Primeaux Associates: Cold Wall Effect
Primeaux Associates: Cold Wall Effect
Primeaux Associates: Cold Wall Effect
Cold Wall Effect is a condition that exists in structures such as tanks, vessels, buildings, and other
structures that have coatings / linings applied on areas where their opposite sides have a temperature lower
than the face of the side that is being coated / lined. In other words, when there is a thermal gradient
between one side of a contained area and another. Blisters may occur between the liner and the surface. An
example is a steel tank that holds a heated liquid inside, and outside the tank it is a lower or cold
temperature. This is forced condensation of moisture on the back-side of the liner system.
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Primeaux Associates LLC
161 Forest Drive
Elgin, Texas 78621
1-512-285-4870 FAX 1-512-281-4933 Page 2 of 4
Studies indicate that lining systems with the lowest permeability (perm rating) are more resistant to
Cold Wall Effect than systems with higher permeability. Compared to many systems, polyurea spray
elastomers have a very low perm rate but not as low as the flake or carbon filled vinyl esters on the market.
The phenomenon of Cold Wall Effect occurs more often on un-insulated steel tanks rather than
concrete because the concrete acts as insulator (but it CAN still happen!). Open top tanks are less
vulnerable. Cold wall effect can also occur where a cold liquid is inside and the exterior is very warm
The presence of soluble salts on the substrate act as a hydrophilic point and will actually “pull”
moisture vapor through the coating / lining system. This then will create a corrosion cell resulting in the
blister formation and disbondment of the polyurea coating / lining system. Inspection of the blister may
show the contents of water as well as gas generated from the corrosion cell.
There is no real field testing that can be used to test for cold wall effect. A safe rule of thumb would
be to avoid a thermal gradient of no more than 10% for un-insulated steel tanks. There is testing however
for soluble salt contamination on a substrate. This should be verified and the following substrate surface
soluble salt content should be used:
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expressed or implied by this information. 2002, 2003 Primeaux Associates LLC / Rev 9.04
Primeaux Associates LLC
161 Forest Drive
Elgin, Texas 78621
1-512-285-4870 FAX 1-512-281-4933 Page 3 of 4
Soluble salts must be removed to an acceptable level for the coating / lining application. These
contaminants are directly related to osmotic blistering of the coating system and subsequent delamination.
In general, the following soluble salt levels are noted:
• Similar blistering can occur from the same phenomenon in other structures where a polyurea spray
elastomer system would be applied on the cold side of a cavity wall if the opposing side of the wall were
subject to warm, humid air. (Example: clean rooms, food processing facilities, etc.)
• A good barrier coating / lining system should have good electrical barrier properties; i.e. “insulative”
- Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy
Munger, Charles G., Corrosion Prevention by Protective Coatings, Second Edition. National Association
of Corrosion Engineers, 1999.
Mitschke, Howard, “Effects of Chloride Contamination on the Performance of Tank and Vessel Linings”,
Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings, March 2000, pp 49 – 56.
ISO 15235 (latest revision), “Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related
Products – Collected Information on the Effect of Levels of Water-Soluble Salt Contamination” Geneva,
Switzerland: ISO.
This document contains information that is the confidential and proprietary property of Primeaux Associates. It may not be copied, published or disclosed to
others, or used for any purpose other than review, without the express prior written consent of an authorized officer of Primeaux Associates. No warranties are
expressed or implied by this information. 2002, 2003 Primeaux Associates LLC / Rev 9.04
Primeaux Associates LLC
161 Forest Drive
Elgin, Texas 78621
1-512-285-4870 FAX 1-512-281-4933 Page 4 of 4
NAVFAC Requirements for Allowable Soluble Salts, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC),
Washington Naval Yard, Washington, DC 20376.
Soltz, G.C., “The Effects of Substrate Contaminants on the Life of Epoxy Coatings Submerged in Sea
Water,” National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) Report, TASK No. 3-84-2, March, 1991.
SSPC-TU 4 (latest revision), “Field Methods for Retrieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Substrates,”
Society for Protective Coatings, Pittsburgh, PA.
Kirk, Mike, “Old Wall Effect Causes Blistered Coating”, Materials Performance, June 2005, pp 38 – 19.
This document contains information that is the confidential and proprietary property of Primeaux Associates. It may not be copied, published or disclosed to
others, or used for any purpose other than review, without the express prior written consent of an authorized officer of Primeaux Associates. No warranties are
expressed or implied by this information. 2002, 2003 Primeaux Associates LLC / Rev 9.04