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Coming Together During COVID: 2019 - 2020 Annual Report

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2019 - 2020

Annual Report

Com i n g To g e t h e r
during COVID
Building hope, changing futures
since 1993
Board Greetings
“We continue to grow as people, even right now that I am very proud to be a part of this school community
time is hard. We wouldn’t have done that without you! that works so diligently to fulfill its mission of
None of us would be who we are without your help challenging its students to realize their God-given
and consideration. We hope that you can feel how talents and make a difference in the community around
thankful we are. You are in our prayers, especially in them. We are in awe of the work of Sister Peggy, Dr.
this time of crisis.”
crisis.” MSA Class of 2021, 7th Grade Sucre, the faculty and staff for adapting so beautifully
to the demands of distance learning and continuing to
As I begin this greeting from the Mother Seton Academy provide a quality education which meets the needs of
Board of Directors to you, our donors, I could not find each individual student.
a better opening than this excerpt from a letter written
by the seventh graders in June of this year. After three Thank you for the kindness and generosity you have
months of virtual learning and the disappointment at shown to Mother Seton Academy over the past year.
the abrupt intrusion of COVID-19 into their school year, Your support of our mission makes a huge difference in
they are still filled with gratitude and hope. They go on the lives of our students.
to speak of what a privilege it is to be students at Mother
Seton Academy and they realize that this opportunity is May God bless you.
only possible because of the scholarships you provide. Sincerely,
In addition 2019-2020 saw the exciting completion of
our new gymnasium which added a whole new aspect
to the holistic experience of educating youth today. Sister Mary Frances Hildenberger, DC
The amazing success of the Capital Campaign was Board Chair
dependent on your wonderful generosity. We all look
forward to resuming the full use of this state of the art
President’s Message
“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times…” students and teachers. Donors like you provided needed
resources needed to support our students and families as
Dear Friends of Mother Seton Academy, they coped with uncertain times.
The opening words of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles What has been certain is your commitment to our students
Dickens came to my mind as I began my reflection on the and mission at Mother Seton Academy. Your generous
2019-2020 school year. A bit hyperbolic, the description and prayerful support gave us the resources and strength
matches a year that was composed of two very distinctive to respond to the challenges of these days. Summer days
experiences. gave our teachers and students time to regroup and to
focus on growth and learning.
The year opened with record enrollment. We moved
through the final stages of a successful capital campaign. What the future will hold is uncertain, but what is sure is
In December, we completed the construction of a our daily gratitude for your generous support of our girls
gymnasium. Students and teachers engaged in building a and boys. Let us continue to pray for one another that all
strong learning community. Because of you, our donors be kept safe during this challenging time. May God bless
and benefactors, the mission and vision of Mother Seton you and your loved ones and keep you safe.
Academy were alive and thriving.
With gratitude,
And then came March. The building was shuttered.
Teaching taking place virtually. Uncertainty was the
tone for our school, our broader community and our Sister Peggy Juskelis, SSND
world. Fortunately, our teachers were prepared to President
use the available technology to continue to provide
meaningful instruction. Their creativity and perseverance
strengthened their efforts to provide stability in the
changing times. Dr. Sucre, our principal, continued to
adapt the schedule and plans to meet the needs of our
Muhamad, 7th-grader, and Moustapha, Diego Martinez, alumni and Board Member of
his father and alumni parent Mother Seton Academy

View these interviews online by going to MSAWine.GiveSmart.com/Presentation.

Paris, 8th-grader, and her mother, Geralin Stephanie, 7th-grader, and Sheila,
her mother and alumni parent
Opportunity of a Lifetime
Typically Mother Seton Academy holds its annual fall academia. They are taught self-worth, respect for others,
fundraiser at the beginning of November. This event involves the virtue of hard work, and the importance of giving back.
tasting delicious wines from around the region, eating These are things not every school finds as important as
savory hors d’oeuvre, bidding on exciting auction items, and Mother Seton Academy. But it will be of great value when
learning more about the school’s work. But with the health they are older and will make them community members who
and safety of our attendees paramount, this year’s event had will make changes in the world around them.
to change.
