The Matrix of Complexity: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach For Studying Emergence in Coevolution
The Matrix of Complexity: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach For Studying Emergence in Coevolution
The Matrix of Complexity: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach For Studying Emergence in Coevolution
October, 2000
Version 9.3
To be published in:
Mobilizing the Self-Renewing Organization: The Coevolution Advantage
Edited by Arie Lewin and Henk Voldberda; SAGE Publications, forthcoming.
This paper benefited from very useful comments by Phil Anderson, Janice Black, Kathleen Carley, Kevin
Dooley, Robert Drazin, Bob Farias, Bill McKelvey, and Olav Sorenson, among others. I’m also indebted
to participants of the 2000 Academy of Management symposium, “Bringing Complexity to Bear on
Organizations” (organized by Alan Meyer) for their perceptive feedback. Research leading to the
development of this paper was generously funded by the Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Inc., and
the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, as well as by the Irwin Foundation. The contents of this
publication are solely the responsibility of the author.
My goal is to extend this paper, generalize it to Organization Theory (rather than focus on
co-evolution), and submit it to Academy of Management Review. However, I NEED YOUR
HELP! What should a 'review' and theoretical contribution on Complexity Research look
like? What should it include, and how should the field be represented at this early stage in its
development? Please give me whatever suggestions you like - particularly around my choice
of disciplines in Table 1, and let me know if you would consider a form of co-authorship.
Many researchers have been suggesting that complexity research can play an
important role in organization science (Brown & Eisenhardt, 1997; Anderson, 1999a;
McKelvey, 1999a). For example, in the past few years scholars have used a variety of
(Levinthal and Warglien, 1999), network structuring (Carley, 1999) and strategic adaptation
(McKelvey, 1999b). In addition, the concepts of emergence and self-organization have been
used to explain various elements of strategic decision making (Bettis and Prahalad, 1995;
Stacey, 1995; MacIntosh and MacLean, 1999), entrepreneurship (Stevenson and Harmeling,
1990; Gartner, 1993), career theory (Bird, 1998), organizational learning (Nonaka, 1988;
1994), leadership (Senge, 1990b; McKelvey, 2000 ), and organizational change and
More recently, scholars have recognized the potential role of complexity research in
explaining coevolutionary properties and processes (Baum, 1999; Lewin, Long and Carroll,
1999; Lewin and Volberda, 1999; McKelvey, 1999). Complexity models and methods may
be particularly valuable for studying the multi-level properties, multi-directional causalities,
non-linearities, positive feedbacks, and path dependent processes that are at the heart of
environments, one of the central issues in coevolutionary research (Lewin and Voldberda,
1999; Lewin et al., 1999). These possibilities, like those identified in uni-disciplinary studies
great deal of enthusiasm for the long-term prospects of applying complexity theory to
As one might expect (Abrahamson, 1996), this enthusiasm has sparked a proliferation
of popular managerial articles and books that utilize complexity models to explain everything
from strategy formation (Stacy, 1992; Beinhocker, 1999) to management practice (Wheatley
and Kellner-Rogers, 1996; Lissack and Roos, 1999); from product development (Brown and
understood. Some authors think of complexity as a science (Dent, 1999), others see it as a
theory (Anderson, 1999a), and others consider it “collection of results, models, and methods”
(Cohen, 1999: 375). Some place its origin in the research leading to the Santa Fe Institute
(Waldrop, 1992), others mark its beginnings in the mathematics of deterministic chaos
(Gleick, 1987), while others locate its source in cybernetics and dynamic systems modeling
(Capra, 1996).
What is the essence of this diverse stream of writing and research? Is there a way to
organize the multiple approaches into a coherent framework? Why is such a broad range of
The historical nature of our argument is reflected throughout the paper, thus all references are organized
writing being labeled as “complexity”? In this brief review article I will offer a context for
answering these questions. I start by suggesting that “emergence” is the core issue that
integrates the majority of research being placed under the complexity banner. Next I outline
show how each of these approaches can support the development and testing of
coevolutionary theory. Finally I argue that the more self-conscious we can be about the
nature of complexity research, the more likely it is that complexity will emerge as a cogent
Research underlying what is being called “complexity” has existed for many decades.
