Nama: Heru Intan Saputra NPM: E1J017085
Nama: Heru Intan Saputra NPM: E1J017085
Nama: Heru Intan Saputra NPM: E1J017085
Npm : E1J017085
h. To tame an animal.
B. Read the sentence pair. Choose where the words best fit the blanks
1. Harvest / Harvested
a. The farmer distribute the Harvested to the biggest farm market in the village.
2. Flesh / Fleshy
a. The Flesh Of Arum Manis mangoes are thicker than other mangoes.
3. Sweetness / Sweetly
4. Production / Plant
a. The Production of plant and animal is useful for human being.
b. Several Plant grow in desert farmland.
5. Seeds / Desert
a. Farmers always use good quality Seeds in farming.
C. Answer the following questions with True or False.If it false explain the right ones!!!