The next focus Mother Seton Academy interviewees spoke
In its place, Mother Seton Academy did something about is the sense of community. The care for each and every
completely different... a “virtual” Wine Harvest. Using this student of the school goes beyond a single child and to the
as a chance for something new, the faculty, students, and family as well. Each parent/guardian said how being a part
their families (in separate, safe, socially distanced meetings) of Mother Seton Academy felt like being members of a caring
were spoken with to learn more about what the school means family. A family that would be there and support them when
to them and why they think its mission is so important. needed, whether helping a student falling behind, providing
Throughout these interviews, three main focuses seemed to equipment for families unable to pay for it, or finding aid for
continue to be brought up: value, community, and gratitude. those who have lost their jobs, this school encompasses its
community members in love.
Interviewees mentioned two types of values when speaking
of Mother Seton Academy. Everyone said how exceptional Last but not least, was gratitude. From teachers to students
the schooling is for the young girls and boys at Mother Seton to board members, all were overwhelmed with gratitude.
Academy. Something every parent wants to give their child, Teachers for the opportunity to work somewhere they love.
but few can afford it—a place where their child is seen as Board members to be a part of changing the futures. Students
an individual and shown their worth as a whole being. The to go to school somewhere that cares about them. Families
quality of the education received is renowned through the having the chance for their children to get an education that
area because high schools know that students from Mother will give them brighter futures.
Seton Academy are held to the highest standards and come
prepared to take on the world. All of these things are what make Mother Seton Academy
more than a school... They make it a once in a lifetime
Additionally, the students are taught values beyond opportunity.
Educating during a Pandemic
The world changed in March of 2020. of tremendous, as has the efforts of Mother Seton
Academy’s teachers. To better accommodate the
What was supposed to be a two-week quarantine turned students, classrooms were adjusted to smaller groups,
into months of a new way of living. We do not know giving each young girl and boy more individualized
when things go back to normal or if they go back to attention during the day. This change meant more work
normal. Regardless, one thing that will not change is and for the teachers, but they readily agreed to ensure
Mother Seton Academy’s commitment to its families and students got the support they needed during these
students. difficult times. Staff members have also continued to
check in with families. They make sure that families
During the two-week “break,” the faculty and staff
know where to pick up school lunches that would
made preparations for the possibility of being unable to
normally be provided by Mother Seton Academy. They
return to school. When news came out that quarantine
see if family members have been sick or struggle with
would be extended, Dr. Gregory Sucre, Principal of
work and try to find help for those facing hardships. The
Mother Seton Academy, held a Zoom meeting. He let
school has and will continue to do its best to provide for
all the families know that school would not be delayed
those it serves.
and would be continuing in an online format. The efforts
of Dr. Sucre and the teachers made the transition from In a world where so many things have changed
in-class to online rather seamless. Several donors had drastically, the students and families of Mother Seton
been contacted during the break to see if they could help Academy have sung praises for the fabulous ongoing
provide equipment for struggling families, and these work that is being done. This school community and
supporters jumped at the chance to be of assistance. its supporters have come together to ensure that those
being served get the highest quality education possible,
As with all new things, it took a little bit for the students
even during a pandemic. So with hearts full of gratitude,
to get in the groove of virtual learning, but their
Mother Seton Academy would like to say thank you to
resilience and hard work has been nothing short
all who make this work possible. You are invaluable!
Teachers spending the day doing Socially-distanced orientation for 6th-grade boys at the beginning of
socially-distanced professional development. the school year so they could transition fully to online learning.

6th-grade girls doing socially-distanced orientation at the beginning 8th-grader Justice participating in
of the school year so they could transition fully to online learning. her online social studies class.
