Intro: "Health Is The Condition of Completely Physical, Mental and Social Well Being Without Illness or Weakness"
Intro: "Health Is The Condition of Completely Physical, Mental and Social Well Being Without Illness or Weakness"
Intro: "Health Is The Condition of Completely Physical, Mental and Social Well Being Without Illness or Weakness"
Starting at the birth, one will cross the rules and regulations
regarding to hygiene, to grow up in a healthy environment,
and as clean as possible.
preparing the food and meals for other people. Food can be a
great place for bacteria and/or other decease causing
organisms. That’s why food needs to under go certain
preparations prior to serving or eating. This preparation
needs to be as hygienic as possible. The guests are getting
more and more serious regarding to food hygiene and even
travel agents can stop sending guests if they feel that the
preparation of the food is not done proper.