Its origins, according to some complexity scholars (McKelvey, 1999a), are in Prigogine’s
research on “dissipative structures,” which explains how regimes of order come into being
and retain their form amidst a constant dissipation of energy and resources (Prigogine, 1955).
This idea became popularized in the 1960s and 1970s as general systems theory (von
Bertalanffy, 1968; Miller, 1978) and open systems (Kast and Rosenzweig, 1972), whose
During this same period researchers in a wide variety of fields were experimenting
with non-linear models of dynamic systems. Several major schools of thought were born of
by date order rather than alphabetically. References in the same year are listed alphabetically.
self-organization (Prigogine and Glansdorff, 1971), complex adaptive systems (Holland,
1975), deterministic chaos theory (May, 1976), catastrophe theory (Zeeman, 1977),
synergetics (Haken, 1977), autopoiesis (Maturana and Varela, 1980), and fractals
(Mandelbrot, 1983). With Gleick’s (1987) best-selling book many of these approaches
became known as “chaos” theories. Some years later Lewin (1992) and Waldrop (1992)
These insights have been applied to management in new journals such as Emergence
(Lissack, 1999) and Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences (Dooley, 1997) and
have been featured in several special issues, including the Journal of Management Inquiry
(Bartunek, 1994), Organization Science (Anderson, Meyer, Eisenhardt, Carley and Pettigrew,
Each complexity theorist tends to specialize in one or two disciplinary methods for
studying complex dynamical systems; one goal of this article is to connect and begin to
approaches is presented in Table 1. The table is based on overviews and summary accounts
by Gleick (1987), Lewin (1992), Waldrop (1992), Casti (1994), Cowan, Pines & Meltzer
(1994), Goerner (1994), Guastello (1995), Capra (1996), Elliott & Kiel (1996), Dooley
(1997), Eve, Horsfall & Lee (1997), Anderson, et al., (1999); Goldstein (1999), Marion
(1999), and McKelvey (1999a, 1999b). Undoubtedly some scholars will disagree with the
categorizations and brief descriptions of these disciplinary approaches; this list should
change based on feedback from readers like yourself.3 Nevertheless, this table does provide a
Please See Table 1--Place about here
The goal of this paper is not to provide yet another introduction to each of the
accomplishing this task. Instead, our goal is to answer the question: What is the essence of
complexity research? What are complexity researchers trying to understand in the context of
complexity researchers are providing new ways to understand how and why order emerges.
Formally, emergence means the creation of coherent structures in a dynamic system (Bushev,
1994; Holland, 1994). Most often emergence is designated as the process by which
combination of elements with one another brings with it something that was not there before”
The study of emergence has been a prominent topic in many fields, including
philosophy (Pepper, 1926; Bedau, 1997; Goldstein, 2000), social psychology (Allport, 1962),
sociology (Buckley, 1967; Eve, Horsfall and Lee, 1997), and organization science
(Dansereau, Yammarino and Kohles, 1999). Complexity researchers have argued that the
confluence of mathematical tools and computing techniques allow for an in-depth and
Please participate in the evolution of this list by e-mailing your comments to
rigorous exploration of emergence across a wide spectrum of system levels (Waldrop, 1992;
Cowan, Pines and Meltzer, 1994). How can this matrix of levels and approaches be
way. Thus, moving from a loose collection of metaphors to a rigorous scientific enterprise
differentiate the disciplines according to their type of analysis (Crutchfield, 1994), and their
emergence disciplines is generated in Table 2, which can help management scholars find the
The first type refers to the discovery that something new has appeared in a complex system.
Fractal analysis or deterministic chaos theory fits into this category, the latter of which has
been used to discover order in apparently random time series. Chaos theory has been used to
identify periods of nonlinear interaction across a set of common factors in the early stages of
two innovation ventures (Cheng and Van de Ven, 1996), and the distributions of work
behavior in public service organizations (Kiel, 1994). Separately, through the mathematics
relationships across tens of thousands of businesses in the U.S. (Stanley et al., 1996). The
discovery of order at this level is in the eye of an observer: “Surely, the system state doesn’t
know its behavior is unpredictable” (Crutchfield, 1994: 517). Thus, theories at this level
usually involve post-hoc analysis of time series that are “objectively” separate from the
mathematical systems are developed to represent system emergence. This level refers to
research streams that have deduced rules or heuristics from simple systems and used them to
develop modeling contexts in which order emerges over time. For example, Kauffman’s
(1993) “NK landscapes” have been used to model the order that can emerge in co-
evolutionary niches (Baum, 1999). Using different computational methods, system dynamics
has been used to model the unexpected outcomes of strategic decisions in complex systems
(Hall, 1976) and of theoretical assumptions in complex theories (Sastry, 1997). Other
examples of this level include self-organized criticality, which has been used to model the
behavior of stock markets (Bak, 1996), and catastrophe theory, which has been used to model
Haveman and Oliva, 1993) and organizational transformation (Bigelow, 1982; Brown, 1995).
