
'togdan n. handle or shaft of a spear. s.o. covering one's eyes while standing
behind one.
'toghaw v. die suddenly.
to'kon v. pole a boat.
n. bamboo pole used in moving a boat. 'tongak v. break the neck of a fish.
See: ta'kom.
'tonggak v. raise one's head from a
to'kow v. surprise s.o. bowed position, esp. to look at s.t.
tomo'ing See main entry: tamo'ing. to'od v. realize (a plan); for an event or
plan to materialize.
'tompag v. for the bank of a river to
crumble into the river; for a landslide to 'topad v. for s.t. or s.o. to be located
occur; for a hill or mountain to be aligned with s.t. or s.o. else; side by
levelled. side; just in front; just behind; just
below; just above.
'tompid v. for people or plants to be
positioned next to each other. topa-'topa v. vacilitate; have difficulty
choosing between alternatives.
'tomsan n. coconut seedling, not yet
planted. to'pong v. measure length, weight, and
quantity of mass nouns.
'tondag v. for a boat to sink. From:
Cebuano tundag. 'topong v. be the same length or
'tondok v. guess the location or origin
of s.t. or s.o., esp. such as a sound or to'pos v. chew s.t. such as sugarcane.
smell, without going there.
'totey v. for water to stop rising or
to'ngà n. half of s.t.; middle of s.t. recede.
to'yung v. for s.t. to shade plants. 'tubtub2 n. kind of spotted gray bird
found in swampy areas. Makes a cry
tra'bahu v. work. Syn: 'hinang. From: that sounds like knocking on a hollow
Spanish. tree.
'tugwad v. for a person to fall into the 'tukdang v. steer a boat using a pole.
water from a standing position on a
water craft, usually from lack of 'tukdu v. brace up s.t. in danger of
balance. falling down, esp. a house.
'tujuk v. lead an animal by rope; lead a tu'kù n. kind of lizard larger than the
person like an animal. house lizard.
'tujun1 v. for s.t. animate to not move 'tukud v. push a boat away from the
or to stay still even when expected to bank or s.t. similar with a pole.
move. Aff: pa-. Aff: paN-.
v. allow dogs to eat a killed animal 'tukyuy v. stop a while to get s.t. or s.o.
before removing the carcass. while travelling.
'tujun2 adv. for s.t. to really happen to v. wash down dry food in the throat
one, esp. if one has been playing at or with liquid.
tu'lay n. bridge. Syn: tay'tajan. From: 'tumbak n. kind of hunting spear with a
Cebuano. short spearhead and stout shaft used
esp. for hunting pigs.
'tulì v. circumcise.
tum'bilang v. sit cross legged.
'tul-id v. fix; straighten.
'tumbù v. for clouds to build up.
ma'tul-id adj. straight.
tu'mina v. offer s.o. to a spirit or
'tulin1 v. grow. person.
'tulin2 adj. fast. Aff: ma-. 'tum-od v. pucker one's lips downward
to drink or to bite.
tu'liog v. catch s.t. or s.o. with a noose
or lasso. 'tumpì v. mold food into lumps.
tu'lisok v. press s.t. into a small n. s.t. sticking out from a surface of
opening or stick it in where no hole water such as a stick or rock.
tu'ngag n. tooth cavity.
v. poke s.o. in the eye with a finger.
v. get a cavity in one's tooth.
'tuma n. body louse.
tu'ngagon adj. having tooth cavities.
'tuman v. obey instructions; comply See: atu'ngag.
with; carry out obligation.
tu'ngajow v. utter a curse on s.o.; wish
'tumanon n. obligation. for s.o.'s destruction or misfortune.
tu'mangì n. first born piglet in a litter. 'tunggang n. tuba extracted from the
Ant: gi'pis, Syn: tu'manod. fishtail palm. Extracted by first
chopping down the tree; next cutting off
tu'manod n. biggest piglet in a litter. all the leaves and removing some of the
Ant: gi'pis, Syn: tu'mangì. sheath; finally cutting the end of the
growing tip and collecting the tuba
tu'mawan n. good hunting dog (may which flows from the cut tip.
perhaps be extended to animals which
are good hunters). tung'kakù v. for a hornbills to cry.
'tuntu v. deceive, cheat or fool s.o. tu'wad v. bend the body forward so
that the rump is higher than the head.
manun'tuhay n. deceiver.
tu'wa-tuwa n. mountain peak.
ti'nuntu n. foolishness.
tu'ya v. boil viand.
'tuntun v. lower s.t. by means of a
rope. tu'yadong adj. well behaved. Aff: ma-.
Usage: archaic. See: 'tadong.
