Holberton School Syllabus
Holberton School Syllabus
Holberton School Syllabus
Our curriculum covers low-level Students will not only learn Our students learn how to learn; Our students come from a variety
programming , algorithms, high- technical skills but build up their therefore they are able to pick up of backgrounds and experiences,
level programming, and systems soft skills through presentations, new skills and tools very quickly bringing a unique perspective to
engineering. technical writing, and group within any type of environment. any work environment.
Our students have a solid software projects, making them a valuable
engineering foundation — knowing asset to any team.
more than one programming
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2. The Holberton way
No pre-course
-SQL language
-Relational database
-Data definition language
-Data manipulation language
-Data control language
-MySQL - SQLite
-Object-relational mapping
Sysadmin / Devops
You will build web infrastructure similar to those powering tech powerhouses like LinkedIn,
Facebook, and Google. You will architect scalable, reliable, and secure systems using web
servers, load balancers, databases, firewalls, and more. You will learn to automate your job
so that you can easily manage anything from one server or hundreds of them.
Sysadmin / Devops
● Portfolio-focused projects
● Weekly interview algorithm project
● Integrated Career Sprint Curriculum
■ Portfolio Development
■ Networking
■ Negotiation
■ Whiteboarding
■ Tools & Strategies
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Holberton’s machine learning specialization teaches the
theories behind modern-day breakthroughs in the fields of
computer vision, natural language processing, recommender
systems, autonomous driving, and more.
The Pipeline
- Web scraping
- Labeling data
- SQL & NoSQL databases
- Map Reduce
- Hosting on cloud platforms
Augmented Reality /
Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
Project examples
- 360 video
- Seated/standing experience
- Room scale experience
- Marker-based recognition
- Location-based application
- Plane detection / physics game Development of the AR
image recognition project
- Methods of navigation Development of the VR room project
- Designing for 3DOF vs. 6DOF
- User comfort
- SDKs (ARCore, ARKit, Vuforia)
- UI/UX design
- Accessibility
Development of the VR 360 video project
Low Level and algorithms
Low Level and algorithms
-File streams
-The Linux programming
-Interface: system calls
-Memory management
-Process tracing
-IPC:Inter-Process Communication
-The ELF file format
-Assembly with Intel x86
-The Linux filesystem
Low Level and Algorithms
This last part of the low-level specialization teaches
Data Structures and Algorithms students how to build their own Blockchain, and extend it to
This next part of the low-level curriculum is designed a basic cryptocurrency. The whole project will be built from
to introduce students to complex, yet widely used scratch and entirely in C.
data structures and algorithms. Data structures and
algorithms are a means of manipulating and Blockchain is a very big trend, and it not only applies to the
transforming data. They help developers solve software industry, but to many others, such as banking,
problems in a reliable and maintainable way. health, telecommunication, and more. By the end of this big
project, students will have a strong understanding of what
These advanced data structures and algorithms
include: makes the Blockchain technologies so reliable and secure.
Project Examples
- Shell v2
- Strace
- Create your own Malloc
- Build a simple HTTP REST API in C
- Mastery of Red - Black Trees
- Execute advanced algorithm design
- Parsing ELF files
- Blockchain Implementation in C
Full-Stack Web Development
Full-stack web development
Holberton’s web stack specialization advances the web development principles and skills introduced in Foundations.
During the specialization, students approach and build various web applications - utilizing the most recent frameworks.
Students will learn advanced skills in front-end, back-end, and React development, mastering frameworks that are in high-
demand throughout the industry.
Whether it's front-end, back-end, React- specific or full-stack engineering, this curriculum prepares students to create,
maintain, and improve web applications and APIs, some of which are used every day.
By following this specialization, students will be well-versed in HTML, CSS, Advanced Javascript, Advanced Python,
ReactJS, Redux, SASS, responsive design, Accessibility, ES6, NodeJS, NoSQL, MySQL advanced, Redis, User
Authentication , and more. The end of each trimester has a web-focused portfolio project culminating the content learned.
Full-stack Web Development
Project Examples