2019-2020 Annual Fund Donors Paypal Giving Fund Michael and Dawn Naccarato
The following list recognizes donors’ contributions to the annual fund Frank and Desiree Pilachowski Laurette and Patrick O’Malley
between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. Every attempt was made to Robert and Suzanne Price Ms. Anita Healy O’Neill
make this list accurate. If your name is missing or inaccurate, please Ms. Vivian Rackauckas Sharon and Scott Robinson
accept our apologies and contact the development office at 410-563-2833. Donna and Paul Russell Paul and Jennifer Speargas
St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Church The Morgan Family Foundation
$50,000 and Above Donald and Jane Anderson
St. Joseph Catholic Community The Trask Family
Anonymous Ariosa & Company, LLC
Patricia K. and Michael J. Batza, Jr. St. Peter’s Catholic Church Mr. Fred Trenkle
Stephen & Renee Bisciotti Foundation Valerie and Thomas White
Ms. Helen E. Bowlus Stanley Black & Decker
Mission & Ministry Impact Deborah and Joseph Wyda
Mr. Michael A. Brown, Esq. Ms. Kathleen Mary Tully
Nicholl Family Foundation
Patrick and Lynn Brown United Way of Central Maryland
Oluv C. Joynor Foundation, Inc.
Solid Rock Foundation Ms. Ann Carberry Ms. Catherine Ann Walsh $250 and Above
Ms. Carol Carey Robin and Eugene Warren Anonymous (2)
Lisa and William Stromberg
Catholic Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Welkie, Jr. Ms. Theresa Archambault
Mr. and Mrs. Scott White
Cowles Charitable Trust Robert and Jacquelin Brown
$25,000 and Above Frank W. Dingle and Frances S. Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. Mr. Steven Cammarata
Anonymous Dingle Rdml. & Mrs. Thomas J. Wilson, III Coastal Exteriors, LLC
Ms. Carolyn Donohue Ms. M. Patricia Wilson-Stanzione Mrs. Ellen Cullen
$10,000 and Above Dr. Jonathan D. Dubin Joseph and Zeny Winterling Mr. Dennis M. Dooley
Anonymous (2) Ellin & Tucker Exelon Corporation
Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting Gino and Margaret $500 and Above F. Paul Galeone Photographers, Inc.
Northern Trust Co. Gemignani Anonymous Priscilla Ford Frein
School Sisters of Notre Dame Stephen and Nancy George Ms. Marie Adams Mr. and Mrs. Paul Geppi
Charles A. Staylor Scholarship Fund Barbara and Vincent Guercio Eric and Crystal Bland Anthony and Louise Gioio
Ms. Carlisle Hashim Bruce and Polly Behrens Linda and Alan G. Grasley
$5,000 and Above Mr. Martin C. Hauf Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and Barbara Ms. Cathy A. Haines
Anonymous (2) James and Kit Kane Bury Elizabeth and William L. Henn, Jr.
Asbestos Specialists, Inc. Paul and Flora Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Francis Contino Ms. Margaret Hughes
Robert and Teresa Cook Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mrs. Audrey Drimal Craig and Katie Kotras
Mrs. Lawre Langhoff Koutrelakos Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Edwards Laura and Adam Minakowski
Maryland Glass & Mirror Company Dr. and Mrs. John Laschinger Thomas and Jill Edwards Skip and Fran Minakowski
Our Lady of Angels Catholic Marialyce and John Martin Jacqueline and Salvatore Formica William and Patricia O’Connor
Community Maryland Charity Campaign Laura and Thomas Gillen Mr. Daniel C. Ramos
Reval Foundation Thomas and Amy Matteini Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heidrick Mr. and Mrs. William Rowe
Riggs, Counselman, Michaels & Michael and Therese McAllister Ms. Aleia R. Hendricks Ms. Sara Ryan
Downes, Inc. Mrs. Catherine H. McClelland and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Ann Hogg Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
Mac McClelland Leslie and Michael Krainak Patricia and Mark Sylvester
Robert and Sharon Ventura
$1,000 and Above Amy and Patrick Mutch
Marree Paszkiewicz
Andrea and James Marthinuss, Jr.
Yakabod, Inc.
Anonymous (3) MECU of Baltimore
Michael and Maureen Paszkiewicz Craig and Karen Mellendick
$100 and Above The Bro. James M. Kelly, CFX The Thelma Jean Ullrich
Anonymous (7)
Bernard and Catherine F. Anderson Scholarship Fund Fund for the Arts
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Anderson
Kevin and Miriam Averill
Diane and Robert L. Bastress This memorial scholarship
Sr. Mary Ann Bazata, SSND fund for underserved
Ms. Maxine Blackman students was established in
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Borcherding
Thomas and Mary Jo Bosley 2010 by the Thomas More
Judith and Robert P. Breiner, Jr. Project to honor Xaverian
Brothers of the Christian Schools Brother James M. Kelly, CFX,
James and Christine Buckley
Michael & Kristin Burke educator and founding board
Mr. Richard Burke member of Mother Seton
Shannon and Dan Clancy Academy.