In this context, theorists are more involved in the emergence process, as they identify rules
and mathematical relationships that are used to computationally recreate emergent processes
in complex systems.
generated by the system’s emergence can be capitalized on by the system itself, lending
additional functionality to the system (1994: 518). In a sense, rather than a description of or
model about emergence, in intrinsic emergence the “observer” is a part of the system, and
thus “has the requisite information processing capability with which to take advantage of the
and Gemmill, 1991) and organizations “at the edge of chaos” (Dubinskas, 1994; Brown and
Eisenhardt, 1997) fall into this category. To the degree that an agent within a complex
adaptive system [CAS] can extend its behavioral capabilities by learning over time (Gell-
Mann, 1994), studies on the evolution of CAS also fall into this category (Holland, 1995;
Macready and Meyer, 1999). Within this type of analysis, the process of emergence presents
insights that influence the development of the theories and to some extent of the theorists
Please See Table 2--Place about here
epistemology that McKelvey argues is a basis for complexity science research (McKelvey,
organization scientists that recognizes the socially constructed meaning of terms without
lapsing into a form of relativism that eschews progress in understanding social systems. The
independent activities” (McKelvey, 1999c: 289); one is a validation of the link between
abstract theory and formal model, the other validates the link between the model and the
Please See Figure 1--Place about here
The first of these activities involves the coevolution of a theory and its formal model
1995). In this view, theoretical adequacy is gained to the extent that the theory can explain
model behavior. This activity is exemplified by the advances in NK models to represent the
theory of co-evolution (e.g. Baum, 1999; McKelvey, 1999b; Lewin, et al., 1999). Another
example is the use of simulated annealing to model the process of organizational design an
and organizational reality, i.e. how well the model represents the real-world phenomena
within the scope of the theory (McKelvey, 1999a: 18). Here again, the model-phenomena
link is co-evolutionarily developed, leading to improvements in the model and at the same
time, better explanations of real-world behavior (McKelvey, 1999c: 289). Examples of this
activity include the use of dissipative structures models to explain organizational behavior
(Ulrich and Probst, 1984), strategic change (MacIntosh and MacLean, 1999), and
complex organizational failures (Hall, 1976), and the use of autogenesis to explain the nature
of organizing in dynamic and bureaucratic situations (Drazin and Van de Ven, 1985; Kickert,
1993). Additionally, NK models are being utilized to better explain the competitive
Although some approaches can be used for both purposes, in general the theories of
complexity can be distinguished by which of the two activities they excel in. Some focus on
these models in empirical studies that test the reliability and validity of the model in real-
world situation. At the same time, as we saw above, some disciplinary approaches have been
applied in both ways—generating models from theory, and testing them using
phenomenological data. Likewise, a single approach could well be used in more than one
type of analysis in Crutchfiled’s sense. Thus, the matrix is much more complex than I am
making it out to be; yet it provides a basic framework that can help scholars distinguish
As a whole these disciplines offer a new basis from which to understand the nature of
organizing and management. According to some, this shift is so fundamental that it requires
an entirely new science for studying organizations (Overman, 1996). A good example is
given by Stevenson and Harmeling (1990: 3), who describe this new management science as
one in which:
...the most critical knowledge in our real world is not what “is,” but how various elements
of the universe relate and interact....[O]nly a brave new management science could begin
to bridge the great gulf between how things are done now and how they should be done
in the face of a rapidly changing future.
At the core of such a new science is a reframing of assumptions, which generate a new
“mental model” for researchers and practitioners of management. For example, Dent (1999)
world view, including shifts from a focus on discrete entities to a focus on relationships
language as action (Gergen and Thatchenkery, 1996), and from a solely selectionist approach
in evolutionary development (White, Marin, Brazeal and Friedman, 1997; Lewin and
Voldberda, 1999).
