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International Journal of Active Learning: Info Articles

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IJAL 3 (2) (2018)

International Journal of Active Learning


The Development of Internet-Based Economic Learning Media

using Moodle Approach

Andika Puspita Sari , Ananda Setiawan

Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, University Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

Info Articles Abstract

___________________ ____________________________________________________________
History Articles: The objectives of research were to develop an internet-based economic learning media
Received 29 January 2018 using MOODLE approach to improve the learning outcome of Senior High School
Approved 11 June 2018 Students in Bengkulu City. The method employed in developing an internet-based
Published 1 October 2018 economic learning media with MOODLE approach was Borg & Gall’s Research and
___________________ Development method encompassing four stages: preliminary study, development, trial,
Keywords: and dissemination. Trial staged employed Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The
Media, MOODLE approach, target of research was Senior High Schools in Bengkulu city with an independent sample
Learning Outcome test being the technique of analyzing data. From the result of research, the following
_______________________ conclusions could be drawn. Internet-based economic learning media using MOODLE
approach had been developed successfully to improve the learning outcome of the 11th
IIS (Social Sciences) graders of Senior High School.

How to Cite
Sari, A. P. & Setiawan, A. (2018). The Development of Internet-Based Economic
Learning Media using Moodle Approach. International Journal of Active Learning, 3(2),

© 2018 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Address correspondence: p-ISSN 2528-505X
Email: Andikapuspitasari163@gmail.com

Andika Puspita Sari & Ananda Setiawan / International Journal of Active Learning 3 (2) (2018)


The success of the development of education in establishments of education strongly influenced on

the availability of supporting components of education. One of the components of the development of
education is the curriculum. The use of the curriculum developed in units of education according to the
needs and challenges that exist in the world today. The curriculum should be developed along with the
development of science, art, technology and the demands of competence to be achieved as the educational
objectives so that the construction of a civilization of human resources in Indonesia can be met according
to with the ideals of education in Indonesia in the future.
The quality of human resources is very determining the progress of a nation. The quality of human
resources both depend heavily on the quality of education and the role of education in society, so that it
will form a community of smart, vibrant, active, instrumental in the development of the national economy
as well as democratic. Curriculum development should be addressed positively as an instrument of
formation of the quality communities in formal educational institutions. The existence of formal education
was instrumental in shaping human resources able to compete with people from other countries, namely in
the challenge era of sophisticated technology like this time.
Facing the development of science technology, the challenges of globalization in the future, as well
as to realize the goal of national education, as formulated in the Act No. 30 of 2003 article 3 namely the
development potential of students to being a man of faith and pious to God Almighty, precious, healthy,
have learned, accomplished, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible
Government, in this case the Ministry of education and culture developed a curriculum that is in Indonesia
namely 2013 Curriculum.
The development of information technology has brought huge changes to the advancement of the
educational world. As the development of the learning methods are also a lot of progression, good
personal learning methods as well as the media in the process of learning. The form of the development of
information technology applied in the world of education is an internet-based learning. According to
Zhang (2006) the Web is an ideal medium to provide the material to the students. The granting of the
learning materials via the web can provide information to students without limited by space and time.
After the expansion of the internet source of information obtained could be more diverse, distance and
time are no longer an obstacle to not find out any information. Then this internet-based learning media
needs to be developed so that by using this medium can interest students so that they can improve student
learning outcomes.
Media MOODLE (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a cloud-based
media can be accessed via a computer or smartphone must be connected with the internet. This media can
also minimize abuse smartphone by students while the ongoing learning process in the classroom, as well
as familiarize students to learn ICT-based to meet the digital era where the current national examination
has been implemented online. Research results, Chen Lan, Chiu & Lan (2014:1194) shows that the Media
e-learning by utilizing MOODLE in a school curriculum can help improve student learning outcomes, as
well as the students more confidence in learning and mastering the content more material in learning. As
for the content of some of the learning activities are supported by MOODLE is a form of learning
materials in the form of electronic books, Video learning and PPt, chat, discussion forums, quizzes, and
surveys. Facilities discussion forum can help students are swapped for mutual information between
students as well as teachers, without the limited time and space. Students can also practice questions in the
quiz that has possible independently.
Media learning is everything that becomes a means of delivering information from the sender to the
recipient so that what is delivered can be well received. This is in line with the opinion Smaldino, Lowther
& Russel, (2007:6) that the Media is a means of anything that brings information between a source and a
receiver. Same is the case with the opinion Arsyad (2002:4) that the media is all forms of intermediaries