John and Joanna Conrey
David and Joanna Cox
James and Josephine Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Curran, Jr. Sr. Kathleen Lunsmann, IHM Edward and Betty Stricker
Joseph and Lynn Doerfler Ms. Elizabeth M. Lutz Mr. Charles Stromberg
This memorial fund honors Thelma
Ms. Mary M. Dugan Thomas and Karen Malin Ms. Charlotte Stromberg Jean Ullrich, a teacher and principal
Kathleen and William Eagers Lisa and Frank Marcellino, Jr. William and Maryann Surine in the public schools of Mount Cle-
ECHO of Northrop Grumman William and Rossana Marsh Mary and Joel Tolley
Mr. & Mrs. Maziar Emadi Monica and Michael McGrew Andrew and Joanne Turgeon
mens, Michigan. She was an active
Frederick and Maureen Frevert Sr. Mariella McMillan, SSND Alan and Becki Vasse member of the First Presbyterian
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gallagher Ms. Mary Middleton Sr. Marguerite Weiler, SSND Church of Mount Clemens, loved the
Carole and Ron Gauthier Ms. Janet E. Moses Sr. Ann Marie Whelan, SSND
Linda and Christophe Graye Mrs. Floraine K. Muffoletto Gregory and Victoria Zeller
beauty of nature, supported music
David and Mary Ellen Haddad Mrs. Sharon Norton Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. David F. and the arts, and gave generously to
Ms. Jamie Yolanda Harvey Brian and Colleen Phebus Zietowski Catholic schools whose mission is to
Sr. Anne Patrice Hefner, OSF Sr. Irene Pryle, SSND
serve the poor.
Mr. William E. Hubbard, Jr. Ms. Jaye Richardson Up to $100
Ms. Joann Marie Iglehart Dr. and Mrs. Ernesto Rivera Anonymous
Mrs. Luz Jimenez Sr. Jane Scanlon, SSND This fund is intended to enrich the
Mary and James Albert
Sr. Peggy Juskelis, SSND School Sisters of Notre Dame Amazon Smile Foundation life of the Mother Seton Academy
Robert and Anita Juskelis - Corpus Christi Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Arnold, III community by stimulating interest
Mrs. Michelle A. Kahl Ms. Michele Scotto M. Frances Bacon and F. Woodward
John L. Kellermann, Jr. Ferdinand and Michele Selby in the arts, specifically by providing
Keeney, III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Klein James and Catherine Sheridan Mr. William G. Baetz, Jr. or supplementing stipends for guest
Ms. Jeanne Leclair Ms. Margaret S. Siewert Daniel and Lisa Bartolowits artists or performers, workshops in
Mrs. Gwen S. Lilly T. Bradford and Jane Sinclair Sr. Mary Ann Bazata, SSND
Little Flower Fraternity Mr. David Southwick music, dance, acting, or any related
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Becker
Patricia and Robert Luck Ms. Phoebe B. Stein Ms. Leah Benzing activities.
Dr. Damian E. Birchess Ms. Ann S. Jones Endowment Gifts Pedro & Eliana Turina
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blasco Steven & Melinda Kania Jim and Dorothy Knell Rev. Bill Watters, SJ
Box Tops for Education Robert and Donna Keegan Richard and Janet Kreiss
John and Robin Brancato Glenn & Marguerita Keidel Mr. and Mrs. Dawson & Getrude Parlett Gifts Made in Memory of:
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Brophy Ms. Medea Simone Kennedy The Thomas More Project Rev. John Kemper, PSS
Maureen Byrne Michael and Mary Keogh Laura and Joseph A. Schwartz, III Josephine Kennedy
John and Anne Campbell Sr. Victoria Kessler, SSND Becky Frederick Keys
Mrs. and Dr. Molly and Francis X. Ms. Edith Raye Kozlowski
Carmody, Sr. Macon Street Books
Gifts Made in Honor of: Margaret M. Kmetyk
2020 SSND Jubilarians Stephen Langhoff
Sr. Ellen Carney, IHM Mr. Arthur J. Martin, Sr. Sr. Elsa Lindner, SSND
All at Mother Seton
John and Catherine Cavey Mr. John P. Massad Edward Longstreet
Raphael Alvarez
Ms. Bernadette Chestnutt Mrs. Jackie Mattheu Vincent A. Lopardo
Graham Arnold
Vincent and Joan Ann Coleianne Sr. Patricia Maxa, SSND John H. Mark, Jr.