'tunù v. for soil to erode.
'tuyag v. stir s.t. cooking in a pot.
'tunud n. arrow to be shot from a bow.
'tuyan adv. exactly.
tu'od n. stump of a tree.
'tuyas v. feel sore in the mouth from
'tuoy v. stand or walk without holding eating sour fruit, esp. pineapple.
onto anythings, esp. on a bridge.
'tuyon v. stay close to one's work, esp.
tu'sak v. mix chopped camote cubes on a farm.
with rice before cooking.
tu'yud Variant: tued. v. push.
'tutud v. aim a projectile weapon at a
target. 'tuyuy v. pick up or take s.t. easily
accessible along the way.
u'bag part. diminutive particle. v. feel like one has an abundance of s.t.
so that he wastes, scatters, or gives it
eh 'ubag exclamation of appreciation away.
of success made by s.o. small.
'udamà See main entry: 'odomà.
'uban n. gray or white hair.
'udan v. rain.
'ubi n. yam; kind of root crop.
Dioscorea alata. n. rain.
u'budon v. clean the soft heart or top of udo'hik v. wade upstream. Ant: 'yadas.
such plants.
'udsà interr. why.
U'bue n. ruler of the underworld or
place of the dead. u'due1 v. pressure s.o. to move on;
walk fast behind s.o. to pressure the
u'bue n. underworld; place of the dead; person into walking faster; hint strongly
place where the soul goes after death. that s.o. leave.
u'galing conj. because; only because; inug'tuhan n. above the dome of the
in case; just because. sky.
u'kù v. be sick with chicken pox. uma'ayù n. generic term for evil spirits,
such as those that cause people to
'ukud v. stuff one's mouth full of food. become prostitutes or murderers.
Aff: na-.
v. give bad advice.
'uldin Variant: 'udlin. v. exhort;
instruct s.o. in proper behavior; preach. U'maegad n. guardian spirit of wild
animals. He is said to accompany wild
'ulì v. return home; regain health. animals and warn them of danger.
See: u'yagdok. See main entry: 'aegad.
u'mag n. animal wounded by a hunter Can result from breaking the 'Anit
or trap that has not been found by that taboo.
hunter or owner of the trap which
caused the wound. Must be Umu'wiwi n. cloud spirits.
grammatically possessed by the hunter
who wounded the animal or the owner 'una adj. first; ahead.
of the trap, but may be physically
claimed by anyone else who finds the v. do s.t. first.
na'nguna n. leader of a group.
'umagad n. soul of a dead person.
pa'nguna n. foreleg.
u'magak n. hen.
'unag v. exert time and effort,
u'mamon v. be controlled internally by especially if it seems in vain.
sin, shyness, anger, grudge, etc.
u'ngas adj. malicious, foolish, of a
mau'mamon adj. homebody; of one person who lies, creates sympathy for
who likes to stay at home. oneself, creates malicious rumors.
'uplit adj. cohesive or sticky, such as 'usuk adj. for s.o. to lie down such that
'hupì or clay. Aff: ma-. the head is inclined or tilted
downwards. Aff: ma-.
v. for substances such as 'hupì or clay
to cohere. v. be upside down; for long things to be
tilted downwards.
u'pow adj. bald headed.
'us-us v. move backward horizontally
'upu n. kind of edible white gourd. or vertically; decrease.
u'wag n. kind of very hard vine, u'yajan n. kind of hardwood tree that
sometimes used as a whip. bears pods. Good for firewood.
'wintong v. for guests or crying ya'aw adj. feral, of a wild animal that
children to hinder s.t. was once domesticated.
wo'ling-woling n. kind of pink orchid. v. have welts or wide marks on the skin.
'yabgab Variant: 'yobgab. v. yawn. 'yabyab n. large wild boar; male wild
ya'bi adv. more.
'yadang See main entry: 'yajang.
pina'yabi adv. favorite.
'yadas v. wade downstream.
ya'bi pad adv. especially. Ant: udo'hik.
'yabi Variant: li'yabi. n. key. From: 'yadgad v. walk along a side such as a
Spanish. riverbank or wall.
ya'gangdang adj. bright, of colors. knowing for sure whether his answer is
Aff: ma-. correct.
'yagkos v. mix; put s.t. in with other ya'goyloy n. kind of tall weed with a
things. Usage: archaic. sticky stem and grain-like seeds.
'yahung v. carry s.t. between two or v. for s.t. to be on the same bank of a
more people, at least one on each end. river, without an intervening tributary;
for sunny or rainy weather to continue
ya'hus See main entry: yo'hus. without a break.
ya'kip v. include. Syn: ya'pik. 'yambog adj. stout; fat. Aff: ma-.