Andika Puspita Sari & Ananda Setiawan / International Journal of Active Learning 3 (2) (2018)

used by humans to communicate or spread the idea, ideas, or opinions so that ideas, ideas or opinions
expressed it to the recipient intended recipients.
Then the results of the survey of statistical data the Association organizing the Services Internet
Indonesia stated that the number of internet users in Indonesia year 2016 reached 132.7 million users or
around 51.5% of the total population of Indonesia 256.2 million. Is the largest internet user in Java with a
total users 86,339,350 users or about 65% of the total internet user. Order in the next internet users are in
Sumatra, with a total of 20,752,185 users or about 15.7%, with a total of 8,454,592 users or about 6.3%,
Kalimantan, with a total of 7,685,992 or about 5.3% as well as Bali and Nusa Tenggara, with a total of the
user 6,148,796 or about 4.7%.
According to Power (2012) defines economics as a social science and procurement. Meanwhile
according to Mankiw, Quah & Wilson (2014:4) Economics is the study of how societies organize scarce
resources. E-learning is an abbreviation of electronic learning which is a new way of teaching and learning
using electronic media especially the internet as system analytical study. The emergence of the term new
media very closely related to the presence of the internet today. As it says Flew (2005:4) the internet is a
medium that most widely discussed currently and is a very important media in the development of the
media. In the research of Andrews, Tynan, James, (2011) said the importance of internet-based media as a
means to optimize learning. Ahmadi & Hermawan (2013:68) the internet is a global communications
network that connects across computers around the world though different operating system and machine.
Naidu (2006:6) e-learning is a network of information and communication technology in teaching
and learning. The terms used to describe the study of online learning, the learning web-based learning,
Gaussian, basically all refers to the process of education that make use of technology in learning activities
teaching. Broadly the definition of e-learning expressed by Surjono (2013:2) i.e. the delivery of the learning
material through an electronic media such as the internet, the internet, satellite broadcast, audio/video
tape, interactive TV, CD-ROM, and computer-based training (CBT). Then according to Rianto, Winarno
& Wahyudi (2016:3); Mulyati & Bakri (2017:25) E-learning is the process of learning (learning)
using/utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) as tools that can be made available
whenever and wherever it is needed so that it can cope with the constraints of time and space. One of the
development of e-learning approach is to use MOODLE.
E-learning can support and fit to be used as a means of learning to access information, fill out the
content of learning, communication, interaction, activity assessment for students as well as teachers
(Burgess & Ice, 2011:164); Sharma, Chen, & Zhang (2014:120). According to Davidson & Rasmussen
(2006:24) there are three possibilities in the development of system-based learning e-learning. LMS
supports a range of activities, including: Administration, delivery of the learning material, assessment tasks
and quiz, tracking & monitoring, collaboration, and communication/interaction. According to Ssekakubo,
Suleman, & Marsden (2013:148); Dogoriti, Pange, & Anderson (2014:255); Surjono (2013:6) explained
that one of the devices open source LMS is MOODLE.
MOODLE LMS is designed to facilitate collaboration, based on the approach of online learning
and the discovery of Cahir, McNeill, Bosanquet & Trawoger (2014). While according to Cole & Foster
(2008:7) MOODLE is a web-based device that can be accessed through a web browser. But according to
Ismanto (2012:415) MOODLE is the road to education without borders a pioneer that will build creativity
and thought.
According to Sampurno, Maulidiyah & Puspitaningrum (2015:54) the development of technology-
based learning, computer media or e-learning such as MOODLE is an appropriate learning media
development to be applied in accordance with the demands of the curriculum of 2013. MOODLE stands
for Modular Object-Oriented Word Dynamic Learning Environment.

Andika Puspita Sari & Ananda Setiawan / International Journal of Active Learning 3 (2) (2018)


This type of research is research and development, a process of developing devices or products is
done through a series of research using a variety of methods in a cycle that passes through various stages.
The stages are: 1) the study of the various research findings pertaining to the device that will be used as the
product being developed, 2) developed an early form of the device based on the findings of that research,
3) performed a series of tests the field (three times or more experimentation) at the place of use of the
product, and 4) revise product to fix various flaws and errors that were found from the results of each test
Methods of research and development can be defined as the scientific method for researching,
designing, producing and testing the validity of a product that has been produced while Borg & Gall (2003)
defines research and development in education based on the model of research and development in
industry, where research results are used to design new products and procedures, and further tested the
field systematically evaluated and improved to meet the criteria specific i.e. the effectiveness, quality, and
meet the standards of.
This research activity is research and development in the learning field of education media to
improve and enhance the quality of learning at school. The purpose of this research and development is to
develop the product in the form of internet-based economy learning media by using the approach of
Data collection techniques used in this study, includes questionnaires/question form, observation,
interviews and validation team of experts (the expert judgment). Observations and interviews were
conducted to obtain information directly on the accounting process of learning at school. The now used to
perform analysis of the needs of teachers and students, as the basis for consideration in developing the
required learning media in the school. Sheet validation is used to assess the feasibility of the media that
have been developed by media experts, expert content, linguists, and practitioners, i.e. accounting teacher
at the school. A range of advice and input from a team of experts (the expert judgment) will be used as the
basis in fixing the media products produced thereby acquire media digital comics a proper accounting to
use in learning. Technique of data analysis used a descriptive qualitative analysis i.e. for observation and
interviews, quantitative and descriptive question form and validation to the media by team of experts.


