Hot Tub Error Codes
Hot Tub Error Codes
Hot Tub Error Codes
There are many brands and models of spa control systems on the market. The majority have
used or do use either the same or similar error codes for a similar symptom. Rather than list error
codes under equipment or spa brands, we have decided to list them alphabetically and numerically
for ease of identification.
In most cases you should either contact us for further diagnostics, or contact a local qualified
spa service technician to resolve your problem quickly and accurately.
The following codes cover brands such as: Gecko Electronics, Balboa Instruments, Hurricane,
Sundance Spas, Hercules, Brett Aqualine, Splash Pool Accessories, Vita, Spaquip, Ampac, Onga,
Dimension One, Sweetwater, and many more.
There are many other error and operational codes not listed here - please contact us if you need
further info or data, or if you error codes that we can add.
Flow/Pressure Switch Open Circuit (most common fault) - Dirty filters (the most common
cause), blockage, switch failure, low water level, pump failure, broken wire
Flow/Pressure Switch Closed Circuit - Switch failure, switch adjustment required, debris in
switch, splashed /leaking water shorting connectors
Hi-Limit Fault - Dirty filters, low flow, low water level, blockage, sensor fault, water entry to
sensor or connector
Temperature Sensor Fault - Sensor fault, pump heat interference, water entry to sensor or
Over Heat Fault - Same as sensor fault - sensor reads extremely high temperature 45C-48C. Spa
usually shuts down
Error Code Description
BJ2P Hi-Limit - water temp too high
C4.4 Hi- Limit
Cd, CLd Freeze Condition
CE 01 Stuck Touchpad button
CE 02 No controller Data Communication
CE 03 Temperature sensor fault
CE 04 Water Sensor/Pressure switch fault
CE 05 Over Temperature Condition
CE 06 High Limit manual reset Klixon tripped
CE 07 Stuck Relay
Temp Sensor Fault -( Spaquip Digital 2000 MK1
CE 08
CE 09 Water Prime Fault - Lack of water
CoLd spa heater temp below 40F
Cool, COOL, COL Water is 11C below set point - not a fault
DR, dr, dy, DRY Heater dry - insufficient water fault
Er0, Er1 Temperature sensor faulty
Er2, Er3 Hi-Limit fault
Er4 Flow/Pressure switch short circuit
Error 3 - Spaquip Stuck touchpad button
Error 4 Water sensor fault
Error 5 Over temperature
Error 6 Klixon Tripped - over temp
Error 7 Stuck Relay
Error 8 Temperature sensor fault
Err Software Program Fault
E### pH probe out of calibration
E0 Short circuit temperature sensor
E1 Open circuit temperature sensor
E2 short circuit/closed high limit sensor
E3 Open circuit high limit sensor
E4 Short circuit/closed pressure/flow switch
E7 Improper electrical connection
Flow/pressure switch open circuit - lack of flow or
FLO, Flo, FL1 pressure or for Sundance/Spa Builders/Balboa - Flow
switch is closed circuit
Flow/pressure switch closed circuit - debris in switch,
perforated diaphragm, faulty
FL Pressure/flow switch failure
Flow switch open circuit - Sundance/Spa Builders/
FLO (flashing)
FrE, Fr, FP Freeze Condition
HiLi, HLEr Water temperature above acceptable range
High limit sensor reading 45-48C, or above - check
Hold Panel buttons pressed too many times too quickly
HOT PCB thermistor above 82C
HP Electronic controller error
H2O Water Prime Fault - lack of water
ICE, IC Freeze Condition
Interlock failure, also caused by faulty ozonators,
pumps and equipment
LEH Temperature Sensor Fault
LF Low Flow Fault
LO Freeze Condition
LOC Control Panel functions Locked
Multiple causes - open circuit sensor, faulty panel
LS=0, LS=S
connection, improper voltage, etc
L1 Panel Lock
L2 Panel Lock
OH, OHS, oH Overheat Condition 43-45C
OP Open circuit sensor
P Power overload – excess current draw
pd, Pd Running on battery - power supply interrupted
Sundance/Spa Builders Service Technician's Test Plug
accidentally left connected to PCB
Communication disrupted between touchpad and
PnL, Pnl
Pr System Priming - not a fault
Prh High limit sensor fault
Prr Temperature sensor fault
PS Flow/Pressure switch failure
Pressure switch open circuit with Circulating, Low
Speed, or High speed pumps
SA, SnA, SnH, Sb, Snb, Sensor Open Circuit or faulty - SnH - Hi Limit, SnT -
Snt Temp sensor
SEoP Sensor Open Circuit
SESH Sensor Short Circuit
SH Short circuit sensor
Sn, SnS Sensors out of balance
Sn1 High Limit sensor fault
Sn2, Sn3 Temperature sensor fault
Multiple causes - open circuit sensor, faulty panel
SS=0, SS=S
connection, improper voltage, etc.
ToE Time Out Error
0.0 or 56 Open/Closed circuit faulty temperature sensor
000 Programming Error
Over Range beyond permissible temperature –
Or ** (2.5-9)
Programming Error
- 01 Hi-Limit
- 02 Temp sensor fault
- 03 Flow/pressure switch open
- 04 Flow/Pressure switch closed
- 07 Hi-limit
131 Hi-limit
Temperature unknown - displayed at power up for 2
minutes - not a fault
Sundance/Spa Builders - 'Watchdog' - 48C reached,
electronic fault, shuts system down. Major Fault
* * * (3 flashing dots
Flow/Pressure switch either Open or Closed Circuit
under temp display)
* * * (as above, plus
illuminated red LED on High Limit Fault
Flashing Light
3 flashing dots Flow Error – FLO or FLC
3 flashing dots and PCB Same as OH
LED illuminated
1 flash - 3 second gap High Limit fault
2 flashes - 3 second gap Pressure/Flow switch short circuit
3 flashes - 3 second gap Pressure/Flow switch open circuit
4 flashes - 3 second gap Open circuit Sensor(s)
Flash - 1 second on, 1
Same as OH
second off
Flash - briefly OFF once
Same as Sn1 or Sn3
per second
Flash - briefly ON once
Same as FLC
per second
Blinking Power Indicator
High Limit tripped or, sensor fault
Light - Hydromate
1 flash per second - onga Pressure switch open circuit - could also be motor, or
4352, 53, 95, etc motor thermal overload
3 flashes per second - Electronic fault – element sensor (most common
onga 4352, 53, 95, etc cause) or PCB
Green flashes - Spaquip
Water sensor fault - lack of water
Pulsar/2095 series
Red/Green alternate Temperature sensor fault, open circuit, or high limit
flashes tripped - push Reset Rod