'yakyak v. shake an edible snail shell yambu'uhon adj. olive or greyish green
to remove the meat, esp. the color, used to describe the color of a
'kaembuoy snai. certain variety of chicken.
ya'nit v. strip off s.t., such as grass, v. make a double layer of s.t.
skin or a covering.
ya'pik v. include. Syn: ya'kip.
ya'nos v. for plants to wilt or wither.
ya'ping n. kind of edible fungi that
'yanot n. long plant fibers. grows on dead wood and looks like
'yansang n. nail.
adj. of a person with a deformed ear.
v. nail s.t.
ya'pinig n. small yellow-green wasp
yan'taaw n. orchid. with a painful sting.
'yantap v. for birds to fly away when ya'pogsak v. for an object to make a
scared. splatting noise upon impact.
'yasa n. kind of sauce made from v. for the penis or clitoris to become
vinegar, salt and chili peppers. erect.
'yasoy v. pound rice left unhusked yawa'gan n. banana stalk where the
after winnowing. fruit is attached to.
ma'tilawas adj. having long internodes, yo'bog adj. murky, of a liquid, glass or
of segmented plants. similar substance.
'yobag v. for a part of the body to na'yogdangan v. for s.o. who was ill to
swell. become seriously ill.
yo'goy v. be jinxed with bad luck; be 'yokat v. redeem; bail out; pay
cursed; suffer bad spiritual influence, mortgage price; pay ransom.
esp. from offending the spirits.
'yokbò v. lower the body; kneel on one
'yogpang v. scoop s.t. up in big knee before s.o. or s.t.; bow the body
chunks, such as soil or rice. before s.o. or s.t.
'yomhok adj. soft. Aff: ma-. 'yonyon v. roll up sleeves or pant legs.
'yotik v. for a seed pod or tree bark to v. twist fibers together to make twine.
split open to allow seeds or shoots to
emerge. yubid-'yubid n. spermate cord of male
'yotò v. for a river or stream to flow
backwards or to back up. yu'bid-yubid n. penile cartilage and
tubular urinary tract of male mammals.
yo'tow v. float on water or in the air.
yu'boy adj. pliable or flexible, such as
v. for facts to become evident upon bamboo. Aff: ma-.
yu'bug adj. pure, of a color or blood.
'yotoy adj. weak physically; tired;
slow. yu'buk v. for fruit to become overripe.
yoyo'atan n. joint of the body. yu'du v. for fowl to molt; for pigs to
shed hair.
yoyo'konan Variant: yo'konan. n.
hock; back of the knee. 'yudus v. climb down from a tree.
kayu'gajan adv. after a long time. 'yujud v. for a large group of people or
animals to go somewhere together.
'yugsad v. go down from a house.
'yujung v. kidnap s.o. away to murder
'yugsak v. hit s.t. high above with a the person secretly.
pole, as in harvesting fruit from a tree.
'yukà n. layer of banana sheath
v. spear with an upward motion. obtained from the stem of the banana
plant; sheath of similar plants like
n. pole used to harvest fruit from tall abaca.
trees. Syn: tu'kag.
n. piece of banana sheath used as a
'yugsung v. go downhill. plate.
'yugtom adj. dark color. Aff: ma-. v. cut and peel off a section of banana
'yugtus v. for a trap to become useless.
'yukas adv. quickly; immediately.
'yug-uk v. for a deer to make its
characteristic noise. 'yukat v. dig out or pry out s.t. from the
ground with a levering action.
n. noise a deer makes.
'yukjab n. undercut bank of a river.
'yukos n. male person or animal; man; 'yumut v. for a child to play in or a pig
boy. to wallow in the mud.
'yuku v. for four legged animals to curl 'yumyum v. stuff food into the mouth.
up and lie down as when sleeping.
'yunas n. kind of tree, the bark and root
yu'kub v. for s.o. to be in a trance. of which is used as an antidote for
Aff: -an. venomous bites.
yu'mow n. soft portion of the head of a 'yunoy adj. flexible. Aff: ma-.
new born baby.
'yunsì adj. pale, of a person's
'yumpu v. stay away too long. complexion. Aff: ma-.
'yumpù n. section of finger or toe 'yunsoy adj. all the same kind.
between the knuckles.
'yunsud n. settlement of more than one
n. unit of measure of the length of the extended family, recognised by the
first section of the middle finger from government; town; city; village.
the tip of the finger to the first knuckle. Traditionally, the Manobo live in a
single house in the forest containing an
Yu'mud n. name of a male spirit. extended family.
Believed to cause plagues.
yu'nù adj. smooth. Aff: ma-.