Research conducted is the development of internet-based economy learning media use MOODLE
approach to improve the learning results of high school students in the city of Bengkulu. The purpose of
the research conducted was to develop and to know the effectiveness of cloud-based media using
MOODLE approach to content development and economic growth. This research was conducted in class
XI IIS (social science) in SMA Negeri 2, SMA 6 and SMA Negeri 4 Muhammadiyah Bengkulu.

Research and Collection of Information

At this stage, researchers did meet initial data to collect information both from observation,
interviews, as well as the literature review to identify the problems encountered in learning and then lifting
it into problems of research and then prepare the outline of a research framework to address the issue.
Following the preliminary results of the study are obtained from observation, interviewing teachers,
students and the school infrastructure.
The results of the interviews with teachers of economic subjects in SMA Negeri 2 Bengkulu City,
SMA Negeri 6 Bengkulu City and SMA Muhammadiyah Bengkulu City at 4 get the data value of the final
exams of the Semester students XI IIS 2017/2018 school year on economic subjects is still low. With an
interval value of ≥ 75 and ≤ 75, then get the following data:

Andika Puspita Sari & Ananda Setiawan / International Journal of Active Learning 3 (2) (2018)

Table 1. The value of the final exams of the Semester economics Subjects in SMA of the city of Bengkulu
Interval SMA Negeri 2 SMA Negeri 6 SMA Muh 4
Value Bengkulu Bengkulu Bengkulu
Total % Total % Total %
≤ 75 39 60.94 34 56.67 36 60
≥75 25 39.06 26 43.33 24 40
Total 64 100 60 100 60 100

Still the number of students who did not complete due to a lack of understanding of students in
understanding the concept of economic studies. So many students are passive while the learning process
whereas a curriculum stressing learning in 2013 students so the students should be more active in the
learning process. Based on the above shows that the exposure is still low so that student learning outcomes
need to be optimized in order to achieve the desired learning objectives.
Other information of the results of the interviews to the teacher via the question form is obtained the
following data:

The teacher has Teachers use Teachers use Teachers use Teachers need Teachers need
a handbook for instructional the internet in the curriculum alternative the internet in
teaching media learning 2013 learning media learning

Figure 1. Percentage of the results of the needs analysis question form teachers

Based on the results of the interviews and the results of charging the now economy class by the
teacher at the school IIS XI in SMA Negeri 2, SMA 6 and SMA Negeri 4 Muhammadiyah Bengkulu. At 4
obtained information that the teacher has not been entirely using ICT in the media process analytical study
in particular internet-based media have not been there at all who use it. This internet-based media very
need to be developed to support the learning process processed.

Preparation of Draft Media

The material used in this medium is a material that is in accordance with the curriculum of basic
competence in 2013 economic development and economic growth is being taught in class XI IIS. Subject
matter which gathered basic competencies in the economic development and economic growth include:
understanding economic development, economic development planning, an indicator of the success of
economic development, factors that influence economic development, assessing the achievements of
economic development, development issues emerging economic, policy and strategy development,
understanding of economic growth, differences in economic development with economic growth, how to
measuring the economic growth and the theory of economic growth. The material already gathered
sourced from books of economic subjects in the curriculum-based 2013 already.

Designing e-book
The e-book is a book that can be opened electronically via computer. The e-book is an abbreviation
of the word Electronic Book or e-book. The e-book used a file with format PDF (Portable Document

Andika Puspita Sari & Ananda Setiawan / International Journal of Active Learning 3 (2) (2018)

Format) which can be opened with Acrobat Reader program or the like. Most e-book using the form PDF
format because the PDF format is easier in use and easy in processing manually.

Create a Website
Create a website in development of media using MOODLE researchers must first prepare the
domain and hosting. Hosting is the electronic communications Network that connects between computers
around the world to save the satellite data built site. The domain is the address of the site from a websites
that were built as well as in the development of this is www.pelajaranekonomi.com.
Linked Content into the Website
After installed into MOODLE hosting next link content in media are developed. In the media
developed it there is some content that is a content matter, content assignments, exam content, content
discussions, and content value.