Perhaps the single most important of these shifts is a movement away from
explaining why change happens and toward explaining why and how order emerges in the
first place (Stevenson & Harmeling, 1990). The need for making this shift can be traced to
an inaccurate definition embedded in original descriptions of open systems theories by
organization theorists (Lewin, 1936; Katz and Kahn, 1966; Thompson, 1967). Traditionally,
organizations (all social systems) have been seen as essentially stable entities, i.e. they exist
equilibrium taken from mechanical engineering and physics, which define equilibrium as the
point of greatest stability, the state in which a system has the greatest likelihood of retaining
its internal order (Bettis & Prahalad, 1995). The goal of management, therefore, is to
maximize an organization’s “fit” with its environment (Drazin and Van de Ven, 1985) in
Unfortunately, this definition of equilibrium has been confused with the definition of
equilibrium used by thermodynamics, the science from which open systems theory was
contains absolutely no order whatsoever. Thus by definition neither natural nor social
systems can exist at thermodynamic equilibrium (Salthe, 1989; MacIntosh and MacLean,
1999). Instead, all organized entities are understood as dynamic structuring processes
continuously creating and re-creating internal order by maximizing the acquisition and
Why is this distinction important? In the mechanistic paradigm systems are assumed
to be stable, thus the question of organization theory is: “why and how do organizations and
their structures change?” (e.g. Van de Ven and Poole, 1995). In contrast, the new paradigm
is based on the assumption that change is the norm, so the key question of organization
science is reversed: “Why does order emerge, and how does it maintain its existence over
time?” Each of the complexity disciplines provides a different lens to explore that question,
by focusing on a specific quality of emergence. These questions are particularly relevant in
and Conyon, 1999). In the following section, I provide some initial suggestions for how
Advances in complexity science may help provide “a much needed theoretical footing
for coevolutionary research” (Lewin and Volberda, 1999: 528). Many of the key processes
More importantly, the essential goal of coevolution—studying the adaptive changes within
can be drawn out through a review of Lewin, Long and Carroll’s (1999) “theory of
coevolution,” with additional context from Lewin and Volberda’s (1999) properties and
circumstances (Lewin et al., 1999). These ongoing efforts are reflected in a firm’s legacy,
well as characteristics of the industry. In this sense a firm’s legacy can be modeled as a
complex attractor (Marion, 1999), which, like strange attractors in deterministic chaos
theory, provides a method for mapping the dynamics of interactive systems. This approach is
particularly useful for identifying the path dependency and historical embeddedness of firms,
means for optimizing organizational resources and design features in the face of multiple
for modeling this optimization process of strategic adaptation and change (Carley, 1998).
Simulated annealing is a theory-building tool that models solutions for a particular class of
design problems, “the need to locate the organizational design that optimizes organizational
performance subject to various constraints” (Carley, 1998: 29). By stripping the problem to
its core elements, it provides a framework for theorizing how organizations optimize
adaptive behaviors (Carley and Svoboda, 1996); the multi-level nature of the framework may
research: “The theory assumes that organizations, industries and environments co-evolve” in
example) are reflected in a topological landscape that defines the relative fitness contribution
shows how changes in organizational fitness levels result in changes to the landscape itself.
Researchers have used this multi-level interactive approach to explore the coevolution of
capabilities and industries (Levinthal and Myatt, 1994), scientific invention and technological
innovation (Fleming and Sorenson, 2001) and inter-firm value chain networks (McKelvey,
1999b). This complexity discipline thus offers a precise way to operationalize the multilevel
embeddedness of coevolution.