Dashawn Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Comes Mr. James H. McLean Carrie Martin
Ms. Kennedi M. Benjamin
Michael and Therese Conlon Ms. Mary M. Meyer Mark A. Martin
Carolyn & David Braverman
Ms. Mary M. Conroy Sr. Joan Minella, SSND Paul M. Martin
George Brown
Ms. Melanie J. Crawford Kathleen and Dominic Monteil Peggy Joyce Martin
John Bryant
Peter and Patricia DiLeonardi and Robert and Joyce Moody R. John Martin, Jr.
Gerard Cohee
Mr. Albert Calogero George and Patricia Moriatis Dr. Richard McCoart
Alex & Ansley Dillon
Mr. John H. Doud, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Moseman Sr. Marie Ann Meehan, SSND
Ms. Patricia Faraone
Ms. Phyllis Douglass Network For Good Bob & Mary Anne Movan
Courtney Field
Sr. Carol Durkin, DC Mr. and Mrs. Terence Nolan Mrs. Margaret M. Murphy
Sr. Anne Hefner
Roy and Theresia Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Noll Mary and Paul Nawrot
Lou and Janet Heidrick
Ms. Spring Ferguson Paul and Jeanine Norfolk James W. Parker
Joan and Don Hillier
Mrs. Mary Margaret Frederick Ms. Audrey E. Novak Mr. Daniel Paszkiewicz
Bob Juskelis
Sr. Theresa Frere, IHM Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. O’Sullivan Fay & Iva Peters
Robert Juskelis
Patricia and John Frizzera Pastor & Mrs. Carl & Margaret Pagan Robert Lee Phillips
Sr. Peggy Juskelis, SSND
Joseph and Joanne Gerber Sr. Mary Irmina Paszkiewicz, CSFN Sr. Clarice Proctor
Sr. Charmaine Krohe, SSND
Mr. William Glaser and Ms. Laura Fondi Ms. Patricia Phebus Charles Rocket
Theresa Lutz
Jacqueline and Ernest Glinka Ms. Lorraine Racusen Nancy Sak
Miguel and Alejandro Macaoay
Sr. JoAnne Goecke, DC Sr. Helen Reilly, SSND Gerldine Schmeltzer
Mr. and Mrs. William Marsh
Ms. Carolyn Hands Michael and Paulette Rekus Orieda Anne Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. James Marthinuss
Virginia and Charles Harrison Mary and Ray Renehan Francis A. & Madeline T. Scotto
Robert McGinley
Norma W. Hart Mrs. Helen S. Riley Joanne Sinclair
Jackie & Larry Mislyan
Sr. Ann Elizabeth Hartnett, SSND Mr. Francis J. SanFellipo Dave & Marsha Smith
MSA Students
Mr. and Mrs. John and Kathleen Mr. Frederick J. Schneider St. Ann’s School Sisters of Notre Dame
Ann Nolan
Hattrup Lisa and Jennifer Simmons Those who died on 9/11
Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart
David and Donna Henson Daniel and Amy Simon Sr. Roberta Tierney, SSND
Bro. Jesse O’Neill, SM
Stacey and Carl Hertz Cheryl and Roger Thunell Rose Toulas
Pearl & Alan Seidman
Mr. Joseph Hines Sr. Lorrita Verhey, SSND Mr. and Mrs. John and Grace Vasse
All School Sisters of Notre Dame
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Hohl Yorke House Community Susan Weber
Catholic Community St Joseph
Barry and Nancy Huey Mr. Richard E. Wachter Michele Wujek
Catholic School Teachers
Immaculate Heart of Mary Mrs. Ruby S. Wilson
William Temmink
Mr. Ricardo Johnson, Esq.