Making Use of the Guidebook

The making of the handbook to serve as a tool for teachers and students in using the media. PDF-
shaped guide books so can directly be downloaded if necessary. Handbook is already directly linked on the
front page in the media, so before the login teachers and students can see the Guide.
Device evaluation of internet-based media development using MOODLE approach is a question
form for the validator. Things that should be in validation/evaluated is linked material, language and the

Media economic studies developed not only can be accessed through the web on your computer but
can also download the application so that it is always connected in the mobile android and iPhone are
owned by the student or teacher. This application can be downloaded at www.pelajaranekonomi.com.

Figure 2. Page to download media applications through the iPhone and android

Expert Validation
Validation of the experts is to test the feasibility of a product which was developed before the
product is used for tested. The result of the validation of the experts is the basis to make improvements in
the media are developed. The improvements done based on advice and enter the given by experts so as to

Andika Puspita Sari & Ananda Setiawan / International Journal of Active Learning 3 (2) (2018)

get the results that the products developed are worth to be used or tested. In this medium the validation
will be done by media experts, expert content, and linguist and expert practitioners. Validation for the
development of these products will be provided to the experts in their field validator.

Table 2. Expert Validation

Validation I
Indicator ∑ 𝑛𝑖 ∑N % Interpretation

The scope of the material 14 15 93.33% Very good

The accuracy of the 11 15 73.33% Good
Date and Conceptual 11 15 73.33% Good
Observance of law and 10 10 100% Very good
Presentation techniques 22 25 88.00% Very good
Supporters representation 18 20 90.00% Very good
Total 86 100 86.33% Very good
Validation II
Indicator ∑ 𝑛𝑖 ∑N % Interpretation

The scope of the material 14 15 93.33% Very good

The accuracy of the 14 15 93.33% Very good
Date and Conceptual 13 15 86.67% Very good
Observance of law and 10 10 100% Very good
Presentation techniques 24 25 96.00% Very good
Supporters representation 18 20 90.00% Very good
Total 93 100 93.22% Very good

Based on the results of the validation data both from material experts declared the entire material
indicators revealed very decent with the average value of a 93.22% this means that the material is already
feasible for use in the learning process.

Table 3. Validation Language

Indicator ∑ 𝒏𝒊 ∑𝐍 % Interpretation
Conformity with the 9 10 90% Very good
development of students
Readability 5 5 100 Very good
Ability to motivate 9 10 90% Very good
Straightforward 9 10 90% Very good
Coherence and order flow of 10 10 100% Very good
Compliance with the rules of 8 10 80% Very good
the language of Indonesia
The term and the use of the 13 15 86.66% Very good
63 70 90.95% Very good

Andika Puspita Sari & Ananda Setiawan / International Journal of Active Learning 3 (2) (2018)

Table 4. Validation of media

Validation I
Indicator ∑ ni ∑𝐍 % Interpretation

Course overview and 16 20 80.00% Very good

Learning objectives 14 15 93.33% Very good
Assessment and 14 15 93.33% Very good
Assessment and materials 12 15 80.00% Very good
Course technology 9 10 90.00% Very good
Accessibility 13 15 86.66% Very good
78 90 87.22%
Validation II
Indicator ∑ 𝐧𝐢 ∑𝐍 % Interpretation
Course overview and 17 20 85.00% Very Good
Learning objectives 14 15 93.33% Very Good
Assessment and 14 15 93.33% Very Good
Resource and materials 12 15 80.00% Very Good
Course technology 9 10 90.00% Very Good
Accessibility 13 15 86.66% Very Good
79 90 92.22% Very Good

On the basis of table 4 of validation I and II showed a very decent results with the accumulated
average of 89.72%. Thus the media declared worth and already qualified for use in the learning process.

Table 5. Practitioner Validation

Indicator ∑ 𝒏𝒊 ∑ 𝐍 % Interpretation

Usefulness 32 40 80% Very Good

Ease of use 21 30 70% Very Good
Result demonstrability 12 15 80% Very Good
Compatibility 12 15 80% Very Good
Accessibility 12 15 80% Very Good
Reliability 12 15 80% Very Good
Continuance intention 4 5 80% Very Good
105 135 78.57% Very Good


The development of internet-based economy learning media using MOODLE is developed and
successfully approaches deserve to be used in the learning process. It is based on validation testing experts,
limited and extensive testing that is already done. The result of the validation material with an average of
93.22% this means that the material is already feasible for use in the learning process, then from linguist
obtained average value of 90.55% this means that the use of languages in the media developed it has been
very It deserves to be used in the learning process, further validation of media experts with a grade average
of 89.72% thus media declared viable and are already eligible for use in the learning process, the

Andika Puspita Sari & Ananda Setiawan / International Journal of Active Learning 3 (2) (2018)

practitioner validation the average gained 78.57% viable criteria for you to use. Internet-based media using
MOODLE approach also got good and positive response of these students on the basis of trial results is
limited and extensive trials. Limited trial results obtained result is well worth the average of 83.83% while
for extensive test results average 77.95 means media deserve to be used.


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