Complex adaptive systems offers an alternative approach for studying the emergent
(Holland, 1998). In complex adaptive systems, “agents adapt by changing their rules as
worker alters the context in which the next change will be tried and evaluated. When
multiple populations of agents are adapting to each other, the result is a coevolutionary
process” (Axelrod and Cohen, 2000: 8). Studying this emergence process can generate
insights about the “mutual, simultaneous, lagged, and nested effects” of coevolution (Lewin
and Volberda, 1999). Perhaps more important, CAS as a discipline can help define
interaction process that hold across levels, which may allow researchers to identify similar
This search for similar patterns across scale can be aided by the mathematics of
fractals (Mandelbrot, 1983). The fractal notion of “self-similarity across scales,” and the
resulting topological mapping techniques used to uncover those often unseen patterns, has
been under-utilized by complexity scholars (Zimmerman and Hurst, 1990). Although the
the mathematics is a unique way to reveal whole-part relations that are a key to
A critical part of explaining interactions between and across levels is the feedback
loops that are involved. “The goal of coevolutionary inquiry is understanding how the
rise to their dynamic behavior” (Baum and Singh, 1994: 380). These bi-directional
influencing processes are a central property of coevolution research, and system dynamics
provides a powerful means for modeling the non-linearities of these positive feedback
systems (Sastry, 1997). System dynamics forces researchers to carefully identify each
feedback process within an entire system; the rule-based computational model can reveal
hidden interdependencies and emergent characteristics that are not tractable using linear
research by examining the relationship between individual agent moves (e.g. strategic
adaptations) and the moves of that agent’s immediate neighbors (Krugman, 1996). For
example, the competitive dynamics of an industry can be modeled as rules that are followed
decisions are affected by others in its physical or competitive location. Like other
it easy to test many different configurations in a short period of time, thus speeding up the
Whereas many of these computational models are grounded in structured rules that
mediate flows of behavior, deep structures and resource flows are also at the heart of the
in which an agent’s core values and schemas define the rules that formulate emergent
(Swenson, 1992; Swenson, 1997). According to the theory, entities (agents) are constituted
by flows of tangible and intangible resources; these flows provide the capability for
accessing further regimes of resources, for example in the form of knowledge, opportunity,
and competitive advantage (c.f. Van den Bosch, Volberda and de Boer, 1999).
can emerge through the process of self-organization (Jantsch, 1980; Adams, 1988; Anderson,
transitions, leading to the “mutation of new organizational forms from the existing stock of
change has been used to explain the success or failure of entrepreneurial ventures in rapidly
changing markets (Lichtenstein, 1998; Lichtenstein, 2000b); this model should be well suited
incremental or punctuated. According to Lewin, Long and Carroll (1999: 539-540), “During
periods of relative stability, organizations and populations change and adapt in [incremental]
certain path-dependencies are present. This is in fact an empirical question that can be
usefully modeled by two other complexity disciplines. Catastrophe theory shows that
virtually all adaptive change can be explained in terms of seven mathematical models; the
most common is the “cusp catastrophe,” which essentially differentiates between continuous
incremental change and discontinuous punctuated change (Bigelow, 1982; Gresov, Haveman
and Oliva, 1993). Guastello (1995) has used all seven catastrophe models in his analyses of
organizational behavior and change; and he has detailed an approach for accomplishing the
nonlinear regressions of catastrophe theory by recasting each of the seven models as a
notion of an “order parameter.” In both theories, the system’s order parameter is the specific
quality (variable or construct) that differentiates between linear and nonlinear change
processes (Zuijderhoudt, 1990). The mathematics of synergetics, which were originally used
to develop the laser (Haken, 1977), might be usefully applied to coevolution as a search for
the condition or set of conditions that can trigger change and adaptation at the organizational,
adapt in highly dynamic environments, the successful ones will evolve to a critical balance
point, “that balance between order (the pull of exploitation) and disorder (the pull of
exploration) that is often called ‘the edge of chaos.’ At this point of dynamic tension, truly
novel emergent behavior can occur.” Many complexity scholars equate organizing in this
dynamic tension with the state of medial interdependence in an NK landscape (Brown and
Eisenhardt, 1998; Anderson, 1999; Clippinger, 1999), others argue that the “edge of chaos”
is a misnomer for social system behavior (Mitchell, Crutchfield & Hraber, 1994). Instead,
this dynamic, self-organized behavior (Anderson, 1999a) might be better modeled in terms of
self-organized criticality (Bak and Chen, 1991; Bak, 1996). A system in this state is highly
adaptable yet stable, exhibiting mostly small changes interspersed with a few large-scale
transformative shifts (Bak, 1996). Since the frequency of system changes over time takes the
signature form of a power law (Bak and Chen, 1991), the mathematics of self-organized
criticality may be useful for identifying how close a coevolving organization or population is
Finally, emergent evolution provides a broad theoretical foundation for coevolution,
by localized constraints (Jantsch, 1980; Leifer, 1989; Wilber, 1995; Swenson, 1997).