Gifts in Kind: Ingleside Vineyards
Ivy Bookshop
Pinehurst Wine Shoppe
Pizza Hut of MD
Thames Street Oyster House
The Cheesecake Factory
Alexander’s Tavern
Anonymous Joe’s Bike Shop Pizza John’s The Corner Stable
Autobahn Indoor Speedway (White Johnny’s Robert and Suzanne Price The Greene Turtle (Hunt Valley)
Marsh) Sr. Peggy Juskelis, SSND Princeton Sports The Greene Turtle (Owings Mills)
Curtis Baer Kali’s Mezze Marcy & Seamus Ray The Oceanaire Seafood Room
Baltimore Center Stage Mrs. Mary Ellen Kaplan Remington Wine Company The Rose Group
Baltimore Chef Shop Kenilworth Wine & Spirits Jaye Richardson The Trask Family
Baltimore Coffee and Tea Company Mary Shelley Darling Knach Roundtop Mountain Resort The Walters Art Museum
Baltimore Orioles Lisa Knickmeyer Topher Russo Linda Tucker
Baltimore Ravens Allison Knott & Aaron Peck Richard & Sally Scheiner Turkey Hill Dairy
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Koco’s Pub Schneider Paint & Hardware Store Turkey Hill Experience
Basignani Winery Lebanese Taverna Mrs. Pearl Seidman Catherine Ann Walsh
Mr. Eric Baumgartner Liberty Mountain Resort Shananigans Toy Shop Stacy & Chris Walsh
Ms. Leah Benzing Longwood Gardens Shenandoah Caverns Washington Capitals
Bluestone Restaurant Mr. Jonathan Luca Smyth Jewelers Washington Mystics
Sarah Butcher Greg & Mary Lynne Sotto Sopra Washington Nationals
California Pizza Kitchen Lyon Distilling Co Southern Maryland Blue Crabs Washington Wizards
Catholic Community of St. Maggiano’s Little Italy St. Joseph Catholic Community Kathy Wetzel
Francis Xavier Lisa and Frank Marcellino, Jr. Jodie Stine Winterthur
Cava Mezze Mr. Arthur J. Martin, Sr. Strathmore Cathleen & Scott White
Cheesecake Factory Sr. Patricia Maxa, SSND The Stromberg Family Whitetail Resort
Chesapeake Shakespeare Company Sr. Mariella McMillan, SSND Dr. Gregory Sucre Whiting-Turner Contracting Co.
Christ Child Society of Baltimore Medieval Times Tenpachi Steve Wyman
John and Jennifer Coffey MidiCi Neapolitan Pizza Texas Roadhouse Yoga Tree
Michael and Therese Conlon Sr. Joan Minella, SSND
Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurants MISCellaneous Distillery
Costas Inn Mission Escape Rooms
Russ & Kris Moore Thank you to all of our donors & volunteers.
DeJon Vineyard
Sr. Suzanne Delaney, IHM Sr. Jane Moran, SSND
Morton Street Dance Center
You make our work possible!
