Guidance 1 Gerald S. Enrique Block - 1H Essay
Guidance 1 Gerald S. Enrique Block - 1H Essay
Guidance 1 Gerald S. Enrique Block - 1H Essay
Direction: Explain each of the given question, read the passage carefully and plan
what you will say. Your essay should be as well organized and as carefully
written as you can make it.
Setting Goals
Building Relationship
Self-Exploration- also known as talking about Behavior, Feelings and motivation it is
part of motion of people. Most people believe that you don’t need to be concerned about
figuring out who you are and what you want to do until you’re just about ready to
graduate but also needed to motivation and Goals and choose for the future abilities
and strength as make prove knowledge of people .Setting goals- helps you choose
where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know
where you have to concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that
can so easily lead you astray. Building Relationship- It is also the people who motivate
us to reach our goals. As community builders, we care deeply about people and caring
is part of our work. It is our caring for others that motivates us to work as hard as we do.
It is often the health and happiness of our people and neighbors, coworkers that we
hold fixed in our minds as we push ourselves to overcome obstacles and take on
challenges that can feel overwhelming. If you are the official leader or an active citizen
without an official title, you will be most effective if you establish many strong
relationships around yourself in the community.
The Benefits of Guidance -It makes them competent for future success. Equips them
with all the latest career trends. Improves personal development and Proper Shapes the
child for decision taking and making the process by developing their interpersonal skills
2. Make your own example of Purpose of Guidance.
To the purpose of guidance it helpful of an individual people for work, education, skill
there is also benefits Goals in life and to manage for our future and maintaining for as
prove control of individual people. Guidance is also known control and development
self-control, discipline for life goals .
3. There are Factors that are responsible for the expansion of the scope of
Guidance. Choose 2 Factors and Explain.
Migration- is industrialization process of people move from one state to other states.
The states are quite different in their religion and culture mode of living dress eating
habits and marriages when they move from one social set up to another one the
problem of adjustment becomes serious for which guidance is needed.
Areas of Guidance- is classified into several areas where and individual needs
guidance. These areas can be classified into educational guidance, vocational guidance
and personal guidance social guidance avocational guidance and Health guidance is a
continuous, complex dynamic and comprehensive process. Guidance is concerned with
educational vocational and other problems along with personal problems.
The principle of Guidance it is help for an individual people to be managed for our life
and mental behavior of people. Needs to be provide in the context of total development
of the whole person. It does not only focus on the learners academic achievement but
should also focus on different aspect such as social media and physical aspect.