order, which then undergo selection and retention according to the well-known processes of
1991; Wilber, 1995; 1998; Lichtenstein, 2000a). This optimistic yet challenging framework
forms (e.g. Kelly and Allison, 1999; Lissack and Roos, 1999; Petzinger, 1999).
coevolution as it is in complexity theory. For example, many of the empirical papers in the
forms” (Lewin and Volberda, 1999) utilize quantitative statistics, visual time series, and
qualitative analyses to exemplify distinctions across a small number of cases (e.g. Koza and
Lewin, 1999; Webb and Pettigrew, 1999). In these papers it is the bridging between
qualitative and quantitative that informs and gives meaning to the analysis as a whole .
In the same way, the fullest interpretations and generalizable meanings of complexity
theory may only be realized when mathematical modeling techniques are seen as
reasoning (e.g. Sorenson, 1997; Lichtenstein, 1998; McKelvey, 1999b). At present, this
many as a mathematical modeling endeavor. This bias is clearly cited by Morel and
Ramanujam (1999: 289) who conclude their article by saying, “Application of complex
these activities are interdependent and necessary in order to generate an overall theory that is
epistemically realistic while retaining high face validity (McKelvey, 1999a). This argument
factors that can be leveraged to improve the adaptability and performance of firms and
one that would include both the mathematical modelers and the qualitative researchers and
all those in between. Furthermore, using the arguments from path dependence, by
emerge over time. As a result I believe a matrix of complexity will increase the chances that
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TABLE 1: Summary of Complexity Disciplines for Understanding Emergence
Catastrophe Transformative change can be qualitatively Transformative organizational change can occur Bigelow, 1982;
Theory modeled to show how incremental change across incrementally or in a punctuation. Re-analysis of Guastello, 1995;
one parameter (variable) creates “catastrophic” behavioral data using non-linear catastrophe models Gresov, et al., 1993
(punctuated) changes across another. explains up to 400% more variance than the same data
analyzed using linear regression models.
System Dynamics Positive/negative feedback loops can be mapped, Multi-level dynamic interactions across systems can be Hall, 1976; Sastry, 1997
allowing for a systematic experimentation of modeled, showing how and why unexpected behavior
dynamic conditions in very complex systems. occurs in complex systems. These models can be used
to find “leverage” points that avoid unintended effects.
Autogenesis/ Some dissipative structures can self-generate and Organizing processes self-replicate their internal order, Pantzar and Csanyi,
Autopoiesis self-replicate their internal order. Autogenic based on a deep structure that generates rules and more 1991; Drazin and
systems (like “mind” are self-organized and display visible operations. Rule creating and rule following Sandelands, 1992
emergent behavior. behavior is an emergent, self-organized process.
Complex Interdependent semiautonomous agents, acting from Emergent organizational behavior may result naturally Holland, 1995; Dooley,
Adaptive Systems even a few simple rules, generate emergent system due to ongoing double interacts that follow from very 1997; Anderson, 1999b;
behaviors. simple rules. These emergent behaviors may be used Axelrod and Cohen,
for learning or to develop new strategies. 2000.
Dissipative New levels of order self-organize in nonequilibrium Groups and organizational systems can maintain Smith, 1986; Wicken,
Structures dissipative structures. Emergence is a self- themselves at a high degree of structural order by 1986; Adams, 1988;
amplifying process sparked by fluctuations, dissipating large amounts of energy, information, and Lichtenstein, in press.
resulting in greater system capacity. resources.
Emergent Evolution is a self-organizing process that creates Organizational co-evolution is a combination of Leifer, 1989; Torbert,
Evolution new forms, which then undergo natural selection variation-selection-retention and non-linear adaptation. 1991; White et al., 1997;
processes. The universe has experienced an Long-term development involves a multiple series of Wilber, 1998;
increase in complexity across evolution. transformations, requiring action learning and Lichtenstein, 2000
transformations of managerial capability and
TABLE 2: “The Matrix” of Complexity – One Typology of Disciplines
Theory-Model Model-Phenomenon
Development Testing
FIGURE 1: McKelvey’s Semantic Conception Of Organization Science