Sheila Epps
Colin & Ann Duer Mother Seton Academy Board
Earth Treks Climbing of Directors
Elk Run Vineyard Mother Seton Academy Faculty & Staff
Everyman Theatre Mother Seton Academy Sewing Club
Faidley’s Seafood Nalley Fresh
Falls Road Running Store Peggy Neidhart
Fringe Baltimore Notre Dame Prepratory
Gertrude’s Bruce & Terri O’Heir
Michael & Harriet Gill The O’Malley Family
Gramercy Mansion Ms. Anita Healy O’Neill
Grand Cru Old Line Spirits
Great Frogs Oliver Brewing Company
Sr. Catherine “Missy” Gugerty, SSND Olney Winery
Sr. Anne Patrice Hefner, OSF Debbie Oppenheim
Historic Ships in Baltimore Michael and Maureen Paszkiewicz
Honig Vineyard & Winery Terre Patrick
Triumph Akpabio Chris Comes
2019-2020 Volunteers
Sr. Catherine “Missy” Diego Martinez Sharon Parker Lisa Stromberg
Baha Albataineh Keith Comes Gugerty, SSND Julio Matias Aaron Peck Jamie Swecker
Qais Albataineh Joanna Conrey Sophie Hall Lori McGuinness Suzanne Price Frank Toohey
Salah Albataineh Natalie Cross Marty Hanssen Jackie Mislyan Marcy Ray Bro. Tom Trager, SM
Ibrahim Albawaneh Ellen Cullen Joe Heiderman Larry Mislyan Seamus Ray Robin Warren
Curt Baer Mary Dara Nia Hill Teresa Morse Raymond Renehan Tim Weeks
Eliza Baker Dominique Davis Nyle Hill Terence Nolan Jaye Richardson Sr. Ann Marie
Ione Bartlett Jack Davis Kit Kane Caitlin O’Connor Caroline Roche Whelan, SSND
Tyler Bluestein Katie Denike Allison Knott John O’Hara Anna Sasson Cathleen White
Matias Briceno Darryl DeSousa Mona Laue Jeanne O’Sullivan Sawyer Scott Scott White
Samantha Burnett Doria Diacogiannis Jayda Lawlah Peter O’Sullivan Briceno Sobrevilla Thomas White
Daniel Castaldo Fiona Finnegan Sr. Rose Lindner, SSND Jillian Olita Phoebe Stein Emma Wieland
Eleni Chakales Sahshe Gerard Francisco Loayza Jim Parker Jodie Stine Mary Williams
Debra Clawson-Jackson
Financial Report July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020

Income Expenses
Donations $1,493,983 Instructional/Program $1,613,161
Contributed Services $15,000 Graduate Support $113,487
Religious Subsidies $207,400 General and Administrative $171,114
Parents’ Fees $24,378 Development $159,420
Meal Program $48,972 Total Expenses $2,057,182
Investment Income and Unrealized Gains $10,786
Other $47,858
Total Income $1,848,377 Program - 78%
Donations - 81% Graduate Support - 6%
Contributed Services - >1%
Management and General - 8%
Religious Subsidies - 11%
Development - 8%
Parents' Fees - 1%
Meal Program - 3%
Investments/Unrealized Gains - >1%
Other - 3%
Copies of the audited report are available upon request.
Mother Seton Academy Family
Member Board Sponsoring Congregations
Bro. Lawrence Harvey, CFX Daughters of Charity
Sr. Sharon Kanis, SSND Marianist Society
Sr. Ruth Bernadette O’Connor, OSF
Bro. Jesse O’Neill, SM
School Sisters of Notre Dame
Sr. Mary Catherine Warehime, DC Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
Sr. Mary Reap, IHM Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Scranton
Board of Directors Xaverian Brothers
Eric M. Bland Administration
Christine Burnett Sr. Peggy Juskelis, SSND — President
Sr. Suzanne Delaney, IHM Dr. Gregory Sucre — Principal
D. Jason DeSousa, Ed.D.
Frances S. Dingle Faculty & Staff
Sr. Anne Patrice Hefner, OSF Leah Benzing Jonathan Luca
Louis E. Heidrick, AFSC Sr. Claire Bonneau, SSND Sr. Denise Lyon, IHM
Kattia Gibb Hernandez Sarah Butcher Brian Mahoney
Kia Castille Sr. Patricia Maxa, SSND
Sr. Mary Frances Hildenberger, D.C. - Chair
Sr. Helene Cooke, IHM Edward Meade
Jared Hoover
Guinevere Phoebe
Sr. Peggy Juskelis, SSND - ex-officio Sheila Epps
James Scott
Diego Martinez Amy Feriante
Katelyn Smith
Amy M. Matteini Liane Kittrell Rachel Trask
Paul K. McMullen Lisa Knickmeyer Linda Clarke Tucker
Bro. Frank J. O’Donnell, S.M., Esq. Ramona Lapid Robert Viner
Michael G. Paszkiewicz
Daniel Ramos - Secretary Contributions may be made at: donatemsa.org
Rhonda Tully - Treasurer For more information on ways to give please contact:
Sr. Josephann Wagoner, SSND Rachel Trask, Director of Development, at
410-563-2833 or rtrask@mothersetonacademy.org.
2215 Greenmount Avenue BALTIMORE, MD
Baltimore, MD 21218

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